• last year


00:00Hello, darling.
00:05Oh, hello, dear.
00:10George, you forgot it again.
00:13Forgot what?
00:14Oh, George.
00:15Oh, you mean the whatchamacallit for the kitchen.
00:17Isn't it whatchamacallit? It's a timer. Hazel broke ours a week ago. She needs it.
00:22It tells her when your three-minute eggs are ready and how long the coffee is perked and how many minutes it takes...
00:27Oh, darling, darling, I can't very well get her a new one tonight. Why, that appliance store will be closed in 10 or 15 minutes.
00:33Hi, Mr. B.
00:34Hello, Hazel.
00:35Did you get my timer?
00:37No, Hazel, I forgot.
00:39Oh, that's all right. Do you mind if I borrow one of your records? I want to play it in my portable in the kitchen.
00:46I most certainly do mind. Those are some of my newest classical records.
00:49Oh, here's the one I want, the Minute Waltz. If I play this three times, I can just manage your soft-boiled eggs.
00:55Wait a minute. How many times would I have to play it for an hour-and-a-half roast?
00:59Put it back, darling. Put it back. That appliance store won't be closed for another 10 minutes. I can make it 20 times.
01:25Well, it was wonderful of you folks to have me for dinner tonight, but I guess I'd better be running along.
01:51I'll get your briefcase.
01:52Oh, uh, Baxter, uh, you hang on to it. I have some other contracts in there that I want you to look over.
01:58I'll be, uh, I'll be around tomorrow about, uh, 6 o'clock. 6 o'clock would be, uh, just a little before Hazel serves dinner.
02:09Uh, but I-I-I don't want you to feel you have to invite me every time I drop by. And I-I-I don't want to make a nuisance of myself just because I pay you a large retainer every year.
02:22Oh, Mr. Griffin, you never make a nuisance of yourself.
02:25Uh, I just happen to be a man who loves good food.
02:29Why don't you join us tomorrow night?
02:31Well, thank you, Dorothy. That's a nice surprise.
02:35Hazel's baking a Boston cream pie, and we'll look forward to having you. Excuse me, I have to see if Hazel needs any help.
02:41Of course. You're a lucky man, Baxter. You have the best of both worlds. A wife with looks and a maid that cooks.
02:53Has he gone?
02:54He's getting ready to leave, but he'll be here for dinner tomorrow night.
02:57Boy, he's pushing hospitality too far. He's been eating here four nights out of five for dinner.
03:02We haven't had a quiet family meal in two weeks.
03:05What's the matter with that cook he got from Scotland? Don't he like her food?
03:09That's a subject I stay away from. I try to avoid any mention of food. It always ends up with his staying for dinner.
03:15Sure, and him eating like a star boarder. All the white meat off the chicken, all the cheese off the macaroni, all the icing off the cake.
03:22Boy, something's got to be done. I got an idea.
03:27You know, George doesn't like it either, Hazel, and I simply must be gracious so he's staying for dinner again.
03:33Yeah, and there goes the cream off the Boston cream pie. Unless my idea works.
03:38You'd think he was a member of the family. I don't know what's gotten into him.
03:41I know what's gotten into him. The white meat off the chicken, the cheese off the macaroni, and the icing off the cake.
03:47I just wish that I could drop hints as well as Mr. Griffin.
03:51Well, I can.
03:53Good night, Baxter. Good night, Mr. Griffin.
03:56Oh, I got here just in time. I was afraid maybe you'd be gone before I had a chance to give you these things.
04:01What things?
04:02I know how you like my baked chicken, so I sliced some for you to take home as a midnight snack.
04:08And I got about a pint of dressing in here, and mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, and then I got a jar of salad dressing.
04:15All you have to do is to get the lettuce. Oh, and I put in some macaroni and cheese, in case you like it.
04:22And a mint slice of chocolate cake. So, you got enough there for two days. You could even ask in company.
04:29Hazel, it's all right, George. I know what she's driving at. I've been coming here too much.
