General Hospital 8-20-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00What the hell are you doing here?
00:06Hell has nothing to do with it, sister.
00:10Lulu, hon, mom's here now.
00:12I'll be right back.
00:23I'm here because Lulu's doctor called me and asked to see me.
00:27Why are you here?
00:29I haven't seen you in months.
00:31I haven't seen you either.
00:33I assumed you had your hands full with the baby, your mayoral duties, and Heather.
00:39Yeah, right on all accounts.
00:41Still, I know you make time to visit Lulu frequently, and so do I.
00:46I'm surprised we haven't run into each other here before now.
00:51Scott, where are you?
00:54Where's the pharmacist?
00:55Is he okay?
00:57I need you to call me back, right away.
01:07I think you dropped something.
01:14Oh, good, good, good, good.
01:15You're home.
01:17Hi, baby.
01:18I missed you.
01:19I missed you, too.
01:20So I just brought Scout home from her softball game.
01:23She was awesome, by the way.
01:25She's upstairs, and I'm sure she'll tell you all about it, but I have to head over to my mom's.
01:30Christina's there recovering, and I want to be with her.
01:32Is it okay if you stay here and watch the kids for a little bit?
01:35Yeah, look, obviously I have no problem being with the kids, but Christina's not at your mom's.
01:45Molly, hey, I'm glad you could meet me here.
01:49Yeah, I'm glad you had time to talk.
01:56I heard about Christina.
02:00I'm so sorry.
02:02I know you and your mom and Sam, you're losing your mind.
02:06Mom's with Christina now.
02:08I haven't had a chance to talk to Sam.
02:10I've been distracted, but I did have time to get reprimanded by your mom.
02:16What happened?
02:19I used my authority as an ADA to confront Ava in her jail cell.
02:24Scott Baldwin complained to DA Scorpio, and it landed on the deputy mayor's desk.
02:28I should have known better.
02:30I know, but all I could think about is that our child is gone because of Ava.
02:36How much trouble are you in?
02:38I could have been suspended, even fired, but instead, I was given more than my share of professional courtesy and grace.
02:48Your mom and Robert kept everything off the books.
02:51Sounds like you dodged a bullet.
02:53I don't regret confronting Ava, but I am sorry about a lot of other things, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
03:09Just to let you know, an emergency hearing should be granted, so don't go too far.
03:15Christina Corintos Davis committed assault and threatened to kill a witness in an ongoing RICO investigation.
03:21She belongs in a cell.
03:23This is malicious prosecution. You know that, and it doesn't serve you.
03:30But you're going to find that out in court.
03:39Hang on.
03:48What is happening?
03:53You listen to me, okay?
03:57I'm going to take care of everything.
04:15The FBI agent says that I threatened Ava, that I tried to kill her. That's not what happened, Dad. She grabbed me.
04:23I know, I know.
04:25The only reason I went over to her hotel room in the first place was to get her to lift the subpoena so I wouldn't have to testify against you.
04:31And the only threat I had was that she was going to kill Ava.
04:35I know, I know.
04:36The only reason I went over to her hotel room in the first place was to get her to lift the subpoena so I wouldn't have to testify against you.
04:43And the only threat I made, if anything, was I told Ava that I was going to tell the court the truth about her.
04:49That I was going to say the truth about Ava on the witness stand.
04:54Listen to me, okay?
04:57I'm going to tell you what's going on here.
04:59Are you up to hearing this?
05:05Jagger and I go way back at a time where I did some things that I'm not very proud of.
05:10But that's weight that I'm going to have to live with the rest of my life, that guilt.
05:18But it's my weight, not yours.
05:21Dad, I know. I know you had a past. It doesn't matter to me.
05:25I understand that, but now he's come back to settle the score.
05:30And the reason he's doing that is because he knows how much I love him.
05:36So that's why he's targeting Ava.
05:41I sure would hate to have something happen to my phone.
05:43I mean, my life is in my phone. My photos, my notes, all my information.
