General Hospital 8-16-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00for a swim huh you didn't mean to i know you did boy it's okay everything's gonna be okay
00:06james are you all right cody saved me yes i can see that
00:17yes ah great send her right in and when my other guest arrives just send him straight into
00:24okay thanks bye
00:30hi hi thank you for taking the time to meet no of course sounded important
00:37it is we're meeting with a new wsb station chief oh jack brennan
00:44no grass grows under his feet okay you got it i mean your room is all ready
00:51i told you you're welcome to stay as long as you need to stay i'll try not to smother you although
00:55a little smothering would be okay maybe we'll call it pampering how's that
01:02i'm sorry mom what for i'm just not not in a good mood you are allowed to be in whatever mood you
01:12want to be in i guess i thought i would be happy or at least relieved to leave the hospital
01:23but instead i'm just realizing that when i walk out that door that's when my life
01:30starts over everything starts over again now only without my baby okay well listen
01:40talk to me before you make any moves all right sounds good
01:47sorry auntie please don't apologize things are crazy at aurora especially with drew on
01:53the campaign trail let's just say my plate is overflowing and i have every confidence
02:01that you can handle it thank you for uh walking us through this administrative paperwork
02:10planning a funeral any funeral is already hard enough but
02:16her babies seems unnatural doesn't it completely i'm happy to help tj and molly any way i can
02:25so what are we looking at i gotta jump on most of it it's really just a birth certificate that
02:32needs their attention now
02:36there he is hey t
02:40molly's not here no uh not yet i'm sure she's on her way i told her i told her we had a small
02:46window it's okay don't worry i'm not in a rush you know what um
02:54um she can catch up let's get started
03:05don't worry i'm on your side are you with the fbi too not exactly the guy who's
03:13met you messed with sonny correntos well he's mad as a hornet and his strong suit is
03:20murder so if you want to get out alive i do okay then i am your only hope i will help
03:31you think the surveillance photos could actually help my case absolutely sonny and the corrupt
03:40cops in his pocket are trying to spin one narrative but those photos can tell any story we want
03:46especially when the victim in them is a federal witness
03:51who knows how much further jack is going to go we can't take that risk
03:57sonny if you take out kate's you're eliminating an fbi agent there's no coming back from that
04:05if jagger forces my hand i won't have a choice
04:42i'm so glad you're okay come here
04:53you cannot keep doing this i've never fallen into the light before i'm not talking about
04:58that i mean running away there are only so many heart attacks i can survive mom please
05:03text spinelli and let him know that james is found on it i wasn't trying to scare anyone
05:09i know that you didn't but we were all really worried and we'll talk about this at home
05:15yeah let's uh cool it on the escape attempts yeah i wouldn't have to escape if i was allowed to see
05:21you why can't i take writing lessons with cody now is not the time to tell you this but
05:29you can take writing lessons with cody i can yes but not because of any of this and you know what
05:35no ice cream or video games for two weeks i don't care what you take away as long as i can be here
05:42why did you change your mind well you know how we talk about owning your mistakes
05:49how it's really important kind of like how you're gonna own this one well i made a huge mistake when
05:55i agreed that you couldn't take writing lessons with cody anymore it wasn't your mom's mistake
06:01james it was mine
06:10didn't you just arrest the jack brennan yeah uh-huh and now we're gonna work with him
06:18yeah well i was informed of his posting now he is a fully accredited agent
06:25but the previous activities that took place here in port charles were part
06:30of a classified wsb operation and is that all the explanation we're going to get apparently
06:38uh your assistant said i could come in welcome mr brennan
06:44please call me jack jack
06:51i almost forgot i already have a key to your place no it's not for you it's for blaze i figured she'd
06:57be visiting and i want her to come and go as she pleases that's really very thoughtful of you mom
07:04but um it's unnecessary because ali and i broke up when yesterday well what happened i thought you
07:16two were okay we were but she got this really an incredible touring opportunity and she just
07:26couldn't turn it down she couldn't or you wouldn't let her
07:32i couldn't be the reason ali stayed mom she has been working towards it's her entire life but
