
  • last month
00:00Police emergency.
00:03There's a shooting happening at Albert Road.
00:06Okay, how do you know it's shooting?
00:08Because I see it as I was holding the gun.
00:10All ARBs to start heading towards Albert Road.
00:14The individual was five foot ten in height, believed to be in possession of firearms.
00:17Heading on foot.
00:18Who's that?
00:22One mile road towards you everyone, one mile road towards you.
00:25This way, next right.
00:27Coming straight out the door.
00:29That way, down there.
00:30That way?
00:31Well he got to the end there, I don't know which way he went.
00:33Police emergency.
00:35There's somebody outside, they've just shot a gun outside.
00:37What are they shooting at?
00:38I don't know, but I heard a bang.
00:40We have to go.
00:436-6, we've had a further call from ambulance.
00:46They've had a report of a male that's been shot in the chest.
00:49Any unarmed units in this channel, you're not to go to that immediate area unless it's an immediate threat to life.
00:56CP arrival.
00:58Armed police.
00:59Stay there, stay out there.
01:01Armed police, anyone in number 6.
01:03Female, hurry up, go, go.
01:05I'll take the back.
01:07Is it stabbing or shooting?
01:09Stab or shoot?
01:11Yeah, yeah.
01:12We need assistance back here.
01:23Get on the floor!
01:25This is your opportunity to talk to me.
01:27They have lifted prints.
01:29Are they going to be yours?
01:31Every minute that's taken away is evidence you're losing.
01:40Fellow, what's your name?
01:44Seems to have got a man in the rear garden.
01:46Says he's got a gunshot wound to his chest.
01:48Single shot.
01:49Torches, mate.
01:52Two of them as well.
01:53It's not really much, is it, really?
01:55No, no, no.
01:56What's the last thing?
01:57No, no, no.
01:59A 23-year-old man has been shot in the chest.
02:02The investigation is being led by Bosun, Bedfordshire's guns and gangs unit.
02:07I'm on your end, mate.
02:08We're going to push them up.
02:09Push them up.
02:10Nice big bust with this, all right?
02:12Nice big bust, buddy.
02:13We've got the pulse.
02:15Oh, it's so close to his heart.
02:17Has anybody else here confirmed any gunshots or anything like that?
02:20No-one else.
02:21He's come back here and said he's had another shot.
02:25Where exactly did it happen?
02:27Outside the store or outside a house?
02:29Next to the pub.
02:30Next to the pub?
02:31Next to the pub.
02:32In the street.
02:33So in the street, directly outside the pub.
02:37Go and sit back there, mate.
02:38Sit back there.
02:39That'd be a good way.
02:42Yeah, okay.
02:43Bosun, you can't do that.
02:44You've got a gun.
02:45I've got a gun.
02:46Yeah, I've got a gun.
03:00With an armed suspect on the run,
03:02the case is a forced priority.
03:05Shall we start with on you?
03:08Okay, there's a shop close by called New Town Stores.
03:11The offender's gone in there and had an altercation
03:13with some Polish guys
03:15that had been buying some alcohol
03:17and this round was culminated in shooting
03:19one of them point blank range in the chest.
03:21The ARVs turn up and the offender makes off
03:25and they've discarded something in the alleyway
03:27which turns out to be a handgun.
03:29Anyone getting shot at point blank range in the chest
03:31is an attempt murder.
03:41Yeah, there's the shop.
03:42See, I thought it might have happened out here somewhere.
03:46It's been shot more or less around it.
03:48This area, anyway.
03:50The gun was found near that drain, I think, just there.
03:53And the dude's run off down there.
04:01Hello there.
04:02Last night there was an incident.
04:04Did you see anything at all?
04:07Okay, didn't see anything?
04:12I'm not sure if you're aware
04:13that there was an incident late last night.
04:15You're nodding your head.
04:16What have you been told or what do you know?
04:21Did you witness anything?
04:34Right, okay.
04:35That kind of changes what we knew.
04:38Did you see those other clips as well?
04:39Yeah, like two, I think two more clips.
04:42Let me make a quick phone call.
04:44I just wanted to give you a bit of an update.
04:46The resident here just showed me some CCTV of an IC3 male
04:49chasing after a silver vehicle and shooting rounds at it.
