General Hospital 8-28-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00her into Christina tore into her how she told her that she was responsible for her daughter's
00:09death and that her actions literally killed her and it was just shocking and terrible and then
00:17Christina went after molly and the two of them were screaming they were just screaming until
00:22Christina fell on the grave and everybody was hysterical what was molly thinking she knows
00:28that which christina's been through she just got out of the hospital how's how's christina
00:37hi dad what are you doing here
00:41i know you're headed back to port charles to take care of some things but um
00:46when are you going to be back i won't be there long
00:51oh good that's good because i don't really feel very safe here without you
00:55you'll be fine
01:02agent boyle will be here to watch over you
01:11hi tracy
01:14oh you look a little pale are you all right no i'm not can i get you something some water or
01:22what it's not me
01:26it's lulu she needs a miracle nicholas was just crushed that he's not going to be able to help
01:33lulu so that leaves lucky i have got to find him he travels a lot in his humanitarian work where
01:41would you start well i've already talked to his landlady in ireland she said that he hasn't been
01:46home in months i also talked to the man who runs the aid organization that lucky less worked for
01:52i'm waiting to hear back from him hopefully he's going to be able to tell me where he went or give
01:57me a location or some way to reach him and i'm also going through some back channels
02:03oh and there he is now robert do you have an update on lucky
02:08get in there get your stuff together we'll leave in five minutes
02:21we didn't work yeah i played it just like you said
02:29we're getting out of here today
02:57i i keep wishing i never went over to ava's hotel room i was so angry and i just stormed over there
03:04without really thinking about what could go wrong and if i didn't if i would have just stayed home i
03:10could be holding my baby girl right now you went over there to talk to a but you didn't know how
03:14she was going to react you can't blame yourself no according to molly molly thinks i chose
03:20protecting you over taking care of my child that i didn't put my baby first that i wasn't careful
03:28enough that i was selfish molly doesn't mean that she does not mean that she is lashing out
03:38at you she's trying to make sense of something that doesn't make any sense because she's grieving too
03:44you're just the easiest person to blame right now
03:46so molly thinks that i was going to steal her baby but she's wrong
03:58because you can't steal something that already belongs to you
04:01and i have never been more certain that that baby was mine
04:05because when they lowered her into the ground a part of me died too
04:08you you said that you would keep me safe and i've held up my end of the bargain haven't i
04:20so far but i i need to know what's going to happen in the future when are you bringing
04:26avery to me and and and when you do are you going to put us in witness protection
04:30is that what you want change your identity move to some backwater town and take some
04:37job that you're overqualified for and try to blend in well i want to survive right so
04:44if that's the best option agent boyle and i are doing everything we can to keep you safe and if
04:49the plan goes right you are going to be able to go back to port charles and sunny is never
04:55going to threaten you or avery again can i at least give avery a call it's it's been a long
05:04time since i've even heard her voice and you're you're a parent as well you know how hard that is
05:09you don't want to do that to her do you i mean what are you going to say when she asks where
05:13you are when you're coming home nothing she's young enough i can i can distract her
05:19look i've checked in on avery she's having a wonderful time with the nanny
05:24now if you call her she's only going to start missing you you don't want to do that to her do
05:28you i see your point could i at least have my phone no it's too risky your location could be
05:38compromised well then when i'm i'm feeling completely cut off from the world here that
05:45is the whole point that's what's keeping you safe look everything is going to go according to plan
05:54okay you've got to be patient and trust me
06:00can you do that of course good yeah i'll see you soon
06:25if nicholas isn't an option then what happens next
06:31we have to find lucky wherever he is that's not going to be easy i know
06:38but it has to happen okay unless perhaps there is some donor that we've overlooked
06:48this donor um they they have to share the same dna or or do they just have to have the same
06:54blood type i'm sorry i don't know very much about this i didn't either but i read about it and
07:00no they do not have to have the same dna but it's the best chance of a match
07:08the problem is time is of the essence if it doesn't happen soon
07:11soon you know what i'm sorry and i have to take care of something almost you'll excuse me yes
07:26please tell us you know where lucky is here's what i got from the wsb
07:32he's been participating in humanitarian efforts uh he saved several doctors
