Good Doctor 2018 ep 9 english Subs

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00:00I'm going to go to the bathroom.
00:02Hey, listen.
00:04There was a soldier in the dining room.
00:08He talked to me.
00:10Wow, that's amazing.
00:12I was so nervous.
00:23Are you okay?
00:24Mio, are you okay?
00:29If you agree with this plan, please raise your hand.
00:48I agree.
00:52I approve of the plan.
00:58I will announce the results of the new plan.
01:07First of all,
01:09I will abolish the three-wife system.
01:17It went as planned.
01:20Thank you for your cooperation.
01:23See you.
01:32I'm going to move. I'll be back soon.
01:45A transplant?
01:48Mio was infected by the catheter in her chest.
01:51However, she is taking antidepressants and her condition is stable.
01:54If you leave her alone, she may develop lung cancer or liver disease.
01:57Her life is in danger.
01:59To save her, we need a small intestine transplant.
02:03There is a way to get a small intestine transplant from a brain-dead person.
02:10But in Mio's case,
02:12she has had multiple blood transfusions.
02:16There are many antibodies in her body.
02:20She may have a strong rejection reaction.
02:26There is a way to get a small intestine transplant from a family.
02:32It may be better to get a small intestine transplant from a blood-related person.
02:37It may reduce the rejection reaction.
02:40However, if you become a donor,
02:43you may develop lung cancer.
02:46Think about it.
02:52I'll be your donor.
02:56I'm your only family.
03:02I want to help you.
03:16Are you all right?
03:18How are you feeling?
03:22What happened to me?
03:32She had a mild hemorrhage.
03:35She had a mild hemorrhage.
03:39But Dr. Minato said she would be fine.
03:44I see.
03:47I'm glad.
03:59Is Shiori going to be Mio's horse?
04:02I'm going to have a doctor examine her.
04:05But it's a secret from Mio.
04:09Shiori wants to know the timing.
04:13I'll wait until then.
04:15They lost their parents, didn't they?
04:19It happened three years ago.
04:21Since then, Shiori has taken care of Mio.
04:27Don't cry.
04:29Don't forget to sleep.
04:35She's young, but she's amazing.
04:38I wonder if she'll be all right.
04:40Shiori is taking care of everything by herself.
04:45Excuse me.
04:48I'm Morioka from Nouge.
04:50Is Dr. Takayama here?
04:53What's the matter?
04:55I'd like to talk to you.
05:01This is the operating room.
05:03The patient is Ryohei Takigawa.
05:05He's 17 years old.
05:06He had a head injury during basketball practice.
05:10Then he had a concussion.
05:12We've invited many experienced surgeons to operate on him.
05:20His brain is enlarged.
05:24Normally, we put a sedative in the abdominal cavity to suppress the pressure.
05:29But in this patient's case,
05:30due to the size of the abdominal membrane,
05:32the abdominal cavity is enlarged.
05:34So we can't operate on him.
05:36Is there any other way?
05:37I'd like to consult with you.
05:39You can't put a sedative in the chest cavity?
05:42In his case, there's a lot of sedative.
05:44There's no other place to put it except the abdominal cavity.
05:47Does that mean there's no cure for this patient?
05:51And there's another problem.
05:54When he fell, he injured his lumbar vertebrae.
05:57He has paralysis in his lumbar vertebrae.
05:59Even if he gets better,
06:01it will be difficult for him to walk.
06:03Does Ryohei know that?
06:05His parents want him to know.
06:08He thinks that if he gets better,
06:10his paralysis will be cured.
06:13That's all.
06:19We'll do everything we can.
06:22If the abdominal cavity is enlarged,
06:24he'll lose consciousness and die.
06:26Let's find a cure as soon as possible.
06:38I'm sorry. It's time for surgery.
06:40I'll leave the rest to you.
06:43From morning to night,
06:45surgery, surgery, surgery.
06:47He's really good at it.
