Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (183) The Muddy River

  • 21 hours ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.

The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland. Struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous trails,
00:26fighting the many enemies of nature. This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.
00:32Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes,
00:37mountain lions. Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:44Every year, hundreds of acres of good black topsoil are washed into the many rivers in our
00:56country. Why? Well, that's an easy answer. This washing away of the topsoil is caused by lack of
01:03soil erosion control. Soil erosion is the result of careless farming and range management.
01:10How's it stopped? That's a tough question, and I'm not going to try to answer it.
01:16We'll leave that up to Bill and his rangers. Here's the story of The Muddy River.
01:28Where's dad, Sam? I don't know, Mike. He was out in the barn when the storm broke.
01:33It's been storming for an hour. I wonder where he is.
01:36He'll show up in a few minutes. I hope so. I'm getting worried.
01:41What did I tell you? Here he is. Where you been, dad? Hey, boys.
01:45Mike was getting worried about you. What's the matter, Pop? You don't look very cheerful.
01:50Not only that, but you're soaking wet. I've been watching The Muddy River.
01:55Is that a new river? Never heard of it. Oh, what would I do without your humor, Mike?
02:02No, son, that's not a new river. I'm talking about The Shady River.
02:08What were you watching that for? Yeah, it's the same as it's always been,
02:11isn't it? Yes, it's the same.
02:16I was watching our farm wash into it. Dad, what are you talking about?
02:21Soil erosion, son. Every time we have a heavy rain, a ton of topsoil washes into The Shady River.
02:29You mean our farm's gradually washing away? That's right, Mike. Washing away.
02:36That's why The Shady River's so muddy. And it's happening to other farms and ranches, too.
02:41That's right. Isn't that why Senator Baxter is trying to get a dam built across the river?
02:46Yes, but what good is a dam going to do? How can that stop soil erosion?
02:53What do you mean? The only way it can stop soil erosion is to stop the rain.
03:15And in conclusion, I would say this. With the offer of federal aid at hand,
03:20we need to build a dam on The Shady River immediately.
03:25This is the only way soil erosion can be controlled along The Shady River Valley.
03:31This dam will control the floodwaters from heavy rains,
03:34stop the washing away of your farms and ranches. I'm returning to the state capitol. In the morning,
03:42I'll persuade the legislature to pass the bill to accept federal aid and provide the necessary
03:48funds for this dam. Then soil erosion along The Shady River Valley will stop.
04:07Well, fellers, what do you think about Baxter and his idea?
04:11I don't think much of it. I agree, Henry.
04:14I still don't understand how Baxter intends to stop erosion with a dam.
04:19Me either. It doesn't make sense. That there, Baxter, is just a youngster.
04:24You better watch your step or you'll never get back for another term.
04:27Ah, maybe you're right, Stumpy. I think soil erosion's not the problem.
04:32Perhaps you're right, Graywolf. We've got our government ranges and forests under soil erosion
04:37control. But I wonder... You wonder what, Bill?
04:42I wonder what's behind the building of the dam. Or I should say, who's behind it.
05:02Senator, how'd the farmers and rangers react to your speech about the dam?
05:06Irremarkably well, Mr. Harlan. And I'm quite sure that the dam will go through and you men
05:12can purchase the power rights. That's fine. With the farmers and
05:15ranchers in the valley backing this bill, the legislature will pass it.
05:19And then we can get cheaper power and get back on our feet again financially.
05:23Yes, perhaps the power companies in this state can begin to show a profit at the end of the year
05:27rather than a loss. Senator, we surely appreciate your help.
05:31Well, that's quite all right, gentlemen. I'm always glad to help business whenever I can.
05:36What about the soil erosion? Oh, we're safe there.
05:40As I told the farmers, the dam will control floodwaters and the shady river.
05:45I just hope there isn't a hitch in this before the bill is passed.
05:49How can there be? As far as I know,
05:52nobody knows that the power companies are pushing the construction of this dam.
06:07I don't see how the dam's going to control erosion.
06:12Don't be so bullheaded, Wayne. If the senator says it will,
06:16that's good enough for me. Well, how are you going to control
06:18erosion from heavy rain? Well, the dam will keep the shady river
06:22from going over its banks. Oh, nonsense. How often does it flood?
06:26That's right, Wayne. How often does it flood? Now let me ask a question.
06:30Now you're being bullheaded. Answer our question.
06:32Who's bullheaded? Don't go calling me names.
06:35No, no, no. Take it easy, fellas. Why don't you fellas stop arguing?
