"What we are seeing here is a coup d'état"

  • 2 months ago
Meeting of the Executive Vice President of Venezuela with the diplomatic corps accredited in the country. teleSUR


00:00And welcome back to Telus for English.
00:05We go now to Venezuela again to follow the process.
00:12This is an encounter with a diplomatic body that is currently taking place.
00:20We're listening to Delsi Rodriguez, vice president.
00:29Let's listen to what the vice president is saying.
00:37She's talking about the elections on July 28th.
00:43There's a lot to tell.
00:46There's a lot to clarify.
00:51We are seeing an electoral process where our candidate, re-elected president Nicolás
00:57Maduro, has carried out a campaign filled with joy.
01:08Even in conditions, let's recall that we're looking at images from Delsi Rodriguez, executive
01:29vice president of Venezuela.
01:30She is giving her account at this encounter with a diplomatic body.
01:39She's highlighting the need for offering powers to recognize the country's sovereignty after
01:47the election process of July 28th.
01:51There were 10 candidates.
01:5810 of them.
02:06And they wanted to give an account.
02:09They wanted to give an account on the situation left so far of all political powers in Venezuela.
02:27Some of the participants of the election presented themselves before the electoral power.
02:38And some of them also signed the agreement that had as name, Acknowledgement of the Results
02:48of the Election.
02:53The election of 2024.
02:58The vice president of Venezuela is now showing the account of the CNE.
03:07And he is highlighting that one of the presidential candidates did not sign the agreement to recognize,
03:17to acknowledge.
03:27He did not acknowledge the agreement.
03:29Participating in an electoral contest, it is logical that you have an agreement in front
03:39of the competent organ, in which in the case of Venezuela, it is one of the five powers
03:45contemplated, stipulated in the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic.
03:52The representative of the far right wing, Edmundo Gonzalez, he was there.
04:01He was absent on June 20th.
04:07Then on July 18th, just a month later, the campaign command of the far right representation
04:19on July 18th at 10 a.m. assured that they want to recognize the results of the electoral
04:28contest, but they are on tally sheets.
04:33This statement is fundamental to understand what is happening right now.
04:38From that time, they were planning not to recognize the results, the balloting of results
04:45that the electoral power would give.
04:51They would recognize just their own tally sheets, and in the Venezuelan right, never
05:01in life, it has been the source of proclamation of these kind of actions.
05:11They already said it on July 18th.
05:16We want to recognize the results of the electoral contest, but our own tally sheets.
05:26The tally sheets have another sense and another value, but they began with the history, the
05:34fraud they were preparing with the theme of the tally sheets.
05:41Then on July 26th, they appeared, the representative of the far right wing, and he created a website
05:53in which he posted the alleged results of the Venezuelan elections.
06:01On July 27th, they registered a website under a U.K. company registration, and so each step
06:16is demonstrating that they have never had the intention and the respect to the electoral
06:32So, on July 27th, they registered their website under the sponsorship of a U.K. company, and
06:43there they were going to post their results, their own results, not the results of the
06:53electoral council.
06:54So these are functions that are not of them.
07:03That's why President Nicolás Maduro has said that this is the version 2.0, that from the
07:14outside do things better, but they didn't do it very well.
07:22The orders received by Washington, because from there it was planned, this plan, they gave the
07:34orders again, again, they are lackeys, they are puppets, executioners, did it again, but
07:44very bad, in a bad manner, and that's what we are going to see.
07:50We are going to have an overview of what it was, of what the tie sheets were, but before I wanted
08:00to refer to some statements of Mr. Edmundo González Urrutia on the day of the election, I am
08:10going to cite, I open quotation, we will expect results, however, we have our own
08:19methodologies and mechanisms to know the advance of the electoral process.
