Club Zero (2023) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

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Club Zero je međunarodno koproducentski triler mračne komedije, koji je režirala i producirala Jessica Hausner, prema scenariju Hausnera i Géraldine Bajard. U njemu glume Mia Wasikowska, Mathieu Demy, Elsa Zylberstein, Amir El-Masry i Sidse Babett Knudsen. Film je odabran da se takmiči za Zlatnu palmu na 76.
00:00The film starts in an elite private school, where we meet a teacher named Mrs. Novak.
00:05It turns out that the school recently engaged in a health competition among students.
00:10Her club currently has several members, and she asks them why they joined.
00:14A girl named Helen discovers that she wants to protect the environment and reduce global warming.
00:19Another girl, Ragna, states that she wants to reduce body fat and be fit for sport.
00:24Then there is Elsa, who wants to develop discipline, and Fred, who wants to stay healthy because he has diabetes.
00:29Finally, there is a student named Ben, who says that he is only there to get points for his scholarship.
00:34Mrs. Novak thanks them for joining the club and briefly explains the concept of conscious diet.
00:40It is about reducing the intake of food without feeling hungry.
00:43She explains that the human body needs less food than is usually believed and talks about the advantages of eating less.
00:49Mrs. Novak then teaches them breathing exercises that will help them appreciate ingredients and eat more consciously.
00:55The students practice this exercise and immediately feel a change in mood and appetite.
00:59After their session, Mrs. Novak meets with the principal, who warmly welcomes her to the school.
01:05Then she assigns her the task of improving the well-being of the children.
01:08Mrs. Novak, with full confidence, assures the principal that the children are in safe hands with her.
01:13The scene then moves to Ragna's house, where she eats with her parents.
01:16Her mother advises her to pay attention to her weight and avoids overeating.
01:21Hearing this, Ragna is offended, but her father quickly explains that her mother did not mean anything negative.
01:26Then he asks what she learned about conscious diet and Ragna demonstrates breathing exercises to her parents.
01:31Then we see Elsa how she eats with her parents.
01:34Her father is proud that she behaves like her mother and does not eat anything.
01:37But Elsa explains that she only practices the conscious diet she learned at school.
01:42In the meantime, we see her mother how she gives all her food to the dog.
01:45After a few snacks, Elsa runs to the toilet and returns what she just ate.
01:50Her mother interrupts her, but does not say anything and leaves.
01:53Somewhere else in the school, Fred eats lunch alone when Mrs. Novak comes to him.
01:57Then he takes him to his office, where there is a small altar.
02:00The two of them sit in front of the altar and practice mental exercises together to develop conscious eating habits.
02:06During the next club session, Fred talks about how he has been eating less lately,
02:11which resulted in a significant increase in his energy levels.
02:14He mentions that the change also allowed him to reduce the dose of insulin.
02:19Mrs. Novak is very pleased to hear this, and explains that during fasting, the body goes through a process called autophagy.
02:25During this process, the body uses its own cells for energy, which she describes as very useful.
02:31She emphasizes that autophagy can reduce fatigue, cure diseases and potentially prolong life for 10 to 20 years.
02:37The scene then shifts to Elsa, who is studying in the library.
02:41Mrs. Novak and the two of them go for a walk together.
02:44During the walk, the teacher compliments Elsa on her strong will and ability to control her body.
02:51Elsa admits that she would like to have no food in her body at all, but her nutrition forces her to eat.
02:56Mrs. Novak explains that society does not tolerate those who do not eat because it scares people.
03:01She elaborates that most people are not aware of their abilities and mistakenly believe that they must eat regularly to survive.
03:08In the second scene, Helen, Elsa and Ragna sit down to eat potato for lunch.
03:12Helen and Elsa eat just one piece, but Ragna cannot control herself and eats three pieces.
03:17She feels guilty after that and goes to the toilet to return the food.
03:21Her friend is angry because of the lack of self-control, and she apologizes.
03:25Later, Ragna goes to Mrs. Novak and expresses her guilt for overeating.
03:29The teacher assures her that she is normally full sometimes and gives her a plant tea to boost her appetite.
03:35In the next scene, Fred talks to the parents who live in another country.
03:39They miss him a lot and ask if he can come to visit.
03:42However, they quickly refuse and insist that he finish school first.
03:46Nervous, Fred interrupts the connection and goes to his dance practice, but can not concentrate.
03:51His dance teacher notices that something is wrong and asks what happened, but Fred does not answer.
03:56Instead, he goes to Mrs. Novak and talks about how it seems to him that his parents do not care for him.
04:02The teacher is sincerely sorry for the boy and believes that he is not alone.
04:06The next day, he meets with the principal who asks about his progress with the students.
04:10Mrs. Novak replies that everyone is making good progress except Ben, who seems disrespectful.
04:15The principal discovers that Ben is one of their smartest students and that he applied for a full scholarship.
04:20He also mentions that he only has food for his mother and that his father has long passed him.
04:24Mrs. Novak understands his situation, but refuses to give him points for the scholarship until he progresses.
04:30Later, the principal invites Ben to a conversation.
04:32He asks him to take his classes seriously, otherwise he risks losing his scholarship.
04:37Later, in class, Mrs. Novak asks Ben why he did not follow her advice to eat more consciously.
04:42He replies that he is afraid that he will not be able to concentrate on his studies.
04:46Mrs. Novak assures him that this is just a myth and that the truth is quite the opposite.
04:50Hearing this, Ben finally discovers that he does not want to disappoint his mother, who is working hard to cook something.
04:56Mrs. Novak then tells him that he should not live just to please others.
05:01He should also think more about himself than about meeting the expectations of his mother.
