Can Drake Maye win the starting roll by Week 1?

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Who will be the starting quarterback for the Patriots when Week 1 rolls around?
00:00But an interesting answer, I'd say a predictable one, if I'm being fair, from Matt Ryan.
00:05I like it because I'm on that side of the argument.
00:08He learned by playing.
00:10And of course he's going to answer it that way.
00:12He got thrown out there week one.
00:14I believe Matt Ryan was also the number three pick, if I'm not mistaken.
00:18He was the third overall pick.
00:20And he inherited a team that wasn't very good, and went 11-5 as a rookie.
00:26So I'll double check what the Falcons were in 2007, I just looked it up and backed away
00:29from it, I think they were 4-12, they had the number three pick.
00:32So the Patriots were a 4-win team, they had the number three pick.
00:37Matt Ryan was on a 4-win team that had the number three pick.
00:40And he went out and won 11-5 in year one, was the rookie of the year.
00:43And Matt Ryan didn't have a losing season until 2013.
00:47So Matt Ryan never won a Super Bowl, I'm sure people will throw that in his face, yeah how
00:51was he against Brady?
00:53He was terrible like everybody else.
00:55So I mean he couldn't beat Tom Brady.
00:58He won a great, great, grave strike against Matt Ryan.
01:01But he was league MVP and he got to a Super Bowl and he was in the playoffs a bunch and
01:05made some Pro Bowls and had a pretty good career.
01:07And they didn't ruin him by throwing him out there early, in fact they got better.
01:10Instead of playing some retread, backup quarterback over him, they let him go out there and learn.
01:17And so, look I thought it was an interesting answer from Matt Ryan, but again I'm biased
01:21because I'm on that side of the argument.
01:23To be honest I'm moving closer and closer to that though.
01:26I think if you talked to me a couple years ago, probably around the Matt Jones training
01:32camp I would have said yeah it's just better in a lot of cases for quarterbacks to sit.
01:37But just watching guys be it Joe Burrow, TJ Stroud, even like back with like Baker Mayfield,
01:44you know?
01:45I do think that there is a little bit to, if a guy's got it, you're at least gonna see
01:50real flashes of it.
01:51If a guy's Zach Wilson, you know within the first season that he's Zach Wilson and it's
01:56not really going anywhere.
01:57Yeah I think there's value in knowing early and it's like, let's say you play Drake May
02:01all year and he looked like Zach Wilson.
02:04Would I pull the ripcord?
02:06I mean I'd like to say no, but how bad are they and where's the pick and who's the quarterback
02:12in the next draft?
02:13Come talk to me, maybe it is Josh Rosen and Kyler Murray.
02:16Not that Kyler Murray's been the greatest quarterback ever, but I think the Cardinals
02:18Right, I think the Cardinals made the right call not sticking with Josh Rosen is my point.
02:23So I'd like to know early, I think there's value in knowing early and if May has a terrible
02:29rookie year and plays all year, well then he's on thin ice.
02:32It's analogous to Bryce Young in Carolina.
02:34I was about to say, it's kind of like what you're about to go through with Bryce Young
02:37this year.
02:38Bryce Young and Carolina didn't have a first round pick because they moved up to take him,
02:43but Bryce Young is on notice and he had a terrible rookie season.
02:47If he has another bad year, he's done and you knew that early.
02:52You didn't wait until December of his rookie year and then the next year is really his
02:56first year as a starter.
02:58And then have you married yourself to him for another year after that?
03:01Now you're really, really wasting time.
03:04So I think there's value in knowing early and I think you know early with these quarterbacks,
03:08a lot of them.
03:09If it's not your one, you know by your two and then it's done.
03:11I still maintain.
03:13That doesn't mean that he needs to be out there week one.
03:15I think that he can be out there.
03:17We were just looking over the schedule.
03:19If it's weeks five or six, week five still feels a little early to me because we're talking
03:23two months from now and this is the first good padded practice that we've heard that
03:28he's had in training camp.
03:30It's so early.
03:31I think I heard Andy Hart call it fine plus.
03:34That's the grade he gave it.
03:35I don't like that.
03:36A little bit better than fine.
03:38Fine plus.
03:39Fine plus.
03:41That sounds like a really lame streaming service.