05:46I mean, the idea of me downloading all that information.
05:49What do you want?
05:50I managed to carve out a half a page in Crimson's upcoming issue.
05:56I can publish a little thing on that artist that you're so excited about.
06:02Well, under other circumstances, I'd be thrilled.
06:06But I have bigger concerns at the moment, including my lawyer, who won't answer my phone calls.
06:11Well, Scott Baldwin isn't always reliable.
06:14Well, I need him.
06:17I've been arrested for murder. Attempted murder.
06:20I'm currently out on bail, and the FBI agent I thought was helping me with my custody battle clearly has his own agenda.
06:27Well, apparently you do have bigger concerns.
06:30Go ahead and say it.
06:33That I have nobody to blame but myself.
06:36Yes, it's true, Ava. I wanted to see you get exactly what you had coming.
06:42But I never had this in mind.
06:45You wanted to see me suffer.
06:48Got your wish.
06:51I'm sorry for hiding in my work.
06:54For leaving you to handle almost everything.
06:58I know you're grieving too.
07:01And that I haven't always been understanding.
07:05It's like living in a slow motion nightmare.
07:09You're just screaming at yourself to try to wake up, but you can't.
07:13I mean, I go from one horrible moment to the next.
07:16I was just standing with my mom in the hospital when Sonny and Christina got off the elevator, finally ready to go home.
07:23And then suddenly Agent Kate storms in and is arresting Christina.
07:28He claimed federal jurisdiction because Ava's apparently a witness in a RICO investigation and Christina assaulted Ava.
07:36That doesn't sound right.
07:38Yeah. My mom jumped straight into lawyer mode. So did I.
07:41I mean, I was standing there defending Christina with everything I had.
07:45And now I'm starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn't have.
07:51Has the doctor been in to see her?
07:53No one's been to see Lulu since I got here.
07:58How often do you visit her?
08:00Oh, it depends. I try to see her two or three times a week.
08:05I sit and read the Bible to her.
08:08I'm her uncle. I hope that I can bring her a little comfort.
08:14Are you upset by that?
08:16Why wouldn't you tell me about it?
08:18I know how much you've got going on. I thought it would be a help to you.
08:24But I see now that I should have cleared it with you first.
08:28I apologize.
08:30If my visits cause you the slightest distress, I'll stop.
08:35I appreciate your intentions. I'm very worried right now.
08:41Why did Lulu's doctor ask to see you?
08:45Something wasn't right in her most recent round of tests.
08:49They didn't give me details, but there was urgency about it.
08:52Would you like to say a prayer with me?
08:55My prayer right now is that if my daughter needs my help,
08:58I have the strength and the capability to give it to her.
09:03Christina's being arraigned.
09:05Diana and I got the emergency hearing.
09:07Oh, that's great news.
09:09It's just an arraignment. It doesn't mean I can't still spend the night in jail.
09:13That's not going to happen.
09:14How did this happen?
09:16It was a desperate miscalculation by a desperate man,
09:19and this is going to blow back big time on Kate's.
09:24I will be there for you when they bring you into the courtroom.
09:29I'll meet you outside.
09:30I'll be right there.
09:34We got this.
09:36Don't worry about it, okay?
09:43Oh, my God.
09:50This isn't my fault.
09:51Eva grabbed me.
09:55Don't try and catch me.
10:03Eva grabbed me.
10:09Laura, is everything all right with Luna?
10:12I don't know. I just saw her for a moment.
10:14Cyrus was in there with her.
10:16I was telling Laura the only staff I've seen with Lulu was her nurse.
10:22And you're here. Why?
10:24Apparently, he's been visiting Lulu regularly.
10:28Amongst other patients here, I'm ministering, I suppose.
10:33Mayor Collins, Dr. Collins.
10:36I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
10:39I ran some more tests, and I'm still waiting for the results.
10:43Bear with me a little longer.
10:45I'll see if I can rush the lab along.
10:48I want the most current information in hand when I update you.