04:52It's not our original scene.
04:54I think it's worth bringing it back for you to have a look at as well.
05:05This is the mobile phone footage.
05:12That's a shot.
05:26Two shots.
05:36LE1 could be referring to the area in the middle.
05:41And the local gang.
05:42Look, to be honest with you,
05:43the town centre gang won't refer to himself like that.
05:46He's going towards the Newtown shop there.
05:49He looks angry.
05:51Not really making sense, is he?
05:55Here he comes.
05:56Look, he's got something in his hand there, look.
05:58He's aiming at that car.
06:00On the front of his hoodie,
06:02if I take that back, it looks like he's got some sort of writing.
06:06He's got quite a distinctive two-coloured hoodie top.
06:09He's got a man bag over his shoulder as well, dark in colour.
06:12Obviously, with it being black and white,
06:14we can't say for sure what colours he's wearing.
06:17There's no way we're going to be able to ID him for that.
06:21He's got a gun.
06:22He's got a gun.
06:23He's got a gun.
06:24He's got a gun.
06:25He's got a gun.
06:26He's got a gun.
06:27He's got a gun.
06:32Police identify a young woman
06:34who was approached by the gunman before the shooting.
06:37I understand this happened Saturday night
06:40in relation to a male with a gun, is that correct?
06:45Today I'm just going to ask you just to tell me exactly,
06:48tell me everything that happened to you.
06:51And he came to me, approached me, he cut me by my throat
06:56and put the gun against my head
06:59and asked me whether I was a wolf or in a wolf.
07:03And what do you think he meant by that?
07:07I don't have a clue.
07:08How did he say it to you?
07:14It was just plain.
07:15There was no aggression in his voice and anything like that.
07:19Then when I said no, he was moving backwards,
07:21saying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
07:24What was distinguishable about this male?
07:31OK, so his eyes were irregular in the sense that they were wider
07:35than you should expect, and his pupils were...
07:39They were wide.
07:40They were wide.
07:41They were wide.
07:42They were wide.
07:43They were wide.
07:44They were wide.
07:46Well, I've just taken a statement from one of the girls
07:49where he's gone up to her, put his hand round her throat
07:52and asked her, are you a wolf?
07:54And then she goes to the shop and she hears the gunshots going.
07:57Seems like it went crazy last night.
08:05The person that's on this rampage is clearly on one.
08:10His mind seems to be racing.
08:12He's not thinking straight.
08:14In one sense, he can feel the need to hold a gun to someone's face
08:18and then he's apologising straight afterwards.
08:21It paints a picture of how strange the suspect is acting.
08:28Police emergency.
08:29Anyone that he comes in contact with,
08:31he is going to hold a gun against them.
08:34He's going to hold a gun against them.
08:43What, he wanted your car?
08:46Where is the male gone now?
08:51OK. All right.
08:52Stay on the phone with me, all right?
08:55He's walking towards me now.
08:57He's coming towards me now.
08:59That's it.
09:00OK, all right.
09:01Yes, that's him.
09:02OK, all right.
09:03That's him.
09:04All right, this guy, he's one of the squanders
09:06that tried to take his car.
09:08He's been in the car, and the guy has knocked on the window
09:10without any gloves.
09:12There do appear to be some marks on it,
09:16so it would be worth forensics checking it out.
09:25Without a positive identification
09:27of the missing suspect,
09:29forensic exhibits are fast-tracked.
09:50No, I've heard of him. I don't know what he does.
09:54Ah, OK, that's interesting.
09:58What, the lad, Justice McCown?
10:00Yeah, Justice.
10:01Thank you, mate. Bye.
10:0322 to the AOP.
10:2122 to 6566, just confirm you're at your JOP.
10:29We're moving forward now.
10:3622 to 6566.
10:38It's going to be the building, that is, black-green.
10:43People are aware we're here.
10:44They're already looking out of their window,
10:45so if we have to go low, we go low.
10:52Leave the enforcer to hold that.
10:5522 to the AOP.
11:01Armed police!
11:02Off you come to the front door without me there!
11:15Armed police!
11:16Come to the front door without me there!
11:20Show me your hands, will you?
11:22Show me your hands, armed police, walk towards me.
11:25OK, how old's your baby?
11:28Ask him if he's in there, then.
