Triple 9 (2016) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Triple 9 je američki akcioni triler o pljački iz 2016. u režiji Johna Hillcoata, a napisao Matt Cook. U filmu glumi ansambl koji uključuje Casey Affleck, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anthony Mackie, Aaron Paul, Clifton Collins Jr., Norman Reedus, Teresa Palmer, Michael K. Williams, Gal Gadot, Woody Harrelson i Kate Winslet.
00:00In the middle of the night, in a judge's office, Michael and Russell talk about their next job with Russell's brother, former police officer Gabe.
00:07They have to kidnap a boss from a bank that contains important information related to the boss of the Jewish-Russian mafia.
00:13They agree that they will need the help of corrupt policemen.
00:17Later, they meet with officers Marcus and Franz to make a plan.
00:21In the meantime, Russian criminal Irina meets with two of her people who brought their newest victims in the trunk of the car.
00:29The victims are obviously tortured, and one of the criminals is Irina Turbo with all their teeth, which she throws in the trunk before she locks herself in.
00:37Two weeks later, the gang prepares their weapons and masks in the van that Russell drives.
00:42He parks behind a corner, and the rest rush to the bank, shooting in the air before the guards fight back.
00:47The alarms are already ringing, so they only have three minutes to do their job before the police arrive.
00:52Gabe sees the manager of the bank trying to escape and runs after him to catch him, then shows him pictures of his house and family to force him to cooperate.
01:01He takes the manager to the safe and shows him the number he wants.
01:04After the man takes out the keys and puts them in the bravo of Michael Gagour to open the box himself,
01:09Gabe notices the gang of thieves nearby and takes something in his bag before they finally add the box.
01:15At the exit, he locks the safe door and throws the keys to the manager.
01:19Gabe is the first to get out of the bank and rushes to hide in the car while Russell gives him instructions on which way to go because he is being eavesdropped by a police scanner.
01:27When the other three come out, Michael puts two flashlights on the door, and the people run to hide in the safe.
01:33The trio join Gabe in the car and leave while Russell navigates them over the radio.
01:38The journey takes a while, but suddenly the safety package explodes in the bag.
01:43The car is filled with blinding red smoke, making it harder to drive.
01:47They try to open the door to let the smoke out, just to hit the other vehicle and cause an accident that blocks the road, leaving Russell behind.
01:55The thieves decide to go out and open fire to force people to run away, shooting at the man's window, who refuses to leave until they leave.
02:02Russell looks from afar and sees the injured woman, which shouldn't have happened.
02:06After stealing the new vehicle, he activates the bomb in the previous one and leaves before it explodes.
02:11The police arrive quickly, and Russell also leaves.
02:14A moment later, in a desolate area, the group leaves all the dirty equipment and the car.
02:19Marko shoots Franko in the mouth for taking the money, because he was obviously the mother of the stupid thieves to catch the fight.
02:25Franko even pulls out a gun during the crossing, but Michael forces him to drop it.
02:29When he finishes, they shoot a gas tank for the car and burn it before they leave.
02:34Later, Michael goes to the meat factory, where the injured people transport their victims in meat trucks.
02:40Michael gives them a box to complete their mission.
02:43In the meantime, Detective Allen comes to the bank to investigate the robbery and cross the manager because of the negligence in connection with what he publishes on social networks.
02:50At the same time, Allen's nephew and former sailor Chris comes to the station for his first working day.
02:55Markus quickly notices that he still has paint on his shoes and pants.
03:00The commander partners Chris with Markus, who complains about it, but ignores him.
03:04They patrol the city together, but only worry about stupid things, like a woman who behaves inappropriately in public.
03:10In his apartment, Michael uses a one-time phone to call Franko and tell him that he will see him in two days.
03:16Then he burns a SIM card in a microwave oven.
03:19After that, Michael goes to the meat factory, where the injured people shake him before they let him see him.
03:25She does not wait, Felix runs to catch Michael, discovering that he is his father.
03:29Michael expects to be paid for the robbery, but Irina discovers that there is another mission to do first.
03:36When Michael tries to refuse, Irina threatens that she will not allow him to see Felix again.
03:41While Irina tells him about the next job, Michael notices a room full of allied agents, which worries him.
03:47Later, Irina calls her husband, a Jewish-Russian mafia boss who is currently in a Russian prison.
03:52She says that Michael's refusal to do the job is unacceptable and advises Irina to hurt Michael.
03:58That night, Russell receives a call from Michael, who says that they must meet immediately.