04:34Oh, whatever gave you that idea. Mr. Griffin, we love having you.
04:38Hazel's right, and I don't blame her. I just wish that when other people drop hints, they could make them as tasty as you.
04:45And I also wish I could find a cook and a housekeeper like you.
04:48What's wrong with the one you got from Scotland?
04:50She isn't like you.
04:52And another thing, she's a lot younger.
04:54Oh, just for that, I'll put these back in the icebox.
04:56No, no, Hazel. What I meant was, she doesn't have any experience. Here, let me have this.
05:02I simply can't stand her cooking.
05:04Well, her cooking can't be that bad.
05:06It's not how she cooks, it's what she cooks. I didn't think anybody could ruin a plain boiled potato.
05:13They must have some kind of a special school for it in Scotland.
05:16And another time, she served me cocky leaky.
05:19What on earth is that?
05:20I didn't dare ask. Not after what I found out was in the haggis.
05:24What was in the haggis?
05:25I don't think I ought to discuss it in mixed company. It might make somebody ill.
05:32The one thing I'm grateful for is that she's Scotch. She serves very small portions.
05:38The only thing that's wrong with that girl is she needs some good American recipes. Come on, Missy, let's pick some out for her.
05:44Mr. Griffin, if you don't like the way she cooks for you, why don't you let her go?
05:48I can't. I brought her over here on a one-year contract.
05:51Oh, one of those imported domestic servant arrangements.
05:54I guaranteed her employment for one year.
05:57Well, there are a couple of things you can do. You can either find her another employer or pay her off and send her back to Scotland.
06:03Oh, I don't think I could find her another employer. I don't think I should. I'm a very humane man.
06:09Well, I'll look at the matter of sending her back in my law books the first thing in the morning.
06:12Well, why don't you do it tonight?
06:14Your books are in your study.
06:16Well, yes, but...
06:17Why don't you do it right now?
06:19Of course, Mr. Griffin, I think there'd be more time tomorrow. As a matter of fact, right after breakfast.
06:23Baxter, that's why you show your ignorance in Scotch cooking.
06:26I don't think I could survive another breakfast. It's later than you think.
06:31Oh, all right.
06:34Now, let's take our time and do it right.
06:36Because if we pick out his favorite recipes, maybe we'll get him to stay away for six months.
06:43Now, who can that be?
06:44I'll get it.
06:49I'm terribly sorry to disturb you at this hour of the night, but are you Hazel?
06:54No, I'm Mrs. Baxter. Come on in.
06:58This is Hazel.
07:01My name is Angie. I'm Mr. Griffin's cook.
07:04Oh, well, Mr. Griffin's in the living room right now.
07:06I know. I saw his car in front of the house.
07:11But I had to come and see Hazel anyway.
07:14Because Mr. Griffin speaks of her so much.
07:17Angie, what's your last name?
07:20It's Campbell.
07:21Which is as common in the Helens as Smith or Jones here.
07:25Well, I'm happy to meet you, Miss Campbell.
07:27I'm glad you're happy to meet me.
07:29Because I don't seem to grow on people.
07:32At least, not Mr. Griffin.
07:34Oh, come on. Have a cup of coffee.
07:36I prefer tea, but coffee will do.
07:38How about a piece of cake?
07:40Oh, that would be very nice, thanks.
07:42I'm very starved to death.
07:44Starved? I thought you was a cook.
07:46I cannot stand my own dishes any more than Mr. Griffin.
07:50Well, didn't you come to him highly recommended?
07:52I did.
07:54I wrote the recommendation myself.
07:57You fibbed?
07:58No, I never fib.
08:00I lie.
08:04Hazel, may I call you Hazel?
08:07Oh, sure. If I can call you Angie.
08:09I prefer it to Miss Campbell.
08:11I prefer anything to Miss Campbell.
08:13We have a lot more in common than I thought.
08:16So you came to America to find a husband, right?
08:19Not a husband. My husband.
08:22Your husband? You said you were Miss Campbell.
