24 Hours in Police Custody S00E21 Murder On Camera Part.2 (10th January 2024)

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24 Hours in Police Custody S00E21 Murder On Camera Part.2
Original air date - (10th January 2024)
Two men were brutally murdered with the lead suspect still at large. As the police manhunt intensifies, a vital letter might hold the key to the case.
00:00Everyone's having a good night, or having a last one together, you know what I mean?
00:22I just heard it was over a girl or something like that.
00:52Two were pronounced dead at the scene, while a third was taken to hospital.
01:02I was just wondering if you've got a name for the person that done it, because there's a name that's going around.
01:08He's in there, go, go, go!
01:09Nick Patrice.
01:10Stay where you are! Stay where you are now!
01:12Nick, at the moment, mate, you're going to be placed under arrest for murder, OK?
01:18Nick, where is your vehicle now?
01:21No comment.
01:23It wasn't a well-thought-out murder. It was rage and hatred.
01:29Tell me what injuries you've got.
01:31Eight stab wounds, one in the neck, one in the lung.
01:35Jesus, that is a proper attempt, isn't it?
01:41A second suspect is identified.
01:44He is the stabber.
01:47It's crucial that we find the truth.
01:54You've got to question everything, but leave nobody.
01:58It's almost a game of chess, trying to slip up.
02:02This is your opportunity to talk to me.
02:27Bedfordshire Police are investigating the murder of Patrick Howard and Adam Fanelli
02:33and the attempted murder of Mason Jordan.
02:40I scratch my head every day and try to understand why the levels of violence
02:45for what we understand was an argument in a pub.
02:50But to then go to three people being violently assaulted, two being killed,
02:55it's just nonsensical.
03:00At the end of the day, it depended on how you look at it,
03:03the victims lost their life, but the damage caused went so far beyond
03:09physical injury and actually ruined so many more lives than just three.
03:29We gather this evening as people from all walks of life
03:35to honour and to pay tribute to the lives of those who have died.
03:43We are here because one way or another, the death of these people affects us all.
03:58We come to say this is not what Houghton Regis is known for,
04:04nor do we want it to be known for this in the future,
04:08as together we seek peace and reconciliation, justice and hope.
04:33Yes, I agree!
05:03With Nick Papworth's custody clock due to expire,
05:06police need more time to interview him further.
05:13Mr Papworth?
05:14So I'm the duty superintendent for Bedfordshire custody areas at this time,
05:18so I've been approached by the investigation team
05:20and they've requested an extension to that 24-hour period for a further 12 hours.
05:24I'm going to grant that extension.
05:34Just the right outside, so then you need to jump to the SS garage.
05:39Detectives still need to identify the man driving a silver BMW
05:43seen on CCTV stabbing all three victims.
05:47Who's that? Who's that?
05:50I can't get out!
05:53I think it's this guy.
05:55Officers suspect the stabber might be the man seen at the Crown pub
06:00wearing a puffer jacket and playing pool with Nick Papworth.
06:07Yeah, there's a clip in there.
06:09Let me just have a quick look at who's about at that time.
06:23This is dashcam of a police officer's car.
06:28Dashcam footage?
06:29Yeah, there you go. It's so quick, but it's there.
06:34Police dashcam footage from officers responding to the incident
06:38picks up the number plate of a silver BMW as it flees the scene.
06:42I've created a still from it and basically it's the officers going to the scene.
06:46The registered owner is Anthony Bennison,
06:52a known associate of Nick Papworth.
06:55His vehicle is identified, indexed, seen as one of the vehicles
07:00that disappears at speed from the scene.
07:06So having multiple suspects does complicate matters.
07:10Who's played a part? Who's actually used the knife or used the vehicle?
07:15Records show no fixed address for Anthony Bennison.
07:20So a special intelligence team is brought in to launch a manhunt.
07:35From the CCTV, etc, he is the stabber of all three victims.
07:40We think that's Bennison.
07:42He's got the weapon and he stabs him eight times.
07:46He's got, like, grey joggers on.
07:48So he is our main subject.
07:51That's who we're after. We arrested him last year.
07:54So I would imagine he would look quite similar.
07:56Possibly longer or shorter hair or no beard,
07:58but just so you know what he looks like.