07:39patients in areas under siege that's my boy now several months ago the organization decided to
07:47relocate to a more friendly part of the world uh i guess lucky to
07:57balance more so to speak yeah that sounds like lucky do they know where he went
08:02the wsb believes that he he was headed towards east africa
08:09refugee camp there but come on this was months ago i mean it's virtually impossible to get
08:16messages through does the wsb have the location of the camp no it's constantly in flux and totally
08:24isolated i had to monitor that of course it is i wish i had more information tell me if i can do
08:33more for you and keep me in the loop i will i'm sorry i know you were hoping robert would have
08:41more information it's a setback but i'm not giving up i think it's time to call in a favor
08:50i gotta go out sybil's been complaining of stomach pain i didn't realize he was so delicate
08:57they have known toddlers who whine less any idea what's wrong with him
09:01just indigestion we're better safe than sorry right
09:08i told him that she should get a full panel of diagnostic tests
09:13once i require equipment that we don't have so he's sending me to go get it nice nice okay so
09:23harlow all we have to do is make it off the compound and i can take it from there
09:27once we lose the guards we'll meet my contact and we'll be on our way
09:33okay that easy well maybe not easy but it'll work it has to
09:43yeah am i interrupting uh it's it's fine i have a few minutes um what can i do for you uh
09:53uh sorry
09:59i just learned that um from tracy that lulu spencer's condition is declining
10:06and she's in need of a liver transplant um is that true yeah i wouldn't be able to discuss
10:13the patient's private medical status without their permission or permission of a family member
10:18of course not sorry i i don't need anything personal or private i really need information
10:24about the search for a donor that's what i need to know okay yeah that that i can do
10:32please have a seat thank you they need to be in good physical and psychiatric health
10:39a non-smoker for at least six weeks prior to the surgery and be able to fully understand the risks
10:47and medical procedures that are involved in liver transplantation they should have a compatible
10:52blood type for a lot of reasons that's why they choose a close relative because it's the best
10:58match what about age can a minor be a donor well that's rare in cases like lulu's for multiple
11:08reasons we would prefer an adult donor but it's possible special circumstances yes good
11:17that's all i needed to hear thank you
11:26i'll take care of it
11:37now to see you again may collins thank you please call me laura uh and to what do i owe the honor
11:45i need your help please come in thank you
11:54you see uh my daughter was badly injured a few years ago in an explosion and she's been in a coma
12:01ever since but her health has taken a sudden turn for the worse and now she needs to have a liver
12:09transplant in order to survive i'm very sorry to hear that thank you thank you but i'm not here
12:16for sympathy i'm here for information i'm not sure that i understand what could i possibly know that
12:23would help your daughter we are a very high ranking member of the wsb i'm here to ask you
12:32to help me find my son okay you know the plan wait for my signal and then we move time to go
12:52trust the doctor you're staying
12:58every time i fall asleep i dream about adela you named her after my mother
13:06yeah it's not what tj and molly would have named her but if she would have lived it that's what i
13:13would have named her so she'll always be adela to me that's beautiful thank you
13:18in my dreams dad i see her and she's so beautiful so tiny and just so sweet
13:33and i'm so full of joy and i just hold her and i'm laughing and i just kiss her sweet little
13:41face and then i wake up and i remember that adela is gone all over again it's just like a knife
13:52because when i go to sleep i get to be with her
13:58and then i wake up and i remember all over again that she's been taken away from
14:04me whoever that is
14:08sweetheart you're alive and soon you're going to be living the life that you want to live
14:14what on earth are you sorry and true
14:19but i do have a few more questions for miss corinthos davis
14:24my son lucky has been living away from port charles for several years now doing humanitarian
14:32work most recently providing security for aid workers in east africa yes i i'm very proud of
14:40my son but it's not easy getting in touch with him in an emergency uh no that's a very chaotic
14:48part of the world yes but i am desperate to find him you see i need to bring him back here to be a
14:54donor for my for my daughter being full siblings that's that they have the best chance at at being
15:01a match you see so can you please help me uh i'll do what i can but i don't want to lie to you
15:11uh i'll do what i can but i don't want to lie to you finding your son will be a challenge
15:17i realize that but clearly you have more resources than i do
15:26the wsb isn't particularly popular in that area of the world now my inquiries would have to be
15:33under the radar uh otherwise it it could be seen as interference from a foreign entity
15:40well fortunately the wsb has plenty of experience with covert operations i'm not asking you to break
