General Hospital 8-30-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00I gotta say, I don't understand the attitude. I mean, I thought we were getting along just fine.
00:07How long have you been working with the Doctor?
00:12You mean the guy I tried to shoot point-blank, that guy?
00:15You came here with the intention of leaving with Dr. Cannon. You were half-successful.
00:20He's escaped, but you're still here.
00:24I put a call out to an associate abroad who's very good at giving me what I want, when I want it.
00:29Tasked him to find Isaiah.
00:31You got a guy who can get you anything, anytime.
00:35And you had him track down the Doctor? That would not have been my first or tenth choice.
00:41Well, Isaiah's presence is very important to me.
00:44I did not peg you as the sentimental type.
00:47I want him here to watch me kill you.
00:52Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please.
00:54Flight 4418 from London Heathrow is now deplaning from gate 37.
01:00Welcome to Port Charles.
01:22It takes a special kind of person, Carly, to do that.
01:25To take a sledgehammer to someone else's life and just walk away.
01:29Do you have any idea what that did to Brooklyn?
01:32Using her as revenge to get back at me and Lulu?
01:34Okay, I'm hearing my name and the tension in this room is at like a ten.
01:38So, what's going on?
01:40Dante's calling me out for, um, paying you to break up him and Lulu.
01:46That was a very long time ago.
01:48It was, and I regret it.
01:50Look, if I didn't say this before, I'm sorry.
01:53To both of you and to Lulu.
01:56Okay, I accept your apology.
02:00Dante, I don't want to fight with you under any circumstances.
02:04But especially right now when Lulu needs her family to be fighting for her.
02:10Aurora is committed to expanding its interest into the streaming sector.
02:15Well, good, I'm glad we can get everything sorted out and make it happen.
02:20No, thank you.
02:24That sounded like it went pretty well.
02:26Yes, it, uh, it did, finally.
02:29I was worried that the whole deal would disappear.
02:31I mean, I've been on the phone since I pulled out the phone.
02:33I mean, I've been on the phone since I pulled out the phone.
02:36I was worried that the whole deal would disappear.
02:38I mean, I've been on the phone since I pulled into the driveway.
02:40Thankfully, Yuri was there to help Monica out of the car.
02:43Oh, try to stop him.
02:45Yuri is devoted to your grandmother.
02:47Yeah, yeah.
02:48Anyway, the, uh, the deal is done.
02:50So, fingers crossed.
02:52So the fingers crossed clause is an addendum?
02:56No, just in case.
02:57Can't hurt.
02:59But I know how capable you are when you're committed to a goal.
03:04Yeah, and I was pretty sure I'd be able to close the deal today,
03:06but until the ink is dry on every contract, I, uh, I worry.
03:11Well, I hope it won't affect your appetite.
03:13Oh, no, not at all.
03:14I'm really looking forward to family dinner.
03:17I'm just, uh, wondering what's keeping Willow.
03:22I don't know why this is hitting me so hard.
03:25I mean, I feel kind of silly about it.
03:27I knew McConkie was sick.
03:31I knew, we all knew that this was going to happen eventually.
03:35Well, knowing something intellectually and knowing it in your heart are very different things.
03:42There was just so much that I wanted to ask him.
03:44I wanted to, I wanted to learn from him.
03:47And all he wanted was to spend more time with his family and with his wife.
03:54I met Hazel briefly.
03:57She was so lovely.
04:00He was a tough old guy, I'll tell you that.
04:03But when he talked about her and how much he loved her,
04:07he devoted most of his life to politics,
04:09but all he wanted to do was spend the rest of it with the woman that he loved.
04:17Where exactly are we headed?
04:19You're being relocated to a more secure safe house.
04:24In Port Charles?
04:26Agent Case chose the location.
04:28It'll be more discreet.
04:30More discreet?
04:33That sounds perfect.
04:38Well, did your mother finally realize your case is hopeless and go home?
04:42My attorney is filing an emergency injunction against you.
04:46I love your attorney's never say never attitude,
04:50but it's not going to amount to anything because I am going to keep you in custody.
04:55Cadet Heller will cuff you and take you down to holding.
05:02Cadet, you are on the PCPD's payroll now, not Sonny's.
