Dragon Prince SO1 Ep 7 in hindi

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00:00I will send a special delegation to search for both the princes.
00:04In that case, I can send my two children, Soren and Claudia,
00:08as the leaders of this delegation.
00:11I wore this bandhan to kill Prince Esren.
00:14And it will open only when I complete this task.
00:17With time, it will tighten more until my hand is separated.
00:20Catch him!
00:22We have to get the egg out.
00:24Not like this!
00:26He's alive!
00:28He's alive!
00:40What's this? Something's wrong with the egg.
01:28Es, try harder. You'll fall asleep.
01:30I... I...
01:35I'm fine.
01:37Yes, I can see your condition. You need rest.
01:42What are you making?
01:46When you were under the ice, I was very scared, Esren.
01:49At one point, I thought I was going to die.
01:52But I was wrong.
01:54Ever since then, I've been thinking about her.
01:57Maybe she's taking care of us from above.
02:00I wish she could see us doing all this.
02:03She'd be proud of us.
02:05And she'd be screaming at you right now,
02:07saying, it's so cold, sit by the fire.
02:10Yes, I know.
02:14It's so beautiful here.
02:16It's so beautiful.
02:18It's so beautiful.
02:20It's so beautiful.
02:23It's so beautiful.
02:25Is she your mother?
02:29I found some moonberries.
02:32They'll fill our stomachs for a day.
02:36And I found something for you.
02:41In the olden days, the Zedians used them when they caught a cold.
02:45No, it's not for eating.
02:50You have to put it in your nose to open it.
02:54Oh, I can do that.
02:57How's the egg?
02:59I think it's not doing well.
03:01It used to shine so brightly.
03:03But now, it's so pale.
03:06Yes, it's slowly turning black.
03:08We need someone's help.
03:39These are the best dogs in the entire Catalyst.
03:42They can recognize you from miles away just by the smell.
03:46This is the training shirt for the big guy.
03:49It's so dirty.
03:52He used to fall in mud during training.
03:55He should play with mud, not a sword.
04:00You have to use your brain to understand my joke.
04:03Oh, I understood the joke.
04:09They smelled it.
04:20And the smell ended here.
04:28Oh, that was a good try, my friends.
04:37Look, there's a town over there.
04:43I saw smoke.
04:45We can get help here.
04:47Okay, I don't know if we'll find any information about the dragon egg.
04:51But we'll definitely find someone who hates elves.
04:54We'll see.
04:58Because we'll be joined by the human relay.
05:02I don't know how much you can hide from them.
05:05Wait a minute.
05:06Once I start talking like a human,
05:09no one will doubt me.
05:13How are you, my human friends?
05:15My dear friends.
05:17What do you think?
05:18Shall we go to the lake tonight?
05:20I haven't had fun for a long time.
05:22Shall we go hunting?
05:24She understands humans well.
05:26Of course.
05:27Everything is fine, my human friends.
05:29What are you waiting for?
05:30Give me a big hand.
05:32Can you help me with my fifth finger?
05:35Oh, yes.
05:36I'll have to do something about my hand.
05:41Look at that.
05:42The elf of the snow.
05:44I think he's the human of the snow.
05:52There you go.
05:53Five fingers.
05:58Just don't shake hands with anyone.
06:04The elf of the snow.
06:10The elf of the snow.
06:17Walking in the streets of humans without fear
06:21is the sign of a brave elf.
06:24Very good, my friend.
06:28When I was on the border,
06:30I killed more than one demon.
06:33No one stood in front of me.
06:35I'm not afraid of anyone now.
06:37On one condition.
06:38If anyone of you comes in front of me,
06:40I'll kill him with my small knife.
06:44There's nothing you can do.
06:49Do you want to fight?
06:56All right.
07:06My little sword will do, won't it?
07:09I accept your bet.
07:11I want my money.
07:12Me too.
07:13Me too.
07:19He's not paying attention.
07:20Let's go.
07:22Let's see what's going on.
07:37That's it.
07:38You can't fight with such a small sword.
07:49Anyone else?
07:51What kind of weapon is this?
07:52This is the Sunforge Blade.
07:55I can't believe I just saw
07:56a real Sunforge Blade.
07:58What's a Sunforge Blade?
08:00Sunfire Elves can make magic weapons
08:02that last for hundreds of years
08:04and are as hot as they are made.
08:06Look at that.
08:07It has special runes on it
08:09to protect it from the heat.
08:11Otherwise, it would have...
08:13Burned his panties?
