FTS 8:30 27-08: Venezuela hosted 11th Extraordinary ALBA-TCP Summit

  • last month
FTS 8.30
*Sudan: humanitarian crisis worsens as war marks 500 days
*Citizens go on general strike in West Bank following Israeli attacks
00:00The 11th Extraordinary Summit of the Bitterlands for the Peoples of America's Peoples-Straight
00:14Treaty al-Battistapi ended in Caracas, Venezuela.
00:18The Denmark's 500 days of war marked the world's crisis in the continent that appears to be
00:24also the most forgotten.
00:28The dissents in Bethlehem and Tulcar and Governorate's occupied West Bank carried out a general strike
00:33following the killing of more than five Palestinians in Gaza by Israeli forces.
00:45Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisu Studios in Havana,
00:50We begin with the news.
00:51The countries of al-Battistapi, the Bolivarian alternative for the Peoples of America, ratified
00:56their support to Nicolás Maduro as re-elected president and condemned the non-recognition
01:00of the results by some governments that joined the fraught narrative of the far-right.
01:04The report with Madeline Garcia.
01:08An extraordinary summit at a decisive moment for peace in Venezuela.
01:12That is what the meeting of the al-Battistapi member countries was all about, to raise their
01:16voices in support of the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro, after the attendant coup
01:22The will of the majority must be respected.
01:31The Venezuelan people voted with full conscience in favor of dignity, their sovereignty and
01:36for peace, and have supported that vote with massive popular demonstrations in the streets
01:43all over Venezuela.
01:46Although those facts, as Maduro explained, have been silenced or diminished by biased
01:51reports, openly pro-opposition by the Western media that serve the empire.
02:01They condemned the interference of the United States and its allies and the same failed
02:05script that for more than two decades they have applied against Venezuela to destabilize
02:09the country.
02:13In the case of Venezuela, there is a class in the United States that is interested in
02:20appropriating the resources of Venezuela, such as oil, and this has happened not only
02:28in Venezuela, but also in Latin America and the Caribbean.
02:35We still have to exercise those forces of politics, those forces of the United States.
02:47Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega asked Brazilian President Lula for respect and also spoke
02:52clearly to the Colombian president.
02:57If you want me to respect you, respect me, Lula.
03:02If you want the Bolivarian people to respect you, respect the victory of President Nicolás
03:07Maduro and don't go there as a drag.
03:13To Petro, what can I say to Petro, poor Petro.
03:22I see him competing with Lula to see who will be the next representative of the Yankees
03:31in Latin America.
03:35President Nicolás Maduro reiterated his denunciation of the attempted coup d'etat and warned of
03:40the resurgence of fascism worldwide, but 2.0.
03:44Today, it is very clear that there is a resurgence and a resurgence of fascism, which some call
03:55neo-fascism, but there is no doubt that it is reinforced with the strength of the hatred
04:06of surrender and the destruction of the national state and social rights, and the recolonization
04:13and surrender of our country to the empire of the United States of America.
04:19There is no doubt today that in Europe, in South America, in the United States of America,
04:28there is a powerful resurgence of fascism.
04:36The Venezuelan president said that Venezuela is preparing for a mega-election in 2025
04:41to renew local governments, and deputies who have disregarded the constitution and laws
04:45may not be able to participate.
04:57The summit closed with a final declaration condemning interference, violence, the attempted
05:01coup d'etat, fascism, and expressing solidarity with the Venezuelan people, the re-election
05:06of President Nicolás Maduro, and ratifying Latin America and the Caribbean as a territory
05:10of peace.
05:11In Venezuela, the communes went to their second national consultation last Sunday, August
05:21Although the date was crucial, the work of these social structures is daily and constant.
05:25Correspondent Clarice Quesada tells us more.
05:31This is the community center and base of missions in Negro Luis Villafania.
05:36Here converge 14 community councils to which the facility offers a space for health care,
05:42a community dining room, but also for timely debate and solutions to collective problems.
05:49These days, in its halls, a martial arts practice is taking place.
05:54Its structure attests to how his endeavor materialized.
06:01I came here to talk to the commune, not with the parents.
06:04But I already talked to the commune.
06:07Then they saw that they put up my posters and through the posters they came here and
06:11little by little they found out that they were going to give classes here.
06:16And here we are, little by little with the girls.
06:18We have been here for three months now.
06:25From the popular consultation of Sunday 25th, these communes elected a project for the improvement
06:31of the distribution of the liquefied gas.
06:34Thus, they will make the distribution of the fuel more expeditious, creating delivery routes
06:41and a functional calendar for those who work or study.
06:44Meanwhile, in the Amalibaca community center, gas cylinders are being changed.
06:50Here are the deteriorated ones, while everyone takes home a new one.
06:55Frederick tells us how he found out.
07:00To our street leader, what are the community councils called?
07:03My work.
07:04They are doing something and well.
07:06We took the word and we went to the call.
07:11He also came to vote on Sunday with a clear idea.
07:15It's like everything you don't do, someone else will come and do it for you.
