What part of Eliot Wolf's roster concerns you the most?

  • last month
What part of thePatriots roster needs the most help and is worrying you the most ahead of the regular season?
00:00It's the quarterbacks to me and I'm maybe it's just like a different use of the word concern
00:05All I care about is the quarterbacks this year and anything that I'm answering the offensive line
00:11Wide receivers tight ends. I'm running back is a little bit different
00:15I guess I just don't care that much about that overall, but it's all how it relates to your quarterbacks
00:19And it's Ken Jacobi preset stay
00:22Healthy enough to give Drake May the time that he might need to develop or by the coaching staffs
00:28Evaluation and judgment that he needs to develop. Is it that you can get Drake May healthy through a season?
00:35Can Drake May develop the skills the processing skills?
00:39the arm talent through this season and not just have to revert to
00:44Scrambling and keeper plays and throwing away because he's running for his life at different points if I'm being honest with myself
00:50Yes, I think the offensive line is
00:52Seems to be the worst part of this team, right?
00:55I think everyone agrees with that that it seems like that is where the most talent is lacking on a team or overall talent is
01:02Lacking but to me the biggest deal for this whole season is your quarterback. You're not gonna make the playoffs
01:09I just don't think you are and I don't think that's a controversial take
01:12but I do think that you have the ability to develop a number three overall pick and
01:18Decide at the end of the season if this is somebody that
01:21You're gonna build around with whatever you are in the draft next year
01:25Go out and actually spend in free agency when you have even more room against the cap
01:30Everything for me hinges on the quarterbacks. So that's where my concern is
01:34Okay, the quarterback so far have looked good bad like what you know, like
01:41Practice every day. I saw me in the game right in the games. I think Jacoby's looked pretty bad
01:46I look in the first preseason game. He went three and out
01:50Okay, and then in the next preseason game, he throws an interception in the red zone
01:54He looked nice leading up to that. So I think like it feels like for Jacoby Brissett. The ceiling is nice
02:01He's a nice quarterback. He's a nice guy nice teammate and
02:06With Drake May I I told you before on Friday. I thought he was a b-plus in that game
02:11I thought some of the stuff that he did that we had heard so much about him being sloppy at
02:15He looked pretty polished. So he looks like his footwork is not really a problem
02:20He looks like he's processing the defenses. He's seeing on the other side
02:23Well, he looks like he can handle just going to the check down or throwing it away instead of just throwing boneheaded interceptions
02:31So if the offensive line was better
02:34Then quarterback wouldn't be your biggest concern, right?
02:37No matter what my biggest concern is gonna be quarterback because you drafted three over you just said Drake May looks good and that
02:42You think he's coming along? Well, so why are you can say like why are you more concerned about that than a dysfunctional offensive line?
02:48Because I think that that's your number one priority this whole year. I mean, it's every team's priority
02:54Every team's priority if you had a if you had way more stellar pieces around you and you knew who your quarterback was
03:00Your concerns might be elsewhere. You might be able to say like you think about how we entered the season last year
03:06What were people talking about with Patrick Mahomes?
03:08Always like lost so much of his supporting cast, right? Is he gonna be able to make these weapons look better than they are?
