מהפכה בעולם הספורט תוספי התזונה שישנו את חייכם, קובי עזרא

  • 2 weeks ago
מהפכה בעולם הספורט תוספי התזונה שישנו את חייכם, קובי עזרא

00:00These are the most effective anti-aging supplements.
00:03Hi, this is Koby Ezra, your health and fitness expert.
00:06There are many anti-aging supplements that are designed to be used in a sporty way
00:10in order to improve performance, immunity, and overall health.
00:13And I'll end today with some of the most effective supplements.
00:16Of course, there are also many.
00:17The first is, of course, monohydrate creatine.
00:20Creatine is actually one of the most researched and proven supplements
00:23for strength and muscle mass improvement.
00:25It helps increase ATP production,
00:27which is basically adenosine triphosphate,
00:29the energy source,
00:30which is essential for high-intensity activities
00:33and short periods of time,
00:34such as weight-loss and sprint runs.
00:36Creatine is now an effective supplement
00:38for high-intensity physical activity.
00:41The second supplement is a protein supplement,
00:43such as whey protein, or casein,
00:45or plant-based protein, such as soy or flaxseed.
00:48Protein supplements help improve muscle mass,
00:52especially when taken after physical activity.
00:55Whey protein is produced more quickly
00:57compared to other types of protein,
00:59which makes it ideal for muscle growth after exercise,
01:02while casein protein is processed slower
01:05and is better for muscle release,
01:07such as during weight loss or at night.
01:10In other words, it's a time-release protein.
01:12Whey proteins are sports supplements
01:14that require higher amounts of protein,
01:16but the effectiveness depends on the need of the protein in the diet
01:19and the specific goals.
01:21And the third supplement
01:22is a chain of amino acids,
01:24or in short, BCAA,
01:26or Brain Chain Amino Acid,
01:28which includes three amino acids,
01:30leucine, isoleucine, and valine,
01:32which are known to help reduce fatigue
01:35during physical activity
01:36and support muscle growth.
01:38It is especially effective for athletes,
01:40but it may be less effective
01:42if the need for protein is sufficient for our diet.
01:44The fourth supplement is beta-alanine,
01:46which helps muscle growth,
01:48which can improve the performance
01:51of high-intensity activities,
01:53such as sprinting and weightlifting.
01:56It is known to reduce fatigue
01:58and is effective for activities
02:00that last between 1 and 4 minutes.
02:02The fifth supplement is caffeine,
02:04which is known to improve metabolism,
02:08and is also effective for athletes
02:10and for high-intensity physical activity.
02:12It is especially effective for increasing
02:14aerobic and anaerobic muscles as one.
02:16Another supplement is electrolytes,
02:18such as nitrogen, magnesium, and so on,
02:20which are actually electrolytes or minerals
02:22that are essential for maintaining
02:24high-intensity hydration,
02:26especially during long-term physical activity
02:28or in hot and humid conditions.
02:30Electrolytes are essential for athletes,
02:32and every athlete who trains
02:34in a hot and humid environment
02:36and loses muscles.
02:37And if you asked yourself
02:38which supplement is the most effective,
02:40then, at least in my opinion,
02:42the most effective supplement
02:44is creatine monohydrate,
02:46especially effective for strengthening
02:49It is a comprehensive research product.
02:51It provides different types of sports and exercises.
02:53And I would like to point out that
02:55while creatine is the most effective,
02:57at least in my opinion,
02:58it is defined as the most effective supplement,
03:00things can change
03:01according to the specific needs of the athlete,
03:03and the goals and the type of sport he is engaged in.
03:05In fact, sometimes you can combine
03:07a number of supplements
03:08to get a better picture
03:09of the athlete's waist,
03:10and of course, you have to match
03:11the supplement to the athlete,
03:13and not the athlete to the supplement.
03:15And of course, if you have any questions,
03:17feel free to contact me.
03:18I will be happy to answer you.