11:29Justice is in here.
11:33You're a two-year-old.
11:34OK, nothing to worry about.
11:35We're not here for you.
11:37All good. Just go down the stairs, please.
11:40Just keep following me down, all right?
11:42Down there, sweetie. Down there, darling.
11:53Room clear.
11:58The premises has been cleared by means of deliberate search,
12:01and no further persons found, over.
12:08It's just as clear evidence the male does reside
12:11at the Quender property,
12:12via items that have been found inside of it.
12:16Yeah, I've been out for supply.
12:19What's your name, sir?
12:20Has he been there tonight?
12:21Yeah, but not...
12:22What time did he leave? Keep walking with me.
12:24About two hours ago.
12:25He left about two hours ago.
12:27Where was he going, do you know?
12:28I don't know.
12:29Has he got access to a vehicle?
12:30Erm, no.
12:45We are fast gathering.
12:47Yesterday's priorities were heavily weighted by upheel,
12:51so an update on that.
12:52We do have one outstanding suspect
12:54by the name of Justice McCann.
12:56There was a warrant conducted last night.
12:58He wasn't there, but his girlfriend was there,
13:01and we've been able to clarify his phone numbers,
13:04so there's been a lot of work ongoing around that.
13:07It looks like the victim, the Polish male,
13:10he is not gang-related in any way, shape or form.
13:12He seems to be an innocent victim.
13:14Justice McCann was just a very dangerous individual.
13:26The bullet missed the victim's heart by just a few centimetres.
13:30He has regained consciousness
13:32and detectives need his account of the shooting.
13:36This is a person that has come to the UK from Poland
13:40to build a better life.
13:42He will have scars mentally and physically for the rest of his life.
13:46His family and friends who witnessed him lying on the floor, dying,
13:53that vision will stay with them.
13:55None of them will ever get over it.
13:59Jacob, how are you? OK?
14:01I'm Colin from the police station.
14:03I don't know if you were told that I was turning up.
14:06Whereabouts were you shot?
14:08In the chest.
14:09In the chest. How many times?
14:13So they operated on you and took the bullets out?
14:16No, I think they left the bullet inside.
14:19The bullet's still in you?
14:22Because I was running after getting shot, you know.
14:25It just went through my kidney and a few other bits.
14:28You're not Superman, are you?
14:29I'm not sure. Maybe Iron Man, you know.
14:33What was you doing around there that day?
14:36That was my friend's girlfriend's mother's birthday party.
14:42Had you been to the party and then you were going to the shop?
14:45Yeah, to get some Sprite and a drink.
14:48And the guy shouted or said something to me,
14:51which I don't remember what it was.
14:54So I just turned back and I felt like a really hard push to my chest,
14:59which is why I was being shot.
15:02Do you know who shot you?
15:04No, to be honest, I've never seen that guy before.
15:06You've never seen him? Can you describe him?
15:08It was, like, with a green tracksuit.
15:12Do you know why this may have happened?
15:14I don't know. That's why I want him to be captured, you know,
15:18because you don't run around the streets and shoot people you don't know.
15:28What do you think the man was trying to do to you?
15:32That's the only one thing he was trying to do.
15:35He tried to shoot someone.
15:38Kill the man.
15:41We are trying our hardest to get this man who's done this to you
15:44into custody, OK?
15:46We are looking for him. We think we know who it is.
15:48As soon as we find him, he will be in custody
15:51and we will try our hardest that he doesn't come out, OK?
15:55Yeah. All right, mate. You look after yourself, yeah?
15:59Thank you.
16:12New CCTV footage is retrieved from the shop
16:15from the night of the attack.
16:18Is it any good? I think so.
16:20Is it? Well, we'll have a look.
16:22That's the main door, I think, so if it did have a round here,
16:25it'd be good, wouldn't it?
16:29Oh, that might have been the witnesses.
16:35There he goes.
16:37Oh, right.
16:40Right, here we go.
16:43There we go. That's justice.
16:45Pause that.
16:47That's a lovely shot.
16:49What's justice wearing?
16:51Green khaki.
16:59Hi there. My name's Will Taylor.
17:01I'm the DSO with the Guns and Gangs desk.
17:03A firearm was sent over to you guys
17:05for fast-tracking the DNA and other bits and pieces.
