• anno scorso


00:08Wanted to touch base about Tanya is there a chance he might not go to prison
00:12He's not even talking to his lawyer. Well, then we have to do something about that
00:16What are you doing? We're not gonna let you through your life away. So this is an ambush
00:19Is it what would I say if he knew you were giving up? We're not family. We're not together anymore
00:23We're nothing. Hey, that's a stay out of it both of you. Promise me that you make him see the lawyer
00:27I will Marshall. Hi. I'm Harper Tanya's friend. We spoke on the phone. Yeah. Hi. So, uh, how long will tell me?
00:34Well, he's not coming. I called you so we could work out a way to get through to him
00:38We need to talk you don't care about what happens to you, but I do
00:44Your family does one meeting and I will back off fine talk to him tomorrow
00:49There goes my plans for the evening. Don't tell me you've been stood up. I have just not the way you're thinking
01:07Isn't this exciting
01:09Filming a real movie inside a bay. Yeah, it's definitely not the sleepy vibe
01:13We're all used to look at me. This is only the skeleton crew and imagine when the real crew gets here
01:19Well, brace yourself man's cuz Stevie Marlow did a post about Molly's board shop and now his phone won't stop ringing
01:25Well, I hope she does one about the coffee car just ask Molly how much he's enjoying the attention real see
01:31Remind me why you thought it would be a good idea for us to get out of the house sunshine caffeine
01:37Look, I was just trying to get you out of your head. Oh, oh, I've been a pain to live with him and I
01:45I'm just kidding. You haven't it's just I get it. We've I fooled us all I
01:51Can't believe I actually used to defend him
01:53Yeah, I just thought if I cut him out of my life, then he'd stop taking over my thoughts. It's not the case
01:59Yeah, well, usually I would suggest that we focus on band stuff. No, it's it's cool
02:05Coffee fixes everything
02:11Missing all of this is for the film. Yes. Yes. It's very exciting
02:15But I hope you girls haven't come for coffee because I've just run out of milk. Oh
02:19Of course you have I
02:22Told you already we don't do deliveries
02:27All right, all right, we will bring the lunches just this once
02:34Problem oh just some difficult customers love nothing. I can't deal with usual copies
02:39Yeah, well, actually Marilyn has run out of milk at the coffee cart and I said I would run some over
02:44That's very kind of you love we're a little bit snowed under today
02:48Well, I can help out for the rest of the day if you like
02:51Really? You need the help. I've got the time Wow. You really are boring
02:55Well, I am NOT gonna look if you toss in the mouth. Thank you very much. Love. I will see you at home. Thank you
03:03So girly you must be feeling happy because well because your brother's living in the bay now
03:09Hey you heard about that, yeah
03:11Yeah, well, he mentioned that he'd moved in with Mackenzie last time he was in for a coffee
03:15He's announcing that to the world now is he I gotta say not me for six
03:18I didn't even know they were dating but you know when you think about it actually makes sense. He did save a life
03:23It's actually quite romantic. Yeah before you get too carried away. It's not exactly the greatest romance of the decade
03:28It's one small tiny thing that he forgot to mention. He's married
03:36You're quiet
03:40It's just been a while since I've done this bring strangers home
03:49Then I am extremely lucky hmm
03:55Besides we're not really strangers anymore, right? We know nothing about each other. I know you're opinionated
04:01outspoken so loudmouth
04:03You obviously stand up for what you believe in and your friends should be lucky to have you in their corner
04:08Hmm not all of them think so
04:13I've made the mental note never get on your bad side smart
04:20How are you single
04:27I've got a meeting that is if my client actually shows up
04:31Never actually asked you what you did for a living. I
04:34Guess we had better things to do
04:39I'm gonna go grab a shower
04:53Morning morning
05:01Details now
05:03Who is the mysterious man and why is he in your bedroom?
05:13Tanya please you promised you would show for this meeting. Where are you?
05:18Simple request John just wants to double the lifeguards on patrol where they're shooting the movie
05:22Why am I having this conversation with you and not karma because I'm still acting club secretary and I'm helping out
05:28Why aren't you busy with this fostering thing? Okay, so the first aid course is done
05:32I've hired the tradie to chop roof the house and my training sessions are at night. No, no do me a favor
05:39Keep me out of it
05:40Hey, sorry. I'm late. Yeah, I was starting to think you wouldn't show you were having second thoughts, right?
05:45Yeah, I took your advice thought about how this impacts my family good called Nico last night
05:51Told him everything that's happened
05:53That helped I need to give this my best shot
05:59Where's my lawyer?
