My Teacher's Wife - 1999

  • last month

A high school student has a romantic affair with his math tutor only to discover she is married to his math teacher.

Bruce Leddy
Seth Greenland
Jason London, Alexondra Lee, Zak Orth

00:00:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:01:00But I didn't come here for the kill, if you want to You shouldn't have to think that hard It could be rocks and it could be glue It could be anything, anything And I heard about your vacation Cause I saw it on the tv station It came downs, down, down, down, down, down, like a Die pod…
00:01:30Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:02:00oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:02:30Dad, you okay?
00:02:31Piece of cake.
00:02:33We can do this.
00:02:38All right, okay, let's go.
00:02:40On three.
00:02:58Are we happy?
00:03:03Man, they really steal these.
00:03:04Give me three.
00:03:09I don't believe you.
00:03:10Perfect score.
00:03:11You got perfect scores.
00:03:16I guess I test well.
00:03:21So you know what this means, don't you?
00:03:25Big screw up at SAT Central?
00:03:27Free refills?
00:03:28No, we could all be in Boston together.
00:03:32Would you like that?
00:03:35Me and you, Boston?
00:03:41Sounds a little hectic.
00:03:52How come you never return my calls?
00:03:54I don't know.
00:03:58All right, just close your textbooks.
00:04:05Ladies and gentlemen, calculus is not for wimps.
00:04:1128% of you did not pass the midterm.
00:04:14Mr. Tafio, shake the dust out of your skull.
00:04:19Mr. Buchanan, I've seen squirrels score higher on tests.
00:04:23True story.
00:04:24Mr. Faber, knock it off.
00:04:27You're making everybody look bad.
00:04:33Mr. Boomer.
00:04:38You were flying high.
00:04:39Did you hit an air pocket?
00:04:42Excuse me, Mr. Mueller?
00:04:43Did you fall asleep at the controls?
00:04:45Is there terrorism involved?
00:04:50You're going down in flames.
00:04:51See me after class.
00:04:53Don't forget, have your parents sign those
00:04:56and return them to me.
00:04:58You know the drill.
00:04:59Have a nice day.
00:05:07You wanted to see me, Mr. Mueller?
00:05:13Oh, you can take your form back.
00:05:15I won't be recommending you for Harvard.
00:05:20Mr. Mueller, it was one bad grade.
00:05:2217,000 excellent students apply there every year.
00:05:2586% don't get in.
00:05:27You do the math.
00:05:28But up until now, I've had great grades.
00:05:30Up until now, it's been literally.
00:05:34Look, I'll try harder.
00:05:35I'll bring my grade up.
00:05:36Yeah, well, I won't hold my breath.
00:05:41Close the door anyway, huh?
00:06:31Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
00:06:33Good one.
00:06:39Sometimes you just gotta scream, you know?
00:06:42I know how you feel.
00:06:50How was that?
00:07:03Hi, you guys.
00:07:04Isn't this great?
00:07:05Another Kim O'Brien Halloween extravaganza.
00:07:08That's what the rules are.
00:07:09No beer.
00:07:10No dope.
00:07:11No sex.
00:07:12We know, right?
00:07:13Of course.
00:07:14You know, I just have to say, there's beers in the fridge.
00:07:16Of course, those are the three selling points that got us.
00:07:18Oh, I'm gonna go say hi to Jen.
00:07:20Remember, you must not drink.
00:07:22I know.
00:07:23I know.
00:07:24I know.
00:07:25I know.
00:07:26I know.
00:07:27I know.
00:07:28I know.
00:07:29I know.
00:07:30I know.
00:07:31Remember, you must dance.
00:07:32Don't forget.
00:07:33I'll see you later.
00:07:34See you.
00:07:40You look super tonight, Kim.
00:07:46Oh, my God, Brad, Tonya!
00:07:48Oh, hey!
00:07:52I said super!
00:07:53Yes, you did.
00:07:54I don't know what's the matter with me.
00:07:56Every time I get around a girl I like, I turn into Greg Brady with better hair.
00:08:01How's that?
00:08:10Wanna dance?
00:08:11Yes, yes.
00:08:15Oh, God.
00:08:27Come over here!
00:08:31♪ I got your picture, I got your picture ♪
00:08:33♪ And I'm here under my mama's sail ♪
00:08:36♪ I want a doctor to take a picture ♪
00:08:38♪ So I can look at you from inside as well ♪
00:08:49Wait, why do we come to these things again?
00:08:51Oh, I don't know, I guess.
00:08:53To appreciate it more when we're alone.
00:08:55Thank you.
00:08:58Mr. Smooth.
00:09:00Oh, let's go up to the park.
00:09:01There's something I want to show you.
00:09:03Come on.
00:09:04No, no.
00:09:05Come on.
00:09:06Don't make me, oh, twist my arm.
00:09:15So, how about another poem?
00:09:20Are you still cold?
00:09:21I mean, if you are, we can go back.
00:09:23No, no, no, this is nice.
00:09:24It's, um...
00:09:27I mean...
00:09:31I thought that...
00:09:35You know...
00:09:36I'm sorry.
00:09:39Let's go.
00:09:50Oh, there you are.
00:09:52I've been looking for you.
00:09:54I've been looking for you.
00:09:56I've been looking for you.
00:09:58I've been looking for you.
00:10:00I've been looking for you.
00:10:06Oh, thank God.
00:10:07I can't talk now.
00:10:08I'm being chased by a nun.
00:10:10No, no, no.
00:10:21So, are you uncursed anymore?
00:10:24Mission scrubbed.
00:10:26What happened?
00:10:27Pulled out a condom.
00:10:29I thought they wanted us to use condoms.
00:10:31No, I mean, I pulled it out to her.
00:10:35There's a time limit?
00:10:37I guess so.
00:10:41FNX, Boston.
00:10:44I ask another exciting evening in Southport.
00:10:53Did you see that?
00:10:55We're going back.
00:10:56Are you insane?
00:11:01At least we'll have something to do.
00:11:08Wow, look at that.
00:11:10Yeah, a 66 Corvette Sting.
00:11:12No, no, no.
00:11:14Shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:11:18Hi, you need some help?
00:11:20You guys cool?
00:11:26We're cool.
00:11:29Oh, wait.
00:11:30You're the guy from the reservoir.
00:11:34You want to hop in?
00:11:39What reservoir?
00:11:40Is there a reservoir I'm supposed to know about?
