Queen of Mystery S01 E14 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago
Queen of Mystery S01 E14 Hindi Dubbed


00:56He's a
01:10My god
01:14My god
01:18My god
01:22My god
01:38My god
01:42My god
01:46My god
01:52I wanted to explain it to you.
01:54Instead of explaining it to us, you should explain it to the culprit.
01:57We want everyone's statement to be 100% correct.
02:00We can't miss any detail.
02:02It's important to be 100%.
02:04Oh man, she's after 100% again.
02:10Did the manager steal any money?
02:15The district office must have said so.
02:22She's covering her neck with her hands.
02:25That means she's scared.
02:27It's a lie.
02:29So, Ms. Kim, you're the one who made the district office sign this, right?
02:37Why would I do that?
02:40Hello, madam.
02:53I made her do it.
02:56But I didn't mix the pesticides.
03:14When the manager fainted, did you give her the ginseng tea?
03:19Did you drink her ginseng tea?
03:22I didn't drink it.
03:24She shook her head.
03:26But her words aren't for me.
03:29It's a lie.
03:33Tell me this.
03:35After fighting with the manager over your drinks, you couldn't drink her tea, right?
03:40And that's why you changed the labels?
03:45The ginseng and the plum tea look the same.
03:49No one can tell.
03:53But we found your fingerprints on the bottle and the name tag.
04:00We found the prints of their names on every bottle.
04:03But we also found an extra print on the ginseng bottle.
04:09Is he the real culprit?
04:12Not 100%.
04:14Do you enjoy troubling people?
04:18I knew it.
04:30I'm at the parking lot of Seewong Building.
04:33Why are you telling me this?
04:36Don't interrupt me. I'm not asking you to come here.
04:39I'm just scared.
04:43I'm here to meet Mr. Jang.
04:45I need to check something.
04:48Is Mr. Jang there?
04:50He told me to meet him.
04:52He must be here.
04:55You're not meeting him alone, right?
04:57I had no other option.
04:59I had to meet him alone.
05:02He's dangerous.
05:04He's not well.
05:06He can do anything.
05:08Yes, I know.
05:10That's why I called you for safety.
05:12Don't interrupt me.
05:14Stay where you are.
05:19Don't come here.
05:21Or he'll run away.
05:25I'll call you.
05:28Did something happen to Detective Ha?
05:32Where is he going all of a sudden?
05:35Is it another case?
06:01Mr. Jang?
06:32Why isn't she answering her phone?
06:35Your call is being forwarded.
06:38I didn't drink that drink.
06:41I was going to, but...
07:01I'm sorry.
07:16I was afraid that the manager would drink the plum tea.
07:21That's why when she went to the bathroom,
07:23I changed the drinks' tags.
07:30How long did it take you to change the tags?
07:36I changed them after lunch.
07:38That's two hours.
07:42how long did it take you to change the name tags on the plum tea bottle?
07:47Why was there a pesticide on the name tag on the plum tea bottle?
07:54I didn't do it.
08:12I had no animosity with the manager.
08:16I just didn't pay the membership fees.
08:19Yes, I know.
08:23I really didn't put anything in the red ginseng tea.
08:28I know that too.
08:34none of us are culprits, right?
08:40The case started
08:42when Ms. Lee changed the bottles of plum tea and red ginseng tea.
08:51When everyone went out for lunch,
08:55the culprit found mom's pesticide bottle and gloves outside.
09:01The culprit wore mom's gloves and...
09:07did his work.
09:09He put the pesticide in the plum tea bottle.
09:18That's why there was a pesticide on the bottle's tag.
09:22You put the pesticide in the plum tea,
09:25not the ginseng tea.
09:28You put the pesticide in the plum tea, not the ginseng tea.
09:35Why would I do that?
09:38You're sweating because you're scared.
09:43It's hyperhidrosis.
09:48Yes, so...
09:50what's wrong with that?
09:53I'm not sweating because I'm guilty.
09:56It's always like that.
09:58The gloves you used that day,
10:00the inside part of them was outside.
10:08I've heard that you never raise your voice when you talk.
10:14You always understand everything and answer calmly.
10:19That's why...
10:21no one pays attention to me.
10:24You were scared of committing a crime because you had a weak heart.