05:09You want to know the difference between you and my father?
05:14He has a moral code.
05:16You don't have anything but, well, a badge.
05:21Oh, that's all I need.
05:23No one is surprised when you think that.
05:27Wait, there's this...
05:29How are you going to charge me with the death of my own child?
05:34Sometimes when you want to get a deal done,
05:37you got to incentivize the other party to hold up their end.
05:42Now, Cadet, if you would be so kind.
05:45This isn't happening. You can't be doing this.
05:47There's a...
05:50Stick hold.
06:05Where the hell do you think you're taking my daughter?
06:11Diane, I didn't think you were going to pick up.
06:15I'm going to need you on call tonight.
06:18And as a matter of fact, I need you on call all night.
06:22Make sure you have your phone with you at all times.
06:26I agree to, uh...
06:30turn myself over to John Cates.
06:34It's already been decided, Diane.
06:38Just be there when I call.
06:49I'm sorry.
06:51Mom, how did you know I wanted this?
07:17I didn't even know I wanted it.
07:19I'm your mom. I know things.
07:21Yeah, and you scare me.
07:24You're welcome.
07:26I understand why you don't want to leave Lulu,
07:29but I hope you're not planning on spending the night here.
07:31No, I'm not. I just...
07:33I don't want Lulu to be alone.
07:35Well, with any luck, she won't be much longer.
07:40You know, Lulu went through life like she was invincible.
07:44And for a long time, I really thought she was.
07:49I can see why.
07:51In a different world, Lulu would be the one going to the ends of the earth
07:55to save the one she loves.
07:59That's not who's in this bed right now.
08:04Okay, is it just me, or did that come out of left field?
08:08No, it did. I...
08:11I haven't thought about that in a long time.
08:14No, not really.
08:17Yeah, I mean, Sam and Lulu and kids and...
08:21And Chase.
08:22Chase, yeah.
08:24I mean, that thing with Coralie, that was like a lifetime ago.
08:29A very different lifetime ago.
08:31Yeah, a lifetime Coralie doesn't know anything about.
08:36Hey, Dad.
08:38How's it going? Everything okay?
08:40Yeah, it will be. We need to talk.
08:49Time is the most precious thing any of us will ever have.
08:54Most people don't figure that out until it's too late.
08:59But I know.
09:02In the core of my being, I know.
09:05And you gave me the gift of more time when I was sick.
09:12I would do every bit of it again.
09:15I know.
09:19I am so very sorry for your loss, and...
09:24I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that
09:27And I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that
09:31the man you believed in so deeply believed in you.
09:39The coffee saw something in me.
09:43You know, I've had bosses and I've had commanding officers,
09:49but I've never had a mentor.
09:54Somebody that I could go to and I could ask for guidance.
10:00Sort of like a father figure?
10:09I never knew my father.
10:12By the time I met the quarter mains, Alan was gone.
10:15I never met him, but I've heard he was quite wonderful.
10:22I keep asking myself,
10:27if the congressman saw something in me,
10:32would Alan Quartermain have seen something?
10:37Would he have been proud of me?
10:41What's going on?
10:42Well, I just want to say that I'm sorry about Lulu,
10:46and I'm sure that Rocco is worried.
10:51Yeah, it's weird.
10:53You know, I mean, his mother's in a coma for so long,
10:57and I don't think he thought that anything else was going to happen,
11:00and then it starts to look like she may be dying,
11:04and I don't think he was ready for that.
11:08We sent him off to baseball camp,
11:10and that was just a distraction for a little bit,
11:12but that's weighing on him.
11:15What about you? How are you getting through it?
11:21I don't mean to be a pest,
11:23but I thought we were headed back to Port Charles.
11:27Change of plans.
11:32What's changed?
11:34Has their cover been blown,
11:36or is the FBI so understaffed they can't protect me in town?
11:40You can ask all the questions you want,
11:42but I don't have the answers to any of them.
11:45All I was told was that Parenthos has a lot of resources.
11:49Well, that is certainly true.
11:52He could find you,
11:54so we're moving you somewhere where he won't.
11:57So I have no say in the matter?
12:01You do not.
12:03At this point, your life is in Agent Cates's hands.
