00:00I can take care of the work myself. Do you want to concentrate on your tape stuff?
00:11I thought he was in a good mood this morning.
00:14Well, it wasn't until he hit the booze and then he just crashed.
00:17Hey, how's it going in here? Sure you don't want a hand?
00:22Thank you, but I've got this.
00:23I feel like things are moving really fast. I mean, he has nowhere else to go.
00:32If this isn't what you want, you're gonna have to have the conversation.
00:35Being here with you makes it all okay. Don't you think?
00:41I think we need to talk.
00:42I know how the system works. I have to be realistic.
00:45It's happening. I've been in a prison.
00:47What about the circumstances? He didn't know that the mother had come forward.
00:50And a good lawyer could build a case around that, but he's not even talking to his lawyer.
00:55Well, then we have to do something about that. So we need to help him together.
00:58He's not gonna like this. I know.
01:00But if it keeps him out of prison, I don't care.
01:07Keep it going. You're nearly there. Come on.
01:10And time! Woo!
01:13That's the girl.
01:14Great. Can you write that on my headstone when I die from exhaustion?
01:19Well, see what you can do when you focus on your training, not other things.
01:22Huh. You mean like your court case?
01:25Oh, you said it, not me.
01:27Thanks for dropping it, by the way. It's good to know you listen to me sometimes.
01:32Yeah. I need to undo some of this good by stuffing my face.
01:36Food will be good. We can talk about your training.
01:42Did something happen while you were out?
01:44No. Nothing happened, exactly.
01:49It's just that with you staying at the house,
01:53it's made me realise that things are moving a lot faster with us than I expected.
01:56Believe me, this isn't exactly how I saw things playing out, either.
02:02So I'm sensing that me living here is becoming an issue.
02:06No. No, it's been great having you here.
02:10Okay. Where is this coming from, then?
02:13Well, I spoke to Marley, and...
02:16Okay, I thought he and I had sorted things out.
02:18No, he wasn't having a go at you.
02:20He just made me realise there's so much that we haven't spoken about.
02:25Like, you know, are we living together now? Is this temporary?
02:28Or have you moved in?
02:31Look, with everything that's happened,
02:35I haven't really thought about it that much. I'm sorry.
02:38No. No, I get it.
02:40This week has been so intense, and I really don't expect you to have all the answers.
02:45But you're right to bring this up.
02:47I've kind of just rocked up at your door, and we haven't really had a conversation about it.
02:50If you want me to go, I'll go.
02:55Actually, you know what?
02:57We do not need to sort it out right this minute.
02:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:01If there's an issue, I'd like to talk about it.
03:03No, there's no issue.
03:05Then why are we having this conversation?
03:07About your whole world has just been turned upside down.
03:10You know, you've got stuff to sort out, and I need to get to work.
03:13So this can wait.
03:19Got a minute?
03:25What's happened?
03:27I found this in Theo's homework.
03:31I don't understand.
03:33Well, he's not doing his tape work.
03:36He's trying to write us a letter.
03:46How are you feeling now?
03:48Heaps better.
03:49You know, that was one of the best training sessions I've seen you do.
03:52Well, I told that to my abs tomorrow.
03:54I'm serious.
03:55So I reckon it's time we changed things up.
03:57I'm going to write you a new program to start with your new trainer.
03:59I'm perfectly happy with the trainer that I've got. Thank you.
04:02Oh, but we spoke about this.
04:04Trying to be realistic.
04:05I know.
04:07What are you doing?
04:09I asked her to join us.
04:12Because we're not going to let you throw your life away.
04:18So this is an ambush, is it?
04:21It's two friends showing that we care.
04:33I thought you had a stack of work emails to get through.
04:35Well, what can work?
04:36Not for me.
04:38If me being here is affecting us...
04:40It's not.
04:42Okay, is it a Marley Tarney thing?
04:45This is my house, not theirs.
04:47Something's obviously bothering you.
04:49Whatever you're thinking, I can take it.
04:50You don't need to tiptoe around me.
04:51Okay, listen.
04:52I know I started this.
04:53But honestly, this is a bigger conversation than I have time for right now.
04:56So, let's just talk when I get back from work.
05:05What are you guys doing back?
05:12We wanted to talk to you.
05:15What's going on?
05:16That's what we're trying to work out.
05:19I read your letter.
05:21The one you've been writing in the office.
05:23I wasn't snooping.
05:24It sounds like you were.
05:25You were stressed.
05:26And I wanted to take a look at your homework so I could give you a hand.
05:29You're still snooping.
05:30I told you I didn't need help.
05:32I was worried.
05:33We both are.
05:35I'm not meant to read it yet.
05:39There's stuff I need to say to you both.
05:43I don't know how.
05:46I don't even know where to start.
05:49Well, forget the letter.
05:51We're right here.
05:52Yeah, Theo.
05:53Just talk to us.
05:58At least talk to your lawyer.
06:00Why won't you speak to him?
06:01Look, it's facts.
06:03I did the wrong thing.
06:04A lawyer's not going to change that.
06:05But he'll know how to navigate it so you get the best possible outcome.