07:19So the saying goes that if you want something to go well, you have to do it yourself.
07:23And this is the opportunity you have to participate and you have to do it.
07:28At the end of the day, in this endogenous center of Sarria, street leaders responsible
07:33for their communes and their function it means to discuss the results of the second popular
07:40Barely 24 hours later, here they ponder the errors, look for strategies and leave a record
07:47of the experience.
07:48Yes, with the premise that commune is all of them.
07:57Yes we are evaluating projects this one directly from.
08:04We schedule fairs for the benefit of the communities.
08:06We see them in Europe.
08:10We also plan them in December or in other seasons.
08:16We plan different commercial activities.
08:18People come and then there are people who sell their sweets, sell their things and we
08:22do have them.
08:27And we are raising proposals for new projects for improvement.
08:35This is the day of life and work of three different community centers that bring together
08:40neighborhoods, look for solutions or as they popularly say, they solve it.
08:46In other news, the Colombian military has dismantled a mega laboratory for the processing
08:56of cocaine in Putumayo department, bordering Ecuador.
08:59Authorities estimate the facility was capable of producing around five tons of the drug
09:04per month.
09:05The facility consisted of eight structures where troops found 5,000 gallons of liquid
09:09precursors, chemicals, 1,000 kilos of solid inputs and 200 kilos of pure cocaine among
09:16other products.
09:17The army says the site could have accommodated over a dozen people and was likely operated
09:21by a dissident FARC group.
09:23The country saw a nearly 13% increase in coca cultivation in 2022, reaching a record high
09:29of 230,000 hectares, according to the latest UN report.
09:35Let's now take a short break but remember you can join us on TikTok at TeleZoom English
09:41where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
09:47We'll be right back, stay with us.
10:10Welcome back.
10:11In Mexico, the Commission of Constitutional Points of the Chamber of Deputies approved
10:15on Monday the ruling on the reform of the Constitution regarding the judiciary.
10:19With 22 votes in favor and 17 against, the norm that would allow the election of judges,
10:23magistrates and ministers of white popular vote in 2025 was approved.
10:27The number of members of the Supreme Court of Justice is reduced from 11 to 9.
10:32At this time, the Commission is reviewing the 330 reservations and will extend the session
10:36into the early morning.
10:38Backers ratified that the reform will contribute to put an end to nepotism, corruption and
10:44waste and reiterate that it will not affect workers' rights.
10:53The return to basic education classes in Mexico was widely celebrated by President Andres
10:57Manuel LĂłpez Obrador, who stressed that education is a right, not a privilege, as it was conceived
11:03in the period of neoliberal governments.
11:05Our colleague Antonio Aranda has the information.
11:08In Mexico, more than 24 million preschool, elementary and high school students return
11:15to school.
11:19The President of Mexico led a ceremony during his morning conference and pointed out that
11:24neoliberal governments conceived education as a privilege and not a right.
11:32We have a very good relation with teachers, unlike what happened in the sixth year term
11:39prior to us, when teachers were mistreated because they wanted to impose the so-called
11:47educational reform, which was nothing more than continuing to privatizing education.
11:57López Obrador recalled that during the government of former President Enrique Peña Nieto, teachers
12:03were blamed for the educational backwardness in the country and were persecuted.
12:12Of the most vile things they carry out is to blame teachers for the educational backwardness
12:20of the country.
12:23Teachers and those who resisted were imprisoned.
12:35One hundred and sixty-two million free textbooks were distributed to all students for this
12:40school year, informed the Minister of Public Education.
12:47This year, for the 2024-2025 school year, one hundred and sixty-two million textbooks
12:53were printed.
12:54All of them are already in basic education schools and are being distributed to secondary,
12:59preschool and tele-secondary schools.
13:04The head of government of the country's capital city highlighted the policy of economic support
13:09to prevent students from dropping out of school.
13:16There are educational social programs, such as support for school supplies, support for
13:21school uniforms, as well as a universal scholarship, the Welfare Scholarship for Girls and Boys
13:28that benefits 1,200,000 children enrolled in public preschool, elementary and secondary
13:39Parents recognized that these supports helped them with expenses.
13:44The support that the government has given me for my child has helped me a lot because
13:49I cannot work due to my disability.
13:53The government of Mexico will assign, in 2024 alone, a budget of more than $2,600 million
14:00to deliver the Benito Juarez Welfare Scholarships, which allows almost six million students in
14:07various grades to have constant support to avoid dropping out of school.
14:29Secretary General of the United Nations AntĂłnio Guterres has issued a call for help to the
14:33world because of a rapid increase in the growth of the Pacific Ocean.
14:37He said this from Tonga Oceania, where he presented an alarming report according to
14:41which the Pacific Islands, which generate less than 0.2% of annual global CO2 emissions,
14:46face a historic level threat.
14:49According to data collected by the World Meteorological Organization, maps show that in the last 30
14:54years, the seas have risen by about 15 centimeters.
