FutureSpank 1-2 Audiobook

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00:00Future Spank by Millard Note. Future Spank was a series of short,
00:05fictional sci-fi stories published in Alvaro's Archive of Spanking Stories.
00:10I have collected Part 1 and 2 here. Part 1
00:14In the year 2004, Congress, in frustration with the explosion of violent behavior on the part of
00:22children, passed the Disciplinary Entitlement Act. In short, it gave the states the right to
00:28allow corporal punishment of any child up to the age of 18 without fear of lawsuits.
00:34Most states passed this power down to local governments and school districts.
00:40By the year 2010, General Electric had designed and sold 35,000 Discipline 2000 machines. These
00:49machines were automated spankers. At first, only city governments had them. Then school
00:56districts started ordering them. It was quite a financial boost for G.
01:01The workings of the machine were both ingenious and quite efficient.
01:05All children were issued Social Security cards with a magnetic strip on them.
01:11A child who was to be disciplined swiped the card through a slot, similar to an ATM machine.
01:17The child then entered a number, from 1 to 5, entered the machine,
01:23and followed the verbal instructions given by the machine.
01:26Once inside, the machine instructed the child to remove all clothing below the waist,
01:32except for shoes and socks. The child then was instructed to step onto the yellow footprints
01:39in the floor. They were told to put their arms out straight in front of themselves.
01:43The machine then weighed and measured them. The child was then instructed to grab a hold
01:50of the yellow rings above their head. The rings then gently locked over their wrists,
01:55as similar rings in the floor locked over their ankles.
01:59They were then stretched and gently bent forward over a padded metal horse,
02:04which adjusted them forward until their bottom was at the perfect position for discipline.
02:09A child would be awarded a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 by the parent, teacher, court official,
02:18or police officer, who had determined they needed to be punished.
02:21A 1 consisted of a number of swats equal to their age.
02:262 was twice their age, etc., until 5 times their age was reached at 5.
02:33The machine could use any of three instruments, either a Lexan clear paddle,
02:39which was 18 inches by 3 inches at its working end, and contained 13 quarter-inch holes,
02:46a black heavy rubber toss, which was 24 inches long by 2 1⁄2 inches wide,
02:51and whose last 10 inches were made up of two fingers, or a Lexan cane,
02:56which was 3⁄8 of an inch thick by 32 inches long.
03:00The choice of instrument was entirely done at random by the machine.
03:05Each instrument had its merits, but generally children preferred them in the order given,
03:12i.e., paddle, strap, cane. The child did not know what instrument the
03:19machine had chosen until they were positioned for punishment.
03:22For the paddle, they were bent over at a 90-degree angle.
03:26For the strap, they were laid out flat, and for the cane, they were bent over at a 45-degree angle,
03:34and then the machine moved their legs forward into a sort of jackknife position.
03:39Just prior to the punishment beginning, a large monitor lit up in front of the child,
03:44showing a close-up of their bottom, with the number of strokes highlighted in the
03:49upper left-hand corner. As each stroke was given, the number would drop by one.
03:55This tape was available for parents, or anyone who had ordered the punishment.
04:00The room was entirely soundproof. Larger cities had set up buildings
04:05with up to ten machines in each one. Other than a maintenance person,
04:10who was there for an emergency and to clean up any spills,
04:13the machines ran themselves and were quite cost-efficient.
04:17Stay tuned for more Future Spank articles. Future Spank 2.
04:23Brian was normally a happy-go-lucky type of kid. He seemed somewhat older than his eleven years.
04:29He was a fifth grader at Fillmore Elementary School and was in Miss Simpson's class.
04:36Today, as he walked home from school, he held in his hand a slip from Miss Simpson.
04:41It was a discipline slip, with the number, 3, circled.
04:46Brian was not a troublemaker in the class, and although this was only the first semester,
04:53he had not only avoided a punishment slip this year, he had avoided one throughout his school
04:58years. Oh, sure, Mom and Dad would
05:02occasionally turn him over their knees for a much-deserved bottom warming,
05:06and Dad did say that the next time he was going to use a paddle that he had made and hung on a
05:12hook in the basement. But Brian knew that he could talk his way out of just about anything at home,
05:17just as he had been able to at school up to now. He was a blonde, blue-eyed boy,
05:24and he could tell by looking in the mirror that he would someday be quite a looker.
05:29At least that is what his mom always said. Brian's downfall today with Miss Simpson was
05:36both his failure to do his homework and his setting a tack on Mary Jackson's seat.
05:40Oh, sure, he said that he was going to pick it up before she sat down,
05:45but he was distracted, at least until she screamed.