17:08I just wondered if there was any update in relation to that.
17:11Police need to link the gun that was left at the crime scene
17:14to the shooting.
17:15Have you got any bullets from the Polish victim?
17:17Right, so shrapnel is still in body.
17:19Spoken to the lab about that and they have said
17:22that they want to see the X-rays
17:24because they can then do some comparison
17:26against the rounds that have been recovered.
17:28I shouldn't say whether that has potentially been discharged
17:31from that firearm.
17:32They haven't done anything fingerprint-wise on the firearm.
17:35They've said that to do the examination
17:37would destroy any fingerprints on it.
17:39DNA, we've got swabs.
17:40We haven't had anything back yet,
17:42but that's still going to be probably till tomorrow.
17:44Obviously got the round. Well, it's not, it's just a casing.
17:47It's been recovered from there,
17:48but the likelihood of getting fingerprints and DNA of that
17:51is unlikely because of the heat of the discharge and all the rest of it.
17:54I don't know, what are your views, Arm?
17:56We've never, ever got a fingerprint off a gun.
18:05Bag of ammunition underneath the kickboard.
18:09Less than a mile from the scene of the shooting,
18:12police have uncovered an illegal firearms factory.
18:16There's a toolbox with some ball bearings
18:19and there's, like, one piece of ammo in.
18:22I've just sent a load of guys off to go and start booking stuff in.
18:34That gun there was the weapon that was abandoned by the shooter.
18:38That barrel had been drilled out,
18:41as had all the weapons in the gun factory.
18:44These were never originally viable weapons as such.
18:48So what were they then?
18:50They were all blank-firing starting pistols.
18:53They're modifying these to use as real firearms to kill people.
18:59Horrendously dangerous bits of kit.
19:01And they're so inexpensive,
19:03considering the amount of money that people are making out of
19:06the drugs trade, which is what this is about at the end of the day.
19:09It's peanuts to go and get some guns from abroad or wherever
19:13and get it all...go and buy a drill from B&Q.
19:16Professionally, I have never seen so many guns
19:19and I've never dealt with so many guns.
19:21And there's no stopping it.
19:25When dealing with gun crime years ago,
19:28it was so rare.
19:30Now, anyone can get a gun.
19:33The worry is we have a very dangerous person out there
19:36willing to shoot innocent members of the public.
19:39The ultimate fear would be if he's done it once, he can do it again.
19:43And that's our worst nightmare.
19:55Yeah, yeah, I've got the email.
19:58So what are you saying, then?
20:00There are two different types of bullet?
20:04So that's a bit worrying.
20:06Right, OK. Thank you.
20:09What they're saying is that there are two different types of shell casing.
20:13So we've got two guns, then? So there's two guns.
20:16That means he's out there with...
20:19..another firearm. Yeah.
20:38Bedfordshire police are investigating the attempted murder
20:41of a man caught in a shooting spree.
20:43Their suspect, Justice McCann, is still on the run.
20:49So, based on that, am I able to request further data for that?
20:53Cos we've got, obviously, the live man now.
20:55We've got a new number for him
20:57that we've got from the girlfriend's phone.
21:00Everything, mate. I need IMZ, usual, incoming, outgoing, cell site.
21:04There's three addresses for it, and they're very close proximity,
21:07so we've only hit one.
21:09Justice McCann's phone data
21:11places him at an address just outside the town centre.
21:15You might want to come into the boss's office,
21:17cos it looks like you're going ahead now.
21:19Oh, really?
21:21Let's hope he's just hiding.
21:23The thing is, if he is hiding, it leads to confrontation,
21:26and if it leads to confrontation,
21:28it means increased risk to everybody, and nobody wants that.
21:33I see the convoy complete.
21:35I don't see anywhere I can talk to now.
21:42Can't kick it.
21:44Well done.
21:50ALB9 in back garden.
21:52Movement inside.
21:56Movement on the front door.
21:58Armed police!
22:00Armed police, I can see you! Show your hands!
22:03Stand still!
22:05Object at the door.
22:07Object at the door.
22:09Don't even walk towards me!
22:13There he is. That's him. They've got him.
22:15They've got him. That's him.
22:17That's the man.
22:19On your knees!
