General Hospital 8-26-24

  • 2 months ago
00:20But it's centuries give you some train it was eight against one I took down seven
00:26But they're also breathing it's very efficient
00:32Had to keep them alive
00:34killing your future co-workers right before your job interview
00:38Makes a lousy first impression
00:43I hear your boss pays well
00:45I've just proven I can hold my own
00:49Any questions?
00:52My first one, who are you?
00:57Just call me lucky
01:03Thanks for coming boy
01:05Did I have a choice always?
01:09Gave you the impression you didn't
01:12Are the two WSB agents that came to my place of work and asked me to come with them
01:16Well, I thought you'd enjoy a formal escort. I
01:20Thought I was being taken into custody again
01:24There some reason the WSB should be taking you into custody. No, not whatsoever. Okay. Why am I here Jack? What's going on?
01:34What do you see
01:37I'm afraid I'm using you
01:59I'm lost
02:00What's going on? Geo? You sound like a broken record
02:05What's a record? No
02:07And Loisy, it's just a difficult piece and I can't get the cadenza, right?
02:12Well, I don't know what you're talking about. It sounded perfect to me
02:17well, maybe you can't hear it, but
02:20It sounds wrong to me
02:23Yeah, well
02:26Everything I'm saying is off today
02:29What do you mean?
02:32I want your honest opinion as a musician and a sound connoisseur
02:39Okay, but you need to be honest with me
02:44Does my accent bother you
02:50Come on granny admit it. My mother was a total rock star. I'm human heart
02:56fine, she was an
03:01spokesperson who resonates with
03:05Deceptions demographics for the most part. I just can't get over that caller who was criticizing her accent on the air
03:21Who Spencer's been transferred back to GH
03:24Why GH that could be a good thing, right? I'm sorry. I'm afraid it's not good news
03:32But we both know you'll do anything for your kids. So you gotta get through this
03:38You gotta see them grow up
03:42Because we need you in our lives
03:47All of us
03:55We have a diagnosis for Lulu
03:59Dr. Colin
04:02The tests are conclusive
04:06Your daughter's developed medical cirrhosis of the liver
04:10Cirrhosis, I thought that was something caused by alcoholism. That's the most widely known cause. Yes
04:18Cirrhosis is a buildup of scar tissue in the liver
04:21Affecting its ability to filter toxins out of the blood. Now that scar tissue can be caused by alcohol
04:29some viruses and even long-term drug use
04:33It's surprising to see it in someone as young as Lulu
04:37But according to records she's been on the same medications for nearly four years
04:42That's most likely what's causing the liver failure. All right, then. So all we need to do is change your medications
04:49I'm sorry
04:51It's not that simple
04:56Why was I summoned to your office I didn't summon you I requested you
05:01Now I need you to tap into your old boy network at the WSB
05:07I need you to use some of your personal contacts to help me find Valentin
05:14Come on you just get rid of this guy out of your life
05:17Why would I want to help you track him down?
05:21Because Laura has asked me to find her granddaughter and that is exactly what I'm going to do
05:49Using me how
05:56Carla you okay Jason Morgan just the man I wanted to see
06:04Dante said they're still waiting on a ton of test results, but Lulu's condition is deteriorating
06:11So anything we can do I told him we're just one phone call away
06:14How's Rocco taking it? He's scared for his mom Dante wants to be supportive, but it's tough
06:21He wants to be optimistic but not give false. Hope
06:24Like I said anything we can do granny. You all right
06:36Was I was gonna call you
06:44The doctors don't really know they think it's something to do with her liver function
06:50Has anything like this happened before?
06:52No, the whole time she was at the long-term care facility. She was stable
07:02Transferring her here is
07:06It's okay, it's good. She's here now getting the care that she needs
07:15Yeah, I just hope it's enough
07:18You know I can see why bringing Charlotte home would be a priority
07:23poor Laura
07:25She must be going through the ringer on this one. Yeah
07:28She's not gonna rest until Charlotte's with her mother
07:32I'm fairly certain
07:34The Jack Brennan knows exactly what Valentin is hiding out
07:39And in fact, I would bet money that he arranged it
07:43Regardless the WSB doesn't want him found
07:47one guess
07:50Yeah without Valentin. There's no one to prosecute for running Pipeman
07:54No arrests no trials and the WSB they just walk away scot-free
07:59you know if I didn't be put at the posture I
08:04Might admire what they've done in covering their tracks on this one
08:09We have to locate Valentin without Brennan catching on
08:14Otherwise, he's just going to move him and Charlotte and we'll be back to square one
08:20I heard the WSB picked you up at the Metro Cork
08:24We either walk out or I can call my attorney. There's no new fraternities. No one's in any trouble. Then. Why are we here?
