War Thunder Patch 1.47 round up Episode 2 & Preliminary patch notes

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Second episode of the Patch 1.47 round up series! In this episode I quickly talk about my time on the Dev-server, give a run down of the preliminary patch notes and discussing other miscellaneous changes from the Dev Blog.


Improved foilage

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#warthunder #patch #1.47 #2015 #toreno
00:00Hello everybody and welcome to the second episode of the patch 1.47 roundup series.
00:04In this episode I'll quickly discuss my time on the dev server, the preliminary patch notes
00:09for 1.47 and any miscellaneous changes that have been shown on the dev blog.
00:16Now first of all I'll talk about my time on the dev server for patch 1.47.
00:20I didn't actually get an awful lot of time on there because basically Gaijin did do a
00:24news thread saying about the dev server, what time it was going to be open and all that.
00:29But it didn't show up on the news feed in the launcher so I didn't actually realise
00:34until quite a bit later that it was open.
00:36I got on about 10 o'clock and it was due to close until about 11 I think so not that long
00:43at all and then I had all sorts of technical difficulties.
00:47So basically I only got to preview most of the tanks and planes, I will link to the episodes.
00:52I only got two test flights done.
00:55From my extremely limited time I do approve of most of the new additions, they are pretty good.
01:01The only downside so far has been that Britain, yeah the RAF hasn't got anything, not one
01:06single solitary plane.
01:09But other than that most of the additions I saw were pretty good.
01:13I did manage to quickly test fly the B-29 and the Focke-Wulf 200, again I'll link you
01:18to them.
01:20But then because of the technical difficulties, basically I lost all sound for some reason
01:24and plus the dev server was going to close in like 10 minutes so I didn't get much
01:28more recording done.
01:30There were of course other things added in the patch, modifications and stuff like that
01:34but again I didn't really get a chance to test them out.
01:38Just going to let the last of these photos cycle through and then I'll quickly read
01:42out the patch notes.
01:44It seems to be mainly adding new modifications and fixing bugs rather than heavy on content
01:52but it does look like a good patch so far.
01:57So here is the patch notes for patch 1.47 as of the 8th of February.
02:03I'll just read out some of the basic ones, binocular views have been added, driver view,
02:07contrails, heat haze, different terrain settings, we've covered them all before.
02:11Here's where it starts getting a bit interesting.
02:14Every day login awards and awards to tournaments have been added.
02:18I don't play tournaments and that doesn't affect me.
02:20While I was on the dev server I didn't actually see any prompt or message about login awards.
02:27Perhaps because I haven't logged into the dev server every day so it doesn't count
02:30as a login award or something, maybe you have to do it one day in the day after.
02:36So I don't know what those awards would be, I guess they'd be silver lion.
02:40Now here's a quite important change, both of these are together.
02:44A new type of bomb delay has been added, auto, works similar to fuses historically
02:49used for attack aircraft.
02:52Bomb will explode after it hits so if you hit your target it will explode but not faster
02:56than that after a certain time.
02:58Basically say you drop your bomb at 500 metres it takes 5 seconds to hit the ground, you've
03:03then got to wait another 5 seconds regardless of any delay you've set yourself before
03:07it will explode.
03:09From what I understand, I didn't test it myself, it says below auto fuse delay is set
03:14for all ground attack aircraft in air battle events for ground forces arcade battles.
03:19So it seems to rule out your normal ground strike missions without tanks.
03:24This is actually quite a good change because at the moment you have people suicide bombing
03:28or kamikaze in their aircraft because it's not their aircraft, they've got a certain
03:34amount of kills, they don't want to guarantee a hit so they just dive into a tank and drop
03:39the bomb at the last second and get the kill.
03:42If they do this then theoretically the bomb's going to be there for 10 seconds unless it
03:47actually hits the tank, hopefully removing the kamikaze option and giving people a chance
03:56to get away.
03:59Also now sound and graphical warnings are displayed for players if bombs that are on
04:03the ground will reach their vehicle with the blast radius.
04:05So say you do kamikaze the target, you drop your bomb, it lands right next to him but
04:11doesn't hit him, he's now got a warning there's a bomb next to him, he can get away to reduce
04:16or you know entirely get rid of all the damage.
