00:00♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:08What's all this then?
00:09We found it, scattered all up and down the beach.
00:12This is still in its packaging.
00:14It's clear what's going on here then.
00:15Illegal activity, I'd say.
00:17I mean, this is the sort of kit you need to grow drugs.
00:19My unit just got approved.
00:27Who's that from?
00:28Oh, just a mate saying congratulations.
00:30And that's somehow bad?
00:32I feel guilty for not calling my mate back straight away.
00:34I'd better do that now.
00:37Listen, you're right, I'm moving on.
00:39You should too.
00:40So let's just...
00:50Amali said the courier had a delivery.
00:52I was not expecting this.
00:57Have the rest of my hand-me-downs.
00:59You've taken everything else.
01:08Ah, thank you.
01:10Needed that.
01:11Want me or the coffee?
01:15I understand why you need the caffeine.
01:17You've been working night shifts all week.
01:19I have.
01:20This is going to get me through my patrol, so thank you.
01:25So, I spoke to Mac.
01:27Organised an early mark.
01:29So maybe when you finish, we can catch up.
01:34Find some ways to distract you.
01:39But no, I can't.
01:40I've got to go back and meet my housemate.
01:43I know.
01:44What's her name again?
01:46Parker says she's lovely.
01:47A lot more lovely than spending the harbour with me.
01:49I guess we'll see.
01:55Well, if it isn't Irene Roberts.
01:58Welcome home.
01:59Thanks, love.
02:01Tell you what, I'm glad you texted me.
02:03I completely forgot that we were meeting up.
02:05It's not like you.
02:06You did say your tests were all clean.
02:08Yeah, yeah.
02:09They're all good, love.
02:10I just had something on last night.
02:11Yeah, so did I.
02:12The less said about that, the better.
02:15Nothing interesting.
02:16What's your excuse?
02:17Well, I've got a young friend staying.
02:21A woman I met in the city.
02:23You mean, like, literally just met?
02:26We really hit it off.
02:28Yeah, she's seriously unwell, darling.
02:31She's got no one close to her that she can turn to.
02:34So, obviously, you stepped in.
02:36She's staring death in the face.
02:39And she is scared stiff.
02:41Tell you what, why don't we get our coffees, take away?
02:44I'm sure a walk will do us both the world of good,
02:46and you can fill me in on the way.
02:48Sounds good.
02:58I feel sick.
02:59She's just trying to get under your skin.
03:01Well, mission accomplished.
03:04Trust me, this isn't who Imogen usually is.
03:06I feel terrible about that.
03:08Okay, so clearly she's trying to upset us, but why now, do you think?
03:14What do you mean?
03:15Well, why the sudden big push to move on and throw her wedding rings in my face?
03:20I'm not sure.
03:21But have you heard to guess?
03:23I mean, I know that you guys haven't been talking lately.
03:27I don't have any answers.
03:35Well, clearly something's triggered it.
03:45Stop, this is how it's meant to be.
03:47You don't know.
03:49Oh, hi.
03:50So when you're late, it's fine, but when I'm just a little bit tardy,
03:53it's the end of the world, right?
03:54She's got you there.
03:55Well, if you must know, I was helping Irene.
03:58Oh, what's wrong?
03:59No, everything's fine, she's okay, but she's just taken a lot on.
04:02Oh, do you mean on your housemate?
04:04Yeah, I haven't met this broadie, but she sure seems to be having a rough trot.
04:08Yeah, I'm hoping that when I get home, I can help or, like, you know,
04:11lighten the mood a little.
04:13Well, that is one of your superpowers.
04:15Come on, we're already behind schedule.
04:18See ya.
04:20Because you're late, I just dragged the buggy.
04:22Whoa, what's this?
04:24It's nothing.
04:25Ah, it's a lot of nothing.
04:27It's just some junk that washed up on the beach.
04:29Now let's get the flags out.
04:30How did it get into the ocean?
04:32It just did. Come on, flags.
04:35If you say so.
04:39You know, I wish we had a mystery to solve.
04:41It would spice up this day a little bit.
04:43Let's get to work.
04:48So much for our fresh start, huh?
04:54Look, I know this is all really crazy right now.
04:58Yeah, it really is.
05:00I mean, sending me her wedding rings?
05:03It's not even rational.