08:31Well, I knew that mr. Morgan wouldn't agree to meet with me on his own
08:35So you kidnapped me from my place of work. You came here willing to use me as bait. I'm sorry
08:41But as mr. Morgan himself stated there was no other way to get him here
08:46Carly let's go the Wadley Carly wait before you go
08:51Know how many Mike it's up to you. So yeah dinner this week
09:03Do I point out the irony of your name situation what I worked extremely hard to get exactly where I am
09:13Then I'll go with my next response
09:16Lucky who
09:18Because I've never heard of you well, that's how you know, I'm good in and out no trace no fuss. I
09:28Exfiltrated that CEO abducted in Medellin
09:32Got a medical team in to treat prisoners and a war zone in Syria the mountains outside Aleppo
09:43It's profitable
09:45look, I don't come cheap, but
09:48Thankfully money's no problem for said well
09:52And what skills would you bring to the position if the money's right?
10:00No questions asked
10:04I'm already making inquiries of my own
10:06But you have to know people who've worked closely with Brennan over the years that don't you I might get you calls
10:14Thank you
10:16Keep me abreast of your progress more. I know or I can find out
10:22Hey, are you? Yeah, and
10:26Anna promised me this
10:30This is all about bringing Charlotte home
10:33Nothing else
10:35What else would it be about?
10:39You can't kill a cheetah
10:44This woman called into home and heart today, right and she kept going on and on about how horrible my accent was and that
10:52she almost
10:54Couldn't buy the product because it was so painful
10:57If you want my opinion, yeah, I asked for it. Did not
11:01Everyone likes the way I play the violin
11:03They're Philistines and so is this woman? She she doesn't have to like your accent all she has to do
11:10It's by the product which she did
11:15You know, you are as smart as you are cute, right? No, if that were true my grades would be
11:22So much better
11:25Aren't we
11:28The whole family's been telling me how cute I am since I was a baby. It's a tired of arguing
11:32Okay, as true as that may be. I think we're
11:36Getting a little off-topic here
11:40What happened today? I was thinking that if I want to sell more deception products, maybe I
11:47Should lose my accent. Yes, it's part of who you are
11:52Where you from but a good businesswoman has to listen to her customers, right? And I'm concerned that my accent is
12:01Costing deception potential sales. Well, I have a goal here geo
12:05I want to be the best spokesperson
12:08Deception has ever had you're already great
12:11see that
12:13The family text thread
12:15Totally blew up everyone who saw you on TV agrees. You were amazing. Well, they have to say that they're my family
12:25So does that mean I shouldn't listen when you tell me how much you love my play you play like an angel
12:31That is just a fact and you know, it's one of the coolest
12:36Kindest people that I know and the fact is I love to hear you talk
12:43You shouldn't change
12:49Tracy and Lulu were very close are very close. I didn't realize well, why would you?
12:55Look when Tracy and Luke were married. He and Lulu were living here at the house. Laura
13:00Wasn't really part of Lulu's life at the time. She was sick. She wasn't around much
13:08but when
13:09Lulu needed a mother Tracy was there
13:13She was just the kind of mother Lulu, you know
13:16Someone who would accept her as she was but wouldn't put up with any of her crap. It's back then trust
13:28I got that impression when the two of you got in a champagne brawl at the Metro Court
13:33Nothing compared to what it was like back in the day
13:37Lulu and I we didn't like each other to begin with and then all of a sudden she's my grandmother's stepdaughter. It was just
13:46And then
13:48Something happened to Lulu something
13:51Serious happened that bonded her and Tracy forever
13:57What happened
14:00When Lulu was in high school she slept with Dylan and got pregnant and
14:05That made the baby Tracy's grandchild
14:09Lulu had a baby when she was in high school. No, she terminated the pregnancy
14:15I've been meaning to try the surf lodge house. Let's see
14:23House never let's go. I'll call you don't fine. I'll text
14:30Mr. Morgan a moment of your time
14:32Since you're already here
14:34Jason and he's not interested in anything. You have to say all you need to do is listen. No, thank you. No, I'll
14:42I'll hear him out
14:46So we don't have to go through this a second time
14:53Suit yourself
15:02I don't think she's too pleased with either of us. What do you want?