06:49But he hasn't been in a hurry lately.
06:52It's like he's forcing his schedule.
06:56We'll start the surgery within the year.
07:22He's in the next room next to Iyo-chan's.
07:25Isn't this fate?
07:28Is he telling me to do my best?
07:31What should I do?
07:49Excuse me.
07:53What's wrong?
07:55Is there a patient named Ryohei Takigawa here?
08:01Ryohei will be treated at the Shonigeka from today.
08:05I'll take care of him.
08:08I saw his chart.
08:11He doesn't seem to have the best treatment.
08:14His legs are paralyzed.
08:19I'll do what I can.
08:23But I think he'll need a difficult surgery.
08:28But Dr. Takayama is here.
08:32I'm going to find the best treatment for Ryohei.
08:38Is that so?
08:41Excuse me.
08:47It's rare for the vice-president to be interested in patients.
09:06Nice to meet you.
09:08I'll be in charge from today.
09:10I'm Seto from Shonigeka.
09:13Nice to meet you.
09:20You like basketball.
09:22I'm used to it.
09:24I feel better when I brush my teeth.
09:30Excuse me.
09:35Excuse me.
09:37Ryohei, are you okay?
09:39His blood pressure and CRP are stable.
09:42He'll be fine after a walk.
09:44I was worried about him.
09:46I'm glad he's fine.
09:48He's fine.
09:50Sit down.
09:59Ryohei, do you like basketball?
10:02Yes, I'm in the junior high and junior high basketball team.
10:05But I'm not as good as the junior high team.
10:09Oh, right.
10:12Read this.
10:14It's about the junior high team.
10:17Can I?
10:19I'm sure you'll like basketball.
10:21You'll be fine.
10:28If you feel better,
10:31can I watch your basketball game?
10:38Of course.
10:42I like this.
10:45Iyo-chan and Ryohei-kun were laughing happily.
10:49But they don't know the truth.
10:53I'm in pain.
10:55When I see them laughing without knowing anything,
10:57my heart hurts.
10:59But I'm sure your family is in more pain.
11:05So we have to do what we can.
11:11This is the test result of Morishita Shiori.
11:40Ryohei-kun said I can watch your basketball game.
11:43Really? That's great.
11:46What should I wear?
11:48I guess I'll wear shorts.
11:50Maybe I'm wearing too much.
12:01Oh, right.
12:04I'll go get a drink.
12:22Now we can transplant Shiori's symptoms to Iyo-chan.
12:25We can save Iyo-chan.
12:26Did you tell Iyo-chan?
12:28Not yet.
12:29Onee-chan doesn't want to do it.
12:32I'm glad you can think about the patient's situation.
12:35But this is an emergency case.
12:38If you get infected again, your life will be in danger.
12:41It's important for you to tell the patient as soon as possible.
12:47I understand. I'll do my best.
12:52Shut up! Get out of here!
12:54Calm down.
12:55I said get out of here!
12:58What's the matter?
13:00You were a fool too, weren't you?
13:03You were laughing at me for not knowing anything, weren't you?
13:08I know everything now.
13:11I'm sorry.
13:29I'm not going to have surgery.
13:35You know how many surgeries I've had.
13:39Five surgeries.
13:45Every time I had a stomachache,
13:48I felt so much pain that I couldn't walk.
13:54And now I have to have another surgery?
13:57If I don't get better,
13:59how long will it take for me to feel better?
14:05I don't want to do it anymore.
14:10I'm not going to have another surgery.
14:24I'm sorry.
14:26I shouldn't have said that.
14:32I guess I'm not going to be able to take care of you.
14:42I'm the only one you can rely on.
14:50If your parents were alive,
14:56how would you talk to them?
15:02I'll talk to Iyo.
15:06Don't worry about Shiori.
15:11I'll take care of Iyo.
15:14Leave Iyo to me.
15:31I'll take care of Iyo.