00:12:01What kind of asshole doesn't carry a spare tire?
00:12:03Um, I don't know.
00:12:05I think it was a rhetorical question.
00:12:09Thanks for stopping.
00:12:11I'm Vicky.
00:12:12Hi, I'm Todd.
00:12:13This is Faber.
00:12:15It's got to be just about the neatest car.
00:12:20Yeah, well, it's my husband's.
00:12:25If you're cold, there's a jacket back there that you can wear.
00:12:28Oh, yeah, thanks.
00:12:31It's turning out right there.
00:12:37Can we take you anywhere?
00:12:40Where are we going?
00:12:46Me, too.
00:12:52Okay, fine.
00:12:58Here you are.
00:13:00Thanks, baby.
00:13:04And your lobster.
00:13:06I'm telling you, this is not right.
00:13:09There's something weird going on here.
00:13:11If by weird you mean that we're hanging out with a gorgeously stunning woman,
00:13:13then yes, this is weird.
00:13:19Well, they're sending a tow truck in about an hour.
00:13:23Oh, great.
00:13:29So, were you guys just out cruising tonight?
00:13:32No, we were down at the beach.
00:13:34We had a shindig.
00:13:38I don't usually say shindig.
00:13:40It's just...
00:13:42He doesn't.
00:13:44I don't think I've ever said shindig.
00:13:46He hasn't.
00:13:48I can vouch for him.
00:13:52You want to order some food or something, and we'll drive you over later?
00:14:04So, what does one do at these shindigs?
00:14:09It's kind of been a while for me.
00:14:11A lot of anxiety.
00:14:15It's super.
00:14:17Are you okay?
00:14:19Ice cream headache.
00:14:21He gets them all the time.
00:14:39I just love ice cream.
00:14:41I haven't had it in ages.
00:14:45So, Vicki, what do you do?
00:14:47Oh, um...
00:14:49I'm kind of between things right now.
00:14:59Yeah, it's mostly metal work.
00:15:01Kind of a hobby of mine.
00:15:09He did it.
00:15:13Great. Let's go.
00:15:17Sorry about that.
00:15:19And 11 cents.
00:15:21Thank you.
00:15:23Shouldn't you at least, like,
00:15:25let us get the tip or something, please?
00:15:27If you want to.
00:15:29About $2.75.
00:15:36Math degree. University of Vermont.
00:15:38Very useful.
00:15:44Math degree.
00:15:52So, do you know anything about calculus?
00:16:00See, I taint this midterm,
00:16:02and if I don't,
00:16:04if I don't pass this course,
00:16:06my life is basically over with.
00:16:08Oh, come on. I'm sure that's not true.
00:16:10Oh, it's true.
00:16:12Jeez, Todd.
00:16:14I could help you with calculus.
00:16:18Sorry, guys.
00:16:34Well, here he is.
00:16:36You need us to follow you
00:16:38or anything?
00:16:40No, I'm fine.
00:16:44I was really having a bad night
00:16:46there for a while.
00:16:48But you...
00:16:54I should go.
00:16:56Thanks for all your help.
00:16:58My favor.
00:17:06Totally amazing.
00:17:16Look, um,
00:17:18about calculus,
00:17:20you think I could get some help?
00:17:22Uh, I...
00:17:24Please, look,
00:17:26I'm not a math teacher.
00:17:28I'm not a math teacher.
00:17:30I'm not a math teacher.
00:17:33Please, look, I don't have much time left.
00:17:35You'd be saving my life.
00:17:39I'll think about it.
00:17:43Great. Thanks.
00:17:45Oh, hey, you can call me.
00:17:47I'm listed. Last name's Boomer.
00:17:49Two O's.
00:17:51Okay. Good night.
00:17:59Boomer with two O's.
00:18:02As in moron?
00:18:04Yeah, as in moron.
00:18:31Where the hell were you?
00:18:52Kind of late, isn't it?
00:18:54Why are you still up?
00:18:56It's not the best day
00:18:58of your academic career.
00:19:04I mean, I don't...
00:19:06I'm disappointed.
00:19:08I'm... I'm angry.
00:19:10And I'm sad.
00:19:12I'm sad that the one thing
00:19:14you've worked so hard for
00:19:16is just... it's just slipping
00:19:18right through your fingers.
00:19:20That is just what...
00:19:22Let me finish.
00:19:24We worked so hard
00:19:26for this thing,
00:19:28and Harvard is... it's there,
00:19:30you know, on a platter.
00:19:32It's just waiting for you,
00:19:35I know.
00:19:37That's why I should get a tutor.
00:19:39So I'm just gonna...
00:19:41What'd you say?
00:19:43Yeah, Dad, I gotta kick ass
00:19:45on this course, right?
00:19:47I should get some help.
00:19:49You're gonna get a tutor?
00:19:51That's great.
00:19:53That is great.
00:19:55I'll help you get one.
00:19:57Oh, you know what?
00:19:59Actually, I've got it taken care of.
00:20:01You do?
00:20:07Thanks for meeting me here.
00:20:09The answer's
00:20:11to your math final.
00:20:13I'm sorry.
00:20:15I'm sorry.
00:20:17I'm sorry.
00:20:19I'm sorry.
00:20:21I'm sorry.
00:20:23I'm sorry.
00:20:25I'm sorry.
00:20:27I'm sorry.
00:20:29I'm sorry.
00:20:31I'm sorry.
00:20:34I'm sorry.
00:20:36That's my wife, punk!
00:20:56What is this, olive loaf?
00:20:58Yes, Weasel, this is olive loaf.
00:21:06Well, finally hit the wall
00:21:08with my mom.
00:21:10She drives me insane.
00:21:12I'm gonna move out to that cabin and back.
00:21:16Faber, that's not a cabin.
00:21:18That's a tool shed.
00:21:20You realize this.
00:21:22You'd be sleeping with weed be gone.
00:21:26So, um...
00:21:29Have you spoken to kirsten?
00:21:33Oh, but, uh, guess who called?
00:21:35She called.
00:21:37She called.
00:21:39Who called?
00:21:49I was thinking about the other night.
00:21:51Oh, yeah, me too.
00:21:53I'm sorry about that.
00:21:55No, no, I'm sorry.
00:21:58Oh, no, everything's cool.
00:22:02I guess I just need a little more time, you know?
00:22:08Time is good.
00:22:10But, um...
00:22:12Hey, not too much time, okay?
00:23:04But that is what therapy is for.
