00:00What, you're just going to storm out?
00:09Would somebody like to tell me what's going on, please?
00:11Well, he doesn't think he's my boyfriend, which I don't even know where he got that
00:13idea in the first place.
00:15Because I am on call to listen to you stress about your film, run lines, dissect your career.
00:21And it's too much.
00:22I'm out.
00:23Can we just hit the reset button?
00:24I just can't give you what you need.
00:26I don't need anything.
00:27I don't want a relationship.
00:28I know, I still just think it's best to be cool today.
00:33I told him I was happy with casual and he shut me down.
00:36Is Nelson home?
00:37No, I think he's out with Bree.
00:39It's cool.
00:40I'll be fine.
00:41She's not at her house.
00:42I'm trying to give her a call to make sure she's on the way to set.
00:44She's not picking up her phone.
00:45I'm sure she'll be there, but this film is really important to her, right?
00:48Stevie, call me back, okay?
00:49I mean it.
00:50Call me back.
00:51You're finally home.
00:52What are you doing here?
00:53You're supposed to be on your way to set.
00:54I'm not going.
00:56What's going on?
00:57I can't.
00:58I'm not doing the film.
00:59What we do have in our favor is your good character, your motivations for doing it,
01:04and the mother is on your side.
01:06We can thank her for that.
01:07Lucky for us, you've got useful friends in your corner.
01:09Excuse me, are you Harper Matheson?
01:12And you're Dana Matheson?
01:13Yes, why?
01:14You've just been subpoenaed to give evidence in the case against Tania Perata.
01:29On your marks, get set, go.
01:43Now, if she takes much longer to show, we're going to have to flip the day.
01:45We're going to have to do this afternoon's scenes first, okay?
01:49So get everyone on standby.
01:51All right?
01:52Sure thing.
01:53Good man.
01:54Come on, let's go.
01:55Come on.
01:56It's a bit easy, but when you see what goes into it, you realize how hard they work.
02:00You've changed your tune.
02:01Yeah, well, anyone's capable of that.
02:03Palmer, maybe I was a bit quick to judge him.
02:06Hey, g'day there.
02:07How's it all going?
02:08Hey, it's not.
02:11Not until Stevie arrives.
02:12Hey, nice work on the sunrise show the other day.
02:15Well, I've had worse mornings.
02:16Yeah, very good.
02:17Shame you couldn't make it.
02:18What happened?
02:19We had a bit of a yarn about that, and we reckon it was probably better if the surf club president fronted up.
02:24Fair call.
02:28Bad news?
02:29Stevie's agent.
02:31They can't get through to her either.
02:36Day one and his star's gone over.
02:38What's that all about?
02:41Why do you keep bruising this place?
02:43Okay, how about we don't do that?
02:46It's you.
02:47It's Nelson.
02:49Don't care.
02:51Oh, thank you, Felicity.
02:54I told you, I'm not going in.
02:56Okay, look, look, Stevie, I understand that it's tough.
02:59You're about to start shooting.
03:01Your stalker's court case is about to kick off.
03:03Thanks for reminding me.
03:04This thing with Remy probably feels like it's the last straw.
03:08Stevie, you're not on your own right now.
03:11So how about you let me make you a cup of coffee,
03:15and then you concentrate on the things that you can control,
03:18like turning up to set and doing your job.
03:22How about no?
03:33Are you okay?
03:35I don't know.
03:36I've never been served with a subpoena, so it's kind of new.
03:40It's not a complete surprise, though, I let Tana into the hospital.
03:43I just didn't expect that you would be dragged onto the stand.
03:46I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Tana.
03:48That I have to testify against him.
03:51I've been saying from day one that I am on his side, and now I'm not.
03:54He's going to understand, though, won't he?
03:56Anything I say in court could help send him to prison.
03:59It's going to feel like a betrayal.
04:01Do you think he knows yet?
04:03No idea.
04:04Sooner or later his lawyer's going to get a witness list.
04:07I just hope I can tell him first.
04:09Can we get out of it?
04:11That's not how this works.
04:13Well, if they can put me on a stand, they can't make me talk.
04:16Maybe not, but they can make you go to prison if you don't talk.
04:19Dana, this is happening. We don't have a choice.
04:23So Tana called you, and that's when you drove to his cousin's house?
04:27Yes, like I told you before, and like I told the police.
04:34I'll stop her. I'll get back to you later.
04:36Now, where were we?
04:38What happened when you arrived?
04:40Does he really need to go over this again?
04:42I'm trying to establish whether I should call Marley as a witness.
04:44I witnessed it.
04:45So you encouraged Tana to return the baby.
04:48How did he respond?
04:51He was always going to make the right choice.
04:53If I was the prosecution, I'd tear that apart.