08:27We will wait if they disclose it, if not, we will have the opportunity to do it, and why the
08:38National Electoral Council couldn't disclose that if it weren't for that cyber attack, that
08:45massive cyber attack that we received in the transmission, an unprecedented 30 million cyber
08:57attacks per minute, and so there are some who self-proclaimed the authors of these attacks, of
09:12the public powers of Venezuela, of the Bank of Venezuela, everybody attacked, they have been
09:19threatening authorities, popular leaders, threatened to death, and they with their fresh faces, they
09:28assume that we have, they said, we have attacked Venezuela, and the Ministry X is attacked, is
09:38being under attack, and that was the plan as it was denounced by President Nicolás Maduro, to stop
09:47the process of transmission for not having results, official results, and they polishing the
09:55fraudulent results and the violent riots on the streets, that's what we have been facing, but
10:02fortunately, the National Electoral Council could complete its totalization process and transmit,
10:11and have its totalization and proclaiming bulletin, despite we have been under attacks, under cyber
10:21attacks, because the roots of transmission, the routers of transmission, have been under attack,
10:27and if not, you can look for those accountables, that every day, they have been just boasting about
10:36attacking Venezuela, there you see, the day of elections, how can we see the images from all
10:46these cyber attacks without precedence, there you see the graph, 30 million attacks per minute,
10:57unprecedented attacks, but Mr. Elon Musk, not being happy with the coup that he wanted to lead
11:08in Venezuela, who failed, he said that he's going to promote the civil war in the UK, favoring the
11:18far-right messages in the United Kingdom against migrants who have been residing in that territory,
11:27is the dictatorship of social media, that intends to substitute the will of the people, the will of
11:33governments elected by their citizens, the only dictatorship is that of social media, the
11:42dictatorship of algorithms, the dictatorship of big concentrations of capital, of those tech
11:50technologies that are in front, to promote, to boost insurgencies, uprisings, coup d'etats,
11:58fascist attacks, the countries that we are being respectful about the international legality,
12:10we have to open a case of profound reflections of those big menaces that the humanity has
12:20been living. We have been under climate crisis and under these oligarchy powers that constitute,
12:29that causes massive violence, there we see how Israel has been using WhatsApp to kill massively
12:44leaders of Palestinians in Gaza, it has become a truthful instrument against the peoples,
12:56first occupying the space of mind, of awareness, altering the cognitive processes and disrupting
13:08the processes of feelings, of human feelings, generating discomfort, terror, promoting death
13:17and violence, that was recognized by the representatives of these social networks
13:24before the US Congress, that the algorithm favored death over love, hate over violence,
13:37and so I just, I announced something to reflect about, something to mull over,
13:50it is a global reflection because they not only wanted to apply this in Venezuela in a
13:59violent way, giving a blow on the public powers of Venezuela, and I just gave an overview of how
14:13the far-right candidate Edmundo Gonzalez said that he wants to recognize results and then he
14:21didn't present himself at the Supreme Court of Justice and on July 29th the far-right candidate
14:31who promoted violence and he is accountable of those deaths by violent acts as he called
14:43on those violent acts as well as his accomplice and he promotes in that website that they will
14:53find tally sheets with the results there, their own tally sheets. By the way, on the electoral map
15:03published, they mutilate, they eliminate the Ezequiebo that is of Venezuela because it is part
15:13of those agreements of the far-right to deliver our Ezequiebo territory which is not going to
15:20happen because of the Ezequiebo is of Venezuela and it is a national consensus to defend the
15:26Ezequiebo and of those electoral maps published by the far-right wing, all results as it was
15:34shown by the President of the National Assembly, they are plain percentages, the same percentages
15:45in all states, 63% in all states. In all states, plain results, even results and those are the
15:59results of them. These are not the results of the National Electoral Council and so this causes a
16:10kind of hysteria. There is an international hysteria about the tally sheets. They can just
16:23create a series in Netflix about the tally sheets in Venezuela. I apologize to the French ambassador
16:36because even the Olympics are stated by the tally sheets of Venezuela and the technological
16:47imperialism are against the public powers of Venezuela in which there are the following
16:55irregularities. Deceased people are voting. Among them, a beloved journalist who was murdered by
17:06the far-right, Ricardo Duran, he voted and it is a kind of mockery also, but among others,
17:16we are receiving the claims, the allegations of similar situations in which people say,
17:27my dad is dead and he appeared to be voting. My mom passed away years ago and she appears
17:39on their fake tally sheets at the website that they pretend to, they intend to substitute from
17:54the real tally sheets of the electoral power and they don't have data about witnesses,
18:03the members of electoral tables and those are all even figures. You will see worms and broken
18:15sheets and illegitimate tally sheets and there are lots of elements but here without the signature
18:24and without data of the operator, there you can see it without data and all these tally sheets
18:34without data, there you see it and they are underlining without data of witnesses. It is
18:47interesting because they are rendering accounts before the Supreme Court of Justice that they
19:03don't have witnesses but the witnesses are part of the real tally sheets, not the fraudulent and
19:13those forged or mutilated. There are tally sheets without the data of table members,
19:25without operators of machines, without witnesses of operating machines and that's the tally sheet
19:34of Zero Start. We have to make an effort to disclose it because the international media
19:46outlets are just disclosing and broadcasting these fraudulent tally sheets which are not
19:55from those real ones by the electoral council. We have invited all international media outlets
20:05if they want to publish the real truth about what's been happening in Venezuela. If these
20:15media outlets want to publish what's been occurring in Venezuela, then this clear signature,
20:22the even signatures, there you see the fake signatures. Please focus the camera on that,
20:41zoom the camera. These illegible tally sheets, how can we see the results if they are just cut?
