
  • last month
00:00On the 6th of November were you at H&P Bedford?
00:23You could say it was right in there.
00:26It was a prison riot.
00:27That's exactly what it was.
00:28500 prisoners, 300 prisoners, fucked the place up, mate.
00:36Is that you?
00:38Did you go into the staff office?
00:41No comment.
00:42Did you take anything from the staff office?
00:43No comment.
00:46You can see it, can't you?
00:49You're walking out, it's like baguettes.
00:53You're stuffing a baguette up your jumper like a thief.
00:57It's not particularly a crime, mate, is it?
00:59Taking a sandwich, mate.
01:02People like me don't deserve to be in prison.
01:05There's murderers in prison, there's rapists,
01:07there's snorts, there's everything.
01:10I'm a normal guy, I just want to get home to my family
01:12and I'm not getting in any more trouble.
01:27The knife!
01:28Give me the knife!
01:33This is your opportunity to talk to me.
01:37They have lifted prints.
01:38Are they gonna be yours?
01:41Every minute that's taken away is evidence you're losing.
01:57You said it, mate. I'm good, you?
01:59Was you the one who arrested me last time, I think it was, wasn't it?
02:02Probably. I can't remember.
02:0723-year-old Barry Price is under arrest in Luton Police Station,
02:12held on suspicion of committing multiple burglaries
02:15and dangerous driving offences.
02:17This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, mate.
02:20I'm not going to lie, I've never been in a car.
02:24This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, mate.
02:27I ain't done nothing, mate.
02:29I want to make a phone call to my sister, please.
02:36You never guess what, I've been arrested for an attempt of a theft.
02:40I ain't even done with it, I've got no evidence.
02:43I'll be home later anyway, bye.
02:47They're taking stuff to his room.
02:49Well done, where's 18? 18 is that side.
02:59My grandad dealt and sell horses all his life
03:02and he was the best bare-knuckle fighter in England.
03:07That's full-bodied ankle, hikey, smelly.
03:10Obviously, you retaliated. Yeah, I used it, mate.
03:14First time I got arrested, I think I was, like, nine.
03:18Assault and so on.
03:21I've been in prison three times.
03:23I've been in custody over 1,000 times, I'd say,
03:26and 100 times or so, probably more.
03:36People try and rationalise why people do bad things.
03:39I think if you're never how to account for anything that you do,
03:44then that breeds a sort of un-invincible character, almost.
03:53Six sugars.
04:00So, Barry, you're here for a series of offences
04:03committed over the 19th and 20th of August.
04:07So the first one we're going to deal with is theft of motor vehicle.
04:15Are you the one riding it?
04:17I think you're the one riding it. Are you the one riding it, Barry?
04:20So what are you doing there? Barry, why are you waiting?
04:23What are they doing in that alleyway?
04:26They're stealing a motorcycle, aren't they?
04:32Got a comment.
04:35Do you think it's safe to be riding a motorcycle on a footpath?
04:40How fast were you going?
04:45Did you see the eight-year-old victim on her bicycle?
04:52At the time of or prior to the impact?
04:57Hello, sir. How are you doing? That's Dad.
05:01You are upset, because obviously now this has happened to your daughter.
05:06Do you see the injury to her face?
05:09She had basically a hole in her cheek, didn't she? Did you see that?
05:12No comment.
05:18Moving on, then.
05:20At 10.56am on the 19th of August,
05:23a motor vehicle was stolen.
05:26Moving on, then.
05:29At 10.57am on the 19th, outside Houghton Regis Dental Centre.
05:35What were you looking for?
05:38Looking for stuff to steal? Looking for people to rob?
05:44Whose idea was it to rob the old lady?
05:50Who was it that reached out and grabbed the bag from her?
05:55Was it you?
06:00Did you know that she'd been badly injured?
06:04No comment.
06:14Do you deny any of these quite serious allegations against you?
06:18I deny every bit of it.
06:20You do deny every bit of it?
06:22So we've got this wrong and you didn't do any of these things?
