Mission of Justice 1992

  • last month
00:00:30You have the right to remain silent.
00:00:32You ain't taking me in, cop!
00:00:35Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
00:00:48You have a right to an attorney present during questioning.
00:00:51Stinky cop!
00:00:54If you do not afford an attorney, what will be provided for you?
00:00:56You know who I am, huh?
00:01:00Do you understand the rights that I've just given you?
00:01:07Maria's having second thoughts.
00:01:11Maria, you can't go soft on me.
00:01:13Do you want him to hit you again?
00:01:17You have to press charges.
00:01:19It's the only way he'll ever stop.
00:01:34Trick or treat, asshole!
00:01:36Gonna be late for dinner tonight, huh?
00:01:38Move your ass!
00:01:40For Christ's sake!
00:01:42It's the second time this month!
00:01:43Open up the cash register!
00:01:45Come on, it's your new routine!
00:01:48It's all clear back here!
00:01:51It's the second time this month!
00:01:52Let's get out of here!
00:01:53You're out, man!
00:01:54Move it, Bob!
00:01:55You know who you're dealing with?
00:01:56No, because if you knew who you were dealing with, I wouldn't be back here, would I?
00:02:01I'll get her!
00:02:03I'll get her!
00:02:04The fucking who, huh?
00:02:05Give it a rest, David.
00:02:11Kurt, 211 at the liquor store.
00:02:13Bob! Bob! Bob!
00:02:15Dispatch, this is unit 22. We have a 211 in progress.
00:02:23There's got to be at least two.
00:02:31Give me a minute.
00:02:52Hey, man.
00:03:03Keep your ass to the front door, goddammit!
00:03:07Stupid old man.
00:03:09Spider, you half-wit, that's enough with the damn candy.
00:03:13What the hell is this?
00:03:16Listen, I'm running a little late. Mind if I get on with it?
00:03:18Don't worry. You're done.
00:03:38Nobody move!
00:03:43Come on! Run!
00:04:11I'll get the runner!
00:04:13You got away with all my money, you son of a bitch!
00:04:47Goddamn peacemaker!
00:04:54Hey, get back off!
00:04:56Who are you, huh?
00:04:57I'm a cop.
00:04:58Who the hell are you?
00:04:59Peacemaker. From the mission.
00:05:05Get in there!
00:05:06Come on!
00:05:08Come on!
00:05:09Put your hands behind your head!
00:05:11Hey, everyone.
00:05:13Peacemaker got him. You see that?
00:05:19Wreck it out, you kid!
00:05:44With just four weeks to go until the election,
00:05:46it appears that Dr. Larkin has scored yet another point with the voters.
00:05:50Behind her are the peacemakers from the mission of justice,
00:05:53who have prevented yet another crime in our troubled city.
00:05:56This latest incident at a local liquor store.
00:05:59And here is the woman responsible for it all,
00:06:01Dr. Rachel K. Larkin.
00:06:03Thank you very much.
00:06:04But the credit should go to the man who foiled the robbery.
00:06:07Let me introduce you to Jimmy Parker.
00:06:11Two years ago, he was a gang member.
00:06:13Today, he's one of our most promising peacemakers.
00:06:16Yesterday's troubled youth has become today's hero.
00:06:19And what do you attribute your success to, doctor?
00:06:22The mission of justice teaches self-awareness and inner strength
00:06:25through positive motivation and discipline.
00:06:27Elect me, and the streets of Eastgate will be clean in a month.
00:06:30Thank you very much.
00:06:31Thank you.
00:06:37Here comes trouble.
00:06:39Where is Harris?
00:06:40At his lock, Sarge.
00:06:46Congratulations, Harris.
00:06:48What's the problem, Sarge?
00:06:49You. Mr. Marshall R., you and your fancy techniques.
00:06:52You let a peacemaker save your ass last night,
00:06:54now it's all over the news.
00:06:56Why don't you give it a rest?
00:06:57If you can't do the job yourself, what in the hell are you doing here?
00:06:59That's a good question, Sarge.
00:07:00And to top it off, you pinched my best snitch.
00:07:03What? Damon.
00:07:04You're lucky I was able to get him released before they moved him downtown.
00:07:07You what?
00:07:09Hey, hey, hey!
00:07:11Harris, get your ass back here or I'm not through with you!
00:07:22Should cut back on the coffee first.
