General Hospital 7-24-24

  • 2 months ago
00:005, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:10Coming up, I'll be interviewing quote unquote cancelled pop star Blaze and her girlfriend
00:16Christina Corinthos-Davis, speaking out for the first time since Blaze's mother's controversial
00:23remarks on an equally controversial secret recording.
00:29Let's go.
00:31How are you guys feeling?
00:33Okay, you're terrified.
00:34That's good.
00:36Yes, it keeps the energy up.
00:37Look, nerves and excitement are just two sides of the same coin.
00:38Trust me.
00:39It's gonna be great.
00:40It is?
00:41It's gonna be great.
00:43And I will be right here, silent on the sidelines, supporting you.
00:44Okay, just remember, keep it positive.
00:46Yes, no apologizing, no shame.
00:47Look, I've got this.
00:48My palms are sweating.
00:49It's okay.
00:50It's okay.
00:51It's okay.
00:52It's okay.
00:53It's okay.
00:54It's okay.
00:55It's okay.
00:56It's okay.
00:57It's okay.
00:58It's okay.
00:59It's okay.
01:00It's okay.
01:01It's okay.
01:02It's okay.
01:03It's okay.
01:04It's okay.
01:05It's okay.
01:06It's okay.
01:07It's okay.
01:08It's okay.
01:09It's okay.
01:10It's okay.
01:11It's okay.
01:12It's okay.
01:13It's okay.
01:14It's okay.
01:15It's okay.
01:16It's okay.
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01:59It's okay.
02:00It's okay.
02:01It's okay.
02:02It's okay.
02:03It's okay.
02:04It's okay.
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02:06It's okay.
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02:13It's okay.
02:14It's okay.
02:15It's okay.
02:16It's okay.
02:17It's okay.
02:18It's okay.
02:19It's okay.
02:20It's okay.
02:21It's okay.
02:22It's okay.
02:23It's okay.
02:24It's okay.
02:25Do you know how absurd you sound?
02:27Pestering my superiors, threatening to bury me?
02:30You are so far out of your league, Police Commissioner Devane.
02:34Oh, at least you got that right.
02:35I am Police Commissioner of Port Charles.
02:37And you are operating within my jurisdiction.
02:41And to that end, I tried to establish a relationship with you, you know, professional to professional.
02:46But I couldn't.
02:47Because you have so much contempt for, well, pretty much everything.
02:51Made it impossible.
02:56What exactly do I have contempt for?
02:58Oh, I don't know.
03:01Ethical conduct of a representative of the U.S. government.
03:05You know, I can go on.
03:06Well, I sound like a pretty crappy FBI agent.
03:09There is absolutely no reason for you to continue to coerce Jason.
03:14He fulfilled his end of the agreement.
03:17Did he, though?
03:19Thanks to him, you have evidence proving that Pikeman conducted illegal arms sales.
03:25That is more than enough evidence for the FBI to freeze the company's assets and shut them down.
03:32This ends now, Agent Cates. Now.
03:35You seem awfully familiar with the evidence Morgan turned in.
03:40Why is that?
03:43You told me you did everything that Cates wanted.
03:45I did.
03:46You told me you were free.
03:47I thought I was.
03:48Then what happened?
03:49I followed the directives to the T, but it wasn't enough.
03:53Don't you get it?
03:55That if everything you've done up to this point isn't enough, nothing ever will be?
03:59The only way to take away Cates' power over you is me.
04:04Jason, I'm turning myself in.
04:23A.B.C.'s General Hospital.
04:26Brought to you by CarShield.
04:28CarShield. Cars go farther.
04:32Darlings, if you've been paying attention, it's easy to see prices are going up on just about everything.
04:39That's why you need to do your wallet a favor.
04:43Frank, I spoke to Brian.
04:47You need to do your wallet a favor.
04:50Frank, I spoke to Perez.
04:52He's super knowledgeable and professional.
04:55He's kind, but no nonsense.
