Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (141) Danger! Gasoline Leak

  • 21 hours ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio.

The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous
00:26trails, fighting the many enemies of nature.
00:29This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.
00:33Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain
00:40Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:52The town of Knotty Pine is threatened with a grave danger.
00:56This danger is so great it could blow half the town off the map and kill and injure hundreds
01:00of people.
01:01No, it's not a tornado or an earthquake.
01:04It's not a flood or a freight car loaded with ammunition.
01:08It's not a great fire or an airplane out of control.
01:12What is this great danger that threatens life and property of almost every citizen in Knotty
01:18You'll find out as we tell you the story.
01:24Hank Nicola and Barney Alberts are closing their gas station for the evening.
01:29Hank is reading the meters on the gas pumps while Barney tends to other closing time duties.
01:34Hank finishes reading the gas pump meters and walks back into the garage to put the
01:38gauge stick down into the storage tanks.
01:42Hey, Barney, what's the matter, Hank?
01:58Something's wrong.
01:59The gas pump meters don't agree with the storage tank gauge.
02:02How can that be, Hank?
02:03You must have made a mistake.
02:05I don't think so, Barney.
02:06I always double check my readings.
02:08How much are you off?
02:10The storage tank is 500 gallons short of the pumps.
02:14We must have pumped 500 gallons of air or else there must be something wrong with our
02:18pumps, Hank.
02:20Either our pumps or the gas truck meter.
02:22Oh, well, I guess this isn't the first time this has happened.
02:25Let's take care of it in the morning.
02:28The gas company will straighten it out anyway.
02:29Let's go home.
02:31I'm beat.
02:32Me too.
02:33I can smell the pork chops cooking from here.
02:40Bob, did you ever stop to think that we're guarding more than money?
02:51Yes, Howie, I have.
02:53We're guarding records that are more than pieces of paper.
02:56There are people in there.
02:57What's the matter, Bob?
02:58What's that smell?
02:59It smells like gasoline.
03:00How could the smell of gasoline get into this bank?
03:01Bob, there's a garage next door.
03:02You don't suppose...
03:03Their gas tanks are leaking.
03:04Let's get down to the basement.
03:05Great day in the morning, Bob.
03:06Look at that stuff coming in here.
03:07Just like water.
03:08It's running right down the storm sewer.
03:09The fumes are getting bad already.
03:10One spark and this building will go higher a kite.
03:11Let's keep coming.
03:12I don't think so.
03:13I don't think so.
03:14I don't think so.
03:15I don't think so.
03:16I don't think so.
03:17I don't think so.
03:18I don't think so.
03:19I don't think so.
03:20I don't think so.
03:21I don't think so.
03:22I don't think so.
03:23I don't think so.
03:24The fumes are getting bad already.
03:26One spark and this building will go higher a kite.
03:29Let's keep calm, Bob.
03:30We gotta do this right.
03:32You said it.
03:33I'll turn off the light switch and pull the fuses.
03:35No, let them cut the power off from outside.
03:37We can't risk a spark.
03:39Good thought.
03:40Well, let's get going.
03:41I'll call the Sheriff in the fire department.
03:42You call Ed Banker.
03:44Then we better open all the windows and doors, so we can get the fumes out.
03:48Wow, this is a bad one.