00:07:24Duncan, let him go.
00:07:39You thought you could put me away, huh?
00:07:41I owe you a goddamn slut!
00:08:10Stop, you bitch!
00:08:11Shut up!
00:08:36What the hell do you think you're doing?
00:08:41You just bought yourself too much suspension, mister.
00:08:46Easy, Kurt.
00:08:48You crazy son of a bitch.
00:08:49You're out of here.
00:08:51I'm already gone.
00:08:56I'm already gone.
00:08:57I'm already gone.
00:08:58I'm already gone.
00:08:59I'm already gone.
00:09:01You should have checked with the sergeant.
00:09:03What for?
00:09:05Your snitch just killed his girlfriend.
00:09:17Hey, Steel, you taking a tour or what?
00:09:21You can't quit because of the sergeant.
00:09:23Not just Duncan, it's everything.
00:09:25The lawyers, the judges, the whole fucking system.
00:09:28We're supposed to stop the bad guys, not process them.
00:09:31Now we've been hated by the same people we're supposed to protect.
00:09:34It's everything, Lynn.
00:09:36I've had it.
00:09:37Kurt, you're a good cop.
00:09:39Can't do his fucking job.
00:09:43Kurt, wait!
00:09:49Steel, looks like you're gonna need a new partner.
00:09:54All right, get up, Craig.
00:09:56Keep your hands up and your chin down.
00:09:58We missed you at the mission, Cedric.
00:10:00And you weren't at Dr. Larkin's press conference.
00:10:02I had other business.
00:10:03But the doctor needs your support.
00:10:05How many times have I got to tell you, Peter?
00:10:07I am through with that damn mission.
00:10:09But I don't understand, Cedric.
00:10:10The doctor has printed up new campaign posters.
00:10:12Give me that.
00:10:16I don't understand.
00:10:17I don't understand.
00:10:18I don't understand.
00:10:19I don't understand.
00:10:25You tell the doctor that if she uses my name again, she's gonna regret it.
00:10:30Now get out of here.
00:10:49Come on.
00:11:05Hey, Cedric.
00:11:08Still got that lethal right hook, I see.
00:11:11Overhand right.
00:11:13How you hanging, Curtis?
00:11:14Letting your friend over there.
00:11:15Just working off some steam.
00:11:17Hey, what brings you down to the neighborhood?
00:11:20Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:11:23But you came to the right place.
00:11:42You gonna tell me what's wrong?
00:11:45I quit the force.
00:11:53Warn me before you drop the next bomb.
00:12:01Blew it, right?
00:12:02I knew what I was doing.
00:12:03What are you gonna do now?
00:12:04I don't know.
00:12:05I think I saw my money.
00:12:07How's your money?
00:12:10Don't be shy.
00:12:11I hit the exacto last night.
00:12:12Don't worry about it.
00:12:15Come on.
00:12:16Come on.
00:12:26These kids all think that boxing is old hat.
00:12:29They all want to learn karate.
00:12:31You come in, you teach them.
00:12:33You help me, you help yourself, and you help the kids.
00:12:36It's good for everybody.
00:12:41Let me think about it.
00:12:43So how are you feeling now?
00:12:44Oh, I feel a lot better.
00:12:46So you gonna tell me what you got against this heavy bag?
00:12:48Oh, it's that damn mission.
00:12:50I thought you were a big supporter.
00:12:52I was.
00:12:53They do a lot of good in the neighborhood.
00:12:54So what happened?
00:12:56Let's just say I disagree with some of Dr. Larkin's tactics.
00:13:01Like I quit there three months ago and she's still using my name.
00:13:05You quit?
00:13:06Why'd you quit?
00:13:07I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
00:13:08I gotta do the books.
00:13:11All right.
00:13:12I'll see you tomorrow.
00:13:13Hey, thanks for the workout, huh?
00:13:14All right.
00:13:27Yo, Jimmy.
00:13:29Yeah, champ?
00:13:30Let's call it a night.
00:13:33Hey, still got time for something?
00:13:36Hey, still got time for a shower?
00:13:40Hey, champ?
00:13:43I just wanted to say thanks for letting me still work out here.
00:13:46Hey, Jimmy.
00:13:47Whatever happened between me and Dr. Larkin, it's got nothing to do with you.
00:13:55You just keep your hands up and your chin down, okay?
00:13:59You got it, champ.