04:02When Russell enters his car, Irina's rapist appears behind him and strangles him with a plastic bag.
04:07Franko, Gabe, Michael and Marcus meet.
04:10They come to a conversation about Irina not being paid, and Michael tells them about the feds he saw, which means he has to behave.
04:16At that moment, Russell sees this car hitting the wall and rushes to check it while the other car is leaving.
04:22He finds Russell with a bag and serious injuries, which means he doesn't have much time.
04:27Marcus holds Gabe's collar while Michael shoots Russell to end his suffering.
04:31Michael tries to call Irina over the phone of his sister and Felix's mother, Elena, but both women refuse to answer.
04:38In the meantime, Allen and his partner, detective Katrina, look at the footage of the robbery and can conclude that some of the thieves have military training.
04:45In the morning, the group discusses how to do the next job, which is a robbery in the Ministry of Internal Security.
04:51They will need at least 10 minutes, which is impossible because the police arrive in 3 minutes.
04:55Franko has an idea, they could do a triple nine.
04:59This implies the murder of a policeman, which would send all the police to the scene of the incident.
05:04Marcus doesn't like the idea of ​​murdering a colleague officer, but Franko is happy to do it.
05:09In the end, they agree that this is their only choice.
05:11Later, Marcus and Chris are called to the scene of the murder, where the car burns, and three heads are found on top of another vehicle.
05:17Franko also treats Chris as a beginner there, so Chris proves him wrong by putting the threat on glass.
05:23Then he goes to interrogate the members of the gang just to hurt Louis and try to attack him.
05:28Chris blocks him and arrests him, causing other policemen to join the rest of the gang.
05:33Angry, Marcus takes Chris and covers him up for complicating things.
05:37Some time later, Elena brings Felix to Michael's house for an allowed visit.
05:41Later, Michael also finds out that Irina is behind it.
05:44The next day, Michael leaves Felix with Irina and takes the opportunity to yell at her for killing Russell.
05:50Irina is not upset and reminds him to do his job.
05:53The next time the group meets in the sauna, Marcus tells them that their victim should be Chris, because Alan will move the whole department for his ex-boyfriend.
06:01When he returns home, Gabe admits that he doesn't like the idea of ​​killing a random guy who hasn't done anything and asks to change the plan.
06:08Michael shoots him and says that they have no choice but to get Gabe out of the car.
06:13The next day, Alan meets with a person from an unusual job.
06:17He gives her some money and finds out that a working girl named Leah has taken too many stimulants, causing her to discover a secret, that is, her boyfriend has just started robbing a bank.
06:27In the meantime, Marcus and Chris enter the gang's territory.
06:30While Marcus is talking to some local residents to gather information, Chris tries to cross the two teenage gang members because of their way of life, telling them to go back to school.
06:40After that, he secretly follows a criminal known as Thermite, the main suspect in the murder.
06:46They watch him turn into a bag of illegal baby powder to move it in children's cars, hiding it in the car to drive.
06:53Shortly after that, Chris gathers a team of policemen to search Thermite's apartment.
06:57Before they enter, Thermite opens fire on them from the window, so the policemen start a fire before they go to the stairs.
07:03As soon as he opens the door, Thermite shoots them again before he runs to the other room to avoid the fire.
07:09As more policemen surround the building, the team searches the apartment and finds Thermite's baby on the bed.
07:14Then they open the closet and find a hole in the wall that leads them to the neighboring apartment, where Thermite keeps all his security cameras and illegal stuff.
07:22He's not there, so he goes to the stairs, where Thermite shoots them again before he runs away.
07:27The policemen start chasing Thermite, but while running down the street, other gang members, like Luis, shoot them to help their friend.
07:34This allows Thermite to hide in the car and open fire.
07:38A gunfight ensues, breaking the windows of the car all around.
07:41Some policemen manage to get a few gang members to run away, so they chase them, while Chris and Marcus continue to exchange fire with Thermite.
07:49A surprise gun falls out without a bullet, so Chris comes out of the window, but that's Thermite's trick, which has another gun.
07:55Chris is quickly hit, and Thermite manages to escape.
07:58Marcus runs to check on Chris, who is fine, thanks to the panzer.
08:01After that, Marcus follows Thermite, wasting time when he gets stuck in the fence.
08:07When he feels better, Chris also moves and finds Marcus and Thermite fighting for a gun.
08:12Chris waits for the opportunity and shoots Thermite in the head.
08:15Then Marcus shoots Thermite again out of frustration.
08:18Thermite's death causes unrest in the city, so more policemen have to come and arrest a bunch of gang members.
