Sumérgete en la fascinante historia de los Caballeros Templarios, una orden militar legendaria cuyo poder y misterio han perdurado a lo largo de los siglos. Desde su surgimiento durante las Cruzadas hasta la acusación de corrupción por el rey de Francia en 1300, los templarios han fascinado a generaciones con su riqueza, influencia y supuesto legado secreto. Descubre cómo esta orden se volvió rica y poderosa en toda Europa, solo para enfrentar un oscuro destino marcado por encarcelamientos, torturas y ejecuciones. Acompáñanos en este documental UHD 4K que ilustra la historia de los templarios en sus impresionantes lugares sagrados, a través de recreaciones teatrales vívidas y emocionantes. Explora el legado perdurable de los Caballeros Templarios y sumérgete en un viaje educativo a través de su impacto en la historia. ¡Descubre los secretos y la grandeza de esta orden legendaria que desafió los límites del poder y la fe en la Edad Media! #CaballerosTemplarios, #OrdenMilitarLegendaria, #MisterioPoderoso
# Hashtags:
#CaballerosTemplarios, #OrdenMilitarLegendaria, #MisterioPoderoso
Caballeros Templarios, Orden Militar, Legado, Poder, Misterio, Cruzadas, Riqueza, Corrupción, Historia, Impacto
# Hashtags:
#CaballerosTemplarios, #OrdenMilitarLegendaria, #MisterioPoderoso
Caballeros Templarios, Orden Militar, Legado, Poder, Misterio, Cruzadas, Riqueza, Corrupción, Historia, Impacto
00:00Only 30 years have passed since the birth of the Order in Jerusalem.
00:14Hugo de Payens, its founder, and the first three teachers who succeeded him, have already passed on to a better life.
00:21But nothing seems to be able to stop the progress of the Temple.
00:32Its arches overflow with wealth, its coffers are filled with relics and secrets, and its fortresses multiply throughout Christianity.
00:43There is no longer a border where the white and black banner of the Temple does not sink.
00:49Qualdin Pais has survived, with a stroke of sword and sabre, the most difficult years of the Temple in the Holy Land.
01:03He has learned the art of war from the best knights that Christianity has given, and soon the best will have to learn it from him.
01:16He has been entrusted with the arduous task of expelling Islam from the Portuguese borders, and soon he will become the greatest of the teachers who have set foot on the peninsula.
01:29For there is no Saracen with enough courage to approach his sword.
01:35A crescent guides the hearts of Muslim knights. A cross protects the chest of Christians.
01:51And yesterday, an Arab sage dared to say,
01:56The inhabitants of the earth are divided into two, those who have a brain but no religion, and those who have a religion but no brain.
02:51My diplomatic doctors could be in Baghdad before the arrival of the Christian demons to Palestine.
03:01There was a large hospital that served without charging its patients, and several banks with branches in Al-Andalus and China.
03:11A paper factory stood in the middle of the city, when the French still used androgynous scrolls,
03:19and their streets channeled the water, while the plague flooded European cities.
03:27The capital of the world extended its dominions from Syria to the Pyrenean mountains,
03:33when the existing postal service brought the news of the first massacres of Muslims in Nicaea and Jerusalem.
03:47Today I have seen the Crusaders kill a man next to the mosque of Al-Aqsa,
03:51roast it on a skewer and eat it screaming aloud that every Muslim will run to the same fate.
04:00But the princes do not want to wake up.
04:03Fear and envy poison the hearts of Caliphs or Ghazans who hide in the shadows of their havens.
04:10And the news arrives late, they bring them refugees who with their stories cry and make them cry.
04:18This disunion also reigns in Al-Andalus.
04:22Christians are making with the Iberian Peninsula.
04:27The emirs send their messengers loaded with gifts and good intentions every time they see their lands in danger.
04:35Kiss the arm that you can not break and pray to God to break it.
04:42Everyone knows that saying.
04:46But that Christian does not listen to sayings.