00:23:08No, ellen, I disagree.
00:23:10I think it does qualify as a cult.
00:23:16I'll get it.
00:23:18I got it.
00:23:24Hi. Mr. Boomer?
00:23:26Yes, whatever it is you're selling,
00:23:28I'll buy or give generously to.
00:23:30Uh, actually,
00:23:32I'm todd's tutor, vicki.
00:23:36You're todd's tutor?
00:23:42Come in.
00:23:44Come here.
00:23:48What's up?
00:23:51Suddenly, I understand the world
00:23:53So much better.
00:23:57Come meet todd's tutor.
00:23:59Hi, todd.
00:24:03Vicki, could I ask you
00:24:05To take a seat for just a second?
00:24:13Well, ellen, if you checked yourself in,
00:24:15You could check yourself out.
00:24:17I'd be right with you.
00:24:20Does, uh, she know anything about calculus?
00:24:22Or are you just gonna take the 50 bucks an hour
00:24:24And have a party?
00:24:26Dad, she's got a degree.
00:24:28I don't know. Here, give her a try.
00:24:30All right.
00:24:36Would it be okay if I just asked you a question
00:24:38Or two just to make sure you know
00:24:40You're up on this material?
00:24:42He's going to ask her a question or two.
00:24:44Uh, sure.
00:24:46All right, here.
00:24:49If 3a over 5 represents
00:24:51The change in force applied to a moving object,
00:24:53What equation represents its momentum?
00:24:59Hold on, ellen.
00:25:073 5ths times the integral of a.
00:25:15We're gonna be late for dinner.
00:25:17You guys have fun.
00:25:19I guess I was expecting
00:25:21Someone a little more...
00:25:25Are you kidding?
00:25:27Todd is gonna work his butt off
00:25:29To impress a woman like that.
00:25:31Do you really think she's that attractive?
00:25:33For me, no.
00:25:35No, but I'm just thinking
00:25:37From todd's perspective.
00:25:39You see, she's older, she's more sophisticated,
00:25:41And that can be very appealing
00:25:43If you go for that sort of thing.
00:25:48I thought we'd start off with your last test
00:25:50And what went in.
00:25:52What are you doing?
00:25:54I'm sure I've got this right.
00:26:00I have no idea what you just said.
00:26:08I guess I have her side of the sun.
00:26:13Do you have anything to drink?
00:26:15Oh, sure.
00:26:17Let's see what we have.
00:26:21Uh, well, we've got
00:26:23Lemonade and chocolate milk.
00:26:25Uh, would scotch be possible?
00:26:31Scotch would be so possible.
00:26:33Just one second.
00:26:35So what else do you do, todd boomer,
00:26:37With two o's?
00:26:39I don't know.
00:26:43I draw a comic
00:26:45For the school paper.
00:26:49Maybe it sounds a little silly, but...
00:26:53No, it sounds great.
00:26:59I'm gonna go get some water.
00:27:06I'm not supposed to be up here?
00:27:08Oh, no.
00:27:10Stay, please.
00:27:24Oh, that's my meat.
00:27:26My meatloaf.
00:27:28Oh, I should let you have your dinner.
00:27:30Oh, no.
00:27:33I mean, I'm not even gonna eat any of it.
00:27:35There's no meat in it.
00:27:37It's just loaf.
00:27:39No, actually.
00:27:41I should get home.
00:27:43You're really leaving?
00:27:45Yes, I'm really leaving, todd.
00:27:47Uh, um...
00:27:49Well, thanks for your help.
00:27:53It kind of felt good
00:27:55To be, um...
00:27:57You know.
00:27:59I'm just glad I could help.
00:28:01So, um...
00:28:03Why don't you give me a call
00:28:05After you finish the next chapter?
00:28:07All right?
00:28:17There's only three things I need to survive.
00:28:25And women?
00:28:27Hey, women will make the list someday.
00:28:30I can't talk to them without my tongue inflating.
00:28:32So, come on.
00:28:34What happened?
00:28:36We did calculus.
00:28:38And that's it?
00:28:42I mean, it was probably the best calculus ever.
00:28:44Made me want to have a cigarette afterwards.
00:28:46But it was just calculus.
00:28:48Oh, I love what you've done with the place.
00:28:50Fight me.
00:28:52Paul! Paul, where are you?
00:28:56Please, get in here right now!
00:28:59Integrated toolshed audio system.
00:29:11Get in here!
00:29:17Mr. Bodine, trawling the murky depths.
00:29:19Mr. Freed, bottom feeding.
00:29:23Mr. Faber, smooth sailing.
00:29:25As always.
00:29:28Mr. Boomer, getting the wind back in your sails.
00:29:30Keep it up.
00:29:32Mr. McAdams, failing.
00:29:34Give me laughing gas.
00:29:36Give me an overcane.
00:29:38Give me fast release.
00:29:40Easy plane.
00:29:42Tell me secrets fast.
00:29:44Tell me something deep.
00:29:46Tell me what I ask.
00:29:48Help me sleep.
00:29:50Uh, hello?
00:29:56Uh, hello?
00:29:58Vicki. Hey, Todd.
00:30:00Oh, hi. How are you?
00:30:04Hey, we got an 89 on this week's quiz.
00:30:08Yeah, I mean, we're in this together, right?
00:30:10Uh, okay.
00:30:12So, uh,
00:30:14think you could
00:30:16come by later?
00:30:20Please, I'll drown without you.
00:30:22We're talking Titanic here.
00:30:25How about 6?
00:30:29I'll see you later.
00:30:33Oh, hey.
00:30:35How goes it?
00:30:37Goes good.
00:30:39Oh, look at that.
00:30:41So I guess the tutor's working out, huh?
00:30:43Yeah, she's great.
00:30:47I mean, she's actually hideous.
00:30:49Really ugly and fat.
00:30:51Got that white foam and stuff.
00:30:54Those who fail to go to history...
00:30:56Are doomed to repeat it.
00:31:00Oh, don't forget, it's diner night tonight.
00:31:02Oh, I can't make it.
00:31:04I got to keep cranking, you know.
00:31:06Is something wrong?
00:31:10I don't know.
00:31:12You just...
00:31:14You seem kind of off.
00:31:16I'm sorry.
00:31:18Look, I'll try to get on more.
00:31:20I promise, you know.
00:31:34Are you ready for your next lesson?
00:31:38My parents are downstairs.
00:31:54Shout ahead.