03:57shares being
04:01you said it i'll be there on the double
04:03that shorty jeff get all the men down to the back on the double
04:07this is condition to disaster alert
04:15by the barman chief browns being
04:20will send all available medical immediately
04:23nothing despite all of them into the bank area
04:25addition to the fact that a lot
04:33bill jefferson
04:36yes i'll be right down
04:39calling all the men
04:40as a condition to disaster alert at the back
05:12the other men in charge in case of civilian disaster bill
05:15waiting for your orders
05:16the men from the building station here yet
05:19but here they come now
05:22we didn't know that i think we're leaving
05:25we didn't have a slightest notion of this is going to be the handle but he's
05:27blaming you
05:29open up your garage
05:31that you've got a good break-in
05:33can take a chance on the spot
05:37and i guess he's got a lot more on the line
05:40you know
05:42i want to take a fast look at the bank
05:46it's not something that will
05:47come with me
05:49the rest of you don't move until we get back
06:01the basement doors over here
06:03thanks chief
06:05while films are strong enough to kill an iron horse
06:10stop here from this
06:11why you stop here bill
06:13we not near door yet
06:14let's take our shoes off
06:16can take a chance on the spot
06:18all we need is one
06:21that's all it would take and we'd be well on our way to outer space we'll have to use
06:25flashlights to bill right
06:27let's go take a look fellas
06:30walk right where i've got the flashlight
06:35must be a hundred gallons of gas in the basement
06:38we can't get on there bill
06:39we'll be overcome in a minute
06:41all right there chief
06:43just listen fellas
06:46you don't have to look to know what's going on down there
06:50let's get out in the street and swing into action
07:04cal, chief brown
07:06i'm calling this a condition A catastrophe alert
07:08okay bill, i'll call out my police reserve and cut this area off
07:12better ask for state troopers cal
07:14storm sewers will carry gas all the way to the river
07:18also you'll have to evacuate the people in the immediate area from their homes
07:22right, i'll get right on it and sew this area shut with a ring of men
07:25chief brown, have your pumpers pull another block away and start pumping water into the storm
07:29sewers to dilute the gas
07:32better have canyon city and junction city send some of their equipment by flat car
07:36and some of their firemen
07:38right bill, we'll start pumping water right away
07:40hank, barney
07:43fellas, there are plenty of ways you can help
07:46let's get the cabs off the storage tanks in your garage
07:49everybody put on rubber boots
07:51we can't take a chance on a spark
08:02easy does it, barney
08:04don't let the cab drop on the concrete floor
08:06i won't, bill
08:09it's off
08:11now for the other one
08:16boy, i must have put this one on real tight
08:20i'll have to get a pipe wrench
08:22and lead mighty careful, sonny
08:24i ain't anxious to visit the moon
08:28he's coming now, gray wolf
08:30here we go, fellas
08:31hey, don't say that, sonny
08:33i hope we ain't going nowhere
08:35me too
08:36i'll be real careful
08:41boy, this thing is really on there
08:45oh, i must have been super strong to jam that cap on that way
08:48be careful, sonny
08:49i'll be careful
08:52i'm sorry, fellas
08:54i just lost ten years of my life
08:56i didn't believe my mother when she told me i wouldn't live to be a hundred
09:02what's the matter, fellas?
09:04everybody's talking about you
09:06and me
09:07and me
09:08and me
09:09and me
09:10and me
09:11and me
09:12and me
09:13and me
09:14and me
09:15and me
09:16and me
09:17and me
09:18and me
09:19and me
09:20nobody ever says everybody's face is as white as a sheet
09:26i sure appreciate the way you fellas are taking this
09:30you could get real sore
09:32well, i almost killed all of you
09:34oh, forget it, hank
09:35this game of miss is as good as a mile
09:38we're used to close ones
09:40yeah, we sure are, sonny
09:42a narrow escape a day keeps you from getting hard in the artillery
09:46not good stuff, hank
09:47well, i got the cap loose
09:49fine let's measure the gas and find out if anything's left in the tanks
10:06deep brown there's a thousand gallons of gas left in each tank
10:10gotta pump it out
10:11you know we can't put an ordinary gas or electric pump near that garage the place
10:15it'll sky high
10:18no juice for a square mile
10:19I had it cut off
10:21that's part of plan A
10:23I understand chief
10:25you must have an explosion proof high speed centrifugal pump
10:29yeah we got one bill, we're good to go
10:31fine, we'll attach a good long hose onto it and run it from here to the tank
10:36the pump should lift the gas don't you think? No, no doubt about it Bill
10:39let the gas run down the storm sewer and out into the river
10:42I think you've got something there Bill
10:44I'll get it set up right away
10:46gotta get all the gas out of the tank so we can
10:49or else it'll all run into the basement of the bank
11:02I've got all the residents out of this area Bill
11:04that's fine Cal
11:05special police and state troopers have this place blocked off for a mile around
11:10we've got some more men patrolling the streets where the storm sewers run down to the river
11:13good work Cal
11:15how about the river?