04:49His eyes do not light up before your gifts.
04:52And he does not listen to your prayers.
04:55He does not listen to your prayers.
04:58He does not listen to your prayers.
05:01His eyes do not light up before your gifts.
05:04And he does not know good intentions.
05:09The arm would be cut off before you reach out.
05:32A pit has been opened between us that will not be closed again.
05:39How much spilled blood, how many beautiful ladies, out of shame, have to hide their faces between their hands.
05:48You collect poets, musicians and beautiful perfumed slaves in your palaces,
05:53while your brothers do not have more purple than the chairs of the camels or the entrails of the vultures.
06:02Even if they wanted to wake up and go to the aid of their brothers,
06:07those caliphs would be totally incapable.
06:10They would not know where to start.
06:14The beginning of the Crusades marks the passage from the High Middle Ages to the Low Middle Ages.
06:21And as I see it, more than the Low Middle Ages, we could call it the awakening of the Christian civilization.
06:39Year 1154 of the Age of Jesus Christ.
06:42Another great master of the temple has died in the Holy Land, and another will happen to him.
06:52Of the nine knights who founded the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ, only one still preserves life.
07:00André de Montbal.
07:05You fought alongside Hugo de Payens.
07:07You are the only one who can still boast of having done it.
07:12But that was almost 50 years ago.
07:17The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ
07:23As time went by, the Order of the Temple grew a lot.
07:27And obviously, that primitive ideal was varying, changing, contaminating, corrupting.
07:35But this is normal.
07:37The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ
07:40All religions, all ideologies, all collectives arise from a foundational idea that has a lot of purity, that has a lot of originality.
07:48And then, historical circumstances make these ideas modify, alter, change, and even contaminate and sometimes corrupt in an extraordinary way.
08:01The Order participated in numerous military conquests, participated in numerous political processes,
08:07and participated in issues with which it is possible that Saint Bernard of Claraval or Hugo himself did not agree.
08:14Of course, Hugo did not want the Order to end the way it did.
08:17But it is a reality that, for him, had already passed the time of the foundation.
08:22Hugo was no longer in charge.
08:25No, Hugo is no longer among you.
08:29And Holy Land is a cursed disaster ruled by the devil.
08:34The Order of the Temple
08:37The Order of the Temple
08:39The Order of the Temple
08:42The Order of the Temple
08:45The Order of the Temple
08:48The Order of the Temple
08:51Holy Land is a cursed disaster ruled by inept and thieves, more concerned with preserving their profits than for the good of the pilgrims.
09:03But you will not be like them, will you, Waldin?
09:10Here, in Portugal, the novices will continue to respect their elders.
09:15At least, as long as you are the highest officer of the Order, they will continue to do so.
09:22It does not matter if they issue or not their vote of poverty, because you will make sure that they do not possess absolutely anything again.
09:34It will not be necessary for them to swear obedience, because they will have no choice but to obey.
09:42And they will soon learn what chastity is, because they will not approach a woman again in all their lives.
09:52This is the Temple. No one enters here.
09:58Were not those same words the ones that instilled you here?
10:11They will not be slapped so that they do not forget it. If necessary, they will receive a beating.
10:22The legend has sometimes taken over history. The myth, the fable, the legend, the speculation, the esotericism have played a fundamental role.
10:32The Order of the Temple, despite being an organization that arises within the Catholic Church,
10:41has in certain aspects of its experience and practice traces of Christianity of other origins, not exclusively Catholic.
10:52For example, practices of what was called mental prayer, which today we would call yoga.
11:02You will force those poor wretches to spit on the cross of Christ our Lord, to urinate on it, to curse it.
11:15I have seen the tombstone under which your body rests. The day you die, you will have your name sculpted on it.
11:24Lucifer, tell me, Gualdín, when did you lose your mind?
11:34Lucifer, if we go to a Latin-Portuguese dictionary, it means the morning star.
