Sen Anlat Karadeniz - Episode 8 (English Subtitles) YOU TELL BLACK SEA

  • 3 months ago
Sen Anlat Karadeniz - Episode 8 (English Subtitles) YOU TELL BLACK SEA
00:00:00Thanks for watching.
00:00:30This is a Turkish folk song.
00:00:35This is a Turkish folk song.
00:00:40This is a Turkish folk song.
00:00:45This is a Turkish folk song.
00:00:50This is a Turkish folk song.
00:00:55This is a Turkish folk song.
00:01:00This is a Turkish folk song.
00:01:05This is a Turkish folk song.
00:01:10This is a Turkish folk song.
00:01:15This is a Turkish folk song.
00:01:20This is a Turkish folk song.
00:04:00Hayır, yavaş. Başım dönüyor.
00:04:02Döndüreceğim ben seni o başına.
00:04:04Ben sadece Mercan'dan...
00:04:06Nefes! Bir sus da...
00:04:08Sonra soracağım ben sana.
00:04:10Sen kime neyi sorarsın?
00:04:14Zaten canım burnumda... seninle uğraşmayayım.
00:04:50Kız bu niye sağa dellendi?
00:04:52Mercan kendini kesmiş.
00:04:54Senin ne suçun var?
00:04:56Senin ne suçun var?
00:05:12Kendimi kaybettim.
00:05:14Hasta yatağında Mercan'a bağırdım.
00:05:26Nazar da benim yüzümden Tahir'i vurmaya kalktı.
00:05:40Attırmayın camdan o telefonları bana.
00:05:44Dıt dıt dıt. Yetti de.
00:06:26Ula ne oldu bir anlatsana şunu.
00:06:28Asiye abla sonra...
00:06:30Gel sen benimle yürü.
00:06:36Höst esas sen yürü.
00:06:38Başka yere kudur.
00:06:40Ödükler başka kapıya haydi.
00:06:42Yenge başlatma kapına gir içeri.
00:06:44Başka bir emrin var mı paşam?
00:06:46Güya dedi bir şey.
00:06:48Ula ben seni bu kuzuyla tek bırakır mıyım dangoz?
00:06:50He kuzu he. Hiç kuzu görmesek.
00:06:52Asiye abla.
00:07:00Kızım sen ne yaptın?
00:07:04Ben çok özür dilerim.
00:07:06Niye atladın merminin önüne?
00:07:08Sen o yüzden mi kızdın?
00:07:10Ben de sandım ki.
00:07:12Ne sandın?
00:07:14Mercan'a dediklerim için kızdın sandım.
00:07:16Ula niye kızayım ona? Yanlış bir şey mi dedin?
00:07:20Allah'ın verdiği cana bunu nasıl yaparsın dedin.
00:07:22Sonra tuttun kendin aynısını yaptın.
00:07:24Bana atılan merminin önüne atladın.
00:07:26Ne alakası var ya aynı şey mi?
00:07:28Ula kafayı yiyeceğim.
00:07:30Netice aynı mı? Aynı.
00:07:32Ya Murat yetişemeseydi?
00:07:34Ya o mermi sana gelseydi?
00:07:36Sen kendini bana niye süper ediyorsun?
00:07:38Çünkü sen vurulacaktın.
00:07:40Vurulurum vurulmam sana ne?
00:07:42Niye kahramanlık yapıyorsun?
00:07:44He aramızdaki tek kahraman sensin değil mi?
00:07:46Laf sokma bana.
00:07:48Sen de bağırma bana.
00:07:50Şimdi merminin önüne atlama.
00:07:52Ne oldu deli Tahir? Korktun mu?
00:07:54O yüzden mi bas bas bağırıyorsun bana?
00:07:56Geberdim öldüm oldu mu?
00:08:02Osman hocam.
00:08:04Siz orada mıydınız?
00:08:08Hepsini mi?
00:08:14Duymuş merminin önüne atladığını.
00:08:16Gel bakayım şöyle.
00:09:12Geç otur bakayım şöyle.
00:09:22Nedir bu mermi anlat bakayım.
00:09:26Mercan onu kaçırmadım diye bileklerini kesti.
00:09:30Nazar kızdı bana ateş etti.
00:09:32Nefes tuttu merminin önüne atladı.
00:09:34Ben de ona patladım.
00:09:36Mercan iyi mi?
00:09:40La sağ kalır mı bilmem.
00:09:42Tekrar denerse.
00:09:44Ben bir ziyaret edeyim onunla da bir konuşayım.
00:09:46Konuş hocam konuş.
00:09:48Bir de git şu evdeki deliyle konuş.
00:09:52Hadi Mercan da akıl yok.
00:09:54Merminin önüne atlamak nedir?
00:09:56Tamam onunla da konuşurum.
00:09:58Sen konuşsan daha iyi edersin.
00:10:00İnsanlar konuşur af kurmaz.
00:10:02Af kurdum ama.
00:10:04Korkudan ödü patladı onu biliyoruz.
00:10:08Lakin sen bu kızın rızasını alacaktın.
00:10:12Böyle mi hem nefes olacaktın kıza?
00:10:14Bana söz verdin.
00:10:16Bunu ne yapacağız?
00:10:18Sen de bana başkalarını boş ver dedin.
00:10:20Ben sana anlamazlar dedim.
00:10:22Sen ne dedin?
00:10:24Sen anla yeter dedin.
00:10:26Arkadaşı ol kızın dedin.
00:10:28Allah nefsimi hem nefesimi bilir.
00:10:30Kulları bilmese de olur dedin.
00:10:32Ama o dediğin kullar bugün nefesin canına kastettiler hocam.
00:10:34Onu ne yapacağız?
00:10:38Ne yaptılar?
00:10:40Dağ devirenler bugün hastanede kızı linç etmeye kalktılar.
00:10:46Hepimizin günahı vardı.
00:10:48Bir tek onun yoktu.
00:10:50Ama infaz edilen nefes oldu.
00:10:54Cehaletin ilmi en günahsızın boynuna geçer biliyor musun?
00:11:00Niye ya niye?
00:11:02O kız mazlum hocam mazlum.
00:11:06Vedat'ın zindanından kaçtı.
00:11:08Kendi zindanımıza koyduk kızı.
00:11:10Niye niye?
00:11:12De bana uşağım.
00:11:14Mazluma elini uzatmayan kendini nasıl aklayacak?
00:11:20Ona sen masum değilsin diyecek.
00:11:22Aynen öyle.
00:11:28Bahaneleri de benim.
00:11:32Anam bile nefesin benim peşimde olduğunu sanıyor.
00:11:38Bilmiyorlar ki bırakmayan tahir.
00:11:40Zanla hükmedecekler oğlum.
00:11:44Ama sen Allah'ın hükmüne bakacaksın.
00:11:46Lakin Allah'ın benim ne büyük derdim var demeyeceksin.
00:11:52Dönüp derdine benim ne büyük Allah'ım var diyeceksin.
00:11:58İnşallah derim.
00:12:02Dersin oğlum.
00:12:04Demeyecek olsan Allah o mazluma senin elini uzatmaz.
00:12:12Eyvallah hocam.
00:12:20Nefese bakan aslan denize bakmaya he uşağım.
00:13:14Nefesim haramdır yangınım sönmez.
00:13:16Anlat kara deniz nefesim yetmez.
00:13:44Sen anlat kara deniz.
00:14:14Yardım edeyim ben size.
00:14:44Hadi geçin.
00:14:54Çıkarmayın ayakkabıları buyurun.
00:14:56Sağ olun.
00:14:58Buyurun Cemil Bey.
00:15:06Buyurun bakalım.
00:15:08Hiç buyurmayalım rahatsızlık vermeyelim Cemil Bey.
00:15:10Olur mu öyle şey?
00:15:12Ben bir çay koyayım ocağın üstüne.
00:15:14Yok hiç zahmet etmeyin.
00:15:16Çok yoruldunuz zaten biz gidelim.
00:15:18Siz de adama kalın dinlenin tamam mı?
00:15:20E o kadar yol geldiniz.
00:15:22Çok dağılmıştınız aklımız sizde kalacaktı.
00:15:24Sağ salim vardınız.
00:15:26Biz müsaadenizle gidelim.
00:15:28Biz daha sonra uğrarız tekrar.
00:15:30Olur mu öyle şey Vedat Bey?
00:15:32Olur Cemil Bey artık yabancı değiliz.
00:15:34Meryem'ciğim güzelim sen de dikkat et kendine tamam mı?
00:15:36Çok büyük geçmiş olsun Meryem Hanım.
00:15:38Sağ olun.
00:15:41Herhangi bir şeye ihtiyacınız olursa...
00:15:43...lütfen hiç çekinmeden arayın.
00:15:45Sağ olun.
00:15:47Buyurun bakalım haydi o zaman.
00:15:49Güle güle tekrar.
00:15:56Bu mülayim adam mı o karıyı döveymiş?
00:15:59Kim bilir o dayağı hak edecek neler yapmıştır o Yosma?
00:16:11Cemil Bey...
00:16:13...şimdi sırası mı bilmiyorum ama...
00:16:15...belki de tam sırasıdır.
00:16:17Parayı isterim mi diyorsun?
00:16:21...Kaleliler sizin ailenize de el uzattı...
00:16:25...benim aleme de.
00:16:27Bu eli beraberce kırmasak mı?
00:16:31Kırmak belki sana yetebilir.
00:16:37...kırmak belki sana yetebilir...
00:16:40...ama ben boyunlarını kırmadan rahatlayamam Vedat Bey.
00:16:46Ne demişler...
00:16:48...anın eli tutulmaz.
00:16:50Siz yol gösterin... yürüyelim...
00:16:54...Cemil Bey.
00:16:56İyi akşamlar.
00:16:58Hadi iyi akşamlar.
00:17:00İyi akşamlar.
00:17:07Anne sen bir şekerli çay yap ablama ben de battaniye getireyim.
00:17:15Bir hoş geldin yok mu Mariko?
00:17:17Ne yapıyorsun burada babam evde.
00:17:21...sadece baban değil Vedat da evde.
00:17:23Hayırdır yeni dostunuz mu?
00:17:25He dostumuz...
00:17:27...ablamın canına kıyan eskilerden bir hayır gelmeyince yenisini bulduk.
00:17:30Hadi şimdi defol git evimden.
00:17:34...önce bana ağabeyime sıktığımı merminin hesabını vereceksin.
00:17:37He vereyim...
00:17:39...kısastır hesabım.
00:17:41Ağabeyinde aynı ablam gibi ecelin gözüne baksın diye sıktım o kurşunu.
00:17:46Ecelin gözüne bakan sen olma da.
00:17:48Bu kısımda korkmam mı gerekiyor Yangaz Efendi?
00:17:51Kork bence...
00:17:53...sana kıyamam sanma...
00:17:57Bundan sonra ağabeyimden de nefesten de uzak dur.
00:18:00O zaman sen de benden uzak dur.
00:18:02Uzak dur.
00:18:04O zaman sen de benden uzak dur Murat Kaleli.
00:18:06Bir daha da buraya gelme haydi uğurlar olsun.
00:18:09Öyle olsun...
00:18:11...beni de bir daha buraya getirtme...
00:18:17Lan seni öz düşmanı!
00:18:20Gel buraya!
00:18:21Lan namussuz şerefsiz seni!
00:18:24Bekle buraya lan! Bekle lan!
00:18:40Cemil ne oldu?
00:18:41Baba hayırdır?
00:18:50Gir içeri!
00:18:51Senden sonra konuş o zaman!