04:57He's not going to make himself look good at your expense, okay?
05:00That is very encouraging to hear.
05:02Thank you.
05:04Oh, guys, give me a sec.
05:05I just want to talk to that producer.
05:06Oh, okay.
05:07Tell me what butterflies do.
05:09Uh, well, I've been carrying around a little sumo wrestler for quite some time now, so
05:14it's a little hard to tell.
05:15But, yeah, I am just as nervous as you are.
05:18But it's okay.
05:19It's just like Brooklyn said, you know?
05:21This is an opportunity.
05:22It's an opportunity for you to show the world who you really are, and I guarantee you they
05:27are going to fall in love with you just as much as I have.
05:30Thank you.
05:31That's sweet of you to say.
05:32It definitely helps with the nerves.
05:33I just...
05:35What if I say the wrong thing?
05:36There is no wrong thing.
05:37There's just us being us, and I might be biased, but I think we're pretty damn great.
05:44And you must be Christina.
05:46I'm Perez.
05:47So nice to meet you.
05:48What she said.
05:49I'm really looking forward to speaking with you both.
05:52So if you're ready, let's get set up.
06:01Did I get the message across, or is it still confusing?
06:04No, you definitely got the message across, and it's a lot better than the original copy.
06:10But I would like to suggest a few tweaks.
06:13Please, suggest a way.
06:14Okay, so your use of whom is grammatically correct, but people tend to hear that word
06:19and think it's, you know, elitist and a little fussy.
06:22So you'd stick with who?
06:24I would.
06:25And maybe you could hit the point that because of these new technologies, people don't have
06:31to have such close genetic ties.
06:34No, you're right.
06:35That's the key point.
06:36Thanks to new technology, anyone could be the match that saves a life.
06:41I would say just like that.
06:43Maybe I should put it right here?
06:46Yes, that's exactly where I would put it.
07:23I mean, the crew and everyone is so supportive.
07:26I don't know why I get so anxious before these tapings, and there's no reason to be anxious.
07:31How wonderful to see you with your heads together.
07:35Room for one more?
07:37Look, Diane gave me a 30% chance going up against the FBI.
07:41Those aren't good odds.
07:42No, it's better than 100% chance.
07:44The case is going to keep you under his thumb with the evidence that he has.
07:47If I don't turn myself in, you're never going to be free.
07:50If you turn yourself in, you will be convicted of criminal conspiracy and RICO violations.
07:55The recording is proof of those crimes.
07:57You will be sent to prison for decades.
08:00Diane has won tougher trials.
08:02She has.
08:03Look, she had Sonny exonerated.
08:04She could do the same thing for me.
08:05You shouldn't even be in this position.
08:06It's my life.
08:09I am a big girl.
08:12I went to that meeting, and it's on me.
08:22I'm going alone.
08:23No, you are not.
08:24It's easier than my assignment here in Port Charles.
08:26Oh, really?
08:27Easier than going to federal prison, is that right?
08:29Yes, yes.
08:30It's contained.
08:32Let me tell you something.
08:33Drew was almost killed in Pentonville, and he wasn't the same when he came out.
08:37So if you think I'm going to stand by and watch that happen to you, you are out of your mind.
08:43I've known Jason a long time, and he is an honorable man.
08:48He's more honorable than you.
08:50Oh, well, this is new.
08:52The police commissioner defending a known criminal.
08:55What do the officers on your force think about that?
08:58Well, my opinion of Jason has no bearing on my ability to do my job.
09:02Thank you.
09:05Well, we will have to agree to disagree on that one.
09:09So tell me, have you been working with Jason the entire time?
09:12I owe you no information.
09:15Well, I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.
09:17Your innocent law-abiding act is laughable when you remember that you were a double agent once upon a time, a disgrace to our profession.
09:25Oh, I'm a disgrace?
09:27Well, that's rich.
09:28You coerced Jason into becoming an informant.
09:31You kept him away from his family, his children, for more than two years.
