פירות בריאים או משמינים מה שרוב האנשים לא יודעים!, קובי עזרא

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האם פירות באמת משמינים? הגילוי המפתיע!, פירות בריאים או משמינים? מה שרוב האנשים לא יודעים!
אכילת פירות משמינה? האמת שמסתתרת מאחורי המיתוס, הפתעה: האם פירות גורמים לעלייה במשקל?
פירות ודיאטה: האמת המפתיעה על משקל ובריאות
#פירות #השמנה #פירות_משמינים #בריאות #רפואה #תזונה #דיאטה #ויטמינים #מינרלים #קוביעזרא
00:00Does eating more fruits mean anything to us?
00:03Hi, this is Koby Ezra, your doctor for naturopathic medicine and natural health.
00:07What is the importance of a healthy diet?
00:10The importance of a healthy diet is essential as a basis for any successful workout or fitness plan.
00:15Therefore, it is necessary to eat specific foods that are suitable for building a balanced diet.
00:22So we ask the question, are fruits healthy?
00:24Fruits are a healthy and rich source of nutrients, such as nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
00:31and most of them also contain fat and calories.
00:35So it is actually wise to eat them with many bodybuilders and athletes during the preparation for the competition.
00:41Our body is able to consume only half of sugar, i.e. glucose, galactose, and fructose,
00:48which are actually the distinct units of the most complex sugars or amino acids.
00:53At the moment of consumption, the waterway is closed to the rest of the fluids,
00:57and then the bloodstream is diverted through the liver as glucose.
01:01The ways our body uses glucose,
01:03the glucose source can be directly converted to energy,
01:07with relatively low glucose levels in the blood, of course.
01:09And when glucose is not directly converted to energy,
01:13then it is converted to glycogen, which is mostly found in the liver and liver.
01:17The liver has the ability to store about 100 grams of glycogen.
01:20The liver has the ability to store only between 250 and 500 grams of glycogen.
01:25Of course, everything depends on the mass of the liver and the physical condition.
01:28And it should be noted that the glycogen that is originally in the liver provides energy to the whole body,
01:33while the glycogen that is originally in the liver provides energy to the liver itself alone.
01:38If the body has a glucose surplus, and all glycogen stores are full,
01:42the glucose surpluses are converted to fatty acids by the liver,
01:46and are stored in the fatty acids in the body, yes, in the liver, in the stomach, and in the intestines.
01:50At the time of need, fatty acids can be burned for energy,
01:54but fat cannot be stored for glucose.
01:57And now back to the question, are fruits fattening?
02:00Or more correctly, is there a need for more fatty fruits?
02:04So why do the fruits, or more correctly, fructose,
02:07the sugar of the fruits, lead to an attempt to maximize the burning of fats?
02:11This is because the liver has a specific purpose to get fat.
02:15They have a limited number of glycogen synthesis enzymes.
02:19The liver only has the enzymes required for glucose synthesis to glycogen,
02:23and nothing else.
02:24In contrast, the liver is able to produce glycogen from fructose,
02:28from lactate, from glycerol, from alanine,
02:32and other metabolites of 3 fatty acids.
02:35The glycogen found in the liver is similar in structure to amylase,
02:39to amyloprectin, which is actually a combined polymer
02:43of a chain that contains hundreds of glucose units.
02:47And in contrast to the liver, which produces energy on its own,
02:50through 250 to 500 grams of glycogen in the liver,
02:54which are stored inside,
02:55the liver is responsible for supplying energy to all parts of the body.
02:58So if we need too many fruits, or too many fruit seeds,
03:02which activate a high concentration of sugar in the fruits,
03:05in relation to the three ways I mentioned earlier,
03:08that the body uses glucose for energy,
03:11assuming that the glucose levels in the blood are constant,
03:13that is, not missing,
03:15after which the glucose is stored as glycogen.
03:17The liver does not have the enzymes needed to synthesize fructose into glycogen.