00:19:14Yengem ben balımı alıp geleyim sen burada bekle.
00:19:16Yenge etme daha...
00:19:18...süründürdün ağabeyimi işte tamam...
00:19:20...yat artık evinde.
00:19:21Sana kalmadı Yangaz.
00:19:22Ne bana kalmadı?
00:19:23İyi ki bir eşyanı kaçırdık ha...
00:19:25...amma kıskandın.
00:19:28...onu kıskandım...
00:19:30...ondan bozuştum ağabeyinizle.
00:19:33Kimmiş o karı da kıskanacakmışım...
00:19:35...yoluk kafalı sritik kurbağa...
00:19:37...teşekkür ederim...
00:19:38...teşekkür ederim.
00:19:40O uydu da...
00:19:42...yalnız bir mavi tülügeye kadar olmasa da...
00:19:44...uydu vallahi.
00:19:57Helalleşelim ikizum.
00:19:58Ne oluyor oğlum?
00:19:59Seninle geçirdiğimiz yirmi beş seneden razıyım...
00:20:01...gerçi biraz kısa oldu ama...
00:20:03...hadi eyvallah.
00:20:06...hele mavi sen kavur...
00:20:08...nazara sakın verme bak mezarımda ters dönerim ha.
00:20:10Ulan sen ne diyorsun ne oluyor?
00:20:12Ölürüm azıcık da...
00:20:14...aha işte celadım da geldi.
00:20:22Lan şerefimize göz mü koydunuz?
00:20:24Cemil ağabey dur!
00:20:26Cemil ağabey dur!
00:20:28Cemil ağabey dur!
00:20:30Bismillah hayır olsun.
00:20:36Hayırdır Cemil ağabey?
00:21:08Ne ediyor lan kızıdan içeri?
00:21:10Camdan mı girmiş?
00:21:12Ulan ne ediyor ki kızı?
00:21:14Ne ediyorsun benim yenge kızım onun mostralık kızına?
00:21:16Asıl bunun kızı bugün hastanede.
00:21:18Yenge, yenge sus.
00:21:20Ne yenge yenge sus Mayrum.
00:21:22Sana gelmiş silah çekiyor...
00:21:24...kızı almış eline tabancayı Tayyir'e vurmaya kalkıyor...
00:21:26...o hayırdır?
00:21:28Nereden buldunuz bu bolluğu?
00:21:30Bakayım tabancayla Tayyir'e vurmaya kalkıyor.
00:21:32Benim kızlarım öyle şey yapmaz.
00:21:34Fıçkı yapmaz.
00:21:36Kızlara sor anlatsın.
00:21:38Ateş etti bugün Tayyir'e.
00:21:42Az daha kızlarımın birini toprağa...
00:21:44...birini mahpusa kuzağadınız öyle mi?
00:21:46Yavaş Cemil ağabey yavaş.
00:21:48Yavaş mavaş yok.
00:21:50Bundan sonra senle kan davayı...
00:21:52...Mustafa Kaleli...
00:21:54...bunu aklına yaz.
00:22:18Nesin gel.
00:22:26Kızın odasına girmek nedir lan?
00:22:28Günümüzde torbaya mı girdi?
00:22:30Ya kız ağabeyime ateş etmiş ateş.
00:22:32Ne yapsaydım?
00:22:34Ne yapsaydım? Kuslu partinin mi bekleyeydim?
00:22:38Mercan yetmedi.
00:22:40Tayyir'i de toprağa koyacaktı bu İstanbul'lu yosman.
00:22:44Ne vakit bir şey yapacaksın?
00:22:46Ne vakit kımıldayacaksın?
00:22:50Mustafa'n kımıldamaya geçti...
00:22:52...dört nala gidiyor.
00:22:54Ana oğul gemiyi iyice azıya aldınız.
00:22:58Ula zaten canım burnumda.
00:23:00Kardeşime sıkmışlar.
00:23:02Öbürü kopar.
00:23:04Vedat sıkacak derken nazar sıkar.
00:23:06Bak başlamayalım şimdi ya.
00:23:08Başlamayalım tabii.
00:23:10Şimdi analı oğul içse bir kapak edeceğim.
00:23:12Hazır mısınız?
00:23:16O elinizden gelse bir kaşık suda boğacağınız nefes.
00:23:18Bugün ne etti biliyor musunuz?
00:23:22Lan ne etti?
00:23:24Tayyir'in canını kurtarmak için...
00:23:26...kurşunun önüne atladı.
00:23:28Ne? Yoksa bir şey oldu mu?
00:23:30Hevesinizi kursağınızda bırakacağım ama...
00:23:32...yok olmadı.
00:23:34Hala yaşar.
00:23:44Nefes var ya...
00:23:46...Tayyir'den daha deli çıktı.
00:23:48He vallahi.
00:23:50Abimi kurtarmak için...
00:23:52...merminin önüne atlaysa...
00:23:54...ana bu kız kim bilir sana neler eder.
00:24:12Uyandırma susu.
00:24:16Hadi gel bizim odaya.
00:24:20Bizim oda?
00:24:22He. Bizim oda.
00:24:26Bizim oda diye bir şey yok.
00:24:28Asiye. Etme de...
00:24:30Hiç konuşma Mustafa git yat aşağı.
00:24:32Ben buraya kızım için geldim.
00:24:34Uyanıksa onu alır giderim.
00:24:36Uyuysa onunla yatarım.
00:24:42Yatmaya bağlımla yat.
00:24:44Ama kalmaya evimizde kala.
00:24:46Heder etme çocuğu bir oraya bir buraya.
00:24:50Başkalarının çocuğu heder edilebilir.
00:24:52Bizimki edilemez.
00:24:58Tamam karım.
00:25:02Sen haklısın.
00:25:06Ben ettim sen etme de...
00:25:12...bozma bağlımın düzenini.
00:25:22Bir gün...
00:25:24...affedep edecek misin beni?
00:25:38Sevsen bile mi?
00:25:44Benim sevdiğim...
00:25:48...kızının getirdiği yavru kediyi...
00:25:50...paltoşunun içinde uyutan adamdı.
00:25:58...bir yavruyu anasından ayıran adam değilim.
00:27:16O da oldu değil mi?
00:27:18Sonunda evden kovuldun ha Mustafa Kaleli.
00:27:22Bırakma beni yerden.
00:27:24Ulan Mustafa Kaleli.
00:27:26Anca havasın ha.
00:27:28Sen daha dün o kütüğün üzerinde sabahı etmedin mi?
00:27:32Sevdiğin kız cama çıkmadı.
00:27:34Şimdi de toptan sallamış seni işte de.
00:27:38Bu minarenin tepesinden sallandıracağım seni ya.
00:27:42Sallarsın, sallarsın da...
00:27:44Asiye reis seni niye salladı onu de bana.
00:27:48Niye bozuksunuz kaç gündür?
00:27:52Bir yavru kediyi eve almadım da onu.
00:27:56Niye almadın da?
00:27:58Anam kızar diye mi?
00:28:02Ya Tahir seni bulup bulup bozsun.
00:28:04Gelin de bakayım bana.
00:28:08Bu nazar bugün sağ sıkmış ha.
00:28:14Kahraman nefesle tuttu merminin önüne atladı.
00:28:16Kahraman nefesle tuttu merminin önüne atladı.
00:28:22Bak aklıma geldi delilendim yine.
00:28:26Nefes bozulmuyor Allah razı olsun da.
00:28:32O nazarın benden sekeceği var.
00:28:34O nazara fena gıcık oluyorum.
00:28:38Ama aynı işte sen de.
00:28:40Allah nasıl aynı be ne oluyor?
00:28:46Kaportacı Haşim'in oğulları...
00:28:48Beni dövmüştü hatırladın mı?
00:28:50He hatırladım.
00:28:52Sayısına boyuna bakmadan...
00:28:54Askerlik çağındaki beş tane herifin içine dal.
00:28:58Kaburgalarını eline vermişlerdi senin ya.
00:29:02Sen de sonra sanayiyi onların kaburgalarına geçirmiştin.
00:29:06Haşim çocuklarını o kaportaların altından topladı be.
00:29:08Benim kardeşime dokunanı toprağın içine gömerim.
00:29:10Ne diyeceğiz bunu bilesek.
00:29:12İşte o gün dedim.
00:29:14Ula deli Tahir.
00:29:16Sen o bu Karadeniz'i de yaksan...
00:29:18Abim varken sana bir şey olmaz.
00:29:24Sayını da bana sok güvenme ha.
00:29:30Yiğit kaybolduğunda...
00:29:34Yiğit kaybolduğunda...
00:29:36Yiğit kaybolduğunda...
00:29:42Bütün jandarmayı köye ayağa kaldırdın.
00:29:46Nefesi istemediğin halde...
00:29:50Bu mevzuların duyulmaması için o kadar uğraştığın halde...
00:29:54Çocuk kayboldu sen hiç düşünmeden...
00:29:56Bütün köyü ayağa kaldırdın abi.
00:30:00İşte bu yüzden...
00:30:02Ben sana güvenirim abi.
00:30:08Bazen insan...
00:30:10Kendinden beklemediği şeyleri yapar ya.
00:30:18Ula Mustafa Galeli.
00:30:22Ula Mustafa Galeli iyi ki benim abimsin be.
00:30:28Ulan oğlum ben sana bak.
00:30:32Abi yavaş lan.
00:30:34Ulan sana da hiç yüz vermeye gelme ya.
00:30:36Sus lan sus.
00:30:48Bir gün bunları düşündüğünde...
00:30:52Yani bir gün...
00:30:54Onlara daha kızacak olursan...
00:30:58Şimdi unutma oğlum.
00:31:00Derdin ne olursa olsun...
00:31:04Senin izin yapamayasan sen yok.
00:31:08Hatırla baba ya.
00:31:12Ha dert demişken...
00:31:16Benim derdime bakıp ne büyük Allah'ım var demem lazım.
00:31:18Gelecek misin?
00:31:22Nereye geleceğim ya?
00:31:24Şükür namazı şükür namazı.
00:31:26Beraber kılmaz mıyız?
00:31:28Kılarız koçum.
00:31:38Namaz kılarız da...
00:31:40Şükür namazı ne olur...
00:31:42Nedamet namazı mı...
00:31:44İşte onu bilmerim.
00:32:02Şükür namazı.
00:32:04Şükür namazı.
00:32:06Şükür namazı.
00:32:08Şükür namazı.
00:32:10Şükür namazı.
00:32:12Şükür namazı.
00:32:14Şükür namazı.
00:32:16Şükür namazı.
00:32:18Şükür namazı.
00:32:20Şükür namazı.
00:32:22Şükür namazı.
00:32:24Şükür namazı.
00:32:26Şükür namazı.
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00:32:58Şükür namazı.
00:33:00Şükür namazı.
00:33:02Şükür namazı.
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00:33:08Şükür namazı.
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00:34:00Şükür namazı.
00:34:02Şükür namazı.
00:34:04Şükür namazı.
00:34:06Şükür namazı.
00:34:08Şükür namazı.
00:34:10Şükür namazı.
00:34:12Şükür namazı.
00:34:14Şükür namazı.
00:34:16Şükür namazı.
00:34:18Şükür namazı.
00:34:20Şükür namazı.
00:34:24Ben çok mu ses çıkarttım?
00:34:26Sizi uyandırdım mı?
00:34:30Ben teheccüd namazına kalktım.
00:34:32Seni dua ediyordum.
00:34:34Ben seni gördüm.
00:34:38Osman hocam.
00:34:40Teheccüd ne?