12:06And I have seen your records,
12:08so I know you know what the inside of one looks like.
12:10You're a disgrace.
12:12You know that?
12:13What kind of a monster would take a woman with her physical injuries
12:16and throw her in a filthy holding cell?
12:19Take her to the cell.
12:20No! Dex, don't you move!
12:22Look, I have politely listened to your concerns,
12:25but if you think my patience for hysterical rants is infinite,
12:28you are gravely mistaken.
12:31When the FBI finds out what you have done to this woman,
12:34they're gonna have your badge.
12:36Be careful, Counselor.
12:38You just got your Lala.
12:40Counselor, you just got your law license back.
12:43One call to the Bar Association,
12:45and I can make that go away permanently.
12:48Do it! Do your worst!
12:50Because if you continue to try pushing around innocent people,
12:54I will stop you.
12:56You mark my words, I will stop you permanently!
12:59Okay, okay, what the hell is going on here?
13:10Spare me the fiction you're just about to sell me.
13:13You came here to free your friend.
13:15It's that simple?
13:17No, it's even simpler than that.
13:19I wanted to work with you because you're the only one around here
13:22who has any money.
13:24I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings.
13:27Mask around, humanitarian work doesn't pay.
13:30So you were just pretending to care for the plight of others.
13:34I'm caring adjacent.
13:36I just care about myself a whole lot more.
13:39Aid work is a solid cover when you're trying to get in and out of places
13:43or across a few borders, but pay is non-existent.
13:46And if there's luxury anywhere around,
13:49well, I just want to snuggle up, sit in its lap.
13:53So you want me to believe that it's just a coincidence
13:56that you just happen to be here at the same time as Dr. Gannon?
14:00Oh, you can believe whatever you want.
14:03I just hope it comes with a big side of cash.
14:10This thing with Lulu is hard,
14:13but I got Sam. I'm getting through it.
14:18Sam's great, and, you know, I'm happy you got her.
14:26But it doesn't mean that you sometimes think, you know,
14:31how things could have been different.
14:33You speaking from experience?
14:36Uh, maybe.
14:40I want to thank you for not giving up on me.
14:44And I know I made it tough at times.
14:49My mind was not, you know, quite there,
14:55and my meds were messed with.
14:58But you never quit.
15:01You, uh, you helped me get through it, and I appreciate that.
15:08You're my dad.
15:15You know, when I was lost and messed up
15:17and I threw away my life with Lulu,
15:21you were the one who came halfway around the world to find me.
15:25So, thank you, because you didn't give up on me either.
15:31Well, you know what? I may not be perfect, far from it,
15:34but I would never give up on you or any of my children.
15:38And I know I should have said this more often.
15:44But I'm proud of the man you are.
15:51That means a lot. Thank you.
15:55Something else, you know, I just wish I would have seen you grow.
15:59You know, I just wasn't there.
16:02But I got to tell you, you know, just watching you these past years
16:06and just seeing the man that...
16:15The honorable man you have become.
16:22I love you.
16:26Agent Cates is clearly guilty of overreach and abuse of power.
16:31He's going to throw my daughter in a holding cell
16:34on charges that are unfounded and egregiously offensive.
16:37I see.
16:38No, I don't know that you do.
16:40Do you know that he was going to throw her in a holding cell
16:43over what happened to her and use that tragedy
16:46to trump up bogus charges against her?
16:50Agent Cates, listen to me.
16:52A storm is rolling in,
16:53which means that this department's resources will be stretched thin.
16:56The last thing the PCPD needs is a grieving mother
17:00still recovering from traumatic physical injuries in our custody,
17:04potentially needing resources that my department will be unable to provide.
17:08If so much as one of her stitches becomes undone,
17:12I will sue you, the PCPD, and the FBI.
17:16The prisoner stays.
17:18All right.
17:19All right.
17:20Well, in which case,
17:22I need you to ensure that all the appropriate paperwork
17:26for an extra-departmental prisoner is completed and filled out and filed.
17:32That is going to take a lot of time,
17:35so you might as well start right now.
17:37I don't have time for this.
17:38You have somewhere else to be?
17:39The court or made a state.
17:41I'm taking a suspect into custody.