11:41And if we want to do an etymological study, Lucifer means the one who carries the light,
11:47which indicates that he must receive that light that comes from the East.
11:52Because it is not normal that in the Middle Ages the word Lucifer is written on a plaque, because it could be associated with the devil.
12:02The word Lucifer had a lot of impact in the Middle Ages.
12:07Nowadays, anyone can go to the Convent of Christ and contemplate that plaque in which Gualdín served himself as Lucifer.
12:15It was said that the Templars spat on the cross or urinated on it to repudiate the figure of Christ.
12:23This, in general terms, was always rejected by all the Templar Knights.
12:28And even among some of them, it seems that they were able to accept this accusation, it is not entirely clear from what point they did it.
12:35Would there be people who would spit, based on the vow of obedience, trying not to give the crucifix?
12:41Or would there be people who, in virtue of being Christian and a servant of God, would refuse to do it?
12:48Another hypothesis is that, indeed, in some places, and by the decision of the commander,
12:53the Templars wanted to carry out a practice like this, which at the time was abominable.
12:57If this demand of the Templar Knights was made, it was because if they did it, if they spat on it, they were immediately expelled from the order.
13:06And if, on the contrary, they refused to do it, then they had shown their worth and, as a result, they could enter the Temple.
14:08I, in this act, see an ancestral memory of the idea that the cross is something that must be destroyed.
14:19Why? Because the cross is not a sign of life, it is a sign of death.
14:24And as it is a sign of death, it must be destroyed.
14:29In the same way that you will not find an ancient Templar representation of a crucified Christ.
14:36This is something that makes you think, how is it that there is no crucified Christ?
14:41Are all the Christs alive or resurrected?
14:51The Temple is associated with the Crusade, evidently.
14:54And we all know that the Crusade is a set of failures.
14:59As these failures are increasingly reiterated and increasingly evident to the whole of Christianity,
15:06these failures are associated, logically, with one of the fundamental agents of the Crusade in the Holy Land, which are the Templars.
15:14If we add to this that the Temple is an order that, from the beginning, reaches a level of patrimony and a level of economic consistency,
15:25people are faced with the problem of, well, we are feeding an institution that is rich, that has possibilities,
15:31but at the same time it is not capable of fulfilling the purposes for which it has been created.
15:37Therefore, what are we facing?
15:52Speaking of the Templars in Portugal, Waldeem Pais is really a charismatic teacher.
15:57He must have had a very intense life, because he was constantly founding or rebuilding castles.
16:05Waldeem Pais was a great, great teacher, the first great, great teacher,
16:09and practically the last great, great teacher of the order of the Temple in the Iberian Peninsula.
16:13He is the one who will organize the defense of the Kingdom of Portugal,
16:18creating a set of fortifications along the Tajo River line.
16:24The Almourol Castle, the Castillo de la Cardiga, the Diosese, the Rodano, and of course, the Tomar Castle.
16:40In the year of grace of 1162, you will build the Convent of Christ and the city of Tomar,
16:48one of the most mythical enclaves of the order of the Temple,
16:53a holy place that time will never be able to destroy.
17:00The order of the Temple was organized in provinces, nine provinces,
17:06and the Iberian Peninsula, except for Catalonia, was one of those nine provinces,
17:12and the center, the capital, was here in Tomar.
17:16And therefore, the great teacher, wherever he was, Castilian or Portuguese, Leonean,
17:22everything related to the Iberian Peninsula was decided here.
17:28Few men around you have known Jerusalem,
17:32and of those few, no one has lived it as you lived it
17:36during the five years you spent serving in the order.
17:40You have been too close to many of the unconfessable secrets
17:45of the Templar order.
17:48You know too much, Walden.
17:51It is no coincidence that you were the chosen one
17:55to bring all that knowledge to the Iberian Peninsula.
18:04Walden Pais not only builds a castle,
18:07he builds a city associated with the castle.
18:10It is a set, an exact replica of the holy city of Jerusalem.