06:25No, that's right.
06:27OK, concluding the interview.
06:41Right, OK.
06:43With Barry Price refusing to admit responsibility,
06:46the CPS decide there is insufficient evidence to charge.
06:50It's a load of bullshit, mate.
06:54It is really frustrating watching someone walk out
06:57when you've not been able to secure the charges
07:00or collect the evidence to satisfy the CPS.
07:04We can be worried, we can be concerned
07:07that this individual is allowed to go back out on the streets
07:12and we feel that we've not protected the public
07:16as best as we possibly can.
07:19And that's, I think, what we join the police to do,
07:22is protect the public.
07:24So it is very frustrating.
07:38Police emergency.
07:40There's a robbery just taken place at Town Farm Garage.
07:44What kind of vehicle was it?
07:46Black Mondeo.
08:28There's no-one called Barry Price here.
08:30No-one here? No.
08:32Would you be all right to have a quick look at the photo
08:34that my colleague's got, see if you recognise him?
08:36No, no-one called Barry Price.
08:38Might be going by a different name.
08:42No, we've been here all our life.
09:44Police emergency.
09:51You have no idea what town you're in?
10:00Why did he chuck you out?
10:05Did he manage to do anything to you?
10:11How old are you?
10:14What did he do sexually to you, sweetheart?
10:20Who was that man?
10:25Name's Barry.
10:45What was Barry's date of birth? Does anyone know?
10:49The case is handed to the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit,
10:53led by DS Claire Gilbert.
10:56So she's saying it's happened in a chalet.
10:59I need a description of the chalet.
11:02You know, did she go in the front door?
11:05Did this happen in the lounge, in the bedroom, in the bathroom?
11:14So if you're ready to go ahead, in as much detail as you can,
11:18tell me why you're here today.
11:32I have been a police officer for 24 years now.
11:37Rape investigations are the most challenging investigations
11:41that I've been involved in.
11:44I was, like, so upset, I was crying because I was in so much pain.
11:48I was wanting to get off the top of me.
11:50I was, like, kind of, like, wiggling myself and, like, kicking and that.
11:54Barry was just laughing.
12:03Right, Barry Dean Price, he needs a resting upon sight.
12:15Police search Barry Price's last known whereabouts.
12:31After an extensive search, he's nowhere to be found
12:35and no-one reveals where he's gone.
13:01Police emergency.
13:03A week after the first rape,
13:05a second teenage girl is abandoned at the same train station.
13:10We've got a very limited first account from her at the moment.
13:14It's a very similar MO to the rape that we had about a week ago,
13:19where he's picked up the young girl and vaginally raped her
13:24and dropped her off at Sandy train station.
13:28Oh, God.
13:33She's 15.
13:36Two rapes.
13:40They're both on caravan site.
13:42The two girls don't know each other.
13:44No, they don't.
13:48It's a very similar MO.
13:52He's kind of gone on a bit of a rampage
13:55over the last few weeks, to say the least.
14:00Something that we do a lot in the police,
14:03is assess the threat, harm and risk
14:05that an individual poses to the public.
14:08There is a structure in place where we elevate individuals
14:14that pose such a substantial threat, harm and risk.
14:19When we elevate them to that status,
14:22the manhunt then begins.
14:27Suspect might be in possession of a machete.
14:30Suspect might be in possession of a machete.
14:36Barry Price is now ranked as Bedfordshire's most wanted criminal.
14:43Hello, sir. How are you? Are you OK?
14:45We're looking for a gentleman called Barry Price.
14:48Do you know the name?
14:54That's him, isn't it?
14:56Do you know where he is?
14:58The travelling community often don't talk to the police,
15:03but the rape and serious sexual assault of two young girls,
15:08that clearly broke that code of conduct,
15:11what was acceptable to that community.
15:15Thanks for your time. Appreciate it.
15:21Proceed to briefing.
15:23You've got three and one in convoy together.
15:28Armed units are dispatched to an area
15:30where they've been informed the suspect is hiding.