08:25I promised to Gordie McHeath.
08:27But he left Scotland and seems in no hurry to make me keep my promise.
08:32Oh, that happens in other places besides Scotland.
08:35Now, Gordie's a groom.
08:37But so far he's only been a groom to horses.
08:40Not a groom for a girl.
08:42Well, I know lots of married women that think that horses got the best of it.
08:46His team of Clydesdale horses was bought by an American.
08:49Gordie came over with them.
08:52He promised to send for me.
08:54But his letters got scarcer and scarcer.
08:58That's why I'm here.
09:00The United States is a pretty big country to try to find someone.
09:03When you last heard from him, was he in this neighborhood?
09:08American girls are very beautiful.
09:10I may be too late.
09:12Oh, now, don't look on the dark side.
09:14Angie, I'll bet you find him.
09:16I have no money to come myself.
09:19So I hired out as a cook.
09:21$125 a month.
09:23$125 a month?
09:26Is that all, Mr. Griffin-Pasher?
09:28It's what all the girls from Scotland get.
09:31$125 a month?
09:33Well, I'd better shut the door.
09:35Boy, if Mr. B hears that, his new cook will be playing the bagpipes and doing the Highland Fling.
09:41I was hoping you could help me, Hazel.
09:44Teach me to cook.
09:47Mr. Griffin may send me back to Scotland.
09:50He's in no mood to keep me.
09:52Don't you worry. I'll give you all my favorite recipes and I'll show you how to fix them.
09:56You come to just the right person.
09:59Wait a minute. Don't turn the page. I haven't finished yet.
10:02Mr. Griffin, you don't have to concern yourself with the legal details.
10:05Just leave that to me.
10:07A simple phone call to the immigration department in the morning and we'll have her on a plane and out of the country.
10:17Now you keep your eyes and ears open because I'm going to give you a cram course on how to fix tomorrow morning's breakfast.
10:23And cram's a good word when you're cooking for Mr. Griffin.
10:27You take three eggs.
10:28I'll be all right if I can only keep one meal ahead of him.
10:32Haven't you been able to locate Gordy since you've been here?
10:35I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with the country.
10:38Oh, well, I got some important postman friends. They'll find him.
10:41Mr. Griffin just left, Hazel.
10:43Well, at least Angie will know what to cook for breakfast tomorrow morning for him.
10:47I'm afraid it's too late. He's decided to send her back to Scotland.
10:51Well, as soon as George can work out the legal details. It may only take a day or two.
10:54Did you tell him about Gordy?
10:56Oh, yes, but he won't listen. He's Mr. Griffin's attorney, and the legal side of the thing is all that concerns him.
11:01Well, did you tell him Angie was out here?
11:03Yes, I told him.
11:05Well, if he was to come out and meet her...
11:07No, he won't do it. He says he doesn't want to get involved in any personal complications.
11:11Well, I'm going to ask him. Come on, Angie.
11:13If Mr. B is a very helpful and fair man, he's sure to do the right thing. Ain't he, Missy?
11:18Yes, Hazel. Especially where his clients are concerned.
11:21He promised Mr. Griffin he would do the job. I'm afraid he won't change his mind.
11:25Well, come on, Missy, Angie. We're going to give it one more try.
11:29Mr. B! Mr. B, this is Angie Campbell, Mr. Griffin's cook.
11:34How do you do?
11:35Good evening, sir, and I'm not doing so well.
11:37No, she only took this job to get to this country so she could find the man she's going to marry.
11:41I know. Dorothy told me all that.
11:43But I'm representing Mr. Griffin, and he has a perfect right to send her back if he pays her off, and he's willing to do that.
11:49But couldn't you help her find her, Gordy?
11:51The only way she can stay in this country is to work for Mr. Griffin or someone in the same capacity.
11:56Somebody else? Why not us?
11:58Yes, George, at least until she finds Gordy.
12:00Sure, why not?
12:01Because we've got a cook, that's why not. We've got you.