06:09There's only one outcome.
06:10I'm going to prison.
06:12Now, I've asked you both to let this go.
06:14We can't.
06:15You told me how awful it was visiting Artie in prison
06:18and how scared you are of ending up there too.
06:20It doesn't matter how I feel.
06:21It's not going to change anything.
06:23The court's not going to care.
06:24What would Artie say if he knew you were giving up?
06:26I think my brother is.
06:27Or Nick.
06:28What does he say about you not even defending yourself?
06:31Have you even told him what's going on?
06:35Um, okay.
06:36Tanek, you are all about family.
06:39This is when you need the most.
06:40I told you to drop it.
06:41I'm trying to help you.
06:42Well, I don't need help from you, okay?
06:44We're not family.
06:45We're not together anymore.
06:46We're nothing.
06:47So stay out of it, both of you.
06:52Was that really necessary?
07:00Just in your mind.
07:02I crossed every damn line.
07:05No gravity I can't...
07:08I'm sorry that happened.
07:10Are we okay?
07:13Not really.
07:17I know we're not married anymore, but...
07:21I still care about him.
07:24So much.
07:30I thought mentioning his family would get through to him, but what he said.
07:37Yeah, I've seen him angry, but that was cool.
07:43That's not him. He's not usually like that.
07:48I know.
07:51But maybe you need to listen to him and take a step back.
07:58I'll look out for him. I'm not going to give up.
08:01But from what I saw in there, it's too raw between you two.
08:09Just, um, just promise me that you...
08:14Promise me that you make him see the lawyer.
08:17I will.
08:27Hey, can I ask you something?
08:29Sure, what's up?
08:31Um, I was just wondering how you feel about Levi being around more.
08:36It's fine.
08:38Right, so if he was, you know, at home on a more permanent basis, that wouldn't bother you?
08:43Are you asking how I feel about him moving in?
08:47Doesn't bother me. It's not like I'll be around much longer anyway.
08:51Yeah, sorry. Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Yet you have actual, real problems.
08:57It's all good. What's going on?
09:00It's just, everything is moving so fast.
09:04You know, we've only known each other a few months and all of a sudden we're living together.
09:08It is pretty quick.
09:10And I just know that under other circumstances this wouldn't be happening.
09:14Have you told Levi that?
09:15No, how can I? I mean, he's already given up so much for me already.
09:19He's lost his sister, his home.
09:22Well, that was his choice.
09:24Yeah, but I can hardly turn him away now, can I?
09:27Mac, if you're not ready to live with him, you've got to tell him.
09:30That's basically what Marley said.
09:32It's just, honey, I really, I really don't want to hurt him.
09:38So you're going to lie to him instead?
09:42I talked about how I'm feeling.
09:46And why I can't seem to just shake it off.
09:51Do you know why that is?
09:55Because I feel bad about everything.
09:59About letting you guys down over and over again.
10:05That's why my psychologist said I need to write a letter to apologise.
10:10You've already said you're sorry. That's enough.
10:13It's not. I just, I keep messing up. It's what I do.
10:18That's not true.
10:20I couldn't even write a stupid letter to you both.
10:22It's just, there's so much going in my head all the time and I just...
10:26It's okay. You don't need to explain. We love you.
10:29Why? Why? All I've done is cause you guys trouble ever since I got here.
10:34I almost split you up. My dad put you in the hospital.
10:37You are not responsible for anything, Demetri.
10:39I ruined your honeymoon. I did that.
10:41I stole money off you to buy drugs.
10:43I am a total screw up and I have no idea why you both put up with me.
11:03Hi, I'm Harper, Tane's friend. We spoke on the phone.
11:06Yeah, hi. So how long will Tane be?
11:08Well, he's not coming.
11:10That's going to make it difficult to defend him.
11:12He thinks there's no hope.
11:14Even after I got in bail?
11:16He does know I rearranged my day to be here.
11:18No, actually, he doesn't. I called you so we could work out a way to get through to him.
11:22Look, I'm sorry, but I can't discuss this with you.
11:25Client confidentiality. Of course.
11:27I can tell you he's almost certainly looking at prison time.
11:30I don't suppose you can stick around? Please?
11:33Well, I did block out my afternoon.
11:35Great. Give me a couple of hours.
11:37He will meet with you. I promise.
11:41Hey, is there anywhere around here that I can grab a drink while I wait?
11:46Yeah, I know the perfect place.
11:50Just tell her the test results are good.
11:58Listen, I actually need to go.
12:01Any problems, just call me.
12:06That was a very short shift.
12:08I never actually made it to Salt.
12:13I think I just needed some time to figure out how I feel.
12:18Are you any clearer?
12:24All of this has just happened so fast.
12:27And I never would normally move in with a partner this quickly.
12:32And I guess, you know, if I had it my way,
12:34there just would have been a bigger conversation around you moving in.
12:37And that's without all the other complications that we have had to deal with.
12:41I understand. I can go.
12:44See, the moment that you say that, I immediately want to tell you to stay.
12:53Help me out here, Mackenzie. I don't know what you want.