06:39I think Senator Baxter is right. Well, think what you want.
06:42But when your taxes are raised to pay for the new dam, don't come around here complaining.
07:00Say there, young fella, the whole town's head up about this new dam.
07:04Yeah, I've heard a lot of discussion, pro and con.
07:07I don't think all the men were behind the idea.
07:10What do you mean, Bill? Well, all the farmers and ranchers
07:13in the shady river valley aren't gullible, Gray Wolf.
07:16You're right. Some can think for themselves.
07:18Exactly. Well, this doesn't have anything to do with us, Bill.
07:22Doesn't it? No, I don't think so.
07:24I agree with Henry, Bill. This isn't our fight.
07:28Maybe fella's right, Bill. Now listen to me.
07:31If all of the men don't want this dam,
07:34then why is the Senator so sure he can get the bill passed?
07:39Well, you mean he's got somebody big backing him up?
07:41Yes. Somebody big and powerful.
07:44One person? Not likely, pal.
07:46It's probably a group of men. But we can't act in an official capacity,
07:51young fella. No, that's right, Stumpy.
07:54Uh, how you plan to get into a picture, Bill? As private citizen, Bill Jefferson.
08:00Where are you going to start first? At the shady river.
08:17Head for the other bank, pal. Okay, Bill.
08:21I think we'll find most of the erosion over there.
08:23Ah, do not joke. River get plenty muddy on this side.
08:27Yes, it almost looks like a Missouri.
08:30You want me to cut the border and dredge, Bill?
08:32Yeah, that's a good idea, pal.
08:35Boy, look at those gullies leading to the river.
08:39Pretty bad, aren't they? When it rain,
08:41heavy there and much topsoil washed down.
08:43These farms and ranches are washing into the river.
08:47Ah, in 50 years, shady river be two miles wide.
08:51I think this is a serious matter, fellas. Yeah, I agree with you now, Bill.
08:56Boy, I didn't think it was this bad. Well, it ain't no joke, that's for certain.
09:01There's another thing for certain, old timer.
09:03Now, what's that, sonny?
09:05If 50 dams were built on the river, they couldn't stop this soil washing.
09:10Well, I say they wouldn't.
09:12Should we go back across the river, Bill? Yes, pal, I've seen enough.
09:16What you plan to do about this, Bill? I don't know yet, Graywolf.
09:20I'll have to do some thinking.
09:22Yeah, whatever thinking you do will have to be as ordinary citizen, Bill Jefferson.
09:45Ben, we're sure glad you brought up the subject.
09:48The soil erosion is the main thinking in my mind right now.
09:52You have an ominous tone in that remark, Ben.
09:57If you'd have been out to my place the day of the heavy rainstorm, you'd be ominous, too, Ed.
10:04Was it that bad on your place, Ben?
10:06Wayne, I'll say that I watched a couple of tons of topsoil wash off my land.
10:13Are you joking?
10:14I was never more serious in my life.
10:17What are we gonna do, Ben?
10:19This dam that Baxter wants built ain't gonna stop soil erosion.
10:24He's just a young fella from the city who don't know the score.
10:27You can say that again, Ed.
10:29I've never heard of such a foolish idea in all my life.
10:34Well, Baxter's got strong support, Ben.
10:36Then we'll fight it, Wayne.
10:38That money should be spent on erosion control.
10:41Well, that's what I try to tell the boys.
10:43The river only floods a week in the spring, and it isn't bad either.
10:48But how are we gonna oppose Baxter's supporters?
10:52I know just the man who might have the answer.
10:56Who's that, Ben?
10:57Bill Jefferson.
10:58Oh, that's a good idea, Ben.
11:00He's fought erosion on government land.
11:01Oh, hold it, boys.
11:03Can a government ranger help us?
11:05Maybe not physically, but we can get some ideas from him.
11:09Oh, sure, why not?
11:11Let's go talk to Bill.
11:13Baxter, some of my men working around Knotty Pine tell me that feelings are pretty high
11:38about the construction of this dam.
11:40What do you mean, Mr. Harlan?
11:42I haven't heard a word.
11:43Well, I hear that there's an opposition group gaining momentum by the day.
11:48I'll have to check into that.
11:49You'd better do more than that, Baxter.
11:51No, there's nothing to worry about, Mr. Sharp.
11:53I'm not so sure about that.
11:55A strong minority group could force the issue to be put on a state ballot.
11:59That would be very bad.
12:01There's nothing to worry about, gentlemen.
12:03The bill comes before the House Monday.