09:36And for no other reason than you could.
09:40And a level with me.
09:42I know all about your entanglement with Valentin Casadine.
09:46And how it ended with the shooting of his daughter.
09:49Now that has a whole lot of history there.
09:52So was it you?
09:54Are you the reason Valentin got away?
10:01As you can see, Willow and I are in the middle of something.
10:04So if you'll excuse us.
10:07Of course.
10:16You're still here.
10:18I just wanted to say how truly inspiring it is that you've set your differences aside.
10:25A long time coming, huh?
10:28We're in a good place.
10:32I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused as to which part of we're in the middle of something is misfiring in your brain.
10:39The mother-daughter bond is so important.
10:44Without it...
10:46Well, I'm keenly aware of how painful that is now that Sonny is keeping me away from Avery.
10:53Is there something that you would like to ask us, Ava?
10:58Am I that obvious?
11:02Well, I was wondering if either one of you would be willing to sit down with Scott Baldwin...
11:07Your attorney.
11:08And talk to him about Sonny's behavior.
11:11And how disruptive it's been for both his children and the women who have mistakenly placed their trust in him.
11:18Can you just call it what it is?
11:21You want Willow and I to testify against Sonny.
11:29On your behalf.
11:35Are you insane?
11:39Thank you so much for having us on.
11:41Thank you for agreeing to do the interview.
11:45I'm a huge fan.
11:46Oh, so am I.
11:47This is, it's the perfect platform for Blaze to show the masses the incredible person she is.
11:53What you're both doing is brave and important.
11:57And I'm so happy to be a part of it.
12:03I can't stand the thought of you going to prison.
12:07Carly, they don't.
12:09Think about yourself.
12:10Think about everybody who relies on you.
12:12And most importantly, your youngest daughter.
12:15Don't do that to me.
12:17You have children who you've spent so much time away from.
12:21Danny and Jake need you.
12:22I know, I know they do.
12:26Both my boys are almost adults now.
12:28Jake's going to art school.
12:29Danny's becoming more and more independent.
12:31Plus he has Sam.
12:32That's not the same.
12:33I know it's not the same.
12:35I know that in an ideal world, my kids would have both their parents, Carly.
12:41But they are used to life without me.
12:45And it's different for Donna.
12:46She would be devastated to be separated from you.
12:48And do you really want to just give her to Sonny?
12:51No, you know I don't want to.
12:55Then let's keep that from happening.
12:59What if the rules were reversed?
13:01And you were the leverage Kate's was using against me?
13:05Would you just stand by and watch?
13:11I mean, if I had a daughter who...
13:16depended solely on me...
13:21I would have to.
13:28I can't keep being the weapon that's used against you.
13:36I can't.
13:39I won't.
13:42That's why Morgan stalled instead of immediately handing over the satellite phone, isn't it?
13:47So you could make sure your boyfriend had time for a head start.
13:50First of all, Valentin's not my boyfriend.
13:52I don't care what you call him.
13:53What I care about is that he and his daughter have vanished without a trace.
13:56And second, I don't know what you're talking about.
13:58Sure you do.
13:59The phone you told Morgan not to give me until you had time to tip Kassadin off.
14:04I don't know, it sounds to me like you botched the arrest and you're just trying to shift blame.
14:12Do you really think that your time with the WSB makes you immune?
14:16That you're above the federal government?
14:19Because I got news for you and your friend Jack Brennan.
14:21I will not be intimidated.
14:24You can't threaten to stop me because however Kassadin escaped,
14:29Morgan is gonna be the one who pays for it.
14:58Thank you for sitting down with me.
15:00It's great to be here.
15:01Thank you so much for having us on.
15:03Blaze, you're known for being a wildly popular singer-songwriter.
15:08That's me.
15:09But you're also known as the face of Deception Cosmetics.
15:13Also me.
15:14Busy woman.
15:15Tell me about it.
15:16Is it safe to say you're used to being written about in the headlines?