15:35Comma five, he's making off.
15:37On foot? No, no, in a vehicle, in a vehicle.
15:40The target he's in is a black Ford.
15:43If he presents any threat, deal with it as per your training.
15:46I give you authority to arm on this job.
15:53Vehicle's popular.
15:55Miles on the ground.
16:03So the plan for tonight was photograph anything interesting
16:07as we go through. Yeah.
16:09But obviously we'll just have the weapons away if there are any,
16:12and phones. Yes. Yeah.
16:24Yeah, go on, mate.
16:26Yeah, just a two-foot machete. Yeah, cool.
16:32How are you, sir? How are you?
16:34I'm all right, mate, you?
16:36Top of the day. Time to rest.
16:39Quarter past one. Quarter past one, yeah.
16:42While we're waiting for someone to come over
16:44just to give us the full ins and outs,
16:46one of you might as well just do your proper search of him now.
16:50Take your jacket off, please. Take your jacket off.
16:53OK, so very pricey.
16:56We've got a rape victim from a week ago
16:59and a victim from yesterday.
17:02Neither of the victims are able to really firm up
17:05where the rapes have happened.
17:07Both of them have ended up ultimately at Sandy train station,
17:11so I would suggest it's close to there.
17:15Right, OK.
17:17Those are the main offences.
17:19He's also on bail for other violent offences,
17:23robbery and thefts of vulnerable and elderly people as well.
17:28So this is all adding to quite a pertinent picture, isn't it?
17:32You start putting it all together. Yeah.
17:34We've just got to get that jigsaw all fitting nicely.
17:42Thanks for coming.
17:44Thanks for coming.
17:46Appreciate that, appreciate it.
17:48So, right, OK, so there's three outstanding
17:51and then a fourth one last night.
17:55Whoever's accused me of raping him, I'm done.
18:00There's no question about it.
18:02I'm not, but I'm not a rapist.
18:04Whoever's made these allegations against me,
18:07I don't know what it is.
18:09Barry. Barry.
18:11You know what I mean? I ain't slept with any girls.
18:14I've got a wife and little kids, you know?
18:16What's this to do with my life if this comes out?
18:22Whoever's made these accusations, mate,
18:24they'd better get out of the country.
18:29I'm not making any threats.
18:30I'm not making any threats.
18:31My family will commit the threats and do what they have to do.
18:34I'm not threatening nothing.
18:37Yeah, yeah, we're all good, I think.
18:40We'll meet again.
18:41We'll meet next time, better.
18:43I'm sorry about that.
18:44I look forward to it.
18:45Go on, go on, sorry. See you later.
18:49It's only accusations. It doesn't mean it's true.
18:53I have a teenage daughter.
18:55I cope really well with my mum hat and police officer hat.
19:02The only time that the two overlap
19:06is where there are similarities in my home life.
19:10So when the victims are young,
19:14that's where there's sort of a correlation.
19:19So we have a young man just come into custody, Barry Price.
19:24He's wanted for a number of offences.
19:29Truth will come out, though, anyway.
19:31And when it do, it do.
19:35That's when things will get bad.
19:37Because when I prove my innocence, mate,
19:39and I'm an innocent man, my family ain't going to stand there, mate.
19:43He sounds like quite a force to be reckoned with, this Price.
19:48Oh, God.
19:49He's certainly making some very open threats.
19:53He was part of the prison mutiny as well at Bedford Prison.
19:56Was he?
19:5818's that way. Yeah.
20:01It's a dry cell as well, so no drinks, no toilet use.
20:05If he needs a toilet, he'll have to be supervised by someone.
20:12The way he was presenting when he was being booked in,
20:15he was denying, knowing these girls, who are they.
20:18I haven't had sex with anyone apart from my wife.
20:21So I don't know whether that's a kind of a...
20:25If we can actually get Barry Price charged and remanded,
20:28I think we've put away someone that's really quite dangerous.
20:31Genuinely quite dangerous.
20:33Good luck.
20:35Could you get me a jumper or something?