11:16what about it Bill?
11:17well we can't let the gasoline catch fire on the river
11:21that'll have to be guarded too
11:22until the gas gets a chance to disperse itself
11:25never thought of that
11:27don't have any more men even if I had thought of it
11:31well deputize some of the men of the town
11:33I know they'd be glad to help out
11:35now you're making with the ideas Bill
11:37I'll get right on it
11:46what do we do now Bill?
11:48that's about all there is to do Braywolfe
11:51you said it sonny
11:53fire engines are flooding the sewers which are taking the gas down to the river
11:57the boys are pumping the gas storage tanks out as fast as they can
12:01the sheriff has the place surrounded with men
12:04all the folks are out of the buildings around this area
12:07electricity and cooking gas have been shut off
12:10that's about all there is to be done I reckon
12:13not quite sonny
12:15now all we can do is wait until the gas has all gone down to it
12:19that's about the size of it fellas
12:22hey what's that newspaper man doing?
12:24he's going to bank to take pictures
12:26we gotta stop him before he flashes that phone
12:28he could blow the whole place a mile high
12:30come on let's get him
12:31come back here
12:32hey yo
12:33hey wait
12:34don't take pictures
12:35hey wait up
12:36what's the matter rangers
12:37geez I'd do something wrong
12:38not yet
12:39take the flash bulb out of that flash gun
12:41what do you mean?
12:42that's a big story
12:43take it out
12:44okay okay you don't need to get sore about it
12:47you ought to know better than to take a flash picture with all the gas fumes around here
12:51not right
12:52you said that bulb you could blow the whole place up
12:54do you really think a flash bulb could do that?
12:57I do if you got close enough to bank to take picture like you set out to do
13:01well I'll be a horned toad
13:04I never gave it a thought
13:06I'm sorry rangers I didn't mean to start anything
13:08oh forget it
13:09we know you didn't do it on purpose
13:11you better save your picture taking until after the gas fumes have cleared on
13:14why you said it
13:16I don't want to get blown to bits
13:18nor do I want to be the cause of a thing like that
13:20I'll see you later
13:21okay bye
13:23say my name's Burt Campbell
13:25may I have an exclusive story from you later on when you have time?
13:28sure thing
13:29that's a promise
13:31you know I ain't gonna have a black hair left on my head before this thing is over
13:37if that flash bulb had gone off you wouldn't have any hair left on your head stumpy
13:42I'd be thankful even if they're gray
13:45he he he
13:46it's like I always said
13:48the gray hair on the head is worth six a fella ain't got
13:52ha ha
13:53let's go find out how much gas is left in the storage tanks
14:07they say there's 400 gallons left in the first tank Barney
14:17right that's what the stick says Bill
14:19how much in this one Hank?
14:21there's just about 400 in this one too Bill
14:23closer to 375
14:25there's still a lot of gas in there Bill
14:27800 gallons in the two tanks
14:30that's 1200 less than before
14:32I'd say we were doing alright
14:34four maybe five more hours should empty tanks be
14:37right gray wolf
14:39the gas shouldn't be leaking into the basement of the bank quite as rapidly as it was
14:44boy I'd give my right arm to know how those tanks got to leaking
14:48they're welded and supposed to be leak proof
14:50well things like this happen in the best of families Hank
14:53as long as nobody gets hurt it'll be alright
14:56let's go outside and see how the boys are coming along
15:04it's a good thing we got a reservoir of water to draw from Bill
15:12we pumped enough water to flood a lake
15:15yeah imagine you have Chief Brown
15:17I'm proud of the way you and your men swung into action
15:20thanks Bill we try to do a top notch job all the time
15:24Cal I want to thank you too
15:26you organized a police chain in record time
15:28evacuated the residents of this area quickly
15:31thanks Bill we're only as good as our commander you know
15:34thanks Cal commander is only as good as his men
15:38thanks to both of you men we avoided a disaster
15:41I'm sure we have everything under control now it's only a matter of time before we can all go home
15:45say Bill here come Ed Banker he look plenty worried
15:49worried? he looks plumb and jasperated
15:52what's the matter Ed?