18:16Everything is here made according to the disposition
18:20and the distribution of buildings that Jerusalem had.
18:24He wanted to bring to this place the same memory
18:29and the same energy, let's call it that,
18:34that he had lived in Jerusalem.
18:37Jerusalem is not just a city.
18:41It doesn't matter how many times you destroy it or rebuild it.
18:46Jerusalem is eternal.
18:49It is the place where all the peoples will go
18:53to the feast of God at the end of times.
18:56The place where Christ rose again.
18:59And the place from which Muhammad, the prophet, ascended to heaven.
19:04Therefore, Jerusalem becomes a magical, wonderful and sacred place
19:09for the three major Buddhist religions,
19:12Muslims, Jews and Christians.
19:15Jerusalem is not just a physical city.
19:18It is a spiritual city.
19:21The place where God, according to the traditions of the book, manifested.
19:26And therefore, a city with a load, with an energy
19:29that makes it a kind of terrestrial pole.
19:34That particular space could allow an ascension
19:39to the true holy land,
19:42to the heavenly holy land.
19:46But if Jerusalem is that staircase
19:50whose steps lead to the palace of the only God,
19:53which is the convent of Christ,
19:56they say that you have opened a dark well in his bed
20:00and that his steps do not point to heaven,
20:03but are submerged in the bowels of the earth.
20:06How far do you want to go, Walden?
20:09To what devil do you consecrate your most intimate prayers?
20:16The chalola, the place of prayer of the Templars of Tomar,
20:20will be conceived as an exact replica
20:23of the plant of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
20:26So I know that you have not turned away from the love of Our Lady.
20:31I know that in that chalola you will erect her image
20:35and that you will honor her in your worship.
20:38Who else will intercede for you, Templars,
20:42the day you come before the doors?
20:45Who else but she,
20:47the one who locked in her bowels,
20:50the one who does not fit in the whole world,
20:53the one who held in her arms the one who sustains everything,
20:57the one who took care of her, the God who takes care of everyone.
21:01Mary represents purity,
21:04it is the new ark of the covenant,
21:07it is the ivory tower, the sacred well where all wisdom is,
21:11it is the new humanity, it is the mother of all believers,
21:14it is the mother of the Church.
21:17Protect us in the struggle,
21:20for you are, Miguel, our archangel.
21:23For we also wield the sword,
21:26and together with you we will fight the day of the final judgment.
21:30Allow us to imitate you,
21:33allow us to bleed until we expel the fallen angels
21:37and the evil of this world.
21:40All the Holy Scripture is a struggle against evil,
21:45the experience of evil that we have.
21:49That evil is identified as a dark element
21:53that can take various forms.
21:56The Archangel Michael, represented in the iconography
21:59stepping on the head of the evil,
22:02which can have the figure of a demon
22:05or can also be represented as a dragon.
22:07The Archangel Michael, in the Christian imagination of the moment,
22:11is the head of the angelic armies.
22:15We are in that pedagogy of the Church
22:18of the progressive sanctification of violence.
22:21Logically, the canon by antonomasia,
22:24that is, the moral reference by antonomasia,
22:26for the Christian is the saint,
22:28therefore he is a model to follow.
22:31Many of your chapels
22:34will consecrate the image of Mary Magdalene,
22:37and that will make the tongues of many untied.
22:42It is evident that this cult was intense in Portugal.
22:47In many Templar churches
22:50there was an altar dedicated to Mary Magdalene.
22:53The cult to Mary Magdalene
22:56is associated with the idea that Jesus, like Rabbi,
22:59would have to be obligatory married.
23:02Who did he marry?
23:04The biblical text, the evangelical text,
23:07shows that Magdalene was the closest,
23:11or the first candidate, to be the wife of Jesus.
23:15The Templars drank from that tradition in origin
23:20and brought it to the West, keeping it alive.
23:24Mary Magdalene has another important symbolism.