08:00Hello, mate, you all right?
08:02That's him.
08:03Oh, wow. That's clear as day.
08:05So the relationship between the investigation team
08:08and the intelligence cell is absolutely crucial.
08:11It's very important that they work separately,
08:13and we call it a sterile corridor.
08:16They will be looking at tactics and lines of inquiry,
08:19which we need to keep covert.
08:23Bear with me two seconds.
08:28A possible sighting of Bennison in the passenger seat of a car
08:32is picked up on the outskirts of Luton.
08:37So that was 0019 hours, so literally minutes.
08:59We are now into the McDonald's car park.
09:03Oh, perfect location.
09:06I'm going to go front, so I'm going to go rear, please.
09:10Vehicle is stopped, stopped, stopped, stopped.
09:14Both average.
09:25No, it's not them.
09:28So we've just done a pre-emptive stop, and it's not them.
09:45With an extension to his time in custody now granted,
09:48Nick Padworth, as a sole parent of a teenager,
09:51is asked to discuss their care.
09:55You have to give verbal consent for her to be placed in foster care.
10:02Can I get her back? I want her back.
10:05Listen, you're in here, you can't look after her, yeah?
10:08And there is nobody else in the family who can offer her what she needs.
10:12This is a really good placement for her.
10:14Look, I know it's tough, mate.
10:17Tough decisions, OK, is part of parenting, yeah?
10:20And ultimately, you've got to do what you think is best for her.
10:23It is a shit position to be in, cos you want to be in control,
10:26and at the minute, you're not.
10:28But ultimately, you are in control,
10:30because you're the one that's giving that consent.
10:42I'll pass you over, OK?
10:48You all right?
10:50I'm all right, I'm all right.
10:52How was school?
10:57It was all right.
10:59Are you going into a foster care home, ain't you?
11:04Are you OK with that?
11:09It is the best option for now.
11:17I love you so much.
11:24I'll see you soon, OK?
11:27I love you.
11:38So, um...
11:43Well done.
11:45It's going to be tough.
11:46It's a tough road ahead, regardless of what happens, yeah?
11:49It's a massive life-changing event, right?
11:51Just you even being here, yeah?
11:53OK, so I've got some questions,
11:55similar to what you were asked when you were brought in, yeah?
11:59Any thoughts of harming yourself?
12:09Do you know, it's a shame, it's a shame, actually,
12:12because I accept what he's done,
12:14like, as in, you know, what the allegation is.
12:18And, you know, potentially what the evidence shows.
12:22But it just looks, like, it appears like it's a moment of madness.
12:26Like an extended moment of madness.
12:29But like a switch that's just gone,
12:31because he actually seems like a nice guy,
12:34which is hard to, you know, it's hard to say that
12:37in the circumstances, given the fact that, you know,
12:39two people have lost their life.
12:56Detectives prepare for further interviews with Nick Papworth,
13:00suspected of double murder and attempted murder.
13:05Yeah, I think we go to the witness statements now.
13:08He's letting him answer the evidence,
13:11because the evidence is you've had this incident,
13:13and now we know you've had this incident.
13:15But the evidence is now you've had this incident,
13:17which is a precursor to murders,
13:19and, in fact, we know that because of these witnesses.
13:23It's just building that pressure on him a little bit.
13:25Yeah, OK.
13:26Rather than going, there's everything,
13:28these people died because of you in this pub.
13:36The CCTV doesn't do what happened justice.
13:39Getting the witness accounts makes it real.
13:41What members of the public saw when they first got there,
13:44none of us will ever be able to appreciate
13:47what that would have been like.
13:49By reading that out to them,
13:51it just paints a bit more of a picture
13:53of how much destruction they've caused.
13:56Nick, you're probably getting bored of this question,
13:59but is there any change in your health or fitness
14:01to do this interview?
14:04You're all ready to go?
14:06The first statement that I wanted to talk to you about
14:08is a statement from Mason Jordan.
14:13Mason remembers the vehicle driving up and down on the road
14:16trying to run people over,
14:18at which point he has an altercation with a white male.
14:21He remembers lots of things,
14:24He remembers lots of people shouting,
14:26and then he realises that although he thought
14:29he'd been punched a few times,
14:31he realised that he'd received more than just punches,
14:33he'd been stabbed.