10:52Can you give us any indication of what you'd like to discuss?
10:56To decide what, if any, course of action we need to take going forward.
11:02You two have a lot to deal with, and I don't wish to intrude.
11:07Laura, I'll be praying for Lulu and you both.
11:17Are you okay with him visiting Lulu?
11:23I don't know.
11:25I can't think about anything but Lulu right now.
11:28I can't think about anything but Lulu right now.
11:31Why would you think that FBI agent John Cates would concern himself with your custody case?
11:37I mean, that is not something the FBI usually takes an interest in.
11:43Cates wanted information that he could use against Sonny.
11:48Because you lived with Sonny.
11:51Yeah. But I told him I didn't have anything I could give him.
11:55And then Sonny showed up at my hotel suite, and he was livid about our custody battle.
12:00And you know how he gets. He gets all quiet and intense.
12:05And Cates was there, and he stepped in. And I was so relieved.
12:10Well, I know that Sonny can be intense, but I don't believe that he would ever harm you.
12:16That man hates me.
12:19As much as he ever did.
12:22And Cates was there for me, like some kind of hero.
12:27And he told me that he would help me with my custody battle.
12:30And I needed the help, so I threw in with him.
12:34Because the only thing that I care about, the only thing that matters to me at all, is Avery.
12:42And now I'm terrified, because I think I made a gigantic mistake.
12:49Christina didn't get released from the hospital. What happened?
12:54Okay, uh, she was arrested.
13:00Yeah, I don't have the details, but John Cates brought her into the station.
13:03Wait, wait, wait. Cates arrested Christina? Does Anna know? Does my mom know?
13:07Okay, yeah, your mom's all over it. Sonny's there, too.
13:10Why did he bring her in?
13:12Cates is saying that Christina went after Ava because Ava is an FBI witness in a RICO case against Sonny.
13:19Okay, this is unreal, but I'm sure my mom is on top of it.
13:25Poor Chrissy.
13:26She's trying to get her arraigned tonight.
13:28I was just talking to Christina, trying to calm her down when I got back from Laura's office.
13:32Wait a minute, so the mayor is in on this, too?
13:36No, uh, Laura called to tell me that something's going on with Lulu.
13:42I showed Ava the sonogram photo and the autopsy photos. I wanted her to know what she's done.
13:48I want her to live with the memory of those images forever.
13:52What did she say?
13:54She was upset, maybe even horrified, but I didn't feel any better.
14:00And, of course, Ava didn't confess, so what did I really accomplish other than maybe jeopardizing my own career?
14:07I wanted to do something. I wanted to take some action for our child.
14:12And after what I just did out of anger, I could maybe see Christina doing some of the things she's been accused of.
14:20Molly, you actually think that Christina threatened to kill Ava?
14:24Maybe. I mean, she wouldn't have meant it, though.
14:27I mean, I don't think that she physically attacked Ava. She's always been protective of the baby.
14:31Okay, what about the photo with Ava's hands on Christina?
14:34Do you know what they say? A picture tells a thousand lies?
14:38I mean, it's all how you interpret the image. Maybe Ava's grabbing Christina, or maybe she's fending her off.
14:47You actually think that that scenario's possible?
14:49I don't want to, but the more I think about it, maybe Christina's actions are responsible for the death of our baby.
14:57Now that it's just the two of us, let's get this straight.
15:01You are to say and do nothing, no matter how much Cates goads you, and we both know that he will.
15:08So if you can't sit there and not react, you're gonna have to leave, all right? This is too important.
15:14Before I respond, can I ask you something?
15:17How are you?
15:18What? What do you mean?
15:20Well, you haven't had a case in a long time, and this is our daughter, your daughter, and I just want to know if you're up for it.
15:26Are you doubting me?
15:28No, I'm making sure you're not doubting yourself.
15:31If I had any qualms, Diane would be here in two seconds.
15:34But when I see John Cates' face, his smug mug, I will be filled with righteous indignation and a strength that I forgot I had.
