Religious fanatics and bigots - Where do they come from? || Acharya Prashant, at IIT-Delhi (2023)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 02.04.23, IIT-Delhi, Delhi

~ What are fanatic religious beliefs?
~ What are the effects of religious fanaticism?
~ What are some critical thinking questions about religion?
~ Why our festivals are celebrated by the people like they are?
~ To whom we should blame for false culture and religion?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Sir, I am Saurabh Kumar from Rajdhani College, Delhi University. My question is that there
00:09is one or two days ago there was Ram Navami. Some people were going and cheering Ram Ram
00:16at the mosque and figuring out some flags at the mosque and they are looking like Rabri
00:24Sena. They are cheering Ram Ram. How can people can go this down? I mean they are kind of
00:34rubbish and it is called culture art. I mean please take that.
00:39I do not really know the facts of this case. Even you probably do not know. You can only
00:46quote that which has been brought to you by the media. We do not know what is it that
00:51the media is bringing to you. One has to be very very sceptical these days. Anything can
00:58be shown to you, anything can be proved to you. This is the age of mass indoctrination
01:06and hysteria. Sir, sometimes before that was a northern
01:13Indian kind of things, but it became kind of like all pan-India movement. Some Maharashtra,
01:21Bengal, UP, Rajasthan, it's all over the India. So, it is more concerning how our society
01:28is growing. Even we are talking in this classroom or auditorium, but the others are doing something
01:35very dangerous, so that others are feeling insecure. How can we neglect that thing?
01:43See, those who do all this, irrespective of the side they come from, it doesn't matter
01:51whether it's a Ram Navami procession or a Muharram procession or a Christmas gathering.
02:01Those who are doing this, think of where they are coming from. Think of the entire ecosystem
02:10that breeds such people and then also tolerates them. I am asking you, had we been really
02:18different as a society, would you still have those incidents? Do we want to blame an event
02:30or do we want to rather responsibly look at the entire ecosystem? Please tell me. Whatever
02:37they are doing is more or less actively or passively socially accepted. That's why they
02:44can afford to do what they do. Had they known that for displaying all kinds of perverse attitudes
02:55and behaviours in the name of religion, they would be socially ostracised. Would they have
03:01still dared to do what they are doing? Make it even more personal. Let's say there is
03:08a rioter. The police may not be able to locate his identity. Either due to connivance or
03:21due to incompetence, the police might fail to know who that rioter is. But for sure there
03:27are some people who definitely know who that person is. His wife knows. Does his wife not
03:34know? His kids know, his parents know, his friends know or are even these people in dark.
03:46Think of a situation where this fellow engages in an act of rioting and returns home and
03:52is disowned by his wife. Would he still manage to remain the kind of ignorant figure that
04:02he is? Please tell me. But just as family members partake in the bribe money that you
04:13bring home, they also partake in all kinds of toxic attitudes that we have. When a fellow
04:21accepts bribe, is it so that his family does not know of it? The fact is that the family
04:27willingly, happily enjoys the proceeds of the bribe. The fellow brings the bribe home. Does
04:34he not? Similarly, the family very well knows the attitudes that a person is cultivating and
04:44rioting, mind you, is also a bit of an economic activity. You don't just randomly riot anywhere.
04:52When you riot, you also loot. When you riot, often you also loot. Where do the proceeds of
05:01the loot go? They go to your house, right? The entire family is complicit or is it not? That's
05:08why I am talking of the ecosystem. It's not a person, it's an entire ecosystem. It's just that
05:15the active rioters become visible just as the tip of the iceberg becomes visible. Beneath that tip,
05:24there is an entire system that has upheld that tip, right? Else that tip would have disappeared.
05:32So, we talk of the 10, 20 or 100 fellows that indulge in active rioting. But we do not talk
05:40of the thousands and lakhs who passively support these rioters. And if those thousands and lakhs
05:48disappear, would these handful of rioters still manage to survive? I am asking you. Please tell
05:57me. Okay. One of you starts making boorish sounds here. What would happen? Just one of you,
06:05just one of you, just one of you starts making unpleasant sounds and starts distracting everybody.
06:12What is it that will immediately find? Let's say somebody at the back. If he does that,
06:17what would happen? Everybody would turn to the back and give him angry stares, right? So,
06:26he will have to stop. Is that not so? That's the power of the ecosystem. That's the power
06:32of the ecosystem. This is a society. One person cannot go astray here. The entire feeling,
06:45the cumulative feeling of this oddy has to be corrupted for something seriously active to
06:56happen, right? So, there are one or two fellows at the back who start creating noises and making
07:04faces and doing things. And what will the rest of the hall do then? As shared members in the
07:15conspiracy? They will either just gently smile or they will pretend as if nothing has happened,
07:23right? Somebody throws something at the speaker from the behind and the rest of the audience
07:31keeps sitting as if nothing has happened. What does that prove? Everybody is partaking in the
07:40conspiracy, correct? That's why I am talking of the ecosystem. You are talking of the 5,
07:4610, 20 or 100 people who engage in active violence. I am saying behind that display
07:53of active violence, there is a lot of passive toxicity. And from where does that passive
08:01toxicity come to the society? It comes from a few nodes, TV, social media, some other places.