22:21On your belly! Do it now!
22:24Arms out to the side!
22:26Palms to the sky!
22:28Palms to the sky!
22:30Palms to the sky, fella.
22:33I'm out, I'm out!
22:51Justice, I'm now arresting you
22:54on the suspicion of attempted murder on 11 August.
23:03Let's start at the top.
23:05So, to clear these rooms,
23:07your time of search will be 12.30,
23:09but it'll be a 12.05 seizure if you get anything.
23:15We're running Operation Heal,
23:17which was the attempted murder over the weekend.
23:19One poor lad being shot.
23:21We've got Justice McCann, our principal offender, in custody,
23:24and he's on a route back to Luton.
23:26And the things that we would like, please,
23:28are GSR samples, GSRs,
23:30so hand swabs,
23:32as well as photographing for CCTV comparative purposes.
24:01All right, what's your number, S?
24:03Er, 12.06.
24:08Attempted murder.
24:12I take it he's cuffed at the moment.
24:14If he's been all right, do you want to take those off?
24:20OK, Justice, given what the officers told me,
24:22I'm going to be authorising your detention here at Luton Police Station.
24:25You open at the moment, Justice.
24:30Any medical conditions?
24:34Any mental health issues at all?
24:38Do you depend on alcohol or drugs at all?
24:43Do you want to see an independent drug or alcohol lab whilst you're here?
24:48Anything else that might affect you whilst you're here,
24:50or anyone that depends on you at all?
24:59There's some guy that did all that violence in that one night.
25:02Just look at me. Surely you're a different bloke.
25:05You cannot surely be that same person.
25:08He even said thank you.
25:10That's what they say, don't they, watch the little ones?
25:13Cheers, bud.
25:16Keep going there.
25:28He's got 23 convictions for 34 offences.
25:32Possession of cannabis.
25:38Attempted robbery as a juvenile.
25:40Robbery as a juvenile.
25:42He likes a bit of rubbing.
25:46This is such an escalation for me.
25:48This guy's got no previous for firearms.
25:51As a juvenile, he's had robberies,
25:53but as an adult, he's had next to nothing.
25:55And certainly nothing on this level.
26:04In relation to this, witnesses say that shots were fired.
26:07Quite happy that that is a firearm discharge.
26:09CCTV has captured that discharge.
26:11However, I cannot place any party there
26:14at the time.
26:15I've got no forensic opportunities
26:17in relation to that incident as a whole.
26:20So in relation to Jacob being shot,
26:23we've got CCTV of them in Newtown shops.
26:26The carjacking attempt, we've got the forensic link,
26:29and then the firearm being recovered.
26:31This may sound crazy, but evidentially,
26:34I cannot prove beyond all reasonable doubt at this stage
26:37that that firearm is the firearm that was used in that incident
26:40or is the one that shot Jacob.
26:45I think I see that one.
26:47Attempt murders are harder to prove than murders,
26:51simply because you've got to prove someone's intent.
26:55So there's Justice Ella, just outside.
26:58He's pumped up and he's definitely holding something in his hand.
27:03Was it, you know, was it a power thing with him?
27:06Did he want to feel what it's like to shoot somebody?
27:09I mean, there's no conversation between him
27:11and the victim in the shop, is there?
27:13No, nothing.
27:14Frightening, if you want to frighten someone,
27:16if you want to, you know, bravado, look at me, I've got a gun.
27:19So there's Justice there, running away from him.
27:21So nothing's still been said, has there? Look.
27:23He's gone into that shop.
27:25He hasn't had any interaction with the victims.
27:27Well, they've completely ignored him, haven't they?
27:29Yeah. Maybe that's what's angered him.
27:31Maybe they were being ignored.
27:32I see it's not normal behaviour, is it?
27:34No, clearly something is on his mind.
27:37Only he will know his real motive for, you know,
27:40for pulling that trigger.
27:46Here we go. I'll set up the tapes for you.
27:48It might get a bit hot in here.
27:50It already feels a bit stuffy, doesn't it?
27:52It's pretty cold in here.
27:54It's cold for you?
27:56It's not cold. I'm really hot.
27:58Let me turn it so it doesn't go that cold then.
28:02Is that good to go?
28:04All good.