12:04Oh, well, I could do with some help. I ain't been feeling too good lately.
12:08You know, I get these dizzy spells.
12:11You don't get dizzy spells, you give them.
12:14Now, I'm just the attorney in this case, carrying out my client's instructions, that's all.
12:19I'm sorry, I really am. But the matter is completely out of my hands.
12:35Mr. B, have a piece of fudge. I made it specially for you.
12:38Well, thank you, Hazel.
12:40I hope it ain't too sugary.
12:43Mmm, it's delicious.
12:45Well, of course, you deserve only the best.
12:48Now, wait a minute, Hazel. What's this leading up to?
12:51Why, nothing, Mr. B. Go on, eat up.
12:55Have another piece.
12:57I was saying to Rosie the other day that it's terrific working for a man like you.
13:02You know what I mean, an important lawyer like you.
13:05Now, wait a minute, Hazel.
13:06You shouldn't talk with your mouth full, Mr. B.
13:08I said, you know, Mr. B is not only a terrific lawyer, but he's got a big heart.
13:13He's the kind of a man that goes around picking up stray puppies, you know, and helping people in trouble.
13:18And Rosie said, oh, yes, I know. Mr. B's got the kindest eyes I ever seen.
13:25How about that for a compliment?
13:27This sounds suspicious. Now, I have a responsibility to my client, and I intend to fulfill it.
13:32Come on, have another piece, Mr. B.
13:33No, thank you. I still have a piece in my hand.
13:35Now, you take that little Scotch girl, you know, that's in trouble, she's just like a stray puppy.
13:41And I suppose a smart lawyer could get her sent out of the country in a couple of days.
13:46I intend to try.
13:47But a terrific lawyer like you would realize that he might run up against problems, you know.
13:52It might take as long as two weeks.
13:54We should give Angie time to find a boyfriend.
13:57No, Hazel.
13:58You've got these detectives working for your law firm. You could have them help her find him.
14:04You wouldn't want a nice girl like that, a big-hearted man like you, you wouldn't want her to ruin her life.
14:09Hazel, no.
14:10Come on, Mr. B., have another piece.
14:12No, thank you.
14:13You know, I was talking to the minister on Sunday, and I said,
14:16I'm working for the nicest man in this town.
14:19And you know what he said?
14:20He said, oh, yes, indeed.
14:22Mr. Baxter is an outstanding member of this community.
14:25How about that?
14:37Darling, are you awake?
14:39I'm not.
14:42She isn't very pretty, is she?
14:51Oh, what's the matter with you, George?
14:53She has beautiful features.
14:55It's just that she doesn't wear makeup, that's all.
14:59You know, she really must love this gaudy person.
15:03Not many girls would go to such lengths to find their man.
15:06Well, the Scots are noted for their strength of character.
15:09It's really a shame she has to go back when she's so close to finding him.
15:15She hasn't the faintest idea where he is.
15:18She'll find him, all right.
15:20I can tell by that determined look in her eye.
15:23Well, how can she, darling, when the government's going to send her away?
15:28Oh, I dare say a good lawyer could stretch out proceedings for about a week or ten days.
15:35Oh, you keep talking, darling.
15:37You get more handsome with every word.
15:49Now you listen, George.
15:51What's holding things up?
15:53A couple of days ago, you told me you'd have that girl on a plane in 24 hours.
15:56She's still here.
15:58Well, you know how it is, Mr. Griffin.
16:00As Shakespeare said, the law's delayed.
16:02Never mind what Shakespeare says.
16:04Shakespeare isn't paying you an annual retainer.
16:07You listen to what Harvey Griffin says.
16:09I want that girl out of my house.
16:11Mr. Griffin, there's another angle we haven't even discussed.
16:15Now you know legally that your contract with her is void if she gets married while in this country.
16:19Well, go on.
16:20It just so happens she has a boyfriend in this country named Gordon McHeath.
16:24Now I have detectives tracing him.
16:26That would eliminate all your problems.