15:44That's what I like to hear, but I want you to know that my presence in the courtroom is a problem for him, but not for me.
15:54I'd sure like to think so.
15:56Because he hates the fact that I'm breathing, so I'm just gonna watch him as you pour coals in his bogus arrest.
16:04It's gonna drive him crazy.
16:11Are you prepared?
16:13I just got here.
16:14Look, I read your email. Not a lot to go on.
16:17I don't feel comfortable going in front of a judge without a case that isn't clear-cut.
16:22Then make it clear.
16:25This is part of a larger, ongoing RICO investigation against the defendant's father, Sonny Corinthos.
16:32She's charged with attempted murder.
16:34I need her to stay put until the trial.
16:38Got it?
16:39Got it.
16:43Come on.
16:51All rise.
16:53The Honorable Judge Sullivan presiding.
16:59Have a seat. Let's get going. It's late.
17:04Come on.
17:09Well, I got a call from Lulu's long-term care facility.
17:12They want to see her in person. I guess she's had some kind of a setback.
17:17Oh, gosh, Dante, I'm so sorry. Does Rocco know?
17:20No. I want to know more before I talk to him.
17:25Yeah, of course.
17:27She's just been a prisoner in that bed for so long now.
17:30We had, you know, hopes of miracles happening, and now it just feels like those chances are slim.
17:39Hey, why don't you go meet Laura?
17:43No, I'll wait for her to call.
17:49It's Dan.
17:56Okay, thank you so much for calling.
17:59Christina's emergency hearing was granted. It's starting now.
18:03Oh, okay, well, go, go. Just keep me posted.
18:06Yeah, of course I will, but please let me know if anything happens with Lulu or if you need anything.
18:14Just got to figure out what I'm going to try and say to Rocco about his mom.
18:21Sonny and I had a falling out. He gave me the boot.
18:27The next thing I knew, we were lining up character witnesses, headed back to family court, and so I got involved with John Cates.
18:37But now I see how obsessed he is with taking Sonny down.
18:42I don't understand you. Wouldn't that help your custody case if Agent Cates managed to convict Sonny of God knows what?
18:50Even if he does, I'm still facing criminal charges for Christina's fall.
18:56I can't raise Avery from behind bars.
18:59It's not going to come to that.
19:01I'm not so sure.
19:03Ava, what really happened between you and Christina?
19:10It was an accident.
19:13I swear it.
19:16I know you know me. We were friends.
19:20We were real friends before I blew it.
19:23And whatever else I am, however selfish or bad I am, you know that I would never hurt a child.
19:36You're not the only one who talked to Ava.
19:38I went to see her at her gallery.
19:42Why on earth would you do that?
19:47For the same reasons you did.
19:50I needed answers, and I couldn't go to Christina. I couldn't come to you.
19:54We have just been so far apart on everything.
19:58I'm sorry. I feel terrible for putting you in that position.
20:02You were dealing with the same loss as me, on top of worrying about your sister.
20:08But it was eating at me, Molly, and I needed answers.
20:11And I understand that Ava's memories are subjective.
20:14But what you just told me lines up with what she said.
20:18So, no, I don't think that Christina is completely blameless.
20:22It was Christina's choice to go see Ava.
20:25If she hadn't done that one thing, our child would still be alive.
20:31Your Honor, the allegations that were filed were without a witness statement, without a report, without video.
20:38In addition to that, my client was literally just released from the hospital and is recovering from an emergency C-section.
20:47So this unjustified arrest is not only jeopardizing her health, it is bordering malicious prosecution.
20:56And I ask that my client be released immediately. Thank you.
21:01Is what Ms. Davis is saying true? Where is the evidence to back up these charges?
21:13Your Honor, we have a report from a reliable citizen.
21:19But because of the FBI's excessive workload, Special Agent Cates has yet to file a formal transcript.
21:28Which is late, obviously.
21:30So, in light of this, I'm requesting a continuance.
21:33Request denied.
