Have you saved enough for the return fare? || Acharya Prashant, on Saint Lalleshwari (2019)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: Advait Learning Camp, 29.09.2019, Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida, India


What is the highway that is being talked of?
What is the entire spirituality all about?
What does sadhana mean?
What is Maya?
How we born?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00In today's satsang, many questions that we have received have come up from the mystical
00:14poetry of Lal Dede.
00:18Another one is asked by Vandita.
00:22She has quoted Lal Dede, By the highway I came, but by the highway I return not.
00:32And so I find me still on the embarkment, not having gone even half the way.
00:39And the day is gone, the light has failed.
00:43I search my pockets, but not a kodi find.
00:48What shall I pay for the ferry fee?
00:54The seeker Vandita inquires, By the highway I came, sorry for interrupting the question,
01:03it doesn't matter.
01:09By the highway I came, what is the highway?
01:17The womb and the birth canal are the highway.
01:22What is the highway?
01:24That is used every day by millions.
01:29Everybody is using the same road.
01:32The birth canal is the highway.
01:34By the highway I came.
01:37I came through the root of flesh and blood.
01:41I came through the root of mortal birth.
01:48But she says, By the highway I do not want to return.
01:51I do not want to die the same way I was born.
01:56I do not want to die the same way I was born.
01:59I was born like everybody else.
02:03Just as everybody else is travelling on the highway.
02:11By the highway I came, but now I want to fly away.
02:15Is there a flyway, somehow possible, close to the highway?
02:25Probably there is, but it is very expensive, very expensive.
02:29So she says, I don't even have two kodis.
02:34What is a kodi?
02:35It is an old unit of measurement of money.
02:42Just as you say, I don't even have sixpence.
02:49If I keep using the highway, I will die the same way I was born.
02:55How are you born?
02:56You are born very, very unconsciously.
02:59Anybody who remembers his or her birth?
03:06You don't even know how you came here.
03:10So even that is a second-hand account.
03:15What if you never came here?
03:17What if you are always here?
03:18How do you know that you were ever born?
03:21How do you know?
03:22Because everybody else is born?
03:25Because you are shown pics of your childhood and a certificate from the hospital?
03:30How do you know that you were ever born?
03:31Please tell me.
03:33Any first-hand experience, recall, memory, anything?
03:39And when you die, are you conscious in the moment of death?
03:43Is there anybody who is conscious right in the moment of death, in the last moment of
03:48Anybody who is going to remember his death?
03:56We die the same way we take birth, unconsciously.
04:04Unconsciously we are born and unconsciously we die.
04:08And that implies that everything in between is also going to be necessarily unconscious.
04:16How can there be pure consciousness between two points of unconsciousness?
04:22That's the highway, you know.
04:23It's a highway of deep unconsciousness.
04:26Dalai Lama is saying, by the highway I came, by the highway I will return, not I am determined
04:33because it's a very bad highway.
04:37It's a highway through which only the dead travel.
04:51I want to take the flyway but the tariffs are steep and I have nothing in my pocket.
04:57What do I do?
05:02What is the tariff?
05:03What are the charges?
05:09Sadhana is the charge.
05:14Deep and real work is the charge.
05:24That is what you have to pay and hence that is what you have to firstly earn.
05:34That's what this life is for.
05:37Earn the airfare, else you will be condemned to stay on the mortal highway.
05:55Daldeit is grieving, she is saying, you know, a lot of my ears are already behind me and
06:05I haven't yet earned much.
06:09Any day the flight can announce its departure.
06:15Have I saved enough for the fare?
06:18She says, no, not yet, so I have to hurry up.
06:24That's what the entire spiritual process is about, collecting the airfare so that you
06:34can rise up, otherwise you stay crawling on the highway.
06:46Life is not so that you just remain a crawler, a creeper.
06:53Life is so that you can take off and taking off, as you know, is expensive.
07:02It is not for the ones who keep squandering money.
07:14You have to be a spendthrift.
07:18You have to save, you have to conserve, what time, resources, attention.
07:31If you keep spilling all these needlessly, mindlessly, you will not take off.
07:52And remember, we do not know the flight schedule.
07:57We do not know when the boarding call might come.
08:05Do we know?
08:10And if it's getting too late for Lal Dede, what does that tell about us?
08:22If Lal Dede says that she has not been able to save enough for her upward journey, what
08:30do you infer about your own spiritual account?
08:35How much have you saved?
08:40The reference is Lal Dede, her account is not yet par.
08:53Can you infer something about your own account?
08:55What zilch, oh no, overdraft, minus.
09:07If Lal Dede's account says 2 kauris or 6 pence, our account says minus 1000 dollars
09:17and then we want to pay from this account to take the flight.
09:29Not only is it in negative, we are spending from it again and again and adding nothing
09:37to it.
09:39Every minute that you waste in an unworthy talk is a stress upon your spiritual account.
09:53Every rupee that you waste upon your personal carnal pleasures is a criminal withdrawal
10:07from your spiritual account.