07:39honey maybe that was her choice to make maybe she wanted to stay and support you i know but
07:44it's not just about her career it's about me too i don't even recognize myself right now without
07:52the baby i i i can't be anything to anyone with the record you're something pretty big to me
08:04is this a good time of course
08:09i have the results of your discharge examination
08:12as you can see most of the information has been filled out
08:17thank you for that but there's still the issue of the baby's name
08:25did you and molly ever talk about that
08:31i mean we we battled ideas around but we got to get to the bottom of it
08:37i mean we we battled ideas around but we never landed on on one specific name no real fraud
08:48it's okay we'll just use the last name lance ashford and once you and molly have a chance to
08:55talk we'll update the certificate hi sorry i'm late i had a meeting with dscorpio you couldn't
09:04tell him that you had to leave it's my boss dj got here as fast as i could
09:13okay so i gotta go see a guy about a boat get some supplies what kind of snacks do you like
09:21snacks yeah well we're going to spoon island and you know there may not be any power over
09:26there so nothing perishable uh okay i'll tell you what i'll just get us some glazed donuts and
09:34coffee so sit tight i'll be back
09:41only one party in those photos went crashing through a window i think it might be a bit of
09:47a stretch to paint me as a victim not if you use your imagination you are a federal witness
09:52agreeing to testify against sonny corinthos am i though well for the sake of this exercise
09:59and keeping you out of prison yeah now the picture of you with your hand on christina's arm
10:07that was self-defense yeah to protect yourself from her attacking you yes yeah and the look on
10:15christina's face was pure rage she was clearly out of control so a federal witness participating
10:21in a rico investigation against sonny corinthos sonny's daughter comes to your hotel suite
10:29violent and threatening intending to shut you up permanently
10:37well that is criminal conspiracy and it falls within the fbi's jurisdiction
10:43it also happens to be attempted murder if we decide to do this let's just be smart about it
10:50and cover every base consequences are too severe not to okay but if we mess up we're talking about
10:57a federal agent federal crime life in prison or worse you won't stop coming at me you know that i
11:03i agree with you i just want you to be clear on what you're doing i'm i'm clear on one thing
11:11he will not stop going through the people that i love to get to me
11:18i'm not gonna just sit around and wait for him to make the next move
11:22as you know there were concerns following your hemorrhaging about damage to the uterus or ovaries
11:32or both but i'm happy to report that all looks good on those fronts great so she will be able
11:40to conceive and carry a job in the future we'll need to monitor her going forward but
11:46i see nothing that indicates otherwise you should be able to make a full recovery
11:52thank you dr navarro anytime you should be ready for discharge shortly thank you very much
12:10full recovery whatever that means seems your body will heal what about the rest of me
12:20that may take a little more time and require a little more work
12:27but your heart will get better too i promise
12:31so what do i need to catch up on
12:35everything we were just going over the birth certificate okay you still need to give a name
12:42to our little girl but um like anstella said doesn't have to be done today
12:48baby lansing ashford is it's just fine for right now we can't put it off forever forever no
13:01you two are in a storm there's no getting around it your grandmother irene always had the knack for
13:09being the calm within the storm some i hope i picked up from my sister you did yeah auntie
13:18you've always been our rock irene was my rock so i feel like i'm speaking for her when i say
13:28the hardest thing to reconcile during times like this
13:32is that life goes on even in the most horrific tragedy you want it all to stop
13:41give you space to process and breathe but there's still stuff going on around you
13:47pulling you in different directions that's why it is so important especially for
13:54couples that are going through something this profound for you to hold on to each other
14:01and to be that anchor within this god-awful wretched storm
14:08okay i'm i'm gonna stretch my legs for a bit and i
14:12think these two could sit for a moment alone yeah that sounds good
14:27i have no intention of being reckless he and a but that's what they were counting on
14:34brick any update
14:38all right text me the address thanks uh so scott boulder left the gallery brick's guys
14:43tracked him to a part of town he has no business hanging out in got him to the pharmacist seems
