War Thunder - A quick look at Patch 1.47!

  • last month
Quick video giving a rundown of the major additions in Patch 1.47. Apologies if not as in depth as usual, but quite busy for the next few days.

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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #patch #update #devserver #toreno
00:00Hello everybody, and welcome back to another episode of War Thunder.
00:03Today we're actually looking at the new patch 1.47, or Big Guns as they've called it.
00:08Now, I haven't had a chance to actually test it, I've been quite busy for the last few days, and I'm going to be busy for the next few days.
00:15And I've also gone over a lot of the changes from the dev server, from when they were added into the dev server, sorry.
00:21So I'm not going to go into massive, in-depth discussion of it today.
00:25But I will try and go over some of the areas that maybe weren't covered in the dev server.
00:31The first change you'll probably notice is no 2x bonus, which has been replaced by the new boosters.
00:39We talked about them before, but as you can see here, one I've got gives 30% bonus to Silver Lions for 5 matches.
00:46You can buy these in the item shops for Golden Eagles.
00:50They seem a bit expensive if I'm honest, some of them, but I don't think these are going to make up for the 2x bonus.
00:58You do get bigger bonuses as you log in daily, so maybe it'll get better over time.
01:04But I think there will be a lot of people annoyed about the 2x bonuses disappearing.
01:09Now, I'm not going to go into massive detail about the new aircraft, but what's been added is the American A-20G-25.
01:19It's actually a re-skin rather than a new addition.
01:23And also the B-29 and the B-57B.
01:27Now the reason I'm not going into in-depth discussion is because I've covered these before in the dev server.
01:33So I'm not going to cover the same information twice, or three times even.
01:37Because otherwise that would just be a pointless duplication.
01:41Basically the B-29 carries a lot of bombs and is pretty fast.
01:45400 miles per hour, only 30-40 slower than the F-7F.
01:49Which is around the same tier and rank.
01:55The B-57B carries 8 machine guns and has a tiny bit of armour around the cockpit.
02:00Which the B-57A doesn't, but seems to be the same speed.
02:05Now the A-20G-25, there might be some minor speed differences.
02:11But really the only difference I've noticed is, I'll show you really quickly.
02:16They've got a flatter and lower down turret.
02:19Which the A-20G-30 I think we had before was higher up and less rounded.
02:25And the new tanks the Americans have got is the, well one is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, the M-42.
02:33And the M-26E1, which is an M-26 with a better gun.
02:37Longer reload, but can penetrate like 50mm more armour at 100m.
02:42Or about 40, you know a lot more armour.
02:46There's also been some minor, what's the word, modification changes.
02:51The P-51D-5 can carry different bombs.
02:55500lb bombs, 2 250lb bombs, 100lb bombs.
03:02The F-82E can now carry, if we can find it, a gun pod with 8 machine guns.
03:08Yeah, 8 machine guns, with a lot of ammo in them.
03:12The F-8F1 has also got an extra 200 bullets or so in its machine guns.
03:18It had 1,050 before, it's now 1,250.
03:21So that's going to make it even more potent against enemy vehicles.
03:25And the B-17E and B-17EL now get 7.62mm machine guns in the front instead of .50 calibres.
03:34I believe around here.
03:36So they're going to be a lot less potent against enemy fighters.
03:40The G is unaffected because it has a purpose-built turret which was designed to have .50 calibre machine guns.
03:46The Germans have new engines for the Halton 229V3, I believe.
03:53Basically this is going to make it a lot faster.
03:56So that's good for the Germans.
03:58They've also got the G-14, which is I think a slightly better version of the G-6.
04:04So again, that's going to be quite good for the Germans as well.
04:08You know, good to have another fighter.
04:10Although I'll probably wait to get it myself because it's folded and it won't contribute to any of these aircraft, which is what I want to get.
04:18And of course, I nearly forgot about the Focke-Wulf 200 C1.
04:22Germany's first four-engine aircraft.
04:25Oh, I've actually accidentally pressed the wrong button.
04:28It carries a pretty bad amount of armour.
04:31Well, it has a bad amount of armour. It doesn't have particularly good secondary armament.
04:36It carries quite a decent amount of bombs.
04:39But again, compared to some other bombers, it might be a little low.
04:43But again, it's good for tier 2. It's okay.
04:47You know, it's good for Germany to get a four-engine bomber finally.
04:50You know, even if it's not exactly as good as some of the other four-engine bombers.
04:55Of course, there was also other changes.
04:57The Stuka Gs have been moved to tier 2.
05:01And the D-5s have got access to machine gun pods, which give 12 machine guns, or cannon pods, which give an extra 4.
05:09There's also been weapon changes for the J-88A4, which can now carry a 1,000kg bomb and a 500kg bomb.
05:19And changes to the 50kg bombs for it, and the Dorniers go to the K1.
05:26It's been moved from, I think it was, 26 50kg bombs to 28.
05:32So, a bit of an improvement there.
05:34So, Germany's done quite well at this patch.
05:39They've also got new tanks.
05:41The Marder 3H, which has got slightly better armour, but the gun seems a bit...