20:37I'm going to start freezing in here.
20:39Get you a blanket.
20:44Right, is everybody ready?
20:46I hope you're ready to go.
20:49I'm ready.
20:53I'm ready to go.
20:54Shall we?
20:55I've got one thing to tell you.
20:57You don't have to tell me, you can just come in.
21:00What is it?
21:01What is it?
21:02Right, is everybody ready? Yep.
21:09The time by my watch is 22.53.
21:12Barry, you was initially arrested by my colleagues
21:15on suspicion of a rape, possession of a bladed article,
21:19threat to kill and criminal damage.
21:21I've never raped neither of them girls in my life. OK.
21:25And there's no comment from now onwards. OK.
21:28Just talking about the two girls,
21:30have you ever had sex with them? I've got no comment. OK.
21:35If you've had sexual intercourse, when did that happen?
21:38No comment. Where did it happen? No comment.
21:42Who instigated it? No comment.
21:45Did you use any protection? No comment.
21:49I've got no comment to everything else.
21:51I've explained to you I would never have sex with someone who's never consented.
21:54OK, so you know these two girls, then?
21:56I know them two girls, yeah, but I haven't raped neither of them.
21:59That's what I'm trying to say to you. OK.
22:01Let's start with victim one, the 16-year-old girl.
22:04So how did you meet?
22:08Met her over social media and she said she liked me, I liked her.
22:12She asked me out, I said yeah.
22:14And it just went from there.
22:16But you said you're married with kids.
22:18I'm not actually married, I've got a missus with kids.
22:22Baby mum, as they call it. I don't live with her or nothing.
22:25So have you had sexual intercourse with this girl?
22:28No comment.
22:33Let's move on to victim two, the 15-year-old girl.
22:38We just met, she just sent me a friend request, we met like that.
22:42She said, I'm 16, there's nothing no-one can do.
22:45She said the police can't even do anything.
22:47If I want to be with you, I can be with you, she said.
22:50OK, so you're saying she's told you she's 16?
22:53Yeah, she wants to be with me, yeah.
22:56Have you told her how old you are?
22:59How old did you tell her you were?
23:01Told her the exact truth.
23:02Which is?
23:04OK, so we can check what you're saying with them and they'll be able to...
23:08You get both of them girls' phones, social media, that will prove it.
23:12That will prove them wrong.
23:14You've admitted having communication via Facebook,
23:16which we're going to be able to retrieve, aren't we?
23:18From their phones.
23:19We all do vice.
23:20We're all adamant that you told her you were 23.
23:23I can't wait for you to go on them devices, you'll be shocked.
23:26Where's your phone, because we look at all parties' phones.
23:29I haven't got a phone.
23:30You haven't got a phone.
23:31So, how have you been communicating with them then?
23:35I don't want to answer any more questions,
23:37because I feel like I'm being pressured into something,
23:39like I'm the one being raped right now.
23:42I'm not giving consent for you to keep doing this to me,
23:45you know what I mean?
23:46Because I feel like I'm getting raped right now.
23:50It's a serious allegation.
23:52I know it's a serious allegation.
23:54That's right, that's why I want to get to the bottom of it.
24:00Do you know how DNA works?
24:03What do you understand by DNA?
24:04Like, it can link you anywhere and anytime, anyplace.
24:07Yeah, so, obviously, semen, vaginal fluids, hair, sweat, etc.
24:12That's right, that's right.
24:13Yeah, so, obviously, we will send off...
24:17..your samples.
24:18And their samples.
24:19And their samples.
24:20That's right.
24:22That's right.
24:23If, and I don't know till we send them off,
24:25if it comes back that your DNA is on their swabs or vice versa,
24:29how would you explain that?
24:38Well, there'd be no way of explaining it, would there?
24:43I have had sex with these girls,
24:45but they consented me on both arms.
24:47I have not had sex with them.
24:49I don't... I'm not... I've got no comment to it.
24:55Most persons arrested for rape will say
24:58it was consensual sexual activity.