14:53And Pat's probably travelled four houses,
14:55four level houses down the road.
14:57He's being dragged under the car now, yeah?
15:20Mason goes on to explain that Finelli
15:24was not with the original group that were at the pub,
15:27and that actually he was a man who came out of his home address
15:30when he heard the noise and ended up losing his life
15:32as a result of it.
15:36Mason goes on to say he couldn't give an explanation
15:39as to why this happened,
15:41and believes it was a completely unprovoked attack.
15:46Is there anything that you want to say in response to any of that, Nick?
15:57The next statement that I'm going to go into,
16:01she was driving down Tye Farm Road,
16:03she said she pulled up immediately,
16:05she saw two people in the road.
16:07It was at that point that she found Mason Jordan
16:10lying on the floor screaming that Pat was dead,
16:13and she called the police.
16:15It was so cold out there that night.
16:18I was down on the floor with the boys, it was cold.
16:21It was so cold, and his body laid there for ages.
16:28She describes,
16:29I put my fingers on Pat's neck, I noticed his whole groin was cut open
16:33and he had multiple stab wounds.
16:35He was laying on his front looking up the hill,
16:38like his back had been snapped.
16:40He was disfigured, like he could not lie that way normally.
16:44I thought I felt a pulse when I put my fingers on Pat's neck,
16:48but I can't be sure.
16:49It might have been because my hands were shaking.
16:53The officers are trying to shield us, but I've seen what I've seen.
16:57It don't matter if I've seen more, I've seen it all now,
17:00nothing more you could show me.
17:02It's going to make what my eyes have seen go away.
17:05Whoever did it meant harm.
17:08They meant to kill him.
17:15Nick, any responses to anything that I've just read out to you?
17:20It's quite shocking, to be honest.
17:22I've been watching you whilst Jake has read those statements out,
17:28and there doesn't seem to be any kind of emotion coming from you, Nick.
17:34None at all.
17:38No comment.
17:40I'm sitting here listening to this, and it's graphic.
17:44I'm sitting here listening to this, and it's graphic.
17:48There's no two ways about it, it's graphic,
17:51but there's not any kind of emotion from you.
17:55You don't know me.
17:57You don't know how I'm feeling.
17:59It's hard to see.
18:00I've closed up my whole life of feelings.
18:02Don't say that you can't see emotions from me.
18:04This is your opportunity, Nick.
18:08Talk to us.
18:09I want to speak to my solicitor.
18:22You're right to call him out.
18:24You reckon?
18:26Whenever we've mentioned his daughter, he's reacted.
18:28Whenever we mentioned the punch in the puppy, he reacted.
18:31When we mentioned live, people's lives,
18:33dying in the middle of the road in the freezing cold,
18:36having been run over and disfigured,
18:38he's sat there like we're talking about the fucking weather.
18:54I'm not sure we've got enough at the moment.
18:56What have we got?
18:57We've got the violence before in the public house,
19:00then we've got the CCTV.
19:03We've got the vehicle that's burnt out.
19:07Yeah, I think threshold-wise, we are there.
19:10Just the CCTV concerns me.
19:12Can we say it's him going over the body?
19:14We've just got the vehicle burnt out afterwards.
19:17Why are you going to burn your vehicle out?
19:19And we will say, as the police, won't we,
19:21that he was burnt out because blood and everything goes over it.
19:24Why would he have done it if there was nothing on there?
19:37If there's something that you want to say to us...
19:42No comment.
19:48Nick, I'm going to move on to Tython Road, all right?
19:52Now, the footage is graphic, OK?
19:56If at any point you feel that you need it to be paused,
20:00we can do that, all right?
20:02I think that when the adrenaline is high
20:05and you've, for whatever reason,
20:08made the decision that you're going to kill someone,
20:10it's very different from when the blood pressure's dropped
20:13and you're sat in an interview room talking for hours
20:16and that footage is played back to you and there's no escape.
20:19You can't run out of the room and pretend it's not there.
20:22You've got to sit and watch it and face what you've done.
20:29Who's that? Who's that?
20:31I can't hear you!
20:55All right.
20:57I'm going to replay part of the footage.