04:20Quite a good change but I do think 10 seconds is maybe a little excessive because you'd
04:25have to be doing high altitude bombing or you'd have to you know basically aim ahead
04:30of your target quite a bit or you'd still end up kamikazing I think.
04:36Hopefully you embrace the importance of aircraft with cannons like anti-tank cannons like the
04:41Ju-87Gs but it's overall a good change I just think the delays may be a little excessive
04:47I think maybe five seconds or even eight seconds would have been a little preferable but again
04:52it's a good change.
04:55Now next up is a list of the aircraft and tanks added I'm not going to go into detail
04:59about them because I've already done an episode on them in the dev server so I'll link you
05:03to that.
05:04You've got the M26E1 for the Americans, a premium M42, Tiger Tank E, Maus, Flank Panzer
05:12Gepard, Marder III H, T-126 SP, T-28E, T-54-1949, aircraft the A-20G3, B-57B, B-29, the Bf109G14,
05:27Focke-Wulf 200C1, Arl-21941, Li-5FN which is an updated visual module, not actually
05:34a new aircraft and the J2M4K.
05:38Actually I will talk a little bit about the A-20G3 quickly.
05:42I didn't actually cover it in my dev server video because I didn't realise it was actually
05:47well it's not a new aircraft from what I understand.
05:49I think it's basically replaced the A-20 that was already there I'm not sure what difference
05:54it has between the one we had already.
05:57Something about I've heard on Reddit and other websites it was I think a slightly different
06:00turret and different performance I don't know if that's better or good but yeah I suppose
06:07it's good.
06:08I don't know if they had the wrong variant in before or a variant that didn't exist.
06:12I know in the release tree they had an A-20D or something that was never actually built
06:17so it's possible they did another mistake like that with the one in game but good they're
06:22fixing errors and adding stuff in.
06:25Like I said there's no British there which I would have thought just even if it was an
06:29updated visual module would have been nice.
06:32It's a shame they didn't put anything in for Britain although I think we are getting the
06:36Fleet Air Arm next patch so it may be possible other nations are going to not get any aircraft
06:42while Britain gets loads so you know maybe we are going to just get more later on.
06:49Then we've got the flight model changes I'm not going to go through all of them because
06:53there is so many of them.
06:57Lots of changes all round.
06:59This one's important actually the Halton 229 V3 has got a different engine Jumo 004D they're
07:08more powerful apparently so hopefully I've heard the Halton was a bit underpowered so
07:13hopefully that will fix some problems.
07:16Oh and for the R2Y2 destructive overload was increased up to 10g for full take-off weight.
07:23I did hear somewhere that Japanese jets had a weird tendency to break their wings quite
07:27easily so I assume it's to do with that hopefully it makes it less likely I'm not entirely sure.
07:34Ability to open canopy has been added for aircraft for them or following aircraft there
07:40you go and ability to switch on lights in cockpits added for the following aircraft.
07:45You might understand the controls for these are in full real battle they may change it
07:49for the actual release of the patch but you know just in case you're watching this after
07:54the patch has been released and you can't find it.
07:57Changes in ammunition the F8F gets more ammunition apparently that it's had like a thousand bullets
08:04which is apparently wrong and they were very unwilling to up the ammo load but yeah hopefully
08:11it's got its historical load now.
08:13The J51 can take more bombs or have more variety of useful bomb and rockets 100, 250 and 500
08:20pound bombs.
08:21The F82E got a machine gun pod I don't know anything else about it because I didn't get
08:25a chance to test it.
08:28Typhoon Mk1B and Mk1B late have got additional bomb load with two 1,000 pound bombs.
08:35The Mk5 and Mk2 can take eight rockets.
08:38The Ju-88A4 has got a bomb load fixed a preset with 50 kilogram bombs has been increased
08:43to 28 bombs a thousand kilogram bomb has been added.
08:48Fifty kilogram bombs have been fixed for the Dornier 217E, M and K.
08:55Ammunition for the I-16 has been fixed to 900 shells per gun for the Shakas I don't
08:59know if that's increased or decreased.
09:01The D-5 Ju-87 has got the gun pods we talked about before and there's new shells for the
09:07There's a new AP shell for the IS-3-4 and new shells for the T-54 APCR shells.
