Fire Emblem Three Houses - Ashe and Dedue

  • 3 months ago
Two friends opening up on food.
00:30My sister and I helped with cooking at home.
00:33Wow, that's all? I thought I was confident about my skills, but next to you I feel like an amateur.
00:39Hey, could you give me some advice about other kinds of meat, besides fish?
00:47Yes to do?
00:50Why do you spend time with me?
00:53We're friends, right?
00:56I just want to get to know you better. Is that so odd?
01:00I am from Dusker.
01:03So, look at me. I came from a life of poverty.
01:06I was lucky to even be let in here to study with all these high-class people.
01:11I think we have a lot in common.
01:14Being poor and being from Dusker are two different things.
01:19Oh, I know. But we can still be friends, can't we?
01:23You are a peculiar person.
01:27So I'm told.
01:30I'm glad to hear that.
01:49You don't like to talk much, huh, Dedue?
01:52I am not skilled in conversation.
01:55Any particular reason?
02:01I am only here at the monastery because this is where His Highness wishes me to be.
02:06Many here are frightened of me.
02:08Disgusted by me.
02:10I grow weary of it.
02:14That makes sense. A lot of people hate Dusker.
02:17They think all kinds of terrible things.
02:19Some of them even think you kidnap and eat people.
02:24We sound like true monsters.
02:27Why are you smiling? Shouldn't it make you angry?
02:30I suppose.
02:34If those people would just talk to you, I'm sure they'd change their minds.
02:38I'll admit that when I first got here, I found you kind of intimidating.
02:42I didn't know if it was okay to talk to you. I hesitated.
02:46But like I said before, I just wanted to get to know you.
02:49And now that I have, I'm not scared at all.
02:53I am not very good at interesting conversation.
02:56We can work on that. Tell me about Dusker. What was your hometown like?
03:00Calm. More forested than Fargus.
03:04Each town had a specialty. Smithing. Fishing.
03:08You would be better off reading about it in a book.
03:11Okay, maybe you're right. But answer me one thing.
03:15You're a great cook and you learned at home.
03:18Why don't you make more Dusker-style food?
03:21As we have established, people hate Dusker.
03:24Food by itself may be harmless, but it is better not to sow seeds of discontent.
03:33But the cuisine of Dusker is delicious. I'd really like to try more of it.
03:37I am pleased to hear you say so.
03:42You're quite late getting back.
03:45The scouting mission didn't go well. I was so busy I didn't even have time to eat.
03:50I thought that might be the case. Gilbert was exhausted too.
03:54Glad you made it. I saved some food for you.
03:57Oh, thanks. I'm glad you're okay.
04:00I'm glad you're okay.
04:03I'm glad you're okay.
04:06Glad you made it. I saved some food for you.
04:09Oh, thanks. I'm starving.
04:14Your cooking's fantastic, as always.
04:17The spices were a nice touch. I can really taste the Dusker inspiration.
04:22You remembered that I wanted to try more Dusker cuisine, didn't you?
04:26Yes. How is it?
04:29Amazing. You're a much better chef than I am.
04:33Your cooking is not bad at all.
04:36Thanks. My father would be glad to hear it.
04:41Is he the one who taught you?
04:44Not exactly. I learned from watching him work the kitchen in his restaurant.
04:49And what about you? I think you said that you and your sister helped with the cooking at home.
04:55Yes. I learned by watching my mother.
04:59Nothing remains of Dusker. The towns, the people, the culture. All of it was put to the torch.
05:07My mother and sister are gone.
05:10Yet that simple memory of them standing together in the kitchen is so clear, so real.
05:16So in a way, you put those memories into this meal.
05:23Through me, they are able to live on.
05:27I like that way of thinking.
05:30The Church may not like my feelings on this, but in Fodlan, when people die, they pass on to be with the Goddess, right?
05:38I suppose.
05:41That seems so far away. I'd rather they stayed here.
05:46My parents, my brother, Lanato. Maybe they can all live on through me, too.
05:52As long as you think of them, they will.
06:00Your cooking is... delicious. It really is.
06:05Careful. Or you will over-salt it.
06:10It's all right. Thank you, Dudu.
06:14Eat as much as you'd like.
06:22© transcript Emily Beynon