21:00Can I get a minute? Yeah.
21:02Would you like me to replay this part first?
21:04You want a minute first? OK.
21:19That got him.
21:25Where is it at the moment?
21:29Go with it. Yeah.
21:33Fresh intelligence is received
21:36regarding where the suspected stabber, Anthony Bennison, may be hiding.
21:40He is wanted for the murders of Patrick Howard and Adam Finelli
21:45and the attempted murder of Mason Jordan.
21:47He has been staying in local B&Bs.
21:50We know that he is moving probably between two areas.
21:56Yeah, go with it, definitely.
22:17Police, there's a dog.
22:19Hello, is the police here?
22:21Have you got an Anthony here at all?
22:23Anthony? I don't know anyone by that name.
22:25OK, is it a B&B? Yes.
22:27Is it a B&B? Is there after he's come in, please? OK.
22:29Yeah. Thank you.
22:33Hi, it's a plate. I'm just looking for someone called Anthony.
22:37He was a very angry, slumped horse. Yeah.
22:39I put the music very loud and then she'd go off.
22:43He was in Bethnal.
22:45About an hour ago and then he's left. He's left.
23:00I'm going to restart the interview. Ready?
23:06You've seen the footage, Nick?
23:10Particularly one part where Pat's getting run over at speed.
23:17I don't know if when you made those calls, this is what you wanted.
23:22I don't know that.
23:25Certainly how it looks to us from the evidence that we have...
23:29..is that your actions have led to two people being slaughtered
23:34and another seriously injured.
23:36You pursued, planned, outnumbered and took the lives of two people
23:42and ruined the lives of many more because you could not walk away.
23:48Have you got anything that you want to say
23:50before I turn this interview off?
23:58No comment.
24:03The time now is 18.25.
24:06I'm turning off the interview.
24:20The second he went out, remorse dropped off his face.
24:23Dropped off?
24:25Walked out of the room.
24:27A little smoke. Back to normal.
24:30Damn it.
24:32You can't relate to someone who does something like murder
24:38because it's not...
24:42..it's not human.
24:55I haven't looked in the boot.
24:57There's a bag and it's got sort of, like, clothing in it.
25:00The silver BMW, which Anthony Benison was driving
25:03on the night of the murders, has been recovered by police.
25:07The scientists have found some blood on the driver's door release.
25:12There's more blood on the front passenger area
25:15and, again, have found blood around the door handle,
25:19door release and sort of armrest.
25:22Interestingly, it's got the rear of the roof caved in,
25:25which I wasn't expecting to see.
25:27On Ty Farm Road, looking at the footage,
25:29they don't appear to be attacking the BMW,
25:32but we don't see what's happening further up the road.
25:36So that commotion could have started a lot earlier.
25:43The special investigations team continue their manhunt.
25:47As time goes on, pressure goes up, we're losing evidence,
25:51we're coming under scrutiny,
25:53and rightly so from the victim's family of,
25:55why is this person outstanding,
25:57why haven't you got him in custody yet?
26:01An alert is picked up from Benison's phone,
26:04ordering takeaway to an address on the other side of Luton.
26:08There is activity at the address.
26:10We'll be going with it for full-on enforcement.
26:14What flat are they moving in?
26:16Very top floor flat.
26:17I don't think there's any one up there.
26:19Movement in 11.
26:20Movement in 11.
26:23To the first floor, to the stairs.
26:25I'll keep cover on this door, yeah.
26:27Oh, police!
26:29Anybody in this building?
26:31Come to the door now!
26:35I just want to say thank you.
26:42I just want to tell you already,
26:44what we've done.
26:45There's flat threes there.
26:48You two push forward then.
26:53Or anyone else inside flat three!
26:56It's the armed police!
26:58Come and open the door slowly with nothing in your hands!
27:05We know you're here, mate, we're not going to go away!
27:12Anthony, you're going to give us no option, mate.
27:15We're going to have to force entry to this flat.
27:18All right, cheers, bud.
27:20You need to talk to us.
27:22Armed officers are outside the door of suspected murderer,
27:25Anthony Bennison.
27:27You need to do as we say, mate, because we've got a dog here,
27:30and the dog will be getting sent in.