28:11On the 14th August 2019,
28:13your client, Justice McCann, has been arrested for attempt murder,
28:16possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear,
28:19discharge of a firearm in a public place,
28:21possession of a firearm in a public place,
28:23possession of a firearm in a public place,
28:25possession of a firearm in a public place,
28:27possession of a firearm in a public place,
28:29discharge of a firearm in a public place,
28:31attempted robbery,
28:33and possession with intent to supply Class B cannabis,
28:35and possession of a prohibited weapon.
28:37Your client has been identified as the man responsible for these incidents.
28:43OK, so first question, Justice,
28:45are you responsible for the offences which you've been arrested for?
28:56You're very distinctive, Justice, aren't you?
29:00You've got a beard.
29:02Fairly decent beard going on there.
29:05And you've got long, straggly hair.
29:10Looks like a bad mullet.
29:14You're finding this funny, Justice.
29:18Poor old Jacob got shot in the chest.
29:22What's in your chest?
29:26There's your heart, your lungs and all the bits and pieces.
29:31So to shoot someone in the chest, Justice,
29:35why did you do that?
29:39Were you attempting to kill him?
29:42Murder, life sentence,
29:45attempted murder?
29:47In these circumstances, you could get the same.
29:51You're saying nothing.
29:54You're not giving us anything.
29:59Do you like guns, Justice?
30:01Ever fired a gun?
30:03What sort of a gun was it?
30:07You've seen James Bond film,
30:09where you've got the pistol-type gun.
30:11Was it one of those?
30:13Was it a real one?
30:15Was it a converted gun?
30:21These are important questions, Justice,
30:23that you could answer now.
30:27Because at the moment, we have witness statements from people
30:30telling us this happened, this happened, this happened.
30:33We've only got their side of the story,
30:35so we haven't got any side from you, Justice.
30:37And if you want justice, Justice,
30:39then you should tell us, shouldn't you?
30:45OK, firearms were located at the scene,
30:48on the alleyway between Surrey Street and Newtown Street.
30:55Was that the gun that was used,
30:57or are there two guns, Justice?
31:00Are we looking for two guns?
31:06Yeah, sure.
31:08For the benefit of the table,
31:10we'll just provide you with a separate room for a consultation.
31:19So you can do loft for me, please.
31:35Boss, you're going to be pleased.
31:37We've found a rucksack, and in it, we've got the drugs,
31:40shitloads of deal bags, phones that have been taken apart.
31:43The man-bag he was wearing in the footage.
31:46That looks well heavy. It looks quite heavy, doesn't it?
31:49Don't know what's in the bottom of that.
32:07Just so you know, they've got some scales now.
32:09It's a dealer's toolbox, really.
32:11There is cannabis. I think it's cannabis in the blue bag,
32:14but, like I said, it's really heavy at the bottom.
32:16Firearm, 100%.
32:18Oh, oh, oh, I think we've got a firearm, mate.
32:21Fucking hell, yeah.
32:25Hey, everybody. We've got a gun in his bag.
32:32Good day at the office.
32:38OK, for the benefit of the table, Justice has returned.
32:42What a good lad, though, putting it all in one bag for us.
32:45It's a proper dirty area, isn't it?
32:47You don't get new guns looking like that very often, do you?
32:50It's a chamber of nine, but it's got six in,
32:53and we've got three confirmed discharges in Albert Road, OK?
32:57So, more than likely, the gun that we've recovered
33:00is the gun that was used in those incidents.
33:03We think he's then used two guns,
33:05so the gun in Albert Road is one gun,
33:07and the gun for the shooting of the victim is the discarded gun.
33:14OK, so you were obviously arrested today
33:17and a search of that address has been conducted.
33:20I just want to talk about the loft, initially.
33:24So, about that loft, I mean, do you have access to it?
33:30Are you going to sit there, Justice,
33:32and tell me you've got no idea what was in that loft?
33:37What we found in that loft, anyway, is a black rucksack.
33:41Inside that bag, we have located a firearm.
33:46Like a Smith & Wesson-type gun.
33:48It's bright silver in colour.
33:50Will we forensically connect you to that gun?
33:54That's a million-dollar question, isn't it?
34:00Unfortunately for you, you've committed a handful
34:03of very serious offences in a CCTV hotspot.
