War Thunder - Return to the Patch 1.47 Dev Server!

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In this episode I return to the Dev server to look at the new additions as well as revisit some old ones I didn't cover in the last episode.

On the off chance I haven't looked at everything (some patch changes aren't shown in patch notes) or you want me to look at something in more detail just leave a message in the comments below and I will try my best to help you.

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#warthunder #patch #devserver #2015 #toreno
00:00Hey hello everybody and welcome back to the patch 1.47 dev server
00:04Now as you can see here. This wasn't here before we've got a daily reward small trophy booster
00:12And basically it seems like these are well daily awards for logging in
00:16We've got today tomorrow day two three four five and then it skips to day 13
00:21I don't know if there's anything between that or if it just runs out of space
00:25This is a small trophy booster
00:27basically a random boost of
00:30group booster of 10% silver lions or
00:34RP or random booster of 10% to 30% lions or 10% 30%
00:39RP and then you've got medium ones which are the same but boost it up even more
00:44Now this only contains one of the following items, so I'm guessing it's a bit of a lottery on what you get
00:50It's all medium the last one huge trophy
00:53Contains one of the following items 100 golden eagles 100,000 silver lions or gold battle
01:00Gold battles wager it says chance to win in 1000 gold eagles wager
01:06Also, there's a hundred gold eagles at the top, so I don't know if you have to spend it to unlock that
01:12We'll see what we get for this one
01:15We got a 15%
01:18bonus to RP so
01:21That lasts for 10 missions, so right that's our first change that we've noticed in this patch
01:28So now that we've got that out of the way welcome back properly to 1.47 dev server now
01:33I should apologize because last time I did the dev server episode
01:36I kind of missed out quite a few important stuff because it was quite late
01:39It wasn't I was quite tired, and I just missed out a lot of stuff
01:43One of the things I did miss out was the a20 g30 so I'll quickly look at that now it replaced the
01:50A20 we've got in game now not entirely sure what difference it has from the old one I
01:56Don't know if that I don't think that read to be on the
02:00Tail was there on the rear rudder, and I think it's got a slightly new turret
02:05possibly new armor
02:07Not entirely sure
02:09It's got quite thick armor actually which is quite good
02:14we're tricking the modifications because
02:17Nope seems to be the same modifications. Maybe the Rockets are new maybe they've got more Rockets
02:21But it seems to be about the same as it has been always
02:25The other vehicle I forgot to look at was the g14. I looked at it very very briefly, but I didn't
02:31Really go into much in depth
02:34So bring that up now preview
02:37From what I understand
02:39Right if we go back again, sorry
02:46Seems to have the same armament as the g6 if you can all the ammunition of the extra guns. I've put on it and
02:53We'll check the armor quickly
02:55If it will load up seems about the same armor
02:59Don't if that bit was there on the g6 or seems to be two pieces a lot tiny sure
03:07Yeah, it looks um. I think it's the same battle rate, and it looks about the same
03:12Five point three five point three so same battle rating. It's quite a bit faster though
03:18432 miles an hour
03:20What's the g10 430 miles an hour?
03:24Now bearing in mind that stock and my g10 is actually upgraded. Oh, no the g10 stock. Sorry. They're both stock
03:31The g14 technically has an advantage over it speed wise
03:35What's the turn time 19 seconds 21 seconds at the g10 slightly slower, but more manoeuvrable
03:42Because the stack cards can be wrong, but they're not in the actual turn time, but they're probably right
03:48You know in one being more maneuverable than the other
03:51now the other thing I've got to look at in the last dev server was the
03:56What do you call it the new ammunition for the t-54 and the is4?
04:02T-54 and the is4 the b4 1 2 what is it called b4 1 2 P?