27:32Just do exactly as I say.
27:33Show me your hands, both hands.
27:35Slowly walk towards me.
27:38Turn to your right and face that wall.
27:40Other way, to your left.
27:41Turn around, fella.
27:42We're not going to hurt you, mate.
27:44Put your hands against that wall.
27:46Stay exactly as you are, do you understand me?
27:50What's your name?
27:51Anthony Bennison.
27:52Yeah, Anthony Bennison.
27:54All right, cheers, mate.
27:55Let's get him out of the way.
28:06You all right, mate?
28:07You seem a bit like...
28:08..a bit shaken up.
28:09Do you need any medication or anything?
28:18All right.
28:19We'll go to the building and stay in a bit.
28:39Stand there for a spell.
28:43Are you OK?
28:45What offence?
28:46Murder times two and attempt murder times one.
28:50What's your first name?
28:56Your name was natural.
28:58You've done them yourself.
28:59I did them myself.
29:01Equal it.
29:03It's always fun, isn't it?
29:06Any other items?
29:08Jacket is...
29:09Jacket's got cords in as well.
29:11It's got cords.
29:13Yeah, do you want me to grab you, like,
29:15and see if we've got a jumper for you?
29:18Yeah, no worries.
29:26Heading out on that drive to Tye Farm Road,
29:29armed with a knife, once you've...
29:33..crossed that threshold, your moral compass is gone.
29:36You're carrying that knife for only one reason,
29:38and that is to use it.
29:44Did you murder Patrick Howard?
29:48Did you murder Adam Fanelli?
29:52Did you attempt to murder Mason Jordan?
30:03Are you familiar with the Crown Public House in Halton Regis?
30:07Were you there on Saturday 12th November?
30:11Who were you with?
30:13How long were you there for?
30:23OK, the location of your arrest,
30:25we have got officers searching that premises, Anthony.
30:29Are we going to find anything connecting you to this offence?
30:49Lead the way, Sergeant. Lead the way.
30:52How you doing, mate?
30:54We've got one, two, three, four rooms, basically.
30:58So we'll just divvy up accordingly.
31:00Have you got gloves? Yeah.
31:21Oh, it's going to be one of these BB guns, isn't it?
31:29Oh, that's a...
31:31Yeah, there's a bag.
31:33Yeah, that is full.
31:48I'm going to show you some CCTV.
32:27Who is that?
32:29It's Patrick Howard. He gets run over.
32:31Did you know that that bit happened?
32:36Tell us, Anthony.
32:41Did you go to Ty Farm Road armed with anything?
32:45Did you have a knife?
32:48I suggest that you're the man that stabbed all three persons,
32:51is that correct?
32:52No-one deserves that, surely, right?
32:58What happened?
33:03Tell us.
33:12If something as serious has taken somebody's life,
33:14it never makes sense why that person would kill someone.
33:18He could have been drunk.
33:21He could have been trying to impress people.
33:25Maybe Papworth was embarrassed after the fight
33:28and Bennison saw it as an opportunity to defend his friend.
33:34What loyalty he felt to Papworth, I'll never know,
33:37that justified, in his head, him doing what he did.
33:48Yeah, we'll definitely have that away.
33:53Hello, mate.
33:54He's written what looks like the start of a letter to his grandparents
33:58that is as good as a cough.
34:00So give us two minutes, I'll get that across to you.
34:04I'm going to put the murder to one side, Anthony.
34:07I'm now going to talk to you about the search that we conducted
34:10at the location of where you were arrested from.
34:14Officers have found a letter that's written to Nan and Grandad.
34:18Is that a letter that you've written?
34:21Is that a letter that you've written?
34:24Is that a letter that you've written?
34:27Is that a letter that you've written?
34:30Is that a letter that you've written?
34:33It's a handwritten letter. It looks unfinished to me.
34:36I'm just going to read it out.
34:38Nan and Grandad, I don't even know how to start this,
34:41I wish I could come give you a hug right now.
34:43I never thought my life would turn into this
34:45and I don't know how you're going to feel up towards me
34:48when you hear what I've done.
34:49But I just want to thank you for everything you guys have done for me.
34:52For my whole life, you practically brought me up.