10:29That's why you were sweating.
10:45It must have been difficult to remove those gloves from the sweat.
10:48That's why they flipped while removing them.
10:51But people always remove their gloves like that.
10:54Yes, I do it like that too.
10:57But madam,
10:59we can find out whose sweat it is.
11:04We'll know after the DNA test.
11:21Why did you do that?
11:51Thank you.
12:05Thank you so much.
12:12Are you her maid?
12:14She just gave you money and you lost your dignity.
12:18I think you'll be ready to clean her bathroom now.
12:38I was just...
12:40thanking Miss Kim.
12:44How can you say such things to me?
12:48I didn't get insulted.
12:50I'm not a maid.
12:52Oh no!
12:53That's because...
12:55I said it out of anger because of our fight.
12:59But how can you say such things when I'm angry?
13:03Oh no!
13:06I just...
13:08wanted to scare her a little.
13:14I didn't know that the manager would drink that drink.
13:18Or he would have to go to the hospital.
13:23Oh my God!
13:42Please apologize to Miss Park on my behalf.
13:49But why did you...
13:51try to trap my mom?
13:55Did my mom do something wrong to you?
14:05I got this for you.
14:11What's all this?
14:13You won't fight anymore.
14:16Name tag.
14:17This is so nice.
14:19You take this.
14:22Then put it in this.
14:23Yes, I'll take the yellow one.
14:25You want the yellow one?
14:27There's more.
14:28I was jealous of her.
14:46Please forgive me.
14:49Please forgive me.
14:51Please forgive me.
14:55You're an adult.
14:56This is your first crime.
14:57You need to be careful about these things.
14:59It won't be an attempted murder case.
15:01It'll just be an injury.
15:03Please forgive me.
15:07Please forgive me.
15:10Please forgive me.
15:12Please forgive me.
15:16Please forgive me.
15:27I'm happy that my mom isn't the culprit.
15:33But I feel really bad.
15:45Please forgive me.
16:01Are you okay?
16:03Did you do this on purpose?
16:05Are you worried about me?
16:08I'm glad to see you're okay.
16:10You still don't want to marry me.
16:12Is everything okay?
16:14The plaster will stay on for a few days.
16:17But he didn't try to kill me.
16:20Then who did this?
16:23About what?
16:26I can't tell you.
16:30Look at this and understand.
16:32Jang Jeevon.
16:33Will you take me to my office?
16:36I can't drive like this.
16:38And I have to give you something.
17:08Sit here.
17:12Thank you.
17:25About that old case...
17:29I forgot about it.
17:33Find the truth.
17:35No matter what.
17:39Today I realized how bad it is to blame someone.
17:44You won't find peace even after you die.
17:47Because of this anger.
17:50If someone has murdered Yeon Sung.
17:55Then find him.
17:58If your dad has been falsely accused.
18:04Free him.
18:10I promised Yeon Sung at the funeral.
18:16That I will take care of you.
18:19And he won't have to worry about you.
18:23I don't know if this permission is right or wrong.
18:40What happened now?
18:43She was kicking him out of the house.
18:47Where are you going?
18:48It's late.
18:50I have to meet a friend.
18:52And look outside, it's not night yet.
19:01It's good.
19:10Are you shifting the office?
19:12No, I'm vacating it.
19:15You liked this place, right?
19:17Did you kick it out?
19:20My brother is going to be a senior attorney soon.
19:23You know what my brother thinks about me, right?
19:27I'm sorry.
19:29If you were married, he wouldn't have been angry with you.
19:33I hope you understand.
19:39Let's go.
19:50This is the last gift from me.
19:54It says who killed Si Hyun Soo.
20:02You'll be surprised.
20:04It's not what you think it is.
20:09It's the case of Shinim Dong, the taxi driver.
20:11Shinim Dong?
20:12Shinim Dong.
20:13Shinim Dong.
20:15That case was filed on November 14, 2007.
20:28Seven years ago, I killed a woman in my taxi.
20:33Then I tied the body to a heavy object and threw it into the sea.
20:37Since then, I've been living in fear every day.
20:40That I might get caught.
20:43I tried to hide everything until the Statue of Limitation was over.
20:47But my wife found out everything.