15:20I am.
15:21But probably not headlines like the most recent ones.
15:27If you haven't been following the story, Blaze's career took a hit with the viral posting of an unauthorized recording.
15:35Is that correct?
15:37It is.
15:38Can you tell us about it?
15:40The recording was of my mother who was discussing the fact that I'm gay.
15:45Not just discussing the fact that you're gay, but talking about it in a disparaging way.
15:51Specifically, in regards to your relationship with Christina.
15:55That's correct.
15:56Christina, you've been openly gay for some time.
16:00I have.
16:01And you were the driving force behind an LGBTQ plus non-profit in Port Charles, New York,
16:08who, upon hearing the leaked recording, distanced themselves from you.
16:13Unfortunately, yes.
16:14Not the driving force part of the distancing part.
16:19Got it.
16:20If you don't mind sharing, what exactly did the organization take issue with?
16:25Well, their perspective was that I couldn't be an effective advocate for LGBTQIA plus youth while being in a closeted relationship.
16:38And I personally feel like they may have misjudged or misinterpreted the situation.
16:45And I'm really hoping they change their minds.
16:52I don't want to speak for Michael, but I doubt he'd want to take a legal stand against his father.
16:58Even in light of their recent struggles?
17:02Even so.
17:04And I certainly want no part of any of that.
17:08Well, I understand.
17:10Thank you for hearing me out.
17:12And thank you for your help with the PSA.
17:14Oh, yeah.
17:16Well, I should get going.
17:17They're waiting for me upstairs.
17:19Good luck.
17:20Not that you'll need it.
17:21Thank you.
17:26Reaction was a bit hasty, wouldn't you say?
17:29No, I wouldn't say, Ava.
17:30And you must have the shortest memory.
17:33Did you actually think that I would lift even a pinky finger to help you?
17:39So we had an argument.
17:41An argument?
17:44You pretended to be my friend, and then you played me all the while you were cozying up to my husband.
17:54I don't know how you live with yourself.
17:58I've gotten pretty good at it, actually.
18:00For three years, Jason's family thought he was dead.
18:03His poor mother mourned him, his children, his friends.
18:07I mourned him.
18:08And I was very sorry for your loss.
18:10And it was all because of a promise you gave him that he would be free if he did what you asked.
18:14Well, here we are.
18:15Mission completed.
18:17Not quite.
18:18You asked for the head of Pipeman, and Jason gave him to you.
18:23And you repay him by shipping him off to Lompope?
18:26Where is the justice in that?
18:28You want to talk justice?
18:29What about all the charges Morgan skated over the years?
18:32That guy should have gone to prison 15 times over, and you know it, Anna.
18:36That's not for you to decide.
18:37I gave him an out.
18:39A what?
18:40To turn over information on Sonny.
18:44Look, Jason knows enough dirt on Sonny to put him in prison.
18:46Now, it is 32 years late, but he would be behind bars until the day he died, and that is some kind of consolation.
18:53God, you are a bully.
18:56And a coward.
18:58You are sending Jason away because he won't help you in your vendetta against Sonny.
19:03And how does that make you any better than Korynthos himself?
19:08Oh, so now you're defending Sonny Korynthos.
19:10You're no longer enforcing the law, John.
19:13You are using it for your own ends.
19:15You're twisting it into a pretzel so that you can get revenge on Sonny.
19:19Now, I am all for taking him down, but not at someone else's expense.
19:24And I will do everything in my power to stop you.
19:29I get a choice in this, too, you know.
19:33I'm not saying that you don't.
19:34Yes, you are.
19:35That's exactly what you're saying, but it's my life.
19:37It's my decision.
19:38I'm turning myself in.
19:39Okay, Carly, it's not just your life.
19:44I need you to think.
19:46That's all I've been doing.
19:49I keep thinking about you going to prison, Jason.
19:51Carly, please.
19:53For me?