00:34:48Hani sevdalık çekerken
00:34:50aklına gecenin bir vakti sevda düşer de
00:34:54seni teslim alır ya
00:34:58teheccüd öyle kendini teslim etmektir Allah'a.
00:35:02Rabbinde kaybolmak için
00:35:04uykuyu terk etmektir.
00:35:10Ben sevdayı da teheccüdü de bilmiyorum ama
00:35:14siz çok güzel anlattınız.
00:35:16Ben de anladım.
00:35:32Ne haydi eve gelmiyor musun?
00:35:34Sen git geleceğim ben sonra.
00:35:38Daha gündüzüne hastanede ne oldu da
00:35:40bak bir gören olur.
00:35:42Tamam da
00:35:44sen git geleceğim.
00:36:44Hayırdır Tahir?
00:36:46Üç beş nöbetine mi kalktın?
00:36:48Yok ben...
00:36:50Teheccüd namazına geldin ha?
00:36:52Hocam ne yaptın?
00:36:54Camiye kamera mı koydun?
00:36:56Yok oraya koymadım ama
00:36:58bu kapıya koyacağım galiba.
00:37:00Ya uşağım.
00:37:02Gecenin bu saatinde
00:37:04bir kız evinin kapasına dayanılır mı?
00:37:08Hocam uyumuyor ışığı yanıyor gördüm de.
00:37:16müsaade edersen
00:37:18Nefes'e bir şey soracaktım.
00:37:22Tövbe estağfurullah.
00:37:34git şu delinin derdini anla
00:37:36ben namazı bitirene kadar da
00:37:38gönder onu evine.
00:38:02bir şey soracağım.
00:38:04Kararını değiştirmedin değil mi?
00:38:08Yüzden mi dayandın gecenin bu saatinde kapıya?
00:38:10Ne kapıymış arkadaş.
00:38:12He Nefes o yüzden dayandım.
00:38:14Kalıyoruz de
00:38:20Mercan intihar etti. Ben kıza bağırdım.
00:38:22Ailesi benden nefret ediyor.
00:38:24Sen beni korumaya çalıştıkça her şey daha kötü oluyor.
00:38:26İstemiyorlar beni burada.
00:38:28Nasıl kalayım?
00:38:30Ya sen düşünme bunları.
00:38:32Ben halledeceğim o mevzuları.
00:38:34Şu önünde kapa.
00:38:36Ayaz var.
00:38:40Sen niye uyumadın?
00:38:44Uyudum da.
00:38:48Kabus gördüm.
00:38:50Sen nereden biliyorsun?
00:38:52Yiğit'i bulduğumuzdan beri mi görüyorsun?
00:38:54Öncesi var mı?
00:38:58Selom'la mı alakalı?
00:39:02Yiğit aç kalmış.
00:39:04Öncesi var mı?
00:39:07Yiğit aç kalmış.
00:39:09Selom'u taktılar ya.
00:39:11O zaman başladı.
00:39:18Sonra yakalanırdık.
00:39:22O da beni cezalandırırdı.
00:39:24Zaten o yüzden Mercan'ı görünce
00:39:26kendimi kaybettim.
00:39:28Ben hayatta kalmak için o kadar uğraştım.
00:39:30Kendine böyle bir şey yapınca
00:39:32aklımı kaçırdım.
00:39:35Çok kaybettim kıza.
00:39:38İntihar eden öyle bağırılır mı hiç?
00:39:43Vedat seni yine yakalarsa ben dayanamam.
00:39:47Kalman şart.
00:39:49Tahir ne olur yapma.
00:39:51Bak ortalık yangın yeri.
00:39:54Beni burada barındırırlar mı zannediyorsun?
00:39:56Dedim ya.
00:39:57Halledeceğim ben o mevzuları.
00:40:00Nasıl halledeceksin?
00:40:04Sen bir delilik edeceksin.
00:40:06Kalamam Tahir olmaz.
00:40:10Gidersen peşinden gelirim.
00:40:14Ama seni yaban ellerde korumak çok zor olur.
00:40:16Emniyette olduğunu bilmem lazım.
00:40:18Tahir sen beni dinlemiyor musun?
00:40:20Emniyette olman lazım diyorsun
00:40:22senin canın emniyette değil.
00:40:24Bugün senin nazar vuruyordu ya vuruyordu.
00:40:28Bakacaksa benim kanım aksın.
00:40:30Seninkinin aktığı yetti de.
00:40:36Kıyamam ki.
00:40:42Kurban olayım kal.
00:41:00Nefes alıyor.
00:41:30Nefes alıyor.
00:41:32Nefes alıyor.
00:41:34Nefes alıyor.
00:41:36Nefes alıyor.
00:41:38Nefes alıyor.
00:41:40Nefes alıyor.
00:41:42Nefes alıyor.
00:41:44Nefes alıyor.
00:41:46Nefes alıyor.
00:41:48Nefes alıyor.
00:41:50Nefes alıyor.
00:41:52Nefes alıyor.
00:41:54Nefes alıyor.
00:41:56Nefes alıyor.
00:41:58Nefes alıyor.
00:42:00Nefes alıyor.
00:42:02Nefes alıyor.
00:42:04Nefes alıyor.
00:42:06Nefes alıyor.
00:42:08Nefes alıyor.
00:42:10Nefes alıyor.
00:42:12Nefes alıyor.
00:42:14Nefes alıyor.
00:42:16Nefes alıyor.
00:42:18Nefes alıyor.
00:42:20Nefes alıyor.
00:42:22Nefes alıyor.
00:42:24Nefes alıyor.
00:42:26Nefes alıyor.
00:42:28Nefes alıyor.
00:42:30Nefes alıyor.
00:42:32Nefes alıyor.
00:42:34Nefes alıyor.
00:42:36Nefes alıyor.
00:42:38Nefes alıyor.
00:42:40Nefes alıyor.
00:42:42Nefes alıyor.
00:42:44Nefes alıyor.
00:42:46Nefes alıyor.
00:42:48Nefes alıyor.
00:42:50Nefes alıyor.
00:42:52Nefes alıyor.
00:42:54Liman'ın gemileri demir aldı, gidecek benim gözyaşlarımı kim gördü, kim bilecek oy?
00:43:11Liman'ın gemileri demir aldı, gidecek benim gözyaşlarımı kim gördü, kim bilecek oy?
00:43:30Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:43:47Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:44:17Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:44:47Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:45:17Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:45:47Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:46:17Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:46:47Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:47:07Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:47:27Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:47:47Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:48:07Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:48:37Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:48:47Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:48:57Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:49:17Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:49:25Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:49:35Al gözümden yaşları gün gelir kurutursun, yaz bu dibi kenara gidersen unutursun
00:49:45Senin içinde münasipse burayı baba ocağı olarak bilir misin?
00:49:56Gözet kızım.
00:49:59Gözet kızım, sen çaya bak, karnın fazla acelenmesin olur mu?
00:50:19Ne oldu? Ne oldu?
00:50:21Otur bakayım.
00:50:29Sen benim yumurtamı yesen, anneme de iyidir desen olur mu?
00:50:36Niye ki ya?
00:50:38Ama yalan demiş oluruz uşağım.
00:50:40Tahir abim yemişti.
00:50:42Yalan söyledi demek ki Tahir abi ama büyük günah.
00:50:46Yok ya, beceremedik ki. Annem yakaladı bizi.
00:50:57Yiğit, neyi bekliyorsun anneciğim?
00:51:00Tahir abinin gelip yumurtayı yemesini mi bekliyorsun?
00:51:15Siz bir şeyler mi karıştırıyorsunuz?
00:51:19Hem nasıl karıştıralım ki zaten, sıra seferinde yakalıyorsun bizi.
00:51:26Heyo, Tahir abim geldi.
00:51:29Otur o yumurtanı ye.
00:51:31Yoksa Tahir abini eve bile almam.
00:51:43Tahir bak, Yiğit'e yüz verirsen...
00:51:50Ne oldu Nefes Hanım? Dangoz bek giydiğin yangaz mı buldun?
00:51:56Bak bak, bozuldu.
00:51:58Yangaz, Nefes yengemin rengi attı. Kırılsak mı?
00:52:03Vallahi hayaller hayatlar meselesinde hayat olacağım hiç aklıma gelmezdi Yangaz.
00:52:08Ben şu an bittim.
00:52:10Çok komik yangazlarla, çok komik emice kızları gelmiş.
00:52:15Haydi bari hayırlı başarılar.
00:52:17Bu da oldu ya.
00:52:19Olmaz mı ya? Tedrisatımdan geçti.
00:52:22Tam bana layık yetiştirdim.
00:52:25Haydi hazırlan da çıkalım, işler çok.
00:52:28Ne işi?
00:52:29Ne işleri olacak? Yerleşme işleri.
00:52:31Bir dakika, bir dakika.
00:52:33Sen nereden biliyorsun ki benim kalacağımı?
00:52:36Senin deli gecenin köründe kapıya dayandı.
00:52:38Yiğit'i okula yazdırmak için Nefes'e ikametgâh çıkarttırın dedi.
00:52:42Sabah ezanında da benim kapıya dayandı.
00:52:44Vedat'a uzaklaştırma çıkar savcılıktan dedi.
00:52:49Yanına iki yüz metreden fazla yaklaşması yasak.
00:52:53Bizim kafaya da sabah su döktü.
00:52:55Nefes'i doktora götürün randevusu var, alçısı çıkacak dedi.
00:53:02Sizi buraya dikti ama...
00:53:05...kendisi nerede ki?
00:53:08Allah Allah.
00:53:11Allah Allah.
00:53:14Siyah, siyah.
00:53:36Seni burada gördüğüm iyi oldu Mithat abi.
00:53:38Ben de buradan çıkıp yanına gelecektim.
00:53:40Ben de buradan çıkınca senin peşine düşecektim.
00:53:43Ulan hıyar ben sana kaç kere söyledim.
00:53:45Sözlü adamsın.
00:53:46Yanmaz yakarsın.
00:53:48Sonra da mercanı yaktın.
00:53:49Rahatladın mı hiç?
00:53:50Ulan yine mi? Boğaldım da.
00:53:52Ulan dayı oğlu.
00:53:53Sen bunu ufakken dövecektin.
00:53:54Dövmedin ya işte böyle oldu.
00:53:57Hala geç kalmış sayılmam halamın oğlu.
00:54:01Da işte...
00:54:03...ander kalsın abi yüreği.
00:54:07Ne diyeceksin? De bakın bana.
00:54:10Nefes burada kalacak.
00:54:13Ulan yuh!
00:54:15Yok yok dövecektim.
00:54:17Dövmedim böyle oldu.
00:54:19Hayır etme.
00:54:21Ettim bile.
00:54:23Ulan oğlum.
00:54:24Cemil o yüzüğü sen nefesin yanındasın diye çıkardılar bağından kızın.
00:54:28Kız ne yaptı?
00:54:29Mercan bileklerini kesti.
00:54:31Ulan sen bundan sonra ne olur biliyor musun?
00:54:33Dağ devirenler ortalığı yakacak.
00:54:35Memleket yangın yerine dönecek biliyorum da.
00:54:37He biliyorsun da.
00:54:39Ne o zaman yangına benzin atarsın.
00:54:41Nefesi siz korursanız yangın söner gider.
00:54:44Bu ne demek şimdi?
00:54:46Ben nefesten uzak duracağım.
00:54:48Siz de ne gerekiyorsa yapacaksınız.
00:54:50Ya git!
00:54:52Sen nefesten uzak filan duramazsın.
00:54:54Siz korursanız dururum.
00:55:00Hadise korumaksa biz uzaktan da koruruz.