14:49like it and it seems like they're desperate they have to involve scotty kate's and ava both know
14:53the walls are closing in all right um find scotty bring that uh pharmacist to me you heading to gh
15:03christina's being discharged today
15:08keep me posted i will
15:15mary collins commissioner devine this is uh it's quite an honor please sit down oh thank you
15:25so since the wsb has decided to open a field office right here in port charles and you're
15:31the new chief i thought it was important that we should all meet because we have several common
15:37interests i already informed the mayor that your arrest in december and your incarceration at
15:43pentonville that was all part of this covert wsb op and uh with this op successfully completed
15:51i've been returned to uh desk duty which i much prefer to uh being in a prison cell yes i'm sure
15:59so i take it that the two of you have worked together previously oh all the way back to our
16:07wsb training days right isn't that right all the way back yeah well then you must have developed
16:15sort of a shorthand in a sense well should help right make communicating a little bit more
16:24a little bit more effective one can only hope
16:31all right may i cut to the chase oh please please i think we have a unique opportunity here
16:39with a wsb outpost here in port charles and your shared history and your skill sets
16:48what kind of an opportunity are you talking about exactly uh sounds like you have a task in mind
16:54i want you to find valentine cassady
17:01listen my feelings were hurt and i took it out on cody which i regret in and of itself but the
17:09fact that ended up hurting you too james i hate that part the most i hope you can forgive me
17:15you said family always forgives each other that's right they do were you mad at cody i was
17:23but i'm not anymore why why am i not mad anymore no why were you mad at cody in the first place
17:40because cody's my son
17:41you're cody's dad that's right does that make him my uncle it sure does buddy this is so cool
17:59mom yes james cody's your brother yeah he is but i do have a question
18:08shoot why does cody being your son make you mad
18:14because i only just found out so i was angry about all the time we didn't get to spend together
18:20but it reminded me of a lesson that i hope you can take to heart not only does family
18:27forgive each other but they're the ones we love no matter what even when they run away
18:38or get mad at us like i did with cody
18:40so we love each other how no matter what no matter what
18:57hostela's right she usually is
19:03we have to hold each other right now
19:05i know it just feels like if i stand still for even a moment i'll be swallowed whole
19:17that's why i keep just burying myself in work does that help no nothing helps
19:26not even facing off against ava hold up you saw ava yeah i went to see her in her jail cell with
19:38the hopes that she'd confess yeah right what did she say nothing it was excuse after excuse not
19:46that there's anything ava could say that would actually make this any better i mean that's the
19:52worst part no matter who we want to blame our baby is still gone i was so hoping molly would
20:01have called maybe they can come over molly and sam this weekend and and we could have a davis girls
20:09night i don't i don't think molly or i are going to be in the mood for that mom
20:17have you spoken to molly in the last few days yeah she came to see me she came here and i
20:24told her about when i went to ava's and what happened and how i went to ava's asking her to
20:31lift the subpoena and she refused and i told her how and then ava started going in on my family and
20:39insulting you and dad and i told her that if she forced me to testify i would tell how she
20:48murdered connie and helped kill morgan and how did molly respond she was appalled especially
20:54after i showed her the pictures molly's as furious as i am laura the fbi is already handling this
21:00they're they're in pursuit of valentine now and as far as i'm concerned that case is it's
21:08beyond my scope as a commissioner you know uh the wsb tries not to entangle herself in
21:14fbi interests you know when it's all possible well i can appreciate both stances i still think
21:23we have a unique situation here and it is personal for me valentine has my granddaughter
21:30i don't think you should be worried about her oh come on no because with all his faults
21:36valentine is an excellent father he would never let any harm come to charlotte
21:42he may not be able to stop it oh i'm so sorry
21:52yeah oh i forgot right um no no no i'll be right out thanks
22:00i'm sorry there's something i have to take care of that i forgot about it will just take
22:06a moment i hope you don't mind waiting no oh not at all we'll be right here thank you
22:14you know damn well where valentine is yes you do