19:56You know, from the day Michael was born, and even before that,
20:02actually, from the day that you showed up at my door
20:06saying that you lied to everybody that I was his father,
20:11your family
20:17has been my family.
20:23So this decision that we will make together
20:27needs to keep Michael, Jocelyn, and Donna in mind.
20:32Can we agree on that?
20:35We can.
20:38If one of us has to leave,
20:45it's obvious who it should be.
20:47You're gonna be fine.
20:49You're gonna be fine without me.
20:50I don't...
20:51Carly, you've done it before.
20:53You can do it again.
20:54I don't want to.
20:57I don't need to be here.
21:01You do.
21:04Because none of this
21:07works without you.
21:08Without you.
21:21I just got you back.
21:26We're on the same page.
21:31I have to go.
21:34You have to stay.
21:45And that means no turning yourself in to Agent Cates.
21:53I need to hear you say the words.
21:58I won't turn myself in to Agent Cates.
22:09What, did you just trip and accidentally hurled yourself in his arms?
22:14It was a bit more nuanced than that.
22:16Oh, my God.
22:19Like you,
22:20I fell victim to Sonny's charms.
22:24And then, subsequently, his ever-changing moods.
22:28Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?
22:31No, I'm just explaining that,
22:33that also like you,
22:34I've been cast out.
22:37And I'm at risk
22:39of losing my only remaining child.
22:42Now, shame on me for thinking that we might find some common ground in that.
22:48We were once really close.
22:50Once being the operative word, Ava.
22:52And whose fault is that?
22:56It's my fault.
22:58I take responsibility for that.
23:01I take responsibility for that.
23:06given our history,
23:08isn't there a little room for compassion?
23:12And then,
23:14possibly, maybe, someday,
23:17forgiveness as well?
23:22Because of our history.
23:24You know, I can't believe that you have the audacity
23:27to even approach me, let alone ask me for a favor?
23:32And, oh, and as far as Sonny
23:35is concerned,
23:37you hurt his beloved Christina.
23:40Just be thankful.
23:42The worst he does
23:44is take sole custody of Avery.
23:49I was at a meeting in Deception when I heard the recording.
23:53My mother was there as well.
23:55That must have been interesting.
23:57One word for it.
23:59How did it feel in that moment,
24:01hearing your mother say those things about you?
24:05I was upset.
24:08Sad, but
24:10mostly I was furious.
24:12Furious at her choice of words?
24:14Or furious at something you'd worked so hard for so long to keep private
24:19was now public?
24:21All of the above.
24:22One thing we all really want to know,
24:24and it's okay if you decline to answer.
24:28Did your mother's feelings catch you by surprise?
24:32Not really.
24:34I knew my being gay wasn't easy on her.
24:38That she was raised with a less tolerant lens
24:41on most social issues.
24:44What upset me the most was the recording itself.
24:47The fact that it existed, you mean?
24:49Initially, I had no idea that it had been made and released without her consent.
24:54All I heard was my mother's voice
24:57saying all these things about me and Christina.
25:03I didn't understand
25:05that her privacy had been violated too.
25:08How would you describe your relationship with your mother over the years?
25:13Most of us would probably say that, right?
25:16But it was steady.
25:18I always knew where I stood, and
25:20my mom's an excellent business manager,
25:24sacrificing a lot for my career.
25:27Has this incident changed things between you?
25:32It's a little raw right now.
25:36But she's still my mom.
25:46I hope we can repair our relationship.
25:49It just takes time.
25:52Well, luckily we have that in spades.
25:58Every agent in the history of the world
26:01has cut corners at some point, and you will be no exception.
26:05What are you getting at, Commissioner?
26:06What I'm getting at is that I have the know-how and the connections
26:10to dig into all your missteps,
26:12every falsified detail and every self-serving report.
26:17In short,
26:18I can destroy your career.
26:20Another threat?
26:21No, it's one I will make good on.
26:23All in the name of Jason Morgan Mob Enforcer.
26:26It's nothing to do with Jason.
26:29No, it's to do with you and what you're doing.
