مسلسل للحب فرصة اخيرة حلقة 2 داليا البحيرى

  • last month


00:00One month later
00:15Come in!
00:38Mahmoud, I'm not going to take you to Paris.
00:40I'm very busy right now.
00:41What's wrong with you, Nadia?
00:43What are you saying?
00:45Her father and I have to leave immediately.
00:47I'm going to come back,
00:48but I have to leave with Mohsen first.
00:50I can't leave him.
00:51But as soon as he makes me stay,
00:52I'll come back right away.
00:53By the way, how old are you?
00:56But don't tell me what's going on.
00:58He has to leave.
01:00I don't know what to tell you.
01:01He's very depressed.
01:02Honestly, I'm very worried about him.
01:04He's right. I'm depressed, honestly.
01:06But don't worry.
01:08Mohsen is a strong man.
01:09Look, I talked to your wife,
01:11and I told her that you're going to take me to Paris.
01:13Honestly, you're going to get in my way.
01:15You told me about my difficulties,
01:16and now I don't know what to do.
01:18Honestly, your wife is crazy.
01:19My wife is not normal, Mahmoud.
01:20Yes, she is.
01:24But I don't understand what you're afraid of.
01:26You're telling me that you're coming back right away.
01:28I've never been to Paris.
01:29I've never left it.
01:30We've never been far from each other, Mahmoud.
01:32Like I told you, Nadia,
01:35Paris is like Rabab, our daughter.
01:39But I want to understand.
01:40What's driving you so fast?
01:43Sir, they told us that within a week,
01:45they're going to issue an order to arrest him.
01:48I mean, they gave us advice that he has to leave immediately.
01:50His name hasn't been mentioned in any of the travel bans yet.
01:52But within a week, this is going to happen.
01:54I'm telling him to thank God
01:55that they gave us clear and honest advice.
01:57Any delay in this matter is not good for us.
02:00But I'm afraid.
02:01I don't know how he's going to face Paris.
02:03By the way,
02:04girls this age understand and know everything.
02:07And she's the one who's going to surprise you.
02:08You'll see.
02:11Our man is here.
02:13How are you, Mahmoud?
02:15I'm fine, thank God.
02:18What are you drinking, Mahmoud?
02:19I'm going to finish my coffee first.
02:21See what your husband is drinking.
02:22What's wrong, Mohsen?
02:23Nothing, dear.
02:24I'm going to the kitchen.
02:29How are you?
02:30How are you, dear?
02:31I'm fine, thank God.
02:32Did Nadia tell you for sure?
02:34She did.
02:35She said, I'm on my way.
02:36You know Nadia.
02:37God willing, everything will be fine.
02:39God willing.
02:42I don't want you to worry about Paris at all.
02:44You know that.
02:45No one is going to express the people out there.
02:47You've already offered them once.
02:48Are you going to offer them something else?
02:50what else are you going to offer them?
02:52Hold on, Hassan.
02:53Here you go, Moussaid.
02:54Go ahead and serve the food.
02:54No, that's enough.
02:55I'm going to the bathroom.
02:57Look, the one outside is going to sing at our house.
03:00He's got time.
03:00He listens to Moussaid,
03:02Moussaid's cooking,
03:02and he's going to wash his face.
03:05Good morning.
03:06Good morning, Hassan.
03:08What are you doing?
03:10I'm going to bed.
03:11Is Uncle Mahmoud here?
03:12Isn't it his appointment?
03:13Yes, dear.
03:14You have a special guest.
03:15Am I the guest?
03:16Am I the guest?
03:17Isn't that the man you love?
03:19I'm not your aunt,
03:19playing Mahmoud's prank on your aunt.
03:21I swear, I'm going to tell him.
03:22He doesn't care.
03:24Come here.
03:30I don't understand.
03:31What do you want from us?
03:33Two words and I'm done.
03:35Now tell me,
03:36what university are you going to go to?
03:38Not when you pass and get a good grade.
03:40We want you to pass.
03:41Are you going to go to the American University?