34:54Grandad, I've always looked to you as my father figure
34:57I'm a father figure, and I'm sorry for everything that's happened.
35:03I'm probably never going to see you guys again,
35:05and I don't even know how to put everything into this,
35:08but I just wanted you guys to know I'm sorry and I'm grateful
35:11for everything you guys have done for me.
35:14What's that letter in relation to?
35:19Are you sorry for what's happened?
35:22Is there anything you'd like to say about that letter?
35:37Just a pause, yeah? No worries.
35:41Yeah, that's fine.
35:52Let's check if that's free.
35:55Yeah, it appears to be free.
36:12What was this fight over? What the hell?
36:14Even then, even now, I'm like, this is horrendous.
36:17Had no reaction to that footage.
36:19No, but he wanted to know who the man was that's run over.
36:23While waiting for Antony Bennison to return to interview,
36:27detectives put their case to the Crown Prosecution Service.
36:31I think this was two groups of alpha males, you know,
36:36and they felt slight by whatever's happened,
36:39and then it just escalated.
36:41You know, young men with too much testosterone,
36:44drinking too much and one-upmanship.
36:46You know, if you punch me, I'll, you know, get my car,
36:49and, you know, that sort of pack mentality, unfortunately.
37:02He's so jittery, isn't he?
37:04He's really upset, isn't he? It's shaky, yeah.
37:08I think he wants to talk.
37:10Do you? Yeah, I think he does.
37:13It's really sad, isn't it? His whole life is over.
37:17Are you ready? Are you OK?
37:23Antony's asked me to do a prepared statement,
37:25which I'm going to read out now.
37:27I can confirm I attended the Crown Public Library in Regis
37:30at approximately 19.30 hours.
37:33I went inside the pub and had a few drinks, Jack Daniels.
37:40Around midnight, I went out and had a cigarette,
37:43returned inside the pub,
37:45and I was told a mixed-race guy had just started a fight,
37:48another male.
37:50I saw the same mixed-race male throw a glass into a male's face.
37:54He was in the middle of the night,
37:56and I thought, oh, my God, what's going on?
37:59He threw a glass into a male's face.
38:02He was only a couple of feet away.
38:04I then decided to go for a drive.
38:06I was upset at what I had seen.
38:18I started driving along. I saw three males.
38:21I think they were from the same group.
38:23In seconds, they surrounded the car and started smashing my car up.
38:27This happened so quick. Every window got put in.
38:30I was really frightened and scared for my life.
38:32I was thinking, but the damage was getting worse.
38:35I had to get out of this situation quick, or I'd be seriously hurt.
38:39I managed to drive past them,
38:41and because the car was damaged, I drove into the Crown Pub car park.
38:45I got out and looked at my car.
38:47I decided to get back in my car and drive to see if I could find them,
38:51to ask why you took it upon yourselves to smash my car up for no reason.
38:56I saw a large group in Tithe Farm Road.
38:58I saw the same mixed-race male involved in the initial incidents coming towards me.
39:03I got out of my car and chased the mixed-race male.
39:06I went to swing for him with a punch.
39:08I then fell over.
39:10As I fell, I noticed one of them had dropped a knife.
39:13I then remember getting punched in the face whilst getting up with something.
39:17I had to scuffle with someone who was part of that group.
39:20I was surrounded by the group.
39:22I was very scared, and it was a case of self-preservation.
39:25Honestly, I believe I was going to get seriously hurt or killed.
39:33So you were angry.
39:35Saw red.
39:37I just want to understand, if you were in that much fear for your life,
39:41why would you go chasing after these people?
39:46I don't even remember half of this stuff.
39:50It literally happened, fucking...
39:52It didn't.
39:54It felt like seconds.
39:56Yeah, I bet it did. Like, really quickly. Yeah, I get that.
40:01When you fell and you noticed one of them had a knife,
40:04what happened to that knife?
40:08Is it something that's just got completely out of hand, Anthony?
40:12You know, you've approached this group.
40:14It sounds like then you picked up the knife up and started stabbing these men.
40:18Is that correct?
40:20Is that how you're defending yourself?
40:25Adam and Patrick and Mason are running away from you?
40:29Why don't you just get back in your car and go?
40:31Why did you even get out of your car?
40:34Or run away, or...?