20:56There we have the case of a passed away citizen. It was in the beginning of appearing the cases of
21:19passed away in that website that every day changes data and these irregularities appear
21:33and motivated that the Attorney General of the Republic opened a file about this website which
21:41intends to substitute the official mechanism of disclosing the results by the electoral council.
21:51Well, now you see that on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, the far-right candidate González Urrutia
22:04and his accomplice María Corina Machado called on violence in Venezuela, a vandalizing violence,
22:12a criminal violence. They paid off criminals as it happened in 2014, in 2017, for criminals to
22:24vandalize schools, health centers, public transportation at what they called peaceful
22:32protests. They burned down cars of anyone and they were on motorbikes with fears dispersed caused
22:46by drugs and that was determined by the blood and other tests. Those detained persons are confessing
23:01who they paid them. These people have some U.S. phone numbers. As they were receiving instructions,
23:11it seems that the United States wanted to take over the control of those criminals because the
23:23phone numbers are there from Colombia, from Peru, from the United States, and those confessions
23:31of those who have been detained, who destroyed monuments and statues seem very symbolic in our
23:40country. Before that situation and before this barbaric fraud, savage fraud, unprecedented fraud,
23:50and I said savage because of the math. Because if it is something accurate, it is math. That's
24:01why they said gods speak for mathematics. And President Nicolás Maduro made a decision of
24:11responsibility before the country and within the framework of our Constitution, the Constitution
24:19of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. And the President presented before the Supreme Court of
24:28Justice with a contentious appeal to clarify the electoral situation generated by this fraud,
24:39by this cyber attack, by this massive cyber attack. And he came to the Supreme Court of
24:46Justice to preserve the constitutional order to protect the public powers and safeguard peace and
24:54tranquility of the people of Venezuela. And I am going to read two articles, fundamental articles
25:02that sustained and substantiated the contentious appeal before the Supreme Court of Justice. Article
25:13297, the contentious electoral jurisdiction will be executed by the National Electoral
25:22Council. And it must be clarified, this situation must be clarified, and that these fraudulent
25:30tally sheets are not the mechanism, the official mechanism of the National Electoral Council,
25:37that the website of the Venezuelan far right, supported directly by Washington,
25:46is not an official mechanism to totalize and proclaim, which is in charge of the National
25:56Electoral Council, the public powers of our country, the Electoral Council, the judicial
26:04power. Because what we have seen beyond an electoral affair, it is a coup d'etat that has
26:14been curbed, that has been stopped with the wisdom of the Venezuelan people. And because
26:20of President Nicolás Maduro requested the Supreme Court of Justice within the framework of Article
26:29233, that says this constitution won't lose its validity if it were abrogated by any means
26:42different from it. And all citizens invested, as the case of President Nicolás Maduro, head of
26:50state and government, or citizens in office, will have the duty to collaborate in the
26:59establishment of its effective applicability. And so, to be clarified, that terrible fraud,
27:14that committed, that generates individual responsibility, personal responsibility,
27:23and that they must respond to our country, they must be brought to justice. And on August 2,
27:34the Supreme Court of Justice summoned the former presidential candidates about this
27:45investigation. And from those 10 candidates, 9 have been presented, and the far-right former
27:57candidate said he wouldn't recognize the results, and he just created a website to publish his own
28:11results. And he said that he would publish his own tally sheets. He didn't recognize the electoral
28:24power, and he didn't attend, he didn't appear before the Supreme Court of Justice, disregarding
28:35the public power of Venezuela. The representatives of the parties that supported the far-right
28:45candidate attended on Wednesday, and they said they didn't have to inform about any tally sheets.