21:35This has been a colossal waste of everyone's time.
21:39The defendant, Christina Corinthos Davis, is released on her own recognizance, effective immediately.
21:52Your Honor, you are making a mistake.
21:54Your Honor, you are making a mistake.
22:02In this position, I insisted that Christina be our surrogate, and you agreed to it because you love me.
22:10And I love you too, TJ.
22:13No, just let me say this.
22:18I've been too scared to handle my own grief.
22:22And I've been too heartbroken to handle yours.
22:25And I'm so sorry.
22:27You're my best friend.
22:29You're my partner, and I've let you down in every possible way.
22:34I accept your apology.
22:38And I love you.
22:40So much.
22:41So much.
22:50There's just so much to take care of.
22:54We'll figure it out.
22:56We'll go someplace quiet.
23:06It's from a friend at the courthouse.
23:08Mom got Christina an emergency bail hearing.
23:11It's happening now.
23:12You didn't know? Why didn't Alexis call you?
23:14I work for the DA's office, so I should keep my distance so as not to suggest favoritism toward Christina.
23:20But I have to go.
23:22I understand. Go see about your sister.
23:25I hope she's okay.
23:26Do not worry about anything else.
23:28We'll make this time tomorrow, and we'll figure it out together.
23:43When they called me today, and they said it was about my daughter,
23:47I had this surge of hope, you know,
23:51that they were going to tell me she was awake,
23:54and that she was asking for me.
23:58That has happened so many times since she's been in here.
24:02This sort of irrational spark of joy.
24:09I could be followed up by it.
24:12The crash.
24:14To hear them say that there's been no change.
24:21But this is worse than no change.
24:25I can tell by what the doctor is not saying.
24:28She's getting worse.
24:31Hey, Laura, it's me again.
24:33Just checking in.
24:35Call me when you hear anything.
24:37Okay, thanks.
24:41Hey, Dad.
24:42Oh, hey, buddy.
24:44Hey, I didn't know you were down here.
24:47I was thirsty.
24:48Danny texted me.
24:50Is there any truth to the rumor we're having pizza tonight?
24:53Yeah, a lot of truth, actually.
24:55I just called that in a little while ago.
24:57Sweet, I hope you got three. I'm starved.
24:59Three? Okay, I probably got to call them back then.
25:03Hey, buddy, hold up a minute.
25:08I just got to talk to you about your mom.
25:12Christina came to my suite.
25:15She was furious that she had been subpoenaed
25:18to testify against Sonny in my custody fight.
25:21Sonny attacked Dex at Brooklyn and Chase's wedding reception,
25:25and she saw the whole thing.
25:27Yeah, it must have been traumatizing for her.
25:29I mean, I'm fond of Christina,
25:31and I know how protective she is of Sonny.
25:34No, no, this went way beyond being protective.
25:38Christina barged in the room.
25:41She was screaming at me.
25:44And at some point, I guess I put Sonny on the phone
25:48And at some point, I guess I put my hand on her,
25:53and she jerked away.
25:55She stumbled back, she tripped over some luggage,
25:58and she went crashing through the window.
26:02It happened so fast.
26:04There was nothing I could do.
26:06It was an accident.
26:08She lost the baby.
26:10And she nearly died herself.
26:12I know.
26:13It was tragic. Just horrible.
26:17So, the luggage, it was just right there.
26:22Were you gone somewhere, Ava?
26:28Carly threw John out of the metro court,
26:31and I told him he could leave his bags in my room.
26:34How generous of you.
26:35He was helping me with my custody fight.
26:38Then after Christina fell,
26:40I suppose I was in shock, really.
26:44I didn't know how I would explain
26:47having an FBI agent's bags in my room.
26:51So I did something really stupid.
26:55I hid them.
26:57I put them in a closet.
27:00And of course the cops found them.
27:02So you altered a crime scene.
27:06I also lied in my original statement
27:09about what made Christina fall.
27:12And so then, of course the cops,
27:14they wondered why I would lie if it was an accident.