17:43Oh, what are you...
17:44Are you not listening to what I'm saying, let alone to?
17:51Miss Davis, you can take your client home.
17:56Christina, I'll be in touch.
18:00Don't leave town.
18:08Take her home.
18:12You know, every time I give a campaign speech
18:16and I introduce myself as Drew Quartermain,
18:22I think about what that name means.
18:25And I remember, I remember where I was when the name change became final.
18:29I was at the Metricorp pool.
18:31And the significance of the Quartermain name,
18:36it just kind of hit me all at once.
18:39It's a lot.
18:41It is.
18:42And not just because it's a name that raises your profile
18:46or it's a name that more people will recognize.
18:48It's because it's a way that I can honor a man
18:54that I never got a chance to know.
18:58I am sure Alan would be so proud of you.
19:01I mean, think about all the lives he saved
19:04through his work at General Hospital.
19:06Through his work at General Hospital,
19:08he devoted so much of his life above his time
19:12to the citizens of Port Charles.
19:24I wish I'd known him.
19:27Alan's legacy lives on.
19:31And not just within the walls of GH,
19:35but within his family.
19:40And that includes you.
19:44Hey, Sonny.
19:47You trying to sneak out without seeing me?
19:49No, no, no, no, never.
19:51You better not.
19:54Dante said you were here,
19:56which I gotta say surprised me
19:58because a Quartermain family dinner is the last place I'd expect you to be.
20:03It's just another occasion.
20:05All my kids are here, you know, except Christina.
20:07Oh, no, she'll be here next time, I promise.
20:10How's she doing?
20:11Oh, she's doing good.
20:12She's, uh, you know, she's tough.
20:14Just like her father.
20:16Um, don't let her mother hear you say that.
20:18Ah, I could take Alexis, come on.
20:20Besides, I'm telling the truth.
20:22You know you, you were a good dad.
20:26Hey, I'm really sorry about our recent issues, you know?
20:32Just trying to protect my daughter.
20:34Yeah, yeah, it's your daughter. I respect that.
20:37You know, we do what we need to do to look out for our kids.
20:41You gotta get the job done, yeah.
20:42And, you know, it's, uh, speaking of which, can you do me a favor?
20:48Some of my favorite people are Quartermains.
20:51Amelia, Wylie, Michael.
20:57Take care of them, will you?
20:59Yeah, I'll look out for them.
21:02Hey, I'll always look out for your family, whether they're Quartermains or not.
21:10Quartermain may not have gotten to know you, but I have.
21:14I know the man you really are.
21:17I think you might be the only one who truly does.
21:20You are a good person, Drew.
21:23You saved my life without even thinking about it.
21:27You sacrificed yourself and went to prison to protect Carly.
21:31You inspire me every day.
21:35There is no one who comes through for his family more than you do.
21:50Hey, it's, uh, it's me.
21:53Um, look, everything's fine here.
21:55Just the kids and I are wondering if you're gonna make it back in time for dinner.
21:59So, uh, just give me a yell when you get this.
22:03All right.
22:04Love you.
22:06How's it going?
22:08Hey, I just, uh, I left Willow at Drew's campaign event at Rice Plaza.
22:14And, uh, I just, I thought she'd be back by now.
22:17You want me to have one of my guys check on her?
22:20No, no, that's fine.
22:21It's just, I know we're supposed to get a pretty good storm tonight.
22:24And I just don't want Willow caught up in it.
22:26And I still get nervous when she catches a cold.
22:29That's understandable.
22:30You want to take care of the people you love?
22:33Have you talked to Chrissy?
22:35Not since that bastard Jagger hauled her back to PCPD and charged her with the death of her own child.
22:42That's sick.
22:43No, he's sick.
22:45He's had an agenda against me longer than you've been alive.
22:51You know something?
22:55The one thing that I've always been afraid of
22:59is that one of my enemies are going to come after me
23:03through my children.
23:06Why don't you make yourself comfortable, honey?
23:08Grab a seat and I'm going to make us some tea.
23:15Thank you for everything.
23:16Agent Cates is out of control, but it meant the world to me that he fought for me.
23:23I will always fight for you.
23:26I got you.