05:05What am I supposed to do, throw them away?
05:11Or do you think they are yours?
05:13Well, not anymore.
05:15Well, not anymore.
05:19Levi, listen, I just, um...
05:23I really need to know what's going on here because I feel so blindsided by all this.
05:28She's hurt. She's slashing out.
05:33So, you just think she was sitting around one day and thought,
05:36oh, you know what, I'll just send Mac and Levi all this stuff.
05:42Who could know?
05:44Maybe she's got it out of her system now and this is the last we hear of Imogen.
05:49Or she might turn up here in the middle of the night in her wedding gown.
05:53Please, don't say that.
05:55What's stopping her? I mean, she clearly knows where we live now.
05:58What, you think I told her?
06:00Did you?
06:02Of course not.
06:04Well, someone did.
06:14Ah, you.
06:17How did Imogen get my address?
06:20I told her.
06:23Why would you do that?
06:25Because she called me and she asked me.
06:30It's not my fault that someone upset her yesterday.
06:33She contacted me first.
06:35Yeah, and then you told her to just move on with her life, like it's that simple.
06:38I see you guys have been having a nice long conversation there.
06:40Actually, when she called, she sounded like she was a few drinks deep.
06:44What did she end up doing anyway?
06:46So you really think giving an angry drunk person their ex's address was a good idea?
06:51I'm sorry, I didn't realise you're in witness protection.
06:54It's not me I'm worried about.
06:57What are you suggesting, that Imogen is dangerous?
07:00I'm suggesting that you are messing with my relationship.
07:04Ah, I didn't realise it would be so easy.
07:06That's enough!
07:08I need you to back off.
07:09All I am doing is supporting your wife because someone has to.
07:21Ah, when you said that that was the last of the stuff,
07:25is that a...
07:51I knew there was something more to this.
07:54Um, it's nothing were your exact words.
07:58Lifeguards coming through.
07:59Oh yeah, make some room.
08:01Must have come in on the king tide, there was a massive swell last night.
08:05I think you're right, John.
08:07Something weird's going on.
08:09No kidding.
08:15It was Eden who gave Imogen our address.
08:17Ah, of course it was.
08:19I don't suppose Eden mentioned why Imogen felt the sudden need to do all of this?
08:24Here we go.
08:26And just checking it's all good for me to bail after lunch, yeah?
08:29Because I promised Dana I'd see her.
08:31Can it wait?
08:39So, apparently, Imogen called Eden drunk, demanding the address,
08:45and Eden had no problem in giving it to her.
08:48Well, at least the drunk part explains some of it.
08:53Eden really has her back.
08:55I think she just needs a friend.
08:57Yeah, of course.
08:59Even though it does feel like they're teaming up against us.
09:05Right then.
09:07Where are you going?
09:08I'm gonna go sort out these boxes and hopefully we can finally put this behind us.
09:12Levi, listen, I know that-
09:13I know, it sounds like wishful thinking to me too.
09:15Just let me sort this, okay?
09:18Talk to you later.
09:26Righto, righto, come on, show's over.
09:28Why don't you head up to the clubhouse, buy yourselves a smoothie.
09:33Where do we think it came from?
09:35Given everything else is washed up on the beach,
09:37it's obvious it's come from the same ship.
09:39Yeah, the guy I spoke to at Maritime promised to call me if anything was reported missing.
09:45Well, maybe there's been no report because it's like a cover-up.
09:49Hey, hey, hey!
09:50What? I just want to see what's inside.
09:52You know, it could be dangerous.
09:53Yeah, but so why would you open it?
09:55Well, it's locked anyway, which does probably mean there's something to hide.
09:59Good point, Dana.
10:00Not good point, Dana. Hide what?
10:02Exactly. That's the question.
10:04I agree, something's not quite right here.
10:07I'm gonna call it. I think it's a government conspiracy.
10:10I don't think it's a government conspiracy.
10:12I don't think it's a government conspiracy.
10:14I don't think it's a government conspiracy.
10:16I'm gonna call it. I think it's a government conspiracy.
10:19It happens all the time.
10:20No, it doesn't.
10:21No, it doesn't.
10:22Only because you never hear about it.
10:23I don't know what to say, though.
10:24I do. We should alert the media.
10:26Well, hang on. Don't you think we've had enough media in this town for a while?