28:56And therefore, you understand why I said it has been generating a kind of international hysteria,
29:06because these fake tally sheets, this fraud, they have been saying that there have been
29:20regulations, and the US government has been directing this coup d'etat in Venezuela. They
29:30plan it, they planned it, and they know what is happening at 4 p.m. and at 5 p.m., that's why
29:42the faces at the campaign command of the far-right candidates, those suffering faces,
29:50because all know about it. I'm not going to say further names to not compromise them.
29:59Authorities from other countries recognize that President Nicolás Maduro has won the
30:10elections, and from there, they activated from the United States, Leopoldo López,
30:18Lester Toledo were in Washington, and they intended to stop the process of transmission
30:27for not having results, and impose these fraudulent results published on the website,
30:35and sponsored by Amazon and other transnationals. And we have a preliminary meeting, and we warned
30:47there that this candidate, González Rutia, responsible of violence, that violence lived
30:58between July 29 and August 2, those passed away, those victims from that violence,
31:08he is the responsible alongside his accomplice. We warned that they wouldn't recognize the results,
31:16and they would provide their own results. Let's make this clear. And here too, we wanted that the
31:30international outlets be here, national outlets be here, and we said they wouldn't recognize those
31:39results, the results of the elections, and we warned you, warned your capitals that don't dare
31:49to repeat the outrageous event of Juan Guaido, to recognize, to proclaim someone who has not
32:01been a by-product of the will of the Venezuelan people. We warned that here. Ambassadors of all
32:08our continent, and officials of Africa, Asia, Middle East, that warning, we made that warning.
32:16And let's reflect about what has been meant by this aggression against Venezuela. The damages,
32:32the social damages caused to the Venezuelan people, the economic damages against the
32:41Venezuelan corpse in Venezuela, and all those damages that the countries have been living
32:48by-product of this process, of this irrational process, of wanting to disregard legitimate
33:00governments, and making up stories to expose the far right, to justify the far right to deliver
33:08our domestic resources. But mainly, the meaning of the historical identity of Venezuela, from its
33:21founding fathers, Simon Bolivar, Sucre, our heroes, our heroines, that have been
33:34leaving some legacy, some important legacy to humanity, in the construction of a model of
33:45welfare, of justice, with social equity, the legacy of Bolivar to the humanitarian right.
33:56And this has generated a lot of envy in hegemonic centers, and this is a continuation of the
34:07historical contest between the Bolivarism and Monroe's followers. And we said, the doors of
34:22Venezuela are open for the welfare, for cooperation, and Maduro's hands embrace those countries who
34:35want to cooperate, to be friends with Venezuela. And we stand by the dignity of Venezuela,
34:45the right for the future, and sovereignty. Thank you very much.
34:50We're listening to the vice president of Venezuela. This is an encounter with a diplomatic body
35:07that is happening right now, the Venezuelan president. And as we were saying, we were
35:13listening to the vice president of Delsi Rodriguez in a diplomatic meeting with the diplomatic body.
35:20She was mentioning that, of course, there were a lot of attacks that were targeting the process
35:27of the July 28th elections, and she did a run-through of the whole entire process,
35:33from the beginning of the process that began with the signing of the agreement to acknowledge
35:39the election process, to which the far-right opposition did not come to. She also did a
35:45run-down of the actions that followed through in the election day and afterwards. And also,
35:51she showed evidence of the inconsistency of the so-called evidence that the far-right
35:58tried to pass as tally sheets, but have failed to present before the Supreme Court.
36:04We'll come back with further information on the election process, and also on the
36:10Supreme Court investigation into the entire process on the upcoming news brief.
36:15Stay tuned with Telser English.