27:19But it was.
27:21I did not push Christina.
27:24I didn't push her.
27:28But you have to believe me, Nina.
27:31The minute that defendant leaves this court,
27:34her father will have her on a plane
27:36to a country with no extradition treaty.
27:38Agent Cates, the only reason you haven't been cited for contempt
27:42is your FBI badge.
27:44You have 48 hours to get your case together,
27:48including documentation regarding a RICO case
27:51and listing Ms. Jerome as an FBI witness.
27:5448 hours.
27:57Or you will be the one in a cell.
28:01All right.
28:09What the hell was that?
28:12You brought a lousy case.
28:14We got treated accordingly.
28:16Get your house in order, Agent Cates.
28:18And whatever evidence you have,
28:20it better be bulletproof, or else I'm coming after your badge
28:23while you're sitting in that jail cell.
28:26Got it?
28:29How do I do?
28:37You see, you're not convinced.
28:41Actually, Ava, I believe a lot of what you're saying.
28:44It must have been a confusing situation,
28:47and things probably happened very fast.
28:50I don't know.
28:52I don't know.
28:54I don't know.
28:56Probably happened very fast.
29:00Christina fell.
29:03And everybody assumes that I pushed her,
29:06no matter how many times I deny it.
29:09You know, life isn't fun when your credibility is shot.
29:13I know a thing or two about that.
29:16When you meddle with people's lives
29:19in life-changing ways,
29:22nobody's gonna give you the benefit of the doubt,
29:25especially when you need it the most.
29:29Well, I hope you get out of this mess.
29:32You're a good mom.
29:35Let me know if you want that magazine space, okay?
29:38And if I see Scott Baldwin,
29:41I'll tell him to call you.
29:51I'm sorry, Nina.
29:56Me too.
30:04I wish I had some kind of an update for Dante.
30:07I know how he feels.
30:10Thank God you're here.
30:13Waiting can be excruciating,
30:16though I do appreciate how thorough Lulu's doctor is.
30:26Today, hearing no change would be the good news.
30:29But I just...
30:32I can't bear the thought of her living out
30:35the rest of her life like this, you know?
30:41I have hope.
30:44It's okay to be hopeful.
30:47Yeah, I need it. I need it so that I can be strong for her.
30:54You hang on to her.
30:57And hang on to me.
31:02She's released?
31:05Yeah, and you should have seen Mom today.
31:08She was totally on fire.
31:11And Sonny, he even, um...
31:14He kept his composure.
31:17Well, I'm not surprised about Mom.
31:20I mean, this was Agent Cates.
31:23He completely had a meltdown.
31:26I had the misfortune of dealing with Agent Cates the other day.
31:29And again, at the hospital when he was arresting Christina.
31:32That man waves his badge around like it's proof he walks on water.
31:38What evidence does he present against Christina?
31:44There was no evidence whatsoever?
31:47He could be brought up on charges himself.
31:50Finally, justice in action.
31:53Christina gets to go home and start to rest
31:56and heal a little bit.
31:59She's still got the charges over her head.
32:02I believe those charges are going to be dropped.
32:05Agent Cates doesn't have anything even resembling evidence.
32:08I think the only reason why he arrested Christina
32:11was to get at Sonny.
32:14Mom wanted me to tell you that she was sorry
32:17but she couldn't make it to your video game rematch tonight.
32:20Why not? I thought that's why we were having pizza.
32:26She wanted to go see her mom.
32:29It's cool. I like visiting Mom.
32:32It's quiet and peaceful.
32:35I can tell Mom knows I'm there.
32:38Sometimes I tell her about stupid stuff that goes on in school
32:41or how people are doing.
32:44Sometimes I read her horoscope from The Invader.
32:47I remember she used to do that.
32:50Yeah, she did.
32:53Anyway, the doctors
32:56wanted to talk to your grandma about
32:59some tests they ran on your mom.
33:02The results.
33:05So I don't really know anything more than that right now
33:08Will I speak to Laura again?
