
  • last month
00:00I'll give you eight weeks to return the money I took from you.
00:04If you want to live.
00:06You were the one who pointed a gun at some guy at the party.
00:09It was a joke. A joke!
00:11The new law came into force this year in March.
00:14All the debts are forgiven.
00:17Have you talked to anyone else than Liisa or just read about her online?
00:21I thought you'd be excited.
00:23Oh, Mikkonen. We met last week.
00:27We met last week.
00:31We can probably get along.
00:32We can probably get along.
00:34You'll give me the money, and I'll pay you back.
00:37You know what to do.
00:45How much is the debt now?
00:47I told you I wouldn't discuss it with you.
00:49What did you tell her?
00:50Not much.
00:51So she doesn't know how much the debt is?
00:53It's none of your business.
00:54I don't know how much the debt is.
01:24I don't know how much the debt is.
01:46I'm excited to see you for the first time.
01:49Are you?
01:51Yes, we just want you to be a star in our office.
01:57I'm sorry, what?
02:00Why am I here?
02:02As you may know, according to this new law,
02:05during your time at the National Bank of Finances,
02:07you were born a scapegoat.
02:08We bought you when you were getting older.
02:11That's why we don't have anything to negotiate anymore.
02:13You're so polite.
02:16I heard I haven't done anything else during my vacation
02:19and I've been negotiating and negotiating and explaining.
02:23You know what?
02:25I don't need this anymore.
02:27The Parliament has also decided on this.
02:29Okay, let's get straight to the point.
02:31That law isn't meant to be used to compensate criminals.
02:35I'm sorry, what?
02:36What it actually means is that we can go to court
02:41and see if you've been truly cooperative
02:44and have done your best to pay your debt.
02:50What right do you have to threaten me like that?
02:53This is important.
02:54Smelly piece of shit.
02:56Look, I know what kind of house you live in.
02:59And even though I have legal papers and a visa,
03:02I don't have the money to buy a stone house like that.
03:05And you still owe me more than four million euros,
03:08of which you had paid exactly zero euros.
03:11So don't make any excuses.
03:14You'll get the money somehow.
03:16You just don't want to tell me where.
03:19I offer you a very good deal.
03:23400,000 euros.
03:26Which is actually 10% of your real debt.
03:32And of course we can go to court if you want.
03:35It will keep your debt for about ten years.
03:37How old are you then?
03:42It's interesting that here we know the decisions of the law in advance.
03:48The fact that we have the money doesn't make me a criminal.
03:52And it wouldn't be if my friend let me live in his apartment,
03:55even if there was a little problem with it.
03:58I interpret the outcome of this consultation
04:01so that we have contradictory views on this matter.
04:05Yes, if I get my lawyer's papers for that interpretation.
04:10You should go through the papers in peace.
04:14It's very reasonable for you.
04:16Is it?
04:17It really is.
04:36What do they want?
04:39You gave them four million euros.
04:41Maybe they want it.
04:45How can you be like that if it were the same for you?
04:50What should I be like?
04:54Where are you going?
04:56To the museum and the theater.
04:58With whom?
05:04Well, see you in the evening.
05:33Hey, I'm a little late.
05:36It's nothing. Busy with work?
05:44Well, what's up?
05:48How's the project for the home education project going?
05:53It's going well.
05:55But I've left that phase of my life behind me.
05:59I thought it was very important to you.
06:05What if we didn't talk about work?
06:10These are kind of like meetings.
06:20I'll try, but I can't back down.
06:34Jari Mikkonen.
06:36How are you? I need to see your papers.
06:38I have a name list.
06:40I'm glad to hear that.
06:42And I'm the band's manager.
06:45I don't care. I want to see your papers.
06:51I think I left them in the car.
06:53Go get them and we'll talk again.
07:04Hi. I thought that...
07:07Didn't you really get mad at the toy gun?
07:34How do you manage to do all that?
07:37You have such a demanding job.
07:39Well, I have no other son than time.
07:42That's true.
07:44I divorced three years ago.
07:48It was cool.
07:50I appreciate Tarja.
07:53The kids are in her care now.
07:56But they went to visit their dad once a week.