04:09All right hundred two hundred and fifty millimeters of our penetration at hundred meters 87 at 2,000
04:17Well, that is I'm quite an improvement always
04:21worse at long range
04:23Than the armor the gun it's got now up to up to a thousand meters
04:28It's better than the stock ammo, but beyond that it's worse
04:31At 250 millimeters at 100 meters, that's quite powerful
04:38Check that in a sec. I've just seen what that was the is4 and is3 of all CR 41 471 D
04:48230 millimeters to 146
04:52So again, it's
04:55Actually better at all ranges. I think more or less
04:59So 200 millimeters now, let's check the mouse because um
05:03Obviously, that's the only German like high tier tanks that they got
05:08now that whole armor is 200 millimeters, but of course you've got sloping so let's
05:14Check out this if it load for us. Yeah, forget the arm armor view up
05:21that could
05:23That could potentially let them penetrate through the turret of the mouse
05:29Yeah, I'll kind of worry about that because Germany's finally got a decent heavy high tier tank
05:34You know, they've just suddenly all their opponents have been given
05:38Guns that well weapons that will be able to penetrate it. Um, I
05:43Don't know
05:45Suppose it depends at the range as well. I suppose you would have to get quite close, but it does seem a bit
05:52well, I suppose you'd have to be able to penetrate otherwise, it's not fair, but
05:56Yeah, I think it may be more for when the Cold War tanks are added in because I believe they're adding more Cold War tanks in
06:03So I suppose it's more for dealing with that
06:05The other thing I forgot to look at in the last episode was the APCR ammo on the Tiger E
06:12Preview that quickly
06:14Where's APCR? Yeah, here we go stock ammo 130 to 70 or
06:20198 to 125 that's a bloody good improvement
06:25That's 50 million no less. Yeah, that's 50 millimeters better on the minimum and
06:31about nearly
06:3217 millimeters better on the
06:35Maximum penetration. Wow. Well, that's gonna be a very good addition for the Germans. Um
06:41Heats 103, which is decently. Okay, I suppose a long range
06:46But yeah, cuz that I don't think the German
06:49Page has that at the moment. The H is an early variant, I believe
06:54We go to the H. Yeah, that doesn't get it
06:57Which is kind of weird because in game at the moment it faces the IS-1 which if we go there
07:05And check on the ammunition
07:09Yeah, that does get APCR so I don't know why the Russians get get APCR for their
07:15IS-1 the Germans don't for the H one, but it's good that it's getting it for the E
07:19Definitely improve things for German tanks, which can be a I've heard a bit unfair at the moment
07:24Well, I personally haven't got to tier 3
07:26But definitely a good addition for the German now
07:29I should also point out last time I was on the dev server
07:31I didn't quite understand what all of the new additional changes meant specifically with the m26e1 and the
07:40But one of my subscribers are Kenneth Wang and what the changes were and I've done a bit of looking
07:46I know what the differences are for them now
07:49The m26 it has a different gun same caliber, but it's a longer reload rate 14.4 seconds rather than
07:56Wait if I go back
07:58Rather than 11.8 for the m26
08:0126 normal
08:02I don't know if it gets a better. Oh, it seems generic APHE and HVAP
08:08Yeah, the standard AP is 213 to 143
08:13in the E1 in the m26
08:16Quite a bit better than the m26 basically unless you count the APCR. It's also a little bit heavier
08:2642.9 compared to 41.6
08:30Seems to be about the same in most other respects
08:36Maximum inclinations one degree less
08:39turret rotation speed about the same vertical guidance
08:43Slightly lower max for that
08:46Seems to be about the same armor as well. So
08:50Mainly just our reload speed and I assume the extra weight makes it tiny bit slower
08:54Um, well, it doesn't seem to be that much heavier now
08:57Also, I got wrong like I was saying I didn't get the T28 right one if we go to the T28 normal here
09:06It's to do with it's got better armor and I believe the T28e this is the normal one
09:12You can see it's nothing here
09:14You know, it just shows the side of the tank. But if you go over to the T28e
09:22Just letting it load up a sec
09:24You can see it's got these additional bits of armor here
09:28Which aren't there on the normal T28
09:32And I think it has got thicker armor into other places possibly. I know I did have it
09:39I'm sure it showed a bit behind that armor plate now. It's definitely a lot heavier. Yeah, you've got extra armor there
09:46So 22 and 30 so 50 millimeters fixed there and I assume they've done that all over the tank
09:51Yeah, you can see there and enough a bit there. It's 50 millimeters there. So basically they've lumped on a whole load of armor
09:59if we go back
10:01It actually makes the tank about four tons heavier twenty nine point four
10:05Twenty five point four. So yeah about four tons heavier
10:10Doesn't actually seem to affect the speed
10:1331 v 31
10:14It doesn't show up the additional hull armor because um, it's two lots of hull armor possibly more rather than one single plate
10:22Which is where I got confused last time
10:25Everything else seems about the same I think so, you know just clearing up from the last episode now something else
10:31I forgot to look at in the last episode was the Gephardt and the new commander and driver mode
10:35So I've just been testing it out. That's why I've already gone quite a distance
10:40This is the driver mode as you can see from the drivers point of view down low can't use your gun
10:46But you know, you can see obstacles easier and here's commander view basically binoculars
10:55So you can see binoculars
10:57I'll keep pressing the wrong button. You can zoom in and out a little bit and here's the
11:02What do you call it aiming?