08:15And his feet too.
08:18Rayla, if that blade can cut
08:20an iron sword like butter,
08:22does that mean it can cut
08:24almost anything in the world?
08:25No, not almost anything.
08:27I'm sure it can cut anything.
08:30My hand bandage.
08:32You need that blade, Rayla.
08:36But what about the egg?
08:38We'll look for help for the egg.
08:39You meet us here at the statue.
08:41But how are you going to get that blade?
08:43I'll ask for it with love.
08:50What do we do now?
08:51Wait a minute.
08:52You're going to stop talking
08:54so that I can think properly.
08:56The more time we spend thinking and talking,
08:58the more the two princes
09:00are getting away from us.
09:02I can cast a spell to follow them,
09:04but I need something from them.
09:06Isn't this it?
09:09Something that's closer to them.
09:11You mean their panties?
09:15Shut up.
09:16I mean their spit or their nails.
09:19We don't have that much time
09:21to look for their nails in this lodge, Claudia.
09:23I don't think you can do anything.
09:25But we have to do this.
09:27If I fail, I don't know what my father will punish me for.
09:29I can't even finish the first task.
09:31The next one...
09:32What's next?
09:40You wanted something very special from them, didn't you?
09:45Would elf hair do?
09:48Yes, yes.
09:50We'll find Callum and Ezran
09:52where this wild, blood-sucking elf demoness is.
09:57By the way, ants are a good thing.
10:04Look at that.
10:05Do you think he's a vet?
10:08I think so.
10:09Or a priest who gets animals married?
10:12He's a vet.
10:14Whatever it is, we should find it.
10:16What do you say, son?
10:21I'll be back in a minute.
10:36Oh, I'm sorry, kids.
10:38I can't do anything for your animal.
10:43No, no, no.
10:44It's not a problem.
10:45That's fine.
10:46Our problem is a little different, Doctor.
10:50Oh, what happened to you, dear?
10:55Oh, I think you saw something scary, didn't you?
10:58Yes, very scary.
10:59She ran away by mistake and went to the cursed cauldron.
11:02Whatever she saw there, she got a little scared.
11:05I won't make that mistake again.
11:08So, how can I help you?
11:50I won that bet without cheating.
11:52I have nothing to do with it.
11:54So, what do you want from me?
11:56I want your help.
12:06So, tell me clearly, what's the problem?
12:13Our friend has a problem.
12:16Your friend's name is Jophis?
12:18Yes, that's his name.
12:19Yes, that's his name.
12:21Our friend Jophis has an egg.
12:24An egg of an animal.
12:27And he takes good care of it.
12:29He keeps the egg warm and takes care of it.
12:31Just like an egg's mother.
12:33He accidentally dropped the egg in a snowy lake.
12:35By mistake.
12:36Excuse me, what did you say?
12:38He dropped the egg in a snowy lake.
12:42Jophis dropped it.
12:43Not me.
12:47I see.
12:48This is bad news.
12:49This is what's bothering me.
12:51The egg is cold.
12:52It's not shining like it used to be.
12:55What did you say?
12:56A shiny egg?
13:01Look kids, I know this is a big problem.
13:04I want to help, but until you tell me everything,
13:08I won't be able to do anything.
13:11I promise you,
13:12I won't get you two into trouble.
13:14You won't tell anyone, will you?
13:16I won't tell anyone, my child.
13:18At least have some faith in me.
13:35I don't want to fight with you.
13:37I just want your knife so I can cut this bond.
13:40Oh, so you want this for a while.
13:42Do you know the price of this?
13:44Okay, don't give it to me.
13:45You cut it with your own hands.
13:47Your hand can burn.
13:49Yes, let it burn.
13:50Just cut it.
13:52You're one of them.
14:14Who, me?
14:15Oh, no.
14:16I'm just a normal girl who likes to gossip.
14:20You're an elf.
14:21Yes, I'm an elf.
14:22Calm down.
14:23I won't take long.
14:25This bond doesn't cut with anything.
14:53Take this knife, but don't kill me.
14:55Don't kill me.
14:57I have no intention of killing you,
14:58nor do I want to steal anything from you.
15:11What are we doing here, by the way?
15:14I need one more thing for my mantra.
15:18A special rock?
15:19A magic wand?
15:27Found it.
15:30This way.
15:35You're kidding, right?
15:39This place is small,
15:42and my body is big.
15:47This is a dragon's egg, right?
15:50I've never seen it before.
15:52I've only read about it in books.