08:11When that toxicity is coming to you as a general member of the society, then you don't resist. But
08:21when there is arson and looting and murder and rioting, then you start saying, oh, why are these
08:29people actively fighting each other? They are fighting each other because of the content that
08:34is being beamed to you daily on national television and on social media. Now tell me, do we want to
08:46talk about the tip of the iceberg or the entire mass? And since all of us are responsible when
08:57that act of looting or rioting happens, therefore each of us has to turn to himself or herself
09:04and ask, why does this happen? Why does this happen? Terrorists sometimes hide in a particular
09:27house in a village. They cannot hide in that house if the rest of the village is not complicit.
09:37Right? Now do you want to blame that terrorist, that house or the entire village? We will fight
10:02because we are animals. We require the enlightening effect of wisdom literature to
10:16transcend our animal disposition. Note that when someone stabs another one in the heart,
10:36you can capture that on the camera and you are quick to denounce that as an act of brutality.
10:44You just saw that happening in front of eye. The dagger was sharp and it went right into the flesh
10:53and blood, it just sprouted out like a fountain and all that is so dramatic. You can see that.
11:07How about those who are killing you daily by poisoning the air and you are getting killed
11:19daily, right? But is that so visual, so optical and so dramatic? Is it? We never come to know
11:27of that. But the principle behind both these murderers is the same and as intelligent people
11:35you must recognize that. The principle behind the stabber and the polluter is the, and that
11:44is the principle of the animal, the beast. I will live in my self-centered ignorance. That's
11:54the principle of the stabber and that's also the principle behind the polluter. Therefore,
12:02you require wisdom. You require wisdom and that's the entire purpose of spirituality. To
12:13take us beyond the bodily instincts. See how animals fight. If in a particular space there
12:26are n number of rabbits and more rabbits are born, the elder, stronger, typically male rabbits kill
12:36the younger ones because they want to have some kind of a monopoly over the resources. They say,
12:45if we have more rabbits, that's not good for our physicality. Food will become scarce,
12:53divided. That's who we are. We all come from the jungle, don't we? Historically, how long was it?
13:02Very recently, till very recently, we were chimpanzees and orangutans, were we not? You
13:14can say a few million years. That's a blink of an eye when it comes to the historical timescale.
13:20Till yesterday, we were in the jungle as beasts. So, we share our basic instincts with the beasts
13:30and that's the reason we stab and we pollute and that's the reason why we require the Bhagavad
13:39Gita so much. That's the reason why the Upanishads have to be the central documents, the most
13:50respected scriptures. Otherwise, we will continue to be violent, irrespective of whether you are a
14:00man, a woman, a religious person, an irreligious person, a devotee, an atheist, it does not matter.
14:08A Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Christian, does not matter. You will continue to be violent. You
14:18could be very well educated, you would still be violent. You will be violent now in a subtle way.
14:23You could be a rustic fellow, crude and uneducated and you will be violent, violent in your own crude
14:33way. So, the ways of violence will change, the internal violence will remain because the beast
14:41is violent. What is meant by that? Ignorance is violence. Ignorance is violence. What does
14:49ignorance mean? The feeling that I am the body and I have to live by the bodily dictates,
14:57that's ignorance. Ignorance does not mean not knowing. Ignorance means living in the wrong
15:04kind of identification. Not knowing your central identity is ignorance. Are you getting it?
15:17So much, the ignorance is so powerful, it consumes even religion. You were talking
15:34of writing in the name of religion. Do you know that more people have died in the name
15:44of religion than due to any other cause? You have to keep biological causes aside and you
15:54have to keep mass extinctions aside. So, we are not talking of cosmological events here.
15:58We are also not talking of things like the black plague here. We are talking of wars that human
16:06beings fight and the atrocities that they commit. More people have died in the name of religion
16:13than anything else. Think of the Crusades, the long wars between the Muslims and the Christians.
16:22If you study history, you will know how bloody they were. More recently, look at 1971. When we
16:42talk of genocides, we often ignore that place and that year. That was not that much in the name
16:54of language, though language was an issue, Bengali versus Urdu. That was also not so much in the name
17:00of ethnicity, Punjabi versus Bengali. That was more in the name of religion because the Pakistani
17:14army, when it got violent, it killed both Bengali Muslims and Bengali Hindus, but mostly and the
17:25murders and the rapes were just countless and all that in the name of religion. And it's not as if
17:39the so-called peaceful religions have not indulged in violence. Look at Burma. Even the long struggle
17:53that you had in Sri Lanka was religious in some sense, Hindus versus Buddhists. Ignorance is so
18:06powerful and its appetite is so huge. It can consume even religion when the central purpose
18:14of religion is to defeat ignorance. That's Maya. That's Maya for you. To make things worse, you
18:30have religious scriptures that directly command their followers to slay the non-believers. Now
18:36what do you do? If you come across a non-believer, slay him. This is in the name of religion.
