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#24 hours in police custody
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# bhoot police full movie 2021
#bad cop
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00:00Cops are always trying to abuse their power, but what happens when it's not civilians. They're faced with but undercover FBI agents
00:08Federal Bureau of Investigation
00:10The u.s. Air Force specialist and ex-fbi agent was pulled over for having a slightly obstructed license plate
00:16But when the cops found out who he was they started to look for any reason they could find to get him arrested
00:22How you doing, sir? All right?
00:24Let me turn with the sheriff's office reason I'm stopping here is your your plates obstructed whatever that thing's got you got to take it off
00:30Okay, okay
00:33When you went to driving school and a cop pulls you over what they tell you
00:39No you pull over immediately
00:41Okay, let me tell you that and now you pull over immediately
00:46Because I don't know what you're doing inside this car
00:49Hiding guns
00:52Right out the gate this cop is wrong, and it's obvious he has some form of superiority complex
00:57It is not required to pull over immediately for many reasons such as the obstruction of traffic and general safety
01:04But you should attempt to pull over as quickly as it's safe to do so if safety is the number one priority
01:09It's probably not the best idea to slam on the brakes and swerve to the side of the road with no hard shoulder
01:15But this isn't the end of the cops lies, so who are you?
01:21Former NBOC and I used to work security at Harris. Oh, okay, okay?
01:29Do you have insurance on this thing? My partner? Huh? Do you have insurance on this thing? Yeah, your partner what now my partner called me
01:36I'm a contractor with Southwest gas mm-hmm, so I got to go over there and get him logged into his computer
01:41No guns inside the car
01:44After a few routine questions the cop starts to get a little more specific and tries to find a way to incriminate him
01:50What do you got right there up front?
01:53My contract
02:08It's got wet bags in the back to
02:10Go ahead step out man
02:12No weapons. I know like that. I'm gonna take you out like this just to check that one for me, so you're not a
02:18Like law enforcement, right? You're not a law enforcement officer
02:22Okay, so you say you work security, right?
02:28Whose car is it
02:33So I'm gonna put these on for now, okay, cuz wouldn't relax
02:39The agent is now being put in cuffs with absolutely no idea why he has to assume
02:44It's because of the lights, but the cops haven't given him a reason for detaining him
02:47However when they find out exactly who he's working for things take a very strange turn
02:52Why are you taking the lights off of there? No, I do contract work
02:56So I have to have lights on this vehicle for something to work. They shouldn't be that color
03:00Yeah, this shouldn't be written white brother. Yeah, it depends on who you're contracting with if you contract with law enforcement agencies
03:05Which agencies do you contract with the various?
03:08Name some a DOJ
03:10So you have a contract? I've worked for DHS. Okay, so do you have a government ID? I have a contractor
03:17Where's that?
03:20Where'd you get this
03:25Federal Bureau of Investigation badge
03:30The cops now know exactly who he is
03:32But that doesn't stop them from way overstepping their position and searching the agent without his permission
03:38No guns, right inside the car. Yeah
03:44Who because like I said meant to
03:49Back in
03:51So the reason you're in cuffs, okay
03:54Unless you're a sworn officer
03:56Yeah, you're not allowed to have red and blues right because then you can easily impersonate a police officer
04:04So who issued this to you?
04:07Your former employer so you used to work for the FBI at one point I've contracted with the Department of Justice and the FBI
04:14here in
04:16Here in Reno. Where's their office at?
04:18resident agency, it's
04:21It's next to Wells Fargo. It's right by the traffic circle
04:28These officers are clearly not happy that the agent has an answer for everything
04:32So they decide to start asking questions that they know he can't answer in an effort to incriminate him an incredibly manipulative and corrupt
04:40Tactic since you got the badge, where's your creds at? Where's your federal creds at?