04:55Okay, well, what do you want me to say? That I talked him into it?
04:58If you're cross-examined, that's exactly what they'll get you to say.
05:00They will look for any opportunity to twist your words and use them against Tana.
05:06Calling Marley might backfire.
05:09You're off the hook, for now.
05:11You're sure?
05:12Yeah, it's too big of a risk.
05:14Besides, you're good friends and housemates.
05:16The judge might not think you're a credible witness.
05:18Well, that rules out Harper too, then.
05:20Yeah, for now.
05:22So we've got no witnesses, no-one who can speak up for me.
05:25We've still got the baby's mother, which for us is huge.
05:29Come on, let's get out of here.
05:31Continue this over coffees.
05:33Your lawyers shout.
05:42Hey. Hey.
05:43Marley's got you working already.
05:44Yeah, I just took my first group lesson.
05:46How was it?
05:47It was great.
05:49Really great, actually.
05:51Okay, detail.
05:52A guy gave me his number.
05:54Oh, one of your students?
05:57He wants to take me out for a drink sometime and he's kind of hot.
06:00Girl, you...
06:03Is there any teaching going on in this scenario?
06:06Yes, Marley.
06:08I'm actually natural at this teaching thing.
06:10Good to hear.
06:13Hey. Nice to see you again.
06:16Seen you comfortable?
06:17Just been prepping for court.
06:20That sounds like a lot.
06:22I hope you're doing okay.
06:25Anyway, good luck.
06:28See ya.
06:30So Kirby got a number on her first day.
06:34That's good, right?
06:38You okay?
06:40Look, since we don't have Marley or Harper,
06:43what do you think about putting me on the stand?
06:46I have a right to defend myself.
06:50The second you open your mouth,
06:52you open yourself up to cross-examination.
06:54I can handle it.
06:55They're going to keep hammering away at you.
06:57If you falter, if you say one wrong thing,
07:00it's all over.
07:02Yeah, okay. I hear you.
07:04On that note, we need to talk about
07:06how you handle yourself in court.
07:07You just said I won't be taking the stand.
07:09Even just sitting with me at the bar table,
07:11you're going to hear things that
07:13paint you in the worst possible light.
07:15I'm not going to lose my temper
07:16if that's what you're worried about.
07:18You can't show any emotion at all.
07:21Your demeanour matters.
07:22The judge is going to be looking at you very closely.
07:27I'm not trying to scare you.
07:29But I need to be prepared. I get it.
07:31Really? Because you seemed fine on your shift last night.
07:34Yeah, I guess these things happen pretty quickly.
07:37Alright, well, rest up.
07:43Hey, has Stevie been in this morning?
07:45No. No, I haven't seen her.
07:47And what about Cash?
07:48I haven't seen him either.
07:49Must be catching because neither of my bosses
07:50have been turning up.
07:53Good chat.
07:58Do you really think that's smart?
08:00When has that ever stopped me?
08:05Oh, Nelson's calling me now.
08:07Just ignore it.
08:08No, I'm not going to ignore it.
08:09He won't answer it.
08:12Are you right?
08:16Okay, here's what's going to happen.
08:18You are going to march yourself into that shower
08:20and sober up and I am going to deal with Nelson.
08:22It's not your call.
08:25You are not in the right headspace
08:27to be making big decisions right now.
08:29Listen, if you still don't want to do the film
08:31after you have had a chance to clear your head,
08:33then fine.
08:34But until then, we're doing it my way.
08:41Stevie, do not make me carry you into the shower
08:44because you know I will.
08:58Are you our new esteemed employee?
09:00I'm not sure about esteemed, John,
09:02but yes, I'm helping Marlee out
09:04while the band is on hold.
09:06Well, I'm really pleased to hear that.
09:08No more noise pollution from endless band rehearsals
09:11next door.
09:12Well, I'll assume that means welcome.
09:16Is there a problem with the board orders?
09:18No, no.
09:19It's just that there's a lot of noise pollution
09:21coming in and out of the studio.
09:23Is there a problem with the board orders?
09:25Nope, I'm just reorganising them by day.
09:27I've been filing them by how much work
09:29each board is going to take.
09:30Well, we'll put them back the way they were then.
09:33Got any more phone numbers?
09:35Not yet, but the day is still young.
09:37What's all that about?
09:39Well, that depends, John.
09:40Do I get a free juice if I told you?
09:43Don't you have another lesson soon?
09:45Not for another hour.
09:46Actually, are you free?
09:47Do you want to grab lunch?
09:48Yeah, works for me.
09:50I'll just finish these orders myself then.
09:52That would be great, Marley.
09:56You sure you're the boss around here?
10:11What did you tell Nelson?
10:13Well, I told him that you had overslept
10:15and that you'll be on set in 20 minutes.