16:28You wouldn't even have to pay her fair back.
16:30You eliminate my problems by sending that girl back to Scotland.
16:34Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Griffin.
16:36I was just polishing the door.
16:38Would you hear?
16:40I couldn't help overhearing, but I got a good suggestion.
16:43Would you mind if she stayed here until the detectives found her boyfriend
16:47if I went over to your house and cooked your meals for you?
16:50How can you cook for me and the Baxters, too?
16:53That's what I want to know.
16:54Well, I know the Baxters wouldn't mind having their meal an hour later.
16:57And knowing you, having it an hour earlier would suit you right down to the ground.
17:02So, you know, that way I could split things up a little.
17:05George, are you willing to divide up Hazel and share her like that?
17:13Why not?
17:14I've always said she's too much for one person to handle.
17:22Oh, hi, Angie.
17:23I came in the back way because it's faster.
17:25I got everything laid out in the kitchen the way you said on the phone.
17:28Oh, good, because working in two shifts like this, I need an assembly line.
17:31Hazel, how can I tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing for me?
17:35By keeping out of Mr. Griffin's sight.
17:37And I got good news for you.
17:38Mr. B's got detectives looking for your gaudy.
17:40He has?
17:41Yes, and they're going to make Perry Mason and his pals look like three blind mice.
17:45Wonder if he's changed since I last saw him.
17:48I don't know about him, but you're certainly going to be changed.
17:51I'm going to take you to my beauty parlor and have you all fixed up
17:54so he'll never leave home again.
17:56And what's more, Mr. B's going to pay for it.
18:00As they say, ain't Mr. B a doozy?
18:03Good man.
18:09Yes, yes?
18:10He's here.
18:11Who's here?
18:12Gordy, that private detective found him.
18:13He's downstairs in the living room.
18:15Well, I certainly want to meet that young man.
18:17Uh, no, on second thought, I think I should wait a few minutes.
18:21Well, you know, to give him and Angie a chance to kiss.
18:23After all, they haven't seen each other for almost a year.
18:25Come to think of it, I haven't seen you for almost ten minutes.
18:28Angie isn't here.
18:31No, Hazel took her to the beauty shop.
18:32You know how romantic Hazel is.
18:34Well, she wanted to get her all fixed up before she met Gordy.
18:37Well, I'd better get down there right away.
18:40Hello, Murphy.
18:41Oh, hello, Mr. Baxter.
18:43Well, here he is, Gordon McKeith.
18:45How do you do, Mr. McKeith?
18:47I don't know that I should shake your hand.
18:50Why not?
18:51I'm not sure you're my friend.
18:52What do you mean?
18:53I hired a team of detectives to find you, didn't I?
18:56I don't know yet why you want to see me.
18:58I'm a cautious man.
18:59Wait a minute.
19:00Didn't you tell him why I wanted to see him?
19:02I didn't know why you wanted to see him.
19:05Oh, yes.
19:06I'm afraid I neglected to mention that.
19:08Well, here's the rundown on him, Mr. Baxter.
19:10He came to this country as a groom for a team of prize horses.
19:14Not horses.
19:16Scottish Clydesdales.
19:18Now, look here, McKeith.
19:20No Scotsman is going to tell me I don't know a horse when I see a horse.
19:24Gentlemen, gentlemen.
19:25And don't call me a Scotsman.
19:27I'm a Scot.
19:28A Scotsman.
19:30Scotch is something a Scotsman drinks to wet his whistle.
19:34Okay, Mr. Baxter.
19:35The owner was exhibiting these horses in horse shows all over the state.
19:40And that's why this Scotsman was so hard to locate.
19:44You haven't told him about Angie.
19:48Angie Campbell?
19:51What do you know about her?
19:53Well, I know that you haven't been writing to her as you should.
19:57Is there someone else?
19:59Someone else?
20:00Oh, there's only one Angie in the world.
20:03Marrying her is the only reason for living.
20:05That's why I haven't been able to write.