23:28Christ, as a reformer,
23:31accepts women in his church.
23:34And that, for the Jewish world of the time,
23:39and perhaps today, is a revolution.
23:47As soon as he reaches power,
23:50the first thing a prince does
23:52is double the number of guards
23:54who watch over his life while he sleeps.
23:57There will always be someone
23:59who wants to usurp him in the same dirty way he did.
24:03It doesn't matter if that prince is Christian or Muslim.
24:07An army is no longer needed
24:09to eliminate one of your opponents.
24:12With a good handful of gold coins
24:14you can convince the murderers
24:16to carry the message themselves.
24:19The murderers,
24:21the Hachis,
24:23were a sect that developed in the Middle East
24:26in this same chronological period,
24:28the 12th century.
24:30It was basically formed by a set of
24:31tendencies of greater radicality within Islam
24:35and that, guided by a spiritual leader
24:38who called himself the King of the Mountain,
24:41had a series of political competences
24:44that often faced either Christians
24:47or other Muslim princes.
24:50They had murderers among their ranks,
24:52it is most likely,
24:54and in fact many of the leaders
24:56or political rivals
24:58that this entity developed
24:59ended up being murdered.
25:02The Christians took advantage of this entity
25:05and even negotiated at times
25:07with groups such as those of the murderers.
25:15The Templars, when they couldn't,
25:18had to pay the order of the murderers,
25:21the Muslim order
25:23corresponding to the Christian Templar order,
25:25to protect the Christian pilgrims.
25:27Therefore, there was a meeting between them.
25:30There are many people who say
25:33that one of the secret intentions of the Templars
25:36was for the Muslim and Christian Templars
25:39to dominate the world,
25:41the Christian and Arab world.
25:44There is also a document
25:46in which a tribute is named
25:48that the Knights of Almut,
25:50that is, the murderers of the mountain,
25:52would pay a tribute to the Templars.
25:54If they paid a tribute
25:55it is because they maintained relations.
26:26This night you will let them enjoy
26:29the ecstasy of your opium.
26:31Tomorrow they will be murderers again
26:33and they will kill for you again.
26:43The cities will grow even more.
26:45Its inhabitants will settle in them,
26:47they will breathe the rotting air of their swamps
26:50and they will share with the rats
26:52their waters and their fleas.
26:56God does not seem to feel
26:58especially proud of the man he created.
27:00He no longer shakes his hand
27:02when it comes to punishing his excesses.
27:05The Crusade of the Holy Land
27:07is counted by defeats
27:09and those who are not lucky
27:11to spy on their impurity
27:13fighting in Palestine
27:15will have to fight against enemies
27:17just as relentless but invisible.
27:19Diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis,
27:21smallpox, scurvy.
27:23Now we are used,
27:25almost all of us,
27:27because we see it on television,
27:29because we read it in the newspapers
27:31or because it is up to us personally
27:33or a relative to be very identified
27:35or at least to know many diseases
27:37and many names of drugs.
27:39This was not always the case.
27:41There were, for example, diseases in the Middle Ages
27:43that were not known
27:45and that were given a very generic name,
27:49What were fevers really?
27:50It was a simple cold.
28:20You are not allowed to speak
28:22with the dead.
28:25All your rights and possessions,
28:27if you have any left,
28:29will go to the hospital that receives you.
28:31And so,
28:33full of resentment for the living,
28:35you will be kept away from the path of the healthy
28:37because that resentment
28:39is extremely contagious.
28:43Several wise advice will be gathered
28:45from those who believe they know something
28:47and after much thinking and deliberation
28:48they will determine
28:50that three are the causes of this evil.
28:53That the Jews have poisoned
28:55the water and the air,
28:57that there is an adverse conjunction
28:59of the stars of heaven
29:01and that God, once again,
29:03punishes man for his misdeeds and sins.
29:07The Church is permanently interested
29:09in men and women of that time
29:11being afraid.
29:14Afraid of dying in sin.