10:17Please don't make a liar out of me.
10:23I honestly don't think I can do this.
10:25Oh, hey, hey.
10:26Come on, you haven't gone through
10:27everything that you've gone through
10:28just to be taken over by nerves now.
10:31Sadie, you're not a fraud.
10:33You're a professional.
10:34Oh, yeah.
10:35You're a star.
10:36Yeah, I want to be more than that.
10:39I want to be good at what I do.
10:42I think you are good.
10:43I've seen Death Row.
10:45Well, so.
10:46I normally can't stand horror films.
10:48I loved your film.
10:50I loved your film.
10:52I thought it was great.
10:53Do you want to know why?
10:56Because you made me care.
11:00It isn't that why you do this job.
11:10Okay, guys, listen up.
11:13Okay, firstly, thank you for your patience.
11:16And secondly,
11:18we've taken another look at the schedule
11:20and the good news is
11:21we can still make up the time.
11:23And I'll make sure of it.
11:27Oh, I'm so sorry, everyone.
11:32Have you been drinking?
11:34I may not be entirely sober.
11:36You look like a mess, Stevie.
11:37Yeah, well, you know,
11:38you're painting yourself.
11:39Do me a favour and get into make-up.
11:42On it.
11:45You got this.
11:49She didn't sleep in.
11:50She's drunk.
11:51What the hell is going on?
11:52She'll be okay.
11:53This cannot happen again.
12:03So you gonna text him?
12:06You're waiting to see who else is in your next class.
12:08Well, let's just say
12:10I really love my new job.
12:15Who are you texting?
12:16Who are you texting?
12:17Flick and Mac.
12:18They've had their eye off the ball for way too long now
12:20so I'm doing something about it.
12:22I think that's a safe way to stay employed.
12:24Well, at this point I don't really care.
12:27I'm sorry to hear about what's happening in the court case.
12:30Yeah, it sucks.
12:33I might head downstairs and see if Tanya's in the gym.
12:35Yeah, okay.
12:37Talk later.
12:39Hey, Rose.
12:40Sorry, um,
12:41did you know that
12:42Harper and I,
12:43we've been subpoenaed to testify against Tanya?
12:45Uh, no, I didn't.
12:46Do you know if there's any way we can get out of it?
12:48I did try to explain.
12:50Look, I get why this is huge
12:52but I can't really be talking about this with either of you.
12:54Why not?
12:55Well, Rose has been working on the case
12:57so she'll be appearing in court too.
12:58Yeah, I have to give evidence.
13:00That'd help if I could.
13:06Ready to get stuck back into it?
13:08Yes, sir.
13:11Why do you do this?
13:13Wouldn't you be earning more doing corporate work?
13:16I tried that.
13:17Bored me to death.
13:20In legal aid,
13:21there's a chance I can make a real difference in someone's life.
13:23Matters, eh?
13:25You've got a tough fight ahead of you, Tanya.
13:27But I've won tougher cases than this.
13:30You're lucky to have me.
13:32So you keep saying.
13:34And I'll keep saying it until you leave me.
13:36You okay?
13:37Yeah, I just need him to know I've still got your back.
13:45Sorry to interrupt.
13:47Do you have a minute?
13:48What's up?
13:52Take your time.
13:56Sorry I didn't return your message.
13:58Is everything alright?
13:59Let's just get out of here.
14:14I'm so sorry.
14:16Obviously, if I had a choice,
14:18I wouldn't testify against you.
14:22Yeah, I heard you.
14:24I know it feels like I'm letting you down,
14:26but it's a subpoena.
14:27It's out of my hands.
14:30Can you say something?
14:33I don't know what you want me to say.
14:35You don't know it's not your fault.
14:37I don't care about that.
14:39This is a mess,
14:40but nothing has to change with us.
14:42I'll still be there for you.
14:45Maybe we should keep our distance
14:46while this whole thing plays out.
14:49Is that what you want?
14:51Might be easier for you and Dana.
14:53Maybe me too.
14:56I'm sorry,
14:57but I'm going to need another week to finish your board.
15:01There won't be another delay.
15:04We'll be in touch.
15:07Nice braid.
15:08Yeah, it was.
15:09Might convince my buddy to make it a regular thing.
15:11Oh, that sounds good to you.
15:24Sounds good to your buddy.
15:26Hey, do you want a juice?
15:27I'm going to grab one before my next class.
15:29No, I'm good.
15:33What's going on with you?
15:35Just would have been nice grabbing lunch for myself.
15:38Why didn't you say something?
15:39I didn't think I'd need to.
15:41She could have checked in before disappearing on her braid.
15:44I guess.
15:45And it's her first lesson.
15:47I thought she would have checked in to get some feedback,
15:49but instead she's more interested in getting this number from this guy.
15:54I don't know.
