Steph Curry's Magic Moment In Paris

  • last month
00:00I've had a very long time and to dig deep like we did with this group and get a win
00:05special so I'm kind of basking in that right now and
00:08Obviously know we got another another tough challenge France on the home court now back to the morning roasts of Bonte Hill and Joe
00:15Shasky take it away Bonte. All right, so so cool to see what you did yesterday scoring
00:2036 points. What do you have 17 in the first quarter?
00:23eight rebounds
00:24To assist 9 to 14 for the three-point line. He kept them in the game in the first half
00:29Stabilized and he played 33 minutes at all LeBron James played 32 minutes dropped a second triple-double team USA history
00:36He's got both of them 16 points 12 rebounds 10 assists Joel and bead boy boy. Oh boy be patient with big man
00:4319 points for rebounds he stepped up against joking yesterday stepped up big time against Nicola
00:48Jokic and play some damn good defense has some timely shots
00:52Kevin Durant nine big points off the bench really coming up in a crunch time some crazy shot making ability
00:58Devin Booker was solid on both ends. What a game for Team USA 95 91 Riley now scored Serbia by 17 in the fourth quarter
01:06And as soon as you see the game's over, it's Stefan LeBron hugging. It's Stefan Katie hugging LeBron
01:15It was great
01:17It was a moment that you know what?
01:19I was like forget the NBA for a second to say who's gonna play with who that's gonna play itself out
01:24But I was just thinking what where my mind went. Yeah, I know where your mind went
01:28But where my mind went was like this is incredible
01:30Look at these guys come together trying to win a gold medal for this country and you see LeBron James in a huddle
01:36Dropping the f-bomb after f-bomb Steph. That's right. Steph. That's right. Joel. That's what I'm talking about
01:41Let's go get the gold. I'm like man LeBron James. I fell back in love with him again
01:46I jumped off the LeBron James train in terms of in terms of appreciating his greatness
01:52I was too huge. I was a huge if anybody knows me out there
01:56Personally, you know, I was a huge LeBron James fan because of things like yesterday. I'm a sacrifice offensive game
02:02I'm a guard Jokic don't worry about Jokic should be we're gonna switch if we need to but I'm gonna go down here try to
02:08Play grown man basketball and him doing whatever he needed to take the win alongside my guy Steph bombing threes
02:14Busting his ass on both ends of the floor. I was like I
02:18I appreciate the greatness that these guys have given us for 10 15 20 years
02:23Kevin Durant is so incredible. I miss him so much
02:28Just so much his ability even with like multiple. Yeah at one point when oh my god at one point
02:35They had the second Union in with KD. It was late in that third quarter
02:38I was a disaster and I was like Steve
02:40What are we doing here?
02:41Like what can you can you space the floor a little better and get the great ones out there?
02:45Like this is a closeout game. We're about to lose
02:47KD was hitting shots with six eight arms in his eyes
02:51It was unreal and his mid-range is just so incredible. He I thought he was taking on the assignment defensively as well
02:58Whoever 22 is for Serba Serbia. Yeah, the point guard the big guy. He's a stud. Was it me?
03:04I don't know who is a yeah, I will take him in a heartbeat
03:08Did he have bogged down of his talkers back to Carmelo? I had a little scuffle into the second court
03:13I was like, oh this game is turnt up. Mmm. Pardon me cuz Serbia was rolling. They were rolling. They were spilling themselves
03:19They're on the court clapping and mellow starts talking his bogged down of his just a mellow three looks at him
03:24So mellow starts talking guys got to be separated. Let's see
03:27You know, you see LeBron James do the too small to somebody it hits the court
03:31I said all this game is
03:33Did you got to weigh weight on the microphone ready to put on in Jersey? I was unbelievable yesterday
03:40Youth games and I'm like you're all too small. Like what are we doing?
03:44On the too small Katie and Steph's chemistry is so good LeBron
03:49Obviously obviously can make half chemistry with anybody. He's running a point guard spot Booker knowing his role but mellow and bogged down of it
03:56I did not have that on my bingo card or Melissa
03:58of course
03:59I would have son and I love mellow in the fourth quarter if you just watched the fourth quarter look at the bottom of the
04:04Screen and mellows like clear it out. Like he's like coaching on the sideline. I love it
04:09But he's all about Team USA. That was his shining moment
04:12Well, I don't blame him for trying to coach from the sidelines because I don't know what the hell Steve Kerr was doing
04:17And and let's just put it the rat on the table
04:19Presented by Akko pest control. Isn't that how it goes? Yeah. All right guru. I'm doing this on our show
04:25The world now sees some of the frustration that warrior fans see it look we love Steve
04:30He's amazing. One of his shortcomings. Oh again. I don't expect you to be flawless as a coach
04:35In game feel for lineups his insistence on going with certain lineups
04:41There was a BAM on a bio lineup at one point where BAM is like the corner three shoe
04:47What are we doing? It was not what are we doing? My tripping like what are we doing Steve?