00:31:56You are...
00:31:58Not here.
00:32:00Where are you? It's diner night.
00:32:02Oh, sorry, I can't make it.
00:32:04Vicki's coming over. Didn't Kirsten tell you?
00:32:06She's not here.
00:32:08I guess without the main attraction.
00:32:10Well, maybe I can stop by later.
00:32:18Well, I think maybe you should stop.
00:32:21I think maybe you should stop one medication
00:32:23before you start another.
00:32:25Oh, just a sec.
00:32:29Todd's tutor is here.
00:32:33Hey, there you are.
00:32:37Do you like hockey?
00:32:39Because there is a great game coming up, Bruins Leafs.
00:32:41Oh, I don't know much about it.
00:32:43Well, sit down, sit down.
00:32:45I'll explain the whole thing to you.
00:32:47Jack is forgetting that Vicki is here to work with Todd.
00:32:50He's upstairs.
00:32:52Probably quieter up there.
00:32:54I'll go find him.
00:32:56Okay. That's a nice girl, huh?
00:33:08Is this full?
00:33:10Yeah. I didn't know you were coming up.
00:33:14Wild room.
00:33:18I got a chair.
00:33:22These are great.
00:33:24You did these?
00:33:28You're very good.
00:33:30You like them?
00:33:32Yeah, especially this one.
00:33:38Here, take it.
00:33:51Here's your stack, favor.
00:33:53Thanks, Hank.
00:33:55Take that.
00:33:59Guess who?
00:34:03You came back to me.
00:34:05Yeah, well, it's just me.
00:34:07Sorry to disappoint you.
00:34:09Well, I'm thrilled.
00:34:11I didn't think you'd make the trip.
00:34:14Are you kidding? Of course.
00:34:16I thought maybe without Todd...
00:34:18Oh, well,
00:34:20I guess he's all wrapped up in his calculus thing, right?
00:34:24Uh, yeah. He's obsessed.
00:34:28So next time,
00:34:30we'll start with the new stuff.
00:34:32Do you think you could, um,
00:34:34give me a ride to the diner?
00:34:36Um, sure.
00:34:38I owe you one.
00:34:41You made this?
00:34:45I'd like to see the rest of your work.
00:34:47Oh, I don't really show my art.
00:34:49Well, can it really be considered art
00:34:51if you don't show it to anybody?
00:34:53I mean, isn't that more like therapy or something?
00:34:55You're right.
00:34:59I'll think about it.
00:35:05I'm just gonna have a plain old burger.
00:35:07Mmm, this sounds good.
00:35:09Meanwhile, I get around someone
00:35:11I can't...
00:35:13I mean, I'd like to impress,
00:35:15like Kim.
00:35:17And my brain just fills
00:35:19with trail mix, you know?
00:35:21I just can't do it.
00:35:23Oh, come on. Don't worry about Kim.
00:35:25You do fine.
00:35:27Yeah, I mean, it's different with you.
00:35:35Hey, there's Faber.
00:35:38Who's that?
00:35:40I'm not sure.
00:35:42Well, she seems sure.
00:35:46Vicki, from the car the other night.
00:35:48Sure, sure.
00:35:50Vicki, this is Kirsten.
00:35:52Kirsten's Vicki.
00:35:56Todd was hoping you'd still be here.
00:35:58Todd's here?
00:36:00Yeah, sorry.
00:36:02Vicki is Todd's tutor.
00:36:04I should have said that.
00:36:07Bye, guys.
00:36:13So you met Vicki?
00:36:15Yeah, although I didn't see
00:36:17any foam in the corners of her mouth, Todd.
00:36:23Is it something I said?
00:36:25It's my fault. I'll be right back.
00:36:31Kirsten, look, there's nothing going on.
00:36:33She's just helping me in calculus.
00:36:35You lied to me.
00:36:37What, I'm not mature enough to handle
00:36:39that your tutor's attractive?
00:36:41Give me a break, Todd.
00:36:43I don't know why I lied.
00:36:45Kirsten, come on.
00:36:47Just forget it.
00:37:05Oh, my God.
00:37:08Oh, my God.
00:37:34Look out!
00:37:47Is she pissed?
00:37:49And has she said anything?
00:37:53No, not really.
00:37:55I mean, I know I screwed things up
00:37:57with Kirsten, but Vicki's just...
00:37:59I love this.
00:38:01You gathered the wood, built the fire,
00:38:03climbed into the pot,
00:38:05and surprise, surprise, you're cooked.
00:38:07Bye, Paul.
00:38:09See you in class.
00:38:15Why does my life seem
00:38:17like a bad puppet show compared to yours?
00:38:25Go away, go away, go away.
00:38:29Oh, thank God.
00:38:31I hate goalie.
00:38:34I mean, Vicki's talented, she's smart,
00:38:36she's beautiful.
00:38:38So Kirsten is, what, lower on the food chain?
00:38:44I don't know.
00:38:46Heads up.
00:38:54I stopped Pele.
00:38:56I'm a natural athlete.
00:39:14Oh, God. Oh, God.
00:39:34Has he said anything to you?
00:39:38Uh, no,
00:39:40not really.
00:39:46I'm sure he said
00:39:48something to you, but you're just being
00:39:50loyal to your friend, which I understand.
00:39:52Well, you're my friend, too.
00:39:58You're a sweetheart.
00:40:00Give me a hug.
00:40:03I don't think so.
00:40:05Look out!
00:40:11Somebody want to get that?
00:40:17Where are you... Faber.
00:40:19This'll come out with club soda.
00:40:21Mr. Todd Boomer?
00:40:23Nice to meet you.
00:40:25Nice to meet you. You're next.
00:40:27Uh, no, no.
00:40:29Oh, right.
00:40:31I've, uh, looked over
00:40:33your application to Harvard,
00:40:35but what can you tell me
00:40:37about yourself that I'm not gonna find
00:40:39on this piece of paper?
00:40:41Well, I value friendship.
00:40:45I value honesty.
00:40:49What about your, uh...
00:40:51What about your passions?
00:40:55I really love breasts.
00:40:57It doesn't really matter the size.
00:41:00Are you kidding? Relax.
00:41:02Dad, come on.
00:41:06What about your passions?
00:41:10Uh, drawing.
00:41:14I really love to draw.
00:41:16Actually, I draw a comic strip
00:41:18for the school newspaper,
00:41:20and, uh, I don't know.