15:38I'll leave Iyo to you.
15:41Please have surgery.
15:46I know you don't want to have surgery.
15:50But if you get better,
15:52Iyo will be very happy.
15:55Shiori will be very happy, too.
15:57Shut up!
16:00Leave me alone!
16:21I'll come again.
16:40Why are you here?
16:45How about giving him a sedative?
16:49Ryohei has VUR.
16:51What about a ligament?
16:53That could cause a blood flow disorder.
16:57None of them seem to work.
17:00What do you think, Dr. Takayama?
17:09Excuse me.
17:11Excuse me.
17:13Dr. Takayama, Dr. Seto.
17:15Ryohei's mother wants to see you.
17:18I'd like to transfer Ryohei to another hospital.
17:22What do you mean?
17:25A friend of mine introduced me to a famous hospital in Boston.
17:32I heard that this hospital will be closed in a year.
17:36In a year?
17:37That's impossible.
17:44I see.
17:47Excuse me.
17:56What do you mean?
18:10I understand. I'll be right there.
18:13Sorry. It's an operation.
18:26Ryohei Takigawa was the vice-president's son.
18:32I'm sorry.
18:34It was an accident.
18:36Why didn't you contact me?
18:39It's none of your business.
18:42Ryohei already has a new father.
18:46Transfer him to another hospital.
18:49This hospital will be closed in a year.
18:54I'll introduce you to a good hospital.
18:58Transferring Ryohei to another hospital is very dangerous.
19:02We don't know when his condition will worsen.
19:07We'll find a cure for Ryohei.
19:11Give me a little more time.
19:17I can't leave you to run away.
19:21It's a matter of your son's life.
19:24Excuse me.
19:43How long do I have to starve to recover?
19:48I don't want an operation.
19:51I won't accept it.
20:04Come in.
20:12I don't understand.
20:14I don't know what to do.
20:17What's wrong?
20:18I want you to recover.
20:22I want you to be happy with Shiori.
20:26But you don't want to have surgery.
20:29You don't want to have surgery.
20:32That's a very difficult question.
20:38But I'm not in charge of you.
20:42You are.
20:45If you look after her like you do every day,
20:51I'm sure you'll understand how she feels.
20:56It's okay.
20:57If you don't rely on me,
21:01I'm sure you'll be able to face her.
21:08Do your best.
21:42Is what you said true?
21:47Yes, it's true.
21:50Don't tell the others.
21:53I don't want them to worry.
21:58Tell me the truth.
22:01What will happen to the children?
22:07There are no other hospitals in this area.
22:11The number of children is increasing.
22:14I know that.
22:21There's nothing we can do.
22:23We can't change the decision.
22:25You're a member of the organization.
22:32Then what should we do?
22:36We're doctors.
22:39We have to save the patients in front of us.
22:46There's still time.
22:48I'll save as many children as I can.
22:53Please help me.
23:07I thought about it.
23:11I thought about it all my life.
23:15But the Iyo I've seen
23:18was always doing her best.
23:22She didn't give up halfway.
23:26But the Iyo I see now
23:29is not like me.
23:34But the Iyo I see now
23:36is not like the Iyo I know.
23:40Why don't you want to have surgery?
23:46Tell me the truth.
24:01You've seen it, haven't you?
24:04The scar on my stomach.
24:08Every time I have a physical education class,
24:12I hide it every time.
24:17But when someone sees it,
24:21I smile and pretend not to see it.
24:32The next surgery,
24:35you're going to have a sister, right?
24:39If you do that,
24:42your sister will have a scar.
24:47I don't want you to have such a miserable feeling.
24:55After my parents died,
24:59I've been in a lot of trouble.
25:03I've been in a lot of trouble.
25:07Dad. Mom.
25:10I was supposed to be sad to have a sister.
25:14You didn't show me a single tear.
25:20You gave up your dream
25:23to raise me.