04:53Steve sit down. I need tyloo and spolster to step up like that's what I was thinking in my mind and I love Steve
04:58I love Steve like as a communicator, you know in the locker room in between games
05:03Talking with the media and the press in terms of in-game feel I was like, oh my god
05:08This is going to be his USA coach game
05:127 2016 moment if he does not put the line up back in that everyone knows he's back in LeBron
05:18Steph KD Joel Embiid and Booker. Well, Joe Draymond Green had a tweet yesterday
05:24Draymond Green had a tweet yesterday and actually
05:29I wasn't paying attention, but I just see this tweet
05:32Sometimes you just have to scrap them rotations and I thought about that in the third quarter is like look
05:37It didn't he ever didn't have it yesterday. He was lost the moment may have been too big for him
05:40He was lost in the sauce Derek white not his best showing he commits to foul
05:45Have a four-point play at the end of third quarter and they're down 15 17, whatever it was Anthony Davis
05:51He was okay, but he does have a yoke. It's problem. Yoke. It's give some issues
05:54We see that with the Lakers and the Nuggets
05:57But Anthony Davis has issues without so you couldn't go there bam out of bio didn't have it as well
06:03So was I was thinking Steph KD LeBron Joel Embiid and you can rotate that
06:08Spot sure if you want to play drew Holliday a little bit for Booker fine
06:12Booker has had it. I think he's had an excellent Olympic game. I love I've come around and I love what Booker's done
06:18I was texting with our guy Nash yesterday was like you see book and you know
06:21That's all about his hoops, but book doing this because he's gonna lead to charge in
06:262028 with Team USA. I did have a problem with like you couldn't find minister Jason Tatum like honestly
06:32He's a three-time first team all NBA player. He's the cover of NBA 2k
06:3725 he said he's an NBA champion. He has a richest contract in basketball and he could play the floor for you. He's strong
06:43He's not as he's not a sip defensively
06:45He could get out there be physical and defend you can't find a couple minutes for Jason Tatum in a game like that
06:51So look Steve Kerr's a great coach, but the rotations is just kind of this is Team USA
06:58Conversations we had the last three years about the Warriors. This is crazy. It is crazy. So but B
07:04This is the problem like and I'm being 100% real
07:08Sometimes the game is slowly passing you by and you're refusing to evolve in real time
07:15And it's tough. Yes, you're you're one of the most iconic
07:19Head coaches like look at the history of the game
07:21Look who's got the amount of championships that he has like his resume is cemented
07:25But who you are now and moving forward you do have to adjust
07:30Like when I think of Belichick the constant thirst for adaptation
07:35Yeah is what kept him even at 73 74 years old, you know at the top of his game
07:41Andy Reid is a great example, right Andy Reid's the same age as Belichick
07:45He's evolved because he's hired guys. It's like at one point in Kansas City had Brad Childress believe it or not Brad Childress
07:51He used to custom Minnesota Vikings one of his longtime assistants. He gave him a job as spread game
07:57Analysts where he would analyze spread game
08:00So I see what he NFL's going spacing for why it's a lot of motions jet sweeps jet passes
08:06Let's get that involved into our game. So a degree has evolved tremendously
08:12And where I'm going with this is that he just feels a little stagnant like any and I feel like his feel for the lineups
08:18in game for
08:20Understanding what's what combinations are working like he's so helping on sticking to the pregame script and I get that I understand
08:26Want to plot everything out. No, you got to have a feel for the moment. It's a feel for the game
08:30You know what? He did give him credit though because in a fourth quarter
08:33He sat on the bench and didn't sub it said LeBron Curry or maybe was that they said for doing?
08:40obvious thing
08:41Well, you get credit cuz you can mess with that as a coach
08:43You can go out there say you know what these guys need to blow the LeBron
08:47Yeah, there's enough in bead Booker and Katie basically played the entire fourth quarter to bring home a gold medal matchup against France
08:55Which should be fascinating gets victory win by Yama in their home country that place is gonna be insane
09:01Saturday at 1230 what a game what a game art. Well, we'll take Robinson Bruno the other side
09:06We got a break real quick. We got a break
09:08And that's coming up brought to you by