03:43Why are you asking me, Moussaid?
03:44My daughter is the same age as me,
03:46and she just finished her exam,
03:47and she's waiting for the result.
03:48And we're confused.
03:49What university are you going to go to?
03:51And what do you think, Moussaid?
03:52Are you going to go to the same university
03:54that Aunt Berri goes to?
03:55God willing.
03:56And why not?
03:59these people are different.
04:00Their food, their health.
04:02They're different, Moussaid.
04:04What do you mean?
04:05They're different from anyone else.
04:08We're going to deal with them.
04:09Aunt Berri, when she goes to the university,
04:11she's going to act differently.
04:14Do you understand?
04:15I might not be able to deal with them.
04:17What can you deal with, Moussaid?
04:20God willing.
04:22God willing, you mean.
04:27Why didn't you go to work?
04:29I'm going to be late for work.
04:33I'm going to finish the mascafé
04:34and go straight down,
04:36just so you understand.
04:37That's not going to happen.
04:38Just so you understand, too.
04:41You're at home, my love.
04:43And you're sitting comfortably.
04:45But I want to tell you something.
04:48If you think it's best for you to come back,
04:51then come back.
04:54You know, Aunt Berri,
04:56I read that they've built a shelter
04:58for the women who have failed men.
05:00They have a place to live in,
05:02just like I do.
05:06And because there's no woman
05:08who can live with a man who doesn't love her.
05:14I have money.
05:15I have money to stay in any hotel.
05:19But if I lose the money,
05:20I don't know where I'm going to get it from.
05:24That's why I know I'm going back and forth.
05:27Every time I get a million,
05:29I'm going to get it back.
05:31Every time I get a million, I'm going to get it back.
05:36It's Karima.
05:42Yes, Kiko.
05:43Did you see her?
05:44Yes, I saw her.
05:46I saw the disaster she's in.
05:48It's not a disaster, it's not a disaster.
05:50At least she has a family to support.
05:52You didn't even get to do that.
05:54Where's her son?
05:56He's not with her, nor is she with him.
05:58And even if he was with her,
06:00he would've been killed or ruined
06:02because of what he was going through.
06:04You want me to get a family
06:06in the middle of this bad weather
06:08from a sick person?
06:10It's best for you to just sit around.
06:12I don't understand you anymore.
06:14You're really useless.
06:16You're useless.
06:20Tell me,
06:22how many requests did you get?
06:24We haven't gotten any since yesterday.
06:26How many emails and emails
06:28did you get from this room?
06:30That's a very good question.
06:34I want you to fill this out
06:36and give me the best 10 requests
06:38for each job.
06:40And I want you to focus on the job
06:42of the dorm manager.
06:45And you know,
06:47this woman will be the face of the university.
06:49That means that I need
06:51an educated,
06:55respectful person.
06:57I want her to have certificates
06:59to become a master's
07:01or a doctor
07:03from an outside university.
07:05And most importantly,
07:07a good reputation.
07:21Are you with us?
07:23Yes, I'm with you.
07:31I hope this happens as soon as possible.
07:33We don't have much time.
07:43That means that I need
07:45an educated,
07:49respectful person.
07:51This is a job
07:53that I'm very interested in.
07:55And you know,
07:57this woman will be the face of the university.
08:07Are you out of your mind?
08:09What's wrong with you, Mohsen?
08:11What's wrong with you?
08:13Didn't Mahmoud tell you that he's in charge
08:15until you come back?
08:17And not just Mahmoud,
08:19Alya and Sara as well.
08:21You know that they grew up together
08:23since the days of Jardin D'enfant.
08:25And they'll probably go to college together.
08:27So, we can count on her in the university
08:29and at home.
08:31Whose home, Nadia?
08:33I'm not leaving my daughter with Mahmoud
08:35after what happened in the country.
08:37You don't talk to me
08:39like you used to.
08:41Yes, we disagree on some things,
08:43but that doesn't mean that she's a bad woman.
08:45On the contrary, I respect her a lot.