15:54you look like you lost your last friend
15:57I have Bill
15:58I just talked to the state banking chief and he says I gotta pay money on demand or
16:02I'll be technically insolvent gas or no gas
16:06is that right?
16:08hasn't the man got any sympathy for the condition of your building?
16:11well actually he's right Bill
16:14I'm holding other people's money and we can't expect business in this town to drop dead
16:18just because I had an unfortunate experience
16:21I see
16:23well don't worry we'll think of something
16:25don't worry that's easy for you to say
16:28you're not the banker I got a building full of gas fumes
16:31and you say don't worry
16:32have I ever let you down before Ed?
16:35no I guess you haven't Bill
16:37but how are you gonna get the gas fumes out of the bank building?
16:40it'll take weeks
16:41it'll take weeks before they'll be gone alright
16:44I'll have the building almost rid of them before morning
16:47Bill I can't believe it
16:48it sounds like a fairy tale
16:50well this will be one fairy tale come true
16:53Chief Brown let's get to a phone and call the fire commissioner at San Francisco
17:12that's the whole story commissioner
17:14may we borrow your ventilating equipment?
17:17you most certainly can Bill
17:19I'll have the trucks and equipment loaded into a flying box car and on its way to you in half an hour
17:23ah many thanks commissioner
17:25you don't know how much we appreciate this
17:27think nothing of it
17:29you've helped us fight forest fires out here in California
17:32oh by the way Bill
17:34yes sir
17:35do you know how to run the equipment?
17:37no come to think of it I don't
17:40but I'll figure it out
17:41oh no that'll take precious minutes
17:43I'll send a man along to set it up for you and tell you how to run it
17:47thanks again commissioner
17:48we're deeply grateful
17:50I'll be waiting for the plane with a crew of men
17:52it'll be on its way in half an hour or less
17:57let's get a crew of men and get out of the airport Chief Brown
18:18where's ranger Bill Jefferson?
18:41I'm he Captain
18:42I'm Captain Matthews
18:43I'm Mr. Jefferson
18:44I'm on the commissioner's staff
18:45glad to meet you Captain
18:47this is Chief Brown
18:48hello Captain
18:50the crew of the flying box car is opening the cargo hatch
18:53as soon as they've got the ramp down we can unload the equipment
18:56we've got two converted hose trucks carrying the air pumps
18:58how about the portable canvas air ducts Captain?