20:50And we won't be able to live under such a heavy burden.
20:54But I don't want anyone to see my daughter as the daughter of a murderer.
21:00The punishment for my sin is death.
21:02Please take good care of my daughter.
21:08What is this?
21:10Hyun Soo was murdered.
21:13Do you want me to believe this nonsense?
21:18This man killed Hyun Soo?
21:21I was shocked too.
21:24I couldn't believe he was Ms. Yoo's father.
21:38Your call is not connecting.
21:47Hyun Soo!
21:49Where are you?
21:50She left her phone here.
21:54Where are you?
21:55I'm a taxi driver.
21:57Taxi driver?
22:06I admit Hyun Soo is dead.
22:09But he didn't kill her.
22:12If he did, he wouldn't have called me.
22:15Where did you get this?
22:17What's this new plan?
22:23Everything was planned.
22:25From the beginning.
22:29What was planned?
22:32Get out of this case.
22:35And remember this for good.
22:38The taxi driver killed Hyun Soo.
22:41Hyun Soo...
22:44Hyun Soo is not dead.
22:57My umbrella!
23:02What happened?
23:04I only took it once.
23:07Did you do this?
23:17How did he break my umbrella?
23:21I only used it once.
23:25I'm angry.
23:28I brought this umbrella.
23:31Can it be fixed?
23:33It's a branded product.
23:34It's free, right?
23:41I don't think we can fix it.
23:45Why not?
23:46It's your product, right?
23:49Or is it fake?
23:51No, it's not like that.
23:53We're not selling it.
23:54We're giving it as a free gift.
23:56Free gift?
23:59The umbrella and the dress are on sale.
24:25You look so pretty when you put spices on vegetables.
24:33Do you want to try?
24:41Oh, it's good.
24:44I know how to cook.
24:46But I don't know how to put spices on vegetables.
24:49Because my hands are big.
24:51Maybe I need small and delicate hands to cook tasty food.
25:03Wait, I'll give it to you.
25:05My hands are big, right?
25:11Who are you putting spices on?
25:13On spinach.
25:14Yes, on spinach.
25:15I was just passing by.
25:20Okay, I'm leaving.
25:34What happened to you?
25:38I got my mom out of jail.
25:40That's all.
25:44You're upset because of the umbrella?
25:48It's a big brand, right?
25:50The company will fix it. Don't worry.
25:57Selok, I'm here.
26:03Are you sick?
26:21It wasn't suicide.
26:24It was murder.
26:27Detective Ha, how are you?
26:30What are you doing here?
26:39The Shinim Dong case...
26:41You've started again?
26:44Detective Ha, I've searched every file but...
27:14You look very upset.
27:17Is there a problem?
27:30Are you upset because of the umbrella?
27:36How are you, sir?
27:37Hi, son.
27:45What happened to him?
27:47His umbrella broke, that's why.
27:52I was upset too.
27:54That umbrella looks good with that matching dress.
28:01What dress?
28:03Didn't you see?
28:05It's inside.
28:31Excuse me.
28:32I want to buy that dress.
28:34Yes, sir.
28:35Don't give me the umbrella.
28:46When did she come here?
28:49I forgot to tell you.
28:51She made a mistake with the delivery guys.
28:53They sent her to the office.
28:58I didn't like missing my anniversary.
29:01That's why I bought this dress.
29:04Thank you.
29:06Try it on and tell me how you like it.
29:17Seven years ago, I killed a woman in my taxi.
29:22I wanted to steal her money to pay off my debt.
29:25But I killed her.
29:30We didn't find any evidence of her murder.
29:32We didn't find any fingerprints.
29:35Not only the National Forensics,
29:37but also the private investigators who came from abroad
29:39checked the handwriting.
29:41They all said it belonged to Yu In-Seng.
29:44The case was closed because the woman who was killed
29:47was not identified.
29:49So it was clear that this was not a murder case.
29:54Not 100%, right?
29:56Why do all these people want 100%?
29:58Do you know?
30:00Her daughter used to come to me every day and say
30:02this is suicide.
30:03You don't have 100% evidence, do you?
30:07I was worried.
30:09Look, detective.
30:12That case was 100% suicide.
30:17Why did you come here?
30:21I came to see you.
30:25As promised, I come home every day.