11:04Now I did change yeah, and there's a button for changing it red or black. I assume that's true. I don't know what's in colour blinders
11:13No, it wouldn't be colour blind would it? I don't know. Maybe it lets you see in better environments or something
11:19Yeah, I suppose that's good and this is the Gephardt
11:23Which you can see it's fairly fast
11:26It's got an okay gun, it's only a 20 millimeter, but you know it's low tier so it's not too much of a problem
11:33Just getting in close to this KV-2
11:36See if I can penetrate his turret. I don't think we can
11:40one last try from the back and then I'll
11:43Leave the test drive. Yeah, can't do it from the back. So we'll get back to the rest of the dev serve
11:48Now another thing I forgot to check in the last episode was the Ju-87 D5
11:54Pods now first of all we come over here and see
11:58Wow, MG x12 and cannon x4 see what kind of effect it has on performance
12:06Now I've actually had it paused for a minute or two. It's not coming up with what performance
12:11You know, how dragging and stuff like that it adds on it, but we've quickly test fly it
12:16So here we are with the Ju-87 D5, one realistic
12:20You can see it's sticking out there
12:24Let's get us off the ground right off the ground. Where's our target? Oh
12:28Dear, um, no, we're not off the ground. Oh god, this quite badly affects performance. I'm sure this is takes off a lot easier
12:41Right additional guns
12:45Then why the engine sound keeps going a bit so
12:49We've got no small caliber weapons, but we've got our cannons, so let's do it full blast
12:59While diving and weapon we are still being deaccelerated by these things and they have a ton of ammo like
13:061,000. Oh god, it shoots really quick though
13:09We had over a thousand 1,500 bullets
13:13See if we can hit this vehicle from this range
13:19Yeah, we destroyed it, but oh god, it's going through ammo quick quickly test out the 20 millimeter pods
13:27Now while we're here, I'll quickly see if I can get the new
13:31Now the canopy isn't opening so either
13:34All right. I'll try it on with another aircraft. Maybe this one doesn't have an opening canopy
13:39We'll test out the cannon quick on here
13:44Don't know why the engines keep going really quiet
13:49Well, these really create a lot of drag I think right see if we can get some height turn it
13:57Right just about turned it and let's try the cannons. Oh god, this is deaccelerating us a lot
14:08Yeah, never fire these for too long if you're at low speeds I
14:13Mean we're weapon and slightly diving towards the target
14:17and it's enough to
14:19Stop all acceleration and actually causes to deaccelerate. That's just how powerful the recoil is on this
14:25See if we can't just destroy this vehicle quick
14:30Come on
14:34Yeah, we got it so we go back to the hangar
14:38now if we come over to the Americans and go to the f-82 which
14:42has kind of been a
14:45lot of people don't like it because apparently the flight models kind of balked and
14:50They've got a gun pod as well eight machine guns m3 brownie machine guns at that
14:54So we'll give it flat a quick test flight. So yeah a little pod there
14:59So we're gonna take off quickly show off our guns
15:05I've got off. We've got 14 minute and machine guns now
15:10So that is a lot of ammunition. I
15:14Mean that is just a ridiculous amount of ammunition
15:17Yeah firepower and we've got
15:21We've got two and a half thousand bullets in the actual plane itself and then we got another three thousand or so in the actual pod
15:28It's ridiculous. Oh
15:31God this thing is quite unwieldy. I'm having trouble turning it
15:36Open your canopies while we're in flight
15:40Can't get the cockpit light to work, but yeah, well try strafing this carrier
15:47Well, it's a lot of firepower
15:50And it's also enough to deaccelerate us while descending. Oh, can we pull over the carrier? Can we yeah, we can just about
15:57But this is ridiculous
16:00The amount of I hope they had more gun pods for more vehicles I hadn't but this is just ridiculous
16:05I haven't actually got the f-82. Yeah
16:08Unfortunately, I can only use it in test flights
16:10But um, I was originally gonna use it as just a ground attack aircraft
16:14But I think I could possibly use it as a bomber hunter now you've done 50 caliber machine guns
16:19Aren't particularly great at bomber hunting, but this many bullets, you're not gonna you know, it doesn't matter how good it is
16:25You're gonna rip whatever is that you're firing out of the sky anyway
16:30See if we can't just hit this vehicle
16:36Okay, maybe now we got it there so I head back to the hangar quickly
16:41Now the next flight plane. I'm gonna test flight is the b-29 now
16:45I actually did test flight before but um
16:48As some of you may have seen I had massive issues technical problems like sound kept going in and out
16:54Graphics were set to ridiculously high. So if it's really laggy, so I'm gonna
16:59retest flight the b-29 and Focke-Wulf 200 because
17:02You know, I don't think I particularly gave a good
17:06View of the aircraft last time now we start off in the air because um, presumably is just can't take off
