הסוד שהרופאים לא מספרים לך על חוסרים תזונתיים, האם אתה סובל מחוסר ויטמינים?, סימנים מפתיעים שהגוף שלך זועק לוויטמינים ומינרלים!, סימן שחסר לך ויטמינים, קובי עזרא

  • last month
הסוד שהרופאים לא מספרים לך על חוסרים תזונתיים, האם אתה סובל מחוסר ויטמינים?, סימנים מפתיעים שהגוף שלך זועק לוויטמינים ומינרלים!, סימן שחסר לך ויטמינים, קובי עזרא
#בריאות #תזונה #ויטמינים #מינרלים #בריאותטבעית #חייםבריאים #טיפיםלבריאות #תוספיתזונה #סימניםלחוסרויטמינים #איךלהיותבריא #בריאותהגוף #תזונהנכונה #חוסרבוויטמינים #סימניאזהרה #בדיקותרפואיות #מחסורתזונתי #עצותבריאות
00:00There are genetic defects that can be seen in their patterns in our skin, hair, eyes, eyes, etc.
00:06Hello, this is Koby Ezra, your health and fitness advisor.
00:09Genetic defects can occur in a variety of different patterns and groups in our body.
00:14We have a number of patterns that occur and indicate specific genetic defects.
00:19For example, a dark and grayish light is likely to indicate a potential deficiency of vitamin A
00:24and anti-oxidant substances such as omega-3.
00:27Gay hair or gray hair is likely to be repaired with fruit, coconuts, vegetables and grains.
00:33Broken ponytails are likely to indicate a deficiency of the fructose of fruit & coconut.
00:39Blackheads and dry Patches are likely to be repaired with potショoo intake of vitamin A & vitamin B especially in vitamin B-2, D3 in fruit and coconut.
00:47A dark and dark light person is likely to have the possibility of vitamin A.
00:50Lactate aggregates in the d females are likely to indicate an impossibility of fruit & coconut.
00:56Naked night vision can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin B2, also called riboflavin.
01:02Nosebleeds and blisters can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin C,
01:07which after all is the first sign of ascorbic disease, the scab.
01:11Paralysed or swollen tongue can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin B,
01:16especially vitamin B2, B12, B6, B3 and folate acid.
01:20Injuries or itching in the mouth can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin B,
01:24especially B12 and folate acid, also in the mineral barzell.
01:27Pain in the gums or ulcers, which is called itching or osteomalacia,
01:32can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin D and sidane.
01:36Pain in the lungs or itching in the lungs can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin D.
01:41Lung weakness or laryngeal contractions can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and magnesium
01:46or ashlegan or sidane and vitamin D.
01:50Spasms or lack of sensation in the hands and legs and our shoulders
01:54can be diagnosed with a possible vaccine and vitamin B, especially vitamin B6 and B12.
01:58Loss of memory or difficulty concentrating can be diagnosed with a vaccine and vitamin B,
02:03especially vitamin B1, B12 and B6, and also folate acids of the type omega-3.
