Fire Emblem Three Houses - Marianne and Lorenz

  • 3 months ago
Another Golden Deer student giving Marianne some love.
00:00Hello, Marianne. You're well, I hope?
00:08I am, Lawrence. Thank you.
00:12I cannot help but notice you do not look it.
00:15Is that so? I feel fine.
00:20Was there something you needed?
00:32How unseemly of me. My apologies. It is not my intention to stare.
00:37Does something about me seem... off?
00:41Not at all. I was just remembering your father. Or rather, comparing my experience of him to you.
00:51Your father, Margrave Edmund. He is one of the shrewdest nobles in all the Alliance, with a noted gift for pointed speech.
00:58On and beyond the battlefield, his words have the power to move friend and foe alike.
01:03My own father has said he would not want to make an enemy of him. Naturally, I am of the same mind.
01:12Your father is blessed with gifts of confidence and eloquence. Yet compared to him, you seem always reticent and downcast.
01:20Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to cause you discomfort. It's just that the contrast between you and your father is striking.
01:27I have very little in common with my adoptive father.
01:30But he sent you to Garreg Mach. Clearly, he sees potential in you.
01:34I think I see it too. Yes, a certain charm. Gravitas, if you will. Just like him.
01:47I can't say that I know too much about him. I should be going now.
01:51Yes, yes, of course. Please, take care.
01:57Oh, such grace, such serenity. How could such a beauty be hiding in plain sight?
02:03With a little polish, she would shine magnificently.
02:18Tell me, Marianne, do you have a love of flowers?
02:21Um, well, I don't dislike them.
02:25I've happened upon a spot that's just teeming with splendid blossoms. Would you like me to show you?
02:30I think I would rather stay. It would be for the best if you kept your distance from me.
02:36Well, perhaps I could pick a few of the nicest and present them to you.
02:40With a beautiful bouquet in your arms, your magnificence would rival even that of the goddess.
02:46I would never compare myself to the beauty of the goddess.
02:50I see. Well, I don't mind. Oh, that is a lovely handkerchief you've got there.
02:56Did you know that a handkerchief reflects the sensitivity of its owner?
03:00Yours tells me you have quite a refined sensibility.
03:03If you only applied yourself a little more to the rest of your ensemble, there is no doubt in my mind...
03:09If you admire my handkerchief so much, you may have it.
03:13No, please, that is not what I meant.
03:17It was a gift from my adoptive father. I didn't choose it for myself.
03:21I'm sure I don't share his refined sensibilities, though, considering how little he and I have in common.
03:28I have to go.
03:32Such beauty. And yet, with just a little polish, she'd be a marvel.
03:39If only she'd put in some effort.
03:42I wonder... Indeed, I shall make it my mission to awaken her beauty.
03:49There is nothing that I, Lawrence Hellman Gloucester, cannot do.
04:11What is it, Marianne?
04:21I'm curious why you've been eating your meals near me as of late.
04:25I'm not much for conversation.
04:29I'm always at a loss for words, and I never know how to respond to questions.
04:34It's true that there are some who prefer a lively dinner table, but I prefer to eat in peace.
04:40As for you, my meals are a relaxing experience.
04:43In fact, you're the most peaceful dining companion I've ever had.
04:50There is a real grace and fluidity to your every movement.
04:54I greatly appreciate refined table manners.
04:57Observing you all this time, I believe I've realized what is so striking about you.
05:02Your beauty comes from the heart. It is an inner beauty.
05:06It's not some flamboyant pageantry, a product of external adornment or grooming.
05:12When I first noticed it, I thought that it could use some refinement, a little polish.
05:17But I was mistaken. You are perfect in your natural state, just as you are.
05:22You think I'm beautiful, just the way I am?
05:26Certainly. To add a superficial luster on top of what you already possess would be offensively redundant.
05:34No one's ever said anything like that to me before.
05:37Alas, I am the only one with eyes.
05:41But perhaps it is for the best that your beauty not be revealed to all the world.
05:46Yes, it is certainly better that only I, Lawrence Hellman Gloucester, can appreciate your true magnificence.
05:54And on that note, I bid you farewell.
05:58What a strange person. But being called beautiful just the way I am, that was nice to hear.
06:18Ah, Marianne. I've been meaning to thank you.
06:21The books that you lent me have proved most fascinating.
06:24Would you permit me to offer you tea as a token of my gratitude?
06:27Um, I'm a little busy right now. Maybe later tonight?
06:32Of course. I will look forward to it.
06:40Thank you for inviting me over.
06:43Certainly. Thank you for coming. And please, relax. This is no formal occasion.
06:49Oh, this tea tastes so good.
06:53Isn't it just... This is my absolute favorite. I'm pleased you like it.
06:58This pastry may suit your palate also. It is commonly paired with this tea in my homeland.
07:03Ah, it's sweet. It compliments the astringency of the tea.
07:08You have exquisite taste. And there is plenty more where that came from. We simply must do this again.
07:14You want to spend more time with me?
07:20Well, that's...
07:23Actually, there's something I need to say.
07:27Yes? What is it?
07:30I've been keeping this from you for a while. It's... it's about my crest. It's just terrible. I...
07:37Please, that's quite enough.
07:44You're trembling. If uttering this secret hurts you, then I have no desire to hear it.
07:50It... it's just...
07:53Your smile is a greater gift to me than any truth.
07:57Whatever you have hitherto concealed, I am certain it is essential to you. And I do wish to know it.
08:03But not until the day arrives when you can tell me with a smile on your face.
08:08I am not the sort of man to prize my own knowledge over others' happiness, you know.
08:12Besides, the mystery is part of your charm.
08:19You're funny, Lawrence.
08:22There, that's what I mean. Your beauty is always captivated, but that smile truly warms my heart.
08:29This is the first time I've smiled in so long, and I have your kindness to thank for that.
08:36As I've said, you are perfect just as you are.
08:40But I suppose I can take a little credit.
08:43Yes, your radiant smile shall illuminate all the world.
08:47With me by your side, you will not be able to help it.
08:52I'm looking forward to that.