00:55:02O dediğini bir kez denedik abi.
00:55:04Az daha yiğiti kaybediyorduk onu unut.
00:55:13Koruyor musunuz yoksa ben Nefes'i alıp gidiyor muyum?
00:55:16Ulan manyak mısın nereye gidiyorsun?
00:55:26Vedat'ın zindanından kaçıp.
00:55:28Burada bizim zindanımıza düştü.
00:55:30Yanlış mıyım?
00:55:32Ee sadede gel.
00:55:34Ben bu zindandan o kızı kaçırmasını bilirim.
00:55:38Eski gardiyanı Vedat da peşimize düşer.
00:55:40Ben onu canım pahasına korurum. O ayrı.
00:55:45Ya da.
00:55:46Lan ne ya da ne?
00:55:47Buraları Nefes'e değil Vedat'a zindan edersiniz.
00:55:52Gözünüzü üstünden ayırmazsınız.
00:55:54Nefes'e de bacınızmış, hemşerinizmiş gibi davranırsınız.
00:55:57Düşmanınız gibi değil.
00:56:00Sen de uzak duracaksın ha Nefes'ten.
00:56:04Hiç görmeyeceksin onu.
00:56:06O zor.
00:56:09Arada iyi mi diye bakarım.
00:56:11Yiğit'i görürüm.
00:56:13Korunması gerektiği zaman yanında olurum.
00:56:16Ama Nefes'te dolaşmam, ortalarda görünmem.
00:56:18İşime gücüme bakarım.
00:56:20Normal hayatıma dönerim.
00:56:24Yani bir münasebetin ilişkini olmayacak ha.
00:56:29Oldu mu ki?
00:56:30Tamam tamam.
00:56:32Ben bir sorguya çekerim Vedat'ı.
00:56:34Rahat bırakmam.
00:56:38Ee kararın nedir?
00:56:40Nedir kararın ne?
00:56:42Sanki bana karar vermeye şey bıraktın da.
00:56:44Bir soru.
00:56:51Koruruz Nefes'i.
00:56:56Benmişim gibi koruyacaksın.
00:56:59Nefes'i de, Yiğit'i de.
00:57:01Nefes bacın, Yiğit evladım.
00:57:10Senmişim gibi koruyacaksın.
00:57:13Nefes bacım, Yiğit evladım.
00:57:24Lan otur şuraya dikilip durmadın lan be!
00:57:38Nefes bacım, Yiğit evladım.
00:57:56Yangazlar, siz ha burada bekleyin.
00:57:58Asiye abla, çocuklar bütün bu peşimizde zaten.
00:58:01Bırak işleri, güçleri vardır.
00:58:03İşleri seni korumak oların, haydi.
00:58:08Naciye telgrafı laf toplamanın sayesinde başlamış.
00:58:16Hoş geldin Asiye.
00:58:17Hoş geldin Esma.
00:58:18Hoş bulduk.
00:58:19Hoş bulduk Mutlacığım.
00:58:20Sen de hoş geldin.
00:58:22Hoş bulduk.
00:58:23Bak hayrola, misafiriniz hâlâ sizle Asiye.
00:58:27Sen haberi gezdirmeye başla Naciye abla.
00:58:30Nefes misafir değil artık.
00:58:32İkamet çıkarttırmaya geldik.
00:58:36Uy, nereye çıkartacağınız?
00:58:38Sizin konağa mı?
00:58:40He, bizim konağa.
00:58:42Tapuyu da üstüne yaptık, oldu mu?
00:58:44Asiye abla, Osman Hoca'nın evine çıkaracağız ikametgâhı.
00:58:48Uy, zaten köy çalkalanıyor.
00:58:51Şimdi bak neler olur.
00:58:52Niye çalkalanıyormuş o köy?
00:58:54Tahir bu İstanbullu kız yüzünden Mercan'ı bıraktı.
00:58:58Mercan da kendini kesti diyorlar.
00:59:01He vallahi.
00:59:02Muhtarlıkta herkesin ağzında aynı laf.
00:59:07Kim yaydı acaba bu lafı?
00:59:10Kim yaydıysa yaydı.
00:59:12Yanlış mı yaydı Asiye?
00:59:13Doğru ya doğru.
00:59:15Kız, telgraf Naciye abla.
00:59:17Sen esekten yanlış meslek edindin ha.
00:59:19Kalk, kalk, kalk Handan abla.
00:59:21Koltuğu hak edene bırak.
00:59:23Tamam, Handan abla, biz şu ikametgâh işlemlerini yapsak mı artık?
00:59:27Tabii, tabii.
00:59:29Başlamasına başlayalım da önceki ikametiniz neresiydi?
00:59:32Kocasının evindedir.
00:59:34Nerede olacak?
00:59:35Ben evli değilim.
00:59:36İkametgâhım da babamın evinde.
00:59:38E madem evli değilsin, madem baban var.
00:59:42Seni koruması için sözlü adamın peşine niye takıldın?
00:59:45Babana gitseydin ya.
00:59:47Esma çekil oradan.
00:59:49E kız, Asiye dur.
00:59:51Dur, Asiye dur.
00:59:52Ne diyorsun, delirdin mi?
00:59:53Asiye de dur.
00:59:54E bunu yapmak istemiştim kısmet bugün hemşeriden.
01:00:00Aha yengem Naciye'yi avutardı.
01:00:08Haydi bakalım dökül.
01:00:13Bazen bu ikiz olma işi fena canımı sıkar ya.
01:00:16La dökül dedim.
01:00:18Tamam da birazdan çok acayip şeyler duyacaksın.
01:00:21Dünya hazır mı?
01:00:29Oğlum ben bu nazarı...
01:00:30E sen bu nazarı?
01:00:36Gazdır o gaz.
01:00:37Tahir abimi ateş eden kızı sen ne diye özlesin?
01:00:40Ha işte ben de onu diyorum da.
01:00:42Niye özlerim abi ben bu kızı?
01:00:44Hem de çok pis özlerim.
01:00:46Niye hayali gözümün önünden gitmeyeyim?
01:00:49Kovayırım ama...
01:00:51Gitmiyor gavurun kızı, yapıştı kaldı.
01:00:56Acaba kafama mı sıksam?
01:00:58Gel ben senin kafana iki tane çakayım da...
01:01:01İşe yaramazsa sıkarsın.
01:01:03Ha böyle gözüme gözüme çak.
01:01:04Oralarda da çok dolanıyor.
01:01:06Ula hayırlı başarılar diyeceğim de...
01:01:08Hayırlı kısmı tartışılır...
01:01:10Başarı kısmı muallak.
01:01:14Yangaz var.
01:01:26Nasıl kalıyor?
01:01:28Naciye sen ne diyorsun?
01:01:32Osman Hoca evine mi almış?
01:01:35Elimin yüzümün karası.
01:01:37Kız kapat kız kapat.
01:01:42Ana Osman Hoca kimi almış evine?
01:01:48Alo Cemil.
01:01:51İstanbul'lu Yosma'ya Osman Hoca sahiplenmiş.
01:01:56Asiye de kıza ikamet çıkarttırmış bugün.
01:01:59Hanım ne dersin sen ya?
01:02:01Hanım ne dersin diyor adam da şaşırdı.
01:02:04Ya bu Osman Hoca'ya ne oluyor ya?
01:02:06Kalellerin dünürü olabilirsin ama alaksız bir kadını nasıl eve alırsın ya?
01:02:10İmamsın sen imam.
01:02:12Dünürü de çekmiştir de tövbe estağfurullah.
01:02:14Adamı dindar imandan çıkartacaklar bunlar.
01:02:16Kapat karıya kapat ya kapat kapat.
01:02:20Bitmiyor bunların da işleri ya.
01:02:24Tahir yaptırtmıştır kesin.
01:02:27İstanbul'lu karıyı aldı imamın evine koydu.
01:02:31Osman Hoca'ya da kimse karşı gelemez.
01:02:34Deli Tahir akıllıymış meğer ya.
01:02:39Şerafettin Hoca'ya gidip sana muska mı yazdırsak?
01:02:43Deli Tahir sana neler ediyorsan onun için canına kıyasın.
01:02:49Büyü mü var kız sende yoksa?
01:02:51Ana ne büyüsü ne muskası ya.
01:02:53Gitmeyin o şarlatana.
01:02:55Doktor lazım ablama.
01:03:00Ben bizim hastanenin psikiyatristiyle konuşayım.
01:03:04İlaç mı lazım psikolog mu lazım desin bize olur mu?
01:03:07Tanrı misafiri kabul eder misiniz?
01:03:16Hacı'ya gelmiştir kesin.
01:03:18İstanbul'lu, Osman'ın imamın evine nasıl kapak attığını anlatacaktır artık balık.
01:03:25He will tell everyone how he locked Istanbulli Osman up in the imam's house.
01:03:31It is a great shame for Osman Hodja.
01:03:42My dear Meryem, I wish you well.
01:03:46Thank you.
01:03:48My dear Meryem, I wish you well.
01:03:53Thank you.
01:03:54Osman Hodja, welcome. I am sorry...
01:04:00Thank you.
01:04:03My son's mother had some work to do, so I thought I'd come and visit you.
01:04:09I thought I'd take you there.
01:04:12I thought God would send guests to Murad and Hayr's house.
01:04:18I thought maybe there are people in our village who want to win God's favor.
01:04:24Come, let's look at the kitchen.
01:04:32Why don't we have a little chat with my daughter Meryem?
01:04:54Let's go upstairs.
01:05:00Come, let's see what we have here.
01:05:03Would you like to eat the original hamster breast?
01:05:05I would!
01:05:06I would!
01:05:08Where is brother Murad? He took me to eat the original hamster breast.
01:05:18Are you okay, my daughter?
01:05:20I am so ashamed, Hodja.
01:05:23God will not forgive me, will he?
01:05:26Who said that?
01:05:28Would he forgive me?
01:05:30If you repent, he will forgive you.
01:05:33But he is a little tired.
01:05:35Do you know why?
01:05:38God took our lives in exchange for heaven.
01:05:44He was tired of killing his own soul for a servant.
01:05:52That girl said the same thing.
01:05:55Did you kill yourself for a man?
01:05:59She said it was beautiful.
01:06:00She said it was beautiful.
01:06:02Even though he was cruel, he took care of her.
01:06:06He knows his worth.
01:06:08But he put me together with that cruel man.
01:06:11No, he wouldn't.
01:06:13Vedat said he loved me, he cut me off.
01:06:18You said you loved me, you cut yourself off.
01:06:21He put us together.
01:06:24He didn't, but what he said is not wrong.
01:06:28When you tie your existence to a person, you cut him off and yourself off.
01:06:34What do you mean?
01:06:36If you think a mortal is the condition of your life, you can be as cruel as he is.
01:06:43You can be as desperate as he is.
01:06:47But someone else can only be a friend of life for us.
01:06:53Life cannot be a condition.
01:06:54Life is trust, my daughter.
01:06:57Can trust be treason?
01:07:02No, it cannot.
01:07:04No, it cannot.
01:07:06Well done, my smart girl.
01:07:31Can I have another donut?
01:07:34Of course you can.
01:07:38Did you like it?
01:07:47Don't cry.
01:07:49Look, it tastes so good.
01:07:54Thank you.
01:08:24Thank you.
01:08:42Mr. Mustafa, welcome. How are you?
01:08:44I'm fine, how are you?
01:08:46We're fine, thank you.
01:08:47Suat, I don't have a manager.
01:08:51We talked yesterday.
01:08:52What happened?
01:08:54His mother got sick and he took her to Trabzon.