00:41:22It sounds funny,
00:41:24but that's when I feel
00:41:26the most me, you know?
00:41:29I feel really proud when I create something.
00:41:35That's great.
00:41:37That's great.
00:41:41All right, the boat is traveling
00:41:43a distance of 200 yards
00:41:45at 25 feet per second.
00:41:47What is the rate of change
00:41:49of the angle of deflection?
00:41:51No. No, no, no.
00:41:53Come on, come on, come on.
00:41:55Somebody new for a change.
00:41:57The rate of change
00:42:03.04 radians.
00:42:05Yes! Three-pointer at the buzzer.
00:42:07Recommendation's looking better.
00:42:09Everybody see that?
00:42:11Now, if the boat continues
00:42:13at 35 feet per second...
00:42:21Hi, it's Todd.
00:42:23Oh, hi, Todd.
00:42:26I was thinking about you.
00:42:28You were?
00:42:30Uh, look, I had a really
00:42:32good time the other night.
00:42:34I mean, we got some really
00:42:36good work done.
00:42:38Yeah. Oh, and did you work
00:42:40everything out with Kirsten?
00:42:42Uh, Kirsten?
00:42:44Uh, no, not really.
00:42:46Look, um, are we still
00:42:48on for tonight?
00:42:50Yeah, yeah, and, um,
00:42:52actually, I've been thinking
00:42:55and, uh, why don't you
00:42:57come over here?
00:43:01Yeah, it's 12 Chatham Lane.
00:43:03How about 6?
00:43:05Uh, sure, great, great.
00:43:07I'll see you then.
00:43:09Okay, bye. Bye.
00:43:21But, Ellen, I thought
00:43:23you were doing shock therapy years ago.
00:43:25It sounds drastic.
00:43:27I gotta go to Vicki's. I'm late. Bye.
00:43:29No, wait!
00:43:31Todd is going to his tutors
00:43:33and I don't know why.
00:43:35Oh, see, she has to take care of her dog.
00:43:37It's having puppies. Bye.
00:43:39Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey!
00:43:43Is Mr. Mueller writing that recommendation?
00:43:45It's not beyond the realm of possibility.
00:43:49It's not beyond the realm of possibility?
00:43:52He was wearing cologne.
00:44:16You did all of this?
00:44:21I can't believe you go through all this effort
00:44:23and you don't have shows.
00:44:25Nah, it's just for me.
00:44:27I mean, I'd love to show my work,
00:44:29but people might hate it
00:44:31or think I was crazy or something.
00:44:33I don't think you're crazy.
00:44:37Well, my husband
00:44:39certainly does.
00:44:43You two
00:44:45don't get along, do you?
00:44:50let's put it this way.
00:44:52What have you spent
00:44:54about a minute in here with me?
00:44:58That's about a minute and a half
00:45:00longer than he's ever spent.
00:45:04Why do you stay?
00:45:09That's a good question.
00:45:13Could we not talk about this?
00:45:17No, you should think about it, though.
00:45:27I have something for you.
00:45:39A present.
00:45:41A present?
00:45:44For me?
00:45:48For letting me help you.
00:45:50Shouldn't I be
00:45:52giving you the present?
00:45:54Come on, open it.
00:45:58It's Boney D.
00:46:00Did you make this?
00:46:06Thank you.
00:46:08This is amazing.
00:46:10Thank you.
00:46:18Of course not.
00:46:20So, Todd,
00:46:22what is the big fascination with Harvard?
00:46:24I mean,
00:46:26I thought you told me your passion was drawing.
00:46:28Most people
00:46:30wish they had something they could get excited about.
00:46:32I mean, you shouldn't waste that.
00:46:38Look who's talking.
00:46:49Oh, so you're gonna play like that now, are you?
00:46:51No, you're not.
00:46:53No, you're not. Oh, you did.
00:47:01I got an idea.
00:47:05What are you doing?
00:47:07I'm turning you into your alter ego, Boney D.
00:47:09Oh, man.
00:47:13Now bark.
00:47:21Come on, a big, deep bark.
00:47:41You better go now.
00:47:43Your parents might not believe
00:47:45you wanted to spend extra time
00:47:47doing calculus.
00:47:54You know,
00:47:56I never thought
00:47:58I would say this,
00:48:02I really love math.
00:48:27I better go.
00:48:43It was...
00:48:45I don't know.
00:48:47I just see life so differently now.
00:48:49Oh, I'm sure you do.
00:48:51No, it's not like that.
00:48:53It's really not. I'm really into her.
00:48:55I wouldn't get too deep, Todd.
00:48:57We'll talk about this tomorrow.
00:48:59No, it's...
00:49:01Look, I've heard this guy is really
00:49:03awful to her.
00:49:05I mean, I'm not gonna feel bad about this.
00:49:07No, no.
00:49:09As long as you feel good.
00:49:11That's all that matters.
00:49:13Jealous much?
00:49:15That has nothing...
00:49:17Just forget it.
00:49:20We're friends, right?
00:49:24I gotta get home, man.
00:49:26My parents are gonna freak out.
00:49:28You should be happy for me.
00:49:42He's gone.
00:49:49I'm sorry.
00:50:24Hey, wake up.
00:50:28Oh, I have to call my mom.
00:50:30She's gonna be insane.
00:50:32I'm sorry.
00:50:34I should have woken you up last night.
00:50:36Oh, no, no.
00:50:38It's okay.
00:50:40I'm glad you didn't.
00:50:42She'll get over it.
00:50:44What are you doing?
00:50:46Morning breath.
00:50:49I know, me too.
00:50:51I gotta go.
00:51:18I'm confused, wanna sit it out.
00:51:20Shocked to see it.
00:51:22You spit the pot right out.
00:51:24Is that enough?
00:51:36What am I supposed to say?
00:51:40Mind if I join you?
00:51:44Kirsten, what's wrong?
00:51:46Todd, don't even start.
00:51:48Wait, listen, let's talk about this.
00:51:52You figure you're just gonna let me blow in the breeze,
00:51:54and if I blew away, well, then, good,
00:51:56you won't have to deal with me anymore, is that it?
00:51:58I don't know what you're so upset about.
00:52:00Because you fucked your math tutor and you lied to me!
00:52:02I don't know what you're so upset about.
00:52:04I don't know what you're so upset about.
00:52:06Because you fucked your math tutor and you lied to me!
00:52:36You told Kirsten about Vicky.
00:52:38I didn't tell her.