25:01That changes the dynamics of what we're dealing with.
25:06Forensics are much easier to prove than consent.
25:11It often ends up in a situation
25:14where it's one word against the other.
25:16Where did the sex take place?
25:17You know what I think this is about?
25:19I think they found out about my wife,
25:21and that's why they're saying it straight after this,
25:23to be honest with you.
25:24Cos my wife has found out I've cheated on her,
25:26and she's phoned up these girls and she's told them
25:28I'm a married man, so these girls could be
25:30trying to get their own back at me.
25:32I don't know.
25:33I've never raped neither of them two girls.
25:36It's been consent.
25:38If you's got enough power to charge me,
25:40then crack on and do that.
26:03So he said no sexual contact?
26:05At first he was like, I haven't raped him,
26:07I haven't slept with him, no comment, no comment, no comment.
26:11But he's sort of tripped himself up and he's saying,
26:15I haven't raped him, if anything's happened, it's consensual.
26:18So basically he's saying, if you look at their phones,
26:20you look at their phones, you'll see these messages.
26:23They're all over me like a rash.
26:25And I'm like, right, so where's your phone?
26:27I haven't got a phone.
26:29And you could see he didn't like the questions that we were asking.
26:33And giving us the run-around again.
26:42I'll let him... Yeah, I'll let you know if we find anything.
26:49He said when they stopped there,
26:51he stopped and they had a mobile phone on him,
26:54but they're not sure.
26:59I think there's one in the jacket pocket. Is there?
27:02In where, in the coat? In this... Yeah.
27:04What make is it? Do we know?
27:07We could sort of download that from the internet.
27:10Download that phone tonight, couldn't we? Yeah.
27:12It's definitely going to be something that could be of interest to us.
27:22Barry Price has spent the night in custody.
27:25There are now only seven hours left on his custody clock.
27:29Hello, it's Kempston Custody calling.
27:32I'm calling on behalf of Barry Price,
27:35who's asking, is he your son, is he?
27:40He is desperate to talk to you.
27:48Nothing, nothing. I've been arrested for two counts of rape,
27:51but I ain't even done that.
27:53I don't know what I've been accused of rape for.
27:55I haven't done it, man.
27:57It's all acquisitions, obviously, it's all lies.
27:59I haven't done anything.
28:01You know what I mean, Mum, I wouldn't do nothing like that.
28:03I've got kids of me own and I'm not a paedophile.
28:07Go on, I'll let you go, I love you.
28:10Go on, I'll chat to you soon, go on, bye, bye, bye, bye.
28:13Is there any other numbers on the internet there for me?
28:16No, I've only got...
28:17The girlfriend's number's on there somewhere.
28:19I was arrested in Luton Police Station a while ago, a few weeks ago,
28:22and it might be on the system, the girlfriend's number.
28:24That's it.
28:25They only give me one number to call to allow at the moment,
28:28so that's all they've told me.
28:33Oh, here we go.
28:35I've got some ABE notes.
28:40Overnight, the 15-year-old second victim gives her account to the police.
29:05That was one of the first things he asked?
29:07Yeah, and I was, like, 15.
29:26And you believed it?
29:35He was saying, I'll do a meet-up tomorrow,
29:37and all they say, I was just like, all right, I'll say it.
29:51OK, and tell me what he did then.
29:54It's like...
30:02I'm scared.
30:03When we got in the car, he said, that's it now, you ain't going back.
30:07So many similarities.
30:10As soon as I got in the chalet, it was a different...
30:16What, when you say chalet, what...?
30:18A mobile home.
30:20Ah, right, OK.
30:22Had you asked him to take you home?
30:25Um, I said that I wanted to go.
30:28He said, but you're with me now.
30:32You know when you feel like, you know there's, like,
30:34something bad's going to happen?
30:37I know this ain't bad, it was going to happen then,
30:40but I couldn't get out.
30:42I didn't know what anything was, because he was so isolated.
30:45I tried touching him.