00:14:29We're closed!
00:14:37Let's go.
00:14:50I don't appreciate having to leave the comfort of my mission, Cedric.
00:14:54Nobody asked you to.
00:14:55Samuel tells me you have not been feeling yourself lately.
00:14:59That really concerns me.
00:15:01Spare me, Larkin.
00:15:02You don't care about anyone but yourself.
00:15:04We have an agreement, Cedric, remember?
00:15:06I agree to nothing.
00:15:08I would hate to think what would happen to you if certain things were made public.
00:15:14Get out of my gym.
00:15:18I do believe you know my brother, Titus.
00:15:21You will honor the Dark Fist's wishes.
00:15:32Okay, Titus.
00:15:34I'm gonna give you a shot at my title.
00:15:37Come on.
00:15:39I'll show you what made me the heavyweight champion of the world.
00:16:05Come on.
00:16:22First round to the champ.
00:16:34Come on.
00:16:35Come on.
00:17:08You broke my fucking hand!
00:17:13Here, let's see how you fight now, my friend.
00:17:32It appears we have a new champ.
00:17:40Please reconsider, Cedric.
00:17:43We are your family.
00:17:47You are not my family.
00:17:57Then you leave me no other choice but to terminate our relationship.
00:18:24See you in the next life, Cedric.
00:18:35See you.
00:19:58I'll cover your body, Lester.
00:20:03And make sure the place is secured tonight.
00:20:09No civilians inside.
00:20:11No problem.
00:20:18What's going on?
00:20:20What are you doing here?
00:20:21Kurt, I'm sorry.
00:20:23It's Cedric.
00:20:25They took him away.
00:20:33What happened?
00:20:35Looks like a robbery that went sour.
00:20:38I want to take a look around.
00:20:39No civilians.
00:20:40Oh, relax, Winger.
00:20:41Sergeant's orders.
00:20:43I'll tell the sergeant what he can do with his orders.
00:20:45Easy, Kurt.
00:20:46You know the procedure, Harris.
00:20:48Screw you, Winger.
00:20:51I'll keep you posted, okay?
00:21:0340,000 will be there immediately.
00:21:15I will be with the doctor.
00:21:28Dr. Larkin.
00:21:29I've been expecting you, Roger.
00:21:30How are the contributions coming?
00:21:32Well, Cedric's final donations certainly helped.
00:21:35Thank you.
00:21:37I think we'll get more out of him as a martyr.
00:21:40I've already ordered another 10,000 posters.
00:21:43Like I've always said, Roger,
00:21:45a rainbow often follows a storm.
00:22:31I figured you'd be back.
00:22:35What happened, Lynn?
00:22:38The cash box was found busted open.
00:22:41According to a ledger, it contained about 5,000 cash.
00:22:45Cedric always keep that kind of money around?
00:22:49He's a good guy.
00:22:51He's a good guy.
00:22:52He's a good guy.
00:22:53He's a good guy.
00:22:55He's a good guy.
00:22:56He's a good guy.
00:22:57He's a good guy.
00:22:58He's a good guy.
00:22:59So he keeps a lot of money around?
00:23:01You hit the exact to him.
00:23:03It's 30 to 1.
00:23:06Who else know about his winnings?
00:23:09When Cedric had it, he spread it around.
00:23:11You got any witnesses?
00:23:12None yet.
00:23:16Must have given him a hell of a fight.
00:23:18Too good of a fight, Kurt.
00:23:21He broke his hands
00:23:23and slit his throat.
00:23:29Oh great, I'm sorry
00:23:36You men hold them off as long as you can, I'm riding on to the ranch
00:23:59Come on, let's follow that buck boy Him and the girl, they just went into that
00:24:13cabin yonder When he comes out, let him have it
00:24:17And you take your boys and go back and get Rand first
00:24:21I'll look after the girl Our late night movie continues after this
00:24:25election message Hello, I'm Dr. Larkin, I'd like you to join
00:24:29my campaign against crime Last night, Cedric Williams, one of my organization's
00:24:34most valued members, was brutally murdered This is just another example of the cancer
00:24:39that plagues our streets Vote for me and together we can bring our
00:24:43city back to its former glory Thank you
00:24:46We will return to our movie presentation in just a moment, please stay tuned
00:25:11In a strength, my friend, that's the secret to my success
00:25:14However, our goal is to provide you with the tools necessary for you to bring about the
00:25:20betterment of society But, you must learn discipline first, because
00:25:25that's the key to all success This is very enlightening, Dr. Larkin, but
00:25:30how do you see your teachings as the foundation... Greetings, brother, how may I help you?