00:52:40Then how did she know?
00:52:42You told her.
00:52:44What is that supposed to mean?
00:52:50She was in my room
00:52:52when you came by last night.
00:52:56Why didn't you tell me?
00:53:00Oh, you snaked Kirsten?
00:53:02I didn't snake her, nothing has happened yet.
00:53:08What's that supposed to mean, nice ethics, nice friend?
00:53:10Hey, you blew her off
00:53:12for some fantasy,
00:53:14and you didn't even have the decency to tell her.
00:53:16I didn't know it was over!
00:53:18I didn't know it was gonna happen between me and Vicky!
00:53:20I didn't know that!
00:53:22What the hell is going on here?
00:53:24You girls want to fight,
00:53:26take it outside.
00:53:28You can make yourselves useful,
00:53:30my car's parked out front in the tow-way,
00:53:32keep an eye on it.
00:53:34All right? I'll be right back.
00:53:42Since when do you start pushing people in the halls?
00:53:44When did you forget who your best friend is?
00:53:46I can't believe you're lecturing me about ethics.
00:53:50Oh, my God.
00:53:54Oh, my God.
00:53:56That's Vicky's car.
00:53:58Oh, my God!
00:54:00Oh, my God.
00:54:02This is...
00:54:04This is...
00:54:06This is a 66 Corvette Stingray, gentlemen.
00:54:08Don't touch.
00:54:10Nice car, sir.
00:54:12She's a beauty.
00:54:14Yeah, she's my lucky charm.
00:54:16I'm not feeling lucky today.
00:54:18Check these babies out.
00:54:20Yep, they catch me some dinner at the reservoir.
00:54:22Four dark.
00:54:24See you tomorrow, boys.
00:54:30I think I need to sit down.
00:54:42I guess you won't be getting
00:54:44the Harvard recommendation now.
00:55:00Oh, my God.
00:55:12He shouldn't just show up, you know.
00:55:14What if he was here?
00:55:16He's not here.
00:55:22Mrs. Mueller.
00:55:28I don't know.
00:55:32Didn't seem to matter at first.
00:55:36What are we gonna do?
00:55:40I can't be with you.
00:55:44I know.
00:55:58How could you
00:56:00have married
00:56:06What, it's not funny?
00:56:12He wasn't always like that.
00:56:22He should probably go.
00:56:24He should probably go.
00:56:34Get behind the shelves!
00:56:42Hey, hey, hey.
00:56:44Quit working on that crap for a minute.
00:56:48Look what I got.
00:56:55I'll just clean this up
00:56:57in the utility sink.
00:56:59Wait a while. I'm not really that hungry.
00:57:01You're not hungry?
00:57:03Well, I'm starved. We'll eat yours later.
00:57:07Boy, I'm telling you, this bait
00:57:09was incredible.
00:57:11I could have cleaned out the entire reservoir.
00:57:13Oh, yeah.
00:57:20Mr. Shermer, the earth science
00:57:22yahoo at school, gave me these things
00:57:24called dobs and flies.
00:57:26Sounds great.
00:57:28Yeah, they start off as these ugly little...
00:57:32Christ, woman. Watch yourself.
00:57:36No, I just lost my balance.
00:57:40Yeah, okay.
00:57:42Tell you what.
00:57:44Why don't I grill these?
00:57:46That way I don't have to worry about you
00:57:48when you come up.
00:57:56One other thing.
00:58:00There's a kid in my calculus class, Todd Boomer.
00:58:04I'm gonna write him a recommendation,
00:58:06but my printer's screwed up.
00:58:08Where's your old typewriter?
00:58:10I'll be in in a second and help you find it.
00:58:28I think I will call next time.
00:59:18Good night.
00:59:20Oh, good night, Dad.
00:59:24You seem pretty miserable tonight.
00:59:26You all right?
00:59:30What, are you worried about the interview tomorrow?
00:59:32Forget about it.
00:59:34You are going to be great.
00:59:36Great. Great. Great.
00:59:38Actually, that's the least of my worries.
00:59:42Wanna talk about it?
00:59:44I wouldn't know where to begin.
00:59:46Come on, give me a try.
00:59:48That's what I'm here for.
00:59:50Hit it.
00:59:54I slept with someone's wife,
00:59:56and now I'm afraid he might find me and kill me.
01:00:00I thought you said you had a problem.
01:00:04Yanking my chain, aren't you?
01:00:06Well, Dad, of course I am.
01:00:10Of course.
01:00:12I'll see you.
01:00:18when I told you that I, uh,
01:00:20value friendship and honesty?
01:00:24I meant that.
01:00:26I knew you did.
01:00:30Well, um...
01:00:36You've screwed up before, right?
01:00:40I never have.
01:00:42I never have? No.
01:00:44I mean it.
01:00:46Yeah, once or twice.
01:00:52Well, all I can tell you is,
01:00:54at the end of the day,
01:00:56it's, uh, just you.
01:00:58So I would, uh,
01:01:00face up to it,
01:01:02whatever it is.
01:01:04Because I guarantee you that
01:01:06the longer you wait, the worse it gets.
01:01:08Does that help?
01:01:12It does. Thanks, Dad.
01:01:16You're gonna kill him.
01:01:18You're gonna murder him.
01:01:20You're gonna massacre him.
01:01:24Ten thousand men
01:01:26are martyred
01:01:28What victory
01:01:30do you dare?
01:01:32Transcript and scores.
01:01:34Well, um,
01:01:36everything appears to be in order, Todd.
01:01:38Good grades,
01:01:40good SATs,
01:01:42some interesting activities.
01:01:44I'll tell you,
01:01:46I am a bit hazy
01:01:48on one point.
01:01:50Yes, sir?
01:01:52It says here
01:01:54that you are fucking
01:01:56your math teacher's wife.
01:01:58Is that right?
01:02:08Mr. Boomer.
01:02:10Oh, Mr. Mueller.
01:02:12You scared me there.
01:02:14Big day today, huh?
01:02:16Harvard interview.
01:02:18Oh, uh, yes, sir.
01:02:20I wanted to catch you before class.
01:02:22Did you have something you wanted to tell me?
01:02:26What was that, sir?
01:02:28I found this at my house last night.
01:02:30Any ideas how it got there?
01:02:32Uh, you know,
01:02:34I don't know.
01:02:36How it got there?
01:02:38You and my wife?
01:02:40Uh, well, you see, um...