17:13Otherwise, um, well, maybe if we can't take off or you know, the runways are too small something like that
17:19Again, we've got 18 1,000 pound bombs
17:22Just drop one, you know pretty sure they have 1,000 pound bombs and we are going to bomb
17:29These troops up ahead. Well, just pretend they're targets or something now interestingly enough
17:35This is United States Air Force
17:37Which puts this plane at presumably after 1947 before it's United States Army Air Force
17:44So it's kind of interesting. They've gone for a late, you know
17:48Post career and post career post World War two and version of the b-29
17:54Which I have a feeling they're going to use that to justify putting it in
17:59High tier matches try turning with this thing. Oh god, it loses a lot of speed
18:06Although it does turn a lot better than I would have thought it would
18:10It's quite a fast little plane or big plane. It's got a decent amount of armament
18:16Well again, it goes against jets, I'm not sure it's gonna do much good
18:21Now interestingly, there is another variant of this that is going to be added in
18:25a Russian variant the tu-4
18:30Some of the Russians ended up getting some b-29s because they crashed after you know
18:35Coming back from bombing raids and had to fly on to Siberia
18:39Except they have 10 23 millimeter cannons. Yeah, I
18:44Think they may be a bit overpowered, but they're not coming in 1.47. So
18:49Won't affect us yet. It's gonna bomb this actual target
18:53I'm gonna have a go see if I can actually land this thing
18:57Actually, I'll leave it because um
18:59That would take far too long. I'm gonna go back to the hangar and then we're trying out the Focke-Wulf 200
19:06So here we are with the Focke-Wulf 200
19:09Oddly enough when I went to unpause the camera, it said bomb view camera disabled
19:13I don't know if that means I disabled it by pressing the unpause button or something
19:18But I had that last time I was on here. So I'm wondering
19:21If this was originally gonna have bomb cameras or something bomb cameras bomb view and they disabled it for some reason
19:28Now this is an early variant of the Condor. So um the Focke-Wulf 200 so
19:34only has
19:35very limited
19:37Armament 7.92 millimeter machine guns
19:41Some reason our bottom gun can't fire forward even though it's pointing practically forward, but the top one can so
19:50But it can't fire much to the side. So yeah, that's a bit of a problem
19:54Got very good coverage of the rear
19:57This one machine gun could cover virtually the whole entire rear of the aircraft
20:02The bottom gondola can cover a decent defensive arc, so
20:06Hasn't got particularly good weapons, but it can in some places cover a lot of the aircraft more than
20:13most other aircraft turrets would I suppose
20:16I'm gonna have a go at bombing this target
20:21We lose speed quite quickly trying to climb
20:25And turning to the side
20:28I've remembered it's been quite maneuverable last time
20:31I tested it although I did have a whole host of technical problems that started coming to a head as I started test flying it
20:38Not sure how
20:40When all my memory is of it got to drop our bombs and we're gonna head back to the base
20:44You know simulate what you would normally do in realistic
20:48Now, of course, you'd have a lot more time to climb in realistic, but we're just gonna do a very quick easy bomb drop here
20:58So it carries the bombs on wings and in the bomb bay
21:02Yeah, I wasn't sure where the bomb bay was because it's all between the two gondolas. Is it gondolas? Um, I think that's the word
21:09Okay, we hit the target
21:12Do a very quick turn
21:15Wow, this turns pretty good actually remember this is realistic
21:21And we're actually accelerating while
21:24Whilst while turning although that could be because we're losing height
21:29Yeah, it feels like a very maneuverable aircraft
21:34Though the elevators, although the elevators are quite quick to respond. Oh
21:40No, actually, no, they're not Oh
21:43All right. That's quite embarrassing
21:45I thought they were responding quite well when we went downwards. But um, yeah, apparently it doesn't respond very well to the upwards
21:53Something that um, G8N's I think had a bit of a problem with when they were first introduced
21:58There's also been two other changes for um, well one for aircraft in general, which is opening canopies
22:04Um, you can see here opening canopy. There is a light as well, but can't really get it to show up properly
22:11And the other changes with the G8N-1 Renzan
22:15If you can see here, I've got back 20,000 golden lion silver lions
22:20Basically, they've replaced the 12 millimeter machine guns with 13.2. You've got to research it all again, unfortunately, but that's just the way it is, I suppose
22:32Now one of the main changes in
22:35This patch is the inventory and item shop
22:39Now I don't pretend to really understand it all. Inventory, um,
22:44I think this is what I have. It says two days 23 hours
22:47I assume that's what the time I have to activate it. We've got all battle trophies
22:53Boosters. Well, we got the booster. Um, what does it say for battle trophy?