30:30Come to my house and start living there.
30:33I'll take care of you.
30:36I'll take care of you.
30:38I'll take care of you.
30:41I'll take care of you.
30:43I'll take care of you.
30:46This place looks small.
30:49Say what you have to say and leave.
30:565 p.m. on the 20th.
30:58Grand Hall Private Hotel.
31:00Invitation to the True Law Research Society.
31:02But I'm not a lawyer.
31:04I'm neither a prosecutor nor a judge.
31:06So why should I come?
31:08If you take the responsibility of Jung Law Firm,
31:10these people will come in handy.
31:12Get to know them.
31:15I have no interest in the company.
31:17And without Jung Law Firm, you...
31:20What about me?
31:23Tell me.
31:25Will someone kill me?
31:31Let's go.
31:35I won't come.
31:44I won't come.
32:15Invitation to the True Law Research Society.
32:24Arjul said this is an important event.
32:27This is a couple's event.
32:29Why didn't he tell me?
32:33Wait a minute.
32:35He asked me.
32:39Are you done cleaning?
32:42What is it?
32:44This is an event for couples, right?
32:52Wait a minute.
32:55This is today.
32:59How could you forget?
33:02Why are you standing here? Go and take a bath.
33:05It's 5 o'clock.
33:06We don't have much time.
33:08Mom, look at this.
33:09Look at this.
33:12He bought a dress and an umbrella for you.
33:14He takes good care of you.
33:16So that you look good.
33:17He is such a nice boy.
33:18Get ready quickly.
33:20Take this.
33:21Wear this dress.
33:24This is an important event.
33:26Decorate it well.
33:28It should look rich, smart and beautiful.
33:36You look different today.
33:41I will see you later, mom.
33:48He was the father of the man who killed C. Junsu.
34:10Madam, where are you going?
34:12I am going for an important couple event.
34:16It must be very important.
34:19How do I look?
34:21Isn't it beautiful?
34:23I think you have spent a lot.
34:27Come, sit.
34:28I will drop you.
34:29Why do you need a taxi?
34:30I want to talk to you.
34:39What did you want to talk to me about?
34:43Do you know the truth about the Shinimtong case?
34:49You didn't get the investigation file, right?
34:52You are very experienced.
34:54Maybe your father was not murdered.
34:56It happened.
34:57I am sure.
34:58Even if it had happened,
35:00it's too late to find the truth.
35:06You are also looking for the man from 17 years ago.
35:11Who told you?
35:13I saw a photo in your phone.
35:15Of a play poster from 17 years ago.
35:17The photos you took with the cast.
35:19I thought there must be some secret in it.
35:22And I was absolutely right.
35:25Why did you see my phone?
35:27I just wanted to know about you.
35:32And I got to know a little.
35:35By the way, you sing well.
35:39A little.
35:42I wanted to be a musical actor.
35:45She was beautiful.
35:48Her play's name was Waiting Room, right?
35:5017 years ago.
35:51I saw it in your phone.
35:57Even after stopping,
35:58will you find out about the case?
36:02It will be dangerous.
36:03I will find it.
36:06It will be dangerous.
36:07But what does it have to do with you?
36:09It would be nice to help.
36:10But I don't want you to come out and give me tension.
36:14I don't want you to be in danger because of me.
36:20Are you okay?
36:21Are you okay?
36:29You won't go alone.
36:30I will go with you.
36:31We will find it together.
36:49Do I look okay?
36:51Why are you so scared?
36:54I know a lot of people there.
36:58You are more beautiful than them.
37:01I am just pretending to be good.
37:03I didn't know that you can be good too.
37:06There is no one special inside.
37:08Don't go inside and get scared.
37:12What happened? Go now.
37:14I am going.
37:22It's nice.
37:25You look different in these clothes.
37:27Very different.
37:29Excuse me.
37:31I have to go here.
37:32Okay madam. This way please.
37:34Thank you.
37:35You are welcome.
37:37How can he leave his wife alone?
37:40That too in a couple event.
37:46What is this?
37:47He has brought another woman for the event.
37:50Is he pretending to be a bachelor?
37:53I don't know.
37:54I don't know.
37:55I don't know.
37:56I don't know.
37:57I don't know.