03:21Therefore, the liver produces glycogen from fructose,
03:24which is stored in the liver.
03:26It should be noted that only 3 fruit seeds are required, for example,
03:30in order to fill the glycogen levels in the liver in the liver.
03:33And since the liver is responsible for supplying energy to the entire body,
03:36as soon as its cells are full,
03:38the enzyme limits the rate of glucose metabolism,
03:41which is responsible for allowing the body to store glucose as glycogen,
03:44or to store it in fat,
03:46if all the cells are full.
03:48When the glycogen cells are full,
03:50then the third way our body uses in addition to glucose,
03:53is to store it in fat,
03:54and store it in the fat cells.
03:56In fact, the sugar in the fruits is digested and turned into fat more easily.
04:01So I ask the question,
04:02why do fruits have a relatively low glycemic index?
04:04If this does not cause an increased release of insulin,
04:07then the diet is made to be a very harsh choice.
04:11As soon as fructose,
04:13the sugar in the fruits,
04:14enters the liver,
04:15and the glycogen in the liver is full,
04:17then the livers cannot use it to produce glycogen or energy.
04:22Thus, fructose turns into fat,
04:24and releases into the bloodstream,
04:26in order to be stored in the fat cells.
04:28The low glycemic index is based on the fact that fructose
04:32leaves the liver as fat.
04:34And fat, as we know,
04:35does not contain insulin.
04:37And this is biochemistry to limit the need for fruits in the diet.
04:40As I said, fruits are a very healthy diet,
04:43full of vitamins, minerals,
04:45nutrients, and very low in calories and fat.
04:47So if your goal is just to reduce the fat cells in the body,
04:51or to do the diet like before the competitions,
04:54then it is desirable,
04:56in certain situations, to eat more complex foods,
04:59which will lead to the renewal of glycogen in the liver,
05:02and not fruits,
05:03which will only increase the glycogen in the liver.
05:05And now I will answer stupid questions on this topic,
05:07that you asked me.
05:08If you are watching here on the YouTube channel,
05:11or on other channels,
05:12I will try to answer you in a concentrated way.
05:14Is eating fruits,
05:15and the intention here is to sugar fruits,
05:17after exercise increases the glycogen and energy ratio?
05:20It can be said that eating fruits after exercise,
05:22in order to renew the glycogen in the liver,
05:25is a common mistake among many people.
05:27The obvious and common understanding is,
05:29that eating fruits after exercise is good for us,
05:31so that they will complete the glycogen in the liver.
05:35If so, as I mentioned before,
05:37fruits will fill,
05:38or mainly sugar fruits,
05:39or fruits rich in sugar, fruits, and fructose,
05:42will fill only the glycogen in the liver,
05:44and not the glycogen in the liver.
05:46And another question,
05:47does fructose fill the glycogen in the liver?
05:50So by the combination of glucose and fructose together,
05:54like the one found in yeast, for example,
05:56which is found in yeast,
05:57contains 50% fructose and 50% glucose,
06:00we can renew the glycogen in the liver and in the liver,
06:03at a faster rate,
06:04in comparison to their specific needs,
06:06i.e. a specific need for glucose, or a specific need for fructose.
06:09It should be noted,
06:10that most fruits consume a combination of glucose and fructose.
06:13So which foods fill the glycogen in the liver in the best way?
06:17So the most effective foods for this purpose,
06:19are mainly high glycemic index foods,
06:22like, for example, white bread,
06:24sugars made from dextrose,
06:26or multidextrin supplements that you have in your gainers,
06:29they will complete the glycogen in the liver in the fastest way.
06:32And this is especially when they are needed immediately,
06:35because the livers, after exercise,
06:36are hungry for energy,
06:39hungry for energy stores, for the glycogen itself,
06:41and this blood can be absorbed.
06:43Dry absorption, after exercise,
06:45absorbs the water,
06:46and can absorb the energy stores,
06:48therefore, the livers will quickly absorb
06:50the glucose from the foods with a high glycemic index,
06:54but they will not quickly absorb it in any way,
06:55but they will quickly absorb it into the energy stores in the liver,
06:58and they will be hungry for it.