19:01we'll need two large trucks for those
19:03we brought all we had
19:04ah fine
19:05we've got two large trucks here
19:07we'll start loading as soon as the fire trucks are off the plane
19:10they're putting the ramp down now
19:12we've got 30 men
19:13they'll have the plane unloaded in short order
19:16then we'll go to the bank and set the equipment to work
19:19so we can put some fresh air into the building
19:35open that basement grating carefully fellas
19:38the spark can still be disastrous
19:40ah we be careful Bill
19:42you said it sonny
19:44give it a tug Gray Wolf
19:46okay I try
19:48hmm that's stuck
19:49must be rusted
19:51this is worse than opening an old tin can
19:55you would think it's something appropriate to say something
20:00now we put canvas air duct into basement
20:04the boys have the other ducts set up in the doorway
20:07we can start pumping fresh air at once
20:14hey that there contraption blows quite a gale sonny
20:17it's a good thing I brought fresh stickum for my wig
20:20ah plenty of fresh air is coming to the building now
20:23yes Gray Wolf
20:25this portable ventilating equipment is doing the trick
20:28you go back in the rear of the building
20:30you almost pass out from the gas fumes
20:32as they come billowing out the windows and doors
20:34you have plenty of good idea Bill
20:36no I don't
20:37I've got plenty of good idea
20:39I've got plenty of good idea
20:41I've got plenty of good idea
20:43I've got plenty of good idea Bill
20:44I don't say you did Gray Wolf
20:46Bill do you really think Ed Banger will be able to get in here in the morning to do business
20:51yes I do old timer
20:53may not be able to work in here but at least he can get at his records in the vault
20:57much in this one Hank
20:59there's just about 400 in this one too Bill
21:02closer to 375
21:03there's still a lot of gas in there Bill
21:05800 gallons in the two tanks
21:08that's 1200 less than before
21:10I'd say we were doing all right
21:12four maybe five more hours should empty tanks be
21:15right Gray Wolf
21:17the gas shouldn't be leaking into the basement of the bank quite as rapidly as it was
21:22boy I'd give my right arm to know how those tanks got to leaking
21:26they're welded and supposed to be leak proof
21:28well things like this happen in the best of families Hank
21:31as long as nobody gets hurt it'll be all right
21:34let's go outside and see how the boys are coming along
21:42it's a good thing we got a reservoir of water to draw from Bill
21:50we pumped enough water to flood a lake
21:53yeah imagine you have Chief Brown
21:55I'm proud of the way you and your men swung into action
21:58thanks Bill we try to do a top-notch job all the time
22:02Cal I want to thank you too
22:04you organized a police chain in record time
22:06evacuated the residents of this area quickly
22:09thanks Bill
22:10we're only as good as our commander you know
22:12thanks Cal
22:13the commander is only as good as his men
22:16thanks to both of you men we avoided a disaster
22:19I'm sure we have everything under control now
22:21it's only a matter of time before we can all go home
22:23say Bill here come Ed Banker
22:25he looked plenty worried
22:28he looks plumb and jasperated
22:30what's the matter Ed?
22:32you look like you lost your last friend
22:34I have Bill
22:35I just talked to the state banking chief
22:37and he says I gotta pay money on demand
22:39or I'll be technically insolvent
22:41gas or no gas
22:43is that right?
22:45hasn't the man got any sympathy for the condition of your building?
22:49well actually he's right Bill
22:51I'm holding other people's money
22:53and we can't expect business in this town to drop dead
22:55just because I had an unfortunate experience
22:58I see
23:00well don't worry we'll think of something
23:03don't worry?
23:04that's easy for you to say
23:06you're not the banker
23:07I got a building full of gas fumes
23:09and you say don't worry
23:10have I ever let you down before Ed?
23:13no I guess you haven't Bill
23:15but how are you gonna get the gas fumes out of the bank building?
23:18it'll take weeks
23:19it'll take weeks before they'll be gone alright
23:22I'll have the building almost rid of them before morning
23:25Bill I can't believe it
23:26it sounds like a fairy tale
23:28well this will be one fairy tale come true
23:31Chief Brown let's get to a phone
23:33and call the fire commissioner at San Francisco
23:49that's the whole story commissioner
23:52may we borrow your ventilating equipment?
23:54you most certainly can Bill
23:56I'll have the trucks and equipment loaded into a flying box car
23:59and on it's way to you in half an hour
24:01ah many thanks commissioner
24:03you don't know how much we appreciate this
24:05think nothing of it
24:07you've helped us fight forest fires out here in California
24:10oh by the way Bill
24:12yes sir?
24:13do you know how to run the equipment?
24:15no come to think of it I don't
24:18but I'll figure it out
24:19no no that'll take precious minutes
24:21I'll send a man along to set it up for you
24:23and tell you how to run it
24:25thanks again commissioner
24:26we're deeply grateful
24:28I'll be waiting for the plane with a crew of men
24:30it'll be on it's way in half an hour or less
24:35let's get a crew of men and get out of the airport Chief Brown
24:58where's Ranger Bill Jefferson?