14:57Celeste Azaulo, Secretary General of the Scientific Body, assured that the time to reverse the
15:01tide is drawing out, and it is a matter of survival.
15:09In Sudan, the death toll rose to 132 after flooding caused by heavy rains.
15:14The Ministry of Health reported that the rainy season has affected 10 provinces of the country,
15:18the most affected being the northern province and the province of River Nilo.
15:22At the same time, it pointed out that more than 12,000 houses have already been completely
15:30destroyed by the downpours.
15:31In this sense, the situation of those displaced by the war has worsened not only because of
15:35the armed problems, but also because of the climatic conditions.
15:43On Tuesday, Sudan in northeast Africa marks 500 days of war, one of the worst crises in
15:50the continent that appears to be also the most forgotten.
15:52With nearly 12,000 wounded and 15.7 million children at risk of mental harm, the country
15:59is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that is particularly hard on children.
16:04Fighting between the rapid support forces and the Sudanese armed forces generated the
16:07largest crisis of displaced people in the world, which currently stands at 10 million,
16:12one in five people in the country is in this condition.
16:15And at the moment, malnutrition is on the rise and hunger and sexual violence are at
16:20unprecedented levels.
16:23We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
16:29channel at TeleSol English, there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
16:33special broadcastings and more.
16:35Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:39world's most recent events.
16:40Have a short break, don't go away.
16:53Welcome back.
17:04On Tuesday, citizens in the Bethlehem and Tulcum governorates occupied West Bank carried
17:08out a general strike following the killing of more than five Palestinians in Gaza by
17:12Israeli forces.
17:14Israeli troops attacked Noor Shams first with drones and then assaulted the area with military
17:19vehicles, while reconnaissance planes flew over the city at low altitude.
17:23During the attack, occupation forces killed two youths, aged 15 and 16.
17:28With the latest attacks, authorities reported 40,435 people killed to date since the Israeli
17:33genocide began last year.
17:35The Islamic Jihad also condemned the attacks and accused Israel of launching an open war
17:39against Palestinians.
17:46In Palestine, the new evacuation order issued by the Zionist government of Benjamin Netanyahu
17:51for Gaza forces United Nations humanitarian agencies to suspend operations in the enclave.
17:56The United Nations decided to halt the operations of its agencies in the Gaza Strip following
18:01the latest order to evacuate its facilities in Deir al-Bala, the last site where this
18:06international organization had to be located after several previous evacuation orders.
18:10Officials in charge of the security of these agencies reiterated that it is impossible
18:14to cooperate in such conditions.
18:16They assured that they were working to resume operations as soon as possible and reiterated
18:20that they would not withdraw from the Gaza Strip because the people need them.
18:30On Monday, the foreign ministers of Iran and Qatar discussed a range of bilateral and regional
18:34issues, particularly the ongoing Israeli genocidal war in Gaza.
18:38It is the first official trip to Tehran by the top Qatari officials since the new Iranian
18:42administration took office in July.
18:44The visit comes as Iran has vowed to defend its absolute right to give a response to the
18:48Israeli regime's assassination in Tehran of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political
18:53bureau of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.
18:56The top Qatari diplomat's trip also takes place at a time when the latest rounds of
19:01peace talks between Israel and Hamas ended without an agreement and tensions have escalated
19:2920th edition of the Under-20 World Athletic Championship will begin on Tuesday in the
19:34city of Lima, Peru.
19:37This 2024 will be the third time that this championship will be held in South America.
19:431,720 athletes under the age of 20 from 134 countries have been confirmed, making this
19:49the largest event ever held in the country.
19:52With a capacity of 7,500 spectators, the Vedena Athletic Stadium will be the venue for the
19:59The championship will be attended by international athletes who stood out in the last Olympic
20:03Games, such as South African Bradley Nkowana, Olympic medalist in Paris, who will compete
20:08in the 100 and 200 meters, as well as Jamaican Alana Reid, who helped her country reach the
20:13Olympic final in the 4 by 100 meters relay, now competing in the 100 meters.
20:20In France, the Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024, the team of refugees were made of a
20:25record number of eight athletes.
20:28With just one day to go before the start of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games from August
20:3328th to September 8th, the International Paralympic Committee has announced that T-11 sprinter
20:38Guillaume, Jr. Atangano of Cameroon, will be the flag bearer for the Paralympic refugee
20:43team at Wednesday's opening ceremony on the Champs-Élysées in Place de la Concorde.
20:47The eight refugee athletes are Zakiya Khudadadi from Afghanistan, Ibrahim Al-Hussein from Syria,
20:53Salman Abariki from Iran, Hadi Darvish from Iran,
20:56Syed Amir Hossein Hosseinipour from Iran,
20:59Emilio Castro from Colombia, and Hadi Hassanzadeh from Afghanistan,
21:03who will compete in six sports, track and field, weightlifting, table tennis, taekwondo,
21:08triathlon, and wheelchair fencing.
21:12And this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
21:14You can find these and many others on our website, Tercer English.net.
21:18So join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
21:23For Tercer English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos. Thank you for watching.