23:27I know you do, but I have to fight for myself.
23:31Cates has to be stopped.
23:33He will be, but it's not going to happen tonight.
23:36I want you to take that blanket, wrap that around yourself, keep yourself warm, and I'm going to make some tea.
23:42After I answer the phone.
23:45Hold on, hold on, hold on.
23:48I got to get that. It's about the injunction.
23:51Hey, this is Alexis Davis.
23:54Thank you for calling.
24:15You see, you weren't yourself.
24:31The father I recognize, the one who's always been there for me.
24:37That's the man who's standing in front of me right now.
24:40But I know, I know we both made mistakes.
24:42I just, I hope, I hope that you know we're in a place now where we can move past them.
24:50Yeah, we could do that.
24:52I can do that, yeah.
24:54You're a good son.
24:56Yeah, you're a good dad.
25:00I've been waiting for this.
25:03It's about time.
25:05Okay, I am here on a mission.
25:07Wiley and Amelia are upstairs in the playroom and they're asking for you, Michael.
25:10Oh, yeah, I know better than to ignore the bosses, so I'll see you.
25:15All right.
25:21I've been praying that you and Michael would reconnect.
25:25It's important that I'm on the same page with my children.
25:31Because I love them and I don't want anything to go unsaid.
25:37No regrets.
25:41Well, while you're trying to decide whether you want to kill me or fire me or cut me loose, might as well play some cards.
25:52What do you say?
25:54Oh, you have to kill the time, right?
25:57And it just so happens, I enjoy poker.
26:07You shuffle.
26:10With pleasure.
26:13So, as someone who says it's all about the money, I spend a lot of time with those who have nothing.
26:21I go where I'm hired, I'll ask people to hire me.
26:24We're aid workers, not much, but I eat.
26:29What about wife? Children?
26:31My wife and kids just want to eat, too.
26:35I like it on my own, always have.
26:38How many cards?
26:41It's just not fair that Lulu can't be added to the donor list.
26:45I understand the thinking behind it, but it still makes me mad.
26:49It's like she has to fight with one arm tied behind her back.
26:52It's one of the hardest things you really learn as a patient advocate.
26:56Public donor lists are reserved for patients with a quality of life.
27:02So, what?
27:03So, what?
27:05Because Lulu's been in a coma for three and a half years, her life doesn't matter?
27:09Of course her life matters, but with so many people on the donor list, there has to be some criteria.
27:16And the perception is that even with a transplant, Lulu's quality of life wouldn't significantly change.
27:25Perception is not reality, mom.
27:28Lulu's life matters just as much as anybody else's.
27:31And she'll fight like hell for it.
27:38Oh, my God.
27:41This is Route 41.
27:45You're taking me to the Pine Barrens?
27:49Listen, I know that you're not with the FBI.
27:54And that's okay, really.
27:57I've known more than my share of professionals.
28:00I'm a Jerome, as you know.
28:03From the Jerome family, I have a lot of resources.
28:09If you had resources, you wouldn't be hiding from Sonny Correntos.
28:13I'm talking about money.
28:15I have Jerome money.
28:17I have Casadine money.
28:20You must be very proud.
28:24Just very rich.
28:25And I can afford to pay you a heck of a lot more than whatever Cates is offering you.
28:31Don't take me to a kill site.
28:34Take me to a bank.
28:36Who says he's paying me?
28:56Come on, I know you're here.
29:04Come on out, Sonny, it's time.
29:08You're right.
29:11It is time.
29:15Time for this to end.
29:25Time for this to end.
29:56Well, you know what they say.
29:59Lucky at cards, unlucky at love.
30:04So I assume you're no stranger to heartbreak.
30:08I'm what they call relationship challenged, but this made me one hell of a poker player.
30:16Well, I'll just as easily kill you tomorrow as I can today.
30:21Well, I'll just as easily kill you tomorrow as I can today, so let's go again.
30:29Why not?
30:31Tomorrow's not going anywhere.
30:39I know this isn't fair to Sam, but I wish Lulu would wake up and tell Dante that she loves him.
30:46She wasn't able to tell him that she wanted him back.
30:53Thanks for sitting with her.
30:55Yeah, of course. Anytime. You know that.