15:09Cirrhosis builds up gradually over time
15:12At first the body can compensate for the decreased liver function
15:16But at a certain point the scar tissue becomes too extensive and the liver fails completely
15:22That's where Lulu is now
15:28I'm being paged
15:30Robinson. Oh, no, I'll tell them the rest from here. Thank you. I'll be working with dr
15:36Robinson on a treatment plan to deal with the symptoms. We will do everything we can for your daughter
15:50Did this happen how did the doctors at Silverwater miss this?
15:55Unfortunately Lulu's condition it masked some of the symptoms. What symptoms loss of appetite fatigue
16:03Abdominal pain itchy skin things. We've been generally know about if the patient could tell us
16:11But now that we do know we can come back the symptoms
16:15Anything that we detect we will absolutely treat
16:19Those are symptoms
16:21What about a cure? How do you save my daughter's life?
16:27How do I know you're not a spy
16:30What would be the point this operation isn't exactly on the DL
16:41And why should I hire you
16:44Well, let me see I just took out seven of your men three of them will be out of commission for a few weeks I
16:50Owe it to you to pick up the slack
16:56Bring in the doctor
17:00Thank you
17:08So just mean I got the job
17:17Kill him
17:28Know it's not always easy for you to talk about your feelings, but when you want to I
17:35Will be here for you, and and if you don't want to and you just want to sit in it. I respect that too
17:43I love you
17:45Well, that's good cuz I love you, too
17:47What's not to love?
17:51And I and I just I
17:53Want you to know that I know
17:55That a part of your heart will always be with Lulu
18:01Because when you love someone
18:04They become a part of you, and I don't want you to lose that
18:09And I love you for that you know
18:13You're pretty smart
18:16Well, I didn't choose you
18:36Can't imagine how hard that must have been for Lulu
18:39Let's say his credit Dylan totally stepped up
18:44Lulu wasn't ready to be a mother she knew it
18:47At least that's my understanding. I mean we never
18:50Discussed it or anything
18:52Why didn't you and Lulu get along?
18:54We had our reasons
18:57She always thought that I was after Dante you and Dante what?
19:01We knew each other from the neighborhood. We grew up together and then eventually I
19:07Tried to take him away from Lulu
19:09You did
19:11Carly paid me
19:12Carly paid you yes, she was furious with Lulu
19:17The whole situation was many years ago long forgotten. Oh
19:22Come on you cannot possibly be jealous
19:25Then why not because I said so
19:29Okay, you're right. I'm not jealous not really
19:33It's just really weird to think about don't think about it
19:37Lulu and Dante were rock-solid at the time and I was meant
19:41To wait an excruciatingly long time for you to come along
19:46Well, I am sorry for making you wait
19:58Anna oh
20:00Done. Thank you. She's here. Thanks for the heads up
20:04So what do I the pleasure? I really need you to be honest with me. What does Jack Brennan want with Jason?
20:12Well, thank you for staying and hearing me out. Mr. Morgan
20:15I didn't have a choice
20:19What's up?
20:20Because you're the one who made the evidence in Carly's Rico case disappear
20:25What do you do with that audio file Oh
20:29Once the recording was deleted from the FBI evidence vault the chain of custody was broken. So even if it does resurface
20:37It's inadmissible
20:40Why'd you do it
20:43Well, I don't think anyone as charming and capable as Carly Spencer she'd go to prison because she was trying to protect her family
20:50And that's it
20:52There's nothing in it for you
20:55If someone's been unfairly accused of a crime and you can help them
21:01You should do it
21:03So you're a good Samaritan. I
21:06Believe in justice. Well as I define it, of course
21:12And I think I think that's something you and I have in common
21:18Which is why we should work together
21:26Probably caused by the medication
21:29Okay, so we we change up the medication, right
21:33No, it's too late for that
21:35Her liver is failing. She needs a transplant a
21:39Transplant will be relatively easy if we find a suitable donor
21:44Because the liver will regenerate itself the portion taken out of the donor will grow back and the portion put into Lulu
21:51Will become a fully functioning organ
21:55Can she handle surgery? I mean if she was up and about like that's one thing she's not there are always risks
22:03But if we do nothing
22:05We lose her
22:08We do it right I get tested I'll get Rocco tested
22:13Thank you, thank you very much. I'm going to encourage all of these family and friends to get tested but
22:19Our best hope for a match
22:22one without the risk of rejection
22:25Is a close family relative
22:32What is this a test
22:40Kill him and proves that you have what it takes to work here
22:43Are you sure his doctors are pretty valuable in these parts?
