• last year


00:00Busy reading your paper Mr. B? I am. Oh well I wouldn't want to disturb you if
00:09you're busy reading your paper. Thank you that's very considerate. Even if you did
00:15say I should come to you whenever I had a problem you must have said that at
00:19least a dozen times. All right Hazel what's the problem? Well maybe it ain't
00:26much of a problem to you but it is to me. It's about my nephew Eddie. What's the
00:30matter? Well you see he got this scholarship to be an astro... Astrophysicist?
00:35Yeah he's gonna be one and I can't even say it. Hazel what do you want me to do
00:39about it? I want you to teach me how to say it so I can go around bragging a
00:43little. All right Hazel we'll take it one part at a time. Now astro... Oh astro yes I
00:51got that part of it all right. Physicist. Astrophysicist. Astrophysicist. Oh I'm
00:59terrible. Oh no Hazel no you're not. Now try to say the word very slowly like
01:05this. Astrophysicist. Now you say it after me. Astrophysicist. That's fine now say it a
01:13little faster. Astrophysicist. I said it. I said it. Fine so let me do it. Astrophysicist. I mean astrocycist. No Mr. B it's astrophysicist. Astrophysicist. Mr. B no. Now turn about as fair play. We'll just take it one syllable at a time. Astrophysicist.
02:13My daughter Nancy's in her first year at Thornhill. It's a very exclusive school
02:20but of course we had no trouble getting her in. She's been registered since she
02:23was six. Ouch. Oh I'm so sorry Mrs. Thompson. Her roommate comes from one of New
02:32England's finest families. As a matter of fact her ancestors were the very first
02:37to step off the Mayflower. Oh I'm so sorry Mrs. Thompson. I really feel that a
02:45fine finishing school is the very best way to equip a young girl for a happy
02:50life. Now Nancy honey crying your pretty eyes out ain't gonna help nothing. I
02:55can't help it. I hate this school and my roommate's a terrible snob and I'm so
03:02homesick. I'm so lonesome for Eddie I can't stand it. Hazel I want to come home.
03:10Well the minute your uncle George puts his foot in the door I'll start him
03:14working on your mother. He just has to convince her. Oh don't you worry honey.
03:19I'll have a plan all worked out by the time he gets here. Thank you Hazel.
03:24Goodbye. Goodbye honey and don't you worry. I'll see you soon.
03:32Oh hi Mrs. Thompson. She's here our new Italian maid. Oh ain't that nice what's
03:45she like? Oh she's a lovely little thing and very young. Would you like to come
03:49around to meet her? Well yes sure as soon as I get this pie crust rolled out. Good
03:54then we'll expect you shortly. Oh you know meanwhile Herbert's teaching her
03:59how to use the appliances. Electrical appliances? Yes you know how clever
04:04Herbert is. In that case maybe I ought to come over and meet her right now.
04:12Marvelous mechanisms all of them and figuring them out for oneself is quite
04:17the challenge. I'd like to think of it as the electrical frontier. Mr. Johnson
04:23you make such nice talk. You should be the mayor or the president. Thank you
04:28Gabriella but there's one thing to remember about these gadgets. See sir
04:32what is that? We are smarter than they are so long as you keep that in mind
04:37you'll always have the upper hand. I'll remember. Now this is a waffle iron
04:44obviously it's for ironing waffles and this is a steam iron. It's not what one
04:50might suppose for ironing steam. Oh no indeed it's for ironing clothes. How does
04:56she work? You simply fill it with water here plug it into this socket and when
05:01it's ready to use it'll start to whistle. Mirabile. It took me quite some time to
05:07figure this one out but I finally managed. It's for sharpening cans and
05:11opening knives. No no no no it's for opening knives and sharpening cans. And
05:18now I'm going to demonstrate the garbage disposal. It is so powerful it'll even
05:23grind up bones. No. Oh yes indeed I'll show you.
05:38I cannot believe it.
05:46Perhaps he does not like banana skins. Nothing to worry about. I'll have it going again in the jiffy.
05:52Hazel told me how to do it. It's simply a matter of giving the blades a twist.
06:22Look what I've done Harriet. I've made a whisk room. Oh but how clever of you. Thank you my dear.
06:43Well why don't you two go upstairs and try out your whisk room on Mr. Johnson's
06:47blue serge suit while me and your new domestic engineer gets acquainted.