01:08:57We don't have any news from his relatives.
01:09:00Let me call him.
01:09:03The number you have dialed is not available at the moment.
01:09:06Is it serious?
01:09:07I don't know.
01:09:09Mr. Suat wanted me to tell you that the General Center has not approved your loan request.
01:09:15I see.
01:09:20So be it.
01:09:51Okay, I understand.
01:09:52Thank you.
01:09:59Well, Akın.
01:10:00Tell me, when can I get the loan?
01:10:02Unfortunately, you can't get it.
01:10:04What do you mean you can't get the loan?
01:10:07Do I have a broken jaw now?
01:10:10Do I have a loan that I haven't paid?
01:10:12What do you mean you can't get the loan?
01:10:14Brother, let it stay between us.
01:10:16Cemil is more crazy.
01:10:17And he has a very big debt account.
01:11:11I don't like this voice at all, Eşen.
01:11:12You make me feel like you're going to ruin my heart.
01:11:15What do I need?
01:11:16You ruin my life by looking at those dresses.
01:11:19I'm not ruining it.
01:11:21I'm dreaming.
01:11:23Ergiç will sign that.
01:11:27He hasn't signed in eight years.
01:11:32I like this side of his breath the most, you know, Eşen?
01:11:35It's so resistant.
01:11:38Why did you come?
01:11:39I have good news and bad news.
01:11:41Which one? Choose.
01:11:44Let's start with the good news first, so that the last feeling we feel is our anger.
01:11:51Mustafa Kaleli turned his back on all the banks.
01:11:57That's great.
01:12:02Poor Mustafa.
01:12:04I wish he knew these were his best days, Eşen, right?
01:12:12We laughed it off.
01:12:14Now, let's move on to the bad news.
01:12:16Nefes has issued a restraining order.
01:12:43Do you see, Eşen?
01:12:46Come and don't worry.
01:12:49I told you.
01:12:51He's very resistant.
01:12:53Even though he knows I can hurt him from a distance, he never gives up.
01:13:02Is there a good florist you know in Trabzon, Eşen?
01:13:06What? What florist?
01:13:10What? What florist? Why?
01:13:12We're going to do a little test.
01:13:14What test?
01:13:16How much do you sacrifice for the test.
01:13:22We're going to have a lot of fun, Eşen.
01:13:24A lot.
01:13:40Emine, what did you eat?
01:13:43Oh, this is a Turkish delight.
01:13:46It's the same.
01:13:49Is it really, Asiye?
01:13:51No, dear.
01:13:53It looks like a pint.
01:13:55The other ones are like purlantas.
01:13:57Oh, that's a pint.
01:14:10Balam has a parent-teacher meeting at school today.
01:14:13You should come and see him at school.
01:14:16Asiye, I have a hospital appointment.
01:14:19Should we go when Yiğit is here?
01:14:21He's very enthusiastic.
01:14:28You said you were going to have the last pint.
01:14:30Oh, I couldn't make up my mind.
01:14:34Should we go shopping?
01:14:37We're going to look for a desk for Yiğit to work on.
01:14:39My father doesn't have one at home.
01:14:41Asiye, wait.
01:14:43Let me find a job first, make some money, then we'll buy a desk.
01:14:45What job?
01:14:47I have to work, Yangaz.
01:14:49I have to find a job.
01:14:51Sister Esma, do you have a local newspaper?
01:14:53Do you have a job advertisement?
01:14:55They have websites.
01:14:57Let's see.
01:14:59Star screwdriver.
01:15:16They're going to see the school.
01:15:18Yiğit said we should go when he's here.
01:15:20He's going to work.
01:15:22He's going to find a job.
01:15:24Oh my God.
01:15:26Oh my God.
01:15:28What happened, Tahir?
01:15:37Tell him not to make me work.
01:15:39He doesn't have a job.
01:15:41Let him sit where he is.
01:15:42Let's go.
01:15:53Don't worry, brother.
01:15:55We're doing this secretly.
01:15:57Do you remember?
01:15:59I'm a gambler.
01:16:01I'm not your neighbor, Nefes.
01:16:09He's going to work.
01:16:10He's going to work.
01:16:12Who's going to work, brother Tahir?
01:16:15No one, kid.
01:16:17No one's going to work.
01:16:19It's not like that.
01:16:25They all want high school diplomas.
01:16:30I was the top student.
01:16:34But I don't have a diploma.
01:16:35I don't have a diploma.
01:16:38When my classmates were graduating, I...
01:16:55When my classmates were graduating, you...
01:16:59Let's not go back to the old days when I started my new life.
01:17:02Never mind.
01:17:03I was thinking...
01:17:05I could be a teacher.
01:17:07I could work in a place that doesn't need a diploma.
01:17:09I could finish high school at the same time.
01:17:11What teacher?
01:17:13What happened, kid? Do you have an objection?
01:17:15I don't.
01:17:17It can't be anyone's anyway.
01:17:19Isn't bread money?
01:17:21Well done.
01:17:24I don't want a diploma.
01:17:26I hired you.
01:17:29What did you do?
01:17:31I was looking for an assistant.
01:17:33Go, Esma.
01:17:35Don't make me work for you.
01:17:37It's a shame to say this.
01:17:39I'm a very successful lawyer.
01:17:41And I'm busy.
01:17:43Sometimes I tell the girl to sit in the office.
01:17:46But I find her next to Gürtekin the seamstress.
01:17:54Didn't you write to the seamstress on your way home?
01:17:57Let her come and find a partner.
01:18:00Come on, work with me.
01:18:01Save me from this.
01:18:08Thank you very much.
01:18:26At least my sister won't be without you.
01:18:32Thank you very much.
01:18:34You too.
01:18:48Brother, good news.
01:18:50Nefes found a seamstress.
01:18:53Calm down.
01:18:55Calm down.
01:18:57Calm down.
01:18:59No, I can't.
01:19:02I can't.
01:19:04I can't.
01:19:09Let's live here.
01:19:16Come on, Grandpa.
01:19:18Now is the time for the appointment.
01:19:22Let's go to the hospital.
01:19:25Let's take her to the school.
01:19:27Come on.
01:19:28Come on, Emine.
01:19:34Come on, Emine. Goodbye.
01:19:46Nazar, this flower is for you.
01:19:54I can't accept it, but thanks for healing me.
01:19:58Vedas, give me tea.
01:20:08There was no need for the flower. I did my job.
01:20:11Please, Nazar.
01:20:13I feel like I did a good thing. Don't ruin it.
01:20:18Okay, then. I won't ruin it. Thanks for the flower.
01:20:29To be honest, I'd like to thank you when we go out to eat.
01:20:36I can't eat with you.
01:20:39But it's a little late for that.
01:20:46Vedas, wait.
01:20:49If you reject me now, you'd be a big shame, Nazar.
01:20:54If you'd called before I came, I wouldn't be ashamed.
01:20:57But then, it'd be easy for you to reject me.
01:21:00I don't want to ruin my job.
01:21:06Are you okay, Nefes?
01:21:09Nazar chose a new victim for himself.
01:21:13He's going to ruin the girl. We have to do something.
01:21:16I'm going to do something now.
01:21:19This is what he wants. Did you meet him by chance?
01:21:23You had an appointment, Nefes. He must have learned and come.
01:21:27Be smart, Nazar.
01:21:34He's going to make me eat flowers before he makes me leave.
01:21:41Do you like my flowers?
01:21:48Let's take this carpet out and go.
01:21:50I'll be back as soon as I see you.
01:21:51Come on.
01:21:54I'm fine.
01:21:56I'll leave the flowers.
01:22:30You can wash your hands.
01:22:51You can wash your hands.
01:23:10He held my hand.
01:23:21He held my hand.
01:23:31Are you okay?
01:23:35I'm fine.
01:23:39I got rid of the last chain from the past.
01:23:44My sister-in-law.
01:23:46My sister-in-law.
01:23:51My sister-in-law.
01:23:53My sister-in-law.
01:23:55My sister-in-law.
01:23:57My sister-in-law.
01:23:59My sister-in-law.
01:24:01My sister-in-law.
01:24:03My sister-in-law.
01:24:05My sister-in-law.
01:24:07My sister-in-law.
01:24:09My sister-in-law.
01:24:11My sister-in-law.
01:24:13My sister-in-law.
01:24:15My sister-in-law.
01:24:17My sister-in-law.
01:24:19My sister-in-law.
01:24:21We have good luck.
01:24:23We'll be home in 30 minutes.
01:24:28Come on.
01:24:29Let's go and get the chair ready before sunrise.
01:24:32Let's go, baby.
01:24:38Go to school.
01:24:40I'll go to school.
01:24:51Why are we eating here?
01:24:53Wasn't it a simple thank you?
01:24:56First of all, Nazar.
01:24:59Everything I was feeling wasn't simple.
01:25:03You'll understand that in time.
01:25:05And I thought it would be a bit of a problem for you if we were seen together outside.
01:25:10After all, your father is a bit tough.
01:25:12I don't want to misunderstand my good intentions.
01:25:15I understand.
01:25:23Why are you smiling?
01:25:25I don't like it.
01:25:29You don't miss my gazes.
01:25:31You're strong.
01:25:33I don't take a step back.
01:25:35I don't take a step back.
01:25:37I don't take a step back.
01:25:39I don't take a step back.
01:25:41I don't take a step back.
01:25:43I don't take a step back.
01:25:47But you have to taste this.
01:25:49It's really wonderful.
01:26:13It's really wonderful.
01:26:43I'll ask you something.
01:26:51Do you really want Nefes?
01:26:55I love her.
01:26:57I love her.
01:26:59I love her.
01:27:01I love her.
01:27:03I love her.
01:27:05I love her.
01:27:07I love her.
01:27:09I love her.
01:27:11Did you really break Nefes' finger?
01:27:23Let's say I caused her to break.
01:27:25Don't deny it.
01:27:33Maybe I would deny.
01:27:37If I thought I could deceive you.
01:27:43You can't deceive me.
01:27:57Is it true that I tortured Nefes?
01:28:21I don't expect you to believe me.
01:28:27But I know you will listen to me without judging me.
01:28:35That night...
01:28:39...was in my house... my house.
01:28:47...was shot... my wife.
01:28:53I mean...
01:28:55...people understand...
01:29:01...their eyes on each other.
01:29:07What if...
01:29:11...her wife never cheats on me?
01:29:19And you broke your finger.
01:29:27I didn't break it with my hand.
01:29:31With anger...
01:29:37...I pushed her...
01:29:39...and caused her to break.
01:30:07Why are you after her?
01:30:09I mean...
01:30:11...go after her...
01:30:13...and get your ass out of here.
01:30:17But a woman like you...
01:30:19...can't do that.
01:30:21I can't.
01:30:23I can't.
01:30:25I can't.
01:30:27I can't.
01:30:29I can't.
01:30:31I can't.
01:30:33I can't.
01:30:35But a man like you...
01:30:39...despite being cheated on many times...
01:30:41...why does he still want his wife?
01:30:53Because I'm not perfect.
01:30:57I'm not flawless.
01:30:59I have weaknesses.
01:31:05My weakness is... son...
01:31:15...and Nazar.
01:31:23...uses my weaknesses very well.
01:31:35We're all human.
01:31:37We all have weaknesses.
01:31:41For example...
01:31:45...your biggest weakness is...
01:31:51She's my sister.
01:31:55And for your sister... made my man walk with a gun...
01:31:59...and went after Tahir.
01:32:01Did you notice that?
01:32:03It was a little late, but I noticed.
01:32:05At the end of the day...