01:02:42And you honestly thought
01:02:44I wouldn't catch on?
01:02:48Okay, it was a mistake.
01:02:50I'm really sorry.
01:02:52I made a mistake.
01:02:54No, no, Boomer, you made two mistakes.
01:02:58A 98.
01:03:00I can't believe you actually thought
01:03:02you could get tutored by my wife
01:03:04Yeah, that was pretty silly.
01:03:06I mean...
01:03:08Frankly, I'm glad to know
01:03:10where she's been.
01:03:12Anyway, look.
01:03:14I know you wanted me to think you got there on your own.
01:03:16It's okay to get a little help
01:03:18on the side.
01:03:20It shows initiative.
01:03:22I'm impressed, Boomer.
01:03:24Well, uh, I hoped you would be, sir.
01:03:26In fact,
01:03:28I decided to write
01:03:30that recommendation for you.
01:03:34Thank you.
01:03:36Thank you so much, sir.
01:03:38Don't tank on the final.
01:03:40Absolutely not.
01:03:44She's good, isn't she?
01:03:46My wife.
01:03:50She's the best, sir.
01:04:32Afraid to sit next to you after yesterday's scene?
01:04:36not every morning.
01:04:38No, I'm a fearless man.
01:04:44I, uh,
01:04:46wanted to speak with you
01:04:48after the other night.
01:04:52I really appreciate you being there for me.
01:04:58I thought
01:05:00we should talk about
01:05:04Is there an us?
01:05:08I'd like there
01:05:10to be.
01:05:16Shall we us?
01:05:24you know I think
01:05:26you're the greatest.
01:05:28You know, if I was gonna us
01:05:30with anyone,
01:05:32it would be you.
01:05:34But I really need some
01:05:36time alone, you know,
01:05:38for a while.
01:05:40Just for now.
01:05:44It would kill me to lose you
01:05:46as a friend.
01:05:50Never happened.
01:06:04Mr. Bodine, your brain could easily be mistaken
01:06:06for a can of tuna.
01:06:08And Ms. O'Brien,
01:06:10two words describe your semester.
01:06:12One, I guess,
01:06:14brain dead.
01:06:18People, let me make something clear.
01:06:22I'm not happy when you're having trouble.
01:06:24It pains me.
01:06:26Makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.
01:06:32why do I come down on you so hard?
01:06:34Because fear
01:06:38Case in point,
01:06:40Mr. Boomer here.
01:06:42Six weeks ago, he was flushing a near-perfect
01:06:44high school record.
01:06:46I rattled his cage. Now look at him.
01:06:48Second highest grade this quiz.
01:06:50Poised to go to the school of his choice.
01:06:54If I tick you off, good.
01:06:58Use that.
01:07:00Prove that I'm wrong. Make me eat my words.
01:07:02Work harder.
01:07:04We'll both be happy.
01:07:06Mr. Mueller?
01:07:12I appreciate what you said about me in class today.
01:07:14I'm sorry.
01:07:16I'm sorry.
01:07:18I'm sorry.
01:07:20I'm sorry.
01:07:22I'm sorry.
01:07:24I'm sorry.
01:07:26I'm sorry.
01:07:28I'm sorry.
01:07:30I'm sorry.
01:07:32I'm sorry.
01:07:34I appreciate what you said about me in class today.
01:07:36Don't let it go to your head.
01:07:40The point is that
01:07:42I really don't agree with the way you treat your students.
01:07:46That's your prerogative?
01:07:48People don't deserve
01:07:50to be treated that way.
01:07:52Your wife taught me that.
01:08:00Todd, Vicky,
01:08:02she's good with math,
01:08:04but I wouldn't take any life lessons from her.
01:08:22You slept with her, didn't you?
01:08:30You slept with her.
01:09:18Hi, this is Vicky.
01:09:22I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
01:09:24Vicky, it's Todd. Pick up the phone.
01:09:26Vicky, I told him.
01:09:28I didn't mean to, but it just came out. I told him I'm sorry, Vicky.
01:09:30He's on his way over there right now. If you can hear this,
01:09:32if you get this message, get the hell out of there, please, right now.
01:09:34Get out.
01:09:44Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
01:10:02Hi, honey.
01:10:04I'm home.
01:10:06Rough day at the office?
01:10:10Oh, same old, same old.
01:10:12Some kid slept with my wife.
01:10:19Watch out!
01:10:21I'm sorry.
01:10:23Oh, you're sorry?
01:10:29One of my students, Vicky!
01:10:31You ruined my life.
01:10:33Now you're trying to ruin my career.
01:10:35Roy, stop it!
01:10:40Stop it!
01:10:47Look who's here.
01:10:49Mary Poppins.
01:10:53Mary, you fucked up.
01:10:55Never open an umbrella indoors.
01:10:57It's bad luck.
01:10:59Very bad luck.
01:11:01Okay, just relax, Mr. Miller, okay?
01:11:03Just relax.
01:11:05Wait, Todd, this is between me and Roy.
01:11:07Between me, too.
01:11:09Oh, boy, I underestimated you.
01:11:11Huh, Homer?
01:11:14Thought I had you all figured out.
01:11:16Didn't have the brains or the guts
01:11:18to go to Harvard or anything else.
01:11:20But you're gifted.
01:11:22Mm, you're a genius.
01:11:24Tutoring was just the tip of it.
01:11:26Improve your scores
01:11:28and score with my wife,
01:11:30all without me knowing it.
01:11:32And then I write you
01:11:34that recommendation for Harvard.
01:11:38That's genius!
01:11:40Yeah, you're...
01:11:42You're a wizard.
01:11:44You're a mastermind.
01:11:46You must be very proud.
01:11:52Well, shake my hand.
01:11:58Shut up.
01:12:00Don't put this behind us.
01:12:14I'm sorry.
01:12:18Is he gone?
01:12:22You were really brave back there.
01:12:26I thought your choice in weapons
01:12:28was a little weak.
01:12:30Well, you know,
01:12:32if you would have spit at us...
01:12:40I'm sorry.
01:12:42I'm sorry.
01:12:46I'm actually grateful.
01:12:50I should have gotten out of this
01:12:52a long time ago.
01:12:54What are you gonna do now?
01:13:02I think I'm gonna try New York.
01:13:04Try this...
01:13:06art thing.
01:13:14I'm gonna miss you.
01:13:38What's this?
01:13:40Your Harvard recommendation.
01:13:52What time is it?
