Dog Can't Stop Spinning In The Shelter Until...

  • last month
This German Shepard couldn't stop spinning in the shelter and was about to be put down — until this woman made him go viral ❤️ Our producer Anita talked to his new mom about what finally calmed him down, and what a good boy he is!


00:00He was spinning relentlessly in his kennel.
00:05He was about to be euthanized because he had stopped eating.
00:13I just did a plea for help on my TikTok.
00:19A woman named Jessica commented on it and said,
00:21We want him.
00:23Okay, I am on my way to go pick up Romeo.
00:26I am so excited.
00:28Hi, bubba.
00:31Everything okay, sweetness?
00:33You a little scared?
00:35Baby, you're alright. I'm here, okay?
00:39Look who I have.
00:40The most handsome boy in the entire world.
00:43I had a handful of food and he ate it right out of my hands.
00:46He was starving.
00:48It was very surreal to see him coming out of the van.
00:59He was excited.
01:01He let me pet his belly.
01:03He was good for maybe the first 20 minutes.
01:10I let him outside and he started spinning uncontrollably.
01:17Romeo, it's okay.
01:20Romeo, it's okay.
01:25I got on the phone with the vet.
01:27Good boy, it's okay.
01:30I thought it was just a lot of stress that he had gone through in the hill shelter.
01:38See if you can distract him and get him to follow you or he'll run after you.
01:44We couldn't really distract him out of it.
01:47Just stay with him a little and maybe he'll stay.
01:54Let's kind of throw the ball and kind of see what he does.
02:05Yeah, he's so smart. He's having fun.
02:08We're like, oh, wow, okay.
02:10There is something that can help him distract him.
02:16Oh, he ain't going to give it back to you.
02:18That's his ball.
02:22We had to have something different to help him feel calm inside the house.
02:32Romeo, lay down.
02:35Romeo, lay down.
02:37So when he does start doing it inside, I just tell him, lay down.
02:47Oh, good boy, so smart.
02:50How do you feel about the decision of adopting him?
02:53Romeo is definitely a part of my family.
02:57He's actually amazing.
03:00He's so well trained at this point that it's not an issue anymore.
03:08I hope putting his story out there will save other dogs.