01:32:07...nothing escapes my eyes, Nazar.
01:32:09What else did you notice?
01:32:11Do you want to listen?
01:32:13For example...
01:32:17...asked his sister to pay for what she did to him.
01:32:21It was a sudden thing.
01:32:23You were blinded by anger.
01:32:25It was as if you had lost your mind.
01:32:27But still...
01:32:29...the blood that flowed from your sister...
01:32:31...flowed from Tahir.
01:32:35How did you...
01:32:37You're here for your sister even now.
01:32:41I wanted to meet the husband of the woman...
01:32:43...who ruined your sister's life.
01:32:49My first neighbor sent me.
01:32:51I could have refused.
01:32:53But you wanted to use this chance.
01:32:57And you know what, Nazar?
01:32:59If I were you...
01:33:01...I would do the same thing you did.
01:33:05I think that's why...
01:33:07...we understand each other so well.
01:33:15Have you ever met someone...
01:33:17...who understands you so well?
01:33:47My daughter, get up and get your bag ready...
01:33:49...until the food is ready.
01:33:51Then you can start walking to Sabah.
01:33:53I don't know.
01:33:55I'll kill you.
01:33:58You, the enemy of the plane.
01:34:02You, traitor!
01:34:03They filled the news on the golden day, Mustafa.
01:34:06Oh, an action every night.
01:34:08What was that?
01:34:09Girl, what did you do again?
01:34:12I didn't even breathe enough for your mother, I didn't know what I did now.
01:34:17You don't know anything.
01:34:18You've become a bastard.
01:34:20If you're done talking, tell me now, what happened?
01:34:23This Nefes is basically staying here.
01:34:26He took your crazy wife to the hotel.
01:34:31Where would he take her?
01:34:33The butchers don't pay the rent.
01:34:35Yes, very reasonable.
01:34:42Did you know about this?
01:34:44We all knew that Nefes was going to settle here, mother.
01:34:50And you let this happen?
01:34:52What was I going to do, mother?
01:34:54Your lover made Nefes stay here.
01:34:57He said he'd take the girl and leave.
01:34:59What would I have said?
01:35:00Take the girl and leave?
01:35:03He said he'd leave.
01:35:05He said he'd leave.
01:35:09He said he'd leave.
01:35:11Mother, shut up.
01:35:13In the end, I'm going to hit this woman.
01:35:15That's what's going to happen.
01:35:17Mother, you're not going to do anything.
01:35:22I promised Tahir that Nefes would be my sister.
01:35:26He promised me that he'd stay away from Nefes.
01:35:30Do you understand, mother?
01:35:32He said he'd leave.
01:35:38Shut up.
01:35:41He said he'd leave.
01:35:43He said he'd leave.
01:36:13He said he'd leave.
01:36:27Would you have come with me?
01:36:29He didn't come for you.
01:36:31Who did he come for?
01:36:32For Tahir. For Nefes.
01:36:35What do you mean, they're going to stay away?
01:36:39I didn't run, Asya.
01:36:41Tahir came for me.
01:36:45What did he say?
01:36:49What did Tahir say, Mustafa?
01:36:52After everything got mixed up...
01:36:56...he said, you protect Nefes...
01:36:59...and I'll stay away.
01:37:03He must have thought he'd protect you from Esrek.
01:37:06What do you know?
01:37:07He's a traitor.
01:37:10What are you going to do to Nefes this time?
01:37:15I did it for my brother's life.
01:37:18I'll never do it again.
01:37:21You shouldn't have.
01:37:23Why did you do it that day?
01:37:25You gave it to Yigit and he confessed.
01:37:28Then when Tahir found Yigit's place...
01:37:30...why did you tell Eyşan again, Mustafa?
01:37:32Your brother's life was already guaranteed.
01:37:34And he confessed.
01:37:38You said, I did it, I'll do it.
01:37:42You said, if Vedat takes Yigit, Nefes will marry Vedat.
01:37:45You said, we'll get rid of the ball.
01:37:47When you did all this...
01:37:51...why should I believe what you said to Tahir, Mustafa?
01:37:58You saved me.
01:38:02Don't say anything anymore.
01:38:08Do you know why I say this?
01:38:11When I was getting married... father told me...
01:38:17...wives are each other's cover.
01:38:21It was God's order.
01:38:27Wives will cover each other's faults.
01:38:33God doesn't write sins.
01:38:36It's so hard, Emir.
01:38:40I'll tell you when I can't tell anyone.
01:38:46If I don't...
01:38:50...will Zehra hurt me, Mustafa?
01:38:57Think about that kid.
01:39:00I'll tell you.
01:39:01That kid can't tell.
01:39:03He's a coward.
01:39:05He's a coward.
01:39:11I'll tell you.
01:39:14Sin is bigger than my heart.
01:39:20Asya, don't cry, please.
01:39:24Don't cry.
01:39:28How can I not cry?
01:39:32I don't know who to cry to.
01:39:35To the one who made me live in hell...
01:39:38...or to the one who threw me into hell.
01:39:43To Mustafa.
01:39:49I don't know who to cry to.
01:40:23Are you coming from that guy?
01:40:25Who are you?
01:40:26Who are you?
01:40:27Are we like this now?
01:40:29What are we?
01:40:30You stole and played yourself.
01:40:33You were like a toy when you were with me on the Stone Bridge.
01:40:36I went out to find out how much my sister would hurt Sahir.
01:40:41We all saw how much she hurt.
01:40:44You became our enemy.
01:40:46Did you say I should play with my enemy's enemy?
01:40:49Shut up or I'll hit you.
01:40:51You'll hit me.
01:40:52You'll hit me, girl.
01:40:54That devil will hit you.
01:40:56Didn't you see it in your breath? Are you an idiot?
01:40:58No, we didn't.
01:40:59We only heard it in our breath.
01:41:01You all believed it right away.
01:41:03But I looked at myself.
01:41:04Is he a devil or not?
01:41:06All of you are civilized.
01:41:09No way.
01:41:10What no way?
01:41:11Maybe the breath is not a lie.
01:41:13Maybe they're lying to cover up their sins with your brother.
01:41:18Is this Nazar or Vedat who is talking?
01:41:20He did a good job on you.
01:41:22No one can do a good job on me.
01:41:24I wasn't fooled by your lies.
01:41:26In the end, it turned out that I was right.
01:41:29Don't do it, Nazar.
01:41:31This man will turn you on your finger.
01:41:34Then he will destroy you.
01:41:36Don't be ruined like the breath.
01:41:38I'm not a breath.
01:41:40I neither get ruined nor do innocent literature like the breath.
01:41:45You could have said whatever you were.
01:41:51Stay away from that man.
01:41:54Don't be the last victim of that devil.
01:41:57Come on.
01:41:58Go to hell.
01:42:00I'm not a victim of anyone.
01:42:02I don't take orders from anyone.
01:42:04Understand that.
01:42:28You got a call, honey.
01:42:30I'm sending you a cat video as a goodbye gift.
01:43:19You're jealous, aren't you?
01:43:21God damn you.
01:43:23What's going on in your head?
01:43:25I'm not sick, my dear wife. I'm in love.
01:43:29Which one are you more jealous of?
01:43:31The flowers I sent to the hospital or the table you prepared for Nazar?
01:43:36Your new victim, right?
01:43:38When you couldn't reach me, you chose that poor girl as your target.
01:43:42Not when I couldn't reach you, honey.
01:43:44I chose that poor girl as my victim to reach you.
01:43:49What does that mean?
01:43:51What happens to you is not what happens to another woman, right?
01:43:56Your cotton heart will never accept that.
01:44:05Let's do a test.
01:44:06What test?
01:44:07How much do you sacrifice?
01:44:12One day you will wear this wedding dress, but when?
01:44:16That's the question.
01:44:18Let's see at what stage you will sacrifice yourself.
01:44:22When will you say, leave Nazar and take me?
01:44:25Until then, I hope Nazar stays alive.
01:44:31As you delay, the questions of our little test will become more and more difficult.
01:44:38Nazar's life will burn more in every question.
01:44:41I don't want the girl to be ruined because of you.
01:44:46You don't want it either, right?
01:44:50Cotton-hearted princess.
01:45:45I didn't expect you to leave so soon, Nefes.
01:46:39Let's play.
01:46:45Let's go.
01:46:51I couldn't stand at the door, sir.
01:46:53I'm sitting here quietly.
01:46:57I suffered more from your brother than from my eldest daughter.
01:47:01Do you know that?
01:47:03She sat on your ass.
01:47:06Am I going to suffer from you now?
01:47:09Did the eldest daughter become a little girl in Nefes?
01:47:13God forbid.
01:47:16Tell me, son.
01:47:18Am I going to suffer from you as much as your brother?
01:47:22No, I don't have such an intention like my brother.
01:47:26I don't want your daughter.
01:47:30Then why are you sitting on that ass at the time of the test?
01:47:38I was wondering if she was seeing a nightmare.
01:47:40She woke up at this time yesterday.
01:47:43If she's sleeping, will you leave?
01:49:05Sir, you stay with the boy.
01:50:36Nefes is fine.
01:50:37She's at school.
01:50:38Don't worry.
01:50:40Don't worry.
01:52:16Slot nervous palliative care.
01:52:22Bombarded with love.
01:52:33What did you sleep, my friend?
01:52:40What do you mean what did you sleep?
01:52:42How long have you been here?
01:52:45Since three quarters.
01:52:49So, since Teheccüt.
01:52:53Did you come to tell me something again?
01:52:58No, I was wondering if you had a nightmare again.
01:53:03Then, when I couldn't find you at home, I wandered off.
01:53:09Wandered off?
01:53:15Why did you come here?
01:53:17Let's see at what stage you will sacrifice yourself.
01:53:20When will you leave Nazar and cry for me?
01:53:23One day you will wear this wedding dress, but when will you wear it?
01:53:27That's the question.
01:53:29Did you have a nightmare again?
01:53:38Come on.
01:53:39Let me take you home before people walk the streets.
01:53:42Then I will go to work.
01:53:59Be careful.
01:54:29Well, you left when I came yesterday.
01:54:39Couldn't I thank you for not working?
01:54:42There is no need to thank me.
01:54:44Thank you anyway.
01:54:47Did you work?
01:54:50Yes, I did.
01:54:52Good. Now get out.
01:54:55There is no work. You won't work.
01:54:58You won't.
01:54:59I will.
01:55:00Being cute doesn't work.
01:55:02Who is being cute?
01:55:03Am I going to get permission from you for being cute?
01:55:05Who is asking you?
01:55:06Don't be rude.
01:55:07I said you won't work.
01:55:09Is that so, Mr. Deli Tahir?
01:55:13Then I will go.
01:55:17You heard me. I will go.
01:55:19You can't go.
01:55:21Let's see if I can go or not.
01:55:24I will find a city where there are no pigeons and I will find a job there.
01:55:28Okay, work.
01:55:31Didn't I ask you?
01:55:33I will get a good job.
01:55:34Don't force me.
01:55:36Go inside.
01:55:38I will call the firemen and they will pick you up.
01:55:40No, I can go by myself.
01:55:42Go inside.
01:55:43I will call the firemen.
01:55:47Don't bother the firemen now.
01:55:49Wait for me for two minutes.
01:55:50I will change.
01:55:51Wait for me.
01:55:52I can't.
01:55:53I am in a hurry.
01:55:55I will send one of the firemen.
01:55:57He won't. I will go by myself.
01:55:59I said the firemen will pick you up.
01:56:02I said he won't.
01:56:21We are dead.
01:56:24We are dead.