00:25:34I'd like to learn more about the mission Splendid, why don't you follow me to my office
00:25:38It took forever just to make bail, not one of them was a decent lawyer
00:25:50All night in a rank hotel Well, did you find him?
00:25:53Yeah, where's Jerry? In the fucking hospital
00:26:00Our mission has helped thousands of people in all walks of life, but, as with all things,
00:26:05one can expect only what they put in Oh, I agree
00:26:08So, what is it you do for a living, Mr. Harris? Uh, at present, I'm unemployed
00:26:13Do you have any special skills, um, such as computers or sales?
00:26:17Not exactly Well, I'm sure we can do something for you
00:26:22with the mission, Mr. Harris If you'll complete this questionnaire, I'll
00:26:26see what I can do Greetings, brother, can I help you?
00:26:37Yeah, you can help us We got a message for the peacemakers
00:26:44Let go of me! We're not through with you yet, pal
00:26:52Aren't you the guy from the liquor store? I, uh, believe I found a place for you in
00:27:16the mission, Mr. Harris I never doubted you would
00:27:21Last night's eulogy increased your support in the polls by ten percent
00:27:24That's all? I thought you'd be pleased
00:27:26Two weeks, Roger, that's all we've got Well, I can buy more airtime, but it's gonna
00:27:30be expensive We've got followers waiting with deep pockets,
00:27:33Roger, so let's get it moving The days are getting shorter
00:27:35Well, first we have Flora Parker, the one with the sizable piece of property on Sixth
00:27:43and Harbor My dearest Flora, how are you?
00:27:47Dr. Larkin! I saw you and my grandson Jimmy on the news,
00:27:52and I've never been so proud Well, he's a fine young man
00:27:57How are you feeling, Flora? How's the arthritis? Better, thank you
00:28:00She's responding well My analysis shows that she's improving
00:28:04I'm so glad to hear that Make sure she gets all the attention she needs
00:28:08You're all so good to me Well, Flora, we're here to help you, we're
00:28:12your family Oh, bless you, bless you, Doctor
00:28:22Has she drawn up her will yet? Firm
00:28:25Well, get on with it, Erin, I'm gonna make sure I get my head of chief back
00:28:29Excuse me, Dr. Larkin, it's very important that I speak with you
00:28:33Samuel, what has happened to you? My chapter was just attacked
00:28:37Robbery? Oh, they tried to give the donations, but
00:28:40they didn't Thank goodness, are you gonna be all right?
00:28:43Yes, well, thanks to Mr. Harris here, he fought off four men
00:28:47Actually, it was only three Much gratitude, Mr. Harris
00:28:52He wants to join our mission I hope this unfortunate incident has not tarnished
00:28:56your impression of our mission If anything, it's made me more sympathetic
00:28:59to your guys I was gonna go have a walk in the garden,
00:29:01why don't you join me and I'll show you the facilities along the way
00:29:04I'd be honored Doctor, the rest of our schedule?
00:29:10Later, Roger I'm gonna want to see his data sheet
00:29:17Certainly, Mr. Stuckwell Some come here to find solitude from the
00:29:30harsh world outside, while others try to find the strength and the discipline to face it
00:29:35What brings you to our mission, Mr. Harris? I like to help keep the city a safe place
00:29:38to live We're the peacemakers
00:29:41From what I hear, you'd make a fine one Oh, you might say I've had prior experience
00:29:46I used to be a police officer for a number of years
00:29:49So you're telling me you're no longer affiliated with the department?
00:29:54I resigned All right, Mr. Harris, let's see what you've
00:29:59got Twelve thousand in the bank, one car loan
00:30:05One paid in full Good, let's check the credit report
00:30:08Uh-oh, that flag That guy's a cop
00:30:20In the mission garden, we find a connection with nature in the midst of the city
00:30:23But that is only a part of our way It is the strength of the mind, the body and
00:30:27the spirit that unites our family I'm quite impressed, Doctor
00:30:30Excuse me, Mr. Harris, I have another night in the office
00:30:38Of course, it's been a pleasure Likewise, welcome to our mission
00:30:50What's so urgent, Roger? Harris is a police officer
00:30:53He's a former police officer, actually You already knew?