34:07So, here we have McCann pointing a firearm at a car in Albert Road.
34:13There's a silver gun in the right hand.
34:17McCann aiming a gun at the car.
34:20Seems to be you doing a lot of gun pointing, weren't you, Justice?
34:25You got any recollection at all of that incident, Justice?
34:30Were you on any kind of drug on the night
34:33that might perhaps affect your memory?
34:38Or perhaps might have contributed towards your actions on that night?
34:43Is there anything you'd like to say about your state of mind
34:49on the 10th and 11th of August?
34:52McCann walking towards Newtown store.
34:55You're going in that shop looking for someone, aren't you?
34:58Who are you looking for?
35:00And then we see this distinctive bag on your front.
35:04It's got an EA7 on it.
35:06Do you own a bag like that, Justice?
35:08So, I put it to you that you do,
35:10because we found one today with all your clothing
35:13and the gun in the attic.
35:16What are you holding on to, Justice?
35:19You've got the gun in your right hand at that time, haven't you?
35:23And then here we have Jacob going into the store.
35:26Do you recognise him?
35:28Has that man done you wrong?
35:31What could he have possibly done, Justice,
35:33to warrant you shooting him at virtually point-blank range
35:37with a gun?
35:39What's he done wrong?
35:41The evidence in this case is overwhelming.
35:46So, I put it to you that you are responsible
35:49for this attempt murder of Jacob.
35:51You're responsible for, in fact,
35:53all these offences with a firearm.
35:55You have been identified.
36:01OK, it's time for me to go.
36:03I'm going to go and get my bag.
36:05I'm going to go and get my bag.
36:07I'm going to go and get my bag.
36:09OK, time by my watch is 23.03 hours
36:12and I'll conclude this interview.
36:38I smoke weed all day, every day.
36:42So then my head's a bit sprazzled
36:44and I'm trying not to overthink
36:46because I think too much sometimes.
36:48And when I think too much,
36:50that's when I just start getting angry.
36:53I don't like being angry.
36:55When I get angry, I'll just black out
36:59and everything's just a blur.
37:01I won't remember nothing afterwards.
37:03If I do, then it's just little bits.
37:19We've had a decision back from the CPS.
37:21All right, so if you want to listen to what this officer's going to say.
37:24So the first charge is for possession of a firearm
37:28and the second charge is that of attempt murder.
37:33Do you want to make any phone calls, let anyone know what's going on?
37:36I just want to charge my phone.
37:44Do you reckon you can find me some clothes
37:46and bring them to court tomorrow, please?
37:50I'm sorry.
37:56Oh, how are you doing?
37:59Oh, how are you doing?
38:01Nice to see you.
38:04Nice to talk to you.
38:06Nice to see you.
38:15Oh, fucking darling.
38:20I've had enough.
38:22I've had enough.
38:27I love you. I love the kids.
38:29I still love you.
38:31I love you.
38:35I love you too.
38:43I've had enough.
38:45I know it's a lot to take in.
38:47I know, like she said.
38:49You just need to stay strong, don't do anything silly.
38:52All right? You need to talk.
38:54Oh, I appreciate that. I appreciate that.
38:59Those two kids for one.
39:01Big time.
39:05Just keep talking to us if you need anything.
39:07Just press that buzzer.
39:19Can you imagine him running around the street shooting people?
39:24He was. Well, it's crazy, yeah.
39:26The evidence seems to suggest he was.
39:28It's just sad, isn't it?
39:30It's so sad. What's wrong with making him do that?
39:33Because it does seem to be a lot of mental health, doesn't it,
39:36rather than...he really wants to go shooting people.
39:39But there was a perfect stranger, wasn't there?
39:41Yeah. A perfect stranger in the street.
39:50There's hardly a moment's peace.
39:53Because I know the way I live my life
39:55and I know how it opened up eventually.
39:57How it has ended up.
39:59And, you know, it's not a nice feeling,
40:01knowing...sitting there and not knowing
40:04what day you're going to disappear.
40:07The only time I have ever had peace
40:09is when I'm sitting playing with my children
40:11because I don't think about nothing.
40:14I just enjoy it.
40:17I like spending time...
40:21trying to teach them things.
40:23Things that...
40:25would normally...
40:28someone should have sat there and played with me, didn't they?