08:47She's a great woman and I trust her with my daughter.
08:49Nadia, I'm not leaving my daughter
08:51and I won't let her be alone.
08:53Where will she be?
08:55In the room with Alya and Sara.
08:57May God keep them together.
08:59Honestly, I've never felt that
09:01she's alone or without siblings.
09:03She's a good woman.
09:05I'm leaving my daughter
09:07to her friends and relatives.
09:09I'm not leaving her.
09:11Don't say that, Nadia.
09:13I don't know when I'll be back.
09:15I'll be back in 10 days or two weeks.
09:17I don't know when I'll be back.
09:19I don't know.
09:21I don't know.
09:23I don't know.
09:25I don't know.
09:27I don't know.
09:29I don't know.
09:31I don't know.
09:33I don't know.
09:35I don't know.
09:37I don't know.
09:39I don't know.
09:41I don't know.
09:43I don't know.
09:45I don't know.
09:47I don't know.
09:49I don't know.
09:51I don't know.
09:53I don't know.
09:55I don't know.
09:57I don't know.
09:59I don't know.
10:01I'm taking you home.
10:05I'm taking you home.
10:09I'm leaving the house you're in,
10:11but I'm still here.
10:25Ayda, tell him I'm going to change my clothes and come down with him.
10:29Tell him I was with you for two days and I was shaking my nerves.
10:32Make amends with me, Ayda, and the Prophet, make amends with me.
10:47How are you, Ayda?
10:48Welcome, Khairi. How are you and how is Leila?
10:51She didn't come?
10:52No, she didn't.
10:53Why? Did she tell you she was coming?
10:56That's very strange. She didn't tell me.
10:59Would you like something to drink?
11:01No, thank you.
11:08That's enough, Ayda.
11:10You're hurting me.
11:12He's going to kill me and in the end, he's going to come back to me.
11:15I'm going to tell him where I was.
11:17Come on, Ayda. Come on, Ayda. Talk to him.
11:20Tell him I was with you and that you lied to me just so we wouldn't fight.
11:25Talk to him, please.
11:26I'm sorry. I won't help you again. I'll help you in another way, Khairi.
11:30And I'm not staying with you!
11:32I'm not staying with anyone.
11:33Okay, Diyaz. Stay.
11:35You're going to stay in a new place.
11:36A place where you'll work and grow.
11:39But give me one week, not more.
11:41I'm going to stay with you.
11:42You're going to stay here.
11:43You'll work on it and improve on it, but give me a week, not more.
11:47I don't understand anything.
11:48I won't tell you until it happens.
11:50And God willing, it will happen.
11:54Are you serious, Aida?
11:55You're going to find me a job?
11:57Like I said, just a week.
12:01Where will I stay this week?
12:03I'm not going to stay here.
12:05No, I swear.
12:06Yes, of course, because he won't leave until he finds me.
12:09And then he might hurt you, and I don't want to cause trouble for him.
12:13I'm going.
12:16Where are you going?
12:40If you see a mask, how do you make me wear it?
12:43As if I like it.
12:47I like that you're the only woman in the world right now.
12:52You're the only woman in the village.
12:54Yes, I swear.
12:57We have to get rid of the crime.
12:59Because we're women.
13:01You're a woman, so you're in the village.
13:03So you have to mend and bury me.
13:07You're pressing on me like a tent, and I can't breathe.
13:11Take it easy, Laila.
13:14I'm so tired.
13:15I'm so tired, Aida, and I feel like something is pressing on me.
13:19Do you want to go back?
13:21Laila, I'm not saying that to make you tell me to go back.
13:24I'm not going to be okay, God willing.
13:26God willing.
13:28I don't want to interrupt you.
13:30I know you have work to do, and you need to sleep.
13:33And you too, Laila, go to sleep.
13:35I sleep?
13:36Yes, Laila.
13:37I can't sleep right away.
13:39Sleep, Laila, and rest, my love.
13:42Okay, my love.
13:43Good night.
13:44Good night.