08:01What about your own life?
08:04I also have two kids.
08:07Päivi and Jari.
08:09They both go to school.
08:14Technically, I'm still married.
08:20But Tavi has betrayed my trust so many times that...
08:23No, no.
08:25I'm really not interested in that.
08:32I was just thinking that...
08:34Divorce is your own business.
08:37You don't have to explain it to me.
08:41I was just thinking that it would be right to tell you where I live.
08:45I'm ready to tell you based on this one meeting.
08:51I know you're really beautiful.
08:56And a sexy woman.
09:01Look at that.
09:15Oh, you're home.
09:17You're not working tonight.
09:19I took a day off.
09:21Oh yeah? Why?
09:23Well, it wasn't exactly what I expected.
09:27I don't mean that work should be easy, but...
09:31It has a lot to do with a lot of other things.
09:34It doesn't matter.
09:41I think we should fight and not just give up.
09:45There's no other way.
09:49Well, if it doesn't hit, then don't hit. Try something else.
09:55I was just thinking that...
09:58Are there even honest people in the world?
10:07How's school? Do you have any books in mind?
10:14Do you have any worries about your son?
10:17What do you mean?
10:19Like Dad asked his daughter.
10:23It's nothing.
10:30I heard Dad say something to you the other day.
10:34Be happy.
10:36The worries as a young man are so small.
10:40Just don't do anything stupid.
10:46Be happy as long as you can.
10:52I love you.
11:22What are you doing?
11:24What? You wouldn't believe it.
11:27Of course I would.
11:29It's a lie.
11:35I told you.
11:53What's this?
11:55I thought we'd share the win.
11:57Okay, thanks.
12:00I'm a vegetarian.
12:03We can bring you something else if you want.
12:06What do you want?
12:12Green America.
12:16Green America.
12:21And you and me.
12:23Shorts and socks.
12:27Wait a minute.
12:40I'll take these.
12:42Green America and condoms.
12:45What brand?
13:19Aren't we vegetarians?
13:21Yeah, but you can't leave it there.
13:23It would be even worse.
13:26Do you have a plate?
13:28I do.
13:36What's your name?
13:38Why do you care?
13:41If you tell me, I'll throw you out.
13:44To where?
13:50Here's the bill.
14:01Jari will worry about me if I don't come home.
14:05You can call him.
14:09You don't want to come?
14:14Are you sure you're not up to something?
14:17I am.
14:19I've just been preparing.
14:24Of course.
14:26I'm sorry.
14:29I was a bit...
14:33I was a bit...
14:40I mean, I'm serious.
14:42I'm open about our relationship.
14:45So am I.
14:51Here's the deal.
14:53You can relax about our first meeting and nature.
14:58You can call me if you want.
15:01Is that okay?
15:07Good night.
15:09Good night.
15:2418, Liinasaari Street.
15:2818, Liinasaari Street.
15:41I don't know what's coming next.
15:46We agreed to get through this together.
15:53But I can't trust you anymore.
15:57I feel like you've given up.
15:59We don't have anything in common anymore.
16:06And the therapist got me to think things a little differently.
16:15I want 400 hours.
16:19Do you realize how much it costs?
16:22Now that Mom's sick and Timppi's in debt, it's a lot.
16:28Are you drunk?
16:30I'm not.
16:52Where do you want to go?
16:56Then don't go.
16:58Why not?
17:00Let's do something.
17:02What are you going to do in the middle of the night?
17:05I don't know.
17:07Maybe I'll go home.
17:11Where do you live?
17:15I live in the city.
17:18Where do you live?
17:22Far away.
17:24What's your number?
17:27We could do something.
17:36I want to see you again.
17:40You don't know anything.
17:48You don't know anything.
18:21We thought we'd drop by because Mom was so upset.
18:24It's great that you came.
18:26I hope we didn't come at a bad time.
18:28No, not at all. I'll make some coffee. Come on in.
18:33Get up!
18:35Wake up, your Mom and Lisa are here.
18:49What's wrong?
19:01What if Mom doesn't want to go to work?
19:04I don't know.
19:06I don't think they'll help.
19:08They'll be fine.