37:58I don't know.
37:59I don't know.
38:00I don't know.
38:01I don't know.
38:02I don't know.
38:03I don't know.
38:04I don't know.
38:05Is he mad?
38:07He is so naughty.
38:09Leave it.
38:10What do I have to do with this?
38:12What about madam?
38:14Leave it.
38:16Leave it.
38:17What's the big deal? Let it go.
38:28You please go inside.
38:35Thank you.
38:42Would you like to have a drink?
39:02Oh God!
39:03Where is Achul?
39:06Oh God!
39:09What happened?
39:10Come out.
39:13Just come out.
39:15This is an important program.
39:17Your husband is a scoundrel.
39:19I told you not to talk about my husband like this.
39:22I won't be able to come out.
39:28Hello. I am Prosecutor Kim Achul.
39:35What's the matter?
39:36Nice to meet you.
39:37How are you?
39:38Nice to meet you.
39:41Achul, this way.
40:05Thank you.
40:35Thank you.
41:06Excuse me.
41:08I need an invitation to go inside.
41:10Do you have it?
41:14I have the invitation.
41:16I want this.
41:18Take this.
41:28She is so fast.
41:33Come out.
41:40I am tired.
41:43Madam, your purse.
41:47I am feeling shy.
41:53I am feeling very shy.
42:13Shilak, listen to me.
42:17I think you are a little busy.
42:19Go there.
42:24It's not what you think, Shilak.
42:29I am not busy.
42:33I told you to go. She is waiting.
42:55Why did you follow me here?
42:58I didn't follow you.
43:00I was invited.
43:03Then you should have gone inside.
43:06Yes, but there are people inside who are tired.
43:20By the way, you were looking better.
43:24Can't I even praise you?
43:44Your call is not connecting.
43:47Please record your message after the beep.
43:52Shilak, I am telling you.
43:54How can you come from there like this?
43:56What will people think about me?
43:58Look, you are mistaken.
44:00What you are thinking is nothing between us.
44:03She just came to meet some people in my field.
44:06That's why I bought that dress for her.
44:08Because it was a very beautiful dress.
44:10And I thought it would look good on you too.
44:15Excuse me, sir.
44:17The CEO has called you for tea.
44:21Excuse me.
44:27Because it was a very beautiful dress.
44:29And I thought it would look good on you too.
44:42Maybe I saved your life again.
44:47Just now, outside the lift.
44:49I saved you from a shameful death.
44:53I should stop saving people.
44:58Oh, you are sad, isn't it?
45:00It doesn't suit you. Go, go.
45:07For this.
45:09You will pay today.
45:12Yes, yes.
45:14Why not?
45:16Let's sit here and drink all night.
45:19Come fast.
45:23Why do you make it like this?
45:26What is this?
45:28Give me something to drink.
45:30Drink it.
45:32This is a cocktail.
45:34Oh, it tastes good too.
45:36But this is very strong.
45:38I can die after drinking so much.
45:40Okay, don't drink.
45:42I will drink all this.
45:45Listen, bring a cold drink.
45:59Madam, I am warning you again.
46:03You are falling in love with me.
46:04You are falling in love with me.
46:08You are falling in love with me.
46:10My standard is high.
46:12I too have some dreams in life.
46:15You won't stop talking nonsense, will you?
46:17See, you just gave me that look.
46:20You are flirting.
46:24Oh, my God.
46:28One minute.
46:32What is this?
46:35Send the photo I just took to madam.
46:45Look, you will feel very good to see the photo.
46:50You are experts in making people laugh by showing their faces, right?
46:55What nonsense is this?
47:01You are taking a chance.
47:03Look, don't be so physical.
47:06I am not going to get impressed.
47:08Oh, God.
47:10I just had a few sips of the cocktail and you started flirting.
47:32How are you, sir?
47:35Oh, we meet after a long time, Mr. Kim.
47:38Come, sit.
47:44This is Tibetan tea.
47:46You should try it.
47:48Thank you, sir.
47:51People like us are always busy.
47:54And if there is no tea, there is no fun in taking a break.
48:02Thank you.
48:13This is our second meeting, right?
48:17We met for the first time in Ansan.
48:20You still remember?
48:23Thank you, sir.