20:07Every city where we showed the Clydesdales,
20:10I found extra work to put muscle in my marriage money.
20:13But you haven't told me yet what you know about her.
20:15She's here.
20:17In America?
20:21Where is she?
20:23She'll be right here any minute.
20:25This isn't going to be quick.
20:27Well, I don't care how long it takes.
20:28I want the works.
20:30See, Angie thought you might have fallen in love with an American girl.
20:34Oh, no.
20:36American girls have a way with American boys,
20:38but they're not for Gordie McHeath.
20:41Angie is Scotland.
20:44She's the Helens.
20:46She's the Ardides, the Shetlands, and the Isle of Skye.
20:49She's the purple moors, the turquoise lakes, and the cool forests.
20:54None of this fancy face for Angie.
20:57Her skin is as smooth as heather on the hill.
21:01And the pretty little crinkles around her eyes
21:04are like the ripples on Loch Lomond on a summer day.
21:08Don't you think you could do something about these little wrinkles around her eyes?
21:11Hazel, will you stop telling me how to run my business?
21:15But most of all, I think I like the way she does her hair.
21:18As simple as a Sunday stroll along the cow path from Tumdoon to Invergarry.
21:23What about one of these?
21:30Well, you won't need me anymore, Mr. Baxter. I'll be running along.
21:33Look who's here.
21:35It's Angie.
21:37Hazel, here's Gordie.
21:42Angie! Angie!
22:00Hey, I better whip up a wedding cake.
22:07Mr. Griffin, there couldn't possibly have been a happier ending.
22:10I agree.
22:11It was one of the sweetest weddings I ever saw in my whole life.
22:14And wasn't it nice when they had the soloist sing Annie Laurie?
22:17Yes, he had a strong, clear voice.
22:19I heard him on several occasions above Hazel's humming.
22:22And she looked so beautiful.
22:25If I'd known she was so beautiful,
22:27I'd have taken a greater interest in that nutritional Scotch food.
22:31Well, I've got to be running along.
22:34What time is it?
22:36Nearly six o'clock.
22:38Almost dinner time.
22:42Yes, sir. Almost dinner time.
22:48Yes, sir.
22:51Almost dinner time.
22:53Why don't you stay and have dinner with us?
22:55No, no. You mustn't invite me to have dinner again.
22:59Well, you're here.
23:00Why, I don't want to make a nuisance out of myself.
23:03Oh, nuisance. Why, Mr. Griffin, we're always delighted to have you.
23:09Well, if you insist.
23:18Well, Darlene, what is it tonight?
23:20Baked chicken? Boston cream pie?
23:22Well, I hate to be so late, but I wanted to have everything right for Mr. Griffin.
23:25What is it, Hazel? Chicken?
23:27Cocky leaky.
23:29Cocky leaky?
23:30Yeah, and we got Haggis for the second course.
23:32And he showed me how to fix it.
23:34He showed me how to fix it.
23:35Now that you discovered the nutritional value of Scottish cooking, I thought...
23:39Hey, George, what's today?
23:42Thursday? I thought this was Wednesday.
23:46I don't know how I could have made such a mistake.
23:48I'm due at somebody else's house for dinner.
23:51Whose house?
23:52Um, whose?
23:53Yeah, whose?
23:55You don't know them.
23:56Well, how do you know I don't know them until you tell me?
23:59I mean, they live so far away.
24:01They live so doggone far, I'll have to hurry to get there.
24:04Terribly sorry, folks.
24:06Thanks for inviting me, but you understand.
24:09I've had this other engagement for a couple of months.
24:12Don't bother seeing me to the door.
24:14I'll be back sometime tomorrow.
24:16About six o'clock?
24:17Oh, tomorrow night we're having Scottish fried eels.
24:22I'll come by your office instead, Baxter.
24:29Hazel, what is...
24:33Tonight it happens to be stuffed veal.
24:38Oh, boy, ain't this empty chair the sweetest thing you ever saw?
24:55THE END
25:25This has been a Screen Gems film production.