00:30:57Claims to have resigned Of course, I expect you both to verify that
00:31:02Consider it done And if he's working undercover, I will terminate
00:31:08it But of course you will, my sweet brother
00:31:10But think about how this can benefit our campaign An Eastgate police officer decides to work
00:31:15with me rather than Mayor Haldeman Not bad, huh?
00:31:21Excellent angle, Doctor Hi, this is Kurt, not in right now, so leave
00:31:29a message and I'll get back to you Kurt, this is Lynn again
00:31:36What are you doing? I can tell you, he's in la-la lane, do you?
00:31:41I wouldn't hack the real world Keep a close eye on him
00:32:06Look out for that car! This is LA parking
00:32:20Our feature will continue after these messages Hello, I'm Dr. Larkin
00:32:25I'd like you to join my campaign against crime With the election coming, remember your vote
00:32:31Why did you turn Dr. Larkin off, Jimmy? Oh, he's not much on Gramps, you know
00:32:36There's something you're not telling me, young man
00:32:39Why haven't you been going to the mission lately?
00:32:42Now, look, Gramps, don't wave no heart attacks on me, all right?
00:32:46But I'm thinking about quitting What, after all Dr. Larkin's done for us?
00:32:50Come on, Gramps, what has she done for us? Are you forgetting the trouble you were in
00:32:54before you joined the mission? Jimmy, what has gotten into you?
00:33:16Name's Curt Harris Aaron Miller, I'm an analyst here
00:33:22Is that so?
00:33:37His story checks out Wonderful
00:33:41The official report is that he assaulted his sergeant, but I'm not sure
00:33:47Well, we'll know someone off, Roger
00:33:52This hold is impossible to break I thought the same
00:34:10Please demonstrate
00:34:22One good move does not make a peacemaker, Mr. Harris
00:34:31Exactly what does
00:34:52Several members of our family have displayed great strength in their training
00:35:14Tonight they wish to become peacemakers However, only the strongest will survive
00:35:19our rites of passage And so, let it begin
00:35:49Enough, bring on the next contender, please
00:36:19Obviously, these men lack the discipline needed to join the ranks of our peacemakers
00:36:40Mr. Harris, I must warn you, once you enter the gauntlet, you cannot turn back
00:37:49No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:38:19, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:38:49no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:39:19step aside Titus Akira let him pass
00:39:45welcome to my inner sanctum mr. Harris
00:39:57I give you Kurt Harris our newest peacemaker
00:40:15how's it going good why'd you join the peacemakers so
00:40:18all right neighborhood was falling apart I just wanted to help and the mission gave you that chance
00:40:23well they didn't give me a chance I mean I had to earn it just like you did that's the whole thing
00:40:27with dr. Larkin she gives you the motivation the discipline it's all in her books man you got any
00:40:33family nah my folks are all gone mission's all I got they give me something I can believe in
00:40:41why are you wearing the ribbon before I said it Williams
00:40:46any word on what happened well they say it was robbery
00:40:50this way he's got to check up on another peacemaker he's been missing all of his patrols
00:40:54Jimmie look who's here Sal and one of the fellas from the mission what's your name
00:41:00Kurt Harris Kurt Harris hey how you doing hey Jimmie hey Sal let you boys talk thanks Rams
00:41:10what are you doing here he's a peacemaker no he's a cop Sal not anymore Jimmie great
00:41:19he's a peacemaker no he's a cop Sal not anymore Jimmie great terrific I didn't hear about the
00:41:25way he busted the garlic where you been anyway well Grams has been sick ladies what how you
00:41:32feeling miss Parker good enough to push this peacemaker right out the door come on
00:41:40it's nice meeting you Kurt nice to meet you too mrs Parker you boys be careful now
00:41:48you know this really is an honor we rarely see you on the streets anymore sergeant prs deal
00:42:13so what do you want with the mission justice Jimmy don't we own
00:42:16yeah right we have a report of a possible narcotic transaction in progress location
00:42:23is in the alley west of fourth and web unit 22 please respond roger unit 22 in route
00:42:31unit 16 proceed to fourth and web to backup unit 22
00:42:35fourth and web four blocks up this way let's do it time to make that peace
00:42:39showtime buddy oh yes it's kind of the bomb here brother it's gonna make it hard