25:26You gave up your dream
25:29to work every day.
25:32Excuse me.
25:33This is the list of cosmetics to be ordered today.
25:35I told you to make it a department when you put it together.
25:38I'm sorry.
25:40Hey, where's the cigarette?
25:43I don't handle it at the store.
25:45Bring it to me.
25:47So at the store...
25:48I said bring it to me.
25:50I'm sorry.
25:52I worked all night for cosmetics.
25:56I'm sorry, sister.
25:59What are you talking about?
26:02Don't worry about me.
26:04You should get some rest, too.
26:06It's okay.
26:08Eat this and get some rest.
26:12No matter how tired I was,
26:14you took care of me.
26:18It's not okay at all.
26:23You always say it's okay.
26:26It's okay.
26:35I don't want to be a burden anymore.
26:40I don't want to live
26:44like this anymore.
27:14I'm sorry.
27:32This is the support money I promised you.
27:43That much?
27:47I'm sure you'll be a member of the New Japan Medical Group
27:51and contribute to the economy.
27:53I'm looking forward to it.
28:02You don't have to worry about being dismissed.
28:08If you hadn't made that decision,
28:10the Tohoku Memorial Hospital would have been destroyed
28:13and thousands of staff would have been stranded.
28:18In order to protect the royal family,
28:22we need a little sacrifice.
28:26You made the right decision as a manager.
28:40As a doctor,
28:42all I can do is move my hand
28:44and save the patient in front of me.
29:11Everyone has something they want to protect.
29:16Shiori wants to protect Iyo-chan.
29:20Iyo-chan wants to protect Shiori-san.
29:24Both are important, so it won't work.
29:28But I want to protect Iyo-chan.
29:31I want to protect all the children here.
29:36That's right.
29:45Are you studying to protect Ryohei-kun?
29:50He's going to be transferred to another hospital.
29:57But I want to find a way to treat him
30:00so that he can stay in the hospital.
30:05That's all I can do for him.
30:30To be continued...
31:01To be continued...
31:06Take care.
31:08Good luck with the treatment.
31:13Please tell Iyo-chan I'm fine.
31:16Thank you for everything.
31:20To be continued...
31:25This is the end of Iyo-chan's one-summer romance.
31:31Come on, let's get back to work.
31:42Do you know where he is?
31:43Bring the emergency card and the spare tire.
31:58I'll be right there.
32:01Iyo-chan, let's do a liver test.
32:05It's a very important test to know your current condition.
32:16Yes, this is Shindo.
32:20Ryohei-kun is...
32:22I understand. I'll be right there.
32:35Please wait here.
32:44Was that phone call real?
32:47Ryohei-kun has a concussion and is unconscious.
32:50He's in a very dangerous state.
32:54I'll do whatever I can.
33:06Please save my son.
33:19I'll do my best.
33:34I'll do a CT scan and discharge him to the incubator.
33:41After he recovers, I'll remove the bandage and discharge him to the incubator.
34:03After you cut his muscle, spread it out in a balance.
34:06We're going to suture it.
34:07Please hold his head down and set the drill.
34:11Seto, spread it out.
34:13Pull it out.
34:15Put more in.
34:43We've finished cutting the cornea.
34:45We're going to do an anesthesia.
34:47We're going to check the abdominal cavity.
34:53The adhesion is worse than I expected.
34:55It's difficult to get the water out of the abdominal cavity.
34:58Let's carefully remove the adhesion and create space.
35:01That's a high risk of re-adhesion.
35:04What should I do?
35:13Why don't you spread it to the back of the liver?
35:16Looking at the CT, there is a possibility that the adhesion is weak on the back of the liver.
35:20Ryohei has a tendency to sleep in the middle of the water.
35:23The adhesion should be centered around the lower abdomen.
35:25That's true. The upper abdomen may have weak adhesion.
35:28I'll spread it to the back of the liver.
35:46We've finished creating the valve space.