13:53Of course, you'll meet Minda a lot.
13:55But the most important thing is that you leave the CVs with the specifications that we asked for.
14:00No one, sir, cares about the written specifications.
14:03Everything is sent randomly.
14:04And I got this job specifically last night.
14:07And these are the best ten CVs I got.
14:10Good job.
14:12Let me see.
14:19There are good things, by the way.
14:22Good job.
14:23Good job.
14:26You see, Aida?
14:27You see the job?
14:29I want the same thing for the rest of the jobs.
14:33I want these CVs at my office tomorrow.
14:37Okay, tell me.
14:39What else do we have?
14:45Congratulations, Mona.
14:46Congratulations, Mona.
14:47You'll be the best student in the world.
14:48And you'll learn better than the rich and the millionaires.
14:50Another education, another level.
14:52But you didn't hear about it?
14:53Congratulations, Mona.
14:55Congratulations, Aida.
14:56Hold this.
14:57This is the most important thing for me.
14:59Congratulations, Mona.
15:00Congratulations, Aida.
15:01And we know what it is.
15:05She's a little girl, Patna.
15:10You're telling me things I can't understand.
15:12I don't understand it now.
15:14You want some tea?
15:27Can you understand me?
15:28Why would he choose me?
15:29Calm down.
15:30What do I mean?
15:31This is my job.
15:32What is my job?
15:33I also need to understand Aida.
15:35She's a teacher.
15:37She's qualified.
15:39She speaks languages.
15:40She's African-American.
15:41What's wrong with you, Aida?
15:43What's your problem?
15:44You speak languages.
15:47I'll say it again.
15:48Listen, Aida.
15:49I didn't graduate this year.
15:51I don't even have a year's salary.
15:53I don't even have a year's salary.
15:56You forgot.
15:57It doesn't matter.
15:59What doesn't matter?
16:01I'll give you my certificate.
16:02Are you going to give me a dress or a bag?
16:05Don't interrupt me.
16:06Leave me alone.
16:07I'm going to talk about the certificate.
16:12Are you going to lie to me?
16:13Are you going to lie to me, Aida?
16:14Are you going to lie to me?
16:15Are you going to lie to me?
16:16Be quiet.
16:18Shut up.
16:19Tell me.
16:21It's not about the certificate.
16:24What's left?
16:26What's the certificate?
16:34We decided that in the first year,
16:36our university will give a full scholarship
16:40to 10 students
16:42who are distinguished and excellent
16:45with limited income
16:47for free.
16:49I want to focus on this word again.
16:51I want to focus on this word again.
16:52For free.
16:5510 students?
16:56Are you happy?
16:57Do you think we're going to be 10?
17:01Why are you crying?
17:03I know this man.
17:04Who is he?
17:06He's on TV.
17:07I've been waiting for him for two days.
17:09He told me to shake his hand.
17:10He's my cousin's son.
17:11I work for him.
17:12I'm going to tell him to take you.
17:15Of course.
17:16You're going to hug him.
17:19What's wrong with you?
17:20Why are you talking to me like that?
17:21I'm sick of you hurting and hurting us.
17:23And I hope you didn't learn from me.
17:25I didn't learn from you.
17:27At least I don't have to humiliate the woman
17:29who took her life for us.
17:30You're right.
17:31I'm sorry.
17:34I'm going to assume that your plan worked.
17:37I'm going to...
17:38I'm going to be responsible for Dua.
17:41Aida, I raised Kareem well.
17:43I'm responsible for myself.
17:46No, no.
17:47I don't feel it.
17:48What's wrong with you?
17:49You don't feel it.
17:50You don't understand.
17:51What's wrong with you?
17:52I'm responsible for everything.
17:53All of this is because of you.
17:54And you're going to do this to me?
17:59She's going to jail.
18:00You want her to go to jail.
18:02I told her to go to jail.
18:03She's lost her mind.
18:04She's lost it.
18:05What if the government itself
18:06tells us to run away
18:07instead of holding on to you?
