Five Years After Being Rejected, I Ran into the Older Delinquent Girl Next Door

  • 3 months ago
Five Years After Being Rejected, I Ran into the Older Delinquent Girl Next Door
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Today's the day I'm finally gonna tell her how I feel!
00:07My name's Gaku Yamada.
00:09I'm just a regular freshman in high school, and there's someone I have a crush on.
00:14And she is...
00:16There she is!
00:17This is Reina Nakamura, and she used to be a bit of a troublemaker.
00:22But now, she's a college student living on her own in a small old apartment in the neighborhood,
00:27always smelling nice.
00:29I fell in love with her because of some small thing that happened.
00:33Her smile when she said, don't hurt yourself again, took my breath away.
00:37And from that point on, I just got more and more into her.
00:41She looked a bit intimidating, but she was actually really sweet.
00:46The way she smiled and the way she teased me were so nice, too.
00:50I just can't help but love everything about her.
00:52Oh, hey!
00:53You're back!
00:54How's it going?
00:55H-hey, Reina!
00:57You've had your eyes on me for a while, haven't you?
01:02Did you notice?
01:03Well, yeah.
01:05You were totally locked in on me.
01:07So, what do you want?
01:10I need to talk to you about something important.
01:13Can we meet up at the park after this?
01:15Why not just lay it on me right here?
01:18No, I just want to chat with you by ourselves in the park.
01:21Okay, I see.
01:23I'll be right there.
01:26So, what did you want to chat about?
01:29I have something to tell you.
01:31What is it?
01:33I love you, Reina!
01:34I've had feelings for you since the day you helped me when I was hurt.
01:38I'll make sure to be the kind of guy you deserve.
01:41So, will you be my girlfriend?
01:43No, I mean, will you marry me?
01:48Marry you?
01:51Hold up, slow down.
01:55Geez, what in the world are you talking about?
01:59You're still a kid.
02:01Talking about marriage is way too soon for you.
02:06Man, I had a feeling this wouldn't work.
02:08But hey, at least I got to tell her how I feel.
02:12No more regrets for me.
02:14I feel way better.
02:16Oh shoot, I'm about to tear up.
02:18But I gotta keep it together.
02:20I can't let her see me like this.
02:22Um, Reina...
02:26Whoa, what's this?
02:28Oh, huh?
02:30This scent...
02:32This is my perfume.
02:34I had a feeling this is how our talk was gonna go when you called me out here.
02:38So that's why I brought this here with me.
02:43I wanted to make sure my scent sticks with you.
02:46Guess what?
02:48The thing you remember the most about someone is their scent.
02:51Their scent?
02:53So don't forget my scent, and the way you feel about me.
02:56I'll be waiting for you when you're older, alright?
02:59Thanks for being honest with me about how you feel.
03:02And just like that, I experienced my first heartbreak.
03:07After that, I started high school without any weird vibes with Reina.
03:11I had to study and really work hard because the high school I went to was super challenging.
03:16I'm too busy to make a move on Reina.
03:20Plus, it's just annoying for her to have someone like me following her around even after she turned me down.
03:27Eventually, I became a college student and moved away from my hometown and lost touch with Reina.
03:33But her perfume scent is still lingering in my memory.
03:37I can't forget about her.
03:39I wonder how Reina's doing.
03:41Hey, why are you so out of it when we're hanging out?
03:45Sorry, my bad.
03:47This is Momo Ikeda.
03:49I first met her in high school and we became friends because we're both into obscure mangas.
03:55Now, we're at the same college and hang out whenever we want.
03:59So, what were you staring at?
04:03Huh? A perfume?
04:06I was just thinking that scents stick around in your memory forever, you know?
04:10Oh, I see what's going on.
04:14You're still hung up on her, huh?
04:18If she's always on your mind, why not just replace those thoughts with someone else?
04:23Replace these thoughts with someone else? How?
04:27Let's go on a date and I'll help you forget about her.
04:31Come on, let's go to Tokimeki Land.
04:34I'll take care of you, like feeding you.
04:37Sound good?
04:38Nah, that's kinda...
04:46Remember when you said you'd marry me?
04:48What happened to that, huh?
04:50You traitor!
04:51Reina, why are you here?
04:54I'm just here to have fun.
04:56But most importantly, that girl next to you is...