10:29I think that this is a bit different.
10:31Give it a rest, you two. No one's doing anything until I get more information.
10:34We've got to go through the proper... Out, out.
10:36We've got to go through the proper channels.
10:38I'm gonna send these photographs to the authorities.
10:42That is a good idea, John.
10:46I've been up in curiosity.
10:51Hey, I know I said that you could have the afternoon off,
10:53but we're gonna have to keep it at a short lunch break.
10:57I already made plans with Dana.
10:58I know. I'm sorry. This is just really important, OK?
11:02Can I ask what it's about?
11:04I have to go to the city to return these to Levi's ex.
11:10I mean, I don't mean to sound rude,
11:12but that's probably the single worst idea I've ever heard in my life.
11:15Thank you so much.
11:16Why do you have them anyway?
11:17Because she sent them to me.
11:19Because she was trying to make a point.
11:23OK, look, clearly this woman doesn't like you.
11:27I'm aware.
11:28So how do you think she's gonna feel when you just rock up at her place?
11:34Can't you go through Levi?
11:35No, I'd really rather not send him there.
11:38OK, well surely there's someone else that can do it.
11:40Like, literally anybody else.
11:45All right, thanks, mate. Bye.
11:48Well, good news is the authorities are gonna come and take that container away.
11:52Yeah, all sorted then.
11:53Bad news is they're not gonna do it for another 48 hours.
11:56What are we supposed to do till then?
11:58Well, they're recommending that we keep people away from them,
12:00which means we're gonna have to hire security overnight.
12:03Hey, someone better reimburse the club for that.
12:05Well, that sounds like a pain. Good luck with it, mate.
12:07Yeah, cheers.
12:09Did they say what was in it?
12:11They don't know either.
12:13So when they do finally come and get it, are they gonna show us?
12:17Why don't we just get some bolt cutters from the garage and take a little peek?
12:21Because it's somebody else's property.
12:23Ah, well, actually, no-one's claimed ownership yet.
12:26And according to the people online, that means it's up for salvage.
12:29Yeah, well, they don't know what they're talking about.
12:31Online? What do you mean online?
12:33Yeah, I posted it on a forum for weird stuff.
12:35Some pretty wild theories.
12:38Um, drugs being smuggled from overseas.
12:40Uh, UFO parts being transported between government labs.
12:44Why did you share this? Are you trying to create panic?
12:48Unless you're saying there's a reason for panic.
12:50No, the point is, we don't know what's going on.
12:53Yeah, then so what's the big deal?
12:54Well, they want us to keep people away.
12:56How do you think this is gonna help matters?
12:58Well, I mean, obviously I posted, you know, this before they told us that.
13:01Yeah, but you shouldn't share that sort of stuff anyway.
13:03There's a proper way to conduct an investigation.
13:05Yeah, this. This is how mysteries are solved nowadays, John.
13:08It's called people power.
13:09No, no, those things are only good for gossip and making a mess of things.
13:13Shut it down. Turn it off. Shut it off.
13:20Do you and Levi even get the concept of knocking?
13:23Can we talk?
13:24Can't you two sort out your own mess?
13:26Well, maybe we could if other people would stop getting involved.
13:30Okay, that is enough drama for one day. Time to go.
13:34Okay, Eden, this isn't about you and me. Actually, this is about Imogen.
13:38What are you talking about?
13:39She hates me and I understand that.
13:41How perceptive of you.
13:43She gave these to me in anger and I really think that she should have them back.
13:52I know that you two are friends, so please, can you return these to her?
14:08We can't wait 48 hours.
14:10It's 47-ish and yes, we can.
14:12What if there are piles of guns or drugs in there and they're endangering beachgoers?
14:16Would you keep it down?
14:18There is something dodgy going on.
14:20It's locked up. I'm about to arrange security. Nobody is in any danger.
14:24What if it's treasure?
14:26Oh, yes, didn't think of that, did you?
14:29I would share it with you if it was.
14:32There's still maritime laws to follow.
14:35There's still maritime laws to follow.
14:37Oh, come on, John. You're not the Navy anymore.
14:40No, but there's still a chain of command and I'm calling the shots here, not you.
14:44Well, I'm not the only one that wants to know.
14:46You're not taking this seriously.
14:48You're only in this for the gossip and the follows.