01:56:25Don't take me.
01:56:27You are acting strange today.
01:56:51I've been waiting for you to let me in since the first few days we met, Commissar.
01:57:20But you made me wait a little too long.
01:57:22Don't do that.
01:57:24When I saw the police at my door last night, I said,
01:57:27Mithat Bozok is coming.
01:57:33I guess there's something going on between the Kalelids.
01:57:38After all, you had to let me in to tell my relatives not to touch me.
01:57:43You've been studying hard, Ersin.
01:57:46I memorized it, sir.
01:57:48Mithat Bozok.
01:57:50Chief Commissar of the murder table.
01:57:52Father Bayram.
01:57:54My mother Fatma.
01:57:56Musmin Bekar.
01:57:59He's a statesman.
01:58:02But since he has a bit of an angular character,
01:58:06he didn't get as much promotion as his relatives.
01:58:07So what can he do?
01:58:09He's being rebellious for his relatives.
01:58:11That's what he's doing.
01:58:14I studied too.
01:58:17Otherwise, I would have been very embarrassed.
01:58:22Abusing a woman.
01:58:30What did you know about the murder table?
01:58:32Oh, sorry.
01:58:33Abusing a woman is a murder too, of course.
01:58:35I'm against it too.
01:58:37Fortunately, my wife took back her complaint.
01:58:41Because she knows very well that I'm against violence.
01:58:48I'll go back to my studies then.
01:58:53Is this okay?
01:58:56Poor Bülent.
01:58:58He found a friend.
01:59:00I guess it's a girl thing.
01:59:02Chief Commissar.
01:59:03Nothing will come out of this, you know.
01:59:12Turgut Seher.
01:59:14His throat was slit at home.
01:59:34I'm sorry.
01:59:35I'm sorry.
01:59:36I'm sorry.
01:59:37I'm sorry.
01:59:38I'm sorry.
01:59:39I'm sorry.
01:59:40I'm sorry.
01:59:41I'm sorry.
01:59:42I'm sorry.
01:59:43I'm sorry.
01:59:44I'm sorry.
01:59:45I'm sorry.
01:59:46I'm sorry.
01:59:47I'm sorry.
01:59:48I'm sorry.
01:59:49I'm sorry.
01:59:50I'm sorry.
01:59:51I'm sorry.
01:59:52I'm sorry.
01:59:53I'm sorry.
01:59:54I'm sorry.
01:59:55I'm sorry.
01:59:56I'm sorry.
01:59:57I'm sorry.
01:59:58I'm sorry.
01:59:59I'm sorry.
02:00:00I'm sorry.
02:00:01I'm sorry.
02:00:02I'm sorry.
02:00:03I'm sorry.
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02:02:52I'm sorry.
02:02:53I'm sorry.
02:02:54I'm sorry.
02:02:55I'm sorry.
02:02:56I'm sorry.
02:02:57I'm sorry.
02:02:58I'm sorry.
02:02:59I'm sorry.
02:03:00I'm sorry.
02:03:01I'm sorry.
02:03:02I'm sorry.
02:03:03I'm sorry.
02:03:04I'm sorry.
02:03:05I'm sorry.
02:03:06I'm sorry.
02:03:07I'm sorry.
02:03:08I'm sorry.
02:03:09I'm sorry.
02:03:10I'm sorry.
02:03:11I'm sorry.
02:03:12I'm sorry.
02:03:13I'm sorry.
02:03:14I'm sorry.
02:03:15I'm sorry.
02:03:16I'm sorry.
02:03:17I'm sorry.
02:03:18I'm sorry.
02:03:19I'm sorry.
02:03:20I'm sorry.
02:03:21I'm sorry.
02:03:22I'm sorry.
02:03:23I'm sorry.
02:03:24I'm sorry.
02:03:28Say hi to your captain.
02:03:44I couldn't get you out.
02:03:46Who are you, kid?
02:03:48Say hi to you too, Captain Cemal.
02:03:51He looks like our captain Tahir.
02:03:54But no.
02:03:55He quit his job.
02:03:56He's chasing a girl.
02:03:57Let me look at you from a distance.
02:03:59Who are you?
02:04:00If you want, I can go to the top of a crane and look at you from there.
02:04:03Maybe you'll see better.
02:04:05I remember you said crane.
02:04:09You go to the captain's mansion.
02:04:11Welcome, kid.
02:04:12Untie the ropes.
02:04:21Let's go.
02:04:44The captain is talking.
02:04:47Come on, one by one.
02:04:48In the name of God.
02:04:50Let's go.
02:05:03Brother Musa.
02:05:04Let's go.
02:05:05Start the engines.
02:05:20Let's go.
02:05:21Let's go.
02:05:48Let's pick you up in the evening.
02:05:50Don't worry.
02:05:51I can do it myself.
02:05:52No way.
02:05:53Brother Tahir has an order.
02:05:54So what?
02:05:56He can't do it himself.
02:05:57But he knows how to give orders from there.
02:06:03Look, on the first day of work...
02:06:04...nobody can break my morale.
02:06:06Come on, honey.
02:06:07Come on.
02:06:14I don't know if it's because of our lineage or our water...
02:06:17...but all our daughters-in-law are drunk.
02:06:48Good luck, Nefes Zorlu.
02:06:51You don't know the meaning of this for me.
02:06:54I have my dreams after eight years.
02:06:58Then start dreaming about your next dream.
02:07:01Can I enjoy my table first?
02:07:03Let's go.
02:07:17I have a lot to learn.
02:07:19I haven't used a computer for eight years.
02:07:22You'll remember when you get used to it.
02:07:26It's like I'm new on the stage.
02:07:29Time has passed.
02:07:30Everything has changed.
02:07:33I was scared.
02:07:34There are thousands of people who spend their lives in their own prisons, Nefes.
02:07:38A lot of people have already locked themselves up.
02:07:40You weren't even captured there.
02:07:42Are you going to be captured by fear now?
02:07:44I was scared.
02:07:46But I didn't get scared.
02:07:48I was scared of Vedat, too.
02:07:51But I wasn't captured by fear.
02:07:53I'll never be.
02:07:56Then make some coffee, Ms. Nefes.
02:07:58Let's start working now.
02:08:03Yes, boss.
02:08:33My head, my eyes are on you
02:08:37On you
02:08:40On you, oh, oh, on you
02:08:45My head, my eyes are on you
02:08:51On you
02:08:54On you, oh, oh, on you
02:09:03On you
02:09:16Don't look at my face again
02:09:21My face
02:09:24Don't look at my face again
02:09:30My face
02:09:33I order you to believe this word of mine
02:09:39My word
02:09:42My word, oh, oh, my word
02:09:47I order you to believe this word of mine
02:09:53My word
02:09:56My word, oh, oh, my word
02:10:03Selamünaleyküm, Gültekin.
02:10:27Oh, my dearest customer, Mustafa, and aleykümselam.
02:10:32Would you have come here without Aziye?
02:10:35Yes, this time I did.
02:10:37Oh, I see.
02:10:39You came here to buy the handcuffs that Aziye liked.
02:10:43Did Aziye like the handcuffs?
02:10:45Yes, she said it would look good on me.
02:10:48She said she would either buy the handcuffs or send Mustafa.
02:10:53Oh, my Aziye.
02:10:55What, Mustafa?
02:10:57Slow down, Gültekin, slow down.
02:10:59If you don't buy the handcuffs, you'll owe me a million dollars.
02:11:04What are you going to do with all that money?
02:11:06What do you care? I'll do whatever I want.
02:11:09You'll give me a million, and I'll give you a six-month check in return.
02:11:13Will you give it to me or not?
02:11:15Don't kiss me, brother, I'll go to hell.
02:11:18I'm just a little sheep here.
02:11:20I don't need money.
02:11:22Don't eat me, Gültekin.
02:11:24Do you think I don't know that you collect money from the market and lend it to interest?
02:11:29It's a shame, brother Mustafa.
02:11:31You made me a beggar.
02:11:33Shame on you, Gültekin.
02:11:36Let's call him the portfolio manager.
02:11:38No one will laugh at you.
02:11:42Brother, I don't know now, I mean, I didn't know, but...
02:11:45Do you know how to do it?
02:11:48Give me a minute.
02:11:50Let me adjust it, see what's what.
02:11:52If I can adjust it, I'll let you know.
02:11:54I don't have time, Gültekin.
02:11:57Okay, brother.
02:11:59Come on, God bless you.
02:12:00You too.
02:12:05Show me the butterfly that Asiye likes.
02:12:10Okay, I'll show you.
02:12:26I'm here, Asiye, open the door.
02:12:43Wait, let me open the door.
02:12:46How are you, Pasha?
02:12:48I'm very, very, very good.
02:12:50Because I'm going to start school.
02:12:52Did you hear?
02:12:53I heard, I heard.
02:12:54I'm very happy.
02:12:55Where's Grandpa Osman?
02:12:57He's reading the Quran.
02:12:59May God accept it then.
02:13:00Let's go inside.
02:13:15Yes, Pasha.
02:13:17Did you tell Mustafa that you gave me to my father?
02:13:23You didn't.
02:13:24Did you tell him?
02:13:25I didn't.
02:13:29You were worried about it, too, weren't you, my brave one?
02:13:33Me too.
02:13:35What didn't you tell him?
02:13:37What were you worried about, huh?
02:13:43Grandpa Osman.
02:13:45You know, it's a sin to lie.
02:13:48Is it a sin to hide it?
02:13:52It's not a sin for children.
02:13:54But children will tell their good and bad mothers... that they can protect their mothers and children.
02:14:01What if a mother wants to protect her child?
02:14:05Children don't protect.
02:14:07Children are protected.
02:14:10My mother always tells me...'s my job to protect you until you grow up.
02:14:14Yes, you're right.
02:14:16Well, then tell me, Pasha.
02:14:20Who protects you?
02:14:21Tahir protects me, too.
02:14:23Of course he does, my boy.
02:14:25Then I can tell Tahir.
02:14:35Of course you can.
02:14:43Take care of yourself, my boy.
02:14:45No one else matters.
02:14:59Yes, Gültekin.
02:15:00Cemil, I've got a big job.
02:15:03Are you going to give me money?
02:15:05Yes, but I'll give you what's rightfully yours.
02:15:08You know, I give better than the bank.
02:15:11Who's the client? How much does he want?
02:15:14Mustafa Kaleli.
02:15:16He wants a million dollars.
02:15:18He'll give you a six-month check.
02:15:20The principal is three percent interest per month.
02:15:23What do you think?
02:15:24I'm going to start being rude to you now.
02:15:27Don't you hear what I'm going through because of these Kalelis?
02:15:30Look at me. I won't give you that money.
02:15:32Don't find it somewhere and give it to Mustafa.
02:15:36You won't get permission for this job.
02:15:39Get out of here.
02:15:47I guess we didn't like each other very much, Mr. Cemil.
02:15:50What are you doing here? Are you okay?
02:15:52Don't sit down.
02:15:55Mustafa Kaleli called our tenant.
02:15:59He asked for a six-month loan.
02:16:02He wants a million from me.
02:16:06Did you say no?
02:16:08Yes, I did.
02:16:12Call your tenant and tell him you'll give him the money he wants.
02:16:17I'll meet him.
02:16:19You'll meet him.
02:16:25You made him give the money to Mustafa.
02:16:27You made him close his loans.
02:16:29Mr. Cemil.
02:16:32Ms. Eşen.
02:16:33As of now, it's true that you're killing Mustafa Kaleli.
02:16:36You're right.
02:16:39Open your eyes.
02:16:46Do you remember?