22:48What I want to know questions honest
22:52Well, that's what I'm getting paid isn't it
22:55No, it's paid for a job interview
22:58Do this one for free you'll have a chance to collect next time
23:13Guessing a
23:14Full sibling is better than a half
23:17Sibling. Oh, yes, absolutely. The problem is we don't know where lucky is right now
23:28Guess someone forgot to load the gun good help really is hard to find these days
23:35Okay, you're in
23:37On a probationary basis, of course. I don't have to kill this guy like you said
23:44Your doctors are hard to find. So are men willing to pull the trigger?
23:47I'm up boss is almost here
24:10I'm going to go to flatland prison to talk to Nicholas about getting tested
24:14Okay, when tonight I mean the sooner she gets the transplant the better
24:21Nicholas the doors
24:23I'm sure he won't have a problem with doing it and I'll talk to the warden about having Nicholas transferred here to GH for the
24:31Laura I have good news. Oh, I just got off the phone with the prison doctor at flatland and the infirmary
24:37There is equipped to test Nicholas right now
24:40Don't try to get a hold of the warden and with any luck they will be able to meet with you first thing in the
24:45Morning, that's amazing Portia. Thank you so much
24:50Thank you
24:55She's gonna be okay
25:08Was so interesting
25:10I'm looking at home and heart selling data
25:13This graph shows how much people were buying during my segment see
25:19Look at that
25:20Long you talk the more you sold. No, that's just because I made a great sales pitch. I can sell anything
25:28Clearly so what why worry about your accent?
25:30because I
25:33Think I could sell more if I sounded
25:38What does that even mean? Come on? We both know that people on TV don't sound like me
25:45Well, I'm promoting
25:48Deception I I want to reach as wide of an audience as possible and maybe that means that
25:57Then I need to lose my accent
26:01Jason as far as I'm concerned the only person that Brennan is interested in this town is you wrong?
26:07Brennan just had to WSB agents bring me to his field office so he could lower Jason there
26:13Well, that's simple and effective. Where's Jason now still with Brennan is Jack holding him? No
26:18No, I insisted on leaving but Jason wanted to stay because he wanted to hear Brennan out
26:23Okay, well you and I we both know that Jason to take care of himself
26:26So if Brennan asked him to do something that he's not interested in then he's perfectly capable of saying no
26:31Except when it comes to one thing apparently
26:36Worked for John Cates
26:39They kept Jason from his family for over two years and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let Brennan do the same thing
26:45The WSB is stretched quite thin these days. I
26:48Could use an operative with your particular skill set
26:53I'm not interested. Well, you wouldn't be working for the WSB. You'd work off the books answering only to me doing what exactly?
27:02The means vary case by case
27:04Some people need simple persuasion
27:07Others may need to be removed from the playing field
27:10It's not a game to me
27:13Well, that's how we figuratively refer to it
27:18Anyway back to the deal. There is no deal
27:21And not yet
27:29My heart is free and miss Spencer speak of you
27:32You're skilled efficient
27:35unflappable and
27:36apparently indestructible
27:38I'm not indestructible. Well close enough
27:43See, this is how it works. I would give you an objective
27:47You would take care of it. However, you see fit
27:51And of course the pay is substantial
27:55What do you say
28:01Well in that case, thanks for coming in
28:04But do yourself a favor. Mr. Morgan think it over
28:08This would be a mutually beneficial relationship
28:13You can consider
28:15My helping Carly as a sign of good faith
28:21This whole Lulu situation is bringing a lot of things up
28:25feelings and
28:29more than my share since
28:31Like the you trying to steal Dante away from Lulu thing. Yeah that I
28:36Realize I really haven't shared with you a lot about my troubled years as a teen. No
28:42But we have our whole lives for you to tell me everything about you and I want to know it all
28:47Trust me, you don't of course I do
28:50It means so much to me that you want to share that part of yourself with me
28:56Miss Brooklyn
28:59Sorry to interrupt everything, okay
29:02Yeah, everything's fine. Just someone we know is very sick
29:07So sorry, it's something I can do. We'll keep you posted. Is everything okay with you?
29:12Yes, I came to get to miss Violet a glass of milk
29:16Still very sad. Yeah, you know what? Let me get it. I should go check on her. Anyway, as you wish miss Brooklyn, mr. Chase
29:28Hey, you're gonna say something
29:33We need to go take care of Violet, it's okay
29:52My name is Lois and I was told that maybe you could help me
30:00I'm looking to hire a dialect coach
30:03That's some bedside manner. You got dark. You took a shot at me
30:08The gun wasn't loaded you didn't know that yes, I did the gun was too light
30:14Too late to be holding say one bullet because that's all it would take to kill me
30:18It was a judgment call and I was right
30:22Get back in the chair so I can
30:26Look whatever this is
30:42Okay, how are you even doing here what does it look like I'm getting you out by attacking the compound
30:48But what was I supposed to do pretend like I was delivering a pizza. I
30:53Had it under control if by under control you mean held captive
30:59What about you
31:04You're tackling the guards getting yourself stabbed so it's not like I let them stab me on purpose I
31:12didn't I
31:15Believe you
31:16Because letting them stab you on purpose wouldn't play you actually had a plan
31:21Well, how's your plan going? Huh?