18:08Should we tell the government
18:09that we're not going to run away
18:10and that they're going to hold on to us?
18:13I'm sorry, Sheikh.
18:14Don't answer me.
18:15Shut up!
18:17There's no time.
18:18We've been talking for two days.
18:19We have to make a decision now.
18:21Our bags have to be ready by the door.
18:23Beria will come with us.
18:25She lost her future in Egypt
18:26and her life.
18:27It's a shame.
18:28Her future will be better with me.
18:31I'll go back to her again.
18:32We'll be able to get along.
18:35Ana will come down to see me
18:37and tell you
18:38that she's going to stay in the hotel.
18:40I don't want to hear anything.
18:43That's it.
18:44Don't travel.
18:46Don't travel.
18:47And stay in prison.
18:48But what are you going to do?
18:49You're hurting her
18:50and you're not helping her.
18:52I feel for you.
18:53I feel for you.
18:54I feel for her.
18:55I feel for all of you.
18:56But I don't know what to do.
19:03Look, Nadia.
19:04We don't want to talk anymore.
19:05We want to talk
19:06because we have a solution.
19:07But we can't talk
19:08because we're angry.
19:09Am I angry?
19:10On the contrary,
19:11I'm not angry at all.
19:12Especially when I'm with you,
19:13I'm not angry at all.
19:14I'm very calm
19:15more than you can imagine.
19:17Excuse me, ma'am.
19:18What do you want?
19:19I wanted to talk to you about something.
19:21What is it now?
19:22Am I alone
19:23or do I have a guest?
19:25I can't talk about anything.
19:26I don't want to talk to anyone
19:27about anything.
19:28I'm sorry.
19:29I'm sorry, Hatir.
19:30I'm sorry.
19:31No, calm down.
19:33Calm down.
19:34I think I can picture it, Nadia.
19:36God willing,
19:37I'll be responsible
19:38for how many girls like this.
19:39Explain it to me.
19:41Okay, that's it.
19:43I'm sorry.
19:44I'm assuming
19:45that you're not okay
19:46and we made a fool of ourselves
19:47and we got married
19:48and you're not angry at us.
19:50I'm angry
19:51at this job?
19:53How, Aida?
19:55I can't believe you.
19:56You ruined me.
19:57How much fear
19:58and despair do you have?
20:01it's up to you.
20:03It will work out
20:04or it will fail.
20:05It will fail, Aida.
20:06It will fail
20:08because I'm scared
20:09and terrified.
20:10I'm not convinced.
20:13I'm not convinced.
20:26Let's go, auntie.
20:36Auntie Said.
20:37Come here.
20:39Come, I'll drop you off
20:40on the first street.
20:53Thank you, auntie.
20:54Thank you so much.
20:55You're welcome.
21:02I know you don't want to travel
21:03and be alone.
21:08But I won't be alone here.
21:10Aliya, Sara,
21:13auntie Hanea
21:14and uncle Mahmoud
21:15will be with me.
21:17Mommy will be gone
21:18for a week or two
21:19and then come back.
21:23It doesn't mean
21:24that you won't be there
21:25and you won't be with me.
21:27It's up to you.
21:33And now
21:34I have internet
21:35and phones.
21:36We can watch each other live.
21:42The Poppy book.
21:49But we didn't need
21:50all the money
21:51you made for me.
21:54You can't even
21:55buy airplanes now.
22:00You know,
22:01I don't want you
22:02to be like this.
22:03It's okay, auntie.
22:04It's okay, auntie.
22:09God willing.
22:21Really, auntie?
22:35And if I knew his house,
22:36I would have gone to him.
22:40He's my husband.
22:41Your husband?
22:43Your husband.
22:51Look, auntie.
22:52Just give me your daughter's name
22:53on a piece of paper
22:54and leave the rest to God.
22:55Are you ready?
22:58Here you go.
23:00These two names,
23:02Mona Abdelsalam,
23:04and Fatma Hussein Abdelbaset.
23:06Fatma is our neighbor
23:07and my daughter from Kisra.