22:57Trophy allows you to receive a random award from the described list
23:01Yeah, the boosters what we've got discounts presumably gets discounts and tournament ticket is an item
23:07Which allows you to take part in the indicated tournament tournament
23:10I don't know if you receive that we have to buy it or apply for it. I don't know
23:16Now I don't understand this exactly I assume it if I spend
23:24299 gold eagles I get the
23:27M46 tiger. Well, um, I've got a chance getting the m46 tiger discount on the
23:34M46 tiger or one of these
23:38Other items boosters golden eagles
23:42I'm not entirely sure how this works exactly
23:45Officer trophy, um seems to be the more expensive. It is the more likely you are to get
23:50something good
23:52We've got other stuff. We've got boosters which you could buy
23:57Upon activation gives plus one ten percent
24:01Gives ten percent silver lines to all allies for battle actions
24:05It sounds quite useful and it does seem quite cheap
24:07Um, I know again, it depends how well you two in the match
24:12Ticket for tournament so you can buy these two silver lions. They're quite a bit cheaper than the other stuff
24:20And that's valid for up to three defeats or two consecutive defeats, um, you know, I don't pretend to understand all of this I'm
24:29Because I'm well, I don't understand all this
24:31So I don't know how that's gonna affect the game exactly but it does seem like an interesting thing
24:35They've added now presumably at this point. We should quickly take a look at the decals
24:39Um something that's been in the news for War Thunder lately. Um, but some of you may know
24:44They um, Gaijin have removed off pretty much all nation's flags for
24:51Apparently people were
24:54Abuse trying to incite national hatred or something like that
24:58Having trouble our kick the wrong tank. Um, and so they removed them but then added them back for
25:06500 golden eagles, which um
25:09Kind of makes no sense. So they're causing lots of problems. We'll get rid of them, but we let you buy them
25:15You know, I don't know
25:17So says lots of decals. I'm sure some of these have been added before or in before
25:22Well, you can still get the United States Army flag because that's part of an award
25:27But yeah, I don't know which ones are these and you oh, this is new UK first army badge. I
25:33Don't know if that's a hint towards British tanks or
25:36Or maybe it's just a nod to the fact Britain used American tanks or something. I don't know
25:42We got something for the East Germans. I don't know if that was in before or not. Um
25:46Maybe it refers to these decals
25:49Maybe it just meant generic decals have been added, but I'll go through, you know, very quickly looking at some of them
25:56I assume some of these are new because I haven't got anywhere towards some unlocking unlocking them
26:02Check again the Russians assume they yeah, I think they've got some new ones as well. But
26:08Yeah, so good. They're adding more stuff for the
26:12Germans and
26:13USSR and allies and all that
26:16Yeah, so the allies ones will be these ones as well
26:19So yeah good so far good additions for the pat death server for patch
26:24So for all intents and purposes, I think that pretty much covers everything new in the dev server
26:29Going through the patch notes again, I can't see anything
26:33Hope you enjoyed the video leave feedback always do with more feedback
26:37Leave a like if you liked the video subscribe if you like these sorts of videos
26:41Yeah, thanks for watching. I'll see you next time