26:30It's criminal.
26:32And you know the worst part?
26:33You know it.
26:35You are trashing people's lives
26:38in your pursuit of Sonny.
26:40And it's wrong, and it's corrupt,
26:42and I'm done letting it happen.
26:45You know, by the time I'm finished with you,
26:47you'll be the one in Lompoc.
26:52What do we do now?
26:55You're gonna go home.
26:57You're gonna live your life.
26:58You're gonna be a great mom.
27:00Just be yourself.
27:04What about you?
27:07You know where I'm going.
27:16I can't say goodbye to you again.
27:22Then don't.
27:27Thank you for not making this harder than it needs to be.
27:37I'm gonna be okay.
27:40You better be.
27:43I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.
27:50Just stay calm.
27:52Think things through.
27:53Yeah. Yeah, that's me.
27:54And when you wanna do something crazy and jump right in,
27:59before you do,
28:03take a deep breath and count to ten.
28:06She remembers.
28:09She always remembers.
28:15My part in what happened has been blown wildly out of proportion.
28:22So you didn't record Blaze's mother without her knowledge
28:26and then turn said recording over to the invader
28:29because my own editor-in-chief says you did.
28:33Have you met Blaze's bigoted mother yet?
28:37I haven't, but I'm a big fan of her daughter, so...
28:40Well, I have spent more time with Natalia Ramirez than I care to.
28:44Well, I'm sure she regrets those minutes more than you do.
28:47And Sunny.
28:48And those two practically joined at the hip.
28:52That's nice.
28:53Yeah, dinner's out and a metro court pool date.
28:57She's even been to the penthouse.
28:58She's even been to the penthouse.
28:59Well, Sunny is free to spend time with whoever he wants.
29:05Hey, I just thought you'd be interested.
29:06No, I'm not interested.
29:07And this feeble attempt to try to make me jealous is just laughable.
29:12I mean, come on, Ava.
29:13Is this the best you got?
29:15To try to get me to join your unholy alliance?
29:24An alliance.
29:25It's a deposition.
29:27You don't want me anywhere near this custody suit.
29:33Real talk.
29:36That would be nice.
29:40Despite our differences, and I know they're significant,
29:45do you really doubt my capabilities as a mother?
29:49Or my devotion to Avery?
29:52Your love for your daughter is your one retaining quality, Ava.
29:57But your love has limits.
30:00You tend to complete Avery's well-being with your own.
30:06So you think Sunny is better equipped to raise our daughter than I am?
30:11I already told Sunny I don't want any part of this custody suit.
30:20I'm rooting for Sunny.
30:22Our things have really changed, haven't they?
30:25They have.
30:28For me, my life is better.
30:33Maybe not so much for you.
30:42Christina, you've been disavowed by the LGBTQ plus center you founded.
30:48And Blaze, you're getting heat from fans on both sides of the issue.
30:53Does it feel like you can't win?
30:57Do you mind if I take this one?
31:01I don't think we are the real victims here.
31:04We're both out in our lives privately with our family and our friends.
31:10And really it was only a matter of time before Blaze was out publicly to her fans as well.
31:15Wouldn't you say that's fair?
31:18We're really proud of who we are individually and together as a unit.
31:23Then why keep your reality a secret?
31:27We were being patient.
31:29We were waiting until our reality was a more palatable pill for Blaze's mother to swallow.
31:38Okay, Natalia. Be a big girl.
31:41You deserve whatever's coming to you.
31:44Natalia, she loves her daughter so much.
31:48And she has come to treat me with decency and respect.
31:54Even though love isn't always love in her eyes?
31:59Look, Natalia's views are very hurtful and I've said that to her directly.
32:06But at the end of the day, they're just that.
32:09They're her views and her opinions and she's entitled to them as much as anybody else.
32:15Is that what you meant when you said you weren't the real victims here?
32:19Sorry, I'm taking my time getting to the point here.
32:23It's fine.