14:50What's so wrong with that?
14:52This town has been through a lot recently.
14:54It's our job to protect the beach.
14:57That's what we're going to do.
14:59Honestly, I expected better of you.
15:04All right, you ready?
15:06Our lunch date. Come on, I don't have much time. Let's just go to mine.
15:10Hey, what's wrong?
15:14Have the rest of my hand-me-downs.
15:18Go, Imogen.
15:22So, are you going to give them back to her or not?
15:26Don't make this about you.
15:28If I was in Imogen's position, you would be copping way worse than getting jewellery sent to you.
15:34Well, thank you once again so much for your help, Aiden. I will get out of your hair.
15:38She's not the bad guy here, you know. You need to stop baiting her.
15:41Really? And how exactly do you think we're doing that?
15:47Didn't Levi tell you that they had a little chat?
15:52He's keeping secrets from you already.
16:04Okay. This person's uncle works in freight shipping.
16:08And he says that there's all kinds of stuff that gets smuggled every day
16:11and border security can't possibly check every container.
16:14Well, I mean, if their uncle says it.
16:16Mate, I am not the only one that thinks this is sus.
16:19We don't know what's on that beach and we don't know if it's safe to be around.
16:22So stay away from it, Dana. I'm with John on this.
16:25Oh, you're with John, are you?
16:26But I am done having people tell me what I can and can't do today.
16:29Especially John Palmer.
16:30I am done having people tell me what I can and can't do today.
16:32Especially John Palmer. Because he's not the boss of me.
16:34And I hope that as soon as I said it, I don't care. I need you on side.
16:37Okay, alright, alright. I am on side.
16:40Why is this so important to you?
16:42It isn't. No. Seriously, this isn't even about the container anymore.
16:47Even though you're dying to know what's inside?
16:49Mm-hmm. This is about proving to John Palmer that he doesn't know everything.
16:54How are you planning on doing that?
16:56That is what I'm trying to figure out.
17:01Nothing feels worse or only hurts when you try to fight it.
17:09Hey, where have you been?
17:12I went to see Eden about returning the rings.
17:15Ah, how'd that go?
17:17Not great.
17:19Sorry, she can be harsh when she wants to.
17:23It's not her that I'm upset about.
17:27What is it then?
17:30I looked at your phone.
17:33I know that you called Imogen last night, but when I asked you about it, you said you were calling a mate.
17:39How often are you contacting your wife and why are you lying to me about it?
17:46So this is where we're at? You don't trust me?
17:49What, like Imogen did?
17:53Yeah. Look again.
17:55No thanks, I don't need to.
17:56Obviously you do because you didn't see how angry she was when she texted me, so...
18:07So why did you call her?
18:08Because she's upset and frustrated and it's my fault.
18:11The least I owed her was a phone call.
18:15Look, the only reason I didn't tell you is because I wanted to protect you.
18:19You didn't have to lie to me. And I gave you every opportunity to tell me the truth.
18:23Except for just asking me outright.
18:27So this is where we are now?
18:30It's good to know.
18:32Because I thought at the very least you and I were on the same side.
18:56I thought I told you to stand down. What are you doing here?
19:21Apparently the same thing you are.
19:24Frankly, I expected a bit better of you, John.
19:28I'm just doing my job as surf club manager, making sure that everybody's safe.
19:33If you found anything in there, were you going to tell me?
19:37Depends on what it is.
19:38Yeah, wow. It's true what they say, people really get greedy when there's money on the line.
19:44We don't even know if there's anything of value in there.
19:46We don't know that there's not.
19:51So what now?
19:55Let's get this thing open.
19:57Yes, finally.
20:31Hey, it's me.
20:34I'm sorry about before.
20:36I think it all just got on top of me.
20:40Call me again.
20:55So the big mystery is it's just two containers of dirt.
20:59At least we know we don't have to organise security.
21:01Yeah, no one's going to try and steal the foul sludge inside.
21:04John, hey, hey, I got you.
21:06Levi, hey, need some help here.
21:08Listen up, we could be dealing with a contaminant, so from here on in I want full infectious protocol.
21:13What a nightmare.
21:14Right now I've got no idea what's going on.
21:17Are you okay?
21:19Oh, hey.
21:20What's happening?
21:21Sit down.
21:22Sit down.
21:23Sit down.