06:51Excellent suggestion Hazel. Excellent. Oh Gabriela this is our friend Hazel. If you
06:58take my advice you'll just forget everything Mr. Johnson told you. I'll
07:03explain all them appliances later on. Grazie Hazel. Some of the things he said
07:08they did not sound right to me. Oh yes but we wouldn't want to tell Mr.
07:12Johnson that and hurt his feelings. Oh no no I do not want to hurt his feelings.
07:19How long have you been in the good old U.S. of A. Gabby? Three weeks ago my boat came into the
07:24New York Harbor. Oh then you saw her. Who? The Statue of Liberty. Ah si si she is bella bellissima.
07:34And did you notice what was written on her? No. Oh it's wonderful just like something out of the
07:41Bible. Give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
07:49the wretched refuse of your teeming shore send these the homeless tempest-tossed to me
07:57I raise my lamp beside the golden door. Think that's something? Si.
08:06Mr. B the only reason your sister sent Nancy off to that school was so she could split up the
08:11lovebirds. I'm sure that was part of her reason. But Mr. B those kids was just made for each other.
08:15Well my sister doesn't think so. Well we'll get Nancy back from school now since you agree.
08:20I didn't say that I agree. Oh you don't have to Mr. B. I know how a kind-hearted man like you feels.
08:26No I tell you this is what I got planned for tonight.
08:29Hey it's good after that long day in the office. You mean you spent Saturday at your office?
08:34Well I've taken on more accounts I can comfortably handle.
08:37Those bills at the end of the month are murder George murder.
08:41Well here we are. Why ain't this a nice family group? Maybe I ought to go get my camera.
08:47I don't think that'll be necessary Hazel. No you're right Mr. B on account of there'd be a
08:51great big hole in the picture. What big hole? The big hole in the picture.
08:55On account of there'd be a great big hole in the picture. What big hole? Nancy of course.
09:01Well sport you better go wash up. Okay. You must miss her most of all being a mother.
09:07Of course I miss her. If she transferred to the university she could live at home.
09:12You could see her every day. Nancy is getting things at Thornhill she couldn't possibly get
09:17at the university. Oh I fixed these raw vegetables special for you and Mr. B on
09:22account of your family has this tendency to get fat. Hazel. Oh I didn't mean nothing Missy.
09:27You've got a terrific figure Miss Thompson. Thank you. Oh sure for a woman your age and I know you
09:34want to keep it too. So why don't you try the cauliflower? You just dip it in the salt it's
09:38real tasty. Hazel aren't there some things in the kitchen you can take care of? I'll take care of
09:43everything here. Uh Deidre as long as the subject of Nancy's come up there is something I think you
09:52ought to know. What's that George? Do you want it in small doses or do you want it all at once? Oh
09:57George don't be tedious say what you have to say. All right. Nancy is miserably unhappy at Thornhill.
10:04She is not. Oh yes she is. She phoned her today in tears. Deidre I told you she wouldn't like that
10:10school. What's the trouble? Well for one thing she doesn't think she's learning anything. She's
10:15homesick and lonesome Deidre. And she can't stand her roommate. Her roommate happens to come from
10:22one of the finest families in New England. That may be Deidre but she and Nancy just don't get along.
10:28Your daughter wants to come home Deidre and is one mother to another. She's my daughter Dorothy
10:33not yours. She's mine too. Of course Harry. When did you talk to her? Actually I didn't uh I was
10:40playing golf when she called. Well I was out shopping. Hazel talked to her. And what business is
10:47this of Hazel's I'd like to know. Now Deidre please don't get upset. You know you always get the hiccups
10:52when you do. Sometimes she gets hives. Harry please. I will not have my daughter discussing her problems
10:59with your maid. She should discuss them with her mother. And she's staying at Thornhill and that
11:05is final. Miss Thompson. Now Hazel. Just a minute Missy. I ain't gonna blast off. You make two points
11:13that I agree with. I am a maid and Nancy is none of my business. But she did talk to me about her
11:18problems and she didn't talk to you. And that's because we got two different kinds of ears you
11:23and me. Minds open. Hazel. I just got one more little thing to say Mr. B. You're lucky to have a real
11:30daughter of your own Mrs. Thompson. It's about the most wonderful thing that can happen to a woman.
11:35But if you don't start listening to what Nancy needs instead of what you want you're gonna lose her.
11:44Well I better go get dinner on the table.