12:06It's already passed committee.
12:08They'll railroad it through.
12:09How can you be sure of that?
12:11I have enough friends in the House, Mr. Harlan.
12:14I hope you're right, Senator, for your sake.
12:18What do you mean?
12:19I mean that if you fail, you'll lose our support,
12:22the support of all the power companies in the state.
12:24Your budding career will be ended.
12:36Well, now you know how we feel, Bill.
12:39Now, building the dam would be a waste of time and money.
12:42Time and money that could be used for better purposes.
12:44Yes, I understand how you feel, gentlemen.
12:47I'm glad to know there are some thinking men in this part of the country.
12:50Well, there are more of us that want to oppose this bill.
12:53Where are they?
12:54Perhaps they're reluctant to speak because they think they stand alone.
12:59Bill, will you answer one question?
13:02Or maybe I should say two.
13:04Yes, of course, Ed.
13:06Be glad to.
13:07Do we need the dam, in your opinion?
13:10No, we don't.
13:12Now, you're experienced in soil control.
13:16Can we control erosion on our own individual farms by ourselves?
13:21Yes, Ed, you can.
13:23That's fine.
13:24Now for the $64 question, Bill.
13:27All right, fire away, Ben.
13:28Can you and will you help us?
13:31Let me ask a question.
13:32For sure, Bill, go ahead.
13:34Would you hire a soil conservation expert?
13:38Sure, but I don't understand, Bill.
13:41Well, it's this way, Ed.
13:43If I'm to help you folks, I'll have to do it as an ordinary citizen.
13:47Now, I have a vacation coming.
13:50If I take a leave of absence instead, would you hire me as a consultant on this problem?
13:58We'll draw up a contract after you've gotten the opposition together and formed a committee.
14:03My fee will be $1.
14:05$1? Is that all?
14:09I don't understand, Bill.
14:10Here's the story, gentlemen.
14:12I don't want anybody to be able to say that I'm swinging my weight as a ranger in this situation.
14:18You know, that's a wise move, Bill.
14:21Also, I'll be on leave of absence, so it can't be said I'm working for Uncle Sam.
14:26Oh, I see your point.
14:28After I clear my action with my superiors, I'll be Bill Jefferson, ordinary citizen.
14:34Also, I'm a property owner here in Notty Pine.
14:37That sounds good, Bill.
14:39Now, what do you want us to do?
14:40Get those who oppose the construction of the dam together
14:44and elect a committee to act for the group.
14:46And let me know your decision.
15:04Hey, Bill, where are we going in such a hurry?
15:06Over to the high school auditorium.
15:09Yeah. He came all the way up from the Capitol to try to strengthen his position.
15:14I'd like to hear what Ben, Wayne, Ned, and the other boys are going to say.
15:19Hey, there's the school ahead.
15:21Oh, look at the crowd.
15:22Yeah. What do you say we join them?
15:34Now that I've finished my short and pointed speech, I'll be glad to answer any questions.
15:47Mr. Senator.
15:48Oh, Ben's going after him.
15:51Yes, sir. You have a question?
15:53I do. How is this new dam going to control the real erosion problem?
15:59The real problem?
16:01Why, the erosion that the floods caused will be cared for. The dam will fix that.
16:06Is that right? What about erosion from heavy rains? That's the real problem?
16:12Well, I don't see any problem there, my good man.
16:15No, I didn't expect you would.
16:17I suppose you'd suggest we build a tent over our farms and ranches.
16:21Mr. Baxter, Mr. Baxter, I have a question.
16:29Yes, I'm listening.
16:30Give it to him, Ed.
16:32Who's going to pay for this new dam?
16:33Yes, that's right.
16:35Well, the state has funds set aside for this new construction. Plus, of course, federal aid.
16:40That's so. Well, I happen to know that the state funds are only adequate to start the construction.
16:46The rest of the money will be raised by special assignment on all the farms and
16:49ranches in Shady River Valley. What do you think of that?
16:52Yes, you must have been misinformed, my friend. But I'll inquire about the funds.
16:58Now, I have to leave, gentlemen. Good evening.
17:08Well, we got him on the run, Bill.
17:11And now we're calling a meeting of the opposition group.
17:13When, Ben?
17:1510 o'clock in the morning at my place. You'll be there?
17:17Yes, I'll be there.
17:20Well, Baxter, how'd you make out?
17:27Not too good. Somebody's leading the opposition.
17:31What do you mean, Baxter?
17:32Just this, Mr. Sharp. I thought we could put the bill through quietly.