03:14I mean
03:15That was the narrative for that
03:17For that team last year going into the season
03:21And so I think at different levels of teams you have different concerns about what your season's about to me
03:26This season is entirely about the rookie quarterback
03:29I agree and I do think that is all about him if it's about what I'm most concerned about. It's not him
03:34I think that he is coming along better
03:36I think that if the offensive line can't protect him and that's gonna make this all sort of a moot point like then you're concerned
03:41For the quarterback and I picked the offensive line just like everybody else. This is this is Dewey over Truman here
03:46I mean this was this is about as big of a landslide as you can get or Truman over Dewey
03:50I should say and that is sort of timely reference. It was I thought that's where that's where I think it begins and ends
03:56The wide receivers are better than I thought they were. I'm not gonna say they're the biggest concern. I'm still concerned by them
04:01I don't think that they're a great group, but they already look better than I thought they'd be
04:05Drake may looks better than I thought he'd be. I didn't think he was gonna be ready
04:07I didn't think he'd go out there and even be able to do what he did in that game last Thursday against the Eagles
04:12I just thought it would look worse. So he's looked better the running backs and tight ends haven't been really all that great
04:17They haven't I didn't expect much from them and I didn't really expect much from the offensive line
04:22But they're just so it's so dysfunctional on the ends there and when you talk about the offensive line
04:28You talk about it as one big unit and I get that it's not always fair to do that because up front and up the middle
04:33It's not really that big of a train wreck, but on the ends it is I mean it just is there's no way around it
04:39You could even break it down like just the tackle position and that's really what it's all about
04:44You saw it already. You saw it in the games. You're seeing it in practices
04:47You saw it in those joint practices not we didn't watch it obviously
04:51But how many times Drake may getting sacked by the ones you got sacked like 11 times in one session, which is ridiculous
04:57And that's just sort of where we are
04:59Drake may is not going to be able to progress if this offensive lines getting them sacked 11 times in a joint practice
05:04That's just that seems impossible
05:07The receivers I think will come along
05:09I think that Drake may has the raw ability to be a functioning quarterback in this league
05:13But none of that's going to matter if that offensive line continues to look like this and if they can't put a tackle out there
05:19We heard Elliot Wolfe's big plan and I'll tell you what I hate it. We're going on the waiver wire
05:25Do we have this can you Joe if you would this is Elliot Wolfe when asked about well
05:30What are you going to do with this offensive line? How are we going to fix this?
05:33How are you going to get this thing?
05:35Get this thing up to snuff and here's what he said, you know again
05:37We're pretty comfortable with our group right now
05:40we're going to look to upgrade on the offensive line or at any position if we feel like feel like we can but
05:46You know, I think we gave up one sack the other night again
05:48It was Phillies twos, but you know, it was an improvement to the practice on Tuesday
05:52So again, we're just looking to see how these guys respond to the adverse situations. Can you envision yourself carrying four quarterbacks?
06:00That that's those are conversations that we'll have moving forward
06:03I think we're we're gonna try to carry the best 53 whoever those guys are the fact you pick third
06:07How much of an advantage is it and we take advantage of that, you know pick to have that other third pick coming along
06:13Yeah, absolutely
06:14Our scouting department right now is all they're doing is just grinding through the preseason film
06:18Watching players talking to other teams see who might become available
06:22Having the third claim spot is it is a good advantage and you know, we'll be aggressive I think oh good
06:29But finally we'll be aggressive. That's great. Elliot. Great to hear great to hear that for the first time
06:33You were aggressive in one other in one other sense. You were aggressive in aggressively re-signing your own players from the four-win team
06:39So you're aggressive there. All right, I got to give him some credit for that got a credit where it's due
06:43There was aggression there. You made sure you gave everybody money
06:46You got everyone resigned except for Matthew Judah
06:49And now you're third on the waiver wire and you're gonna get aggressive once the cutdown start cut like, uh, that's not what I wanted
06:56I mean, there's no other choice
06:57It's not like you have a lot of other options at this point unless you want to go out there and trade some future
07:00Draft picks but to hear that. Yeah, you know, we're really gonna grind out that waiver wire
07:05That's that's the type of dumpster diving that I just think the Patriots fans are sick of at this point if you're talking about
07:10Upgrading from the outside. It's not you know, you're not it's the day. It's a new day, right?
07:15Isn't it supposed to be not the Bill Belichick regime anymore? I just feel like this is that kind of thing
07:20That kind of value at well, we're fine. We don't need any help
07:23we'll just go find somebody on the waiver wire and that'll be our left tackle and we'll just be fine because we're the Patriots like
07:28Those those days are long gone