15:47a treaty i am asking you to give my daughter a chance at life by finding my son for god's sakes
15:56the wsb could locate my son without anyone even knowing you were looking if it's in my power to
16:02help i will thanks for your time you know what mr brennan my family has done more than its share
16:22for the wsb when it was in our power to help we did i think it's time that the wsp repaid that
16:30favor good day lucky needs to come with us we need protection sidwell's orders he wants him
16:42to stay here at the compound sir we're transporting expensive equipment through
16:47dangerous territory but does the sidwell want his tests done or not
16:51if that equipment gets stolen you want to be the one to tell him it's gone
17:00i need to go see what's happening you better be ready by the time i get back
17:16what the hell are we gonna do now
17:20you're getting out
17:21there's no way in hell that you are speaking to my daughter
17:30maybe i should just answer your questions i have nothing to hide
17:35i'm telling the truth might clear everything up as your attorney i'm advising you that that's
17:39a very bad idea as your mother i forbid it okay i told you that you cannot come to my house
17:46like this without scheduling something in advance and when you do want to speak to my daughter
17:50you're gonna have me present as her attorney alexis is right you didn't come here to talk
17:55to my daughter did you want to talk to me all you gotta do is ask well i do have a few questions for
18:03you since your daughter seems to be unavailable come to my office tomorrow morning we'll talk
18:10you don't get to pick the time and the place poor charles grill 20 minutes and don't keep
18:17me waiting or i will come back and take christina into custody
18:30dad you're not gonna go right i mean you can't he's just gonna try to get you to say something
18:34anything to entrap yourself i can deal you can deal with it no dad agent gates he has it out for
18:41i know how to handle agent kate's okay okay yeah i want you just to rest
18:54so how long have you been with the bureau about five years now oh that's a good long time
19:02and you've been working with john some of the time yes well he's pretty high up in the ranks
19:09there right he's he's got a lot of power we don't like to divulge that kind of personal
19:15information to the public yeah of course that makes sense
19:23oh hey those are really nice shoes i would wear those shoes myself are they cartulo
19:30good eye i got them in a sample sale
19:38you know typically you can tell a cop or a fed by their shoes even the women those are those are
19:45chic how are you doing do you need anything well i'd like to have my phone i meant something to eat
19:58or drink well that depends how long are we gonna be here if it goes the way agent kate's expects it
20:07to i don't think it'll be long at all yeah of course i'll be right there um that was the hospital
20:19they have a problem with your insurance that i have to address i will be as quick as possible
20:24are you gonna be okay without me yes thank you i appreciate you doing that i'm just worried about
20:30dad i don't want you to worry about he can take care of himself i know but i'm just i'm so upset
20:35that i'm the reason kate's has leverage over dad it has nothing to do with you obviously kate's
20:41would use any excuse he could to go after sonny okay all right i'm sorry that i have to go but
20:49when i get back we will have a snack and just watch a harmless movie okay okay all right good
21:10hi can you come over i need your help
21:24when you get the chance disarm the guard and run for the airfield my contactathon
21:29will meet you there and get you to mogadishu no way i'm not leaving you behind you have to
21:36okay unless you want us to try and shoot our way out i don't think we'd get very far with just this
21:43if i was one with a chance to escape i would leave you in a heartbeat
21:47i'm sure you would okay okay if you're not gonna go to save yourself you should go to save me
21:56hi tracy please come on in kevin tracy what can i do for you i want to help with lulu
22:12thank you so much for coming i didn't know who else to call
22:16sonny's uh kept me updated on your condition but it's it's good to see you in person
22:21mm-hmm how you feeling uh physically i'm healing slowly but i'm okay i'm just i'm really scared
22:31jason agent kate's came here looking for me again today and he wanted to ask me questions
22:36but my mom stood up to him and she said he couldn't ask me anything well good for her
22:41i know agent kate's is working with ava but ava is lying she is making up everything that
22:46happened in that hotel room and she's blaming me for everything and that's just not accurate
22:50that's not what happened i understand it's hard to be accused of a crime you did not commit
22:55i just i want to keep yelling that i didn't do it until he or someone believes me okay so you
23:02have to fight that impulse because that's what kate's wants most he wants you to react he wants
23:07you to lose it he wants you to make a mistake that way he can find something to charge you
23:12with that might stick so please please christina do not give him that chance what am i supposed to
23:19do am i supposed to sit here and wait for him to just what hopefully give up and go away i can't