05:46I don't know. It's better for mid-range engagements, but longer and shorter range engagements, I believe, it suffers somewhat.
05:56Weirdly. Usually it gets better and better.
05:59It's not usually you get some, like, slightly worse in some areas.
06:04Yeah, I've covered it before, like, in one of my other episodes.
06:09But, yeah, basically, so that's why I'm not going too in-depth about explaining it all.
06:14We've also got the Gepard.
06:16Faster than the Flak Panzer I, it has the same gun and same amount of crew, but a slightly better armour.
06:22Although it is also a higher tier, so it's not gonna, you know, it's gonna be cancelled out straight away.
06:27We've also got the Tiger E.
06:30Quickly show you the roof armour.
06:32It's mostly the same, but it's got, I think, armour around the turret ring, which you can't actually see, unfortunately.
06:41And better roof armour, 40mm.
06:44So hopefully that'll help against artillery and air attack.
06:48If we go back, we've also got the Maus.
06:52Gotta show you the Maus.
06:54I don't know if it'll load up.
06:56We've seen it before, ridiculously thick armour.
07:00Decent gun, two decent guns.
07:02One does 100mm damage, the other one does 100m 250, so that's gonna be quite insane.
07:12Even the roof armour's like 60mm.
07:15Unfortunately we don't get access to that grenade launcher type thing there.
07:19I believe there's also been machine guns added for the F2 and all of the Panzer IIIs.
07:25So that's good, it's gonna help with dealing against enemy aircraft.
07:29Move on to the Russians quick.
07:31They've got the R2-1941, which has got better manoeuvrability than the previous R2s, or the future R2s, sorry.
07:41And I think it's got the best armour, well not the best actual thickness, but the most accurate they've done with their armour.
07:49Out of any other aircraft, I believe.
07:51And also I think one of their graphically most intense, or most advanced graphics aircraft, I'm not sure what the exact word is.
08:01Most detailed aircraft, that's probably the word I was looking for.
08:05But unfortunately it has Chevak cannons rather than the 23mm cannons, so it might suffer a little bit against enemy aircraft.
08:13We've also got the La-5FN, which is a reskin, or it's a slightly different variant.
08:18It has a different engine, I believe.
08:22Which should make it about the same or superior to the Bf-109Gs, from what I understand.
08:29The I-16s have also had some minor changes.
08:31For wing-mounted machine guns they now have 900 bullets per gun.
08:35You can see with the top one, 1,800 for two machine guns, so presumably they're two wing-mounted ones.
08:41Presumably, I don't know if this is an increase or a decrease in ammo.
08:45It could be an increase in how lethal it is to other enemy fighters.
08:50I'm not entirely sure.
08:54Sorry if I'm rushing through this a little bit, but like I say, I've covered all of this a few times before.
08:58So I don't want to cover all of it in depth again, because it would be a bit pointless.
09:04After that, in the Russian ground forces we have the T-28E.
09:08It's a T-28, like the normal one, but it has additional armour on it.
09:13You can see around there, that ring.
09:16I'm having a bit of trouble selecting it.
09:19There we go.
09:20We saw it for a few seconds.
09:21Yeah, there we go.
09:22I believe it has additional armour at the front as well.
09:25It says 30 there, and I think there's a bit behind it.
09:28Yeah, a bit behind it.
09:30It's just got lots of armour strapped onto it.
09:33It's got a higher battle rating, 2.7 compared to the normal T-28's 2.3.
09:39Where else did it get?
09:42They got the T-54-1949, which seems to be quite similar to the T-51-47.
09:48Same gun, roughly same armour, same speed.
09:52Not sure what other changes it really has.
09:56And there's a new premium, the T-126, which I think is going to be a troll tank.
10:02Basically, it's a light tank with a 45mm cannon, but with nearly 80mm thick armour.
10:09Because of all that sloping.
10:11So, yeah, that's a bit insane.
10:13And it's only battle rating 2.7.
10:15So, yeah.
10:17There's also been new ammunition for the IS-3s and IS-4s.
10:22The BR-47-1D, 227mm penetration at 100m.
10:28Which will help deal with the Maus, presumably.
10:31While the T-54s get 412P, 250mm penetration at 100m.
10:39Which should be able to deal with the Maus quite easily.
10:42I feel sorry for the Germans.
10:44They finally get a good tank and then it's just ruined by new ammunition.
10:50That's going to make sure it's completely and utterly destroyed.
10:53Moving on to Britain.
10:55They didn't get any tanks, obviously.
10:57But they didn't get any aircraft either.
10:59Or graphical redoings, reskins.
11:03Revamping, that's the word.
11:05But they did get some additional weapon loadouts.
11:09The Tempest Mk5 and Mk2 can now carry two 1,000lb bombs.
11:15While the Mk1BL and the Typhoon Mk1B can carry eight RP-3 rockets.
11:23Or, no, that can carry two 1,000lb bombs.
11:27And the Tempest Mk5 and Mk2 can carry the rockets, sorry.
11:30Got that a bit mixed up.
11:32Sorry about that.
11:33Yeah, you can see there.
