• last year
मेरठ के कोतवाली इलाके में वैद्यवाड़ा के सरकारी स्कूल के बच्चे को नॉनवेज खिलाने की बात सामने आई है। स्कूल और थाने में लोगों के साथ परिजनों ने हंगामा कर दिया। थाने में बच्चे ने जबरन नॉनवेज खिलाने की बात पुलिस से कही। इसके बाद पुलिस ने स्कूल प्रधानाध्यापक को हिरासत में लिया।

बेसिक शिक्षा अधिकारी ने प्रिंसिपल को सस्पेंड कर दिया। प्रधानाध्यापक के खिलाफ परिजनों ने थाने में एफआईआर लिखाने को तहरीर भी दी है। प्रिंसिपल इकबाल का कहना है कि आरोप गलत है। बच्चों से मीट नहीं मंगवाया। लंच के समय मैं ऑफिस में काम में व्यस्त था। स्कूल में कई मुस्लिम बच्चे हैं। हो सकता है कि उनमें से किसी ने खिलाया हो या ऑफर किया हो।


00:00What did you eat at school today?
00:02I ate meat.
00:04Where did you get the meat from?
00:06My teacher gave it to me.
00:10There were three kids.
00:12I asked them to give me meat.
00:14I ate the meat.
00:18They gave me the meat.
00:20I refused to eat it.
00:22I asked my teacher to give it to me.
00:24He gave it to me.
00:26I ate it.
00:28What did you tell your family?
00:32I told them that I ate meat.
00:36What did you eat?
00:38I gave it to them.
00:40You gave it to them?
00:42What was in the meat?
00:44What was with it?
00:46Was it bread?
00:48What was it?
00:54How did you eat it?
00:58I ate it.
01:02What is your name?
01:06A Muslim teacher gave meat to a Hindu student.
01:08What did you do?
01:12I suspended the teacher.
01:14I sent him to Khand Siksha Dehgara.
01:16I suspended the teacher.
01:18I suspended the teacher.
01:20What is the name of the teacher?
01:22How many kids were there?
01:24There were 20 kids.
01:26There were 6 kids.
01:28The teacher's name is Mohammad Iqbal.
01:30He was the only teacher in the school.