40:38Sometimes I just feel like they're always angry...
40:42at people, because all you're doing is hurting.
40:46No-one understands what's going through your head.
40:50What thoughts are going through your mind.
40:57All you're doing is just sitting there hurting.
40:59So sometimes you just want other people to hurt.
41:03No. No-one deserves to hurt just because you do.
41:16You, as a victim, are given the opportunity to tell the court
41:19how it's affected you as a person.
41:21Sometimes this helps clear the mind.
41:23OK. So you've shot in the chest.
41:25Yes. Yeah. What about in the chest with you?
41:28It was, like, actually next to the head, over here.
41:31To be honest, this is the worst experience in my life,
41:34I can say, you know.
41:36If I would make a coffee right now in the kitchen, yeah,
41:39you see there is a window and people walking past
41:42and I see, like, let's say someone with a hoodie
41:45and I've already got, like, a jumpy feeling from these things,
41:48like stress in the building.
41:50Now I don't know how to describe that, you know.
41:54So what you're talking about, to me, is post-traumatic stress.
41:58I think if you've got a reason for something happening,
42:01I think you can cope with it.
42:03But things that happen out of the blue,
42:06it's hard to put an end to, isn't it?
42:16What's that? Big delivery?
42:18No, that was just a postman.
42:31Can you see? I can see someone coming, I think.
42:34Yeah, there he is.
42:36Justice McCann has told his defence team he wants to plead guilty.
42:40They are preparing a submission to the judge,
42:42who will decide on his sentence.
42:44Look, you can hear Justice now, listen.
42:53He couldn't remember the incident,
42:55he couldn't obviously remember what he said either,
42:57when I spoke to him.
42:59It's very sad, because that's not the Justice we know.
43:04If I was there, I'd have been screaming at him.
43:08I'd have been saying, what do you think you're doing?
43:11We met Justice when he was 13.
43:14I know he's had a very chaotic childhood.
43:19When I did discover that, yes, he'd been involved,
43:22I was looking for answers as to why he'd done this.
43:26We felt the court needed to know more about him,
43:30his past history, his mental state.
43:33I mean, he's 21 years old and such a lot has gone on in his young life.
43:38The teachers at the age of four
43:40noticed signs of neglect and injuries on his body
43:44and they did alert the children's services,
43:47but nothing was done about it.
43:51He started to use cannabis at the age of eight.
43:54He used to use cannabis and alcohol to block things out in his head.
43:59I don't think you could believe that a child of eight
44:02could even know what cannabis is.
44:05The diagnosis is that because of his history of traumatic
44:09and dysfunctional issues in his childhood,
44:12that's led to psychological issues
44:16which could amount to a personality disorder.
44:19These traits obviously include instability,
44:22outbursts of intense anger, poor tolerance to frustration
44:26and a distorted sense of self and poor self-esteem,
44:30which is exactly what Justice has displayed
44:34having committed this offence.
44:36He's been to the doctors three times and asked for help.
44:40He's told them he feels angry, he can't deal with his anger,
44:43he needs help, and no-one's helped him.
44:45No-one's done anything to help him.
44:55Justice can't believe that he's done this.
44:59And he's written a letter to the court.
45:04Nothing will ever justify my actions or make them acceptable
45:08as nobody deserves to be put through physical or psychological trauma
45:12that I have caused in people's lives.
45:16I never intended to hurt him.
45:18None of what happened was his fault.
45:21Not only do I deserve to be here for my actions,
45:24but I'm also now able to get the help that I've been asking for.
45:30I hope that one day I can express my deepest apologies.
45:34In all hope it will help him to find some sort of peace of mind
45:38and put him at ease.
45:40Yours sincerely, Justice McCann.
45:54That kind of people doesn't really change.
45:57He's been in jail before.
45:59He came out what he done.
46:01I grew up here, so...
46:03I was never thinking about going back to Poland, actually.
46:07This experience was just the ice opening.
46:11What's going on, really, in the streets.
46:14I used to love this city, and now I hate it.
46:17Done this chapter of my life.
46:21Ended. I'm gone.
46:55And we're back in custody next Monday at nine.
46:58And support information can be found online at channel4.com.
47:03Next tonight, saying toodaloo to Tally in the circle.