30:59Um, I just spoke to the doctors and, uh...
31:04They're saying the cirrhosis is progressing faster than they thought and, uh...
31:10Well, I don't know, like, we could be losing her.
31:13We could be losing her.
31:19Hey, Drew, it's Michael.
31:21I'm trying to reach Willow, so can you call me back when you get this, please?
31:28Hey, Michael.
31:30Thank you again for the invitation to your family dinner.
31:34Is Willow in the main house? I thought I would ask before I checked out to the gatehouse in the rain.
31:40No, no, no, she's not here.
31:42Yeah, um...
31:44Willow and I, we went to Rice Plaza together for Drew's campaign event, and...
31:51I just thought that she would be back by now.
31:58So, I don't know, I'm a little worried. I hope she's okay and, you know, not...
32:04...storm somewhere.
32:07How do you...
32:09Drew was...
32:12You just always know the right things to say.
32:15Drew was...
32:18You just always know the right things to say.
32:23You're so beautiful...
32:29And full of strength.
32:32You make me want...
32:34To be worthy of your belief in me.
32:39You already are.
32:43There is no one like you.
32:47I was thinking you might not show up.
32:51That you'd leave me no choice...
32:53To follow the case against Christina.
32:56You said I'd be here.
32:58This must be your nightmare come to life.
33:02Must have spent sleepless nights...
33:04Wondering when a man with just handcuffs and a badge would eventually show up.
33:09And it'd be over for you.
33:11And here you are with your handcuffs already.
33:16Nothing is gonna give me more pleasure...
33:19Than perp-walking you past the quarter mains.
33:23And everyone's gonna finally see who you really are.
33:27No, Jagger.
33:28No, Jagger.
33:31Now you're gonna see who I really am.
33:45For the money.
33:47Then, then Kate's must-
33:52Look what he's making you do!
33:55I might be taking a chance by doing this.
33:57But it's the only chance I have.
33:59No. But it's not.
34:02You do not have to do this.
34:10You can't do this!
34:14Watch out!
34:19Finally, some good news about the injunction.
34:39Shut up, my Kate!
34:49I was so happy when I heard you were coming for dinner.
34:52I know how important it is for you to spend time as a family with Willow and the kids.
34:57It would mean a lot more if, um...
35:00And Willow is here.
35:02She's still not back from the campaign event?
35:05No. And neither is Drew.
35:08Well, traffic and the rain is a nightmare.
35:11I'm sure they're gonna be here very soon.
35:14You both know there's nothing more important to Willow than her family.
35:18I'm gonna go to the gatehouse. Willow might be there by now.
35:21Do you want me to go with you?
35:23No, no. It's fine. Only one of us should get soaked.
35:25Just call me if you hear from Willow.
35:28Yes, yes, of course.
35:39Am I imagining this?
35:45You and me.
35:47Not your hero, not the guy who saved your life.
35:52But the man that sees you.
35:57That wants you.
36:01And you want me too.
36:21They're gonna shoot a federal agent?
36:24Right here on the corner of Main Estate?
36:27You left yourself wide open.
36:31You think I came alone?
36:33With no backup?
36:35Why do you need backup?
36:37You want to sell credit for an end.
36:39Christina is about to go away for assault.
36:42And murder.
36:45You could save her.
36:46You could save her.
36:48By just turning yourself in.
36:50And confessing your crimes.
36:54But no.
36:56You're too selfish.
36:58To sacrifice yourself for her.
37:01Or for anyone.
37:03But you are no man.
37:07And you're sure as hell no father.
37:11You've been banging the same old tired drum about Karen for decades.
37:16You still don't understand.
37:18And now you target my daughter?
37:21That was your biggest mistake.
37:23Let me tell you something, Jagger.
37:25I've told you over and over and over.
37:27You can come after me.
37:31But when you go after my daughter.
37:37That's unacceptable.
37:46I'm sorry.
38:00Next week on General Hospital.
38:02There's been a shooting.
38:04There have been times where I wish I met you first.
38:06Can he actually make a winning case?
38:08Where do you think she went?
38:10I don't want to live.
38:12I don't want to hear it.
38:14I need your help.
38:16Come on.