18:47Even co-religionists fight with each other. They keep declaring each other as enemies of religion.
19:11So, we will ostracize you or declare you apostates and do all these things. Look at
19:24what happened to the Ahmadiyas in Pakistan. There is a large section among Sunnis that
19:36do not even want to accept Shias as Muslims. And look at how the Hindus have perpetrated
19:45caste atrocities in the name of religion. Till very recently, you had trouble in Great
19:59Britain. You know of IRA? You think of that only as something political? No. There was
20:10the Protestant versus Catholic angle there. Throughout the world, note this statistic.
20:23It is very strange that the more religious a people are, the less educated they are,
20:31the poorer they are and the more is the number of kids they beget. Maya ashames religion
20:41as well. This is hard data. The more religious you are, the less money will you have. The
20:51more religious you are, the less educated will you be. And the more religious you are,
20:56the more will be the number of kids you will have. And religion was supposed to be a liberating
21:04force. And this is what we have done to religion. Namaskar Sir. I am Mukesh Sayal. I am 1983,
21:23passed out from IIT Delhi. My first question is, the writers are not born writers. That
21:33is my feeling. Whatever I say is my feeling. Whatever we have seen so far, a writer is a
21:42writer when it is between two communities, well-defined communities. Everybody knows,
21:48I don't want to name them. The writer is a sanyasi when the third community takes out
21:56a similar position through the same street. Do you think there is a motivating force behind those
22:03writers to make them writers selectively and make them sanyasi selectively? That is my question.
22:13I didn't get the sanyasi angle. I am sitting in my house. I find today X community. I will not
22:28name that community. I am from Y community. X community is taking out a position through
22:37a street, through the same street. Then I am throwing stones on them. I am abusing their
22:44priests or whatever you name their religious persons and doing all sorts of nonsense. So,
22:55in that case, I am being motivated by somebody to become a writer. If the other Z community,
23:03passing through the same street, I am sitting on my sofa and I am clapping and participating,
23:13not actively, maybe passively, through my balcony and enjoying their position. So,
23:21do you mean to say or I have a feeling that that writer is being motivated by
23:26somebody to become a writer against that position of a particular community?
23:32What you mean to say is that a lot of that is reactive, purely reactive. Because there
23:40are conditions. A Hindu watches a Muslim, let's say. There is no point hiding names. You are
23:46talking of Hindus and Muslims here. That's okay. That's the fact. So, there is no point. Yes. So,
23:54what we are probably saying is that the Hindu watches the Muslim indulging in some things and
23:58as a reaction, he too becomes aggressive. That is likely. That is quite possible. That is possible.
24:04My question is, why he is a writer or starts pelting stones on a particular religious
24:12position if the similar position passes through a different community?
24:19Third community you are saying?
24:22Third community. He is enjoying that position. He is enjoying that satsang being played there.
24:29He is enjoying the Shabad Kirtan being played.
24:32So, you are then predisposed to oppose, obviously.
24:36No, but he is not born as a writer. He is being motivated as a writer.
24:40You are conditioned. You are brought up. That's the role of the ecosystem we talked of. The kind
24:46of things we consume from the TV, from the family, from society. If continuously those things are
24:52present in the environmental and cultural elements, then obviously slowly something is being built up
25:00and if you are lucky, that will never explode. If you are not so lucky, it may come to a tipping
25:08point someday and then there might be active violence. Even if there is no active violence,
25:12passively you are being indoctrinated to be violent within. So, we know how that is happening.
25:20Yes, that's true. See, I'll come back to that. We are animals and animals are not supposed to
25:32understand. Animals live by their bodily instincts. They don't really understand.
25:41Understanding is not even needed. No animal ever sits down and wonders. There are no transcendental,
25:52philosophical, spiritual questions in their mind. They are meant to do as their body commands them
26:01to do. So, we will favor those of our type. We will oppose those of the other type. The lion was
26:11never taught to hunt the deer. It comes from his body or does it not? The fish was never taught
26:18to swim. It comes from its body. Similarly, from our body violence comes. It is the body. Violence
26:26comes and that will remain till we are not properly spiritually educated. It's about rioting
26:37and it's also about our otherwise so-called peaceful looking life. Look at the relationship
26:44between the man and the woman, the husband and the wife, the father and the son. Don't you see a lot
26:49of violence there? It's just that the violence is tacit, implicit, hidden. Violence will be there.
26:57I repeat, ignorance is violence and what is ignorance? Living without knowledge of the self
27:07is ignorance. If you don't have self-knowledge, you will be violent. If you are crude, you will
27:13hit the other in the body. If you are not so crude, then you will pollute the air and do all kinds of
27:19hidden things, but you will remain violent.