08:24In the meantime, Michael is in a restaurant with Irina, waiting to see Felix.
08:28However, Irina says that Felix will not come, and gives Michael her phone.
08:32Elena and Felix are on the beaches of Tel Aviv, and Michael barely manages to talk to them before the call ends.
08:38Irina did it on purpose to remind him who is in charge.
08:41She gives him important details about the Ministry of Internal Security and mentions that they have 24 hours to finish the job.
08:48Depending on how the job goes, it will determine how long Felix will be on vacation.
08:52In the meantime, Gabe is so depressed about his brother's death that he worsens his addiction to lean and company.
08:58Later, Chris takes Marcus to a club with other policemen, when he is surprised to see Gabe, who asks to talk to Marcus.
09:04At first, Marcus plays a game and leads him out, but then he is angrily pushed from the stairs and hit by a dog across the field, which came to him in front of other policemen.
09:12Gabe tries to talk to Marcus, reminding him who he was working with, and points out that he would not kill an innocent policeman.
09:19Angry that he hears the truth, Marcus hits him again.
09:23At that moment, a suspicious Chris and another policeman come out, so Gabe asks if that's him, but Marcus forces him to leave.
09:29When Chris asks for an explanation, Marcus says that this is just the source he got the information from.
09:34In the meantime, Allen follows the information to the house and even consumes some of the powder he finds there.
09:39Fingerprints allow them to find Gabe in the system, finding that he was a policeman three years before he was released for suspicious shooting.
09:47Later, Allen sets up a fake dealer to catch Lee when he tries to buy more stimulants.
09:52He takes her in his car and consumes her powder until Lee shares information about Gabe.
09:57Soon after, Trina follows Gabe, who parks in front of Chris' house. She informs Allen about it, and he immediately calls for backup.
10:04Hearing the police siren, Gabe jumps out of the fence to escape.
10:07Allen rushes to check Chris and his family, showing them Gabe's picture to see if they know the bully.
10:12At that moment, Allen receives a call with more information.
10:15Gabe is called by the name of Russell, who worked with someone named Michael as a private military executive.
10:20They suspected him of conspiring with the Russian mafia, but the case was dropped after four witnesses disappeared.
10:26Conspiring with the weapon connects those people with Irene, and Allen's captain wants to follow him.
10:31In the end, Franco calls Michael to ask him to do something about Gabe, because he is under surveillance.
10:36A moment later, Gabe hides in the hotel and receives a picture of the injured and tied Lee.
10:41He calls the number and discovers that Michael had kidnapped her.
10:44Michael threatens to kill Lee if Gabe doesn't disappear immediately.
10:47Once the terrified Gabe promises to leave the city, Michael hangs up and throws the phone in the toilet before he leaves.
10:54The next day, Allen finds out from Trina and other policemen that Gabe has disappeared.
10:58Michael has not been in his apartment for days and that the courts have revoked their order for supervision against Irene.
11:03That drives him crazy, demanding better results.
11:05Some time later, Franco and Michael wait in the van in front of the Ministry of Internal Security.
11:10In the meantime, Marcus leads Chris to an abandoned building, allegedly to meet with a witness.
11:15The place is very dark, and when Chris searches the room, he loses sight of Marcus.
11:19Chris is looking for his partner at the same time as Luis enters the building with a gun.
11:24In the other room, Marcus has a mental breakdown because of the crime.
11:27Chris continues to search and is surprised to find Gabe trying to explain the plan,
11:31but Chris continues to yell at him to drop the gun.
11:34At that moment, Luis finds them and warns Gabe of Chris, who leans over before Luis opens fire.
11:40After firing a bunch of bullets, Luis runs, jumping through the window.
11:44Chris comes out and discovers that Gabe was shot in the neck,
11:46so he calls for reinforcements before he starts yelling to draw Marcus's attention.
11:50Marcus quickly arrives and realizes what happened, so he takes out a gun to kill them both.
11:54Gabe sees this and opens fire, causing Marcus and Gabe to shoot each other at the same time.
11:59Chris opens fire to finish off Gabe and checks on Marcus, who doesn't have much time.
12:04Then Chris calls the station again, announcing 999.
12:07Michael and Frank quickly hear 999 on the police scanner and continue with the plan.
12:12They move the van to the entrance and shoot the guard as he tries to stop them.
12:16Then they tie him to the fence and enter, thanking the driver, whom Rina told them.
12:20The duo moves through the window, unaware of two more guards with electroshocks.