22:18you are hiding him you have no proof of that but if you'd like to confess and let this anxious
22:24grandmother know that you helped orchestrate valentine's escape don't let me stop you
22:30you'd really like that though wouldn't you good luck sorry to keep you waiting what did i miss
23:00hi dad how are you feeling
23:15you ready to get out of here yeah i guess all right it'd be nice for you to have a
23:21mattress that you can sleep on and sheets with thread counts i bet um can you grab me a
23:29seltzer from the i'll go no no dad you just got yours mom can do it fine i got the hint
23:36do you want plain or flavored oh whatever spicy okay and i will check on your discharge papers
23:43on the way out thanks you didn't answer my first question how you feeling i'm feeling
23:57anxious for an update about ava are you with the fbi
24:06i work for sonny correctos
24:10whatever you need me to do i'll do it please i got a family yeah so does sonny but that didn't
24:17stop you from tampering with his medication i didn't know what else to do i i didn't want
24:21trouble oh you've got trouble now please look i just want to live
24:29i don't want to kill you i just want the truth who paid you to tamper with sunny's men
24:38me and the commish we were just catching up hey just some uh some playful ribbing over
24:45jurisdiction and whatnot of which you have none here in port charles
24:50jurisdiction not whatnot uh well i'm afraid i must be going uh it's been a pleasure meeting
24:59you mary collins likewise your reputation precedes you i'm sure you have some fascinating stories to
25:07tell i'd uh i'd love to hear them sometime we'll have to make that happen excellent
25:24he's quite charming isn't he he can be that concerns me
25:34welcome to the family cody thanks james i'm happy to be a part of it well you know how i feel
25:41i do and you i'm very proud of you thank you
25:51all right it is time to get you home
25:57what do you have to say to cody see you soon looking forward to it buddy what else do you
26:04have to say thanks for saving me yeah hopefully it's a first and a last time agreed thank you
26:11so much yeah all right let's get you some dry clothes
26:18if uh you haven't hadn't found james when you did no i can't even think about it
26:24our gratitude knows no bounds sound like spinelli he must be rubbing off on me
26:31son you never had huh except they do have a son and i'm looking right at him
26:38i have a dad
26:50you did good back there auntie also t.j and molly are clearly drifting apart but
26:58you helped nudge them back together oh but sticks
27:06i see this all the time in my work curtis we all process grief differently
27:13and sometimes our way doesn't align with our loved ones
27:18couples have certainly fallen apart over less i just pray that t.j and molly remember their why
27:26you know why they fell in love in the first place and why they stayed together all these years
27:36i'm sure they will i hope so because when they can learn to lean on each other
27:44and support each other that's when the real healing begins
27:49ah hello my sweet girl oh mom um good timing christina's just getting released
28:00oh i actually came to see t.j and stella we're processing the baby's birth certificate
28:08i'm sorry honey it's okay no no it's not okay no this is okay that must have been so difficult
28:18for you what isn't these days um anyway come my way back to the office wait molly uh don't you
28:30want to say hi to christina before you go i don't think that's such a good idea your federal witness
28:40idea is certainly inspired but aren't you concerned that it will escalate things when
28:46the goal is to calm them down the goal is to wipe sonny off the map entirely
28:55hey scott what's up what when no no no i will deal with it what what happened
29:06jason has clement more what who you can bet is spilling his guts as we speak no
29:10no clement is our only leverage well now he's a liability oh this is not good
29:18i'm gonna be sonny's next stop you know you know that right
29:23not if i have anything to say about it stay here where are you calling
29:41oh you're still soaked yeah um i'll go get some dry clothes hey are you okay
29:51i don't really know how i feel saj i mean i just keep thinking about what if i hadn't gotten to
29:57the boathouse on time you know i don't know what i would have done if something happened to james
30:05but you got there you saved that little boy's life and even more something beautiful came out
30:12of it i got a father you got a whole family
30:30can i help you dr ashford
30:34i thought it was time we spoke
30:38well i'd prefer to handle any communication through my lawyer you see i've already been
30:43on the receiving end of one interrogation by molly i'd like to avoid another look look i'm
30:49not here as a prosecutor i'm here as a grieving father i need to know what happened in the hotel