10:16By the highway I came, but by the highway I return not.
10:38And so I find me still on the embarkment, not having gone even half the way.
10:45When the day is gone, the light has failed.
10:48I search for my pocket, but not a kauri find.
10:52What shall I pay for the ferry fee?
10:55I said airfare, Lal Dede says ferry fee.
11:03That is the classical Indian representation.
11:06What I am talking of is something more modern, a flight into free space.
11:12Lal Dede says ferry fee, crossing the Vaitarani, crossing the Bhav Sagar.
11:21So the boat is needed rather than the highway.
11:24Be it the aircraft or the boat, both demand their fares and you have to save.
11:35Have you saved?
11:37Are you saving or are you expending more and more?
11:59Yes, question.
12:01Jain Swaraj Acharya ji, today you sent this beautiful verses of Leshwari Bai, just touched
12:14the heart and this was one of actually my favorite because I know it contains a lot
12:23of stuff which I need to know that how do we earn, how do we earn this spiritual money
12:35or the spiritual.
12:37You don't have to really earn spiritual money.
12:42You already have a certain balance available to you when you are born, but then you also
12:52have to live and living also consumes a lot of resources, living entails expenses.
13:02So you have to decide whether you want to spend what you have for the purpose of materialistic,
13:15pleasurable living or do you want to spend it towards a higher purpose.
13:26Nobody needs to give you time.
13:27Don't you have time?
13:28Time is your biggest resource.
13:32But we squander away our time in unworthy pursuits, don't we?
13:41Nobody is short of time.
13:43It's just that people use their time unwisely.
13:48Similarly, don't you have the capacity to know and understand?
13:55Don't you have the power to attend?
13:58You have all these.
14:00But then we start attending to all the trivial things in life, don't we?
14:13The power to attend is such a blessing.
14:19You can lock yourself upon a thing and come to understand it.
14:25But then the thing that you choose to understand is rarely the right thing.
14:44You have the power to choose your company, your place, your relationships, but the place
14:54you choose to be present at is hardly ever the right place.
15:00Nobody needs to give you something additional.
15:04You just need to make discrete use of what you already have.
15:17You know how to read, right?
15:19You know how to read.
15:22But just see what you choose to read.
15:30Using your ability to read, you can read a Krishna, a Krishnamurti, a Kabir, a Christ.
15:44But then what is it that most of us prefer to read?
15:54All kinds of rubbish, no?
15:59Now do you need to be taught to read that you already know of?
16:10You don't need to be taught to read.
16:14You need to decide better what to read.
16:20And that's sadhana.
16:22Sadhana does not mean earning additional powers.
16:27Sadhana simply means making wise use of what you already have.
16:37And the one thing that you already have and waste mercilessly is yourself, your time,
16:49your attention, your energy.
16:56Everything that you have is a resource to be used towards accumulating airfare.
17:03Memory is a resource, is it not?
17:06Is it not?
17:07Memory is a useful resource.
17:09But see what our memory is cluttered with.
17:14Is our memory cluttered with things that would enable our redemption?
17:21Yes, do we remember only stuff that would facilitate our salvation or do we remember
17:34all kinds of nonsense?
17:37Right stuff that should have been forgotten long back.
17:41What is it that we choose to remember?
17:49That's what Lalishwari is pointing at.
17:57The ego loves to proceed on adventurous pursuits.
18:04Sadhana means going out and earning something additionally and then proclaiming to the entire
18:09world, see this is what I have and you don't have this.
18:17Sadhana does not mean that.
18:18Sadhana is much much more in the sense of negation.
18:25Don't spend yourself where you are already invested in.
18:31Avoid, avoid, avoid.
18:35In many senses Sadhana is another name for avoidance, upeksha, avoid, avoid.
18:44It's such a great mantra.
18:45It can rival any other mantra.
18:49It can compete with the most effective mantras that mankind has known.
18:54Just avoid.
18:56A-V-O-I-D, avoid, that's Sadhana.
19:08Avoid what?
19:09Avoid yourself.
19:11Stop being yourself.
19:12That is the biggest favor you can do to yourself.
19:25Come out of your own role.
19:30This role that you have chosen for yourself is awfully bad.
19:37Drop this role.
19:43That's Sadhana.
19:46Avoid being yourself.
19:53How do I do that, Acharyaji?
19:56How do you manage being somebody that you should not be?
20:03That's much more a difficult thing to do and you coolly manage that.
20:10But when it comes to a far simpler task, you so innocently ask me, how do I do that, Acharyaji?
20:23Like my driver, Ashok Janardhan Kulpati.
20:33He drives so very smoothly, almost in trance, at speeds bordering on the velocity of light.
20:52But when I ask him to drive at 60 or 80 or maximum 100, he similarly, very innocently
21:04probes me, how do I do it, Acharyaji, if you can do what you have been doing since the
21:11last two hours and breaking my back and neck.
21:16Why can't you drive at 60?
21:19This is not a question.
21:21This is dishonesty.