00:42:46I like doing business with you man it's cool and that's good freeze let me see your hands
00:42:56now what's going on man shut up put it down easy legs apart hands on your head
00:43:03easy legs apart hands on your head
00:43:08do it Chinaman I'm Korean man he's Chinese
00:43:19meet Uzi sorry yeah
00:43:58what the hell you think you're doing Harris I'd say saving your ass
00:44:03a little gratitude wouldn't hurt sergeant
00:44:11what the hell happened damn you Harris
00:44:20so are you a peacemaker now I needed a job come off it what's going on
00:44:42I think the mission's behind Cedric's murder what what motive Cedric was an asset he wanted
00:44:48out they wouldn't let him go you'll need more than that I'm working on it let's roll let's do
00:44:56so things going pretty good with Duncan huh very funny
00:45:04I'll keep you posted make sure you do
00:45:07you all set yeah where's Jimmy he went home I'm headed back to the mission you coming yeah sure
00:45:23how was floor coming along I'm close turn up the voltage Aaron I need that property
00:45:30yes doctor Mr. Harris is back get him in the office at once I want to know everything about
00:45:35I plan on it
00:46:19what are you doing here uh Mr. Harris I was just looking for you can you come with me please
00:46:35so this is standard procedure for all our new members
00:46:43feels like a polygraph test actually it's a form of biofeedback by monitoring your
00:46:47body's reactions to different stimuli we can teach you how to control your own health and
00:46:51well-being you're right don't be alarmed if you feel a slight tingling from the electrical current
00:46:58is he a moron in the jam yes he was a generous man you know him well years in fact I introduced
00:47:09him to the mission but let's get back to you I have a few questions why is he asking about Cedric
00:47:18why is he asking about Cedric I don't know everybody asked about Cedric
00:47:25are you recording this yeah good
00:47:32I'm gonna go see Dr. Larkin
00:47:35I also understand you worked for a special division of the police department yeah
00:47:40tomorrow do you regret leaving the forest not in the least
00:47:47interesting so far so good just fine
00:47:53so tell me Aaron how'd you come to work for the mission
00:47:59oh I'm sorry Mr. Harris this old building has occasional electrical surges
00:48:04that'll be enough for today Aaron I'd like to speak with Mr. Harris myself
00:48:09yes doctor you had quite a successful day Mr. Harris I feel a part of something here
00:48:14I feel motivated yes it seems we work well together I'm getting kind of tired do you uh
00:48:20mind if I spend the night at the mission absolutely not this is your home
00:48:27I've got big plans for you Mr. Harris I hope you can live up to them
00:48:34you can count on it
00:48:38sweet dreams then
00:49:29watch him closely no problem
00:52:34give me a
00:53:17where have you been one of the monitors blacked out I went to check the camera
00:53:23there's nothing wrong with the monitors I'm certain there was
00:53:53sorry big guy this one's taken
00:54:03so thank you so much gracias thank you remember vote Larkin thank you
00:54:15we only got an hour to get the parts and we got to get them out of here now move it
00:54:18and you don't chop this one just paint it we gotta get it to Mexico by morning
00:54:24what are you a moron don't answer the door the gun you got bolts in your head
00:54:32greetings brother the doctor's asking each of her supporters for an additional donation this
00:54:37you tell that hack doctor she ain't squeezing another red cent out of us
00:54:41Gino throw this preppy looking moron out of here
00:54:49the doctor will hear of this insolence
00:55:04dr Larkin's prized peacemaker finally returns home
00:55:20he wagered on your title ballots wasn't really a gamble I knew I'd stomp on him
00:55:26but isn't that illegal hey I never threw that or any other fight
00:55:30takes a lot of sweat and blood to become the heavyweight champ relax Cedric
00:55:36don't tell anybody else about this okay I'll take away my belt
00:55:40we're family Cedric your secret is safe with us
00:55:48I knew they had something on him the boxing commission would have stripped him of his title
00:55:52we're showing this to the captain not a chance said the guy could keep this secret and I'll be
00:55:57damned if I let it out I guess it doesn't prove anything anyway well I hope you came here with