48:25I heard you are doing well in the Seoul Center District Prosecutor's Office.
48:31Did I make a mistake?
48:35Did I cause you any kind of trouble?
48:41I don't understand what you mean, sir.
48:46Why are you trying to bring the Shinim Tong case out again?
48:54I thought it was decided between us that we would suppress that case.
48:58Then why are you bringing up the dead?
49:15Detective Ha.
49:17Didn't you ask me why I ran out of that room?
49:22I knew it when I saw you.
49:25I am not ashamed at all.
49:28I have done a lot of weird things in front of you, right?
49:34You have done a lot of cool things too.
49:38Like what?
49:41Let me think.
49:45Leave it.
49:48Go home and slap that scoundrel.
49:51Are you sure?
49:53Should I pull out his hair too?
49:59I am jealous.
50:05You can be angry.
50:08You can talk to him at home.
50:12I wish she was here so that I would get a chance to yell at him.
50:19How can you wait for 17 years?
50:23For a girl?
50:24I don't understand at all.
50:29I had to wait.
50:32There was no other option.
50:37So tell me madam, what else should I do?
50:42It's weird.
50:46I don't like it when people call me madam.
50:50I will call you madam.
50:53You are right.
50:55But when you call me madam, I feel like that's my name.
51:02I don't find it weird.
51:04So you like everything I say.
51:06I warned you.
51:09You are right.
51:11I am trapped.
51:13The truth is coming out of alcohol.
51:16I am like that.
51:18How will you save yourself now?
51:24Detective, come here.
51:28It's my mom. Sorry.
51:33Why did he go there to talk to mom?
51:41I thought you disappeared.
51:44I will surrender.
51:48The drugs were mine.
51:49And I killed Yushilov.
51:53I attacked him with a knife.
51:57What are you doing?
51:59Detective, put me in jail for drug trafficking or murder.
52:06I will tell you everything you want.
52:09One more thing.
52:11I swear.
52:13I didn't kill CO Hinsu.
52:15It's true that Mr. Kim asked me to kidnap him.
52:19But 17 years ago, his death...
52:22Hinshu is not dead.
52:24Look, I will tell you everything and surrender.
52:30Why do you want to tell me?
52:33Because I don't trust anyone else.
52:36Look, please save me.
52:39It's better than dying that I stay in jail.
52:44Look, don't trust anyone else.
52:47And don't tell this to anyone.
52:49And come to me alone.
52:52Don't bring anyone with you.
52:54If anyone plays games, he will die.
52:58This seems serious.
53:02Did something happen?
53:06What happened?
53:09I wanted to talk to mom.
53:11What? Did something bad happen?
53:14No, she just wanted some money.
53:18Give me as much as you can.
53:21I can't give it to my mom.
53:24I can't drop you home.
53:26Should I call a taxi?
53:30Text me the car number.
53:34Just like that.
53:38I will send you the photo.
53:42Madam is leaving.
53:43Bye, madam.
54:13Bebeng, don't, please.
54:43Go to the factory alone.
54:52This doesn't seem right.
55:20Were you with detective Ha?
55:26And who were you with?
55:30Are you still angry?
55:36Come, let's talk.
55:39I got your message.
55:41I understood.
55:43That's all I wanted to say.
55:48There's one more thing.
55:57Are you...
55:59looking for your dad's death?
56:04I told you I would find out.
56:06You've been saying that for nine years.
56:09I'm not that powerful.
56:10I can't do anything right now.
56:12When I get promoted, I will...
56:14You told me the same thing
56:16even after you finished your job.
56:18That you would go to Soul Central
56:20and find out everything.
56:22But when?
56:24That's a long time ago.
56:26Forget it.
56:28Even if you find out the truth,
56:30he won't come back.
56:40I didn't like this.
56:42Take it.
56:45This is dangerous.
56:47That's why I want you to stop this.
56:50People say they will help you
56:52because it's dangerous.
56:54And he's a stranger.
57:54Jang Do Jang.
58:10Jang Do Jang.
58:41Don't move.
58:54How are you?
58:58I'm good.
59:00Are you a detective?
59:04What's your job?
59:06I'm a detective.
59:10Did you kill Jang Do Jang?
59:22Arrest him.
59:37Arrest him.