FTS 20:30 12-08: Pres. Maduro leads National Defense Council Meeting

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FTS 20.30
*Uruguay: union workers protest against privatization of fuel sale and distribution.
*Israel killed about 1.8% of Gaza’s population since October 7th, 2023.

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00:00Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro led a joint meeting of the Council of State and
00:09the Council of Defense.
00:13In Uruguay, the union of workers of the state-owned fuel company NCAP Federation began to protest
00:19actions against a privatization administrative decision.
00:26And in Palestine, media reported that Israel has killed about 1.8% of the population of
00:31Gaza since October 7th, 1993, during its devastating genocidal operation in the coastal enclave.
00:43Hello and welcome to From the South, my name is Belén de los Santos, I'm from the Televisor
00:47Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
00:50On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro led a joint meeting of the Council of
00:54State and the Council of Defense.
00:56The high political command of the nation was held in the place known as the Yellow House,
01:01headquarters of the foreign ministry in the city of Caracas.
01:05Since July 30th, the Council of State and Defense Council have been in permanent session
01:10to address and confront the terrorist actions of the far-right wing groups following the
01:15re-election of Nicolás Maduro as President of the country.
01:19It should be noted that the meeting was also attended by the Venezuelan Vice President
01:23Rodríguez, the Attorney General Tarek William Saab, and the military high command.
01:35I was saying it with some delegates who arrived from Spain before the elections on July 28th.
01:40In Venezuela, the future of humanity is being defined, just as it was in 1936.
01:49During his speech, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said that his government
01:53is fighting to guarantee peace in the country.
02:00Today in Venezuela, under very different conditions, the same battle is being fought in peace with
02:05a powerful and strong institutional framework, a people's power with the territorial capacity
02:15to guarantee peace, work and the life of the people, a cohesive and patriotic military
02:25power ready to fight with the will to fight, with its own doctrine, with its own strategic
02:34concept, the backbone of the defense of the homeland.
02:38We continue in Venezuela as the Minister of Popular Power for Transportation, Ramón Velázquez
02:43Araguayan, informed on Sunday that the Combiasa website and the metro collection system were
02:48attacked by the hacktivist Anonymous.
02:51Through his Instagram account, the minister denounced once again the attacks of the hacktivist
02:56collective Anonymous against the website of Combiasa Airline, which they managed to neutralize
03:02with their technical equipment.
03:04He added that likewise the attack against the ticket collection system in the subways
03:09of Caracas, Valencia, Los Teques, Maracaibo State Railroad Institutions and the Metrobus,
03:16which caused a collapse in the service.
03:18He also added that they acted to safeguard all the information of users.
03:27And we stay in Venezuela, the electoral chamber of the highest judicial body announced in
03:31its ruling on the first balance of the contentious electoral appeal that seek to settle the controversy
03:37after the July 28th elections, that the former ultra-right candidate Edmundo González Urrutia
03:42is in contempt of the court.
03:44The report with Madeleine García.
03:56The electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice gave the balance of the first phase
03:59of the expertise of the contentious appeal that concluded with the appearance of President
04:04Maduro before the electoral chamber, a process that will lead to know all the details of
04:08what happened in the July 28th presidential election.
04:15Forty-eight people were summoned, 38 from political parties, nine former candidates
04:20and the Venezuelan president.
04:22The big absentee was Edmundo González Urrutia, the ultra-right winger who caused all the
04:27doubts about the electoral process.
04:34It is hereby stated for the record that the former candidate Edmundo González Urrutia
04:41did not attend and, therefore, did not comply with the summon order.
04:48Disregarding with his inaction the mandate of this, the highest instance of the electoral
04:55contentious jurisdiction of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
05:04But that's not all.
05:06Political parties that supported Edmundo González Urrutia said that they had access neither to
05:10the witnesses nor to the minutes, because behind all that electoral consultancy was
05:14the organization called CIMATI, created by Maria Karina Machado.
05:25All members of the Democratic United Platform Alliance and postulants of former candidate
05:31Edmundo González Urrutia did not submit any electoral material, arguing that they do not
05:37have any type of documentation related to this electoral process.
05:42In this sense, they stated that they do not have the minutes of the scrutiny of the witnesses,
05:49nor the list of witnesses, alluding, furthermore, that they did not participate in the process
05:56of transferring and safeguarding any material.
06:00They also pointed out that the organization CIMATI is part of the technical advisory team
06:08of the Democratic Unitary Platform Alliance, and, in turn, they did not know who uploaded
06:16the information of the alleged dolly cheats in the webpage www.resultadospresidencialesvenezuela2024.com.