02:16:50In two or three months...'ll be able to buy all the ships of Kaleli, Mr. Cemil.
02:17:30I wish you all the best...
02:17:32...but it's not going to happen, Gültekin.
02:17:36Mr. Mustafa, mind your own business.
02:17:40Take care.
02:17:43You too.
02:17:44See you.
02:18:04Mr. Cemil, here are the checks.
02:18:06Are they all done?
02:18:10This is your commission.
02:18:12Thank you.
02:18:15Take care.
02:18:25I think he's wrong.
02:18:27He got a three-month check...
02:18:29...and put it to work a month later.
02:18:31It can't be.
02:18:45Hello, Mercan.
02:18:47It's Tahir.
02:18:49Can I pick you up?
02:18:51We're going to have dinner.
02:19:15It's not like a commission.
02:19:17At the bank...
02:19:20Who sent these flowers?
02:19:27How do you know?
02:19:29My dear.
02:19:30My men met you often today.
02:19:33As far as we understand, you started working.
02:19:35I wanted to congratulate you.
02:19:37May God bless you.
02:19:38If it's worth it...
02:19:39...may God bless you instead.
02:19:41Much love.
02:19:44Sister Ismail.
02:19:46Do you know where Nazar is?
02:19:49I have to tell him about Vedat.
02:20:14Mr. Tahir.
02:20:16Why didn't you knock on our door?
02:20:20If I've offended you...
02:20:21...go and call your sister.
02:20:23No, sister. Goodbye.
02:20:28If you're ready, let's go.
02:20:30Of course.
02:20:31My father was waiting for this day.
02:20:34Nazar is right.
02:20:37If my father hears...
02:20:39What happened?
02:20:40You said okay on the phone.
02:20:42Are you coming or not?
02:20:44I'm not hungry.
02:20:46Can't we talk here?
02:20:48For God's sake.
02:20:49Let's meet at the fountain, Mercan.
02:20:51Love doesn't meet at the fountain, brother Tahir.
02:20:55Mercan, go.
02:20:56Or your brother will be in my hands.
02:20:59You won't be five minutes late.
02:21:12Do they bother you at home?
02:21:14No, not much.
02:21:17But you're still afraid of your father.
02:21:22Are you okay?
02:21:25I'm fine.
02:21:28I'm great.
02:21:31How can I be good, Mercan?
02:21:33You meant your life.
02:21:35One of the reasons is me.
02:21:38Moreover, there is no excuse for what I did.
02:21:41I guess you can't apologize for not kidnapping me.
02:21:45I'm trying to apologize for wearing that ring from the beginning.
02:21:49Say it once.
02:21:54The breath settled here.
02:21:56Is that so?
02:21:58It's a matter now.
02:22:04Look, I'll talk to you openly.
02:22:06You talk to me openly.
02:22:08Without shame.
02:22:09Do you understand?
02:22:10I've already been humiliated enough.
02:22:14To my family.
02:22:15To Sürmen.
02:22:16Even to Nefes.
02:22:18What does it have to do with Nefes?
02:22:20Moreover, you haven't been humiliated to anyone.
02:22:21I have.
02:22:22Don't say that.
02:22:23It's human nature.
02:22:24Okay, you were ridiculous.
02:22:25But people are surprised.
02:22:29What do I have to do for you not to do this nonsense again?
02:22:34I won't do it again.
02:22:37I couldn't even do it.
02:22:39Thank God you couldn't.
02:22:44I don't want to say okay, let's get married.
02:22:48If I told you that we can't be together, I would make you unhappy.
02:22:53Will I be with Nefes?
02:22:55Look, she still says Nefes.
02:22:57There is no Nefes.
02:22:58There is no such possibility.
02:22:59But there is no possibility because of you.
02:23:01But at her level.
02:23:03Whether there is a possibility or not.
02:23:07This love.
02:23:08It's not normal.
02:23:09This state of yours is not normal.
02:23:11What is not normal about loving?
02:23:13Being a killer.
02:23:16Apparently, you both agree.
02:23:20Nefes said that love doesn't bring life to the hospital.
02:23:23It gives life.
02:23:25I didn't care about Nefes as much as you do.
02:23:28Let it go.
02:23:29Forget it.
02:23:35Do you want to talk to a doctor?
02:23:37Should I take you?
02:23:39Nazar said doctor, but...
02:23:43My mother found a teacher.
02:23:45He is not better.
02:23:46What kind of teacher?
02:23:49He is a nutter teacher.
02:23:52What nutter, what teacher?
02:23:54Don't be ridiculous.
02:23:56Okay, I'll investigate.
02:23:57I'll find a good doctor.
02:23:59We'll go together.
02:24:00I'll take you, okay?
02:24:04I don't know you.
02:24:07I said okay for dinner today, but...
02:24:09What if they say no?
02:24:13Mercan, what will happen to you in this state?
02:24:16What can I do?
02:24:18I'm like this.
02:24:22Okay, be like that.
02:24:24No problem.
02:24:25Be happy.
02:24:26I'll try to be.
02:24:29Osman came to the teacher.
02:24:31I was fine.
02:24:33Then I collapsed again.
02:24:35Will you tell him?
02:24:37Let him come again, okay?
02:24:39Okay, I'll tell him.
02:24:42Come on, go home now.
02:24:44Otherwise, Nazar will destroy everything.
02:24:57Esma, Tahir is here.
02:24:58Keep going, okay?
02:24:59Step on it.
02:25:14What is Tahir doing here?
02:25:17I don't know.
02:25:19He came to flirt with Mercan.
02:25:22Crazy Tahir.
02:25:26Esma, don't laugh.
02:25:29I'm already angry.
02:25:30I couldn't talk to Nazar.
02:25:32You're angry because you couldn't talk to Nazar.
02:25:35Not because you saw Mercan with Tahir.
02:25:37Why should I be angry with him?
02:25:38Am I a teenager?
02:25:40Vedat is into Nazar.
02:25:42Now I can't think of Tahir and Mercan.
02:25:44You should have talked to Nazar then.
02:25:46Why are we running away, Nefes?
02:25:50Tahir should learn that Vedat is threatening me with Nazar.
02:25:54He should go to the hotel, right?
02:25:56I need to talk to Nazar alone.
02:26:00Then find an explanation for what you did to Devren.
02:26:04Because we became friends at the same time.
02:26:26I'm sorry.
02:26:28I'm sorry.
02:26:54Who are you?
02:26:56Who are you?
02:26:58Who are you?
02:27:00We are.
02:27:04When Mustafa can't pay the money...
02:27:07...we will have the right to withdraw the money.
02:27:11He lost the money he borrowed for the bid.
02:27:14He will lose the bid too.
02:27:16And I owe him a million dollars.
02:27:22Do you believe that... can take Mustafa from me?
02:28:47Get out!
02:28:51Let me go! What are you doing?
02:28:53Let me go!
02:28:54I can walk. Let me go!
02:29:00What were you doing there?
02:29:02Were you following me?
02:29:04Why would I follow you?
02:29:07Then why?
02:29:12Don't lie to me.
02:29:13You told me once and I went crazy. Don't lie to me.
02:29:15I'm not lying. I'm just keeping quiet.
02:29:18If you didn't follow me, you didn't come to tell me to go to Mercan.
02:29:24Did you come to Nazar?
02:29:39Because he fired at me?
02:29:42Were you trying to protect me?
02:29:45Didn't we fight with you because you jumped in front of the bullet?
02:29:49He said, jump in front of the bullet.
02:29:54Why were you there?
02:29:56Are you starting with Mercan again?
02:29:58I told you.
02:29:59These things are not for me.
02:30:04When you weren't around... didn't take me to work today.
02:30:09You didn't even let me get a pass.
02:30:12I thought...
02:30:23I thought...
02:30:44He's trying to stay away from you.
02:30:49Why didn't you tell me?
02:30:56I wasn't going to keep quiet.
02:31:03Nefes, don't make me talk.
02:31:05We keep quiet about these things.
02:31:09I'll keep quiet anyway.
02:31:16If I could speak...
02:31:19...I would tell you.
02:31:23But in that dungeon...
02:31:25...there was no sound or breath.
02:31:33Do you know what breath means?
02:31:37What is that?
02:31:39It means being friends.
02:31:42Are we going to be friends?
02:31:47They won't understand that either.
02:31:51I knew it.
02:31:54Is the situation that bad?
02:31:57Our only enemy is not Vedat anymore.
02:32:00Cemil also has Dağdeviren.
02:32:03I don't know what he's doing.
02:32:05But it bothers us for a while.
02:32:07I don't want you to be sad, Nefes.
02:32:10Is that why you're moving away?
02:32:14Is that why you didn't want me to work?
02:32:16Or is it just a reward?
02:32:20First, a woman should work.
02:32:23Otherwise, she'll be surprised who she's dealing with at home.
02:32:27I was afraid of your safety.
02:32:29Why are you telling me this?
02:32:32Shut up.
02:32:34Because you're crazy, Tahir.
02:32:36Okay then.
02:32:40Even if I don't like it, I'll stay away from you.
02:32:45Mithat and my brother will protect you.
02:32:47My brother promised.
02:32:49Your sister...
02:32:50...will take care of you.
02:32:54And in return...
02:32:56...he promised to stay away.
02:33:01This time, it's my idea.
02:33:07Will we never see each other again?
02:33:17I'll take him to the ship.
02:33:20We'll hang out as men.
02:33:24Why don't we stop by the house?
02:33:28When it's time to meditate.
02:33:33Come here.
02:33:54Can we stay like this for a while?
02:33:57We can.
02:34:53I love you.
02:35:23I'll kill you.
02:35:31I'll kill you.
02:35:35For now.
02:35:37For now, your house.
02:35:40Where are you?
02:35:44You lost the money.
02:35:48So, you won't get the tender.
02:35:51So... won't be able to sell it.
02:35:55You won't be able to sign the cheques.
02:35:59You owe me a million dollars, Mustafa.
02:36:05So, let the beggars come and go.
02:36:12You too.
02:36:15You too.
02:36:19Let's visit the house first.
02:36:21My wife wants to move in here.
02:36:25Maybe we'll move into the mansion.
02:36:32...after we get married...
02:36:34...we'll have our baby in Tahir's room.
02:36:37What do you think, Mustafa?
02:36:51TAHIR'S ROOM
02:37:21TAHIR'S ROOM
02:37:26Let me see Yigit before I leave.
02:37:47Open it.
02:37:51TAHIR'S ROOM
02:38:21TAHIR'S ROOM
02:38:37What happened?
02:38:44Yigit will ask you something.
02:38:51Tell me, mommy.
02:38:56I was scared.
02:38:57I couldn't tell you.
02:38:59Don't be scared.
02:39:01Look, we're here.
02:39:10My dad...
02:39:17My uncle Mustafa gave me this.
02:39:21TAHIR'S ROOM
02:39:51TAHIR'S ROOM
02:40:21TAHIR'S ROOM
02:40:51TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:21TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:22TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:23TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:24TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:25TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:26TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:27TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:28TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:29TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:30TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:31TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:32TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:33TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:34TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:35TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:36TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:37TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:38TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:39TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:40TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:41TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:42TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:43TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:44TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:45TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:46TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:47TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:48TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:49TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:50TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:51TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:52TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:53TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:54TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:55TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:56TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:57TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:58TAHIR'S ROOM
02:41:59TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:00TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:01TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:02TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:03TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:04TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:05TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:06TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:07TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:08TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:09TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:10TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:11TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:12TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:13TAHIR'S ROOM
02:42:14TAHIR'S ROOM