03:42I was going to say it sounds like a grocery store I don't want to shop at.
03:46Hey, it's fine.
03:48Does that sound like somebody who I want in there starting week five?
03:52Probably not, but I could, you know, things change and I could see it if it's sometime
03:58after the London game.
04:00If it's week 11 or something like that and then you play them all the way through.
04:03You don't bench them.
04:04You just keep going with the kid and hoping that he figures it out in real time.
04:08Yeah, I can see that side of the street.
04:11I would like that it for it to be what you're saying, Jones, that, you know, they're not
04:13trying to waste time and that they're trying to get them out there and let them play and
04:16see what they got and all that.
04:18But if that's not what the plan is, then they have to be fair to Drake May.
04:20Like you have to, if your plan is that you're going to sit a most of the year and that you're
04:24going to wait and see really what happens in year two and he doesn't look great in year
04:27one, then you have to, you have to be consistent with that.
04:30Well, we weren't expecting him to be good in year one.
04:32So year two is really when it all starts.
04:34I don't like that.
04:35I mean, I'm going to get impatient.
04:36We're all going to get impatient about that.
04:37But if that's what their plan is for Drake May, I'd rather they stick to a plan than
04:41just sort of, you know, fly by the seat of their pants.
04:43I'd rather they have a plan and stick to it than just sort of shift in the middle and
04:47say, okay, we were going to go slow with you, but now we're going fast and you're not good
04:50enough yet.
04:51So we're going to move on to the next guy.
04:52Like I don't think that's fair to him.
04:55That's fine.
04:56And I do think they should have a plan.
04:58But if their plan is he's not ready in year one, then I don't see a lot of value in throwing
05:03him out there in December.
05:05Like if you don't think he's ready, then you can't really play him at any point this year.
05:10Is that fair to say?
05:11If you don't think he's ready, I think all you think there's no possibility that he'll
05:14get more ready as the year goes on.
05:16I mean, maybe.
05:17But if you're sitting here going, we're going to redshirt this guy for the year, then you
05:20should redshirt him for the year, is I guess what I'm saying.
05:23I don't think.
05:25You don't start him in like week 16.
05:26Well, that's what I'm saying.
05:27But a lot of people are like, start him after the bye week.
05:28That's basically, it's week 14 or 15.
05:30What's the difference?
05:31That feels too late.
05:32So that, right.
05:33Like to me, if you think he needs to redshirt and then you get to the bye week and you're
05:35like, Alex, give him a few weeks.
05:37I don't think there's a ton of value in that.
05:39And I think if you can play him in year one, even if it's after the bye, then that means
05:43you could have played him earlier than you did.
05:45And I would, I would lean towards what Matt Ryan said, throwing the kid out there because
05:49I do think you learn more on the job.
05:52And I'll give you again.
05:53The example I'd said yesterday, people say all the time, Brady learned a ton by sitting
05:56in 2000.
05:57Oh, I thought you were going to talk about the surgeons again.
05:59No, I, we can do that if you'd like, but he, he learned a ton by sitting in your, in 2000,
06:05which people say, but I think he learned more by actually playing in 2001.
06:10And by the way, he didn't beat out Bledsoe at any point.
06:14He was thrown in there before they thought he was ready.
06:16He was thrown in there and he handled it and he learned on the fly in 2001 and he got better
06:21as the year went along.
06:23And from there he got better year after year after year.
06:25And so I think that's evidence for as much as he sat for a year.
06:30I think you learn by playing largely.
06:32I think most quarterbacks learn by playing and you either have it or you don't.
06:35And we're going to find out what this kid, hopefully early, but I agree with you, Mego.
06:38It does not have to be week one.
06:40Selfishly, I want it to be week one.
06:42I think they should do it week one.
06:43It looks less and less like they're going to do it week one.
06:47Because again, Jacoby Brissett got way more reps than he did today for the first time.
06:51They were about two to one in competitive periods and almost three to one in 11 on 11.
06:55I feel like you're the Homer Simpson gif right now, backing into the shrubbery from your,
07:01he's got to start week one take.
07:03No, I look, I, I, I want him to start week one.
07:05I think I, and I said he will, I'm backing away from, he will start week one.
07:09That's what I'm backing away from because I'm just following the practices and I put
07:12stock in these practices.