06:03Oh hurry up already we need to get this done today. What is it tape? Okay
06:10It's a desk
06:12Pretty sure it's only gonna take half an hour to put together. Yeah. All right. Maybe I'm being a little over-the-top
06:17No, you're not. It's only got one examiner left before he becomes a fully-fledged mechanic. So he's gonna need his own space
06:23I just want to help him, you know
06:26Maybe this is too trivial. Yeah, he's gonna love it. Trust me
06:31That desk in there is a piece of junk. Yeah. Well, it's a really big moment for him
06:36Maybe this is too small a gift just to show him how proud we are of him, baby
06:40Stop worrying. Okay, sometimes the smallest gestures have the biggest impact
06:44What I'm sorry. So after that letter, I just want him to know that he always has a place with us 100% agree
06:55Yeah, I don't know what happened it just felt right well, you never used to it with it your guts
07:00Tell me about it. They're hot. Take them home. Oh
07:05I don't know. I just I guess since the separation I've been
07:10Trying to protect myself
07:11Well, you're obviously ready now
07:14this is healthy like
07:17It kind of made it very clear he doesn't see me as part of his life anymore, so
07:21There's nothing like a reality check from your ex to make you determined to move on
07:26Achievement unlocked. So, um, what do we what are we rating this trigger out of 10?
07:30Well, I've never rated lower than an 8.5
07:33And that was on a really bad day
07:36It's that right? Hmm Marshall Eden Eden Marshall. Hey, hi. I
07:43Have to buy yeah, I want to keep the client waiting. Hmm
07:47Any chance I can get your number?
07:49This was really great. But
07:52Maybe it was a one-time thing
07:54Yeah on that case
08:00It's been a pleasure
08:06Bye Marshall
08:10He's really late just relax he'll be here after my no-show yesterday, I wouldn't blame him if he bailed
08:15He'd text if he wasn't coming. Hey
08:18How you traveling?
08:20Just about to have a meeting with my lawyer
08:22Good. I hope it goes. Well, I'll see you at 1 p.m. For your check-in. Yeah, can't wait. Okay. Bye
08:31Tane Parada in the flesh, I don't believe it
08:35Sorry, keep you waiting. Parking was a nightmare. Yeah, the car park's hectic. They're setting up to shoot a film here, right?
08:42Before we go any further. Can I just check you're not gonna waste my time
08:45Well, I know that made things easy mate
08:47You haven't shown up and when you're facing charges as serious as yours showing up is the easy part. Well, I'm here now
08:54I'm ready to fight good
08:56Because I can only help you if you meet me halfway and even then I can't make any promises
09:01Believe me you have enough obstacles in your way without making yourself one of them
09:08I think that's the wrong screwdriver. Oh, right. I'm a mechanic
09:12I think I know the difference between a flathead and a Phillips head screwdriver. Are you saying that I don't?
09:18You are putting words in my mouth. Okay, how about we have just a little bit of professional courtesy here?
09:23What does that even mean? That means that I won't teach you how to make a moussaka
09:28You don't teach me how to build stuff. Well, I don't need instructions to make my moussaka
09:33Oh, I don't need instructions to build this desk. Take it. Really? Good. Okay. Fine.
09:44Why is there an extra bag of screws? What extra screw?
09:51No, the tossers are off! I hate this thing!
10:01Let's get those instructions.
10:07Think we're making a good team. I think so too.
10:14But look you don't need to dance around it. I know I'm facing prison time. We don't know that for sure
10:19I've got to be honest with a charge like this. You're probably looking at incarceration. We want the shortest sentence possible
10:27That's where I come in
10:30So, what's the plan?
10:31We don't deny what you've done. Our defense will focus on the circumstances. Right, like how he's a good person with good character references.
10:40You found the baby in the dunes. You rescued her. You cared for her in hospital.
10:45There was no malice. On top of that, you were bullied by the media.
10:48Yeah, we could put together a defamation case. Go after the journalist who trashed your reputation. Oh, I'm not interested in doing that.
10:54Fair enough.
10:56To be honest, I don't even think the baby's mother would want to see Tana locked up.
11:00Wait, the mother's on your side? Well, yeah, she wasn't angry at him. She was just happy to have Poppy back.
11:06Would she be willing to testify in Tana's defense? Well, we can ask her.
11:11Get me her number.
11:14I cannot believe that you actually slow collapsed out of there. If they stayed any longer, it would have done a lot worse.
11:26Why is your one-night stand with Tana?
11:29He said he had a meeting.
11:39Can we grab another round of coffees, please?
11:42Felicity, hey.