04:49You have an FBI badge
04:52Okay, I used to be a task force officer with the FBI
04:59So when did you work for
05:03Okay, well I'm texting somebody right now if you impersonate a federal officer, you know, you're gonna get in trouble for that
05:09Okay, and like I said with the red and blues
05:13That alone right there. Okay, that's what you're
05:16That's not that's not an offense in and of itself to have it. Yes, it is
05:19I don't want to show you the NRS. You have to actually run this. No, you don't
05:24They're in your vehicle and I must destroy those
05:26Okay, I'm gonna pull up NRS for you. I've went to a police officer Academy
05:31Right again, but I went
05:36Let me let's go over here that wouldn't get a
05:39But I was issued to you say right
05:42That little FBI deal, you know, you didn't steal it or find it
05:48Remember again their issue is with the lights on his car
05:51The cops do not have the authority to search the agent here. So digging around in his pockets is completely unwarranted and
05:58Illegal the specifics in this case are admittedly a little blurry
06:01It's illegal for a civilian to illuminate red and blue emergency lights on their vehicle
06:06But this man never let them up and the times when he did he was under contract with an official law enforcement
06:11Agency, and if he only works part-time with the FBI, it would be wrong for him to identify as an FBI agent all the time
06:18But he never did that and as such wasn't impersonating an agent in this situation
06:23The cops didn't detain him for committing a crime. They detained him because he could have committed a crime
06:29It's the same thing as arresting a licensed gun holder because they could use the weapon for a robbery
06:35However, the next case is much more clear-cut and shows the hilarious power trips cops can often find themselves on
06:49On July 16th
06:511922 the Muskogee County Jail found itself facing severe
06:54Overcrowding issues with many officers having to wait outside the building to book their suspects at the time
07:00There was a crime suppression procedure in place of the city leading to a large influx of suspects
07:06But as the jails became more overcrowded the county sheriff called off the procedure
07:10However, this was ignored by the police in Muskogee
07:13So in turn cops in the area were asked to process prisoners on a specific order based on who apprehended them
07:20local deputies first state patrol officer second and Columbus police officers last as you can imagine
07:26Certain cops weren't too happy about this and when one deputy rightly cut in line things started to heat up
07:38Ain't that right?
07:41Watch this
07:53Wait a minute
07:58I'm gonna file a complaint
08:01Remember it's totally fine for this officer to cut in front here
08:04He's just adhering to the county sheriff's orders, but whether it's ego a power complex or just frustration the cops aren't happy at all
08:24Muskogee deputy Blaine Adkins finishes booking his suspect, but when he gets back to his car
08:29He realizes it's been blocked in by Columbus Patrol vehicles. This is when things really start to get aggressive between the cops
08:51So I got nothing
08:53My goddamn call
08:56That it works over there, but they ain't got nothing to do with me move the goddamn car
09:05Move the goddamn car man. Wow
09:11Yeah, I'm like a bunch of goddamn
09:14We don't have to bring in that
09:16Listen man, I'm only doing what my supervisor told me. I understand. This is ridiculous and I hate that I'm dealing with this
09:24But you're gonna have to talk to the sergeant over there
09:27I'll be talking to the chief. Hey chief. I'm sorry
09:31We got a situation over here. We got CPD won't let our guys out
09:36And they're about to get a go to blows. I'm asking your CPD officer to burn up his car and
09:42Is that he's saying that his supervisor felt
09:45What's interesting about the interaction is that the officer tells the Muskogee lieutenant that he's only acting on his supervisor's orders
09:51This isn't a misunderstanding between individuals
09:54This is a clash of two entire police departments and all the while there are citizens in danger that are left completely without help
10:01Because of this disagreement
10:11Standing on the wall
10:18I try to get through and they immediately halfway open and shut it on me and I hear
10:25That female officer's trying to get get into the door do not let her in that door do not let any officer
10:36So they won't even let us through the door
10:38Tensions are at an all-time high between the cops with sergeants even having to split cops up to avoid fights
10:46So, what do the cops do when they feel threatened they bring out the handcuffs
10:50It's pretty bad
10:57This guy's got a call, but then my sergeant's telling me
11:02And then when I started back
11:06What about arrested all of them for not doing their job I really wish this is not my car right there
11:14I'm gonna leave the keys in there, dude. I really not wanting to
11:20Be a part of a to get charged with crime
11:25It takes over an hour and the arrival of the Columbus police captain to de-escalate the situation in the end all the suspects held by
11:32Columbus officers were released with a court summons despite having felony charges
11:36And it was decided by the county sheriff and mayor that the Muscogee Jail
11:41Needed to be improved considerably. If you enjoy true crime videos like this, make sure you're subscribed to see more