40:39I know, I know.
40:44Are you sorry for what's happened?
40:51Is there anything else you wish to say, Anthony?
40:53All right. Switching off the recording.
41:04The mindset of killing and taking lives, I think, started with Benison
41:09and I think, if anything, Papworth then followed his lead.
41:14He was not involved in the pub fight and why he decided to stab them...
41:21..no idea.
41:25Perhaps for street cred, perhaps to seem tough,
41:29or just because he had a bloodlust, he decided he wanted to kill people.
41:35Well, it's great. We were suspicious it was him.
41:39We were 90% sure it was him and he's put himself there.
41:43It hasn't included the fact that he was a stabber.
41:46Yeah, and the CCTV does not show him surrounded,
41:48it shows him sneaking up and stabbing.
41:51And by saying he's found the knife there, he's not taken it to the scene,
41:54so there's that mandatory 25 years,
41:56doesn't know if you'd take a weapon to the scene that you'd later use.
42:00But, you know, a rush above the head, stabbing someone...
42:04Three people? Three people, yeah.
42:07He'd been a mothafucka.
42:14As police wait for news from the CPS,
42:17an associate of Antony Benison brings in a bag of clothes
42:20for custody officers to give to him.
42:23If you want to sit tight for two minutes,
42:25my colleague's got a certificate for you,
42:27if you want to sit tight for two minutes,
42:29my colleague's got a search through it.
42:31Make sure, obviously, there's nothing contraband going in,
42:33just kind of all procedures and all the rest of it.
42:35It's up to you, you can either shoot off or you can sit tight for five minutes
42:37and I can give you that.
42:39What they'll do, they'll give you, like, a list of what it is.
42:41We'll go from there. All right, cool. All right, no worries.
42:54Yep. Whose shoe is that?
42:56Mate, you put him searching the back.
42:59That's exactly why we search him.
43:02Fuck's sake.
43:04We ain't going to accept any of his property
43:06because he's put a knife hidden in his shoe,
43:08so we won't accept anything in the shoe.
43:16Hi, mate. You all right?
43:18We found a knife secreted in the shoe that you put in that pack,
43:22so the time's 11 minutes past 11.
43:24You're under arrest for suspicion of possession of a blade article.
43:32The Crown Prosecution Service has made their charging decisions
43:36for Nick Papworth and Anthony Bennison.
43:41I'll skip out all the blurb and I'll give you it in simple terms, yeah?
43:45So, two counts of murder, OK?
43:48One count of attempt murder.
43:50Three counts of conspiracy to commit GBH,
43:55perverting the course of justice.
43:58And three counts of conspiracy to commit murder.
44:01Have you got any other reply to make?
44:04I'm not guilty.
44:10Do you want to pop up to the desk there for us?
44:12Hi there, Anthony.
44:13The CPS have authorised 11 charges against you.
44:16The first offence is an offence of murder.
44:20The second offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:23The third offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:26The fourth offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:29The fifth offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:32The sixth offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:35The seventh offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:38The eighth offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:41The ninth offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:44The tenth offence is an offence of conspiracy to commit GBH.
44:48So now, as the custody sergeant, my decision needs to be around bail or...
44:53Bail me. ..or remanding, OK?
44:55I think you should bail me to Madura.
44:57OK. Nick, if I could, I would, OK?
45:02However, the offence that you've been charged with takes away that right.
45:18You do sometimes question humanity, you do look at yourself
45:22and look at what you're dealing with and think,
45:24what world am I bringing my children up into?
45:37It's tragic that lives have been lost over what is essentially
45:40the last few decades of human history.
45:44It's tragic that lives have been lost over what is essentially
45:47a bar fight gone horribly wrong.
45:52But the satisfaction of getting that conviction,
45:56the relief that you get,
45:59you'll never bring back their loved one,
46:02but at least you've got them some justice
46:04and proved that their loved one's lives did matter.
46:07That's what keeps me going, the satisfaction of being able to do that.
46:13I'm keeping my daddy.
46:15You're keeping him?
46:43The trail might be cold, but the truth can still surface.
46:47Part of our true crime collection, Cold Case Files,
46:50is streaming now on Channel 4.
46:52Here next is First Dates.