15:55Do I bring it up?
15:56Marley, it's her first day.
15:57Maybe give her some time to settle in.
16:03She's loving the job so far,
16:04and she's only got good things to say about you,
16:06so just give it a chance, okay?
16:09What was that about?
16:12Harper and Dana have been subpoenaed to testify against me.
16:15Do you know?
16:16No, they haven't sent me the witness list yet.
16:19Do you think they'll give Marley in too?
16:21Well, if they do, it's okay.
16:23This could end up working in our favour.
16:26You said it wasn't worth having them as witnesses.
16:28Not as our witnesses, no.
16:30But now that the prosecution's done it,
16:32it's a whole different ballgame.
16:34I don't understand.
16:35Well, now I'll have the chance to cross-examine them,
16:38twist their words to our advantage.
16:49Does make-up usually take this long?
16:52That's why she was due on set at 5am.
16:55Maybe coffee would have been a better choice than those.
16:57Look, she's here, she's committed.
16:59Well, she's passed out in the make-up chair
17:01while the entire crew's here twiddling their thumbs.
17:12You good to go?
17:16All right, everyone, let's get to work.
17:19Are you okay?
17:20I will be.
17:21Good, good.
17:22Can you please tell me that's never gonna happen again?
17:24Like you said, I'm a professional.
17:31Okay, let's do this!
17:37Mac, I called this meeting because we have stuff to talk about.
17:41Yes, Flicky's gonna be there.
17:44Okay, I will see you soon.
17:47Drama with the bosses, hey?
17:48Who knows?
17:49Neither one of them is turning up for work, I'm sick of it.
17:51By the way, you do know what's going on with Mackenzie, right?
17:54What do you mean?
17:55Oh my goodness, Mackenzie and Levi are in a relationship.
17:58Yes, he has left his wife for her and now he's moved in.
18:01Are you serious?
18:03Kirby, I could do with some help over here.
18:06Just one second.
18:07Flick obviously isn't happy about it.
18:09Apart from anything else, Levi is her best friend's brother.
18:12It sounds messy.
18:13I mean, I knew that intention, but that's...
18:15Now you know what it's about.
18:17Yes, good luck with your meeting.
18:22Oh, is that the time?
18:24I do not want to keep my students waiting.
18:26See you later!
18:47You good?
18:48I just want to shake off my day.
18:50Do you want to go out later?
18:51Go to a club in Yabby Creek or something?
18:53I'd love to, but...
18:55No, sorry.
18:56Ask things upstairs.
18:58It's interesting.
18:59But not in a good way.
19:01I just found out some stuff that's been going on between Mack and Flick
19:04and I'm not really sure how to navigate it.
19:06Sounds tricky.
19:08Yeah, I feel like I'm just going to get caught in the middle again,
19:10but it could get messy.
19:12So, anyway, I've organised a team meeting so I'd better crack on with that.
19:16Call me when you're done.
19:19So, you've heard about Mackenzie and Levi, eh?
19:22There's a turn up for the books.
19:24You knew about this?
19:25I thought everybody knew.
19:35How'd the lesson go?
19:36Yeah, not bad.
19:40Oh, I've got to go to the post office.
19:42What, now?
19:43Yeah, I just need to send my mum a birthday present,
19:46but I'll be back in half an hour.
19:48I think we should talk about how your first shift is going.
19:52Okay, well, there's been a couple of things that haven't been ideal.
19:56Okay, like what?
19:57Like talking about Mackenzie's private life
19:59when you're wearing the Manta Ray uniform.
20:01Yes, of course, I know you had an issue with that earlier.
20:03I still do.
20:04But Xander is dealing with the fallout at work
20:06and honestly, I just thought he had the right to know.
20:08Okay, but that's not the point.
20:09Yeah, it is.
20:10Plus, it's not like it's a secret anymore anyway.
20:12Anyway, what else?
20:13Well, it'd be good if you could check in with me before you go on a break.
20:18You're leaving now before asking me.
20:20Yeah, because I've finished my classes.
20:23He'll be with you in a sec.
20:25Be a good brat.
20:29I'll see you soon.
20:38This is ridiculous.
20:39We have to at least try to be professional.
20:41You and Levi?
20:42How's that going?
20:43How about we all just concentrate on our work?
20:45God forbid anyone calls you out on what you've done.
20:47I really thought that my friends would at least try and see my point of view.
20:52How can you be okay with what she's done?
20:54I just don't want to get involved.
20:55That's my point.
20:56You've chosen her son.
20:57No, I haven't.
20:58Don't bring Xander into this.
20:59He was being a friend.
21:00Obviously, you've forgotten what that looks like.
21:02But you're not my friend.
21:03Well, clearly.
21:04Guys, stop!
21:05You both just shut up.