00:56:05something better someone was seen running from Cedric's gym the night of the murder
00:56:11description male tall slim body might be black slim guy couldn't take Cedric yeah but maybe he
00:56:19saw who did I went through a list of the gym's members about 16 guys with that description
00:56:27one of them's a peacemaker Jimmy Parker you know him as a matter of fact I do floor is
00:56:34finally drawn up for well splendid Aaron thank you well once you're elected mayor we can rezone
00:56:42the property it'll be worth millions well then first things first Roger how are we doing in
00:56:47the polls we're dead even and Hollivan's holding strong I'm afraid we're going to need a breakthrough
00:56:53Dr Larkin Samuel Taylor we should speak to you send him in
00:57:00excuse me doctor I was just assaulted at Eastgate Automotive I don't understand to be honest I
00:57:07believe they're running an illegal operation are you sure I'm almost certain we must do something
00:57:13Titus have the peacemakers take care of this at once right away sorry to have troubled you doctor
00:57:19not at all Samuel you serve our mission well thank you so much thanks to you
00:57:26Titus shut them down and have our wonderful Mr Harris being charged with the operation
00:57:30I'll take care of it now Roger what about that breakthrough
00:57:34I'm sure the press would like to know about this I'm already on it
00:57:43I'll need an extra guy for this take that and go get Jimmy
00:58:01hey glad you can make it Jimmy did I have a choice you know you've developed quite an attitude
00:58:07man fuck you all right what are we waiting for guys let's shut him down all right but we do it
00:58:12my way Jimmy pop the bag Duncan yes take that report for you where who is this
00:58:39winger pulsing grab your gear and ask him to take over one
00:58:51all right you take the upper window I'll take the front door
00:59:01okay get the door don't be a fool on this time
00:59:20time to close up shop boys nah why don't we just take a little break
01:00:00Do it
01:04:12You're all under arrest
01:04:14It's bullshit. Don't know what it charges. There's a lot of charges. We'll talk down. Let's go
01:04:25The sergeant went for a bait like a train seal
01:04:28Justice I thought
01:04:29Well, it's a clear case of harassment. I mean, that's what the Eastgate Daily Herald is saying. Look
01:04:35Police versus peace my headline, by the way, and what's our next step if we were to bail them out say
01:04:41tomorrow afternoon I could arrange for
01:04:45Expansive media coverage
01:04:47good thinking excellent and
01:04:50Aaron the Jimmy in jail floor will be left all alone. You're absolutely right doctor. I
01:04:56Think we should go ease their pain definitely
01:05:03Come on just make it easy on yourself
01:05:10So I'm getting any bigger Jimmy
01:05:18That's a hell of a right hook you got there G
01:05:21You learn the box like that. I've saved you
01:05:26That's all I've been training there
01:05:35Hey, man, why don't you sit on you making me dizzy?
01:05:54Knew the gym
01:05:59Told me a few moves
01:06:04It's a terrible thing
01:06:13Any word on who might have done it, how would I know I
01:06:20Figured the peacemakers be all over this case
01:06:28Guess nobody cares about a tired little boxer on Jim. Hey, take it easy, man
01:06:34I'm sure the doctor get us out of here real soon. You're right. Just wait for the good old doctor
01:06:49With the Larkin Haldeman mayoral raise now neck-and-neck a number of City Council candidates
01:06:56Aaron what are you doing here? It's so late
01:07:03Good night, Flora
01:08:01Heart attacks happens, so
01:08:28We fight for justice and this is our reward
01:08:31It's an outrage just one more example of the misguided leadership of mayor Haldeman. No, sir
01:08:38Yes, sir
01:08:41I'll get right on it, sir
01:08:44What should we do sergeant police release them they were breaking the law shut up just get him out of here now
01:08:50Yes, sir
01:09:29Cedric Williamson
01:09:47Excellent work gentlemen
01:09:49Soon, I will become the new mayor of Eastgate
01:09:51It'll be a cold day in hell before I work for you lady. You won't be working for me directly sergeant
01:09:57I plan on putting mr. Harris in charge of this division. So please step aside. I have an election to
01:10:20This guy's so great, I can't believe it. You should have seen you put down the sergeant well done. Mr
01:10:25Harris really well done with you at my side. There is no telling how far we can go