11:34Weird description.
11:36That doesn't kind of look right.
11:38Japan only got one new aircraft, the J2M-4K.
11:44Pretty fast, doesn't have particularly any armour.
11:47Four 20mm cannons, so that's quite good.
11:51Quite expensive, 3,850 Golden Eagles.
11:54But nice little plane.
11:56430, which is 26mph faster than the J2M-3.
12:01Other than that, the J2M-3 actually got some weapon redoings.
12:06It used to have four Mk2 cannons.
12:08It now has two Mk2 and two Mk1.
12:10And the GKN-1 has lost its 12mm machine guns and got 13mm machine guns.
12:17Which I now have to rebuy, unfortunately.
12:19Now that's most of the major content additions.
12:22There have also been other changes.
12:24You can open the canopies for certain aircraft now.
12:27Not going to list all of them because there's a big list.
12:29I'll link you to the patch 1.47 patch list which tells you all of them.
12:34I can't actually see mention of turning the lights on in aircraft.
12:38I assume you can actually do that.
12:40But maybe they had to hold it back for a bit.
12:43There's been some other minor changes.
12:45Like the Tiger II now has two loaders.
12:47Changes to the M103's armour.
12:50But it doesn't say what the changes are.
12:52And I don't know what it was originally.
12:54So I can't really say what's changed.
12:56And detail levels for armour of various tanks.
12:59Like the KV-1's, Panzer IV's, that sort of stuff.
13:04But again, it doesn't say what these changes are particularly.
13:07I assume it makes it more accurate.
13:09One major change is the chance of ammunition or fuel tank explosion.
13:13Now depends on what type of damage it received.
13:17So armour piercing, high explosive.
13:20Armour piercing, high explosive.
13:23It says here to maximise chances of an explosion from ammo or fuel racked tanks.
13:27Armour piercing, high explosive shells would be particularly useful.
13:30So changes to tank combat.
13:36Also a bunch of decals have been added.
13:38Now, one of the major changes in this patch is to do with bombs in Ground Forces Arcade.
13:44Basically, at the moment, or before patch 1.47.
13:49You drop your bomb, it would be exploded as soon as it hit the ground.
13:52So people were kamikazing, getting to like 10 metres from the ground.
13:55Dropping the bomb, hitting the tank, getting a kill.
13:58You know, with an aircraft they earned.
14:01So it didn't affect them.
14:03But now, it takes 10 seconds to arm.
14:05Basically, if you drop the bomb it takes a second to hit the ground.
14:08It's now got 9 seconds before it explodes.
14:11And there's also indicators for tanks to see where that bomb is to give them time to run.
14:17Which should helpfully stop the kamikazing.
14:20And actually, you know, encourage bombing and not just turning your planes into guided missiles.
14:28Which is a good change.
14:32Plus with the addition of the machine guns for more tanks.
14:36You know, obviously that's going to make it even more lethal for aircraft that are low level.
14:40Plus the bomb delay.
14:43So it's going to encourage planes to bomb from a high distance.
14:47Which makes them less effective, or make it fairer for the guys on the ground.
14:51Other changes.
14:54Neutral turnability added for the Panther, Tiger 1, Tiger 2, Jagdpanther and Maus.
15:00Other than that, it's just mainly stuff we've already covered in other episodes.
15:03Oh, it's got here the ability to switch lights on in cockpits.
15:08It's just in a different part of the patch notes.
15:10Binocular views, driver view, driver mode.
15:13We covered the driver mode a little bit, but I still don't understand how it works.
15:17It's something to do with the tank driving full speed while you're still shooting.
15:21But you still control it.
15:23Don't quite understand it.
15:25Contrail effects.
15:26Heat compression effect from firing tank cannon.
15:30Different terrain settings have been added for ground forces locations.
15:33I tried this on the test, but I haven't seen these yet.
15:35So I don't know how they work.
15:37Maybe you have to turn on a certain graphics setting or something.
15:40I don't know exactly.
15:42Something about returning to the old artillery strike cam before arcade battles.
15:47Again, not sure how that's going to work.
15:49I think it's lower down, so it's not like a bird's eye view like you were getting before.
15:53Which people were exploiting to look over walls and cover and stuff.
15:59Shields in death camera all represent their type.
16:02So if you get hit by a high explosive anti-tank, presumably you'll see it as a high explosive anti-tank.
16:07Which is good.
16:09Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any major changes.
16:13I've probably missed something.
16:15Someone's going to tell me in the comments I've missed something.
16:17Machine guns added for the T-34 1941 with the F-34 cannon.
16:22And for the Panzer IV F2.
16:25Other than that, I can't notice anything else.
16:29So I'll probably leave the episode here.
16:31Sorry it's not as in-depth as it usually is.
16:34But I've been very busy for the next few days.
16:37So I can't really get a more in-depth video for a little while.
16:41So this is probably the best I'll manage for a while.
16:44Thanks for watching.
16:46Leave a like if you like the videos.
16:48Leave feedback, because I always do with more feedback.
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16:53Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.
16:55And I hope you enjoy patch 1.47.