05:49Boy, was Miss Simpson mad. She called him to the front of the room
05:54and wrote out his punishment slip right there in front of the other kids.
05:59After class, four of the boys who had already been to the punishment machine all told him how
06:05terrible it was going to be. He knew a lot of that was just to make him scared,
06:10but as he held the slip of paper in his hand he had to admit that he was scared.
06:16He had seen Billy Jacob's butt in the gym shower after he had been sent to the machine.
06:21Billy was a sixth-grader and got six stripes from the cane on his bottom. It was quite a sight.
06:28There were six arrow-straight lines from the top of his butt to the bottom creases
06:34where his thighs started. The marks were a faded red and blue when Brian saw them.
06:40Billy wouldn't talk about it, but you had to believe it really hurt.
06:45Brian had to figure out if he was going to tell his folks.
06:49He knew if he did, he would probably be hauled over his mom's lap and given a good spanking
06:56on his bare butt. He couldn't figure out if he should go home, take his licking,
07:01and go to the machine, or go to the machine first and hope his folks did not find out.
07:06Of course, if he did hide it from them and they later found out, he was sure he would be paddled.
07:14The slip gave him until 6 p.m. to report for discipline. Any later and extra strokes would
07:20be awarded. Brian had to walk by the Discipline Machine building on his way home, so he thought
07:26he might just as well get it over with. His hands were shaking as he pulled the door open.
07:32He was greeted by a room that was almost antiseptic in its cleanliness.
07:37There were plastic chairs along the walls, and soft music played.
07:42A large sign told him to swipe his card, enter the appropriate number, and then take a seat.
07:49He would be called by the last four digits of his Social Security number.
07:54With trembling fingers, he slid the card through, entered his three, and sat down.
08:00For the first time, he noticed that he was not alone.
08:06Sitting quietly in the corner of the room was a small boy who was gently sobbing and had streaks
08:12of tears and snot running down his face. Brian made eye contact and asked the boy
08:18how bad it had been. He was surprised to find that the boy had not even been in yet.
08:24Just then the inner door opened and a girl of about Brian's age emerged.
08:30She was sobbing and wailing and crying into what appeared to be a pair of cotton panties
08:36that she was holding in her hand. Brian looked closer and could not be sure.
08:41The instructions on the backside of the machine instructed you to retrieve a printed slip showing
08:47that your punishment was completed. This was to be returned to the person
08:51who ordered your punishment. As the girl reached for the slip,
08:55it fell from her shaking hands. She bent over to get it,
09:00and Brian caught a glimpse of her butt. It was bright red from the top to the bottom.
09:06Even her little vagina, which peeked through, was red.
09:10Brian heard an audible gasp from the little boy in the corner.
09:14The girl just picked up the paper and walked out the door, still crying in her panties.
09:20Then a metallic voice ordered 6-9-8-5 to report to the machine.
09:26The little boy started crying even louder, but bravely stood up and disappeared into the doorway.
09:33Just then the voice ordered 7-1-7-1 to report to Machine 2.
09:39Brian did not even know there were two machines. Trembling, he stood up and walked to the door,
09:46which opened with a hiss. He was just in time to see the door on Machine 1 closing.
09:52Inside, he saw the little boy, now naked from the waist down, slowly turn and walk toward the
10:00machine. The door to Machine 2 opened, and Brian entered.
10:04He was told by a voice to remove all clothing below his waist, except for his shoes and socks.
10:11He was told that he would have a maximum of three minutes to do this.
10:15Any delay would result in one additional punishment stroke per minute wasted.
10:21Brian quickly pulled his shorts down and over his tennis shoes.
10:26Then, with an audible sigh, he pulled his jockey shorts down and off.
10:31He set them on a small table and turned toward the machine.
10:36He was instructed to approach the machine and put his feet on the yellow footpads.
10:43He was then told to stretch his hands out in front of him.
10:46He noticed a series of red laser lights run over his body, and his body weight,
10:52height, and width flashed across a large monitor in front of him.
10:56He was then instructed to reach over his head and grab the wrist straps that were there.
11:01Brian was having second thoughts about now and was considering leaving.
11:06He stepped off the footprints and ran for the door.
11:10It was locked tight.
11:12Just then, the voice of the machine told him to immediately return to the machine,
11:17step on the footprints, and grab the wrist straps.
11:21It said that he would receive an extra punishment stroke for every second he wasted.
11:26Shivering, he slowly approached the machine, only to notice a large clock on the monitor,
11:33which now showed the number, four.
11:35Oh my gosh, he thought, as he raced for the machine.
11:41He stepped on the footpads and quickly grabbed the straps, just as six showed on the screen.
11:48He felt the machine tightening straps around his wrists and ankles.
