Joel, Caitlin and Louisa

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Joel, Caitlin and Louisa - Churcher's College A level results 2024
00:00Hello Joel. Hello. Go on then, break the news. What have you got?
00:03I got A star, A star, A star. So I got the place at Cambridge and I'm very, very happy with that.
00:08Yeah, it's quite a very anxious wait. Tell me about that anxiety.
00:12Oh, it's very stressful. When we opened UCAS there's a three-minute wait, so it all built up
00:17and then we opened UCAS and it just said a three-minute wait, so I was in a queue.
00:20So I had to wait another three minutes, but yeah, very relieved. It's very stressful,
00:24not much sleep last night. Well, you've got a big smile on your face now.
00:27Congratulations on those results. What are you going to be doing at Cambridge?
00:30Law. And why law? Because I know law isn't taught in churches,
00:35so why are you suddenly jumping into that subject now?
00:38Well, I'm not too sure. For my subjects I'm doing further maths, maths and physics,
00:45so it's quite an interesting jump. They're not really that linked. I really like problem solving
00:50in the maths and further maths and stuff, so I thought that would make quite a nice link to law,
00:55where you have to do all the problem solving and make those connections. So that's why I chose law.
01:00And of course, a lot of Latin terms.
01:02Yeah, a lot of Latin terms. So I'll be hopefully using some of the Latin I've learned here.
01:09That'd be a good talk. Brilliant. Let's talk to Caitlin.
01:12Hi. Hello, I'm Caitlin. So I got AAB this year and I'm going to Durham University and I got in,
01:20so I'm really happy about that. My offer was ASTAR AA and I got an ASTAR in mathematics last
01:27year, so I took it early. So I met my offer, really happy, but oh my gosh, it was so painfully
01:33stressful, honestly. Yeah, I had no idea if I was going to get as much as I needed and honestly,
01:39I think just the best thing, being able to open your results at 8am this morning and just realising
01:44oh my gosh, I actually got in and it was lovely. And so you're into the university,
01:48you want to get into, what does this mean for you and your future careers?
01:52Oh, it's brilliant. I'm doing computer science, so I've just got such a lovely course there,
01:57so many nice members of staff that I've met already, so many opportunities.
02:03There's study abroad opportunities and I'm just, it's just the perfect place for me, definitely.
02:08And a little bird told me you're into space.
02:11Yes, so I took part in the international space time competition as part of the UK team
02:17this summer and we actually won, so we're the world champions and it was brilliant because it
02:21took place at Kennedy Space Centre in Florida and it was such an amazing competition. It was about
02:27three days long and we had to design a moon base and it was really, really entertaining, really fun.
02:33Do you see yourself in space?
02:35Possibly, honestly, I haven't really thought about what industry I'd be
02:39interested in going to, but definitely an option for me, it'd be lovely.
02:43Brilliant, well congratulations on your results.
02:46Hi, yeah, so I've got three years left, yeah, I'm going to Imperial to do biology.
02:54Another scientist, why does that appeal to you so much?
02:57Oh, I'm just so fascinated with my work, I just really love my job,
03:04but at the same time, I'm really excited to get my doctorate.
03:07Yeah, so not a million miles away, are you going to be living in London or just in New Zealand?
03:13Yeah, I'm going to be living in London, yeah, so it's going to be really exciting.
03:19And tell me about the anxiety of waiting for the results.
03:22Yeah, yeah, it was really stressful, yeah, last night I had a dream that I was a spy,
03:27I woke up in the middle of the night, so then it was tiring, so I realised that I was a spy.
03:33Brilliant, well congratulations to you and Caitlin and Joel as well, and onward with your careers.