23:08She's very rich
23:09and she's the one
23:10who took us to this university.
23:12Okay, look, auntie.
23:13What I can promise you
23:14is that God willing,
23:15they will work hard
23:16and prepare for the acceptance exams
23:17and if they pass,
23:18they will be one of the ten
23:19who will enter the university.
23:20But with their efforts,
23:21I won't be able to get them
23:22to enter the university
23:23unless they pass
23:24the acceptance exams.
23:25Do you agree?
23:26I agree, sister.
23:27Do you agree?
23:28I agree, sister.
23:29God willing.
23:30And what about the watch?
23:31The watch?
23:32If it wasn't for the watch,
23:33God wouldn't have forced us.
23:34May God bless you.
23:35So we'll work hard
23:36and leave the rest to God.
23:37Yes, God willing.
23:38Thank you so much.
23:40You're welcome, Mousaid.
23:42Everyone has their own problems
23:43and concerns.
23:45Let us help you, Leila.
23:47But in my way.
23:49Do you remember
23:50when I came to look
23:51at what you were doing?
23:53You were doing erdo and argoz.
23:55And you would go
23:56and talk to me.
23:57And tell me things
23:58that I didn't say.
23:59And you would come
24:00and talk to me.
24:01And tell me things
24:02that he didn't say.
24:04All of this, Leila.
24:05You were lying to me.
24:07Not to fix
24:08my life and my home.
24:10It's true that what you did
24:11didn't fix anything.
24:13But your name changed.
24:16Leave me, Leila.
24:18I'm ready to succeed.
24:19I'm ready to fail.
24:22Leave me to do something
24:23if you love me.
24:27I'm ready, Aya.
24:30I just don't know
24:31how much pain I'm in
24:32when I have a friend like you.
24:42One is still in her pajamas
24:43and the other is wearing
24:44a mask over her hair.
24:45Are we going to let her out
24:46or not?
24:47Aliya didn't wear a mask
24:48over her hair.
24:49Aliya changed her hair color
24:50and she's supposed
24:51not to go out at all.
24:53Honestly, you two
24:54don't get along at all.
25:00Yes, sorry.
25:01Are you crazy
25:02or is there no one
25:03at the university except you?
25:04No one is talking to me.
25:05Leave me alone.
25:06I can't go out.
25:08What did you say?
25:09I said I'm sick of you.
25:10It's unbelievable.
25:11Girls go to school
25:12and girls go out.
25:13All the girls in the club
25:14are girls.
25:15What's wrong with that?
25:16I'm sick of it.
25:17So you want me to change
25:18your hair color
25:19so you can be
25:20the center of attention
25:21at the university.
25:22What's the problem?
25:24What's wrong with my hair?
25:27Lulu, can you come
25:28and get me?
25:32What's wrong?
25:33My father is traveling.
25:35What's the problem?
25:37What's the problem?
25:39They're calling me alone.
25:42I don't understand
25:43what the problem is.
25:45He's leaving.
25:46That's it.
25:47That's it.
25:48I can't do this
25:49to you every time
25:50I talk to you.
25:51I can't go out alone.
25:54Do you want to watch
25:55a movie or something?
26:01I'm going to tell you
26:02something rare.
26:04I have a feeling
26:05or you can call it
26:06a prediction
26:08that once this
26:09initiative comes out
26:12a lot of private universities
26:13will like to imitate us.
26:15Or at least
26:16follow our footsteps.
26:17Maybe with some adjustments
26:18or something.
26:20But in the end
26:21it will be good for society
26:22and instead of having
26:23only 10 families
26:24who benefit from this
26:28good will come to everyone.
26:30Of course.
26:31I'll tell you something.
26:33I expect from the media
26:35that you think
26:37that the idea
26:38will be our idea.
26:40Excuse me, Mahmoud Bir.
26:41I have a simple question.
26:43Some media
26:44exaggerate your decision
26:45and say that there is
26:46a kind of view
26:47and fame.