06:59Finally, it can be said that fructose is lost only in weight,
07:03when the liver is used in the following ways.
07:06Some of them are used to generate energy,
07:08some are used to store glycogen in the liver,
07:11but not in the livers, as I said,
07:13and most of them are used to create fatty acids,
07:16to create fats, triglycerides.
07:18And yes, to those triglycerides that are stored in the stomach,
07:21in the fat, and in the liver.
07:22Therefore, as I said, it can be understood
07:24that the need for more fructose sugars
07:27will cause some of the fats to sink into the liver,
07:30which will lead to a fat-forming process,
07:33and so on.
07:34And, or, some of them will pass into the bloodstream,
07:36and so they will increase the risk of developing heart disease,
07:40diabetes, diabetes,
07:42and some of them will of course also reach the various arteries.
07:45And it can be said that a high presence of fats in the liver,
07:48in the liver and in the arteries,
07:50creates a compound called lipotoxicity,
07:53that is, a fatty acid,
07:55which can cause insulin resistance,
07:57and makes it difficult for the liver to absorb glucose
08:00with the absorption of the hormone insulin,
08:02which is essential for the release of sugar into the taste.
08:04If so, these are the fruits that are rich in fructose.
08:06So we have the ripe fruits,
08:08in a mix,
08:11dried fruits of all kinds,
08:14and figs.
08:15Also apples and orange.
08:17In addition to the fruits,
08:18it should be noted, of course, that the foods in them,
08:20that there is a high concentration of fructose,
08:22are mainly lentils,
08:24chard, broccoli,
08:26and fennel seeds.
08:27Pomegranate seeds,
08:29and cloves,
08:30and also asparagus.
08:31These are foods that are rich in fructose,
08:33in the sugar of the fruits.
08:34And those foods are low in fructose,
08:36and are richer in glucose.
08:38So fruits that are actually low in fructose,
08:40in the sugar of the fruits,
08:41are mainly
08:52and oranges.
08:53And a no less important question that many people ask me,
08:55which part of the body burns the most glycogen?
08:57So glycogen is a type of
08:59deficiency of fats in proteins,
09:01for most people, which is also a protein.
09:03Most glycogen is stored in the liver,
09:05when it is close to 500 grams,
09:07and in weight,
09:09as close to 100 grams.
09:11And an important question that comes back to itself is,
09:13how to get rid of glycogen as soon as possible?
09:17so you're probably wondering,
09:18how long does it take to get rid of glycogen?
09:21During daily physical activity,
09:23from 12 to 22 hours,
09:25when it comes to activity,
09:27as I'm talking to you right now,
09:29and not something special.
09:31And during physical activity,
09:33with low to medium intensity,
09:35such as running for long distances,
09:3790 to 120 minutes.
09:39During physical activity,
09:41with high intensity,
09:43such as HIIT exercises,
09:45between 20 and 30 minutes approximately.
09:47And it should be noted that in modern society,
09:49glycogen stores are stored in the liver,
09:51when people work in speech,
09:53or work as officers,
09:55and less exercise,
09:57they activate their livers.
09:59And physical activity,
10:01allows you to store glycogen stores,
10:03better in the liver,
10:05and prevents, in fact,
10:07it intoxicates them in the liver,
10:09and then we eat,
10:11and can fill them back up,
10:13and the glucose tolerance is better,
10:15so that the glucose passes
10:17synthesis to fatty acids,
10:19and over time,
10:21when you live a long life,
10:23it will cause fat accumulation in the liver,
10:25and it will lead to insulin.
10:27This way, glycogen storage in the liver,
10:29after physical activity,
10:31allows a healthier and more effective
10:33immune response after meals,
10:35and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes.
10:37And of course, if you have any questions,
10:39feel free to ask me here in the comments below,
10:41and I'll be happy to answer you.