01:13:54I don't know. Around 3.
01:13:56My interview's at 4.
01:14:09I'll come visit you in New York.
01:14:12Good luck.
01:14:33Look out! Coming through!
01:14:36Todd Boomer.
01:14:40Did Todd Boomer check in yet?
01:14:42No, not yet.
01:14:47Todd Boomer.
01:14:49Got a present.
01:14:53Need a minute?
01:14:55No, no, no. I'm fine.
01:14:57Okay. Come on in.
01:15:02Calculus teacher.
01:15:09Todd, looks like you're having
01:15:11a pretty tough day.
01:15:13No, I'm fine, really.
01:15:19Well, I've gone
01:15:21over your stats,
01:15:23and everything looks...
01:15:28But I'll be honest.
01:15:31You're not a
01:15:33typical Harvard candidate.
01:15:35I don't see you
01:15:37making the top five of your class.
01:15:39Not unless the chess club
01:15:41has some horrible accident, no.
01:15:49Todd, let me...
01:15:51let me ask you something.
01:15:53Why do you want to go to Harvard?
01:15:58I guess my dad and I
01:16:00have always had it planned that way, you know?
01:16:02He looks up to the students here as something special.
01:16:08What I'm getting at is...
01:16:11why do you
01:16:13want to go to Harvard?
01:16:21Look, um...
01:16:24I've been pointed here
01:16:26like a compass my whole life.
01:16:28And now that I'm here...
01:16:32Look, I know
01:16:34Harvard is a great school.
01:16:36I mean, it's the greatest, right?
01:16:38But, um...
01:16:42I'm really
01:16:44not quite so sure it's for me.
01:17:03Okay, I'm ready.
01:17:05Okay, now just remember, eye contact,
01:17:07posture, smile, right?
01:17:09Firm handshake is all you need.
01:17:11Okay, Dad, thanks, I know.
01:17:13Thank you.
01:17:50Hey, how'd it go, buddy?
01:17:58Oh, my God, what happened to you?
01:18:00I got punched.
01:18:02Hang on, Alan, Todd got punched at his Harvard interview.
01:18:05I didn't get punched at the interview, Mom.
01:18:07No, wait, that's wrong. Hang on.
01:18:10I need to talk to you for a second.
01:18:15It's, uh, pretty important.
01:18:23You said it was important.
01:18:26I don't really know how to tell you guys this.
01:18:31You don't want to go to Harvard, do you?
01:18:38No, I was, um,
01:18:40thinking about applying to an art school.
01:18:48Oh, I'll...
01:18:50I should let you two discuss this.
01:18:53Can I ask you a question?
01:18:55It's, um,
01:18:57why didn't you tell me about this before?
01:18:59Why didn't you tell me last night?
01:19:03I don't think I really knew until today.
01:19:07You're upset.
01:19:09Yeah, I am.
01:19:11I am upset.
01:19:13A little.
01:19:16It's your decision.
01:19:26Good, good, good.
01:19:30You're doing very poorly.
01:19:32It's fine.
01:19:34It's fine.
01:19:36It's fine.
01:19:38It's fine.
01:19:40It's fine.
01:19:42It's fine.
01:19:45You know, this game was much more boring
01:19:47before they put the flippers in.
01:19:51Oh, wait.
01:19:55Here we go.
01:19:57I'll be right back.
01:19:59Where are you going?
01:20:01I'm on a streak here.
01:20:03What's going on?
01:20:07Jesus, what happened to you?
01:20:10Did Mueller do that?
01:20:12Yeah, it's a long story.
01:20:14It's gonna take a major pancake marathon
01:20:16to be told properly.
01:20:18I'll buy.
01:20:23You need to talk to Kirsten.
01:20:29All right, well...
01:20:31I'm gonna go build something.
01:20:35Thanks, man. You're the best.
01:20:38So, how'd you know I was here?
01:20:40Diner night.
01:20:42Oh, of course.
01:20:46So, I made a decision.
01:20:53I'm not going to Harvard.
01:21:01I'm not going to Harvard.
01:21:07It's a breakthrough.
01:21:11I figured that art school would be better for me, you know?
01:21:15Yeah, I think you're right.
01:21:21That's, uh, not what I...
01:21:24wanted to talk to you about, though.
01:21:32I guess what I wanted to say was that, uh...
01:21:36I-I'm really sorry.
01:21:38I-I know I hurt you, and...
01:21:41I never meant to do that.
01:21:44I-I guess all I'm asking for is...
01:21:47is that you don't write me off as a friend.
01:21:50Don't write me off as a friend.
01:22:00Never happened.
01:22:32You know, I'm really going to miss this spot when we're off at school.
01:22:34Yeah, me too.
01:22:36I wonder where we'll be in ten years.
01:22:39Well, you will be working on your second hundred million on...
01:22:43interactive 3-D Smell-O-Vision computer games.
01:22:48The shed will be totally decked out with...
01:22:52jacuzzi and a water slide.
01:22:56Okay, and me?
01:22:58Okay, the place, New York, the event,
01:23:03the book signing of your first wildly successful collection of poetry.
01:23:09Wildly successful. I like that.
01:23:13What about me?
01:23:15Do you want fries with your order today, sir?
01:23:23Okay, 2008, we all meet back here and compare notes, what do you say?
01:23:29Never happened.
01:23:31Guys, come on, work with me.
01:23:38Welcome to tomorrow
01:23:42I can't explain it's true
01:23:47All the blood upon these pages
01:23:51Takes me away from you
01:23:55But when trouble takes your spirit
01:23:59Maybe then you'll change your mind
01:24:04We're only someone's children
01:24:11And all the time the future's coming down
01:24:19I can hear the angels falling to the ground
01:24:29I don't want to lose your voice
01:24:35Tell you I don't even want my second choice
01:24:43I can't get near it
01:24:47guitar solo
01:25:02I'm in love with people
01:25:07But I hate them too
01:25:11I hate to see all the damage
01:25:16Being done to you
01:25:20When your eyes are broken windows
01:25:24Every time I see you smile
01:25:29It's like being back in heaven for a while
01:25:36And all the time the future's coming down
01:25:43I can hear the angels falling to the ground
01:25:54I don't want to lose your voice
01:26:00Tell you I don't even want my second choice
01:26:09Help me cry
01:26:11I don't want to lose your voice
01:26:18All I ever want to do now is rejoice
01:26:27I'm in love
01:26:34All I ever want to do now is rejoice