12:24They also tie those people and even prepare explosives.
12:28In the meantime, Alan finds out that Chris called 999 and thinks it's a threat,
12:32so it seems that the whole station is moving and driving like crazy on the way to the place.
12:36In the end, he receives a call from the robbery in the Ministry of Internal Security,
12:40but he thinks that Chris is a priority and continues to drive like crazy, hitting other cars along the way.
12:45As the call is repeated, Alan sends a small team to the robbery.
12:48Back at Michael and Frank, they put explosives on the body of the guard and use them as shields to move through the city.
12:54Other guards see them, but can't react because only one bullet could activate the explosives.
12:59The duo forces other guards to cooperate and to prove that they are serious,
13:03they blow air into the leg of one of their guards.
13:05The terrified guard explains that they can't help because the safe is in a temporary confinement, which they can't destroy.
13:11The duo decides to use the explosives on the doors and manage to get inside.
13:15While Michael opens the safe they need with the flamethrower,
13:18Frank hears on the radio that the call is initiated for them, which means they have 7 minutes to finish the job.
13:23Luckily, the safe opens quickly and the duo gets what they need before they leave the building with their bodies.
13:28The special operations team approaches and they watch as Michael and Frank enter the van,
13:33waiting until they are taken away far from the guards with the explosives before they open fire.
13:37Both are wounded, but they still manage to escape.
13:40As he shouts, Frank calls his boss and says that he heard for 999, so he will be there soon.
13:45In an abandoned building, a helicopter comes to take Marcus to the hospital.
13:50After he hit a few more cars with his own, Alan arrives and immediately checks his son.
13:55He listens to the whole story and finds out that he is the team for the special operation around Kolio Lewis.
13:59Chris also shares that he saw Gabe in the bar a few days ago.
14:03Frank quickly arrives to help in the investigation and Alan notices that the boss is suspicious of him.
14:08In the evening, Michael meets with Irene and gives her the stolen box, which she opens with the stolen key from the bank.
14:14Then Michael claims to see his son and shouts at her, causing her guards to react.
14:19After a few shots, the man checks the car just to find it empty.
14:23Another guard comes to knock him out and after he shoots him in the hand,
14:26the guy shoots a gun near his ear, temporarily deafening him.
14:30Irene admits that she really wants to kill Michael, but Elena and Felix would never forgive her.
14:35She asks him to take the money and leave, forbidding him to see Felix again.
14:39Michael brought a gift for the boy, so Irene at least admits to giving Felix as a simple gift from his father.
14:45As she and her people leave, Michael activates the last explosive, which turns out to be hidden in the player
14:50and causes Irene's car to explode.
14:53When he leaves, he passes by the burned car to check if everyone is dead.
14:57In the hospital, a colleague of the policeman tells Chris that Lewis was killed by a special team.
15:02Chris goes to the morgue to check Lewis's things and finds a note with the address of the abandoned building
15:07and the time, concluding that Lewis was there to kill Chris.
15:12Chris and Michael stop the policeman, but that's just Frank.
15:15Michael confirms that Irene finally paid and Frank explains that Marcus is alive,
15:19but promises that he will kill him as he killed Leo.
15:22Surprised, Frank shoots Michael three times, killing him and taking all the money for himself.
15:27The next day, Chris goes to the end of the gang and asks to find out that Marcus was seen
15:32talking to Lewis the day he was shot.
15:35After that, Chris goes to see Alan and theorizes that Marcus had set him up to be killed.
15:39Alan agrees, but they lack evidence, so they can't do much.
15:42Later, Alan receives a call to find Leo's body and tells Chris, sharing his new theory,
15:47that the fourth guy is a corrupt policeman who is solving evidence.
15:51Then, Alan calls Trina and asks her to check the records to see which officer found Leo's body.
15:56In the meantime, Chris visits Marcus in the hospital, just to hurt him.
16:01At that moment, Frank comes and tells Chris that they still need the whole statement in the station.
16:06The duo enters the elevator and Chris receives a call from Alan, who tells him that Frank is corrupt.
16:10Chris pretends that it's his wife and quickly hangs up.
16:13When they get to the parking lot, they split up to get to their cars.
16:17As soon as Frank enters, he sees a tie hanging around his eyes and Alan in the back seat.
16:22Both take out their guns and shoot at the same time.
16:25Frank immediately dies, and Alan is seriously injured.
16:28Chris hears the gunshot and calls the phone while Alan smokes a cigarette,
16:31leaving an interpretation of whether he wants to bleed or not.
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