30:56suite and not just not the story christina tells but i need to hear from you while my child died
31:07what's going on i know that you and christina talked about what happened the day she fell
31:13and i'm sure christina said everything's just fine between us because why wouldn't it be and
31:19everything has to be fine because christina's got to be coddled at all times no matter what
31:24anybody else is going through your sister almost died and my baby did die because christina just
31:34had to confront ava why why couldn't she just stay away fbi agent john cates brought me here
31:43for my protection were you operating under john cate's orders no ava jerome's
31:50i did have some interactions with her yes kind of interactions when miss jerome approached me
31:56she knew that senny corinthos wasn't taking his full dose of medication so he was taking less
32:02mr corinthos was being given a quarter of both his lithium and his mood stabilizer
32:08how did ava know this i don't know that's the god's honest truth i was scared she'd go to the
32:13authorities but she didn't instead miss jerome came back and ordered me to reduce mr corinthos
32:18his prescription to zero and that's when you started supplying him with placebos yes
32:25because ava jerome told you to yes
32:30i can't tell you what you want to hear so ava's still alive then yeah and she's gonna say it was
32:35gonna stay that way why first of all your mom knows that you want ava dead so it's not worth
32:41it it is worth it dad it is very worth it to me you think that eliminating ava is the only way
32:47to balance the scales yeah i do there are other ways like what such as what listen to me
32:56you're gonna have to trust me now i don't want ava's death on your heart or your conscience
33:07giving birth was it really necessary to confront ava like that i had just coached her
33:11through the entire subpoena i just we wouldn't be here mom christina would be fine and my baby
33:21would be alive if she could have just shown a little restraint i get it do you i get
33:30then when tragedy happens especially as gut-wrenching as this it's just human nature
33:36you want to blame something or someone you want to know why molly sometimes they're just
33:47there aren't answers there aren't answers for why things happen and you can't logic
33:52your way out of it you just have to feel the grief no trust me i am feeling it how you are
34:01i wish there were answers i do i wish there was something that you could hold on to to
34:06make sense of this sweetie i'm so sorry you lost your baby i'm so sorry she's gone it's not fair
34:15no it's not fair but don't direct your grief that grief at the person that's feeling exactly
34:23the way that you are christina christina do you think maybe brennan already has intel
34:35about where valentine is located sorry don't let phone go hello yes yes it's laura collins
34:50when when did that happen
34:55i understand yes i'll be there right away thank you
35:00you is everything all right
35:07it's lulu were you on ava's payroll ava never gave any money she just made threats
35:16and she approached you after sunny's medication had already been lowered
35:20to a quarter dosage yes so who hired you originally
35:31we can do this the easy way and you can answer me
35:36or we can take another route and i guarantee you you're not gonna like the other route
35:44so who hired you
35:45you valentine cassidy
35:54so how does it feel to receive all of that love at once it's it's like nothing i've ever felt before
36:03nothing until now
36:23you have a friend
36:24and looks like it are you happy
36:32i am turns out you were right oh i'm always right
36:44first and foremost what happened to your baby was a terrible
36:52tragic accident i'm i'm so sorry for your loss what did happen
37:03it won't bring you comfort don't tell me anyway
37:09i'm sorry christina showed up at my hotel suite enraged that she'd been subpoenaed to testify
37:16against her father she was ranting and raving threatening me she said if i didn't withdraw the
37:24subpoena that i'd be sorry i i tried not to engage especially because of her pregnancy
37:33but christina just kept coming at me and then everything happened so fast
37:41so what you're saying is christina falling was her own fault
37:51sweetie please listen the two of you are suffering both of you so much and if you could
37:58just maybe figure out a way to go through this together okay just just be open to that idea right
38:12christina corinthos davis you are under arrest
38:25on the next general hospital maybe he's hiding let's go find him wait wait wait is this all
38:29right i'm starting to think christina falling wasn't actually ava's fault something's not
38:34right with lulu when you find valentina you're gonna warn him about sonny i got the fbi behind
38:39me what do you got