19:10I know.
19:11Don't say that.
19:13Where's the bathroom?
19:15I'll show you.
19:23The company had a small party.
19:26That's what you smell like.
19:30Did the doctor say anything new?
19:33He warned us that that guy could come at any time.
19:40We went to drive a tractor with Santeri.
19:44We rented a garden in the fall.
19:46It's good.
19:47How's your pay?
19:49It's under control.
19:51You're a living parent and everything's fine?
19:53I'm taking care of it.
19:55It's hard.
19:57Even though our home doesn't mean anything to you,
20:01it's my soul and my view.
20:04I don't think you understand that.
20:08I want to tell you a secret.
20:11What is it?
20:13Do you remember when there was a robbery in the spring?
20:18Yeah, I guess.
20:21I was there.
20:25And I'm last year's American Idol.
20:29I have almost 200,000.
20:32Including the car.
20:35Although I still have 18,000.
20:39Why do you want to know?
20:51I don't want any secrets.
20:54I want you to know everything.
20:57This is who I am.
21:00Take the keys.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:19Jari, are you there?
21:22Of course I am.
21:25Jari, grandma is here.
21:28Wake up!
21:29What are you doing here?
21:30Get your clothes and come downstairs. Grandma is here.
21:37I'm sorry we came like this.
21:40I can't stand being alone with mom.
21:43It's okay.
21:45How is it going with that Lincoln?
21:52It was useful.
21:54It was.
21:56It was.
21:58From Kate Wink?
22:00How is that possible?
22:02Our therapy lasts at least half a year.
22:05What did she say?
22:07She said that we got through.
22:11And that's it?
22:13That's it.
22:14But it was enough.
22:17I'll take your mother this bill.
23:46I'm sorry, darling.
23:50It's just that I'm in a hurry.
23:55It was lovely.
23:58You were...
24:00You were just...
24:03You were just...
24:06Is everything okay?
24:10It is.
24:25You were just...
24:29You were just...
24:35You were just...
24:47You were just...
24:55You were just...
25:25You were just...
25:36Do you remember what day it is next week?
25:40Is it my birthday?
25:41It's payday.
25:43No, look at me. Do I look like I have something to pay for?
25:47Just like me. Take a loan.
25:49Yeah, that's good.
25:51I'm telling you once in your life you're doing the right thing.
25:53The money, now.
25:55If mom leaves...
25:56Hey, don't.
25:57You're wasting it.
25:58That's an option.
26:00But if mom leaves,
26:02the fire will set this house on fire.
26:05And Liisa won't have the money to buy my property.
26:08Do you understand?
26:09Our house will go under.
26:11Liisa is...
26:14Liisa is crying.
26:15It's the last time she's got money.
26:17Oh, the house, yeah.
26:19Do you remember when you broke into my basement?
26:23I thought I'd get trauma from it.
26:30You'll be old soon, but mom...
26:32Don't try to think on my behalf.
26:35I need the money now.
26:37The stock market doesn't count 4.3 million years from that bank.
26:46How did you come up with that sum?
26:48I didn't have to come up with anything.
26:50Liisa called me.
26:52She saw you out and took a piece of paper.
26:58And personally, I'm a little upset
27:01that you've been a martyr for 15 years.
27:04Then all of a sudden, you haven't paid a penny for the rescue,
27:08and you've given me the money.
27:12I have this crown of thorns for this.
27:17And two violins for that.
27:19Don't forget about alcoholism. It's probably my fault, too.
27:23The thing is,
27:25your threats with all kinds of robberies
27:29go a little too far,
27:31because it's clear that in your life,
27:33you can't do anything but commit crimes.
27:36And your clients know that, too.
27:38And that's why they're ready to go to the robbers.
27:41Isn't that right?
27:47I'll pay you back, too.
27:50I was the one
27:52who cleaned up the mess
27:55when you walked out
27:57to solve the first problem.
28:00Our joint project.
28:02Wasn't it nice to see
28:04the mother of a single caretaker
28:06when she was packing her stuff
28:08and running away from the flood?
28:10The kids were walking around,
28:12and the mother was...
28:14Did you go to help her?