17:37The opposition's been silent until now. But yesterday they began to speak,
17:43and with strong, positive tones.
17:46Well, that's bad. If they got strong enough, they could kill a floor vote on the bill.
17:50We've got to find out who the leader of this opposition is.
17:53Yes. And then we got to win him over to our side.
17:56Not we, Baxter. You.
18:04So, Ed, Ben and I were elected to act as the committee, Bill.
18:17Well, that's fine, Wayne. We won't have to rehash what's already happened.
18:21What's your plan, Bill?
18:22Yeah, what can we do to get the ball rolling?
18:26Well, the bill comes up before the House Monday morning.
18:29We've got to stop a vote from the floor.
18:31How can we do that?
18:33Get everybody you know to send letters and telegrams to Baxter disapproving of the bill.
18:38Ask for a state ballot.
18:40Now, you three fellas be at the Capitol Monday morning,
18:43when the state legislature opens session.
18:45Block a floor vote.
18:47Then tell Baxter I've been hired as your consultant.
18:50What are you going to do in the meantime, Bill?
18:53I'm going to begin a little project of my own, Ben.
18:55Huh? I don't understand.
18:58Baxter's next move will be to call on me.
19:01When he does, I'll be ready for him.
19:15Will the House please come to order?
19:17Come to order, please.
19:22The first bill on the agenda of the Steering Committee
19:25is Senator Baxter's bill for the construction of an erosion control dam
19:30in the city of River Valley.
19:32The floor is open for discussion.
19:33Hey, Mr. Speaker.
19:35Senator Baxter.
19:36I would like my bill to return to committee.
19:40Some extenuating circumstances have arisen.
19:43Oh? Well, very well, Senator Baxter.
19:47I'll instruct the Steering Committee to return the bill to you.
19:56Baxter, are you out of your mind?
19:58What's gotten into you, Senator?
19:59Mr. Harlan, Mr. Sharp, just a minute.
20:02When I arrived this morning, I found opposition had really arisen.
20:06Now, my place has been flooded with telegrams.
20:09Ranchers and farmers have been talking with other senators.
20:13Then I found out who's leading the opposition.
20:16Ranger Bill Jefferson.
20:17Jefferson? How'd he get into the picture?
20:19I don't know, but I'm going to find out.
20:21Jefferson, you've got a lot of nerve butting into this affair.
20:31How do you figure that, Baxter?
20:32You're a federal officer.
20:34How can you interfere?
20:35I'm afraid you're misinformed.
20:37If you'll check with my superiors, you will find that I'm on leave of absence.
20:41But I don't believe it.
20:43That's beside the point.
20:44I'm also gainfully employed by the opposition group
20:47to determine whether the dam will stop soil erosion.
20:50That I know.
20:51Yes, I suppose you do.
20:53Now, what do you plan to do?
20:54Prove that soil erosion is a matter of each farmer and rancher employing proper techniques.
21:02That's what I thought.
21:04Senator, I know you're in a spot.
21:08Perhaps I can help you.
21:11Are you joking, Jefferson?
21:13No, I'm not.
21:15But, well, I thought you'd be out to get me, to disgrace me from office.
21:20Senator, I'm never out to get any man.
21:24I'm a Christian.
21:26Yes, I guess you are.
21:28Mr. Baxter, I wasn't born yesterday.
21:32Who's pushing you on the construction of the new dam?
21:37You're really willing to help me, aren't you?
21:39I am, if you'll give me the truth.
21:43Even though I got myself on the spot?
21:45We all make mistakes, Senator, especially me.
21:49I believe you.
21:51I'll answer your question.
21:52Now, who's the lobby group behind you?
21:55The power companies of this state.
21:57They want the dam built so they can get power rights.
22:01That's what I thought.
22:03You're a shrewd man, Mr. Jefferson.
22:05Senator, I think I can sell this lobby group on relocating the site for the dam.
22:11You can do that?
22:13Yes, I think so.
22:14Give me a week's time and I'll be ready.
22:16Mr. Jefferson, if you can help me out of this mess,
22:21well, I'll be deeply indebted to you for the rest of my life.
22:37This board fits in here just right, Bill.
22:39That's fine, pal.
22:40Nail it in, will you?
22:41Will do.
22:43Stumpy, are you ready with the piece of pipe?
22:45Yep, I sure am, sonny.
22:47All right, let's fit it and put a pipe wrench to it.
22:49I can manage it all alone.
22:51Okay, if you need help, say so.