09:14I've heard a bit of complaints about that because apparently it'll do okay against the
09:20Maus but it will absolutely destroy any other high tier German tanks so I don't know how
09:25that's going to work out.
09:28Other than that there's been changes to the damage model for the all the Ilyushin attack
09:33aircraft all the HS-129B2 and 3 all the Canberra and all the R-28 have had construction strength
09:42An error of the tail being ripped off from the insignificant damage has apparently been
09:46fixed there was a period a little while ago where they were being ripped off very easily
09:50and but not killing the aircraft so people were stealing kills good that's been fixed.
09:56Jet engine fire damage fixed possibility to be set on fire tuned according to kerosene
10:01fuel consumption not entirely sure what that means.
10:04F4U damage model fixed added fuel containers presumably you'll be able to set on fire a
10:10lot easier.
10:12Changes to locations we've seen before ground vehicle missions mostly miscellaneous but
10:18possibility to select spawn points and the minimap has been added which is quite good
10:23I've never thought of that before I'm not sure how useful it'll be but you know give
10:27people the choice is what I say.
10:31Possibility of firing been disabled in missions for aerobatic team training seems like that
10:36would have been a very obvious thing to do when you released it but um there we go.
10:43Variety of new sounds and sounds as you like turn your head or hearing enemy tanks wind
10:48sound improvements for aircraft evoke and cockpits and some sound effects have been
10:52optimized so that's all of the patch notes for 1.47 so far.
10:56Now remember these are only preliminary patch notes so they could be changed or you know
11:01other things added but um so far it does seem quite good um it's a little low on content
11:06in extra planes and tanks but it's added a lot of modification fixing a lot of weapon
11:11bugs and stuff like that um you know it does seem like a very good patch and hopefully
11:16it will do very well on release and be well received on release.
11:22One thing I'm especially glad about is um the flight models not what's been changed
11:26but it actually says what's been changed um before it used to just say tuned to data sheet
11:32which was confusing got a lot of people wound up because they didn't know whether they would
11:36get their plane was going to perform better or worse um you know and it caused a lot of
11:39confusion uh now it says how it's been changed hopefully that will prevent confusion and
11:45you know it'll just make things a whole lot easier for us when the patch comes around
11:50um you know so we know whether our planes are going to be doing better or worse and
11:54not have to guesswork and test it all.
11:57Now there is one more addition that was added to the dev blog um that we have to cover improved
12:02foilage uh you'll be able to see changes when MSAA is enabled um and it improves the visual
12:08appearance of all vegetation for top computer configurations so it's unlikely to affect
12:13me um I've should be there will be a little annotation showing you um which is before
12:18and which is after I can't see you can tell the changes if you spend a little while looking
12:23at them but it doesn't always seem so obvious to the naked eye for me personally um it is
12:30a good change it is good they're improving the graphics for high-end users I mean low-end
12:35users probably don't want too many graphic changes because um you know we won't be able
12:40to play but um you know for high-end users this is definitely good news and we'll let
12:45them you know use their computing power for you know uh better graphics and all that so
12:50definitely a good change in my opinion although personally won't affect me.
12:55Anyway I hope you've enjoyed watching the episode um probably only going to get one
12:59more episode of the patch 1.47 roundup series um I have a feeling the patch is going to
13:04come out a lot sooner than most patches um usually do at this point they do seem to be
13:08sort of going full steam ahead with it but hopefully it's giving you a good insight into
13:12what's coming in the patch um you know good points bad points um you know uh all sorts
13:18of things about patch 1.47.
13:21So anyway um hope you liked the episode um leave a like if you did um subscribe if you
13:26like these sorts of videos um leave leave feedback or comments um you know I could always
13:31do with more feedback and I'd like to hear your feelings on patch 1.47 maybe you've seen
13:36something that's you know I haven't covered as in depth that you're really looking forward
13:40to maybe you've seen something that could possibly be quite a negative for patch 1.47
13:45you know I'd like to hear all your thoughts um hope you've enjoyed watching the episode
13:50um hopefully you'll stick around for the next episodes in the series and well thanks for
13:54watching I'll see you next time.