25:19I'm he Captain
25:20and I'm Captain Matthews
25:21and Mr. Jefferson
25:22I'm on the commissioner's staff
25:23glad to meet you Captain
25:25this is Chief Brown
25:26hello Captain
25:27the crew of the flying box car is opening the cargo hatch
25:30as soon as they've got the ramp down we can unload the equipment
25:33we've got two converted hose trucks carrying the air pumps
25:36how about the portable canvas air ducts Captain?
25:38we'll need two large trucks for those
25:40we brought all we had
25:41oh fine
25:42we've got two large trucks here
25:44we'll start loading as soon as the fire trucks are off the plane
25:48they're putting the ramp down now
25:49we've got thirty men
25:51they'll have the plane unloaded in short order
25:53then we'll go to the bank and set the equipment to work
25:56so we can put some fresh air into the building
26:12open that basement grating carefully fellas
26:15the spark can still be disastrous
26:18we be careful Bill
26:19you said it sonny
26:21hey give it a tug Gray Wolf
26:23okay I'll try
26:26that's stuck
26:27must be rusted
26:29this is worse than opening an old tin can
26:33you would think it's something appropriate to say something
26:38now we put canvas air duct into basement
26:41the boys have the other ducts set up in the doorway
26:44they can start pumping fresh air at once
26:56hey that there contraption blows quite a gale sonny
26:59it's a good thing I brought fresh stickum for my wings
27:02plenty of fresh air has come into the building now
27:04yes Gray Wolf
27:06this portable ventilating equipment is doing the trick
27:09you go back in the rear of the building
27:11you almost pass out from the gas fumes
27:13as they come billowing out the windows and doors
27:15you have plenty of good idea Bill
27:17I don't say you did Gray Wolf
27:20I don't say you did
27:22I don't say you did Gray Wolf
27:25do you really think Ed Banker will be able to get in here in the morning to do business
27:29yes I do old timer
27:31he may not be able to work in here
27:33but at least he can get at his records in the vault
27:36he can do business temporarily in the empty store across the street if necessary
27:40ah that make him happy
27:41I wonder if him there gas tanks have run dry yet sonny
27:45well they should have
27:46let's find out
27:52what's in this one Hank
27:58there's just about 400 in this one too Bill
28:01closer to 375
28:03there's still a lot of gas in there Bill
28:05800 gallons in the two tanks
28:07that's 1200 less than before
28:09I'd say we were doing alright
28:11four maybe five more hours should empty tanks be
28:15right Gray Wolf
28:16the gas shouldn't be leaking into the basement of the bank quite as rapidly as it was
28:22boy I'd give my right arm to know how those tanks got to leaking
28:25they're welded and supposed to be leak proof
28:27well things like this happen in the best of families Hank
28:30as long as nobody gets hurt it'll be alright
28:33let's go outside and see how the boys are coming along
28:46it's a good thing we got a reservoir of water to draw from Bill
28:49we pumped enough water to flood a lake
28:52yeah imagine you have Chief Brown
28:54I'm proud of the way you and your men swung into action
28:57thanks Bill we try to do a top notch job all the time
29:01Cal I want to thank you too
29:03you organized a police chain in record time
29:05evacuated the residents of this area quickly
29:08thanks Bill
29:09we're only as good as our commander you know
29:11thanks Cal
29:12the commander's only as good as his men
29:15thanks to both of you men we avoided a disaster
29:19I'm sure we have everything under control now
29:21it's only a matter of time before we can all go home
29:23say Bill here come Ed Banker
29:25he look plenty worried
29:27he looks plum exasperated
29:30what's the matter Ed?
29:32you look like you lost your last friend
29:34I have Bill
29:35I just talked to the state banking chief
29:37and he says I gotta pay money on demand or
29:39I'll be technically insolvent
29:41gas or no gas
29:43is that right?
29:45that's the man Bill