30:48So I pulled him off, but he didn't, like, he didn't stop him.
30:52I tried to just, like, just put his hand...
30:56..down my neck.
30:59This is one of those embarrassing bits.
31:01So when you say, down there,
31:03what part of you was he trying to touch?
31:07My private area.
31:08Private, so...?
31:10I felt disgusted.
31:15I was just, I just wanted someone to help me,
31:18but there was no-one around to help.
31:21There was no-one to help me.
31:26Which point did you start crying?
31:28When he, um...
31:31When he, um...
31:33This is the worst bit I've ever said.
31:37Wow, OK.
31:40And then he does it again.
31:44Well, I feel so angry reading it,
31:46because these are such young girls
31:49that have had no sexual experience at all,
31:53and this is their first sexual encounter.
31:57It breaks your heart.
31:59You know?
32:06When you look back at Barry's offending history,
32:09he's offended from a young age.
32:13And a lot of the crimes are offences against people.
32:19There is a definite sense of disregard
32:23for feelings in the crimes that he commits.
32:28He has no regard for the impact of his actions.
32:37OK, all right, yeah, that's all understood.
32:40All right, then. All right, cheers.
32:42Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.
32:44We have just been given a 12-hour extension on his custody,
32:48so that will take us till about quarter past one,
32:51which is good.
32:53So I want to put it all to CPS,
32:56and I want to charge this man with those rapes, please.
33:03When the job is live, don't sleep.
33:06You're so involved in it, and you have such drive
33:09to make it work, to see justice, to get the job done,
33:13that adrenaline just keeps you going.
33:16Probably combined with the fact that he's a young boy,
33:20probably combined with lots of caffeine.
33:24The cyber team analyse the mobile phone
33:27they believe belongs to Barry Price.
33:30The victim's phones have also been examined.
33:33OK. All right, bye, bye, bye, bye.
33:37Basically, he wanted an update, and he was like,
33:39well, what was the content of the phone like?
33:41And I said, well, nothing massive,
33:43but there's lots and lots of pictures of her kind of, like,
33:47dressed up in her underwear, lots of make-up,
33:51trying to look older, a couple of little videos of her
33:53doing some twerking and stuff,
33:55which she's then obviously sending.
33:57OK. And he was just like,
33:59oh, God, I'm getting an uneasy feeling about this.
34:02This massively undermines our case.
34:05I said, well, the bottom line is, you can send all that stuff,
34:08but when push comes to shove, if you're in the bedroom with him
34:11and you say no, well, then it's still no, isn't it?
34:14Victims are scrutinised, their every text message,
34:19their background, their history, their vulnerabilities.
34:23We have to present it. That's what investigators do.
34:27We collect evidence that supports our prosecution
34:31and potentially undermines it,
34:34but victims feel that they're put on trial.
34:44So that's our suspect that's in custody.
34:46So we've got caravan site, we've put the border into cams.
34:50The two victims' ABE accounts provide me with a description
34:55of Chalet Mobile Home Lodge, whichever it is.
34:59We need to establish a caravan fit in that description.
35:07It's well hidden away, isn't it?
35:09Yeah, yeah, it certainly is.
35:12It was a weird location, to be fair.
35:22So the victim said that she passed horses.
35:26I think this might be right, because, remember,
35:29victim says Bumpy Road.
35:32Describe the actual chalet to me, then.
35:34I don't know if it's baby blue colour or white.
35:39It's not really blue. It's not baby blue.
35:41Is it? OK.
35:45Well, it's certainly baby blue, isn't it?
35:54So you walk in and there's this big pink cart.
35:59A big what? A cart. A baby... A cart, yeah.
36:02It's one of those really nice ones with the big pink stuff.
36:05Oh, I know it.
36:07Is that the bedroom in there? Oh, OK.
36:10Describe the bedding for me.
36:12The weird thing was, he had bedding,
36:14but it was like a kid's cartoon bedding.
36:16It was a kid's cartoon bedding? Yeah.
36:18You've got, like, a pink girly one. Mm-hm.