26:48I'm sorry
26:49to say this
26:50but they say
26:51that you love fame
26:52and fame.
26:54What do you think
26:55about this?
26:56I hear this
26:57a lot.
26:58A lot.
27:00But I want to tell you
27:02You yourself
27:03go down
27:04to any of
27:05the employees
27:06in the company
27:07and ask them
27:08behind my back
27:09without any introduction.
27:10They will tell you
27:11that I really
27:12didn't want to say
27:13anything about this
27:15I wanted to do it
27:17and we know
27:18what we are doing.
27:20But suddenly
27:21we found ourselves
27:22in a problem.
27:23Who are we
27:24going to present
27:25these ten places to?
28:01Thank you, Zahra.
28:14At least
28:15we should have
28:16held a competition
28:17and there is no competition
28:18without the media.
28:21This is Madam Aida.
28:22Madam Aida,
28:23thank you.
28:24Nader was asking me
28:25what I think
28:26about the many things
28:27that are happening
28:28on our initiative
28:29and that we
28:30did it as a show.
28:31It's okay, sir.
28:32It's okay.
28:33No, of course not.
28:34Mahmoud Bey?
28:35The truth is
28:36that Mahmoud Bey
28:37is far from
28:38the king of fame.
28:40We worked really hard
28:41to make this project
28:42come to light
28:43but of course
28:44the media
28:45and the media
28:46don't know
28:47what's going on.
28:48Look, Nader,
28:49I want to assure you
28:50that we are doing
28:51a good deed
28:52for God's sake.
28:53We want to benefit
28:54the society.
28:55We want people
28:56who are not able
28:57to go and get
28:58a decent education
28:59to have this opportunity.
29:00And honestly,
29:01when a project
29:02like this comes out
29:03and we find
29:04three or four groups
29:05who made
29:06the same decision
29:07as we did,
29:08as I told you,
29:09the good will
29:10be with everyone.
29:11May I
29:12ask you
29:13for some pictures?
29:14Of course,
29:15but I don't want
29:16to bother you.
29:17I don't like
29:18to take pictures
29:19while we're taking
29:20a break and stuff like that.
29:21If you like,
29:22you can stay with us
29:23and spend the whole day
29:24with us
29:25and welcome us
29:26and take pictures
29:27while she's working
29:28and take pictures
29:29of all of us
29:30while we're
29:31in the middle
29:32of our normal day.
29:34I'll go down
29:35and wait for her.
29:36Go ahead.
29:37Go ahead, sir.
29:38These are the CVs
29:39of the girls
29:40who applied for the job.
29:43don't do that, sir.
29:44That's weak.
29:45Go ahead, sir.
29:47Is there anything else?
29:49No, of course not.
29:50Go ahead.
30:03Your CV,
30:04Ms. Layla,
30:05is excellent.
30:07But I have a question
30:08that I want to ask you.
30:10With all the qualities
30:11that I've read
30:12about you
30:13and the things
30:14that you've done,
30:15why did you apply
30:16for a job like this?
30:20It's a joke from my husband
30:21and he wants a place
30:22to live in.
30:23Adam Layla?
30:27I'm sorry,
30:28but you know
30:29that this job
30:30needs time.
30:32And you'll be on call
30:3324 hours,
30:347 days a week.
30:36I mean,
30:37you work every day.
30:39Why did you do
30:40what you did?
30:44Because of many reasons.
30:47I've done this job
30:48a lot before,
30:50but not in Egypt,
30:55Where abroad?
31:01I used to work
31:02in a school there
31:03and I was in charge
31:04of students
31:05and I was also
31:06in charge
31:07of tourism.
31:09And I was in charge
31:10of big groups
31:12and I have a degree
31:13in psychology
31:15from you.
31:17I'll give it to you
31:19it's in your file.
31:24Okay, fine.
31:27You've honored us
31:28in the company,
31:29and God willing,
31:30we'll talk soon.
31:32God willing?
31:33Is that it?
31:35You can go.
31:38May I?
31:40Of course.
31:57Mrs. Leyla.