05:06Ben is surprised by her words and promises to change his eating habits from now on.
05:11In the next scene, Ben is at home, where his mother prepares a delicious snack for him.
05:15When he refuses to eat, she explains that he should not starve himself just because of the scholarship.
05:20His mother suggests that maybe he can go to another school instead.
05:24However, Ben says that he does not want to give up and believes that eating is less good for him.
05:28His mother is disappointed to hear this, but begs him not to force himself too much.
05:33The next day, Mrs. Novak praises Ragnu and Els for their progress.
05:37She also tells them about the World Association of People named Club Zero, who do not eat anything at all.
05:42She explains that this is a secret because the public is not ready to understand it.
05:45They asked if it was possible, and Mrs. Novak replies that she is also a member of Club Zero.
05:50The girls are delighted to hear this and want to know how they can join.
05:54In the evening hours, Fred and Mrs. Novak go to the opera and have a good time.
05:59Despite the differences over the years, it seems that they have begun to show sympathy for each other.
06:03The next day, at the second session, Mrs. Novak advises the group to stop eating and describes the alleged use of that for the mind and body.
06:11She also urges them to hold hands and sing a strange song.
06:14After that, the students completely stop eating and use various excuses to avoid food.
06:19When the parents find out about it, they become worried.
06:22One day, Ben's mother comes to school and expresses concern about how Mrs. Novak manipulates her son.
06:29However, the principal claims that the children only practice conscious eating and do not starve.
06:34He claims that Mrs. Novak is a responsible teacher who would never do anything to hurt her students.
06:40After their conversation, the principal visits the canteen to check on the students.
06:44Ben and his friends pretend to be happy in front of him and continue to play with food as if they were eating.
06:49The principal leaves, feeling relieved, unaware that the students are later throwing food in the trash.
06:54One morning, Ben tries to wake Fred up, only to find him unconscious.
06:58He immediately contacts the authorities and Fred is taken to the hospital.
07:01It turned out that he had stopped taking his insulin, which worsened his diabetes.
07:06His father also arrives and meets with the principal to talk about the well-being of his son.
07:11The principal claims that she had no idea that Fred was skipping insulin injections.
07:15The father understands that it is not his fault, but asks him to watch out for Fred, who has become extremely pale and weak.
07:21In the next scene, the dancing teacher tells the principal that he saw Mrs. Novak at a meeting with Fred.
07:26He says that if Fred's parents find out, it will be a big scandal.
07:30Later, the school holds a special meeting and everyone agrees that it is unacceptable for the teacher to meet with a student privately outside the school.
07:36He also talks about how the children seem to have developed disorders and fears of how Mrs. Novak has arrived.
07:43Then he makes a collective decision to kick her out of the school before the situation worsens.
07:48After that, the principal meets with Mrs. Novak and releases her from her position because of her involvement with the student.
07:54Mrs. Novak does not defend herself and simply goes mad.
07:57Then she goes to her altar and we address her as the All-Powerful Mother.
08:01Mrs. Novak accuses the All-Powerful Mother of leaving her in this way.
08:05She says she does not want to give up because she is very close to her goal.
08:09After that, Mrs. Novak meets with Fred and asks him if he still believes her.
08:13When he says yes, she suddenly kisses him.
08:16The scene then moves to Els's house, where she pretends to reduce her intake of food in order to avoid eating.
08:21Her mother also sees how Chris gives food to the dog.
08:25Seeing this, her father is very angry and forces Els to eat a piece of sausage.
08:30She reluctantly agrees, but quickly goes to the toilet to return.
08:33On the other hand, we see Ben and Ragna in their homes, both refusing to eat.
08:38The next morning, Els's parents bring breakfast, but she keeps talking about excessive consumption.
08:43She claims that the human body does not need food and that it can survive only with the strength of will.
08:47As her parents continue to insist, she finally eats some food.
08:51But suddenly she returns everything and eats again, to the horror of her parents.
08:55Later, the parents of these crazy children gather to talk about the situation.
09:00They decide to call Mrs. Novak because she is the only person who can convince the children to change their minds.
09:06Ben's mother is against it, knowing how manipulative that woman is.
09:10The others understand her concerns, but are also worried that their children will die if they do not start eating soon.
09:16After a while, the parents bring their children to Mrs. Novak's house.
09:20Only Fred, Ben, Ragna and Els arrived because Helen is on vacation in Switzerland.
09:24Everyone looks very weak and pale, but they start talking about how they feel good and strong.
09:29Mrs. Novak praises their actions and informs them that they are now ready to join the club Zero, where they will live an eternal life.
09:36She says they are free and will no longer be subject to social and parental pressure.
09:41In the evening, Fred visits Ben's house to celebrate Christmas with his family.
09:46Ben's mother cooks delicious food for them, which the two boys eat without spitting.
09:51On the other hand, Ragna and Els are also seen eating happily with their parents.
09:55The next morning, when the parents leave, they wake up their children, but they can't find them anywhere.
10:00The teenagers left a letter explaining that they are now in a better place.
10:04She also begs her parents not to look for them, because it will be in vain.
10:08Somewhere else, Mrs. Novak is seen leading a group to an open meadow.
10:12Then they form a circle and hold hands to perform a ritual.
10:16At the last scene, the parents gather at school for an emergency meeting.
10:20Helen also returned from vacation and joins the group.
10:23Concerned parents ask what happened at the time of the incident.
10:27They ask where Mrs. Novak took their children and whether they are still alive.
10:31But mad, Helen supports her teacher and informs her parents that they will be the ones who will disappear.
10:37The film ends as she looks directly into the camera and announces that they can be saved, but they must have faith.
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