35:48We're going to go through the light tunnel.
35:51Spread it to the back of the liver.
35:58The adhesion is weak.
36:00I think we can get the water out of here.
36:03We've secured the space to shunt.
36:05Thank you very much.
36:07I'm in a hurry, too.
36:09The saturation is dropping.
36:12There is a strong suspicion that the adhesion is weak.
36:14Check the condition of the heart.
36:19Move it.
36:22One more time.
36:49The adhesion is expanding.
36:51Why all of a sudden? What's the cause?
36:54The saturation has dropped to 90.
36:56It's not a congenital heart failure.
36:58There was no abnormality in the preliminary test.
37:00What's the possibility of a heart attack?
37:02If it's possible, the saturation should be expanding.
37:07The saturation is 85.
37:09It's dangerous.
37:10At this rate, it will be low oxygen and the brain will be damaged.
37:12Doctor, what should we do?
37:14Should we stop the surgery?
37:24Take off the ventilator and surgical towel.
37:28Hurry up and take it off!
37:39It's a blood clot.
37:40There's a big blood clot in the veins.
37:41Ryohei had a blood clot in the veins on his ankle.
37:44A part of it was caused by a blood clot.
37:46It's a pulmonary artery.
37:47In other words, it's a pulmonary bleeding.
37:49Economy Class Elite.
37:52Contact the Radiation Battalion.
37:54Let's remove the blood clot with a hybrid operation.
37:57Let's resume the operation.
38:01Please come in.
38:02Take off your clothes.
38:22The operation was a success.
38:26The symptoms of the pulmonary artery will be improved.
38:29Thank you very much.
38:31However, Ryohei,
38:33even though the symptoms have been improved,
38:36I think you will have doubts that your legs won't move.
38:44I know it's very painful for you,
38:48but for your son's sake,
38:51you should tell him the truth.
39:03It's your mother.
39:06Do you understand?
39:11You did a good job.
39:13The operation was a success.
39:48I'm sorry, Ryohei.
39:49I'm sorry.
39:51My legs...
39:54I'm sorry.
39:55I'm sorry.
39:56I'm sorry.
39:58I'm sorry.
40:00I'm sorry.
40:18I'm sorry.
40:29What's wrong?
40:34I'm such a fool.
40:39I told Ryohei I was going to see a basketball game.
40:42I'm such a fool.
40:47I'm such a fool.
41:06I heard you told Ryohei.
41:10I see.
41:13This is what's important to him, isn't it?
41:19I want to find what I can do for Ryohei
41:22and do it.
41:34See you later.
41:36See you later.
41:40How did it go?
41:43Ryohei has been locked up since then.
41:48I've never seen Ryohei like that.
42:07There's something I really want to show you.
42:21Why did you bring me here?
42:41Ryohei never gives up.
42:45He never gives up.
42:50He never gives up.
43:11Actually, I know.
43:15Even after the surgery,
43:17he can't move his legs.
43:20I heard his mother crying
43:22as soon as he was admitted to the hospital.
43:25What do you mean he can't move his legs?
43:29If he can't walk,
43:31how is he supposed to live?
43:34Please do something.
43:39Please do something.
43:43Damn it.
43:50Damn it!
43:52Ryohei's body has changed.
44:04I realized that
44:06my body is different from others.
44:11I realized that
44:13I can't play basketball with this body.
44:22No matter how many times I tried to give up,
44:25I couldn't.
44:26Even with this body,
44:29I still want to play basketball.
44:34It makes me laugh.
44:42I won't laugh.
44:52I was told that I can't be a doctor
44:55because I'm different from others.
45:00But if I didn't give up,
45:02I could be a doctor.
45:06Now I'm supported by many people
45:09and I can be a doctor.
45:14I won't laugh.
45:17I won't laugh at what Ryohei likes.
45:22I'm supported by many people.
45:37Is it here?
45:39To the right.