23:26do that i have to do something i can't i can't do it alone so please jason i know this is a lot
23:32to ask of you but you have to help me you have to help me stop agent kate's and then we have
23:37to find a way to make ava pay for what she's done that's an interesting choice of weapon
23:44good does the fbi issue that kind of handgun now what do you mean i know a little bit about guns
23:54and that is not what feds typically carry actually female agents today have our choice of weapons
24:02oh that's good that's good for you
24:08you know i could really use a cup of coffee so i'm just gonna run down and grab one you can't
24:13you never know who could be out there and spot you i'll get it for you what would you like
24:19i'd like a macchiato okay i'll go to the coffee shop in the lobby
24:29i'll be right back just sit tight will do
24:42thank you
24:50who are you you showed code you i'd be here sure but we both know how often you lie
25:00is this public enough for you it's fine christina seemed a bit upset how's she doing you don't care
25:07about christina or this you know the fake crimes you're charging her with and stop playing around
25:14tell me what you want from what i could see christine is not looking too good
25:21probably not going to make it through a trial let alone a 20-year prison sentence
25:26it's not going to come to that you're right it's not because you are going to make all of your
25:31daughter's troubles go away how am i supposed to do that you're gonna confess
25:48commissioner what an unexpected pleasure what can i do for you it'd be really great
25:56if you just stop playing games with me i need to know valentine's location as i explained the
26:03wsp doesn't currently have that information but if and when we learn anything you'll be my first call
26:12you're lying i know what a wsp runaround looks like i've conducted them myself
26:19i imagine right about now you're rethinking your decision to let valentine escape
26:25but browbiting me won't help you locate him any quicker this isn't about valentine i need
26:31to find his daughter charlotte one for lulu spencer yes how do you know
26:38don't answer that please
26:47good good uh send me the information immediately
26:50so you know that lulu is dying and charlotte might be able to help save her mother's life
27:00provided i can find her location and what i need is for you to give me the courtesy of your full
27:07attention while we discuss this do you think that you could do that you always see me in the worst
27:14possible light yeah well there's good reason for that do you want to badger me or do you want to
27:20save lulu because that's what that phone call was about i know that you're looking for lucky
27:29and i want to offer any resources i have to help you bring him home thank you that is really really
27:36generous of you we're waiting to hear from the wsp right now i spoke with jack brennan
27:43he's the new wsp station chief here in port charles they should be able to find lucky
27:49without too much trouble yeah you'd think so wouldn't you but he also said that it was a
27:52very chaotic part of the world so oh my gosh that's him now
28:03hello mr brennan i'm here with my husband kevin collins and tracy quartermane i'd like to put you
28:09on speakerphone um okay go ahead i have some good news we've got a location on lucky oh
28:19thank you thank you thank you so much for helping me lucky was last seen at a refugee camp on the
28:27border of somalia and ethiopia now we know he was there a week ago a week ago is he there now
28:34uh we're not sure uh my contact doesn't have eyes on him currently well what about the satellites
28:39can you trace him that way we won't have satellite images of that area for another 48 hours uh but
28:45even then it's a long shot these settlements move frequently uh so we don't even know if it'll be in
28:51the same location by then is there a way that i can get a message to lucky letting him know that
28:56he is urgently needed at home the communication is sketchy to non-existent uh your best chance
29:05is to send someone there to find lucky and deliver the message in person but whoever you send they
29:11should be prepared for substantial risks it's a dangerous part of the world okay do you have a
29:17minute of course i just wanted to stop by and thank you for sending someone to help me with
29:23christina's insurance it was very complicated oh that's not a problem at all bureaucracy
29:31and i do know that you have a lot on your plate right now yeah
29:36how's christina doing she slept last night so there's that she's got a long road ahead of her
29:45well she is a strong woman and clearly has a lot of support
29:50hmm i'm not saying it's going to be easy but i she will get through this hope you're right
29:58i take it you heard about the scene between christina and molly after the funeral
30:05i did and i just think clearly molly and christina are in a lot of pain yeah they are
30:12i imagine you are too as a mother i truly feel for you it is a terrible position to be in
30:23i would do anything for trena and i only have one daughter but you are stuck in the middle
30:28between two of your beautiful girls having to choose between the two of them
30:35i don't know what i would do totally get where you're coming from