31:24I'm providing first aid for a mercenary is strip mining a conflict area
31:29Okay, fine
31:32You're here to break me out. Yeah, let's do it. What's your plan?
31:39No, really, what's your plan? Hey, hey
31:42Come on. Hi
31:44I work best
31:46When I'm in the moment
31:48When I'm in the moment
31:55And I'm using Jason to his advantage use him how because you put him on the field won't he
32:02unofficially and anonymously obviously and
32:05then then would take credit for all of Jason's efforts and
32:09that would
32:11Untarnish his image and raise his stakes with the bureau. Yeah
32:16That sounds great, but Jason would never go along with that
32:21No, would he
32:22It's been I've got anything else on you
32:25What? Oh, I mean that have you done anything else that could be misconstrued as a felony not that I know of
32:31Okay, and yet here we are and here is Brennan
32:35He is ensconced in this brand new WSB station that we have here in Port Charles and he's used you to bring Jason in
32:42This is a problem. Yeah
32:45Magritte it is
32:49You know Brennan he doesn't go after his goals directly
32:55No, he went through me. No, I know
32:58And he's admitted that
33:00Which for Brennan that's that's positively forthright
33:03Then what's his end? I don't know
33:07I'm certainly gonna find out though
33:10I'm grateful
33:13Carly's clear the Rico charges
33:16But I don't owe you anything. I
33:18Never suggested you did and I'm not gonna work for you. I don't want you to work for me. Mr
33:24Morgan, I want you to work with me. The answer is still no
33:27Well for now, but sooner or later
33:30I'll have something you want
33:33And then we'll talk again
33:36Good luck with the warden Nicholas. Thank you. I'll call you as soon as I get the test, okay?
33:46Well, this sounds good, right? Yeah, I mean if Nicholas was a match before there'll be a match again
33:54Yeah, and even if he's not we'll find out
33:59Yeah, I mean, I'm sure you'll find out
34:02Yeah, and even if he's not we'll find one
34:06Oh, no, this has to work because if it doesn't if Lulu doesn't make it through this
34:11I don't know how Rocco is gonna get through it. Oh, you're not gonna have to do it alone
34:17You will be there for Rocco and I'll be there for you. Okay?
34:29How's Violet?
34:30Poor things missing her dad and grandpa. Sure
34:34Losing Gregory and then being separated from Finn so shortly after
34:40Even for the most resilient kid like Violet, it's got to be unbearable. It is
34:45But Finn's gonna be okay
34:47And as hard as it was losing my dad, so suddenly I'm
34:51I'm glad he didn't have to suffer that much
34:54At least that was a blessing. I
34:56Would never tell Dante this but Lulu has been in a coma for so long
35:02and maybe whatever's going on with her body, it's
35:06It's just the natural end for her I
35:09Hate to say it, but I think you could be right
35:12But it won't make losing Lulu any easier for those who love her
35:40Nice to see you back in town
35:47Think about you all the time
35:53You have no idea how much I miss you I
35:59Loved watching you grow up
36:08I know that you were having a hard time
36:13But you have to hang in there
36:20No child of Luke Spencer's ever gives up you don't even know how
36:29You have your father's heart
36:34His courage his impossible infuriating stubbornness
36:46You're gonna get through this
36:51Your dad wouldn't have it any other way
36:58So no plan
37:03Opportunity will present itself. That's what you always say. And here we are alive and well
37:10You're bleeding
37:17Okay, what cookies tell me about the guard rotation
37:27Eight men patrol the perimeter and I've already taken out three of them. So yeah only 15 to go
37:36Never tell me the odds
37:38Hey, come on, we've been in worse places than this. No, we haven't
37:45You should never came from an escape is impossible
37:53My old man used to tell me
37:56There's always a way out
38:01It's a general hospital I suggest you seize that chance or you're not gonna get another one
38:06I would rather have nothing than have that we have a problem. Can you keep a secret tell us about Lulu's condition?
38:12Lulu had spirit
38:14Determination you robbed her of it