11:45Listen, about yesterday, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you.
11:50Who's your friend?
11:52It's my lawyer.
11:53You see? I'm getting it done. You don't have to worry about me.
12:03Thanks for dropping this off to the film crew, love. My pleasure. So you said they would be at the North End?
12:09I've got no clue, doll. They'll be somewhere along the beach. They're looking for somewhere to film, apparently.
12:14Oh, great. They haven't even started yet, and they're already taking over the joint.
12:18Well, it was bound to happen.
12:20Creatives are drawn to beautiful environments. Well, they can create whatever they like as long as they don't worry us.
12:26Well, that is my cue to go.
12:28Bye. Bye.
12:29Can you imagine what this film is going to do for the Bay in economic terms? I mean, I doubt Irene's complaining.
12:34Well, love, talk to me when they actually start queuing up.
12:38And also, they paid a lot of money to the club. You mean they bribed Palmer? It's a location fee. It's not a bribe.
12:44Could you please stop looking for problems here?
12:51It looks good.
12:53Pretty soon, it's going to be covered with grease and grime, and that plan's going to be dead.
12:57So it's good to admire it now.
13:00Can't believe he is one exam away from becoming a proper mechanic.
13:04Oh, it's been a really long journey.
13:07Do you think that he's in the right frame of mind to study to sit his last exam?
13:12Like, what if he cracks under pressure?
13:15He's worked really hard to get where he is.
13:18He wants to keep going to therapy, and he's talking to us. Do you know what? I think we have to trust him.
13:25You're right. He can handle one exam.
13:29So, maybe you and I should go home and make up properly.
13:35Wait, did we argue?
13:37We threw instructions out. It's basically a fight. We've got to make up.
13:41I don't think so.
13:47Irene needs me at the diner. It's okay. We have the rest of our lives to make up.
13:54All right.
13:56Sonia, yes, you'd be on the stand.
13:59You just testify you have no ill will towards Tane Parada.
14:04Okay. Yep, just let me know.
14:10I was hoping our paths would cross here again.
14:12You need to take this meeting somewhere else.
14:14What? Why?
14:15You just can't be here.
14:17This is about last night.
14:18You don't want your one-night stand in your restaurant.
14:20No, it's not that. It's because of your client.
14:22What about him?
14:23Felicity's just a little uncomfortable.
14:25I'm her ex-husband.
14:35Where are you going?
14:36Tane, wait.
14:38What happened?
14:39This case just got a lot more complicated.
14:41What was it, Sonia? What did she say?
14:43Yeah, she wants you to call her.
14:48That didn't look good.
14:49No, no, it wasn't.
14:51Didn't I ask Marshall more questions before I took him home?
14:53Babe, how could you know?
14:54What is the universe doing to me?
14:56Why is the first person I choose to move on with Tane's lawyer?
15:01Hey, is it okay if I take off?
15:03Of course it is, love.
15:04But only after I make you a thank-you cup of coffee.
15:07Oh, thank you.
15:09Here you go, darling.
15:11Hey, do you work here again?
15:13Just a one-off.
15:14You are always very welcome.
15:17Well, at least I got to deliver takeaways over to the film crew.
15:20They're setting up down there.
15:22You probably don't know much about that because you're really, really busy.
15:25Actually, not really.
15:26Things have been blissfully uneventful.
15:28Yeah, well, it's been a pretty intense couple of weeks, so...
15:31I just want to take my lunch back to my desk,
15:33do some paperwork and have a drama-free afternoon.
15:37See ya.
15:38Hey, you got your message. Are you okay?
15:40Well, we managed today.
15:43We ran out of milk at the coffee cart and we wouldn't have coped without Kirby helping.
15:46What happened?
15:47Oh, love, it's just the film crew.
15:49They're putting a bit of pressure on us, that's all.
15:51But they're only just starting to arrive.
15:53There's going to be more of them tomorrow.
15:55Actually, you know what?
15:57I'm supposed to be heading to the city for my annual check-up.
15:59Maybe I shouldn't go with all of this going on.
16:02Of course you should.
16:03Your health is the most important thing.
16:04We are going to work this out.
16:09How are you holding up without Larry?
16:11Well, I worked here today, so what does that tell you?
16:15I know you don't love that.
16:16Look, it's actually fine.
16:18You're getting back on track is more important than Lyric anyway.
16:21I'll work it out.
16:22Thanks, girls.
16:23See ya.
16:24See ya.
16:32So, I heard you haven't been stuck in your bed all day.
16:36Oh, don't worry, Mum.
16:38I spent the day with Felicity.