30:39christina as hard as it is it's not this isn't your fight i mean if the fall hadn't happened
30:45case would have found another way to come after your dad and ava ava is just a means to an end
30:50for him and unfortunately he's using you too what if i don't want to be used do not give him
30:54anything else he can hold over you this guy is obsessed with taking sonny down like this is this
31:02is crazy
31:06his television i mean he wants revenge for something that happened decades ago and he's
31:10willing to risk everything to get it but at some point kate's is gonna make a mistake and leave
31:17himself open sonny's gonna know when to make a move and kate's will never see it coming
31:24what am i supposed to confess to every last thing on the record of course no trial no witnesses
31:34no plea bargains you're going to admit to every crime you ever committed the smuggling the money
31:40laundering the counterfeiting the murders and then last but not least you are going to tell
31:48you are going to tell the court how you groomed an innocent underage girl and put her to work
31:55as a stripper that's a pretty big swing you're taking there what if you miss i won't miss
32:01because i got your daughter dead to rights all you got is aids this phony statement
32:09which any good lawyer can poke holes in you want to test that theory
32:14because if you're wrong christina goes to prison for a long long time it's her freedom or yours
32:28me which to be clear i didn't even ask you to now i'm asking you to rescue both of us
32:34sidwell is a heavy hitter we are way out of our league i need you to get out of here get back to
32:40the states and bring back up of the three-letter kind don't say cia no never go near him
32:49but the wsb was my family a favor right you understand the titans of the essence i i just
32:56don't know why we should be pinning all of our hopes on lucky when we have another viable donor
33:01out there for the last time i don't know where valentine or charlotte are
33:10i don't believe you i don't you're robbing charlotte of the chance to save her own
33:16mother's life triggering this desperate search for a single man in one of the most strife
33:22torn regions of the world and when this fails you will then have to face the fact that you
33:28chose to protect the wsb rather than save the life of an innocent woman
33:40so we'll hire mercenaries we'll we'll we'll get an extraction team or there are security
33:50contractors that deal with this kind of thing no what do you mean no i don't want some group
33:58of strangers going to find my son i'll do this myself oh laura no this is much too dangerous
34:04you can't do that i'm well aware of the risks but the thing is i have a contact with this man
34:11who who runs the last aid organization that lucky was working for and i know this guy will help me
34:19get situated on the ground laura i completely understand your impulse to find lucky yourself
34:25but there are professionals that are better qualified i just don't agree with that blood
34:32is thicker than water i will get my son are you okay with this oh i don't know why i would
34:40bother to try talking her out of it thank you when i'm going with her i knew you'd say that
34:47fabulous the mayor and her psychiatrist husband what could possibly go wrong
34:53i appreciate your concern i really do but we're gonna be okay i hope so
35:02there is something you could do to help me though anything laura do you want the elq jet
35:07uh no we've got the transportation uh but i need you to look after ace while i'm away
35:16shouldn't he be with family like elizabeth elizabeth has a child with lucky and that child
35:24would be ace's cousin right i have no idea you were so familiar with ace's family tree
35:30i just thought that ace would be more comfortable with your family because
35:36don't the quarter mains have a nanny on staff two two oh my goodness well you know
35:44hopefully throwing ace into the mix wouldn't overwhelm them would it okay okay ace can come
35:51and stay with me at monica's house thank you thank you so much i couldn't go away and do
35:57this without knowing that ace was going to be safe and i trust you trace i will make sure
36:04that the two nannies take excellent care of your grandson and it's settled
36:16let's go find lucky you're not going to do anything to stop agent gates
36:21something will be done i just i just can't talk to you about it okay thank you i knew
36:30that you would come through for me
36:34you gotta love riding on ava i mean if she finds a better offer she'll recant and the case against
36:44i'm not worried about ava yeah why not because ava will be in no position to recant ever
36:59it's cost a fortune four of these are government salary
37:05cost a fortune four of these are government salary
37:22oh no no this is not right and now it's on record he's just gonna make sure you don't recant
37:31so john wants me dead so that my statement against christina will stand and he's gonna
37:38try to frame me for the murder which is ridiculous the only thing he wants is you dead
37:56going somewhere
38:02on the next general hospital are you guys gonna have a baby we're checking on heather oh my god
38:07i am so sorry don't pretend like you give a damn about me and lulu we both know there's a way
38:12for you to make this go away if you don't save her we're gonna lose her