15:54Let's see what I can do.
16:01I can hear the heartbeat.
16:03That's good.
16:04But it's very slow.
16:09His life is coming to an end.
16:13I don't know what to do to save him.
16:15Forgive me.
16:16No, you have to save him no matter what.
16:19Save him no matter what.
16:23That's enough, Ayaz.
16:24Let's go.
16:25We'll find another way.
16:32I didn't want to tell you this way,
16:35because it's very dangerous.
16:37A few years ago,
16:38a similar miracle happened,
16:40but it happened in that cursed caldera.
16:44You should meet someone there.
16:50I'm Alice,
16:52and this is my lovely puppy, Eva.
16:57The doctor was right.
16:59It was a miracle.
17:01I still can't believe it.
17:03But I know one thing.
17:05Eva's life can't be saved without her.
17:12Two years ago, I found her alone in the jungle.
17:15She was very small then.
17:18Actually, she was trapped by the hunters.
17:21Her leg was stuck in a hollow metal pot
17:23and she couldn't get out.
17:25She was scared.
17:26But she didn't have the courage.
17:31Oh, you're in a lot of pain.
17:33Don't worry.
17:34I'll help you.
17:37I saved her and brought her to the village.
17:42But her condition worsened.
17:48Her leg is badly injured.
17:51We'll have to cut it.
18:11There are already so many people in this house to eat.
18:15just for a few weeks.
18:17When she regains her strength,
18:19we'll send her back to the jungle.
18:21She won't be a part of the pack.
18:23They'll leave her to die.
18:30I understand it's difficult,
18:32but it's best to keep her away from us.
18:35Otherwise, she'll be in the most pain.
18:46I took her to a place
18:48where no one would follow her.
18:50On top of a hill,
18:51towards the cursed caldera.
18:55People said it was the same place.
18:58The higher I climbed,
19:00the more I saw the shadows of evil beings.
19:05But I didn't stop.
19:16We'll get out of this trouble.
19:18I'll never leave you.
19:23I was just comforting Eva.
19:25But from inside,
19:26it felt like everything was over.
19:29But then that incident happened.
19:35Oh, she's so beautiful.
19:38But she's injured.
19:41I'll take care of her.
20:12We have to find that magical woman.
20:14If she can bring Eva's leg back,
20:16she can save a dragon egg.
20:19Save a dragon egg?
20:21She said,
20:22maybe she can connect a broken stick.
20:25But why a broken stick?
20:27Thank you.
20:28We're leaving.
20:29Thank you again.
20:32That's why I don't like magic.
20:35The things used in it are strange.
20:51Oh, where is he?
20:53I don't know.
20:55He's not here.
20:57He's not here.
20:59He's not here.
21:01Oh, yes.
21:02There's a way to find him.
21:05What are you doing?
21:06I can't see anything.
21:09If I stay quiet,
21:10will I be able to see clearly?
21:11Use your brain.
21:13Let your eyes see.
21:21Come on.
21:22That way.
21:32Come on.
21:37Does the magic still look strange and dirty?
21:50Okay, so what else do you need for this spell?
21:54Everything's done.
21:57Now we just have to do one thing.
21:59We have to climb the highest mountain in the world.
22:02It'll be a lot of fun.
22:08Did you find the man with the knife?
22:10Did you cut your tie?
22:12The bad news is,
22:13the sunforge blade didn't work either.
22:16But the good news is,
22:17this tie will come undone
22:20when my hand is cut.
22:22Oh, that hurts.
22:24No, it's okay.
22:26Tell me, did you find the solution to the egg problem?
22:28Not yet.
22:29Well, no.
22:30Not yet.
22:31But I might find it.
22:33So, think about it.
22:35I found it.
22:37You're saying that you didn't find it yet.
22:40You could say that.
22:41I found out about a magical woman
22:43who can fix this egg.
22:45And maybe you'll get it too.
22:48But the problem is,
22:50she lives up there.
22:52Shabit Kaldera.
22:55Oh, so this is the place
22:57that the famous explorer Shabit Sapere
22:59had discovered,
23:00which is why it's named after him.
23:01No, actually, Shabit did it
23:02because of the evil shadows up there.
23:04Yes, yes, I know.
23:06There he is.
23:07He's an elf.
23:09Oh, yes.
23:10I forgot to tell you this bad news.
23:14Don't let him get away.
23:15Don't let him get away.
23:18Come on.
23:28Come on.
23:41There's no point in following them.
23:43They'll die on the way.