05:00Hang on, did she just say I'm a traitor?
05:03So, does that mean she didn't turn me down?
05:06Seriously, I never expected you to be like that!
05:11Huh? Oh wait, Reina!
05:13Shouldn't you go after her? I'm fine, so just go!
05:18Hey, hold on, Reina!
05:22Um, it's been a while, Reina.
05:25Yeah, it's been a while.
05:27Um, quick question, didn't you turn me down when I confessed to you before?
05:33Huh? I didn't turn you down? I didn't say no to you, did I?
05:38I mean, how could I have dated you when you were a kid back then and I was already an adult?
05:44That's why I told you, I'll be waiting for you.
05:48Don't you remember?
05:51So don't forget my scent, and the way you feel about me.
05:55I'll be waiting for you when you're older, alright?
05:58Thanks for being honest with me about how you feel.
06:02I thought she turned me down, so I was totally caught off guard and didn't even pay attention to what was going on.
06:10Wait, does that mean...
06:12If that's the case, Reina!
06:16I still love you! Please, go out with me!
06:19No! I can't rely on a guy who might cheat on me!
06:23I wasn't cheating on you! That girl is just my friend!
06:27Then if you really love me, prove it to me!
06:30G-got it!
06:32So, I'm here to prove my love for you!
06:35Uh, why did you bring so much stuff with you?
06:39I figured I'd stay at your place for a bit while I go to college.
06:43I moved out from my folks' place to be closer to college, but I can still stay at your place and commute to college from here.
06:51Wait a minute! Are you seriously going to stay here?
06:54You were the one who said I needed to show you how much I love you.
06:58So, I'm going to stick by your side, proving it every day!
07:02W-what the...
07:03Brace yourself, okay?
07:08And that's how I started trying to prove to her that I could be her husband one day.
07:14Reina, please wake up! It's morning already!
07:20I made breakfast, so let's eat!
07:22Shut up...
07:30Ah! W-w-what the heck are you doing here?
07:34You're the one who grabbed my arm, Reina!
07:37Um, well, uh, this is...
07:40You're so cute, Reina! I love you!
07:43Ah! D-d-don't just throw those words about!
07:50And on another day...
07:52Why are you here?
07:55You see, picking you up is like the first step of showing love.
07:59And I enjoy being able to pick you up like this.
08:02It makes me feel like I'm your boyfriend.
08:04You're not my boyfriend yet, though.
08:07Yeah, I know. But I'm happy spending time with you like this.
08:11Geez, you're really something, you know that?
08:15Huh? Is that Yukaku?
08:18Hey, Momo, what are you doing here?
08:21Oh! I was just in the neighborhood and saw you!
08:24But isn't this place super far from where you live?
08:28It's no big deal. Don't sweat the small things.
08:33I'm gonna head back home first.
08:35Huh? Wait up, Reina! Don't leave me here!
08:38Sorry, Momo. See ya at college!
08:41Okay, see ya!
08:44Reina, why are you angry?
08:46I'm not angry!
08:48I just figured you'd rather be with someone who's your age.
08:51Reina, you're the one I love.
08:53It doesn't matter to me if we're the same age or not.
08:56I see.
08:58Hey, don't you usually use a motorcycle or something if you're picking me up?
09:02I don't have a license.
09:04Then you should pick me up with a bicycle or something.
09:07Well, they don't let you ride a bike with two people anymore.
09:11Motorcycles it is, then.
09:13You better get your license so we can cruise around on our bikes.
09:16Do you have a license, Reina?
09:18Yeah, I do.
09:21Not surprising. That's so you.
09:23Being an ex-troublemaker and all.
09:25Let me be the first one to ride with you on the motorcycle.
09:29Once you get your license.
09:32Man, I can't get enough of her.
09:34I'm head over heels. Her smile is just too cute.
09:38Hey, why the silence all of a sudden?
09:41I was about to burst with all the love I have for you.
09:45What on earth are you going on about?
09:49Anyways, just make sure to get a license.
09:52Alright, I promise.
09:55It's been two weeks since I forced my way into Reina's place to make her see I'm husband material.
10:01I've been showing her love every day.
10:03And I can tell she's starting to feel it too because she's been warming up to me.
10:08Reina's smile is just too precious.
10:11Then one night...
10:13Reina, what are you doing?
10:17Oh, I can smell your perfume.