06:33The electoral chamber will initiate the second phase of the expert analysis of all the minutes
06:38and electoral material consigned.
06:41At the end of the process, they will issue a final sentence, which...
06:46Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at El Esmeralda English,
06:50where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
06:54We'll be right back, stay with us.
07:04Welcome back to From the South.
07:06In Uruguay, the Union of Workers of the state-owned fuel company, NCAP Federation, began protest
07:11actions on Monday against a privatization administrative decision.
07:15The union opposes the exit of the public company from the fuel distribution and sales
07:20business at Carrasco Airport, which will become private.
07:24A statement from NCAP's board of directors states that a lawsuit filed by the private
07:29partners due to differences in the management of the business has been settled.
07:34For its part, the union announced as of Monday three days of strike in different areas of
07:39the company every day.
07:45And on Monday, Argentinian universities started a 72-hour national strike to demand better
07:50salaries and condemn Javier Millet's government policies.
07:54Union and social organizations held a three-day protest to make visible the current situation
08:00of the universities and the claims of the sector.
08:04Protesters demand the national government a real recovery of salaries in the context
08:09marked by a strong social-economic crisis.
08:13Meanwhile, they denounce the loss of workers' purchasing power, while inflation in the country
08:19between December 2023 and June 2024 amounts to 125.5%.
08:32Also in Argentina, on Sunday afternoon, police officers of the Rio Negro province murdered
08:38a Mapuche Juan Carlos Villa in El Bolson, in the north of Patagonia.
08:44In addition, another member of the Mapuche people, Emanuel Mol, was also injured.
08:49Following a complaint, the home of the dead victim was invaded by the agents.
08:54Many native residents framed the incident as part of the hate speech promoted by politicians
09:00and businessmen.
09:02In a still very confusing version, Villa was killed by the agents and Mol was injured and
09:08later transferred to the hospital in the Bolson area, where he remains hospitalized.
09:17And in Brazil, at least 12 lifeless bodies were identified on Monday at the Legal Medical
09:22Institute, the IML, in the state of Sao Paulo, out of the 62 that were on the plane that
09:28crashed on Friday in the Brazilian state.
09:31The IML headquarters is working exclusively on the case and on the identification of the
09:36victims' remains.
09:38The unit received the 62 bodies of the victims of the tragedy, of which 34 were men and 28
09:44were women, including passengers and crew members.
09:48One of the bodies was handed over to the relatives for legal procedures.
09:52The relatives are the first to be informed about the progress of the examination work.
09:57The government of Sao Paulo decreed on Friday a three-day period of official mourning in
10:02honor of the victims.
10:08In other news, in the Dominican Republic, on Sunday, members of the LGBTQ community
10:14gathered in the streets of downtown Santo Domingo during the celebration of the Dominican
10:19Pride Caravan.
10:20With the slogan Diversity in the Streets demanding equal rights, the community marched through
10:25the city to raise awareness about the community and to request the authorities to implement
10:31policies of respect, tolerance, protection and inclusion, with a special part dedicated
10:36to the memory of the members of the community who were murdered.
10:40The parades were held in the main sectors of the metropolitan area, including the colonial
10:45city, Ciudad Nueva, San Carlos, Villa Juana, Villa María and 24 de Abril.
11:06Now we move on to other topics.
11:13In the United States, Tropical Storm Debbie left at least seven dead, flooded areas and
11:18thousands of people without electric power after its passage.
11:22According to media reports, among the dead are a 12-year-old boy and a woman who died
11:27in a car accident in Dixie County, Florida, on August 5.
11:31Meanwhile in New Urban in Mississippi, a truck driver lost control and rushed into
11:36a canal while a tree fell on top of a mobile home, killing a 13-year-old boy.
11:42Meanwhile in Pennsylvania and Southern New York, a dozen people were trapped in their
11:46homes in the aftermath of the storm.
11:50We now have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
11:59channel at TELUS for English, where you will be able to rewatch our interviews, top stories,
12:04special broadcastings and more.
12:06Hit the subscribe button and activate notification bell to stay up to date on the world's most
12:11recent events.
12:12Final short break, don't go away.
12:29Welcome back to From the South.
12:38In Palestine, Israel has killed about 1.8% of the population of Gaza since October 7,
12:45during its devastating genocidal operation in the coastal enclave.
12:49According to the Palestinian Central Statistics Office, Israel's attacks in Gaza killed more
12:53than 39,000 people in the last 10 months.