22:54Uh, Graywolf, let's start applying the plastic paste.
22:57Uh, okay, Bill.
22:58This looked plenty good when finished.
23:01Bill, do you think this project convinced men they should change site of dam?
23:06Well, with the Lord's help, it will, Graywolf.
23:09There's a man's reputation at stake because he got himself in a tight spot.
23:12I'm trusting the Lord to help me get him out.
23:43Senator Baxter speaking.
23:51This is Bill Jefferson, Senator.
23:53Well, am I glad to hear your voice, Bill.
23:56Is everything set?
23:58Can you be here first thing in the morning?
24:00I can be there in three hours if you say so.
24:03When should Mr. Harlan and Mr. Sharp be at your home?
24:05Well, if they come at noon, that'll give us time to be prepared.
24:08They'll be there.
24:09Their curiosity has got them.
24:12See you in the morning.
24:13I'll be there.
24:32Ben, this is Bill.
24:34Yes, Bill.
24:35How are things coming?
24:37Now, there's a meeting at my house at noon tomorrow.
24:39The boys and I'll be there.
24:41See you then.
24:42You said it.
24:58Gentlemen, I've asked you all here to look at these models.
25:03Senator Baxter will give you the fine details.
25:07This is an excellent model of the Shady River Valley.
25:10Yes, but what's the purpose of all these pipes over the model?
25:13Mr. Sharp, Mr. Harlan, if you watch closely, I'll show you.
25:17We're listening, Baxter.
25:18Now, you'll notice that a model dam has been built across the Shady River.
25:23Now, when I open the faucet and let the water flow into the river,
25:28the dam stops the water all right.
25:38Boy, that works pretty good.
25:41And now I'll open the gate in the dam and let the water out.
25:51That flood of water didn't do nothing but a little bit of damage to the topsoil along the river.
25:55I, uh, I guess you're right.
25:58Now, I'll turn on the water so it can run through the pipes over the model.
26:03Watch the topsoil wash away.
26:11Now, gentlemen, you can see the real problem in place.
26:17You tell him, Ben.
26:18Yeah, it didn't take long for the topsoil to wash away.
26:23Gentlemen, I think we can see the problem clearly.
26:26The proposed dam wouldn't do a bit of good as far as soil conservation is concerned.
26:31Well, that's obvious, Baxter.
26:32Now, my alternate proposal is that I ask the state legislature to approve
26:36the construction of a power dam up here in the Shady Mountains.
26:39Why didn't we think of that before, Harlan?
26:42You mean you're in favor of that, Mr. Sharp?
26:46Come to think of it, there's better power advantage,
26:48and we won't rile folks in this valley by extra taxes.
26:52Baxter, you've had a brainstorm.
26:54Thank you, sir.
26:56This dam can be constructed at a third of the cost.
26:59Look, at this point, there's a natural spot for a dam.
27:03And with costs cut, the state ought to be able to match federal spending without additional taxes.
27:09Do you approve, Mr. Harlan?
27:11Yes, yes, of course.
27:12It looks exceptionally practical.
27:14And the construction time will be shorter.
27:16You can get this passed through the House?
27:18Yes, without a doubt.
27:20Then we'll head back to our office and start drawing plans.
27:23Baxter, you handle this nicely.
27:26Gentlemen, I'm indebted to Bill, and I owe you all an apology.
27:41I made a mistake in judgment.
27:43Save it, Senator.
27:44I wouldn't have your job for all the money in the world.
27:48Yeah, that's right, Senator.
27:50Who can please everybody?
27:52The fact that you're humble enough to admit your mistake is proof enough to me that you're a man.
27:57The man we want in office.
27:59And, well, as for me, I'll support you for your second term.
28:02Well, thank you, gentlemen.
28:04I shall see to it that you get all the help and instruction you need
28:07to stop soil erosion on your farms and ranches.
28:10And that goes for the whole valley.
28:12We'll deeply appreciate that, Senator.
28:14Bill, I owe you a debt of gratitude.
28:18You don't have to tell me you're a Christian.
28:21I know it.
28:22I'm glad I could help, Senator.
28:25I'm happy that the work of the Rangers has a Christian flavor.
28:28And I still don't understand why you didn't try to run me down when I was so careless
28:33about the needs of the farmers and the ranchers.
28:35Senator Baxter, my answer is found in the words of the Bible.
28:40Pray for them that persecute you and overcome evil with good.
28:57Thanks, Rangers, for your story about the Muddy River.
29:01See you next week for more adventure with Ranger Bill!