11:58And Hazel. And Hazel guess what. Nancy's coming home. Oh ain't that wonderful. I just got this
12:04letter from her. What does it say? Come on sit down. Her mother's given her permission to transfer to the
12:10university. Hot dog. But there's one hitch and it's a pretty big one. Oh but what is it? Well
12:18in return for permission to transfer I had to promise mother that I'll date other boys besides
12:23you. Oh for Pete's sake. Which isn't fair to the other boys. They'll just be wasting their time and
12:29money because every moment I'll be wishing I were with with the man I love. Ain't that romantic? Yes
12:39but I wish she didn't have to date those other guys. Well you might as well face it Eddie. You
12:43know Miss Thompson ain't crazy about the idea of you and Nancy. Why doesn't she like me? Well it
12:49ain't nothing personal. It's just you know she's kind of a victim. A victim of what? Well of things
12:55that's been grained in her since she was a kid. What things? Well you know things like this the
13:02right people and the wrong people and they just don't ever mix together. Well if you're wrong how
13:09do you get to be right? Well according to Miss Thompson you don't ever get to be. You just got
13:13to be born right. I feel kind of sorry for her. You do? Sure. Well think of all the friends she's
13:20missed having. I guess she hopes Nancy will meet some right boy and fall for him. Yeah I guess she
13:27does Eddie. I sure don't know what I'd do if anything like that ever happened. I don't even
13:33think I'd want to be a scientist anymore. Oh you always was a warrior. They'll just be wasting their
13:42time and money because every minute I'll be wishing I were with the man I love.
13:56Nancy it's really so nice having you home. Thank you mother. It's wonderful being here.
14:04You will keep to your part of the bargain won't you? Yes mother. Good because if you don't I won't
14:10keep to my part. There's just one thing. What's that? Well I can't go out with boys who don't ask
14:18me and I've never exactly been popular with boys. I hardly dated at all before I met Eddie.
14:26Well that's exactly why I want you to do so now. I just don't want you to be disappointed if hordes
14:33of boys don't beat a path to the door. After all I'm not exactly a raving beauty. Nancy you're a
14:40very pretty girl and you and Eddie he even thinks I'm beautiful. You have something that's rare Nancy
14:49that's breeding. It always shows and it's most attractive. Yes mother. I'm trying to arrange an
14:57interesting dinner partner for you at the club Saturday night. Who is he? Well he's the son of
15:03your uncle George's old roommate at Yale. I haven't met him yet but I heard about him at the bridge
15:08club. He goes to the university. He's a few years older than you are and very attractive.
15:15Sounds good. I ask your uncle George to locate him and ask him to the party Saturday.
15:20There's Eddie. We're going for a walk in the park.
15:26Good night mother. Have a nice time Nancy. Thank you. Thank you for letting me come home.
15:38You look very handsome by moonlight. Thanks but I think it's the street light.
15:56I wish I could go to the hayride with you Saturday night. So do I.
16:03Are you going to take somebody else? I mean if I have to go out with other boys there's
16:07no reason why you shouldn't go out with other girls. Is there? I guess not.
16:16Nancy. Yes. It's better this way than not being able to see each other at all
16:24but I just hate to think of you going out with other guys. And I hate to go out with them
16:29but if I don't mother will send me back to Thornhill. If that only leave us alone. I know.
16:38It's certainly a coincidence my driving in here and you're being a student at the university
16:46where I'm going to transfer. Maybe it's kismet. Kismet? Fate. Oh. What are you studying?
16:55I'm working on my master's in the humanities. I have a well a friend at the university who's
17:02studying to be an astrophysicist. Eddie Burke. Do you know him? Oh sure I know Eddie. I don't know
17:07him well but we've had some pretty heated discussions over cold coffee about science
17:11versus the humanities. Who wins? It's usually a draw and he's only a freshman. That'll be three
17:19dollars and 25 cents please Nancy. And your phone number?
17:27Please. You can have it if I can just think of it.
17:38It's Klondike 68473. I'll be calling you. All right. Goodbye.
17:57Oh this is where you are. I've been looking for you. And I've been waiting for you. I talked to
18:02your uncle George and he's going to try and locate Richard this afternoon and ask him for the dinner
18:05Saturday night. Good. You know mother there may be hordes of boys after all. I met an awfully nice
18:12one this afternoon and he asked me for my phone number and everything. Well you just sit right
18:17down here and tell your mother all about him. Hello may I speak to Richard Donovan please?
18:24This is Richard Donovan. This is George Baxter Richard. Your father and I were... Oh I know who
18:29you are sir. You and my father were roommates at Yale. He used to talk about you a lot before I
18:35decided to fly the coop and try it on my own. How are you sir? A little grayer and a little wiser.