36:21And you've got a blue Buzz Lightyear one.
36:26It looked like it was children's blankets.
36:30Were there covers on the bed when you were in the bed?
36:33Yeah. Yeah.
36:35Several items of clothing, including a blood-stained T-shirt,
36:39are taken for forensic examination.
36:46And was there anything in that chalet that pointed to who it belonged to?
36:50You can tell it was a woman's chalet.
36:53It was too plain for a white toothbrush.
36:56And it said I was dead.
37:02Barry Price's wife, I think.
37:05She has moved out. Yeah.
37:09And he's obviously used this chalet as his place to bring back girls.
37:31He said consensual activity with both, didn't he? Yeah.
37:35It's a very conflicting account.
37:37He's saying that it's all malicious rumours
37:40because the girls have found out that he's married.
37:44The Serious Sexual Offences team meet to discuss the forensic evidence.
37:50Are the girls saying that they ever had consensual sex with this individual?
37:53No. And never had sex?
37:56They're both virgins. Right, OK.
37:58They were both virgins.
37:59And it's always been raped all the way through then, isn't it?
38:02Both of the girls have said that after the rapes have happened,
38:05they've both bled.
38:07Do we know anything about that property, that caravan?
38:09The whole site is owned by Barry Price Senior, so his dad.
38:14Mr Price Senior was very supportive, engaging.
38:18He allowed us, consensually, to go on to the plot.
38:22We did actually find a white T-shirt that was quite small, size-wise,
38:28and did contain some spattering of blood.
38:33I don't know where that's come from or whose it is.
38:36A forensic examination of that blood might be able to tell us
38:39the difference of whether it's menstrual blood or injury blood.
38:44We haven't got that technology yet to do that. That doesn't exist.
38:47Probably in a couple of years' time it might do, but at the moment...
38:49OK. ..no, we can't tell the difference.
38:52The problem we've got, really, is that whatever we do here,
38:55is this going to add value to your investigation? Mm-hm.
38:58I don't think it's going to at the moment. No.
39:01Bearing in mind he is saying there's been consensual sexual activity,
39:06I don't think we're going to achieve anything
39:08with any submissions at this time.
39:10No, you're not.
39:13With no forensic connection to their suspect
39:16and photos which might undermine the victim's testimony,
39:19the team focus their attention on the mobile phones.
39:22I've mentioned to CPS that I haven't physically seen these messages,
39:26but obviously you guys were sorting it out.
39:28A series of messages is found on one of the victim's phones.
39:32Oh, it's come through.
39:34There's another one she's sending through. She's still going to do the statement.
39:37It's come up with Barry Price as well, hasn't it? Yeah.
39:4015 soon, 16, what about you? I think it's WBU.
39:45Must be, yeah. What about you? Nice.
39:48What about you? She says again.
39:5117. Kiss. Thumbs up.
39:56That could be the tipping point, couldn't it?
39:58Yeah, because it's quite clearly telling him she's 15.
40:01And he says, I'm 17, but he says in an interview yesterday,
40:04she says, I'm 16, I'm 23.
40:07The fact that she tells him she's 15 makes it a rape under 16.
40:18Armed with fresh evidence, the police re-interview their suspect.
40:27I think I've got a sore throat myself.
40:30In relation to the phones, Barry,
40:32he was quite confident in yesterday's interview
40:34that we would never be able to attribute a phone to you,
40:37but we have attributed one to you.
40:41OK? We have attributed a phone to you that we seized in the car
40:44that he was arrested from.
40:47You seem to think that mobile phones are going to help you out,
40:50so obviously it's quite important that we can get information off the phone.
40:54Are you willing to give us the PIN number? No comment.
40:56OK. Would there be any reason why you don't want to give us the PIN number?
40:59No comment. OK, cos... No comment, no comment, no comment, no comment.
41:03You brought those phones up yourself,
41:05so you obviously feel they're quite important. No comment.
41:09Are you going to help us out here? No comment.
41:11Are you going to help yourself out? No comment.