28:20And just so you know,
28:22this house is important to me, too.
28:26And if it goes under,
28:28you'll be responsible for it.
28:30For me and Liisa.
28:34Oh, the kids are still here.
28:37How nice.
28:51Jaana Mikkola, hi.
28:53Leave a message.
28:55Well, I'll just hang up.
28:58I was just thinking about
29:00how you're doing on the bike.
29:03That's all. Bye.
29:21Jari, what's ICT?
29:23I don't know.
29:28Isn't that for a consultant?
29:33I don't care.
29:35You don't care?
29:37What are you going to do when you grow up?
29:41I'll play poker and move to the US.
29:44That's your plan?
29:47I mean, go to work.
29:49Why not?
29:51Xerox is hiring a product manager.
29:53I'd be good at that.
29:55Do you really think there's a real job out there?
30:09I'll take these.
30:11Both of them.
30:13And that one for 43.
30:45Let me go!
30:46Calm down.
30:48I don't want this.
30:50Let's just get this over with.
30:52I got into an accident.
31:00Hi, Loppu!
31:06Who is this?
31:07Just one guy.
31:09Where did you disappear?
31:11I want to see you again.
31:16What's happening to you?
31:20Why are you glum like that?
31:22Why are you glum?
31:23This guy is just messing around.
31:25Okay, let's go.
31:29I know you want to go too.
31:38I'll see you on Friday at 1pm.
31:53I'll see you on Friday at 1pm.
31:57Pekka, my marriage is over.
32:01But you don't want us to get married?
32:05All our old neighbors will come there.
32:08I don't want them to meet me for the first time
32:11and I end up hanging out with some jerks.
32:15So you don't know anything yet?
32:18Well, I haven't gone to the farm to shout about it.
32:23Excuse me.
32:29About my company's bookkeeping.
32:33What about it?
32:34Didn't you have to take care of it?
32:37What about them?
32:38There are full of unopened bookshelves here.
32:41They haven't done anything.
32:44What does it matter?
32:45They haven't done anything in your company.
32:48It does matter if I want to continue my business.
32:51Well, you can't do anything with those companies.
32:54They've been in the news and in contests many times.
32:59Do you remember that I'm in Tampere this weekend?
33:02At the theater.
33:04Okay, bye.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:18No, it's okay.
33:19Is that enough?
33:22Not really.
33:25Do you still live there?
33:30Because of the kids.
33:32Yes, of course.
33:33There should be space.
33:40What do you mean?
33:43I mean that you could change my nature.
33:47In the way that suits you.
33:53I love it when you say that.
34:08Would you, sir, be the mayor tonight?
34:11It depends on what she has at home to offer.
35:11I'm sorry.
35:34I'm sorry.
35:43I don't need it.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:57What's that?
36:00It's for the picnic.
36:02There's no picnic here.
36:04Don't be so sure.
36:08Let's go.
36:11Let's go.
36:17You're crazy.
36:18How much are these?
36:19Not much.
36:21Why are you doing this?
36:26You ran after me with your skirt and planned a picnic.
36:31I just feel like it.
36:34I feel like you're crazy.
36:36You're somehow different.
36:38How so?
36:40I don't know.
36:41You have your own ideas.
36:44You don't care what other people do or think of you.
36:48I don't.
36:51Why did you run after me?
36:59I don't know.
37:09When did you start smoking again?
37:12Some time ago.
37:19I thought we were close to each other.
37:24That we told each other things.
37:29Four million!
37:32Why didn't you say anything?
37:34Why don't you go tell Timo?
37:36Don't call me!
37:40I don't want you to worry about me.
37:43That's why.
37:46Here you go.
37:49What is this?
37:51A lawyer's opinion on the value of this house and Tontti.
37:57Over half a million.
37:58This old junkyard.
38:00A third of it is...
38:02But I don't care anymore.
38:05I trust you.
38:06I trust that you...
38:08Get rid of Pelkas.
38:10Or B.
38:11Do exactly what the old taxman did.
38:13Sell this house.
38:56I can't do this.
39:11Do you have a credit card?
39:13Don't you have a credit card?
39:15I do, of course.
39:36I do, of course.