21:27Janardhan bhai never seeks my counsel to drive at 140.
21:35He just waits for me to doze off.
21:41If I doze off and wake up after an hour, I find myself in a transatlantic location.
21:55Then he doesn't need to take my counsel.
22:02But if I advise or I shout, why can't you drive like an ordinary human being, like me?
22:13Then he says it is very difficult.
22:1560 or 70, I will necessarily crash the vehicle.
22:2480 means a heightened chance of accident.
22:2960 means a definite accident.
22:38This is the kind of inquiry most spiritual practitioners have.
22:44How do I do that which is easy and simple?
22:49I can only do that which is most convoluted, most complex, most terrible, most sense-defying
23:07that I can do.
23:14Do you understand how much it takes to live the life that most of us live?
23:21It is awfully difficult and yet we manage.
23:30We must be congratulated.
23:40We deserve commendations.
23:46The murkier the life you are living, the more entitled are you for a great medal or something.
23:58Because it is very very difficult to live a murky life, is it not?
24:05But we have practised for long and we have gained great expertise.
24:16So simple things, they do not appeal to us now.
24:26We must do the impossible.
24:35Have you seen the extent to which people go just to defend their ego?
24:44Have you seen?
24:45Have you seen the kind of pains people take just to defend their falsenesses?
24:51Have you not seen, please?
24:54Have you not seen?
24:56Is it not much simpler to drop the false?
25:03But we will go to any extent, take on any kind of suffering just to defend the false
25:13We will not do that which is obvious and simple and natural.
25:20That we will not do.
25:23We are prepared to live a life of torture on the rack and that's how we live, a tortured
25:36life every moment.
25:41But we are not just willing to bow this stupid and stubborn head down and admit that we have
25:55been fools.
26:13I can show you how you are executing yourself.
26:43Torturing yourself by leading an unnecessarily stupid and evil life.
26:57And that is the only way I can convince you to return to simplicity.
27:03How else?
27:05But instead you ask me, Acharyaji, what is simplicity?
27:09How to be simple?
27:10How to be simple?
27:11By dropping the complex.
27:12That's all.
27:14You know what?
27:15Maya is not an abstraction.
27:16Maya is not a construct.
27:17Maya is not a construct.
27:18Maya is not an abstraction.
27:41Maya is not a construct.
27:44Maya is not even in the mind.
27:52Maya is flesh and blood.
27:55Maya is human.
28:00When I say these things and I look at your eyes, you know what I see?
28:04I see resistance and defiance.
28:09It's not you in those moments.
28:12We are Maya.
28:17Maya is not just an idea.
28:19Maya is a human being.
28:24The human being that looks at me when I have made matters extremely obvious and extremely
28:34simple for you and she looks at me as if she has understood nothing.
28:44That's Maya.
28:47Even after the thing has been made irresistible for you.
28:56If you have heard it, you cannot deny it.
28:58You cannot resist it.
29:01You have to take it.
29:02You have to bow down to it.
29:05But you look at me as if I'm talking some alien language.
29:08That is Maya.
29:09This face is Maya.
29:12How is it possible that you are hearing this, comprehending this, and yet refusing to acknowledge
29:18and change your life?
29:23How is it possible that your eyes are still hollow and barren, like the eyes of a robo
29:34that just gathers information and changes not?
29:45These are eyes of defiance.
29:47Yes, yes, yes.
29:49You can keep saying whatever you want to.
29:51We are what we are.
29:52We will hear you out, but we will not listen.
29:58Forget about any change.
29:59We won't even acknowledge that there is a need for a change.
30:13These eyes that look at me as one looks at a wall, in the usual dull, bored, indifferent
30:47Isn't that a great horror?
30:52You can tell all that you can.
30:58And yet you are faced with somebody who will just not understand.
31:09And beyond a point, you move from just telling to pleading.
31:18Now you are not telling.
31:19You are pleading.
31:21And the fellow is sneezing.
31:32And you are almost on your knees.
31:33You are saying, please listen.
31:35And the thing in front of you just refuses to understand.
31:40It's adamant.
31:41I will not understand.
31:45I think that is the most horrible spectacle in the entire universe possible.
31:56And you couldn't have simplified it any further.
32:00It's 2 plus 2, 4 now.
32:02And the fellow is saying, I will not understand.
32:32I will not understand.
32:33I will not understand.
32:34I will not understand.
32:35I will not understand.
32:36I will not understand.
32:37I will not understand.
32:38I will not understand.
32:39I will not understand.
32:40I will not understand.
32:41I will not understand.
32:42I will not understand.
32:43I will not understand.
32:44I will not understand.
32:45I will not understand.
32:46I will not understand.
32:47I will not understand.
32:48I will not understand.
32:49I will not understand.
32:50I will not understand.
32:51I will not understand.
32:52I will not understand.
32:53I will not understand.
32:54I will not understand.
32:55I will not understand.
32:56I will not understand.
32:57I will not understand.
32:58I will not understand.
32:59I will not understand.
33:00I will not understand.