41:14This girl's 15, Barry.
41:16She's been taken out of the area that she lives.
41:19She doesn't know where she is. She's scared.
41:24How does that make you feel?
41:26Or is that the sort of power you like to have over women, the young girls?
41:32How does it make you feel when she's told you to stop?
41:39I don't care what they're saying.
41:41I don't give a shit what they're thinking.
41:43I have not raped anyone.
41:46I want to be proved wrong or proved right.
41:49I want to just get it over and done with
41:51and I don't want to know any more about it.
41:54If I'm a rapist, she's proven I'm a rapist.
41:57It's their word against my word.
42:03The case is submitted to the CPS for a decision on whether to charge.
42:09I think their heart would actually weigh a stone
42:12if they don't reason out anything.
42:14Oh, no, and this is young girls.
42:19I'm not getting too excited.
42:21I might do a little dance if we do get the result.
42:23We'll be doing more than a little dance, girl.
42:25But he's definitely got a problem. These girls don't know each other.
42:28That's where his problem is.
42:30Yeah, the way that they've met and engaged over Facebook
42:33and text messages and the similar conversations that he's had,
42:37that's just too similar for it not to be...
42:44His phone.
42:46Emerald and all, can I help?
42:49It is, yes.
42:51She said yes.
43:05Throw everything at the gentleman, she's just said.
43:11OK, thank you ever so much for your help, Cathy.
43:14All right. No problems.
43:16All right. Bye.
43:18Counting up. One, two, three, four, five,
43:21six, seven, eight, nine,
43:24ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.
43:27Unlucky for some.
43:29Thirteen charges.
43:32I'm going to come down and charge as well.
43:34That's too many for you to read out.
43:36No, it's not.
43:38I think I need to be there just to read some.
43:40He just said he'd like to see you again.
43:42Did he? Yeah, he did. We'll meet again.
43:44We'll meet again.
43:46He started at the beginning and we'll start at the end.
43:50Well done, team.
43:53Right, I need it to be checked.
43:55She's most probably done that part.
43:57Yeah, well, I'll have to get rid of those.
44:00Right, any good news?
44:02Maybe not for you.
44:04But there is news.
44:06Right, listening to what this officer has to say.
44:09OK, Barry, so you do not have to say anything,
44:12but in my harmony's defence, you do not mention now
44:14something which you later rely on in court.
44:18On 7th November 2019,
44:20intentionally penetrated the vagina of a girl aged 15 with your penis
44:24when she did not consent
44:26and you did not reasonably believe that she was consenting.
44:31On 28th October 2019,
44:34intentionally penetrated the vagina of a woman with your penis
44:37when she did not consent.
44:39Criminals will prey on vulnerable victims
44:43because they're less likely to be believed.
44:45Do you wish to make a reply to any of those charges, Barry?
44:49OK, Mr Price, could I ask you to sign there,
44:52just for receipt of the charge?
44:54He was very arrogant.
44:57He thought he's almost invincible
45:00or he would not be held to account.
45:03Barry here wants a word with you.
45:05Are you all right to have a word with him?
45:07OK. Hello?
45:09Come to court Monday morning, Luton Magistrates' Court.
45:13Cos I'm looking on a nice 10 or 11 year.
45:16Go on, bye, bye.
45:23I'm super, super pleased.
45:25Super pleased.
45:27Super hard work.
45:29Having a teenage daughter myself
45:32allows me to understand the pressures
45:36that teenagers are under these days.
45:39People send texts, snaps, photos.
45:43Sometimes that can undermine victims.
45:48And we don't always get convictions because of that.
45:52But the strengths of those two young girls
45:57to come forward and talk to us
46:00is what locks Barry up and brings the case to justice.
46:18And there's all-new 24 Hours In Police Custody
46:20back at the same time next week.
46:22And of course, support information for the issues raised
46:25can be found online at channel4.com.
46:28Up next, will some anonymous messages
46:31set the catfish among the pigeons in the circle?
46:48CHANNEL 4
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