29:15Fear of dying in sin.
29:17And they are threatening us permanently.
29:19The threat with the penalties of hell
29:21is absolutely constant.
29:24The first thing a faithful saw
29:26when he entered the church,
29:28in the cathedral,
29:30was the final judgment.
29:32It is only explainable
29:34by living in the culture
29:36that existed in Europe
29:38from the 11th to the 12th century.
29:40In a culture in which
29:42there was an extraordinary collective fear
29:43of dying in sin.
29:45A collective fear
29:47of the devil,
29:49of the evil,
29:51to burn eternally
29:53in the fire of hell.
29:58The first one played the trumpet
30:00and there was hail and fire.
30:02The third part of the earth
30:04was burned.
30:06The second angel played the trumpet
30:08and a mole of embers
30:10was thrown into the sea.
30:11The third part of the sea
30:13turned into blood.
30:17The third angel played the trumpet,
30:19a star fell from the sky
30:21and crushed the third part
30:23of the rivers,
30:25of the fountains and the waters.
30:31The fourth angel played the trumpet
30:33and the third part of the sun,
30:35the third part of the moon
30:37and the third part of the stars
30:39and the day of judgment
30:41lost the third part
30:43of its splendor.
30:45When the fifth trumpet sounds,
30:47the lobsters will spread
30:49over the earth.
30:51When the sixth trumpet sounds,
30:53the men will seek death
30:55but they will not find it.
30:57They will wish to die
30:59but death will flee from them.
31:03When the seventh angel plays
31:05the seventh trumpet,
31:07Miguel and his angels
31:09will face the dragon.
31:11Your wrath will come
31:13and the time to judge the dead
31:15and to give the reward
31:17to your servants will come.
31:34Chapter 42 of the Temple Rule
31:37We forbid every brother
31:39to mention the madness
31:41he would have done in the world
31:43and the pleasures of meat
31:45with women
31:47and whoever hears
31:49anyone talk about these things
31:51should be silenced
31:53so as not to lend the ear of his heart
31:55to that liar.
31:58Chapter 17
32:00Brothers will not be allowed
32:02to speak in public
32:04if it is not an urgent need.
32:07You will be infallibly condemned
32:09if you keep your mouth
32:13and that is why
32:15we will not allow
32:17any useless words
32:19or slander.
32:22Chapter 71
32:24Murmuring will be avoided
32:26as if it were a plague.
32:28They will be allowed
32:30to make punctual requests
32:32in a low voice
32:34so as not to disturb the brother
32:36who is reading sacred texts.
32:38The Templar is a soldier.
32:39He has to be well fed
32:41and you have to make sure
32:43that he eats well.
32:53Some believe
32:55that the warriors only ate meat
32:57and it was not like that.
32:59They followed diets
33:01to have good health.
33:03The dietitians of the Temple Order
33:05introduced legumes
33:07in the food of the Templars
33:09that they still ate at that time
33:11and they were forced to eat them
33:13whether they wanted to or not.
33:15They ate every two Templars
33:17of a single dish
33:19and each two shared a glass.
33:21They drank wine
33:23but not because they liked
33:25to drink wine
33:27although the warriors
33:29have always had a reputation
33:31of drunkards
33:33but they did it before the battles
33:35and they drank well
33:37but they did it
33:39not because they liked
33:41to drink
33:43but because they liked
33:45to drink wine.
34:10After the dinner
34:12he took the chalice
34:14and he passed it to his disciples
34:18take and drink all of it
34:20because this is the chalice of my blood
34:22the blood of the new and eternal alliance
34:24that will be shed by you
34:27and that chalice
34:29will be the dish
34:31in which José de Arimatea
34:33will collect the blood and the water
34:35emanating from the wound
34:36on the side of Christ
34:38on the day of his crucifixion.
34:40It will be the cup
34:42that Jesus,
34:44already resurrected,
34:46will order to guard
34:48in the British Isles.