10:19It hasn't changed, huh?
10:21I remember that scent so clearly.
10:23It always makes me think of you and the feelings I have for you.
10:27Stop making me blush, jeez.
10:30It's just the truth. I love you.
10:34I used to be a troublemaker.
10:36So I'm not a good person.
10:38And I'm much older than you.
10:40That's why I love you.
10:44Well, I'm older and used to getting in trouble.
10:46So let me school you on something really naughty.
10:51Hold on a second.
10:53Isn't this happening too quickly?
10:55Wait, is she going to kiss me like this?
11:01She didn't kiss me after all?
11:09Hey, did you just tease me?
11:12Don't get all excited like that.
11:16You're so mean, Reina.
11:18I don't know what you're talking about.
11:20Well, you tease me all the time.
11:23So it's only fair that I tease you back every now and then.
11:26Fair deal, right?
11:29It's nothing.
11:31Hey, why do you care about me so much?
11:34I used to be a troublemaker, you know?
11:37Who cares if you used to be a troublemaker?
11:40Once I knew I loved you, that was it.
11:43Love doesn't require an explanation.
11:46If you think it does, it's not true love.
11:49Love and infatuation are so unpredictable.
11:52One day, you just find yourself head over heels in love.
11:57You're quite the cheeky one.
12:00Come on, let's go to sleep.
12:03Yeah, I'm totally crazy about her.
12:07And that happened, so I really love Reina.
12:10Oh, quit gushing about her.
12:13I'm not in the mood for your stories.
12:15Oh, come on, don't say that.
12:17You're the only one who'd listen to my stories.
12:21Ugh, you're so annoying.
12:24You know what?
12:25Maybe she's just messing with you.
12:27She's probably just having fun with you because she knows you're into her.
12:31Come on, what are you talking about?
12:33Reina's not that kind of person.
12:35But, she still hasn't said anything about your feelings for her in the last two weeks, has she?
12:40Yeah, but...
12:42I mean, if she's into you that way, she'd definitely react somehow, right?
12:47If not, then it's probably not gonna work out.
12:50Don't you think?
12:52All she's after is some attention from people, right?
12:57Why are you not talking now?
12:59Well, uh...
13:01I know she doesn't have the same feelings as I do for her, but...
13:06Why don't you just tell her how you feel again?
13:09Are you scared or something?
13:11Or are you still not feeling confident?
13:14Even though you're showing her how much you love her.
13:16I-I'm not scared.
13:18And of course, I'm gonna tell her how I feel.
13:21Oh, really?
13:23I made up my mind.
13:25Next time, I'm gonna tell her I love her at our special park.
13:28Reina's birthday is coming up, so I'm planning to tell her how I feel then.
13:35And then, on Reina's birthday...
13:38Happy birthday, Reina!
13:40Um, there's something I need to talk to you about.
13:43What is it you want to talk about?
13:45I love you, Reina.
13:47Please, be my girlfriend.
13:51I can't be your girlfriend.
13:53Wh-why not?
13:55I know you care about me a lot.
13:58But I just didn't feel that spark in my heart.
14:01B-but what about our promise?
14:04I promised I'd wait for you, but...
14:07Now I'm not feeling the same way.
14:09Y-you're not feeling the same way?
14:11Are you serious?
14:13Oh no, we're done for good now.
14:16She turned me down for real this time.
14:18So it'll be annoying for her if I keep hanging around.
14:21Thanks for properly letting me know that you're not interested.
14:25I'll leave your place right away.
14:27Reina, I love you.
14:30So, I left her house that day.
14:33One week after that.
14:36You look like a zombie.
14:40So she was messing with you after all.
14:43But now that you know, you feel better, right?
14:46I'll cheer you up, so let's go on a date, okay?
14:50No, I won't go on a date with you.
14:52Just leave me alone.
14:54Why won't you go on a date with me?
14:57She already turned you down, so just give up.
15:00I can't, because I still love her.
15:03Ugh, what is wrong with you?
15:06Being turned down by her doesn't make me stop loving her.
15:09I'm seriously in love with her.
15:12So you're saying, what I did then was pointless?
15:17Hold on, what do you mean by that?
15:19Forget it.
15:22Just tell me, what do you mean when you said what you did was pointless?
15:26I couldn't forgive her.