16:40Well, that's good, sweetie.
16:41I bet she could take your mind off your brother.
16:43Actually, she did.
16:45She had some pretty massive issues of her own.
16:48Kind of overtook mine for a second.
16:50Not that I am trying to feed off my friend's drama
16:53so that I don't have to deal with my own.
16:59Are you okay?
17:00I got worried you bit Irene's head off earlier.
17:03Yeah, I got my finest hour.
17:06But everything I said is true.
17:08Levi and Mac are not the greatest love story of our generation.
17:12And I just...
17:14I cannot believe that he is walking around the bay announcing it to people.
17:19Not ashamed.
17:20At all.
17:24What's that in Ida?
17:25Portia cup of tea.
17:26Why can't I do that?
17:27But whilst I'm here, um,
17:29I would like to know why you're so against the film shooting here.
17:33I've already had my say.
17:35Not that it matters.
17:36Dad, everyone looks up to you.
17:38And if you're down on something, then everyone else will be too.
17:41I'm not necessarily down on this.
17:43It's just that everything I've been shown so far makes me on edge.
17:48Well, I don't know.
17:49The money for the club's good and all that,
17:51but the beach belongs to everyone.
17:54Yeah, I know, but they're only filming for a few months.
17:56Yeah, months.
17:57I mean, the whole community's got to be confident
17:59that we're not going to hand over the reins
18:01to people who don't appreciate the place.
18:03Oh, Dad, come on.
18:04Ru, this mob have given us $50,000.
18:07People don't throw that sort of money around for nothing.
18:09I know.
18:10This is a great opportunity for the bay.
18:12Don't let it pass us by.
18:14You know what?
18:15No, no, sometimes people do have good intentions.
18:18I hope you're right,
18:19because in my experience, there's usually a catch.
18:23Please, can you call me back?
18:29Um, I was waiting to talk to you.
18:31Trying to clear my head.
18:32Did it work?
18:33Your court case is too important to mess up.
18:35Oh, I absolutely agree.
18:37So tell me, what were you thinking?
18:38Because last I checked, I'd cut you out of my life.
18:40I told you to stop getting involved.
18:42I wasn't trying to get involved.
18:44Then why is your very next move to jump into bed with my lawyer?
18:46If you would just let me explain.
18:48Every time I turn around,
18:49you're pushing your way into another part of my life.
18:50Actually, I was trying to move on with my life,
18:52trying to forget you.
18:53I didn't know that he was your lawyer.
18:55So it's just a coincidence, is it?
18:57Or was it some sort of payback?
18:58It's not just that he's your lawyer, is it?
19:00You're upset that I slept with someone else.
19:02I don't care what you do.
19:03Seems like it.
19:04You're not listening. Just get out.
19:15No, no.
19:17No, no, no, no, no.
19:35Been looking for you.
19:39You okay?
19:44How could we be so stupid?
19:47Stop beating yourself up.
19:48You had no idea who I was.
19:51You have no idea how hard it was to get him to meet with you.
19:55Now I've stuffed it all up.
19:58What does this mean for his case?
20:04Look, if it got out, my professional reputation might take it here, but...
20:09It won't change anything for Tane.
20:14You're not the problem here.
20:20This is all about Tane.
20:22If he plays it smart, we'll be absolutely fine.
20:33Rose, I am so sorry.
20:35I can't believe how late you are. What happened?
20:37Yeah, I know, I know.
20:38You've breached your bail conditions.
20:40Well, but I'm here now, so...
20:41What am I supposed to do with that, Tane?
20:42Come on, give me a break. It was a mistake.
20:43That's not good enough.
20:44I thought you were meeting your lawyer.
20:46Turned out to be more complicated than I thought.
20:48What, you want me to write down,
20:49missed check-in because things got complicated?
20:51Well, give me one reason why I'm here.
20:54Well, give me one reason why I shouldn't arrest you.
21:04Have you seen Tane?
21:05Why, what's happened?
21:06Why did you miss your appointment?
21:07Told you, I got caught up.
21:08Doing what?
21:09Come on, Tane, help me out here.
21:12Sorry, wait. He's where?
21:14How the hell did you miss your bail check-in?
21:15Get out now. I'm not done.
21:17Yes, you are. You are done.
21:18Just back off.
21:19Well, if you're going to arrest me, do it.
21:21Put him in a cell until he cools off.
21:22I've delayed the arrest warrant so far.
21:24If Sarge comes in tomorrow morning and you're still sitting in the cell,
21:27I have no choice.
21:28So I suggest you spend the rest of the night thinking about that.