32:25Yes, it is. Natalia is the real victim here.
32:30And just to be clear, I think the only person who has anything to be ashamed of is the one who made that recording in the first place.
32:39You're being very generous.
32:41Thank you, but I think I'm just being human.
32:44And God knows I've made my fair share of mistakes.
32:46We all have.
32:49I think the important thing is that we own them, apologize for them and ultimately learn from them.
32:59If I can do it, so can anyone.
33:02So what you're saying is there's hope for all of us.
33:07And what's more powerful than that?
33:13Your empty threats are music to my ears.
33:15Well, there's nothing empty about them, but that's OK. You'll find out soon enough.
33:22You just confirmed everything I suspected about you, Anna.
33:26You never had any intention of bringing Sonny to justice.
33:29You're just as dirty as he is.
33:32Who knows, maybe you'll be the one going to prison.
33:36Thanks for the chat.
33:38It was a real eye-opener.
33:40Oh, yeah, certainly was.
33:46Hi, I'm going to be out of the station for the rest of the day.
33:50Something I need to take care of.
33:52Yeah, thanks.
34:15Hey, Dad.
34:38Hey, Dad.
34:40Danny, how's it going?
34:42Did you get rid of the FBI guy?
34:43I mean, there's still time. I can meet you at the docks.
34:46We can get on the speedboat, go to the islands.
34:49We can't. We can't go to the islands.
34:51Like, not today? Or...
34:55Or at least for a long time.
34:58Why not?
35:00Dad, what's going on?
35:05You can share with us.
35:07Right now, we are focused on putting this bump in the road behind us.
35:10Speaking of bumps, I couldn't help but notice.
35:15Yeah, it's pretty noticeable these days.
35:20Thank you.
35:22And I take it that's all I'm going to get on that.
35:26No, it's just a part of our lives we would like to keep private for now.
35:32Well, thank you for joining me, and I wish you both the best with everything.
35:37Thank you.
35:38Thank you.
35:44I think that went really well. How do you feel?
35:46Oh my gosh, I feel great.
35:48Thank you for coming. I appreciate your time.
35:51Thank you so much.
35:53Thank you.
35:57It was incredible. You guys knocked it out of the park.
36:00I feel like we should celebrate.
36:02Bobby's milkshakes, anyone?
36:04I'm buying.
36:06Well, yeah.
36:22Hey, about time.
36:24No, no, come in.
36:26I'm sorry about earlier.
36:29That was a very rude and inopportune interruption.
36:34Bad news?
36:36Nothing I can't handle.
36:38Life events are all out the way, I think.
36:40I will soon have everything I need to bring Sonny to justice.
36:59Hi, Chris.
37:01Ms. Spencer, is there something I can do for you?
37:03Yes, you can send two bellhops up to John Cates' suite.
37:06Is Mr. Cates checking out?
37:08He sure is. So have them pack up all of his things, bring his luggage down here to the lobby, and reprogram his door for the next guest.
37:19This is what we call taking out the trash.
37:23Dad, you're freaking me out. Just tell me.
37:26I've been put on another assignment that's taken me out of town.
37:33What do you mean, assignment?
37:35Is that what the FBI guy wanted to talk to you about? Do you work for him now?
37:39Danny, it's just, it's hard to explain, but I have to go away. I'm sorry.
37:45Where? Where is he sending you?
37:48I can't tell you.
37:50Dad, this is crazy. Come on, we can get in the speedo and go to Canada. They can't drag you away from another country, right?
37:55I'm sorry.
37:57Stop saying you're sorry and fix this.
38:02You're a great son.
38:05I'm so proud of you and I love you so much. I just need you to know that.
38:09Can you stop talking like this is the last time we're going to see each other?
38:12The next bus to Albany will be departing in 15 minutes.
38:20Be good, okay?
38:24Bye, Danny.
38:58Neither of those names.
39:00I wish I had better news.
39:02Well, here I am, Agent Cates. Come and get me.