15:30The other day, I went to go see Reina at her part-time job again.
15:34And I told her not to play with your feelings.
15:37Why would you do that?
15:39That's because I love you, Goku.
15:43It wasn't a coincidence that we met at the store that day.
15:47I heard you were moving in with Reina, and I got worried.
15:50So I went to see her.
15:52I love you, more than she does.
15:55It's not fair that she ties you down like that.
15:58She never says anything on her own, but she always gets your attention and love, Goku.
16:05Do you not have any feelings for me?
16:09I've always loved you, for a long time.
16:13I'm sorry, Momo.
16:15I see.
16:17Yeah, you're right.
16:19It's not that simple to change the person you love, is it?
16:25I'm sorry for being so selfish.
16:28And I'm sorry for hurting you.
16:31You did that because you were thinking of me, and I appreciate your feelings.
16:36But I'm sorry, I'm still in love.
16:38I know.
16:40I'm really sorry.
16:43You should go see Reina now.
16:47I'm sure she's waiting for you.
16:49Yeah, thanks.
16:53Is she not at home?
16:55But I thought she'd be at home at this hour.
16:58I haven't received a response to my message.
17:01But wait, is she in there, or...
17:04Huh? The door isn't locked.
17:07Reina, what's wrong?
17:11Did you pass out? Is everything alright?
17:14I love you so much that I'm probably dreaming about you now, huh?
17:19Wait, what?
17:21I'm sorry for not being honest with you about how I feel.
17:25Goku, actually, I really lo-
17:31Reina? No way, you're joking, right?
17:34No, Reina, please wake up!
17:37I beg you, please, don't leave me!
17:46I'm hungry.
17:48She's confusing!
17:51I knew it, Goku.
17:53Your food really tastes delicious.
17:56No need to rush, okay?
17:58Goku, you always tell me how you really feel, don't you?
18:04To be honest, I was thrilled when you first told me how you felt about me.
18:08But because you were underage at that time,
18:11I felt it was impossible for us to date.
18:14So I promised that I'd wait for you and kept a healthy distance between us, but...
18:18In the end, you hadn't made a move on me since you first confessed your feelings.
18:22And I thought you didn't like me anymore.
18:25Even if I wanted to make a move on you,
18:28I'm actually new to love.
18:31I honestly didn't know what to do.
18:33When we saw each other again,
18:36you told me how you felt and showed how much you loved me.
18:40At that time, I just felt you hadn't done anything before that,
18:43and it was too late for that.
18:45So I couldn't be completely honest with you about my feelings.
18:49And that was when your friend also told me to stop playing with your feelings.
18:54I thought what she was saying wasn't wrong.
18:59I felt it'd be better for you to be with a girl your age,
19:02rather than someone older like me.
19:05I also felt I didn't need to be there with you,
19:08as long as you were happy, Gaku.
19:10That was all that mattered.
19:12But that's just running away from my own feelings, isn't it?
19:16I'm really sorry.
19:18I'm sorry I couldn't be honest about my feelings.
19:21I'm going to stop running away.
19:24I realized I love you, Gaku.
19:27So I'm gonna be honest with you this time.
19:30Let me make you happy, Gaku.
19:35I spoke to you first on a whim.
19:38That was right when I was going through a heartbreak,
19:40and maybe I was just feeling lonely.
19:43I spoke to you, we said our hellos, and we became closer.
19:47And I felt comfortable in our relationship.
19:51I was really happy to have someone like you around.
19:54You being there for me helped me so much, Gaku.
19:58Me too, Reina. And I love you, no matter what.
20:03And I love you too, Gaku.
20:07Hm? What's wrong?
20:09I just thought I could smell the scent of love.
20:13You're making me blush.
20:16And so, Reina and I became a couple.
20:19We started living together again,
20:21and we are having days filled with happiness every day.
20:24By the way, Momo apologized to Reina after what happened.
20:28They became really close after they both opened up about their feelings.
20:32Now, they even go out together without me.
20:35And before I knew it, time had passed.
20:38We've finally come this far, huh?
20:42I'll make you happy forever.
20:44I'll make you happy forever too.
20:47Let's go on our honeymoon on your motorcycle.
20:51Yeah, with you riding in the back, right?
20:54Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, Gaku.
20:58Hi! It's me, Mel!
21:02Thanks for watching my channel!
21:05I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