01:10:30Hey, Jimmy
01:10:33I gotta go
01:10:34Jimmy, why don't you come with us? It's on the way. Oh, that's okay. I'd rather walk I could use the fresh air
01:10:39Well in that case send my love to your grandmother, would you I will
01:10:47You coming mr. Harris
01:10:49It's good
01:10:58Dr. Larkin
01:11:00Dr. Larkin, I need to speak with you
01:11:03Cedric's tape proves absolutely nothing Roger Harris took it. We found it in his apartment
01:11:12And this
01:11:16He's been conning us the whole time
01:11:19This time has come
01:11:22Yes, but this must be done properly
01:11:33Mr. Harris, mr. Harris
01:11:36I'm glad I caught you. We need some additional equipment for tonight's ceremony at this address
01:13:22Hold it right there Harris
01:13:25Made a mistake you made a mistake now, don't move
01:13:39Code 30 officer down escape suspect former police officer Kurt Aaron
01:14:06We've got a call off the APB I can't do that steal Harris isn't a murderer
01:14:10You know that as well as I do. I don't know Kurt anymore, man
01:14:30Don't even breathe
01:14:34Easy Jimmy I
01:14:36Just came to talk bullshit. You went for Larkin and I know it
01:14:40I'm a friend of Cedric's
01:14:43Now why don't you just put the gun down fuck you
01:14:53Couldn't set me up for murder. Every cop in the city is after me. I'm probably the peacemakers to know I need your help
01:14:57damn it
01:14:59Welcome to the club. He just killed my grandmother
01:15:06Why new will sign the life away gave him everything
01:15:16That's right
01:15:19It's not it
01:15:23They killed Cedric to
01:15:26You talked didn't you? Yeah
01:15:32One that could stop her what do you want me to do?
01:15:37I need you to testify what the only are you crazy?
01:15:42One chance
01:15:45Here's to
01:15:47You got to do it man
01:15:51All right
01:16:08Yeah, he's a cop killer
01:16:36Mr. Harris came to us very troubled man. I wish we could have had more time to help him. Where's dr. Lockheed?
01:16:42She's very upset about the entire matter. She had high hopes for mr. Harris
01:16:47We all did
01:16:49I'd like to speak with her myself
01:16:51If you don't mind I can assure you officer. Dr. Larkin is just as determined to find. Mr. Harris as you
01:17:01Thanks for your cooperation
01:17:17Election headquarters
01:17:25Hey partner Kurt look front just grab your clipboard and look like you're right
01:17:33You wanted for Duncan's murder you believe that no, but they sure do
01:17:40You're right about the witness
01:17:42And saw them kill Cedric
01:17:44Jimmy Parker, yeah
01:17:48Where is it?
01:17:52I'm calling for backup. No, don't stop me
01:17:59What are you gonna do I
01:18:03Got a plan, but I need your help
01:18:12Let's go
01:18:17Get the hell off me shut up, what's your problem? Huh? Relax Jimmy. We just need to know what you've been telling people
01:18:37Hey Dave, hey, what's going on with the ceremony not much
01:19:13Learned a new hold
01:19:17Keep trying big guy
01:20:31How we're gonna get inside see what we got over the wall
01:20:59Watch it Kurt
01:21:17You killed Cedric and my grandma interesting accusations Jimmy, why would you say that?
01:21:28That's where they make the videos
01:21:45Come on
01:22:06She told all this
01:22:15Oh, which try him Aaron and find out what we need to know
01:22:40The ballots are in doctor
01:22:53Come on Jimmy who else have you told
01:23:42All right
01:24:12The vote it follows it is a new dawn in our city
01:25:18Never again will law-abiding citizens feel trapped in their home
01:25:26And very importantly once again he skated dollars it's yours
01:26:12And I'm very proud to say that our campaign against crime has just begun
01:26:50Seize him he's a murderer
01:26:54It's not curtain, it's her she's a murderer I saw her kill Cedric
01:27:01Don't listen to him his grandmother just passed away. He's greatly disturbed
01:27:13Oh there
01:27:28It's over Larkin give it up
01:27:34No, it's not over yet. Yes, it is. Ask your pal
01:27:38Well, I hate to be the one who says I told you so but
01:29:00You have the right to remain silent
01:29:05Anything you say Kenna will be used against you in a court of law
01:29:09You have the right to an attorney present during questioning
01:29:13You cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you
01:29:19Do you understand all the rights that just given you
01:30:15Move over on the right
01:30:19It's for you
01:30:26This mean we're going steady
01:30:29I'll tell you what traded in my badge
01:30:37Welcome back partner