12:56Okay, I get the sensible thing to do would be for you to leave.
12:59That is what my head's telling me.
13:01It's telling me all the things that we should be doing.
13:06See, my heart, my heart doesn't care about what we should be doing.
13:12I have a feeling.
13:15We have never done things by the book.
13:18In fact, since the day I met you, I don't think I've made one right decision.
13:23I don't know if I should be offended by that.
13:26What I'm saying is, is that if I listen to my head,
13:31we never would have been together.
13:35And I really would have regretted that.
13:40Please stay.
13:42I want you to.
13:45We'll figure all of it out together.
14:01I think I'll tumble.
14:12Mate, you want to put that down for a second?
14:14I've got to get it finished before he only gets back.
14:15Yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll get it done.
14:18We listened to you.
14:20Now it's your turn to listen to us.
14:25You made some mistakes.
14:28We all do.
14:30But I want you to know,
14:32my life wouldn't be half as good without you in it.
14:36You know?
14:38Like when we play the guitar,
14:40or when we go surfing,
14:41or when we play PlayStation.
14:43Just having you there, it's like...
14:53You're more than a mate.
14:56You're my family, right?
15:00And all families go through tough times.
15:06Yeah, you guys actually mean that?
15:11And we're going to keep on doing it,
15:13because that's what families do.
15:17So what do you say we finish fixing this car,
15:19we go home, have a feed,
15:21I'll smash it at the PlayStation again.
15:26When have you ever beaten me?
15:27I beat him all the time.
15:29No, he still hasn't won.
15:31Alright, well I need to see this,
15:33so finish your work so we can go home.
15:37Yes, boss.
15:49Something must be interesting.
15:51You haven't looked up from that screen since you got here.
15:54Have you been watching me?
15:55I see everything.
15:57Most people prefer the ocean view over a laptop.
16:00It would help if I had some company.
16:03Grab yourself a drink, my shell.
16:05I'm working.
16:07Oh, don't worry about that.
16:09I can explain it to your boss.
16:11Never lost an argument yet.
16:13Well, you have now.
16:15I am the boss.
16:19No, if I had your notice,
16:20I could have just booked somewhere else.
16:23You know, that's the whole reason
16:24I'm dating a restaurant owner, right?
16:25Keep dates.
16:27Oh, so that's what we're doing now?
16:28We're actually dating?
16:29Just out in the open.
16:31No more hiding.
16:33If that's what you want.
16:35Yeah, that's absolutely what I want.
16:37Then it's a date.
16:46You must be so proud.
16:50Grow up.
16:55Friends of yours?
16:58You know what?
17:00Actually, I will take that drink.
17:02Be my guest.
17:10We need to talk.
17:14I mean it.
17:16We've been through this.
17:18It won't change my mind.
17:20That's just selfish.
17:24You don't care about what happens to you, but I do.
17:29Your family does.
17:32What do you know about my family, eh?
17:34You showed me that photo of you and your brothers.
17:37Your nephew.
17:39Well, they're important to you.
17:40Hasn't your nephew been through enough?
17:44Stop fighting this.
17:46You were meeting with your lawyer.
17:49One meeting, and I will back off.
17:52I'll talk to him tomorrow.
17:54Well, he's here now.
17:57I can ask him to come down.
17:58He said tomorrow.
17:59Do you promise?
18:01I promise.
18:04I'll text him.
18:05See if he's cool with that.
18:07You'd better turn up.
18:09There goes my plans for the evening.
18:12Don't tell me you've been stood up.
18:14I have.
18:15Just not in the way you're thinking.
18:18I'm not in the way you're thinking.
18:20Never assume to know what I'm thinking.
18:23I'll remember that.
18:26So, are you going to tell me what was going on with that couple or keep me in suspense?
18:29How is that any of your business?
18:31It's not.
18:33I just like a good story and suddenly have a lot of spare time on my hands.
18:40Well, if you must know,
18:45that woman
18:47is my business partner
18:49and the man she was kissing is married.
18:52Not to her.
18:57She's a hypocrite and needed to be told.
19:00You really say it like it is.
19:03I like that.
19:16Yeah, I don't know if it's going to take
19:20the love I try
19:24will give it our all.
19:29Sometimes we can't catch a break.
19:34Love's just spent beyond our control.
19:39Oh, Nico, hey.
19:41I can't wait to hear all about it, mate.
19:44But listen, there's something I need to tell you first.
19:50I've done something
19:53and I'm in a bit of trouble.
20:11Nice place.
20:16You didn't come here to look at my furniture.
20:20You're right.
20:40It's our time to shine.
20:47You're good.
20:51Yeah, I'm good.
20:53Are you sure?
20:55I'm sure.
20:59Set the world on fire.
21:09We know nothing about each other.
21:11Never actually asked you what you did for a living.
21:13I guess we had better things to do.
21:17We want the shortest sentence possible.
21:19That's where I come in.
21:24He said he had a meeting.
21:28You need to take this meeting somewhere else.
21:30You don't want your one night stand in your restaurant.
21:31Felicity's just a little uncomfortable.
21:33I'm her ex-husband.