34:50It will be the royal blood
34:52that marks the direct descent
34:54of Christ our Lord
34:56from the womb of Mary Magdalene.
34:58It will be the same
35:00that a dynasty of guardians
35:02will keep safe and hidden forever.
35:04It will be a dove
35:06a stone
35:08a stone
35:10brought from heaven
35:12by the neutral angels
35:14and that this stone
35:16has the property of the phoenix
35:18that is to say
35:20that everything that is placed on that stone is reborn.
35:22Whatever it is
35:24I believe that
35:26the grid
35:28is not something physical
35:30it is a state of consciousness
35:32that when the knight reaches it
35:34it transfigures
35:37Only three of Arthur's knights
35:39will come to contemplate it
35:43Galahad and Bors
35:49will not sleep two nights
35:51in the same albergue
35:53when he has news of a knight
35:55that is worth more than another
35:57or that the other two
35:59will not abstain from going to fight with him
36:01he will dedicate his life
36:03to the search for the grid
36:05Galahad will come to touch it
36:07because only the purest of the knights
36:09can reach the grid
36:11the one who remains chaste
36:13until the end of the days
36:19and humble
36:22The Templars
36:26a European warrior tradition
36:29and are associated
36:31or are associated
36:32with the stories of the round table
36:35the mythical King Arthur
36:37who would have lived there
36:39for the sixth century after Christ
36:41and the stories of the grid
36:45the grid
36:47nobody knows what it is
36:49The third knight will be Bors
36:51the only one who returned alive
36:53to the table of King Arthur
36:55to tell how close he was to the grid
36:59he will continue the endless search
37:00for the grid
37:02which only ends with death
37:04a dangerous path of initiation
37:06that only heroes can go
37:10it is very important to know
37:12that the Templars
37:14did not have an ideal
37:16only of physical war
37:18but also an ideal
37:20with spiritual goals
37:23that are knights
37:25knights and monks
37:28who carry out a double combat
37:30not only a fight against infidels
37:32against the enemies of Europe
37:34and Christianity
37:36but also a fight
37:38against invisible enemies
37:40the fight against the inner demon
37:42He was a man
37:44who, deep down,
37:46had impregnated himself
37:48with the spirit of the round table
37:50of the knights of King Arthur
37:52who adopted the values of the cavalry
37:54to defend others
37:56the weak, the old
37:58the women
38:00and that despite having nothing
38:02and only serving God and his faith
38:04they were fantastic warriors
38:09Bors the Exiled
38:11his adventures will take him
38:13to the Holy Land
38:15there he will fight
38:17and die as a crusader
38:19not without first
38:21tell the whole story
38:23of the Holy Grail
38:25to a man named Hugo de Payens
38:28Hugo de Payens
38:34Being a Templar
38:36implies a leap of faith
38:38that today could not be given
38:40we are talking about
38:42a level of sacrifice
38:44that today no one would give
38:47a Templar consecrated his life
38:49to a purpose
38:51that transcended
38:53what was arranged on earth
38:55you renounced your life
38:56your own destiny
38:58to have offspring
39:00to have possessions
39:03and you surrendered
39:05by your own conviction
39:07to a greater purpose
39:09it is a very difficult step to take
39:12and you have to have
39:14if not the very clear ideas
39:16and a conviction to prove
39:18to say despite everything
39:20let's go with it
39:26Hugo de Payens
39:28Hugo de Payens
39:30Hugo de Payens
39:32Hugo de Payens
39:34Hugo de Payens
39:36Hugo de Payens
39:38Hugo de Payens
39:40Hugo de Payens
39:42Hugo de Payens
39:44Hugo de Payens
39:46Hugo de Payens
39:48Hugo de Payens
39:50Hugo de Payens
39:52Hugo de Payens
39:54Hugo de Payens
39:56Hugo de Payens
39:58Hugo de Payens
40:00Hugo de Payens
40:02Hugo de Payens