18:41Richard if you're not doing anything on Saturday night... This Saturday? That's right.
18:46Well if my luck holds I hope to be going on a hayride with a very sweet young lady this
18:50Saturday night. He works way in a gas station. Well then I don't want you to go out with him and
18:57that's final. Mother how am I going to date other boys if you find something wrong with all of them?
19:02I haven't found something wrong with all of them. I've simply turned down one grease monkey. Why
19:09mother why? He's a very nice boy. Nancy I don't want to hear any more about him. He's not suitable.
19:15How do you know? You've never even met him. I don't need to meet him and when he calls you're
19:20to say no thank you. I forbid you to go out with him.
19:32Hello. Yes bud this is Nancy.
19:39That sounds wonderful but I'm afraid I can't make it. I'm I'm busy Saturday night.
19:50Thanks anyway bud. Goodbye.
20:05Honey it's real nice of you to teach the Johnsons Italian lessons.
20:09They are upstairs right now doing their homework. Sort of keeps them out of your kitchen huh?
20:15I'll get it.
20:16Hello I parked the Johnson's car in their driveway all washed and greased. Here are the keys.
20:24Oh thanks. Come on in. You might as well give these keys to Gabriella on account of she works
20:30here not me. Gabriella what's your name honey? Bud Donovan. And mine's Hazel Burke and this is
20:36Gabriella Valentini. How do you do bud? Hello Gabriella. She's from Venice Italy you know where
20:42they keep all them canals. Ain't she a cupcake? She's a whole bakery. Grazie bud. She's got this
20:50attiday say itenay offay. That's a fascinating bit of information. Have you ever been on a hayride
20:58Gabriella? What is a hayride? Well you can find out if you come out with me this Saturday night.
21:04It's a good old American custom. I like American custom. I will go with you. My nephew's going on
21:11a hayride Saturday night. He's taking my ukulele. Who's your nephew? Eddie Burke. Oh I know him. Sure
21:17he's studying to be an astrophysicist. You notice how well I said that? See my boss taught me. It's
21:25the same hayride we're going on. I'm studying at the university too. Well for Pete's sake after
21:29your hayride why don't you come over to the Baxter's and I'll fix you all some hot chocolate
21:33and marshmallows. We'll have us a ball.
21:56Wonder who'll be coming in this time of night. Oh it was a lovely party Deidre really it was.
22:02Well I'm afraid it wasn't much fun for Nancy. If only Uncle George could have gotten Richard to come.
22:08Oh hi folks. Sorry Hazel I forgot my key. Oh did you have a good time? Wonderful, marvelous. Hazel the
22:15Thompsons are stopping in for a nightcap. Would you get us some ice from the kitchen please? Sure
22:19thing. I got some company out in the kitchen having hot chocolate. Is it okay? Yes of course it is
22:24Hazel. I was just thinking Nancy being too young to have a nightcap maybe she'd like to have some
22:29hot chocolate. Come on honey I'll have the ice cubes and two shakes. Just a minute Hazel. Oh yeah
22:35Miss Thompson do you mind telling me who your guests are in the kitchen? Oh well there's me
22:40and Gabriella and Gabriella. Yeah she's a Johnson's new maid and her date Richard Donovan. Richard
22:48Donovan? Yeah but his friends call him Bud. Does he work in a gas station? Yeah. Oh oh well it's
22:57obviously another Richard Donovan. You know what I heard Mr. B? No Hazel. You and his dad was roommates
23:04at Yale. Isn't it a small world? Do you mean to tell me one of the most eligible young men in town is in
23:11your kitchen with a maid? Well all I know is he's a real nice kid. He's the grease monkey you wouldn't
23:18let me go out with. Harry everything's falling apart. I do the best I can and I try to be a good
23:27mother. Hey Aunt Hazel what's...
23:34Hello Eddie. Hi Nancy.
23:50Nancy wouldn't you like to go in the kitchen and join your
23:55your friends?
23:58Thank you mother.
24:07Miss Thompson I'd like to apologize for yelling at you the other night. It's quite all right
24:12Hazel I've already forgotten it. Well I don't think you should forget everything. Some of the
24:16things I said... Hazel, Hazel the ice please. Oh sure. Is it all right if I give you some ice?
24:24Will you give your sister a compliment first? Of course. Well it takes a good mother to make a good mother-in-law
24:30and I got a feeling you're gonna make a swell one for Eddie.
24:39Ice cubes coming right up.
25:24this has been a Screen Gems film production.