07:14I put stock in preseason.
07:15I did it with the Red Sox.
07:16I bought in on the Red Sox in part because they had a good spring training.
07:20And so I pay attention to that stuff.
07:22I don't think it's irrelevant.
07:23I know a lot of people go there meaningless games and they don't count.
07:25I think all this stuff matters.
07:27I think you could see it with Mac a few years ago.
07:29I think you could, and I'm talking about his rookie year when it was good.
07:32I think you could see it the next year in training camp when it was really bad with
07:35Patricia and judge.
07:36I don't ignore this stuff.
07:37I think it's important and I can't ignore the reps.
07:40I can look past a little bit, a bad day for Drake may here and a bad day for Drake may
07:46If the reps are similar and they had been until today, today, they weren't.
07:50And so you can cram it with walnuts ugly.
07:52So like if I'm, if I'm wrong, I'll say it.
07:55And it's, it's starting to look like I'm real wrong.
07:56He is not going to play week one.
07:58I mean, I think that's barring something.
08:01I still think it's a door's open.
08:02I still think the door's open for this.
08:04If he goes out there, it's so it's like a crack.
08:06He's going to have to really outperform Brissette in both times.
08:09It seems like that may had decent days.
08:11Brissette had better days.
08:13So that's, he's already starting off behind the eight ball.
08:15I think we all know that.
08:16And what about Joe Milton?
08:17Joe Milton.
08:18I mean, obviously Joe Milton is a real starter back flipping down his neck.
08:21Don't be surprised.
08:22But yeah, I mean, he's starting off behind the eight ball.
08:25We know, I think we all sort of knew going into it, what it would take for him.
08:28And he hasn't hit that yet.
08:29So yeah, I mean, there's not, everyone says, oh, it's so early on and it's not really,
08:34it's really not early anymore.
08:35First two weeks in with practice and the first game's less than a week away.
08:38First game's less than a week away.
08:39There's a joint practice after that.
08:40Preseason game.
08:42But it's the first actual game against another team where you're out there under the lights
08:45playing football in the NFL.
08:46Like that's a game.
08:47First game.
08:47That's what I mean.
08:47How nervous are you guys?
08:49Because we do spend so much time talking about the quarterback situation.
08:52Who's going to start week one.
08:53How are you feeling about the offense overall?
08:56Because it does, this might be the first day in pads that we've gotten where it's like
09:01not the offense completely sucking.
09:04I've, I've felt better about it all off season.
09:07Like I, like compared to last year, I feel better about it.
09:10Does that make sense?
09:11Then last year's offense, Mego?
09:13I don't know.
09:13I kind of feel like we're stuck in this, this like every single summer purgatory of the offense
09:21being completely stinky.
09:23Well, last summer we thought that Bill O'Brien was going to fix everything.
09:25I mean, last summer.
09:26Well, we did.
09:29But that was sort of the consensus is that things will get better from what they were
09:32with judge and Patricia.
09:33I think even if you didn't think they were going to be great, they were going to be better than
09:37they were in year two with Mack Jones.
09:38And it was worse.
09:39I mean, it was obviously as dysfunctional as we've ever seen it.
09:42And Mack Jones completely fell apart.
09:43But I think at this time last year, Bill O'Brien was considered a major step up from judge and
09:48Patricia and it didn't end up being that.
09:51So I'm, I'm hesitant to say, I think it's going to be much better this year too.
09:55I didn't say much better, but I feel better about the offense this year.
09:58Because of the receivers?
09:59Partially because of even, even Brissette, like I don't like Brissette.
10:02And I don't want to watch Brissette this year, but Brissette will be better than Mac.
10:11So then, then that's better.
10:13How meaningful it is.
10:13I don't know, but do I feel better about it?
10:15Yeah, I feel better.
10:15But that's what I'm asking.
10:16Does any part of you feel good about it?
10:18Like, of course you feel better than the complete disaster that you've
10:22seen the last two training camps.
10:23But do you feel, do you feel optimistic about the offense?
10:26I mean, I've, I've, yeah, I've said a bunch.
10:28I think they're going to win six games this year.
10:30So I feel, I think I feel more optimistic.
10:32But I feel more optimistic than most.