12:57Less than 72 hours ago, the occupier's troops killed more than 110 people in Al-Tabein School
13:04while they were praying.
13:06The record indicates that about 70% of the wounded are women and children, the number
13:12of missing people stands at more than 10,000, and that to this day, more than 3,500 children
13:20are in danger of death from malnutrition and shortages.
13:29On the other hand, the government of the United States maintains support for Israel's genocidal
13:34operation against Gaza and announces the sending of the USS Georgia submarine with guided missiles
13:41in this way.
13:43Washington further contributes to raising tensions in the region.
13:47Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the ship's dispatch on Sunday after a telephone
13:51conversation with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Galant.
14:01On Sunday night, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas confirmed that it will not
14:05send negotiators to the talks that will begin in four days under the auspices of Qatar,
14:11Egypt and the United States.
14:13They asked the mediators to present a plan to implement what has already been agreed
14:17upon on July 2, based on a vision of Washington and the United Nations Security Council resolution.
14:26The movement insists that the mediators must ensure that all agreements previously signed
14:30by the parties are fulfilled, and reiterates that there is no point in promoting new rounds
14:35of negotiations if Israel systematically disrespects what has already been agreed upon.
14:57And we move on to other topics.
14:59International Atomic Energy Agency Chief Rafael Grossi stressed that the attacks on the Sapori
15:04GF power plant increased the risk of a nuclear accident to extreme levels.
15:09Although the IAEA chief refrained from making any accusations, the reminder comes after
15:18a Ukrainian drone hit one of the cooling towers of the nuclear power plant on Sunday.
15:23Engineers confirmed that the interior has been severely damaged.
15:27United Nations experts assured that any military action against the nuclear power plant represents
15:32a clear violation of the five principles of facility protection that have been adapted
15:38by the United Nations Security Council.
15:56In other news, China's Foreign Ministry expressed on Monday concern following Ukraine's incursion
16:01into Russia's Kursk region, and reiterated its call for war de-escalation.
16:08In this regard, Beijing urged all parties involved to follow three principles.
16:12To prevent the conflict from spreading beyond the battlefields, to prevent the escalation
16:15of hostilities, and to refrain from fanning the flames.
16:19The Foreign Ministry reaffirmed its readiness to maintain communication with the international
16:23community and to play a constructive role in seeking a political solution to the crisis.
16:45We go now to sports, as at the Olympic Games Paris 2024, Latin America achieved outstanding
16:52Let's see how they played in the medal standings.
16:56Brazil arrived at the Olympics with 277 athletes, being the largest delegation and the most
17:02outstanding with three gold medals, seven silver medals and ten bronze medals.
17:07Its greatest performer was gymnast Rebeca Andrade, who became the most decorated athlete
17:12in the history of Brazil.
17:15While Cuba extended its record as the Latin American country with the most medals in the
17:19Olympics, highlighting the performance of Mijain Lopez and having a total of ten medals.
17:25Ecuador with 40 athletes obtained six medals and was the third in this medal list.
17:32Argentina was ranked 52nd, winning the three gold medals in this edition of the Olympic
17:37Games and being the first country in Latin America to win the gold medal thanks to Jose
17:41Maligno Torres.
17:44Chile and Dominican Republic won one gold medal each, one silver for Chile and two bronze
17:49for Dominican Republic.
17:51Guatemala made history by singing its national anthem for the first time in the Olympic Games
17:56with Adriana Ruano, in addition to obtaining a bronze medal.
18:00Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Puerto Rico and Peru were positioned in the ranking between
18:06the 65th and 84th places.
18:10And after the closing ceremony of Paris 2024 Olympics, Los Angeles residents, host city
18:17of the 2028 Games reacted to this.
18:20Well, we have it coming next time, so we definitely have to step up.
18:25We have issues, you know, with infrastructure, but we'll come up with something good, I think,
18:29in four years.
18:30We don't have the same desserts and good food, but we do have good food.
18:35We have great food here.
18:36Are you kidding me?
18:37Great food.
18:38Come on.
18:39It was perfect.
18:40Especially beach volleyball settings, like Eiffel in the back.
18:42Oh my God, like, that was just ooh-la-la situation.
18:45It was beautiful.
18:46And I cannot wait to see the LA, what LA has to offer.
18:50So excited.
18:51It's going to be here.
18:52We live here.
18:53So, we're definitely going to go watch the Olympics in four years.
18:58And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
19:00You can find this and many other stories on our website at www.celesteroenglish.net.
19:04And also join us on social media.
19:06We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and also on TikTok.
19:10For Celestero English, my name is Belén de los Santos.