33:11You okay?
33:14I have pictures of Mom
33:17so I never forget what she looks like
33:20and I have lots of footage
33:23and recordings
33:26but her voice, it never sounds right.
33:29It never sounds like her.
33:32I'm afraid
33:35I'll forget what a real voice sounds like.
33:44Hey, what are you doing here?
33:47Alexis got an emergency bail hearing.
33:50The judge practically walked Christina and Sonny right out of the courtroom doors.
33:53What? Christina was arrested?
33:56I didn't know anything about this.
33:59Once we went over your story in the hotel room from your perspective
34:02how Christina was the aggressor
34:05how she came to your hotel room uninvited and forced her way in and threatened you
34:08the next natural step was to file charges.
34:11Sounds like it didn't go over very well.
34:14Have you talked to Scott?
34:17Does he know what's going on?
34:20No, why should I?
34:23Well, aren't you worried about him?
34:26I haven't heard a peep from him all day
34:29Well, Scott's obviously busy, Ava.
34:32You don't need him. I'm the one you need.
34:35I'm the only hope you have left.
34:41Well, your Alexis didn't worry as much as Mom Alexis did.
34:44Yeah, she did actually. She just expresses it differently.
34:50Thank you, Mom. You were great.
34:53Let's give a little credit to your father
34:56He actually behaved himself even though he was being goaded by Kate.
35:01I would do anything for my daughter
35:04even if it means sitting and listening to a rant from an FBI agent.
35:10Thank you guys, both of you.
35:13I didn't even think I'd be in this house again.
35:17We both love and adore you.
35:21I will always protect you, you know that?
35:26You're right. If I'm calling you, I'm desperate
35:29but you owe me a favor
35:32and I'm ready to collect.
35:35Mom's gonna wake up one day
35:38and she'll say just one word and it'll all come back to me. I believe that.
35:42That's a good way of looking at it.
35:45I mean, as long as she's alive, there's a chance, right?
35:48Even if she doesn't wake up today,
35:51we can't give up hope because she could wake up tomorrow
35:54or next week.
35:59She's hanging in so we have to hang in with her
36:03and when the day comes that she opens her eyes
36:07I hope I can be sitting there
36:10the first thing she sees.
36:14I just wish it would be soon because
36:18I really miss her.
36:24I miss her too, pal.
36:27I just think this whole thing is absurd.
36:30Christina just lost her baby. She could have died
36:33and instead of being home and grieving
36:36and taking care of herself, she
36:39winds up in a courtroom.
36:42I'm so sorry.
36:45I wasn't thinking.
36:48Wait, why weren't you here?
36:51I was concerned about a conflict of interest.
36:54Okay, but you work in the
36:57courthouse complex.
37:00Wouldn't you have heard about it?
37:03I was also caught up in something with TJ.
37:06We have to plan our baby's funeral.
37:12I'm sorry.
37:15We're going to rehearse your story.
37:18I'll record it and I'll file it.
37:21I've already given my statement.
37:24Well, then you're going to give it again, but this time
37:27you'll say exactly what I tell you
37:30and do it the way I want you to.
37:33You know, it's been such a long day.
37:36I'm going to close up. I'm going to head back to my hotel
37:39and we can start tomorrow.
37:42The judge gave me 48 hours, Ava.
37:45I am not losing my badge or
37:48Sonny or the case over this.
37:53Okay, so let's get started
37:56and we are going to work on your statement
37:59until it's perfect.
38:04I apologize for the wait.
38:07I'll get right to it.
38:10Lulu's tests indicate that her liver is compromised.
38:13If she continues on this trajectory,
38:16her liver will fail.
38:19Are you telling me that my daughter's going to die?
38:30On the next General Hospital.
38:33Sonny and TJ never need to know what you intended to do.
38:36It deserves a name. It's time we give her one.
38:39She'll be behind bars. I wouldn't bet on it.
38:42You have to leverage what they demanded to be.
38:45You have to choose.