45:41Five minutes.
45:42After five minutes,
45:44you'll feel better.
46:09Ryohei will continue to play basketball.
46:13He said he wanted you to come and see him
46:16when he played in a wheelchair.
46:34You're amazing, Ryohei.
46:43You're amazing, too.
46:46You're amazing.
46:49I heard it from Shiori.
46:52Shiori said it was thanks to you.
46:59When she was eight years old,
47:02she had her first surgery.
47:05She was a crybaby.
47:09At first, she was afraid of injections,
47:11so she cried all the time.
47:14Injections and running are friends.
47:21Now she's a good example.
47:24Give it to me first.
47:35That's it.
47:36That's it.
47:38It's okay.
47:40It's just a little tingle.
47:49After the surgery,
47:50no matter how painful the wound was,
47:52she never stopped running.
47:56No matter how hard it was for her,
47:59the crybaby wasn't there anymore.
48:03When you feel better, you can go home.
48:05So let's do our best.
48:08I'm not afraid of anything.
48:13Ever since she was little,
48:14she's been through a lot of pain,
48:16and she's been growing stronger and stronger.
48:20Shiori has always had the courage to do her best.
48:27Iyo-chan is not a burden to Shiori.
48:32Shiori is the sun that gives her the courage to do her best.
48:40Shiori believes that
48:42Iyo-chan will definitely overcome this surgery.
48:47She believes it.
49:02Iyo has a big misunderstanding.
49:09When I found out that I could be Iyo's donor,
49:14I was nervous, of course,
49:17but I was happy.
49:21Until now, when Iyo was in pain,
49:24all I could do was watch.
49:28But finally, in a true sense,
49:33I felt like I could save Iyo.
49:42I'm not going to be a donor to make you unhappy.
49:48I'm going to be a donor to make you and Iyo happier.
49:58You're going to get well soon and go see Ryohai's basketball, right?
50:17It's okay.
50:20The surgery will definitely go well.
50:55I heard from Dr. Shindo.
50:58The doctor didn't give up and found a cure for me.
51:08I'll do my best.
51:11It's the life that saved me.
51:24I'll do my best.
51:38Dr. Takayama.
51:45You saved me this time.
51:48You saved me.
51:50It's true.
51:52It may not be a numerical value.
51:59But if you have a bad reputation,
52:04this hospital will collapse someday.
52:08That's a fact.
52:12I forgot to tell you one thing.
52:22Thank you for saving my son's life.
52:42That's the job of a donor.
53:03I heard you decided to have surgery.
53:08Ryohai didn't give up and gave me the courage to do my best.
53:14Both of you are amazing.
53:17We have to do our best, too.
53:22Ryohai and Shiori will share happiness in the next surgery.
53:26Just like this ice cream.
53:31It's better to share ice cream with Dr. Sato than to eat it alone.
53:36Both of you will be happy forever if you share happiness.
53:47It's delicious.
54:05I'll always take you with me.
54:17Hey, sister.
54:19How's your dress?
54:20It's okay.
54:21I brought a new dress.
54:23I brought a new dress today.
54:26Let me see.
54:27Thank you, doctor.
54:28This is the result of Iyo's tissue examination.
54:43Yes, this is Shindou.
55:03What are you talking about?
55:06Where's Shindou?
55:07He's not here now.
55:14Look at this.
55:19What's this?
55:20Morishita Yu-chan's liver is in a state of liver failure.
55:24In this situation, we can't transplant the tumor.
55:33How's Ryohai?
55:35He's fine.
56:03Dr. Shiga
56:05Dr. Shiga
56:07Dr. Shiga
56:10Dr. Shiga
56:13Dr. Shiga
56:15Dr. Shiga
56:19It's okay. We'll help you.
56:23Transplant at the same time?
56:24This is the only way to save her life.
56:28Please help my daughter.
56:29Doctor, please don't leave me.
56:32I will never leave you.