11:53Then, with a soft hiss, he was stretched tight.
11:56The monitor then lit up with a close-up of his butt,
12:00as the machine lowered his body flat onto a padded metal table.
12:04He could still see the monitor and saw the number, thirty-three, showing on the screen.
12:10Oh, he thought, that's the number of strokes this thing is going to give me.
12:15He also figured out that if he was laying down, he would be strapped.
12:19He felt sweat dropping off his forehead and felt a rivulet of sweat as it made its way
12:25down the inside of his right butt cheek into his crack.
12:28Brian heard a noise and, looking over his shoulder, saw a sort of metal arm rising up,
12:34holding the biggest, meanest black rubber strap that he had ever seen.
12:38Just as quickly it reared back and smashed down on his unprepared butt.
12:44At first he felt nothing.
12:46Then the pain of the stroke welled up inside his butt.
12:51He choked on some saliva as he snapped his head forward.
12:56He saw the monitor number change to thirty-two and then felt the next stroke.
13:02He screamed out and tightened his butt cheeks together as the next stroke fell.
13:08He looked at the monitor through tear-streaked eyes and saw his butt.
13:13It was red on the top, and suddenly it was covered, as yet another stroke hit.
13:19As the strap lifted he could see a white streak where it had just landed.
13:25It seemed to be marching down his butt, from top to bottom.
13:28Brian had never, ever felt such pain.
13:33Even as his body jerked with the next swat, he knew that he would never, never come here again.
13:40He also knew that he couldn't tell his parents, as he could not possibly take another beating.
13:47The strap worked its way to the bottom of his butt, right where the creases of his butt ended
13:53and his thighs began. He saw that the monitor showed twenty-two.
13:58Just then the arm moved up, and he felt the table move.
14:03He was going to be released, thank God! But rather than release him, it moved his legs apart.
14:10Brian could watch on the monitor as testicles swung down from the tabletop.
14:16He could even see the tip of his penis. It sure looked funny from this angle.
14:21Then he noticed that the insides of his butt crack were white, in contrast to the rest of his butt.
14:28As the table slowly spread, he was even able to see his little butthole come into view.
14:34Just then the strap landed again. The repositioning had enabled it to hit right
14:40inside his butt crack. He screamed in agony as the strap hit home,
14:45and began its journey down his left cheek and into his crack.
14:49Nothing he could do would ease the pain. He couldn't clench his cheeks. He couldn't buck.
14:55He could do nothing but lay there and watch the numbers drop on the monitor.
15:00Then it hit him. The thing was going to hit right on his butthole.
15:05Sure enough, in anguished fascination, he watched it approach, and then go into his hole.
15:12Oh, the pain! But it didn't stop there.
15:16It proceeded below his hole, right to the edge of his testicles.
15:21He was in a total panic about his balls, but the strap stopped just shy of hitting them.
15:27He looked at the monitor as the machine seemed to move to his right side.
15:31His butt was now entirely red, even inside his crack.
15:36The skin on his left cheek was a mottled blue-pink, and he thought he might just have a
15:42bruise there as the machine suddenly smacked his right cheek and crack.
15:46Another eleven strokes for the right side.
15:49By the time he saw the last stroke disappear on the screen, he was in a total state of panic.
15:55He knew in his mind that he had survived the machine.
15:59Even though his butt hurt like a thousand bees had stung him,
16:04he knew that he had won. It was over.
16:07He felt the table move. The padded center section suddenly
16:12pushed out just above his penis and shoved his bottom out.
16:16His legs were again brought back together, and then he was swung upright.
16:21His legs kept on moving, and he was in a ninety-degree angle.
16:26Then he saw the number, six, on the screen. He had forgotten about the extra strokes.
16:32But why was he placed like this? An answer to his question came in a high-pitched
16:40noise as a clear Lexan cane bit into his butt cheeks.
16:43His cheeks were relaxed in this position, and the cane really bit in.
16:48Brain screamed and begged, but the machine simply marched the strokes down his butt.
16:55Finally, it was over.
16:57The monitor showed his butt to be bright red, with some discoloration on the left and six dark red
17:05railroad tracks from top to bottom. He was released and stiffly walked to his
17:10shorts and jockeys. Tears and snot ran freely down his face onto his chest.
17:16He slowly put the shorts on, wiped his face with his jockeys, and carried them out,
17:23just like the little girl had done with her panties.
17:26He was careful to catch his completed punishment slip as he walked outside.
17:31He saw the little boy standing by the door, crying his eyes out,
17:36with his hands down inside his jeans rubbing his little butt,
17:40which showed in the light to be as bright red as Brian's.
17:43Slowly, he walked home, hoping he could keep his terrible secret.
17:49The End
